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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Spanish Electoral Commission prohibits international observers in the Catalan elections

Kinda sounds like Spains government are trying to rig an election so no one will see a Free and clear election.

Also Today the UK Prime Minister met with a man who ordered riot police to beat voters and has jailed the democratically elected Catalan government yet not a peep from the media or even public

But when its Trump yup that has the be headline news shows how much people care about Catalan people.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Oh i forgot about the fact that Spain's electoral authority banned the colour yellow

Democracy ? Dont make me laugh!!!

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By *ercuryMan
over a year ago


"Oh i forgot about the fact that Spain's electoral authority banned the colour yellow

Democracy ? Dont make me laugh!!!"

Again, only the part of the story, ignoring the full facts.

Council and municipal fountains have been bathed in yellow light, to show solidarity with the Independence movement. This lighting was planned to be extended to lighting up council and municipal buildings.

This transgressed the notion that public buildings etc should be neutral during periods of elections.

Yellow has not been banned in totality, just on the public buildings.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

[Removed by poster at 06/12/17 16:24:49]

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Next you will be telling me Blue and white colours should be banned from public buildings and bridges in Scotland incase its it stokes up the independence movement in Scotland lol

So what if they put a damn colour on buildings

That as mad as the shite here in Scotland with the Rangers / Sevco and Celtic pish about if you where the colour blue or green that means you support that club get to fuck with that piss!! lol

Dont say that shit does not happen as alittle town in Scotland the mad lot tried to smash out the green lights out on traffic lights and the council had to actually put bars up to stop that from happen all because of a damn colour

I suppose you didnt see the women getting stopped because they had yellow scarfs on ?

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By *ercuryMan
over a year ago


You really don't understand, do you?

Next Scottish Referendum, every town hall and Goverment building will be lit up with a cross of St George and bathed in glorious red and white.

Take it you wouldn't mind that? After all, they are only colours.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"You really don't understand, do you?

Next Scottish Referendum, every town hall and Goverment building will be lit up with a cross of St George and bathed in glorious red and white.

Take it you wouldn't mind that? After all, they are only colours.


I couldnt give a damn what colours go up to be honest it wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

It could be purple red orange i couldnt give a flying fuck its a damn colour

So if i was to go out wearing a red jump does that then mean i suppose Labour ? Thats how fucking mad that shit is

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"You really don't understand, do you?

Next Scottish Referendum, every town hall and Goverment building will be lit up with a cross of St George and bathed in glorious red and white.

Take it you wouldn't mind that? After all, they are only colours.

I couldnt give a damn what colours go up to be honest it wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

It could be purple red orange i couldnt give a flying fuck its a damn colour

So if i was to go out wearing a red jump does that then mean i suppose Labour ? Thats how fucking mad that shit is


So you agree that banning the colour yellow wont make the slightest bit of difference then!

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"You really don't understand, do you?

Next Scottish Referendum, every town hall and Goverment building will be lit up with a cross of St George and bathed in glorious red and white.

Take it you wouldn't mind that? After all, they are only colours.

I couldnt give a damn what colours go up to be honest it wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

It could be purple red orange i couldnt give a flying fuck its a damn colour

So if i was to go out wearing a red jump does that then mean i suppose Labour ? Thats how fucking mad that shit is

So you agree that banning the colour yellow wont make the slightest bit of difference then! "

Why ban though ? Its only a colour right ?

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"You really don't understand, do you?

Next Scottish Referendum, every town hall and Goverment building will be lit up with a cross of St George and bathed in glorious red and white.

Take it you wouldn't mind that? After all, they are only colours.

I couldnt give a damn what colours go up to be honest it wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

It could be purple red orange i couldnt give a flying fuck its a damn colour

So if i was to go out wearing a red jump does that then mean i suppose Labour ? Thats how fucking mad that shit is

So you agree that banning the colour yellow wont make the slightest bit of difference then!

Why ban though ? Its only a colour right ? "

Ceci n'est pas une pipe.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Come on if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

Spain seem as mad as the Rangers and Celtic mob. Oh you have a green/blue jumper you support Celtic and Rangers

Oh look your hair is green that must mean you support Celtic lol

So fucking what a yellow colour goes up on a public buliding oh fuck no thats not allowed

So if it was green then thats ok thats allowed

Fucking madness!!!

