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Scottish A and E figures

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

New waiting time figures published for Scottish A and E waiting times.

Worst ever since records began.....

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

Wonder just whom HnS will find to blame other than the SNP..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"New waiting time figures published for Scottish A and E waiting times.

Worst ever since records began....."

Says who ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No one is gonna have good A & A waiting figures.

I don't go in for comparison between England and Scotland as with the flu season apon us all the results will be dire.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"No one is gonna have good A & A waiting figures.

I don't go in for comparison between England and Scotland as with the flu season apon us all the results will be dire."

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"New waiting time figures published for Scottish A and E waiting times.

Worst ever since records began.....

Says who ?"

Just published...official figures.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"New waiting time figures published for Scottish A and E waiting times.

Worst ever since records began.....

Says who ?

Just published...official figures."

By whom ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"New waiting time figures published for Scottish A and E waiting times.

Worst ever since records began.....

Says who ?

Just published...official figures.

By whom ?"

NHS Scotland

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

But some on here will still think it’s just the nasty unionists making things up?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The only figures i can find are from end of november and from the bbc and times ,can you send a link to the official one published today

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"The only figures i can find are from end of november and from the bbc and times ,can you send a link to the official one published today"

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42620167 forum rules limit links to external sites, but news sources are allowed.

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Wow really ? Calling me out i feel so flattered lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"The only figures i can find are from end of november and from the bbc and times ,can you send a link to the official one published today

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42620167 forum rules limit links to external sites, but news sources are allowed."

Lol you get the libk from the BBC lol

Abit strange is it not the BBC have only highlighted the last week in the year

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No matter how much preparation you do fly is gonna fuck everything up just ask the Australians.

In Australia that were turning flu victims away at hospital doors.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"No matter how much preparation you do fly is gonna fuck everything up just ask the Australians.

In Australia that were turning flu victims away at hospital doors.


Now i know we dont agree on Scottish independence but i will agree with you on this

Its good to see someone can figure it out

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The only figures i can find are from end of november and from the bbc and times ,can you send a link to the official one published today

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42620167 forum rules limit links to external sites, but news sources are allowed."

Sorry but your source is bbc lol so il pass on searching it

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Btw for all those attacking the Scottish A&E

Take a wee look and the bottom of that BBC that CLCC gave us all

And you will clearly see without any doubt the Scottish A&E is the best performing A&E for the whole of the UK

Unless people are now gonna claim the BBC is telling lies ? Lol i would love to see that

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"The only figures i can find are from end of november and from the bbc and times ,can you send a link to the official one published today

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42620167 forum rules limit links to external sites, but news sources are allowed.

Sorry but your source is bbc lol so il pass on searching it "

No, the source is the NHS, its reported by the BBC.

And The National




And The Scotsman https://www.scotsman.com/news/scotland-s-a-e-waiting-times-worst-since-weekly-reports-began-1-4656857

And many other news sources. Are you denying these figures?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Btw for all those attacking the Scottish A&E

Take a wee look and the bottom of that BBC that CLCC gave us all

And you will clearly see without any doubt the Scottish A&E is the best performing A&E for the whole of the UK

Unless people are now gonna claim the BBC is telling lies ? Lol i would love to see that "

The only people claiming the BBC is lying is you.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Btw for all those attacking the Scottish A&E

Take a wee look and the bottom of that BBC that CLCC gave us all

And you will clearly see without any doubt the Scottish A&E is the best performing A&E for the whole of the UK

Unless people are now gonna claim the BBC is telling lies ? Lol i would love to see that

The only people claiming the BBC is lying is you. "


So CLCC are you saying Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK ?

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

I find it very strange that unionists on here and taking the last week of the year to try and attack the Scottish A&E

Is the weeks with the lowest levels not in the public interest now ?

Anything to poke a stick and Scotlands NHS all because people do NOT like the fact Scotlands NHS has the best record in the UK

And of course who can forget Nuffield Trust saying the English NHS could learn from the Scottish NHS

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The BBC use the official Nhs figures.

If you want to compare any health board against another why not us Botswana as your health board figures have to be better than theirs.

I would prefer to look at who is providing my health care and decide my self either I am satisfied or not with the service provided.

Up to now I am happy with the Scottish NHS from the service they have provided for me.

My satisfaction is down to the staff not what ever political party that was in power when I have recieved treament.

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Also go read that BBC link and go to the case study so.....

Interesting the case study is of someone who didn't wait at all he we home so he didnt think it was that bad then

People really need to be educated as he shouldnt have gone to A&E as there is a minor injuries unit

Maybe just maybe if people would educate themselves on this it would take the pressure off A&E i mean how hard is it to understand the clue is in the name ( accident and emergency)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Also go read that BBC link and go to the case study so.....

Interesting the case study is of someone who didn't wait at all he we home so he didnt think it was that bad then

People really need to be educated as he shouldnt have gone to A&E as there is a minor injuries unit

Maybe just maybe if people would educate themselves on this it would take the pressure off A&E i mean how hard is it to understand the clue is in the name ( accident and emergency)"

Ahhh I have to agree with kinky lol

No matter how much money we spend on the NHS it will never cover all our needs.

People need to start being realistic as to what it can provide and what it should provide.

My friend is a nurse in AMU guy came in with a slightly blocked nose.

Asked what he thought was causing it he said he MIGHT be getting a cold !!!

He had driven past Asda that sells paracetamol and decongestants to waste nursing staffs time !!!!!

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By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Also go read that BBC link and go to the case study so.....

Interesting the case study is of someone who didn't wait at all he we home so he didnt think it was that bad then

People really need to be educated as he shouldnt have gone to A&E as there is a minor injuries unit

Maybe just maybe if people would educate themselves on this it would take the pressure off A&E i mean how hard is it to understand the clue is in the name ( accident and emergency)"

Well actually the problem is the name: Accident & Emergency; if I get a splinter in my finger it wouldn't be on purpose, it would be by accident. Maybe they should change the name to just Emergency?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Also go read that BBC link and go to the case study so.....

Interesting the case study is of someone who didn't wait at all he we home so he didnt think it was that bad then

People really need to be educated as he shouldnt have gone to A&E as there is a minor injuries unit

Maybe just maybe if people would educate themselves on this it would take the pressure off A&E i mean how hard is it to understand the clue is in the name ( accident and emergency)

Well actually the problem is the name: Accident & Emergency; if I get a splinter in my finger it wouldn't be on purpose, it would be by accident. Maybe they should change the name to just Emergency?"

How about common sense ?

I know if i twisted my ankle i am not gonna go to accident and emergency when i can go to the minor injuries unit

Common sense people , common sense use it and use well dont be like that fanny in that BBC link lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis


If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Also go read that BBC link and go to the case study so.....

Interesting the case study is of someone who didn't wait at all he we home so he didnt think it was that bad then

People really need to be educated as he shouldnt have gone to A&E as there is a minor injuries unit

Maybe just maybe if people would educate themselves on this it would take the pressure off A&E i mean how hard is it to understand the clue is in the name ( accident and emergency)

Well actually the problem is the name: Accident & Emergency; if I get a splinter in my finger it wouldn't be on purpose, it would be by accident. Maybe they should change the name to just Emergency?

How about common sense ?

I know if i twisted my ankle i am not gonna go to accident and emergency when i can go to the minor injuries unit

Common sense people , common sense use it and use well dont be like that fanny in that BBC link lol "

Unfortunately common sense is not as widely spread around the populace as its name would suggest.

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?"

The figures that people are quoting are for the last week in the year where you are likely to see an increase with it being the holiday season and people suffering badly with the flu

Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?

The figures that people are quoting are for the last week in the year where you are likely to see an increase with it being the holiday season and people suffering badly with the flu

Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours


So 51 weeks were 96%?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?

The figures that people are quoting are for the last week in the year where you are likely to see an increase with it being the holiday season and people suffering badly with the flu

Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours

So 51 weeks were 96%?"

Where did you see me say that ?

In Dec 2017 weeks before Xmas it was sitting at 96%

Why CLCC are you happy to quote just one week in the year ? What about the rest of the weeks something to hide ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?

The figures that people are quoting are for the last week in the year where you are likely to see an increase with it being the holiday season and people suffering badly with the flu

Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours

So 51 weeks were 96%?

Where did you see me say that ?

In Dec 2017 weeks before Xmas it was sitting at 96%

Why CLCC are you happy to quote just one week in the year ? What about the rest of the weeks something to hide ? "

Here when you said "the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96%"

Now you are going back and saying the rest of the weeks weren't 96%?

I know percentages aren't your strong point, you still haven't answered how 19% is nearly 50%

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

CLCC why in the hell are you happy to only quote one week in the year ? Have you got something to hide ?

Its very strange

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?

The figures that people are quoting are for the last week in the year where you are likely to see an increase with it being the holiday season and people suffering badly with the flu

Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours


As I already said, this maybe a temporary blip however the figures are saying that in the latest last week of the year things are worse than in any previous last week of the year. Your reasoning doesn't explain that simple point away.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?

The figures that people are quoting are for the last week in the year where you are likely to see an increase with it being the holiday season and people suffering badly with the flu

Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours

As I already said, this maybe a temporary blip however the figures are saying that in the latest last week of the year things are worse than in any previous last week of the year. Your reasoning doesn't explain that simple point away."

Holiday season + Aussie Flu

As you will see there is one unionist on here thats get it and i agree with him

No matter how good the NHS is performing you get a bad case of flu spreading around then it will fuck the system up

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Am shocked you all are that worried about the Scottish NHS when England , Wales and NI NHS is in a dar far worse state

You should be challenging Labour and Tories to improve on the NHS and get it to the levels of the Scottish NHS

Not shocked though that unionists will do anything to drag our Scottish NHS down

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?

The figures that people are quoting are for the last week in the year where you are likely to see an increase with it being the holiday season and people suffering badly with the flu

Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours

As I already said, this maybe a temporary blip however the figures are saying that in the latest last week of the year things are worse than in any previous last week of the year. Your reasoning doesn't explain that simple point away.