I couldnt give a shit what colour goes up on any public building end of the day wouldnt stop me voting for independence

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Come on if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

Spain seem as mad as the Rangers and Celtic mob. Oh you have a green/blue jumper you support Celtic and Rangers

Oh look your hair is green that must mean you support Celtic lol

So fucking what a yellow colour goes up on a public buliding oh fuck no thats not allowed

So if it was green then thats ok thats allowed

Fucking madness!!!

I couldnt give a shit what colour goes up on any public building end of the day wouldnt stop me voting for independence "

How about NI and the colour orange. Does that cause any problems, or is a colour just a colour?

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Come on if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

Spain seem as mad as the Rangers and Celtic mob. Oh you have a green/blue jumper you support Celtic and Rangers

Oh look your hair is green that must mean you support Celtic lol

So fucking what a yellow colour goes up on a public buliding oh fuck no thats not allowed

So if it was green then thats ok thats allowed

Fucking madness!!!

I couldnt give a shit what colour goes up on any public building end of the day wouldnt stop me voting for independence

How about NI and the colour orange. Does that cause any problems, or is a colour just a colour?"

CLCC if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Come on if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

Spain seem as mad as the Rangers and Celtic mob. Oh you have a green/blue jumper you support Celtic and Rangers

Oh look your hair is green that must mean you support Celtic lol

So fucking what a yellow colour goes up on a public buliding oh fuck no thats not allowed

So if it was green then thats ok thats allowed

Fucking madness!!!

I couldnt give a shit what colour goes up on any public building end of the day wouldnt stop me voting for independence

How about NI and the colour orange. Does that cause any problems, or is a colour just a colour?

CLCC if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?"

You tell them that in NI

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Come on if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

Spain seem as mad as the Rangers and Celtic mob. Oh you have a green/blue jumper you support Celtic and Rangers

Oh look your hair is green that must mean you support Celtic lol

So fucking what a yellow colour goes up on a public buliding oh fuck no thats not allowed

So if it was green then thats ok thats allowed

Fucking madness!!!

I couldnt give a shit what colour goes up on any public building end of the day wouldnt stop me voting for independence

How about NI and the colour orange. Does that cause any problems, or is a colour just a colour?

CLCC if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

You tell them that in NI "

So CLCC do you agree then putting a colour on a public building shouldnt matter ?

Why ban a colour ? Madness

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Come on if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

Spain seem as mad as the Rangers and Celtic mob. Oh you have a green/blue jumper you support Celtic and Rangers

Oh look your hair is green that must mean you support Celtic lol

So fucking what a yellow colour goes up on a public buliding oh fuck no thats not allowed

So if it was green then thats ok thats allowed

Fucking madness!!!

I couldnt give a shit what colour goes up on any public building end of the day wouldnt stop me voting for independence

How about NI and the colour orange. Does that cause any problems, or is a colour just a colour?

CLCC if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

You tell them that in NI

So CLCC do you agree then putting a colour on a public building shouldnt matter ?

Why ban a colour ? Madness "

No, I don't agree. Symbols are incredibly powerful and emotive to a lot of people. I think its madness that you don't understand that. Go to America and stamp on the flag, or refuse to stand during the national anthem. Go to NI dressed head to toe in orange during marching season. Go to Thailand and shoot your mouth off about the King. You'll soon see the importance of symbols.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Come on if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

Spain seem as mad as the Rangers and Celtic mob. Oh you have a green/blue jumper you support Celtic and Rangers

Oh look your hair is green that must mean you support Celtic lol

So fucking what a yellow colour goes up on a public buliding oh fuck no thats not allowed

So if it was green then thats ok thats allowed

Fucking madness!!!

I couldnt give a shit what colour goes up on any public building end of the day wouldnt stop me voting for independence

How about NI and the colour orange. Does that cause any problems, or is a colour just a colour?

CLCC if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

You tell them that in NI

So CLCC do you agree then putting a colour on a public building shouldnt matter ?