Holiday season + Aussie Flu

As you will see there is one unionist on here thats get it and i agree with him

No matter how good the NHS is performing you get a bad case of flu spreading around then it will fuck the system up "

I hope you are not referring to me !!!!

I am not a unionist.

Hopefully the flu season will end and we can get back to normal.

For A & E I am not a big believer in target's as it all depends on what patients are in the department at the time.

Some patients will need time intensive care so it is not fair on the nhs staff no matter how hard that work missed targets.

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?

The figures that people are quoting are for the last week in the year where you are likely to see an increase with it being the holiday season and people suffering badly with the flu

Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours

So 51 weeks were 96%?

Where did you see me say that ?

In Dec 2017 weeks before Xmas it was sitting at 96%

Why CLCC are you happy to quote just one week in the year ? What about the rest of the weeks something to hide ?

Here when you said "the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96%"

Now you are going back and saying the rest of the weeks weren't 96%?

I know percentages aren't your strong point, you still haven't answered how 19% is nearly 50%"

So kinky claims that its 96% the rest of the year, yet can't back it up. Now there is a surprise.

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Hold the fuck on lol

CLCC you send a link only providing one week and it just so happened to be the last week in the year when its holiday season and a bad case of the flu is going round which is likely to see an increase in people going to A&E

In my opinion it would appear you and others are hiding something why are wont you come out and show the weeks before or even the full year ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

CLCC is the Scottish A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ?

Looking forward to you not answering this very question lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Btw i hope you all can see what CLCC doing

Here is what i said " Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours"

Then CLCC somehow claims i have said it was 96% for the full year

CLCC you learning from the BBC how to misquote someone ?

Now sine you only gave one week out of the year can you provide the full year ? Lets see what you and others are hiding lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Btw i hope you all can see what CLCC doing

Here is what i said " Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours"

Then CLCC somehow claims i have said it was 96% for the full year

CLCC you learning from the BBC how to misquote someone ?

Now sine you only gave one week out of the year can you provide the full year ? Lets see what you and others are hiding lol"

You did, you said "the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96%" are you trying to deny you said that when we can see your post above?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Btw i hope you all can see what CLCC doing

Here is what i said " Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours"

Then CLCC somehow claims i have said it was 96% for the full year

CLCC you learning from the BBC how to misquote someone ?

Now sine you only gave one week out of the year can you provide the full year ? Lets see what you and others are hiding lol

You did, you said "the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96%" are you trying to deny you said that when we can see your post above?"

Ok show me where i said it was 96% for the full year ?

Go on

So CLCC can you now provide the full year ? Instead if giving only one week in the year eh

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Btw i hope you all can see what CLCC doing

Here is what i said " Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours"

Then CLCC somehow claims i have said it was 96% for the full year

CLCC you learning from the BBC how to misquote someone ?

Now sine you only gave one week out of the year can you provide the full year ? Lets see what you and others are hiding lol

You did, you said "the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96%" are you trying to deny you said that when we can see your post above?

Ok show me where i said it was 96% for the full year ?

Go on

So CLCC can you now provide the full year ? Instead if giving only one week in the year eh


You said the rest of the weeks. If you know the rates for the rest of the weeks, then provide them.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Btw i hope you all can see what CLCC doing

Here is what i said " Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours"

Then CLCC somehow claims i have said it was 96% for the full year

CLCC you learning from the BBC how to misquote someone ?

Now sine you only gave one week out of the year can you provide the full year ? Lets see what you and others are hiding lol

You did, you said "the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96%" are you trying to deny you said that when we can see your post above?

Ok show me where i said it was 96% for the full year ?

Go on

So CLCC can you now provide the full year ? Instead if giving only one week in the year eh

You said the rest of the weeks. If you know the rates for the rest of the weeks, then provide them."

Whats wrong CLCC can you only provide the one week of the year ?

You sent the link and am saying in my opinion you and others have got somethibg to hide why wont you give the full year ?

Also if you gona ask my questions then at least try and answer mine eh

So again CLCC is the Scottish A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Btw i hope you all can see what CLCC doing

Here is what i said " Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours"

Then CLCC somehow claims i have said it was 96% for the full year

CLCC you learning from the BBC how to misquote someone ?

Now sine you only gave one week out of the year can you provide the full year ? Lets see what you and others are hiding lol

You did, you said "the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96%" are you trying to deny you said that when we can see your post above?

Ok show me where i said it was 96% for the full year ?

Go on

So CLCC can you now provide the full year ? Instead if giving only one week in the year eh

You said the rest of the weeks. If you know the rates for the rest of the weeks, then provide them.

Whats wrong CLCC can you only provide the one week of the year ?

You sent the link and am saying in my opinion you and others have got somethibg to hide why wont you give the full year ?

Also if you gona ask my questions then at least try and answer mine eh

So again CLCC is the Scottish A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ?


I sent the link to story referenced in the OP. You though have produced a new statistic of 96% for the rest of the weeks. So prove it. Where did you get your stats from?

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Sorry CLCC its about time you started answering questions so .....

CLCC is the Scottish A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Sorry CLCC its about time you started answering questions so .....

CLCC is the Scottish A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ?"

Without the data, you know, the data you are refusing to provide, I couldn't tell you.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Sorry CLCC its about time you started answering questions so .....

CLCC is the Scottish A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ?

Without the data, you know, the data you are refusing to provide, I couldn't tell you. "

Fuck me lol

Go to that BBC link you send and then look down the very bottom and it will tell you who has the best A&E in the UK

So now that I have told you where to go and find it can I get the answer off you

Is Scotlands A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Sorry CLCC its about time you started answering questions so .....

CLCC is the Scottish A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ?

Without the data, you know, the data you are refusing to provide, I couldn't tell you.

Fuck me lol

Go to that BBC link you send and then look down the very bottom and it will tell you who has the best A&E in the UK

So now that I have told you where to go and find it can I get the answer off you

Is Scotlands A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ? "

I can't see that, maybe there is something wrong with my eyes.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Ok here is the wee bit in the link you sent

"month, BBC analysis of NHS data showed that fewer patients in Scotland were waiting longer than four hours in A&E than they did in 2012/3 in contrast to England where the number had more than doubled.

It found England had a 155% rise in long waits between 2012/3 and this year, up to 2.5 million a year.

Hospitals in Wales and Northern Ireland also saw an increase over the period.

In Scotland, the number of patients waiting more than four hours fell by 9% to just over 100,000"

Now I can read you like a book CLCC I know your reply is gonna be something like but but but it doesn't actually say "best performing"

So read between the lines if you can

Now can you now answer it do you think Scotland has the best performing AA&E in the UK ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"The only figures i can find are from end of november and from the bbc and times ,can you send a link to the official one published today

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42620167 forum rules limit links to external sites, but news sources are allowed.

Sorry but your source is bbc lol so il pass on searching it "

BBC are quoting Scottish nhs!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Ok here is the wee bit in the link you sent

"month, BBC analysis of NHS data showed that fewer patients in Scotland were waiting longer than four hours in A&E than they did in 2012/3 in contrast to England where the number had more than doubled.

It found England had a 155% rise in long waits between 2012/3 and this year, up to 2.5 million a year.

Hospitals in Wales and Northern Ireland also saw an increase over the period.

In Scotland, the number of patients waiting more than four hours fell by 9% to just over 100,000"

Now I can read you like a book CLCC I know your reply is gonna be something like but but but it doesn't actually say "best performing"

So read between the lines if you can

Now can you now answer it do you think Scotland has the best performing AA&E in the UK ?


Where does it say that the rest of the weeks were 96%? Still can't see it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ok here is the wee bit in the link you sent

"month, BBC analysis of NHS data showed that fewer patients in Scotland were waiting longer than four hours in A&E than they did in 2012/3 in contrast to England where the number had more than doubled.

It found England had a 155% rise in long waits between 2012/3 and this year, up to 2.5 million a year.

Hospitals in Wales and Northern Ireland also saw an increase over the period.

In Scotland, the number of patients waiting more than four hours fell by 9% to just over 100,000"

Now I can read you like a book CLCC I know your reply is gonna be something like but but but it doesn't actually say "best performing"

So read between the lines if you can

Now can you now answer it do you think Scotland has the best performing AA&E in the UK ?

Where does it say that the rest of the weeks were 96%? Still can't see it. "

Answer my question

Do you think Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the UK ?

Stop stalling and answer it lol it's as if your afraid to answer

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Ok here is the wee bit in the link you sent

"month, BBC analysis of NHS data showed that fewer patients in Scotland were waiting longer than four hours in A&E than they did in 2012/3 in contrast to England where the number had more than doubled.

It found England had a 155% rise in long waits between 2012/3 and this year, up to 2.5 million a year.

Hospitals in Wales and Northern Ireland also saw an increase over the period.

In Scotland, the number of patients waiting more than four hours fell by 9% to just over 100,000"

Now I can read you like a book CLCC I know your reply is gonna be something like but but but it doesn't actually say "best performing"

So read between the lines if you can

Now can you now answer it do you think Scotland has the best performing AA&E in the UK ?

Where does it say that the rest of the weeks were 96%? Still can't see it.

Answer my question

Do you think Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the UK ?

Stop stalling and answer it lol it's as if your afraid to answer "

The waiting times for Scotland in 2017 were better than they were in 2012/13, but you haven't given any data to compar it to 2014, 2015, 2016, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 etc. So where is the data? Where is the data backing up your 96% claim? You haven't provided any.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

CLCC learn to answer questions come back when you learn how to

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


I'm calling bullshit on the claim that 96% of patients in Scotland were seen in less than 4 hours. No proof has been offered for this, and people should know better than that in this forum. If you are going to throw statistics around, you have to be able to back them up.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"Sorry CLCC its about time you started answering questions so .....