Why ban a colour ? Madness

No, I don't agree. Symbols are incredibly powerful and emotive to a lot of people. I think its madness that you don't understand that. Go to America and stamp on the flag, or refuse to stand during the national anthem. Go to NI dressed head to toe in orange during marching season. Go to Thailand and shoot your mouth off about the King. You'll soon see the importance of symbols. "

So the colour yellow is a Symbol and incredibly powerful and emotive to a lot of people and it should be banned from going up on public buildings ? Do you hear yourself lol

So if the colour was purple or green or blue on public buildings in Catalan would they be ok its just the colour yellow you have a problem with ? Lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I agree.This archaic tribal symbolism sucks. I'll wear whatever colour I want .Fuck pandering to the lowest.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The colour in questions shows support for a particular political position.

Public buildings should be neutral during elections.

Therefore, public building cannot be lit up as described, as they would not be neutral.

It's simple, obvious and pretending otherwise is just being willfully ignorant.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

[Removed by poster at 06/12/17 20:47:55]

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?

Breaking new not one damn colour is owned by any political position

They can choose what colour they want but none own it i dont see people copyrighting colours

World went mental that people think its ok to ban colours

Who the hell cares what colour they light up a building get a grip

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"The colour in questions shows support for a particular political position.

Public buildings should be neutral during elections.

Therefore, public building cannot be lit up as described, as they would not be neutral.

It's simple, obvious and pretending otherwise is just being willfully ignorant."

Yup, willfully ignorant.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The the fountains that were lit up in yellow were in solidarity for the political prisoners.However I do understand that the ignorant authoritarians amongst us might of overlooked this in their lust for the rule of law.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

CLCC do you think blue, green , red , brown , orange , pink , purple should also be banned from going up on public buildings too ?

Or is it just yellow you have a problem with ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?


In this case it is the colour yellow, but in the interests if being impartial any kind of political symbolism should be removed.

Your entire complaint is built on the premise that "it wouldn't bother me, therefore why should it bother anyone", alternating with "this political gesture has no political meaning".

It shouldn't take a lot of introspection to figure out why both of those are wrong.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?

In this case it is the colour yellow, but in the interests if being impartial any kind of political symbolism should be removed.

Your entire complaint is built on the premise that "it wouldn't bother me, therefore why should it bother anyone", alternating with "this political gesture has no political meaning".

It shouldn't take a lot of introspection to figure out why both of those are wrong."

It would appear some people have a real problem with the colour yellow. God what must the colour have done to them in there lifes to be so angry for it to go up on public buildings lol

Again no colour is owned by a political party yes they can choose to a colour but they dont own the damn colour it aint copyrighted to them and them only lol

If it really bothers people that much they need help its only a colour

God i really thought that only some Rangers and Celtic fans were like this where they think they own the damn colour but no no seems am wrong on this and there is alot more people out there that have it out for certain colours scary stuff the world have gone mad!!

I know someone asked me above but i will say it again when the next independence referendum comes they could put the English flag on every damn public building in Scotland and it still would not piss me off and it still wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


It's not the colour, it's what it represents. You know it, stop pretending that it's too complicated for you to grasp.

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By *oubepoMan
over a year ago

Spain Portugal France

Worldwide - yellow ribbons generally represent support for political prisoners POW's, or the oppressed, it represents freedom - it's no different in Catalunya

Spanish authorities banning yellow from public places, only helps galvanise more support for the separatist movement

Yet another counterproductive move - which will have separatist leaders rubbing their hands together

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?

In this case it is the colour yellow, but in the interests if being impartial any kind of political symbolism should be removed.

Your entire complaint is built on the premise that "it wouldn't bother me, therefore why should it bother anyone", alternating with "this political gesture has no political meaning".

It shouldn't take a lot of introspection to figure out why both of those are wrong.

It would appear some people have a real problem with the colour yellow. God what must the colour have done to them in there lifes to be so angry for it to go up on public buildings lol

Again no colour is owned by a political party yes they can choose to a colour but they dont own the damn colour it aint copyrighted to them and them only lol

If it really bothers people that much they need help its only a colour

God i really thought that only some Rangers and Celtic fans were like this where they think they own the damn colour but no no seems am wrong on this and there is alot more people out there that have it out for certain colours scary stuff the world have gone mad!!