CLCC is the Scottish A&E the best performing in the whole of the UK ?"

bless kinky... the scottish A&E dept is the one dept they can hold up and laud over the english.... so least let him have that....

shame the same can't be said about other dept waiting times for appointments from gp referrals, or for cancer care ect ect......

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

I suppose you all think Nuffield Trust are liars eh ?

After all Nuffield Trust did say the English NHS could learn from the Scottish NHS

That must sting that

You don't see nurses or doctor striking nor do you see the Red Cross in Scotland NHS

But no no you quote one week the last week in the year where it's holiday season and the flu is spreading around more than likely you will get an increase

But yeah I get it unionists can't stand the fact Scotland NHS is far better run so you will try anything to bring it down it's sad really

Like I said people outside of Scotland should be more worried about the state England ,Wales and NI NHS is in

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


"I suppose you all think Nuffield Trust are liars eh ?

After all Nuffield Trust did say the English NHS could learn from the Scottish NHS

That must sting that

You don't see nurses or doctor striking nor do you see the Red Cross in Scotland NHS

But no no you quote one week the last week in the year where it's holiday season and the flu is spreading around more than likely you will get an increase

But yeah I get it unionists can't stand the fact Scotland NHS is far better run so you will try anything to bring it down it's sad really

Like I said people outside of Scotland should be more worried about the state England ,Wales and NI NHS is in "

That would be the Nuffield trust who are doing a four part analysis to share best practices?

"This is the first in a new series from the Trust looking at each of the four health services of the UK in a detailed and qualitative way, while asking what lessons they hold for the other countries."

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By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Ps fact for you all

Scotlands A&E is the best performing in the whole of the UK

I would think people south of the border would be more worried about the English NHS right now and the real crisis

If the figures are correct then whether the Scottish NHS was or is better than the English NHS is surely small comfort. The fact is is that the Scottish NHS appears to be doing worse now than it was previously. The questions to be asked surely are: Is this a temporary blip and, if not, what is the reason for this decline?

The figures that people are quoting are for the last week in the year where you are likely to see an increase with it being the holiday season and people suffering badly with the flu

Strange how they dont seem to wanna out the rest of the weeks where it was sitting at 96% meeting targets of within 4 hours

As I already said, this maybe a temporary blip however the figures are saying that in the latest last week of the year things are worse than in any previous last week of the year. Your reasoning doesn't explain that simple point away.

Holiday season + Aussie Flu

As you will see there is one unionist on here thats get it and i agree with him

No matter how good the NHS is performing you get a bad case of flu spreading around then it will fuck the system up "

I'll grant you that the flu this year may be a contributing factor however I'd have thought that the fact that the previous year's last week also included New Year's Eve whereas the just gone years New Year's eve actually fell in the first week of this year for the same statistics would more than compensate.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"I suppose you all think Nuffield Trust are liars eh ?

After all Nuffield Trust did say the English NHS could learn from the Scottish NHS

That must sting that

You don't see nurses or doctor striking nor do you see the Red Cross in Scotland NHS

But no no you quote one week the last week in the year where it's holiday season and the flu is spreading around more than likely you will get an increase

But yeah I get it unionists can't stand the fact Scotland NHS is far better run so you will try anything to bring it down it's sad really

Like I said people outside of Scotland should be more worried about the state England ,Wales and NI NHS is in "

What you constantly fail to grasp is that it is totally irrelevant as to whether the NHS is better in Scotland than in England. What is relevant is whether the NHS is better or worse in Scotland now than it was previously. It would be true to say that, in period from 2012 to 2017, overall waiting times in A&E in Scotland have fallen, however it's also true to say that comparing the end of year figures for 2017 with 2016 they are worse. They were also worse for 2016 compared with 2015. Considering that there was no flu at the end of 2016 and, with New Year's eve not falling in the last week of 2017 (which should of lead to lower waiting times) I'm not convinced that the current flu outbreak fully explains the increase.

The other thing you seem unable to grasp is that quite a lot of people from outside Scotland spend time in Scotland and have a perfectly legitimate reason to be concerned if the Scottish NHS appears to be performing less well than previously whether it's better or worse than in England or not.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *r Kipling tart fillerMan
over a year ago

Tart filling facility

Had a similar conversation with a Scots lass yesterday, that sturgeon woman has gotten Scotland into a right hole, not just with the NHS.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm not comfortable with political point scoring based on people's misery. There is an almost gleeful delight and assumption that it is due to failing policies and associated failure of the NHS. In truth, it's nothing of the sort. Not to say there are not problems but that's a long term view.

Reading more about it, Australia flu hit the Scottish central belt heavily and coupled with freezing weather conditions, resulted in more attendances at A&E. No doubt, flu and the weather affected NHS staff, too.

Since figures began, monthly targets which include minor trauma units etc and a and e, have been mostly in the middle to upper 90%. Last time I was in Scotland, there was a huge leading story on the national news about falling A&E targets in the UK. However, it was actually about England and Wales' results and only the briefest of brief comment was made to say that actually, Scotland's were the nearest target in the UK.

It's nice to think you wouldn't have long to wait in A&E if you were ill but as a measure of health care, when the said departments are full of people who should have been at their own doctors in the morning, or days before, is it a surprise it's overwhelmed when an epidemic hits? Should that be politicised?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I suppose you all think Nuffield Trust are liars eh ?

After all Nuffield Trust did say the English NHS could learn from the Scottish NHS

That must sting that

You don't see nurses or doctor striking nor do you see the Red Cross in Scotland NHS

But no no you quote one week the last week in the year where it's holiday season and the flu is spreading around more than likely you will get an increase

But yeah I get it unionists can't stand the fact Scotland NHS is far better run so you will try anything to bring it down it's sad really

Like I said people outside of Scotland should be more worried about the state England ,Wales and NI NHS is in "

The trust only picked a few areas that did not say the whole of the Scottish NHS was better only certain parts.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm not comfortable with political point scoring based on people's misery. There is an almost gleeful delight and assumption that it is due to failing policies and associated failure of the NHS. In truth, it's nothing of the sort. Not to say there are not problems but that's a long term view.

Reading more about it, Australia flu hit the Scottish central belt heavily and coupled with freezing weather conditions, resulted in more attendances at A&E. No doubt, flu and the weather affected NHS staff, too.

Since figures began, monthly targets which include minor trauma units etc and a and e, have been mostly in the middle to upper 90%. Last time I was in Scotland, there was a huge leading story on the national news about falling A&E targets in the UK. However, it was actually about England and Wales' results and only the briefest of brief comment was made to say that actually, Scotland's were the nearest target in the UK.

It's nice to think you wouldn't have long to wait in A&E if you were ill but as a measure of health care, when the said departments are full of people who should have been at their own doctors in the morning, or days before, is it a surprise it's overwhelmed when an epidemic hits? Should that be politicised? "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond


Latest news on that case study in the BBC link

Well it seems the guy in the case day is a well known anti SNP nutter and libked to Scotland in the union

Surely not ? The BBC just so happened to pick one person to put down the Scottish NHS and he is an ultra Yoon lol

Yeah still think the BBC are not bias ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


The bbc invite the public to write in. That someone with an agenda did is not a suprise. That’s not bbs bias. It’s statistical bias due to a non randomised selection criteria. That you see bbc bias is your own bias imo.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"The bbc invite the public to write in. That someone with an agenda did is not a suprise. That’s not bbs bias. It’s statistical bias due to a non randomised selection criteria. That you see bbc bias is your own bias imo. "

Wow anything to defend the BBC

Not find it weird the only person the BBC could get to put the Scottish NHS down was an ultra yoon ?

Oh and a wee expermint was done in that writing in too the BBC when the BBC asked people and there treatment in the Scottish NHS

One pro indy supporter told them he had good treatment and the reply frm the BBC was thank you and that was that

Then other one writes a bad review of the treament in the Scottish NHS and the BBC reply with can she sent her email that they would like to hear from her

But hey if you wanna give the BBC £147 to lie and cover things up go ahead your wasting your money when it could go on better things

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


Tbh I look at the facts not the anecdotal evidence. I think whole “people’s story” is a load of tosh. Every media source has an angle. The stats were there for this one and I would imagine that if five stories submitted four were okay experiences. This story was about delays so they chose that one. Your angle is bbc bias so you’ve highlighted a story which fits your agenda.

And before you mention it, I think the 100000 number was poor journalism. Not lies but an error. The rest of the tv story showed sources so was traceable.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Tbh I look at the facts not the anecdotal evidence. I think whole “people’s story” is a load of tosh. Every media source has an angle. The stats were there for this one and I would imagine that if five stories submitted four were okay experiences. This story was about delays so they chose that one. Your angle is bbc bias so you’ve highlighted a story which fits your agenda.

And before you mention it, I think the 100000 number was poor journalism. Not lies but an error. The rest of the tv story showed sources so was traceable. "

Ah right so now its an error you dont think Sarah Smith has not got an agenda going ? Who is her dad ? Just happened to mislead people and thats just a wee error ?

Btw has the BBC said sorry for misleading people on that crap about the 100,000?

Oh i suppose back in 2001 when the BBC claimed building 7 had already fallen down yet behind the reporter tou could clearly see it was still standing i suppose that was just an error eh ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


What’s your line of argument here ?

At worst it was poor journalism possibly due to the chaos of the situation.

To bring out a story from 17 years ago which has no suggestion of an intention to miss lead adds very little credibility to an argument of bbc bias or an agenda ?

Indeed the absence of evidence is reassuring.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"What’s your line of argument here ?

At worst it was poor journalism possibly due to the chaos of the situation.

To bring out a story from 17 years ago which has no suggestion of an intention to miss lead adds very little credibility to an argument of bbc bias or an agenda ?

Indeed the absence of evidence is reassuring. "

Right so you thinks an error to tell people 100,000 people went to the Scottish NHS A&E last week ? When infact it was for the full year and you think BBC /Sarah Smith made a wee mistake an error ? No agenda ok then have the BBC or Sarah Smith said sorry for misleading people ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"What’s your line of argument here ?