I know someone asked me above but i will say it again when the next independence referendum comes they could put the English flag on every damn public building in Scotland and it still would not piss me off and it still wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol"

Political parties and movements certainly use colours as part of their symbolism, pretending otherwise is just being ignorant.

For example - Labour is red, Tory's use blue, lib dems are yellow, and in Norn Iron Orange and Green are very much political colours.

So, seeing as colours can and do represent political parties, movements and using those colours is an act of support, your continued act of using the pretence of ignorance to launch an argument based on incredulity is getting rather tiresome.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?

In this case it is the colour yellow, but in the interests if being impartial any kind of political symbolism should be removed.

Your entire complaint is built on the premise that "it wouldn't bother me, therefore why should it bother anyone", alternating with "this political gesture has no political meaning".

It shouldn't take a lot of introspection to figure out why both of those are wrong.

It would appear some people have a real problem with the colour yellow. God what must the colour have done to them in there lifes to be so angry for it to go up on public buildings lol

Again no colour is owned by a political party yes they can choose to a colour but they dont own the damn colour it aint copyrighted to them and them only lol

If it really bothers people that much they need help its only a colour

God i really thought that only some Rangers and Celtic fans were like this where they think they own the damn colour but no no seems am wrong on this and there is alot more people out there that have it out for certain colours scary stuff the world have gone mad!!

I know someone asked me above but i will say it again when the next independence referendum comes they could put the English flag on every damn public building in Scotland and it still would not piss me off and it still wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

Political parties and movements certainly use colours as part of their symbolism, pretending otherwise is just being ignorant.

For example - Labour is red, Tory's use blue, lib dems are yellow, and in Norn Iron Orange and Green are very much political colours.

So, seeing as colours can and do represent political parties, movements and using those colours is an act of support, your continued act of using the pretence of ignorance to launch an argument based on incredulity is getting rather tiresome.


No party owns a colour how hard is that to understand lol

Since its coming up for Xmas and Santa has a red suit does that mean Santa or Coke cola own the colour red ? Lol

So because its coming up for Xmas red should be banned from going up on public buildings ? Lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?

In this case it is the colour yellow, but in the interests if being impartial any kind of political symbolism should be removed.

Your entire complaint is built on the premise that "it wouldn't bother me, therefore why should it bother anyone", alternating with "this political gesture has no political meaning".

It shouldn't take a lot of introspection to figure out why both of those are wrong.

It would appear some people have a real problem with the colour yellow. God what must the colour have done to them in there lifes to be so angry for it to go up on public buildings lol

Again no colour is owned by a political party yes they can choose to a colour but they dont own the damn colour it aint copyrighted to them and them only lol

If it really bothers people that much they need help its only a colour

God i really thought that only some Rangers and Celtic fans were like this where they think they own the damn colour but no no seems am wrong on this and there is alot more people out there that have it out for certain colours scary stuff the world have gone mad!!

I know someone asked me above but i will say it again when the next independence referendum comes they could put the English flag on every damn public building in Scotland and it still would not piss me off and it still wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

Political parties and movements certainly use colours as part of their symbolism, pretending otherwise is just being ignorant.

For example - Labour is red, Tory's use blue, lib dems are yellow, and in Norn Iron Orange and Green are very much political colours.

So, seeing as colours can and do represent political parties, movements and using those colours is an act of support, your continued act of using the pretence of ignorance to launch an argument based on incredulity is getting rather tiresome.

No party owns a colour how hard is that to understand lol

Since its coming up for Xmas and Santa has a red suit does that mean Santa or Coke cola own the colour red ? Lol

So because its coming up for Xmas red should be banned from going up on public buildings ? Lol"

It's "hard to understand" because it's not true.

Indeed the fact that you correctly identify red as a Christmas colour does demonstrate the point that colours do have a symbolic value.

And unless Christmas has suddenly become a political issue for voting in Catalan, I don't see the relevance of your last question.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?

In this case it is the colour yellow, but in the interests if being impartial any kind of political symbolism should be removed.

Your entire complaint is built on the premise that "it wouldn't bother me, therefore why should it bother anyone", alternating with "this political gesture has no political meaning".

It shouldn't take a lot of introspection to figure out why both of those are wrong.