At worst it was poor journalism possibly due to the chaos of the situation.

To bring out a story from 17 years ago which has no suggestion of an intention to miss lead adds very little credibility to an argument of bbc bias or an agenda ?

Indeed the absence of evidence is reassuring. "

It's just their regular anti-unionist trolling.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Oh and ps Sarah Smiths report was not live

That was pre-recorded and you telling me Sarah Smith or no one checks before that goes on the news get real they knew what they were doing

A bloody wean could tell 100,000 people will not go to A&E in a week

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


"What’s your line of argument here ?

At worst it was poor journalism possibly due to the chaos of the situation.

To bring out a story from 17 years ago which has no suggestion of an intention to miss lead adds very little credibility to an argument of bbc bias or an agenda ?

Indeed the absence of evidence is reassuring.

Right so you thinks an error to tell people 100,000 people went to the Scottish NHS A&E last week ? When infact it was for the full year and you think BBC /Sarah Smith made a wee mistake an error ? No agenda ok then have the BBC or Sarah Smith said sorry for misleading people ?


Yes. Because one it was ridiculously too high. Two they provided sources. Three it serves no real ends in a two minute news clip. Four I’m not even sure what the agenda is if there was one. Five I think an apology for an incidental mistake is unoroportional. And would probably be followed up by accusations of them doing it just to replay the story.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


"Oh and ps Sarah Smiths report was not live

That was pre-recorded and you telling me Sarah Smith or no one checks before that goes on the news get real they knew what they were doing

A bloody wean could tell 100,000 people will not go to A&E in a week "

pretty crap lie then if no one believes it eh ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andACouple
over a year ago


The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Right so what about a retraction then ?

There might be some that will hear that report and think its gospel is it ok to just mislead people now ? Its that what you want from your news ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


"The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats. "
tbf if kinky said I should expected better quality journalism for my license fee I would agree. It’s a careless slip, and I said before the human angle bit boils my blood when it’s a benign story like a hurt my ankle. It’s cheap click bait which they are secumbjng too to fill a 247 new world they can’t afford to keep up with.

It’s tje chicken licken approach that I can’t fathom

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats. "

Accusations ? Fuck me lol so telling people 100,000 people went to A&E last week when infact it was for the full year is now acceptable ?

That is misleading people no shame eh on misleading people ? As long as it paints a bad picture on Scotlands NHS is fine i call that sick !!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats. "

So does that make you a cyber yoon then

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


"Right so what about a retraction then ?

There might be some that will hear that report and think its gospel is it ok to just mislead people now ? Its that what you want from your news ?


is the report still being shown ? I only found it thru wings ... as I’m still waiting for the next instalment if the spreadsheet saga from the “rev”. So had it not been for This I would have been none the wiser of the agenda. And all I needed was a knife.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *andACouple
over a year ago


"The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats. tbf if kinky said I should expected better quality journalism for my license fee I would agree. It’s a careless slip, and I said before the human angle bit boils my blood when it’s a benign story like a hurt my ankle. It’s cheap click bait which they are secumbjng too to fill a 247 new world they can’t afford to keep up with.

It’s tje chicken licken approach that I can’t fathom"

It's par for the course up here though. There's basically a with hunt against anyone who dares question one of their politicians on Question Time etc. Also any journalists who question them, especially on the BBC tend to be villified.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *andACouple
over a year ago


"The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats.

So does that make you a cyber yoon then "

I haven't villified any companies or individuals. How big is the cyber nat boycott list now? Are there any companies not on it?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Again Sarah Smith report was pre-recorded

Are you saying Sarah Smith or no one from the BBC checks her report before putting it on the news ?

They knew what they were doing and the fact they havent come out ro say sorry or retracted it means they are happy to keep with it hoping people will take that as gospel

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


"Again Sarah Smith report was pre-recorded

Are you saying Sarah Smith or no one from the BBC checks her report before putting it on the news ?

They knew what they were doing and the fact they havent come out ro say sorry or retracted it means they are happy to keep with it hoping people will take that as gospel"

im saying I can believe that yes. Mistakes happen. Mistakes on numbers which should have been checked. It happens on the news. It happens in business. And it happens in politics.

I suspect if I googled for a minute I could find evidence if you want to play a bit of whataboutary ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Again Sarah Smith report was pre-recorded

Are you saying Sarah Smith or no one from the BBC checks her report before putting it on the news ?

They knew what they were doing and the fact they havent come out ro say sorry or retracted it means they are happy to keep with it hoping people will take that as gospelim saying I can believe that yes. Mistakes happen. Mistakes on numbers which should have been checked. It happens on the news. It happens in business. And it happens in politics.

I suspect if I googled for a minute I could find evidence if you want to play a bit of whataboutary ?"

So its a mistake ? Right has the BBC retracted it ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Btw that would be good news that Wings over Scotland has exposed that its bot 100,000 in a week but in a year

Or should that not have been exposed ? You kbow what these unionists are like hate Wings over Scotland and think he tells lies

Oh wait he wasnt telling lies about the 100,000 was he ? That was him exposing a lie or in your mind a wee mistake and error

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Sarah Smith also said and I quote “in spite of a modest rise in A&E attendance” It was a 47% rise on the same week last year It was deliberate!

Thats then two mistakes

So still think it was just a wee tiny error ?

If she can fuck up that bad she shouldnt be in the job

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


According to "Our NHS Scotland" the official website of NHS Scotland "There were 1.65 million A&E visits in Scotland in 2012/13 – roughly equivalent to 1 every 20 seconds. (Source: ISD Emergency Department Activity and Waiting Times)"

I would post a link, but forum rules dont allow it.

I would be surprised that its gone from 1,650,000 per year in 2012/13 to only 100,000 in 2016/17

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


"Sarah Smith also said and I quote “in spite of a modest rise in A&E attendance” It was a 47% rise on the same week last year It was deliberate!

Thats then two mistakes

So still think it was just a wee tiny error ?

If she can fuck up that bad she shouldnt be in the job"

the mistakes are worse ...

Week ending 24th there were 26568

Week ending 31 there was 25865

Source isdscotland.

So it should have been easier!

No idea how you got your numbers based on the bbc saying something like 600 on c 25000

Numbers are hard eh ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


"According to "Our NHS Scotland" the official website of NHS Scotland "There were 1.65 million A&E visits in Scotland in 2012/13 – roughly equivalent to 1 every 20 seconds. (Source: ISD Emergency Department Activity and Waiting Times)"

I would post a link, but forum rules dont allow it.

I would be surprised that its gone from 1,650,000 per year in 2012/13 to only 100,000 in 2016/17"

100k is those over 4 hours so in line with a 90 odd % success rate.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"According to "Our NHS Scotland" the official website of NHS Scotland "There were 1.65 million A&E visits in Scotland in 2012/13 – roughly equivalent to 1 every 20 seconds. (Source: ISD Emergency Department Activity and Waiting Times)"

I would post a link, but forum rules dont allow it.

I would be surprised that its gone from 1,650,000 per year in 2012/13 to only 100,000 in 2016/17100k is those over 4 hours so in line with a 90 odd % success rate. "

Thanks, it's hard to understand their rantings

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


How about common sense ?

I know if i twisted my ankle i am not gonna go to accident and emergency when i can go to the minor injuries unit

Common sense people , common sense use it and use well dont be like that fanny in that BBC link lol "

Its a stupid system... how so i know if its a sprain (minor injuries) or break (a&e) until a professional has checked it?

Ive been to out of hours before with what i thought was a cracked rib ... they sent me to a&e for suspected clot on my lung ... turned out to be just a really bad chest infection which again could have been minor injuries .... we dont know which we have until its been checked

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Remember now you have to be seen, assessed, and then either treated, admitted or sent home

For the whole of 2017 patients seen with in four hours or less: 93.1%

Not fucking bad eh even though unionists will claim thats a fucking crisis no no what is a crisis is when the Red Cross have to step in

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" Remember now you have to be seen, assessed, and then either treated, admitted or sent home

For the whole of 2017 patients seen with in four hours or less: 93.1%

Not fucking bad eh even though unionists will claim thats a fucking crisis no no what is a crisis is when the Red Cross have to step in "

I also think this is a silly target based system ... ive been sat there waiting on blood results at around 3hr 45 and can hear them on the other side of the curtain debating admitting me to a ward because they need me off their list before 4 hours ... when actually a half hour more and i could be out the door ... think of the wasted time and money and bed getting me admitted just to tick a box on a target list

Its just putting the staff under another list of pressures when they already know best how to manage the beds they have available and what is right for their patients

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


" Remember now you have to be seen, assessed, and then either treated, admitted or sent home

For the whole of 2017 patients seen with in four hours or less: 93.1%

Not fucking bad eh even though unionists will claim thats a fucking crisis no no what is a crisis is when the Red Cross have to step in "

But the target is 95% right? So they missed it, right?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Out of interest does anyone have the figures for Englands A&E for the whole of 2017 patients being seen within four hours ?

Just curious to know i see alot of bad mouthing on the Scottish A&E so would be good to see what Englands figures look like

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ilent.KnightMan
over a year ago


Just shy off 90%.

My source is biased tho.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What’s your line of argument here ?

At worst it was poor journalism possibly due to the chaos of the situation.

To bring out a story from 17 years ago which has no suggestion of an intention to miss lead adds very little credibility to an argument of bbc bias or an agenda ?

Indeed the absence of evidence is reassuring. "

I think maybe you will have had to hear Miss Smith's comments through the years to determine that her political views colour her reporting quite significantly. It does her no credit whatsoever.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Lets even try this i will list the countries in the UK and all you have to do is fill in the blank of each countries % for the whole of 2017 in A&E within 4 hours

I will start it off for you with Scotlands

Scotland - 93%

England - ?

Wales - ?

NI- ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats.

So does that make you a cyber yoon then

I haven't villified any companies or individuals. How big is the cyber nat boycott list now? Are there any companies not on it? "

Oh did i hit a nerve there im a nationalist and have not abused any companies or individuals but you still class me as a cybernat just because i support independence seems the cyberyoons like to give it out but cant take it back

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

All the staff in the nhs are doing their best and as for targets at this time of year they should be forgotten about as the staff are busy enough without having to worry about targets

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"All the staff in the nhs are doing their best and as for targets at this time of year they should be forgotten about as the staff are busy enough without having to worry about targets "

I think the targets are useful, and people should be seen within a reasonable time, however if the targets are being missed, it probably indicates that enough resources aren't being allocated to meet demand. Germany is a comparable country to the UK in terms of demographics, income levels and expectation of medical outcomes. However, they spend twice as much on health as a percentage of GDP than we do in the UK.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"All the staff in the nhs are doing their best and as for targets at this time of year they should be forgotten about as the staff are busy enough without having to worry about targets

I think the targets are useful, and people should be seen within a reasonable time, however if the targets are being missed, it probably indicates that enough resources aren't being allocated to meet demand. Germany is a comparable country to the UK in terms of demographics, income levels and expectation of medical outcomes. However, they spend twice as much on health as a percentage of GDP than we do in the UK. "

Yes targets are useful but at times like this with flu outbreaks ect affecting thousands more than usual it is only to be expected that ppl will have to wait a bit longer

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"All the staff in the nhs are doing their best and as for targets at this time of year they should be forgotten about as the staff are busy enough without having to worry about targets

I think the targets are useful, and people should be seen within a reasonable time, however if the targets are being missed, it probably indicates that enough resources aren't being allocated to meet demand. Germany is a comparable country to the UK in terms of demographics, income levels and expectation of medical outcomes. However, they spend twice as much on health as a percentage of GDP than we do in the UK.

Yes targets are useful but at times like this with flu outbreaks ect affecting thousands more than usual it is only to be expected that ppl will have to wait a bit longer "

I agree, but they should wait 4 instead of 2, rather than 6 instead of 4.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Oh and ps Sarah Smiths report was not live

That was pre-recorded and you telling me Sarah Smith or no one checks before that goes on the news get real they knew what they were doing

A bloody wean could tell 100,000 people will not go to A&E in a week "

Which is why even you should be able to tell that the figure was a mistake rather than a lie.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats.

Accusations ? Fuck me lol so telling people 100,000 people went to A&E last week when infact it was for the full year is now acceptable ?

That is misleading people no shame eh on misleading people ? As long as it paints a bad picture on Scotlands NHS is fine i call that sick !!!


Why are you claiming that only 100,000 people went to A & E last year? NHS Scotland say that 1,650,000 went in 2012/13. That would be quite a drop.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Out of interest does anyone have the figures for Englands A&E for the whole of 2017 patients being seen within four hours ?

Just curious to know i see alot of bad mouthing on the Scottish A&E so would be good to see what Englands figures look like


What's England A&E figures got to do with it? And if you really think England's A&E figures are relevant to a discussion on Scotland's A&E why don't you Google and post them yourself?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"All the staff in the nhs are doing their best and as for targets at this time of year they should be forgotten about as the staff are busy enough without having to worry about targets

I think the targets are useful, and people should be seen within a reasonable time, however if the targets are being missed, it probably indicates that enough resources aren't being allocated to meet demand. Germany is a comparable country to the UK in terms of demographics, income levels and expectation of medical outcomes. However, they spend twice as much on health as a percentage of GDP than we do in the UK.

Yes targets are useful but at times like this with flu outbreaks ect affecting thousands more than usual it is only to be expected that ppl will have to wait a bit longer "

At least your accepting that the figures are worse for 2017 than 2016 and giving reasonable reasons as to why that might be so unlike KinkyH who only seems to say that it's a BBC plot to discredit the SNP and that, as long as the Scottish NHS is better than the English NHS it doesn't really matter if its getting better or worse than it was previously.

However your reasons for this increase in waiting times doesn't explain away the increase in waiting times from 2015 to 2016 when there was no flu outbreak. Also New Years Eve/Day is not included in the 2017 figure but was in the 2016, this should have lead to a reduction in numbers that I would have expected to counteract a lot of the effect of the flu outbreak.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Maybe instead of fighting over figures, someone with some actual knowledge and insight into the situation could suggest WHY EXACTLY the figures are increasing year by year. The suggestion here is that the Scottish government is failing the people- IS it about money/funding?

The Scottish NHS will inherently cost more to run than the others- distances, demographics, smaller hospitals, primary care units and gp practices and A&E services have been centralised I believe. That English hospitals are performing worse is interesting in the political arena but not helpful in progressing the discussion.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Maybe instead of fighting over figures, someone with some actual knowledge and insight into the situation could suggest WHY EXACTLY the figures are increasing year by year. The suggestion here is that the Scottish government is failing the people- IS it about money/funding?

The Scottish NHS will inherently cost more to run than the others- distances, demographics, smaller hospitals, primary care units and gp practices and A&E services have been centralised I believe. That English hospitals are performing worse is interesting in the political arena but not helpful in progressing the discussion. "

That's why Scotland gets more than £10,000 per year per person to provide such services than those in England under the Barnett Formula. However whenever this is mentioned kinky goes crazy and starts accusing people of calling Scotland subsidy junkies, even though they are the only person who I have ever seen use that phrase on here.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Maybe instead of fighting over figures, someone with some actual knowledge and insight into the situation could suggest WHY EXACTLY the figures are increasing year by year. The suggestion here is that the Scottish government is failing the people- IS it about money/funding?

The Scottish NHS will inherently cost more to run than the others- distances, demographics, smaller hospitals, primary care units and gp practices and A&E services have been centralised I believe. That English hospitals are performing worse is interesting in the political arena but not helpful in progressing the discussion.

That's why Scotland gets more than £10,000 per year per person to provide such services than those in England under the Barnett Formula. However whenever this is mentioned kinky goes crazy and starts accusing people of calling Scotland subsidy junkies, even though they are the only person who I have ever seen use that phrase on here. "

Who is they btw ? And if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Oh wait Westminster know an independent Scotland would be weathy stop moaning and do something about it then

I believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ? Or is it your admitting England needs Scotlands money ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Seems fair. It is decreasing though, is it not, being in proportion the the amount spent on NHS England. Hence the concern about privatisation in England.

However, it's not helpful as an answer to my question. Is their anyone with constructive answers?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Right so what about a retraction then ?

There might be some that will hear that report and think its gospel is it ok to just mislead people now ? Its that what you want from your news ?


The BBC did correct their mistake !!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Out of interest does anyone have the figures for Englands A&E for the whole of 2017 patients being seen within four hours ?

Just curious to know i see alot of bad mouthing on the Scottish A&E so would be good to see what Englands figures look like

What's England A&E figures got to do with it? And if you really think England's A&E figures are relevant to a discussion on Scotland's A&E why don't you Google and post them yourself?"

Claim the fuck doon lol

I was just asking to see Englands figures ? Rattled a few cages have i ? Lol not want people to see Englands poor figures i see ?

This is to prove for everyone bad mouthing our Scottish A&E figures how it compares to Englands A&E figures thats all

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Out of interest does anyone have the figures for Englands A&E for the whole of 2017 patients being seen within four hours ?

Just curious to know i see alot of bad mouthing on the Scottish A&E so would be good to see what Englands figures look like

What's England A&E figures got to do with it? And if you really think England's A&E figures are relevant to a discussion on Scotland's A&E why don't you Google and post them yourself?

Claim the fuck doon lol

I was just asking to see Englands figures ? Rattled a few cages have i ? Lol not want people to see Englands poor figures i see ?

This is to prove for everyone bad mouthing our Scottish A&E figures how it compares to Englands A&E figures thats all"

Perhaps peoples cages would be more rattled if you actually just gave the figures. However I still don't see how the performance of the NHS in England, whether better or worse than Scotland, in any helps explain away the increase in waiting times in Scotland for the last week of the year for the last two years.

And why do you consider pointing this out to be bad mouthing Scotland's A&E? If I was only interested in bad mouthing Scotland's A&E I wouldn't have pointed out in an earlier post that overall waiting times for A&E in Scotland have actually decreased between the period 2012 to 2016.0

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

At last....so why ARE more people going to A&E? One thing it is NOT for is so people can score political points on forums or on TV. So....can we evolve this conversation?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"At last....so why ARE more people going to A&E? One thing it is NOT for is so people can score political points on forums or on TV. So....can we evolve this conversation?


people need to be better educated on what A&E stands for and if you have a minor injury there is a minor injuries dept where they can be treated and less pressure on the A&E dept

People seem to think if your ill go to A&E its common sense if you twist your ankle instead of going to A&E go to the minjor injures

Last time i went to A&E it was Sat night and i was seen and treated within a hour and sent home within 2hours

And i notice two women come in one with twisted ankle because she was pished now if she had been better educated on going to right dept for her injury then it would take alot of pressure of the nurses and doctors in A&E

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"At last....so why ARE more people going to A&E? One thing it is NOT for is so people can score political points on forums or on TV. So....can we evolve this conversation?

people need to be better educated on what A&E stands for and if you have a minor injury there is a minor injuries dept where they can be treated and less pressure on the A&E dept

People seem to think if your ill go to A&E its common sense if you twist your ankle instead of going to A&E go to the minjor injures

Last time i went to A&E it was Sat night and i was seen and treated within a hour and sent home within 2hours

And i notice two women come in one with twisted ankle because she was pished now if she had been better educated on going to right dept for her injury then it would take alot of pressure of the nurses and doctors in A&E


You see, when you're not banging the Indy drum, you can actually talk sense m

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Out of interest does anyone have the figures for Englands A&E for the whole of 2017 patients being seen within four hours ?

Just curious to know i see alot of bad mouthing on the Scottish A&E so would be good to see what Englands figures look like

What's England A&E figures got to do with it? And if you really think England's A&E figures are relevant to a discussion on Scotland's A&E why don't you Google and post them yourself?