It would appear some people have a real problem with the colour yellow. God what must the colour have done to them in there lifes to be so angry for it to go up on public buildings lol

Again no colour is owned by a political party yes they can choose to a colour but they dont own the damn colour it aint copyrighted to them and them only lol

If it really bothers people that much they need help its only a colour

God i really thought that only some Rangers and Celtic fans were like this where they think they own the damn colour but no no seems am wrong on this and there is alot more people out there that have it out for certain colours scary stuff the world have gone mad!!

I know someone asked me above but i will say it again when the next independence referendum comes they could put the English flag on every damn public building in Scotland and it still would not piss me off and it still wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

Political parties and movements certainly use colours as part of their symbolism, pretending otherwise is just being ignorant.

For example - Labour is red, Tory's use blue, lib dems are yellow, and in Norn Iron Orange and Green are very much political colours.

So, seeing as colours can and do represent political parties, movements and using those colours is an act of support, your continued act of using the pretence of ignorance to launch an argument based on incredulity is getting rather tiresome.

No party owns a colour how hard is that to understand lol

Since its coming up for Xmas and Santa has a red suit does that mean Santa or Coke cola own the colour red ? Lol

So because its coming up for Xmas red should be banned from going up on public buildings ? Lol

It's "hard to understand" because it's not true.

Indeed the fact that you correctly identify red as a Christmas colour does demonstrate the point that colours do have a symbolic value.

And unless Christmas has suddenly become a political issue for voting in Catalan, I don't see the relevance of your last question."

Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me Labour own the colour red the Tories own the colour blue the LibDems own the colour Yellow the SNP own the colour yellow the Greens own the colour green UKIP own the colour purple ?

Yes really the world has gone mad whoever believes that shite!!

So for example are you telling me i cant wear the colour red because Labour own that colour lmao

This has to be a wind up you cant be fucking serious ? Really this has to be a wind up tell me your not serious ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?

In this case it is the colour yellow, but in the interests if being impartial any kind of political symbolism should be removed.

Your entire complaint is built on the premise that "it wouldn't bother me, therefore why should it bother anyone", alternating with "this political gesture has no political meaning".

It shouldn't take a lot of introspection to figure out why both of those are wrong.

It would appear some people have a real problem with the colour yellow. God what must the colour have done to them in there lifes to be so angry for it to go up on public buildings lol

Again no colour is owned by a political party yes they can choose to a colour but they dont own the damn colour it aint copyrighted to them and them only lol

If it really bothers people that much they need help its only a colour

God i really thought that only some Rangers and Celtic fans were like this where they think they own the damn colour but no no seems am wrong on this and there is alot more people out there that have it out for certain colours scary stuff the world have gone mad!!

I know someone asked me above but i will say it again when the next independence referendum comes they could put the English flag on every damn public building in Scotland and it still would not piss me off and it still wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

Political parties and movements certainly use colours as part of their symbolism, pretending otherwise is just being ignorant.

For example - Labour is red, Tory's use blue, lib dems are yellow, and in Norn Iron Orange and Green are very much political colours.

So, seeing as colours can and do represent political parties, movements and using those colours is an act of support, your continued act of using the pretence of ignorance to launch an argument based on incredulity is getting rather tiresome.

No party owns a colour how hard is that to understand lol

Since its coming up for Xmas and Santa has a red suit does that mean Santa or Coke cola own the colour red ? Lol

So because its coming up for Xmas red should be banned from going up on public buildings ? Lol

It's "hard to understand" because it's not true.

Indeed the fact that you correctly identify red as a Christmas colour does demonstrate the point that colours do have a symbolic value.

And unless Christmas has suddenly become a political issue for voting in Catalan, I don't see the relevance of your last question.

Are you seriously going to sit there and tell me Labour own the colour red the Tories own the colour blue the LibDems own the colour Yellow the SNP own the colour yellow the Greens own the colour green UKIP own the colour purple ?

Yes really the world has gone mad whoever believes that shite!!

So for example are you telling me i cant wear the colour red because Labour own that colour lmao

This has to be a wind up you cant be fucking serious ? Really this has to be a wind up tell me your not serious ? "

Nobody has ever claimed anyone owns a colour. That's something you've made up so as to have something you can argue against. It's frankly embarrassing to watch.