Claim the fuck doon lol

I was just asking to see Englands figures ? Rattled a few cages have i ? Lol not want people to see Englands poor figures i see ?

This is to prove for everyone bad mouthing our Scottish A&E figures how it compares to Englands A&E figures thats all

Perhaps peoples cages would be more rattled if you actually just gave the figures. However I still don't see how the performance of the NHS in England, whether better or worse than Scotland, in any helps explain away the increase in waiting times in Scotland for the last week of the year for the last two years.

And why do you consider pointing this out to be bad mouthing Scotland's A&E? If I was only interested in bad mouthing Scotland's A&E I wouldn't have pointed out in an earlier post that overall waiting times for A&E in Scotland have actually decreased between the period 2012 to 2016.0"

English AnE figures for same period just released.

Scotland....as stated 78% seen within 4 hours

England.....same period 85% seen within 4 hours.

I make no comment. I will leave it to others!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Out of interest does anyone have the figures for Englands A&E for the whole of 2017 patients being seen within four hours ?

Just curious to know i see alot of bad mouthing on the Scottish A&E so would be good to see what Englands figures look like

What's England A&E figures got to do with it? And if you really think England's A&E figures are relevant to a discussion on Scotland's A&E why don't you Google and post them yourself?

Claim the fuck doon lol

I was just asking to see Englands figures ? Rattled a few cages have i ? Lol not want people to see Englands poor figures i see ?

This is to prove for everyone bad mouthing our Scottish A&E figures how it compares to Englands A&E figures thats all

Perhaps peoples cages would be more rattled if you actually just gave the figures. However I still don't see how the performance of the NHS in England, whether better or worse than Scotland, in any helps explain away the increase in waiting times in Scotland for the last week of the year for the last two years.

And why do you consider pointing this out to be bad mouthing Scotland's A&E? If I was only interested in bad mouthing Scotland's A&E I wouldn't have pointed out in an earlier post that overall waiting times for A&E in Scotland have actually decreased between the period 2012 to 2016.0

English AnE figures for same period just released.

Scotland....as stated 78% seen within 4 hours

England.....same period 85% seen within 4 hours.

I make no comment. I will leave it to others!"

No no lets see the figures for the full year please

To make it clear i aint asking to see Englands A&E for the last week in the year i am asking for the full year

We all can see the flu is have a bad effect on A&E on ever countries A&E right now

So full year figures for Englands A&E ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Just seen something interesting from the BBC case study the anti SNP broken ankle guy

Turns out 'Broken Ankle Man' story. The BBC said He first attended A&E on Boxing Day. Browne himself said he hurt his ankle on Christmas Eve. He waited *two days* before going to A&E with a suspected broken ankle? Nobody's picked up on this bit strange if it was that bad we did he wait ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Nothing strange in waiting.

I had a broken bone in my foot , I think I did it playing football as a teenager I only found out I had broken it when I was in for an x-Ray as an adult and the doctor asked me when I broke my foot as there was nothing in my notes or history about it.

My mate broke two fingers and only asked the doc about it when he was there to ask for a hearing test.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Broken my little finger twice playing volleyball. First time went to walk in clinic. They said it would be permanently deformed as I broke it right on the knuckle. They were right...it was deformed for about a year...until I broke it again.

This time I just wrenched it straight, taped it up for three weeks...it’s as good as new now!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Maybe instead of fighting over figures, someone with some actual knowledge and insight into the situation could suggest WHY EXACTLY the figures are increasing year by year. The suggestion here is that the Scottish government is failing the people- IS it about money/funding?

The Scottish NHS will inherently cost more to run than the others- distances, demographics, smaller hospitals, primary care units and gp practices and A&E services have been centralised I believe. That English hospitals are performing worse is interesting in the political arena but not helpful in progressing the discussion.

That's why Scotland gets more than £10,000 per year per person to provide such services than those in England under the Barnett Formula. However whenever this is mentioned kinky goes crazy and starts accusing people of calling Scotland subsidy junkies, even though they are the only person who I have ever seen use that phrase on here.

Who is they btw ? And if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Oh wait Westminster know an independent Scotland would be weathy stop moaning and do something about it then

I believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ? Or is it your admitting England needs Scotlands money ?"

You are they. Is any of what I have said untrue? Is it more expensive to provide services to more rural communities? Yes. Do you know which state in America has the highest about of spend per head? Alaska.

Does the Barnett Formula give more money to Scotland? Yes.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Maybe instead of fighting over figures, someone with some actual knowledge and insight into the situation could suggest WHY EXACTLY the figures are increasing year by year. The suggestion here is that the Scottish government is failing the people- IS it about money/funding?

The Scottish NHS will inherently cost more to run than the others- distances, demographics, smaller hospitals, primary care units and gp practices and A&E services have been centralised I believe. That English hospitals are performing worse is interesting in the political arena but not helpful in progressing the discussion.

That's why Scotland gets more than £10,000 per year per person to provide such services than those in England under the Barnett Formula. However whenever this is mentioned kinky goes crazy and starts accusing people of calling Scotland subsidy junkies, even though they are the only person who I have ever seen use that phrase on here.

Who is they btw ? And if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Oh wait Westminster know an independent Scotland would be weathy stop moaning and do something about it then

I believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ? Or is it your admitting England needs Scotlands money ?

You are they. Is any of what I have said untrue? Is it more expensive to provide services to more rural communities? Yes. Do you know which state in America has the highest about of spend per head? Alaska.

Does the Barnett Formula give more money to Scotland? Yes."

I see your at it again asking questions withiut answering my questions you want me to answer your questions then answer mine

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Maybe instead of fighting over figures, someone with some actual knowledge and insight into the situation could suggest WHY EXACTLY the figures are increasing year by year. The suggestion here is that the Scottish government is failing the people- IS it about money/funding?

The Scottish NHS will inherently cost more to run than the others- distances, demographics, smaller hospitals, primary care units and gp practices and A&E services have been centralised I believe. That English hospitals are performing worse is interesting in the political arena but not helpful in progressing the discussion.

That's why Scotland gets more than £10,000 per year per person to provide such services than those in England under the Barnett Formula. However whenever this is mentioned kinky goes crazy and starts accusing people of calling Scotland subsidy junkies, even though they are the only person who I have ever seen use that phrase on here.

Who is they btw ? And if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Oh wait Westminster know an independent Scotland would be weathy stop moaning and do something about it then

I believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ? Or is it your admitting England needs Scotlands money ?

You are they. Is any of what I have said untrue? Is it more expensive to provide services to more rural communities? Yes. Do you know which state in America has the highest about of spend per head? Alaska.

Does the Barnett Formula give more money to Scotland? Yes.

I see your at it again asking questions withiut answering my questions you want me to answer your questions then answer mine "

They were rhetorical questions, I answered them for you. There is no question for you to answer.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Ah right well do mind answering my questions CLCC if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Do you believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Oh look at what we have here in this wee link from the BBC will unionists now claim the BBC are lying ? Lmao

Now even with both English and Scottish A&E under more pressure because if the flu Scotland's A&E still performing better


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andACouple
over a year ago


"The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats.

So does that make you a cyber yoon then

I haven't villified any companies or individuals. How big is the cyber nat boycott list now? Are there any companies not on it?

Oh did i hit a nerve there im a nationalist and have not abused any companies or individuals but you still class me as a cybernat just because i support independence seems the cyberyoons like to give it out but cant take it back "


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andACouple
over a year ago


"Seems fair. It is decreasing though, is it not, being in proportion the the amount spent on NHS England. Hence the concern about privatisation in England.

However, it's not helpful as an answer to my question. Is their anyone with constructive answers?"

Spending on the NHS is going up in England, hence the knock on effect of rises in Scotland. Also, privatisation (and we have that in Scotland too) doesn't affect the funding as it is still part of the NHS budget.

As for your earlier question about NHS performance it is mainly down to two things, an ageing population and a lack of funding. To quote the chair of the BMA in Scotland on the subject:

"We need a long term, sustainable plan that closes the growing gap between resources – in particular finances - and the demand for services"

"The BMA believe that multiple targets, an ageing population and the funding gap are creating a vicious circle, stretching the system and the workforce beyond their means"

"That is why there must be action. First and foremost, we need an NHS that is effectively funded to deliver what we ask of it. We need less focus on targets, which can increase pressure on hard pressed teams and a better use of data to measure the overall effectiveness of care. And there must be more and better coordinated action to tackle the growing number of vacancies we see across our workforce. If we don’t take this kind of action, we risk not only another hugely challenging winter period next year, but an NHS simply unable to cope with huge demands being placed on it"

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Ah right well do mind answering my questions CLCC if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Do you believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ? "


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ah right well do mind answering my questions CLCC if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Do you believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ?


No what ?

So you wouldnt want any money raised in England to stay in England ? Jesus christ!!!!

You keep bring it it up how Scotland get more than anyone like your in some huff about tou dont want any money raised in England to stay in England lol teah ok stop bringing it up then if your happy then lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

CLCC you seen this ?


Any comments to make on this link ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Ah right well do mind answering my questions CLCC if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Do you believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ?


No what ?

So you wouldnt want any money raised in England to stay in England ? Jesus christ!!!!

You keep bring it it up how Scotland get more than anyone like your in some huff about tou dont want any money raised in England to stay in England lol teah ok stop bringing it up then if your happy then lol"

You don't know how nations work. If all the money raised in England stayed in England, then how would we pay for defence or DfID, or foreign policy? Should we also have all the money raised in Cambridgeshire, stays in Cambridgeshire? How would we pay for national infrastructure, or the NHS, or any national policy without paying a national body to co-ordinate it? Should Cambridgeshire create it's own welfare system?

But why should my town pay for some other town on the other side of the county? Nah, whats raised in this town, stays in this town. But why should this street subsidise that street over there. No thank you. What's raised in this street, stays in this street. Hang on, why is my house subsiding that house over there? No, I'm keeping my money....