What people have been explaining to you, with far more patience that you deserve, is that colours can have political significance, and in this case yellow is one such colour.

And if a public building is supposed to be neutral during elections, then it follows that it cannot fly that colour during that time.

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By *or Fox SakeCouple
over a year ago


"Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?

In this case it is the colour yellow, but in the interests if being impartial any kind of political symbolism should be removed.

Your entire complaint is built on the premise that "it wouldn't bother me, therefore why should it bother anyone", alternating with "this political gesture has no political meaning".

It shouldn't take a lot of introspection to figure out why both of those are wrong.

It would appear some people have a real problem with the colour yellow. God what must the colour have done to them in there lifes to be so angry for it to go up on public buildings lol

Again no colour is owned by a political party yes they can choose to a colour but they dont own the damn colour it aint copyrighted to them and them only lol

If it really bothers people that much they need help its only a colour

God i really thought that only some Rangers and Celtic fans were like this where they think they own the damn colour but no no seems am wrong on this and there is alot more people out there that have it out for certain colours scary stuff the world have gone mad!!

I know someone asked me above but i will say it again when the next independence referendum comes they could put the English flag on every damn public building in Scotland and it still would not piss me off and it still wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol"

A fan of wee nippy, there manufacturing a grievance.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

God i have never known so much people to be uptight about a damn colour getting lit up on public buildings

So damn well what if the colour yellow is on a public building god you would think the world just fucking ended by the amount of people pissed off and want it banned lol something way wrong in your life if that kinda shit annoys you

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Year 2017. In Spain, a European member state, people cannot move freely across a city if they wear yellow scarfs in support of Catalan political prisoners. Utterly shameful.

If i remember rightly didnt England banned the wearing of tartan in Scotland?

Whatever your views we should always have the right to peaceful protest and I cant think of a more peaceful protest than wearing a scarf after all its winter

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By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


"If i remember rightly didnt England banned the wearing of tartan in Scotland?"


Was it during your lifetime?

Its all a Victorian invention credited to Sir Walter Scott anyway.

Meanwhile, back in the 21st century!

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

""If i remember rightly didnt England banned the wearing of tartan in Scotland?"


Was it during your lifetime?

Its all a Victorian invention credited to Sir Walter Scott anyway.

Meanwhile, back in the 21st century!


I am right tho arent i ? Does it matter when it happened ? I would never imagine of banning Fish and chips lol

Oh and before someone has a go thats good old banter

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By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


"I am right tho arent i ?"


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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? "

England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland "

That is true, but we soon corrected your error of your English ways


and remember we still wear our "Dirk" with pride just incase some scumbag makes a comment when we are in full highland dress

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

That is true, but we soon corrected your error of your English ways


and remember we still wear our "Dirk" with pride just incase some scumbag makes a comment when we are in full highland dress"

Yes, you proud Scottish men fought for your right to wear skirts

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland "

No, it didn't.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't. "

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol "

And which England only body passed that law? Remember, you are being very specific that ENGLAND banned it, so you have to name an institution that is purely English for that to be correct.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

And which England only body passed that law? Remember, you are being very specific that ENGLAND banned it, so you have to name an institution that is purely English for that to be correct. "

Oh god didnt like that did you ?

So what was that you said '' no they didnt''

Yeah well i think you will find they did for someone that believes in the UK union but didnt know that wee fact ouch lol

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

And which England only body passed that law? Remember, you are being very specific that ENGLAND banned it, so you have to name an institution that is purely English for that to be correct.

Oh god didnt like that did you ?

So what was that you said '' no they didnt''

Yeah well i think you will find they did for someone that believes in the UK union but didnt know that wee fact ouch lol


Ok, so in which English only institution did ENGLAND ban tartan?

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

And which England only body passed that law? Remember, you are being very specific that ENGLAND banned it, so you have to name an institution that is purely English for that to be correct.

Oh god didnt like that did you ?

So what was that you said '' no they didnt''

Yeah well i think you will find they did for someone that believes in the UK union but didnt know that wee fact ouch lol

Ok, so in which English only institution did ENGLAND ban tartan? "

Just to be clear on this CLCC are you saying tartan and kilts were not banned in Scotland ?