See the fault in your logic? (PS, I don't expect you to answer any of those questions, they were rhetorical.)

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

CLCC am curious do you have any comments to make on this link from the BBC are the BBC in this link ?


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The nationalists do love a witch hunt; companies, individuals, no one is safe from crazy accusations from the cyber nats.

So does that make you a cyber yoon then

I haven't villified any companies or individuals. How big is the cyber nat boycott list now? Are there any companies not on it?

Oh did i hit a nerve there im a nationalist and have not abused any companies or individuals but you still class me as a cybernat just because i support independence seems the cyberyoons like to give it out but cant take it back


The evidence is in your above comment

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Ah right well do mind answering my questions CLCC if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Do you believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ? "

Yes..... I fully supported Scottish Independence. However as I live in England I didn’t get to vote.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ah right well do mind answering my questions CLCC if your really worried than Scotland get more then why keep Scotland in the UK why not let Scotland go and save a shit ton of money that will be spent on England ?

Do you believe any money raised in Scotland should stay in Scotland

And any money raised in England should stay i England seem fair does it not ?

Yes..... I fully supported Scottish Independence. However as I live in England I didn’t get to vote."

Good to hear

While your back and since it your thread have you got any comments to make on this link ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42648951

Do you agree with the link or is the BBC telling lies ? Be interesting to hear from you on this

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

How humiliated was the blessed Nicola today trying to defend the indefensible she looked and sounded so desperate... No one to blame her only defence was "Sorry"...Now sorry is what you say when you bump into someone in the street... Not when an 80yr old man waits 3 hrs for an ambulance then 13hrs on a trolley before being attended to...Better than the rest of the UK...is that what the doctor told that old man ?....Pathetic minister Robinson has to walk she has no other option....The shame she brings to her office should be enough, But then again she is Nicolas friend so she will sail on as the old and needy are left to fend for themselves Shame on anyone trying to defend this record....Any smart ass replies should go Tom Wilson who was the man who endured this debacle .

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"How humiliated was the blessed Nicola today trying to defend the indefensible she looked and sounded so desperate... No one to blame her only defence was "Sorry"...Now sorry is what you say when you bump into someone in the street... Not when an 80yr old man waits 3 hrs for an ambulance then 13hrs on a trolley before being attended to...Better than the rest of the UK...is that what the doctor told that old man ?....Pathetic minister Robinson has to walk she has no other option....The shame she brings to her office should be enough, But then again she is Nicolas friend so she will sail on as the old and needy are left to fend for themselves Shame on anyone trying to defend this record....Any smart ass replies should go Tom Wilson who was the man who endured this debacle . "

Yo Milli what does this link say ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42648951

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Try sending the link to Mr Wilson and his family......I am sure they will take great comfort from it.....Oh do not take it round personally as you will end up in A&E....In need of a colonoscopy i would imagine

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Try sending the link to Mr Wilson and his family......I am sure they will take great comfort from it.....Oh do not take it round personally as you will end up in A&E....In need of a colonoscopy i would imagine "

No no Milli what is your views on the link here it is again ?

What does the link say ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42648951

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No Kinky have the guts to admit they are making a complete mess of the health service,....we could add other departments but hey.....life is short . I pray you or your loved ones is not on a trolley needing medical help and 12 hours later are still there....You would quite rightly find that a disgrace and be embarrassed when you hear the Scottish Govt say "Sorry"......

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"No Kinky have the guts to admit they are making a complete mess of the health service,....we could add other departments but hey.....life is short . I pray you or your loved ones is not on a trolley needing medical help and 12 hours later are still there....You would quite rightly find that a disgrace and be embarrassed when you hear the Scottish Govt say "Sorry"...... "

No no answer my question

I know you dont like it but i wanna hear a unionist say it

What does that BBC link say in its headline ? Whats your views on it ?

I am afraid what we see here is unionists not want to own up and tell everyone that Scottish A&E is far better run in the whole of the UK and even when there is pressure on the Scottish NHS still they manage to outperform the rest of the UK

This is what happens when unionists go tellling lies and bad mouthing Scottish NHS you get found out and exposed

Any wee dirty trick to get your SNP bad shite is be ashame of yourselves for putting our doctors and nurses down like that

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Oh and btw i love how today Corbyn blames the Tories and says they set the funding for Wales

But Corbyn blames the SNP in Scotland yet its the Tories that set funding for Scotland

So let me get this right Labour government in Wales blame the Tories for cuts

But here in Scotland Labour blame the SNP for cuts

Yup thats right Labour are taking you for right mugs

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"No Kinky have the guts to admit they are making a complete mess of the health service,....we could add other departments but hey.....life is short . I pray you or your loved ones is not on a trolley needing medical help and 12 hours later are still there....You would quite rightly find that a disgrace and be embarrassed when you hear the Scottish Govt say "Sorry"...... "

So who in your opinion could do a better job ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"How humiliated was the blessed Nicola today trying to defend the indefensible she looked and sounded so desperate... No one to blame her only defence was "Sorry"...Now sorry is what you say when you bump into someone in the street... Not when an 80yr old man waits 3 hrs for an ambulance then 13hrs on a trolley before being attended to...Better than the rest of the UK...is that what the doctor told that old man ?....Pathetic minister Robinson has to walk she has no other option....The shame she brings to her office should be enough, But then again she is Nicolas friend so she will sail on as the old and needy are left to fend for themselves Shame on anyone trying to defend this record....Any smart ass replies should go Tom Wilson who was the man who endured this debacle . "

Firstly dont know what you were watching she done a great job and answered as honestly as she could and was far from humiliated ,secondly all parts of the nhs in the uk are struggling at the moment i think the are all doing a great job while you and others cant help yourselves trying to point score all because your deep hatered of anything the snp do ,some ppl must lead a sad life

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 11/01/18 22:25:43]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Try sending the link to Mr Wilson and his family......I am sure they will take great comfort from it.....Oh do not take it round personally as you will end up in A&E....In need of a colonoscopy i would imagine

No no Milli what is your views on the link here it is again ?

What does the link say ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42648951"

In a nut shell it says that, whilst the figures for Scotland are still a little better than for England, the figures in England were only slightly worse than last year but the figures for Scotland were a lot worse than last year.

Or, put another way, whilst the Scottish NHS is still performing better than the English NHS it's actually get worse quicker.

I really don't understand why, for you, the most important thing seems to be whether the Scottish NHS is doing better than the English NHS.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"No Kinky have the guts to admit they are making a complete mess of the health service,....we could add other departments but hey.....life is short . I pray you or your loved ones is not on a trolley needing medical help and 12 hours later are still there....You would quite rightly find that a disgrace and be embarrassed when you hear the Scottish Govt say "Sorry"......

So who in your opinion could do a better job ?"

You must be mad a unionist would never tell you who they think would do better cause they know no one could

The best answer you will get is anyone can do better feart to actually name just one because they know the unionists branch offices are piss poor

So you wont get an answer therefore they know deep down the SNP are doing a good job and people trust the SNP

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Try sending the link to Mr Wilson and his family......I am sure they will take great comfort from it.....Oh do not take it round personally as you will end up in A&E....In need of a colonoscopy i would imagine

No no Milli what is your views on the link here it is again ?

What does the link say ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42648951

In a nut shell it says that, whilst the figures for Scotland are still a little better than for England, the figures in England were only slightly worse than last year but the figures for Scotland were a lot worse than last year.

Or, put another way, whilst the Scottish NHS is still performing better than the English NHS it's actually get worse quicker.

I really don't understand why, for you, the most important thing seems to be whether the Scottish NHS is doing better than the English NHS."

Why because i am sick fed up of people bad mouthing our Scottish NHS when you can clearing damn well the Scottish NHS is the best performing in the whole of the UK

Yes both Scottish and English NHS is under pressure right now with people with the flu that has to be took into account and those nurses and doctors should be fucking praised for the work they do instalead of putting them down its sick

Now it clearly shows even under pressure the Scottish NHS is still outperforming the rest of UK

I hope England and Wales catch up and improve but with the Tories and Labour in charge of England and Wales i very much doubt it

So instead of bad mouthing our Scottish NHS get into the Tories and Labour and get them to improve to the English and Welsh NHS thats where people should be worried about when people are dying in trollys

Now i know the Scottish NHS is far from perfect but fact remains its in far best shap then down south and you all know it there is always room for improvment and people in Scotland trust the SNP withe the Scottish NHS you may not like it but the people have spoken respect it

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ammskiMan
over a year ago

lytham st.annes

How many people live in Scotland,how many people live in England ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Try sending the link to Mr Wilson and his family......I am sure they will take great comfort from it.....Oh do not take it round personally as you will end up in A&E....In need of a colonoscopy i would imagine

No no Milli what is your views on the link here it is again ?

What does the link say ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42648951

In a nut shell it says that, whilst the figures for Scotland are still a little better than for England, the figures in England were only slightly worse than last year but the figures for Scotland were a lot worse than last year.

Or, put another way, whilst the Scottish NHS is still performing better than the English NHS it's actually get worse quicker.

I really don't understand why, for you, the most important thing seems to be whether the Scottish NHS is doing better than the English NHS.

Why because i am sick fed up of people bad mouthing our Scottish NHS when you can clearing damn well the Scottish NHS is the best performing in the whole of the UK

Yes both Scottish and English NHS is under pressure right now with people with the flu that has to be took into account and those nurses and doctors should be fucking praised for the work they do instalead of putting them down its sick

Now it clearly shows even under pressure the Scottish NHS is still outperforming the rest of UK

I hope England and Wales catch up and improve but with the Tories and Labour in charge of England and Wales i very much doubt it

So instead of bad mouthing our Scottish NHS get into the Tories and Labour and get them to improve to the English and Welsh NHS thats where people should be worried about when people are dying in trollys

Now i know the Scottish NHS is far from perfect but fact remains its in far best shap then down south and you all know it there is always room for improvment and people in Scotland trust the SNP withe the Scottish NHS you may not like it but the people have spoken respect it "

We give Scotland an extra £10,000 for every man, woman and child, and they still can't meet the targets.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"How many people live in Scotland,how many people live in England ?"