That is piss poor if you didnt know tartan and kilts were banned

Remember Scotland back in those days didnt have a parilament so which country parilament banned it ? Oh dont say the UK dont be that guy that calls the UK a country its a union

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

And which England only body passed that law? Remember, you are being very specific that ENGLAND banned it, so you have to name an institution that is purely English for that to be correct.

Oh god didnt like that did you ?

So what was that you said '' no they didnt''

Yeah well i think you will find they did for someone that believes in the UK union but didnt know that wee fact ouch lol

Ok, so in which English only institution did ENGLAND ban tartan?

Just to be clear on this CLCC are you saying tartan and kilts were not banned in Scotland ?

That is piss poor if you didnt know tartan and kilts were banned

Remember Scotland back in those days didnt have a parilament so which country parilament banned it ? Oh dont say the UK dont be that guy that calls the UK a country its a union "

No, I'm saying ENGLAND and the ENGLISH didn't ban it. So in which ENGLISH only institution banned it like you said?

Admit you got it wrong and it wasn't the ENGLISH who did it. Or admit that you are totally blinded by your hatred of everything South of the border.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

And which England only body passed that law? Remember, you are being very specific that ENGLAND banned it, so you have to name an institution that is purely English for that to be correct.

Oh god didnt like that did you ?

So what was that you said '' no they didnt''

Yeah well i think you will find they did for someone that believes in the UK union but didnt know that wee fact ouch lol

Ok, so in which English only institution did ENGLAND ban tartan?

Just to be clear on this CLCC are you saying tartan and kilts were not banned in Scotland ?

That is piss poor if you didnt know tartan and kilts were banned

Remember Scotland back in those days didnt have a parilament so which country parilament banned it ? Oh dont say the UK dont be that guy that calls the UK a country its a union

No, I'm saying ENGLAND and the ENGLISH didn't ban it. So in which ENGLISH only institution banned it like you said?

Admit you got it wrong and it wasn't the ENGLISH who did it. Or admit that you are totally blinded by your hatred of everything South of the border. "

You do admit that tartan and kilts were banned in Scotland ?

Right and like i said Scotland back in those days didnt have a parilament

The parilament that did ban it was in England correct ? So England banned tartan and kilts there is no country called the UK the UK is simply a union its shocking the amiunt of people tgat dont know that. Lol

No i didnt get it wrong and please get that anti English piss to fuck its not welcome and i take offence at anyone that says that about me

We may have differnt opinions on stuff but stop this anti English shite! As you then saying i hate my English family wish is not one bit true i love them to bits so please no more of that

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

And which England only body passed that law? Remember, you are being very specific that ENGLAND banned it, so you have to name an institution that is purely English for that to be correct.

Oh god didnt like that did you ?

So what was that you said '' no they didnt''

Yeah well i think you will find they did for someone that believes in the UK union but didnt know that wee fact ouch lol

Ok, so in which English only institution did ENGLAND ban tartan?

Just to be clear on this CLCC are you saying tartan and kilts were not banned in Scotland ?

That is piss poor if you didnt know tartan and kilts were banned

Remember Scotland back in those days didnt have a parilament so which country parilament banned it ? Oh dont say the UK dont be that guy that calls the UK a country its a union

No, I'm saying ENGLAND and the ENGLISH didn't ban it. So in which ENGLISH only institution banned it like you said?

Admit you got it wrong and it wasn't the ENGLISH who did it. Or admit that you are totally blinded by your hatred of everything South of the border.

You do admit that tartan and kilts were banned in Scotland ?

Right and like i said Scotland back in those days didnt have a parilament

The parilament that did ban it was in England correct ? So England banned tartan and kilts there is no country called the UK the UK is simply a union its shocking the amiunt of people tgat dont know that. Lol

No i didnt get it wrong and please get that anti English piss to fuck its not welcome and i take offence at anyone that says that about me

We may have differnt opinions on stuff but stop this anti English shite! As you then saying i hate my English family wish is not one bit true i love them to bits so please no more of that "

England doesn't have a parliament! So it can't have been an ENGLISH parliament. The ENGLISH have never banned tartan, or passed any other law for that matter. There isn't an institution to do that. You do HATE the English, it's very clear in every thread you post on.