Yup was waiting on someone putting up the population

What so all 5+ million Scottish people visit the NHS now ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Try sending the link to Mr Wilson and his family......I am sure they will take great comfort from it.....Oh do not take it round personally as you will end up in A&E....In need of a colonoscopy i would imagine

No no Milli what is your views on the link here it is again ?

What does the link say ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42648951

In a nut shell it says that, whilst the figures for Scotland are still a little better than for England, the figures in England were only slightly worse than last year but the figures for Scotland were a lot worse than last year.

Or, put another way, whilst the Scottish NHS is still performing better than the English NHS it's actually get worse quicker.

I really don't understand why, for you, the most important thing seems to be whether the Scottish NHS is doing better than the English NHS.

Why because i am sick fed up of people bad mouthing our Scottish NHS when you can clearing damn well the Scottish NHS is the best performing in the whole of the UK

Yes both Scottish and English NHS is under pressure right now with people with the flu that has to be took into account and those nurses and doctors should be fucking praised for the work they do instalead of putting them down its sick

Now it clearly shows even under pressure the Scottish NHS is still outperforming the rest of UK

I hope England and Wales catch up and improve but with the Tories and Labour in charge of England and Wales i very much doubt it

So instead of bad mouthing our Scottish NHS get into the Tories and Labour and get them to improve to the English and Welsh NHS thats where people should be worried about when people are dying in trollys

Now i know the Scottish NHS is far from perfect but fact remains its in far best shap then down south and you all know it there is always room for improvment and people in Scotland trust the SNP withe the Scottish NHS you may not like it but the people have spoken respect it

We give Scotland an extra £10,000 for every man, woman and child, and they still can't meet the targets. "

Coning again with that shite

If you believe Scotland get the best deal and more money per person in the UK then why not get Scotland iut the UK and save a ton of money then ?

Oh wait yet again the answer is Westminster know they need Scotlands money

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Btw CLCC who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not? "

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?"

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????"

Ah right so its the UK government

So CLCC are you somehow trying to claim Scotland doesnt send any money raised in Scotland to the UK treasury now ?

Do us Scots just leech of the rest of the UK ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????

Ah right so its the UK government

So CLCC are you somehow trying to claim Scotland doesnt send any money raised in Scotland to the UK treasury now ?

Do us Scots just leech of the rest of the UK ? "

I'm saying more is spend on the people of Scotland than the people of England. True or false?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????

Ah right so its the UK government

So CLCC are you somehow trying to claim Scotland doesnt send any money raised in Scotland to the UK treasury now ?

Do us Scots just leech of the rest of the UK ?

I'm saying more is spend on the people of Scotland than the people of England. True or false?"


Now your at again so this really must bug you then that you believe Scotland gets more spend on the people than in England as you keep bringing it up like it really bothers you like it comes across like you believe its unfair then why not let Scotland go and then England save a shit ton of money ?

Scotland outs its fair share into the UK

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????

Ah right so its the UK government

So CLCC are you somehow trying to claim Scotland doesnt send any money raised in Scotland to the UK treasury now ?

Do us Scots just leech of the rest of the UK ?

I'm saying more is spend on the people of Scotland than the people of England. True or false?


Now your at again so this really must bug you then that you believe Scotland gets more spend on the people than in England as you keep bringing it up like it really bothers you like it comes across like you believe its unfair then why not let Scotland go and then England save a shit ton of money ?

Scotland outs its fair share into the UK



 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 12/01/18 00:10:07]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????

Ah right so its the UK government

So CLCC are you somehow trying to claim Scotland doesnt send any money raised in Scotland to the UK treasury now ?

Do us Scots just leech of the rest of the UK ?

I'm saying more is spend on the people of Scotland than the people of England. True or false?


Now your at again so this really must bug you then that you believe Scotland gets more spend on the people than in England as you keep bringing it up like it really bothers you like it comes across like you believe its unfair then why not let Scotland go and then England save a shit ton of money ?

Scotland outs its fair share into the UK

Liar "


So CLCC does it bug the shit ir something ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nleashedCrakenMan
over a year ago


"Try sending the link to Mr Wilson and his family......I am sure they will take great comfort from it.....Oh do not take it round personally as you will end up in A&E....In need of a colonoscopy i would imagine

No no Milli what is your views on the link here it is again ?

What does the link say ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-42648951

In a nut shell it says that, whilst the figures for Scotland are still a little better than for England, the figures in England were only slightly worse than last year but the figures for Scotland were a lot worse than last year.

Or, put another way, whilst the Scottish NHS is still performing better than the English NHS it's actually get worse quicker.

I really don't understand why, for you, the most important thing seems to be whether the Scottish NHS is doing better than the English NHS.

Why because i am sick fed up of people bad mouthing our Scottish NHS when you can clearing damn well the Scottish NHS is the best performing in the whole of the UK

Yes both Scottish and English NHS is under pressure right now with people with the flu that has to be took into account and those nurses and doctors should be fucking praised for the work they do instalead of putting them down its sick

Now it clearly shows even under pressure the Scottish NHS is still outperforming the rest of UK

I hope England and Wales catch up and improve but with the Tories and Labour in charge of England and Wales i very much doubt it

So instead of bad mouthing our Scottish NHS get into the Tories and Labour and get them to improve to the English and Welsh NHS thats where people should be worried about when people are dying in trollys

Now i know the Scottish NHS is far from perfect but fact remains its in far best shap then down south and you all know it there is always room for improvment and people in Scotland trust the SNP withe the Scottish NHS you may not like it but the people have spoken respect it "

No one on this thread has at any time even suggested that the problems in the NHS anywhere in the UK is the fault of the doctors or nurses, neither has anyone said anything that could in anyway be considered as putting them down. Neither is pointing out a potentially increasing problem with waiting lists in the Scottish NHS and wondering what might be the cause bad mouthing it. Are you trying to say that no one should be aloud to criticise the health services in Scotland?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????

Ah right so its the UK government

So CLCC are you somehow trying to claim Scotland doesnt send any money raised in Scotland to the UK treasury now ?

Do us Scots just leech of the rest of the UK ?

I'm saying more is spend on the people of Scotland than the people of England. True or false?


Now your at again so this really must bug you then that you believe Scotland gets more spend on the people than in England as you keep bringing it up like it really bothers you like it comes across like you believe its unfair then why not let Scotland go and then England save a shit ton of money ?

Scotland outs its fair share into the UK



So CLCC does it bug the shit ir something ? "

You are either deliberately lying, or completely ignorant of a major part of British, and especially Scottish politics to say that you don't know what the Barnett Formula is.

So which is it, are you lying or ignorant?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????

Ah right so its the UK government

So CLCC are you somehow trying to claim Scotland doesnt send any money raised in Scotland to the UK treasury now ?

Do us Scots just leech of the rest of the UK ?

I'm saying more is spend on the people of Scotland than the people of England. True or false?


Now your at again so this really must bug you then that you believe Scotland gets more spend on the people than in England as you keep bringing it up like it really bothers you like it comes across like you believe its unfair then why not let Scotland go and then England save a shit ton of money ?

Scotland outs its fair share into the UK



So CLCC does it bug the shit ir something ?

You are either deliberately lying, or completely ignorant of a major part of British, and especially Scottish politics to say that you don't know what the Barnett Formula is.

So which is it, are you lying or ignorant?"

CLCC does it bug the shit out of that you believe Scotland get more spent on us than England ?

Thats the way its coming across

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????

Ah right so its the UK government

So CLCC are you somehow trying to claim Scotland doesnt send any money raised in Scotland to the UK treasury now ?

Do us Scots just leech of the rest of the UK ?

I'm saying more is spend on the people of Scotland than the people of England. True or false?


Now your at again so this really must bug you then that you believe Scotland gets more spend on the people than in England as you keep bringing it up like it really bothers you like it comes across like you believe its unfair then why not let Scotland go and then England save a shit ton of money ?

Scotland outs its fair share into the UK



So CLCC does it bug the shit ir something ?

You are either deliberately lying, or completely ignorant of a major part of British, and especially Scottish politics to say that you don't know what the Barnett Formula is.

So which is it, are you lying or ignorant?

CLCC does it bug the shit out of that you believe Scotland get more spent on us than England ?

Thats the way its coming across "

I just think it's hilarious how ignorant and uninformed you are.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *inkyHnSCouple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Is it shit? Does Scotland get more money under the Barnett Formula or not?

Your at it again

Who is "we" when you say we give Scotland ?

The UK government. Who the fuck do you think raises taxes and spends them?????

Ah right so its the UK government

So CLCC are you somehow trying to claim Scotland doesnt send any money raised in Scotland to the UK treasury now ?

Do us Scots just leech of the rest of the UK ?

I'm saying more is spend on the people of Scotland than the people of England. True or false?


Now your at again so this really must bug you then that you believe Scotland gets more spend on the people than in England as you keep bringing it up like it really bothers you like it comes across like you believe its unfair then why not let Scotland go and then England save a shit ton of money ?

Scotland outs its fair share into the UK



So CLCC does it bug the shit ir something ?

You are either deliberately lying, or completely ignorant of a major part of British, and especially Scottish politics to say that you don't know what the Barnett Formula is.

So which is it, are you lying or ignorant?

CLCC does it bug the shit out of that you believe Scotland get more spent on us than England ?

Thats the way its coming across

I just think it's hilarious how ignorant and uninformed you are. "

CLCC does it bug the shit out of you that you claim Scotland get more spend on us than England ? Why are you so hot and bothered about this ?

It really does cone across like your pissed off that Scotland get more money thats what you believe

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


Go and look up Barnett Formula and tell us all what it say. You can use google, a text book, a political dictionary, ask most adults in the UK. They will be able to fill you in. I hope your sense of self won't be too crushed by what you discover.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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