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


Alex Salmond was a Member of Parliament for Banff and Buchan from 1987 to 2010. Right kinky?

If Scotland didn't have a parliament at that time, then the only parliament must have been the ENGLISH parliament. Right kinky?

So that makes Banff and Buchan part of ENGLAND then. Right kinky?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Come on if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

Spain seem as mad as the Rangers and Celtic mob. Oh you have a green/blue jumper you support Celtic and Rangers

Oh look your hair is green that must mean you support Celtic lol

So fucking what a yellow colour goes up on a public buliding oh fuck no thats not allowed

So if it was green then thats ok thats allowed

Fucking madness!!!

I couldnt give a shit what colour goes up on any public building end of the day wouldnt stop me voting for independence

How about NI and the colour orange. Does that cause any problems, or is a colour just a colour?

CLCC if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

You tell them that in NI

So CLCC do you agree then putting a colour on a public building shouldnt matter ?

Why ban a colour ? Madness

No, I don't agree. Symbols are incredibly powerful and emotive to a lot of people. I think its madness that you don't understand that. Go to America and stamp on the flag, or refuse to stand during the national anthem. Go to NI dressed head to toe in orange during marching season. Go to Thailand and shoot your mouth off about the King. You'll soon see the importance of symbols.

So the colour yellow is a Symbol and incredibly powerful and emotive to a lot of people and it should be banned from going up on public buildings ? Do you hear yourself lol

So if the colour was purple or green or blue on public buildings in Catalan would they be ok its just the colour yellow you have a problem with ? Lol


As usual you ignore the point.

Covering the buildings in yellow is of political significance it is NOT JUST A COLOUR.

As you say you think Spain should have free elections you should be against biased attempts to sway the voters by officials that should be nutural

As for not having international observers I don't remember the UK requiring them so why should Spain.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ah right so what your saying is every other colour is fine to put up on public building but see that colour yellow no no thats to be banned

Like i said will the colours of purple , blue , green , red , orange , brown , pink should they all be banned from going up on public buildings too

Or it is just the colour yellow people have a serious problem with ?

In this case it is the colour yellow, but in the interests if being impartial any kind of political symbolism should be removed.

Your entire complaint is built on the premise that "it wouldn't bother me, therefore why should it bother anyone", alternating with "this political gesture has no political meaning".

It shouldn't take a lot of introspection to figure out why both of those are wrong.

It would appear some people have a real problem with the colour yellow. God what must the colour have done to them in there lifes to be so angry for it to go up on public buildings lol

Again no colour is owned by a political party yes they can choose to a colour but they dont own the damn colour it aint copyrighted to them and them only lol

If it really bothers people that much they need help its only a colour

God i really thought that only some Rangers and Celtic fans were like this where they think they own the damn colour but no no seems am wrong on this and there is alot more people out there that have it out for certain colours scary stuff the world have gone mad!!

I know someone asked me above but i will say it again when the next independence referendum comes they could put the English flag on every damn public building in Scotland and it still would not piss me off and it still wouldnt stop me from putting a cross next to YES lol

A fan of wee nippy, there manufacturing a grievance. "

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Come on if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

Spain seem as mad as the Rangers and Celtic mob. Oh you have a green/blue jumper you support Celtic and Rangers

Oh look your hair is green that must mean you support Celtic lol

So fucking what a yellow colour goes up on a public buliding oh fuck no thats not allowed

So if it was green then thats ok thats allowed

Fucking madness!!!

I couldnt give a shit what colour goes up on any public building end of the day wouldnt stop me voting for independence

How about NI and the colour orange. Does that cause any problems, or is a colour just a colour?

CLCC if it wont make the slightest bit of difference then why ban a colour ?

You tell them that in NI

So CLCC do you agree then putting a colour on a public building shouldnt matter ?

Why ban a colour ? Madness

No, I don't agree. Symbols are incredibly powerful and emotive to a lot of people. I think its madness that you don't understand that. Go to America and stamp on the flag, or refuse to stand during the national anthem. Go to NI dressed head to toe in orange during marching season. Go to Thailand and shoot your mouth off about the King. You'll soon see the importance of symbols.

So the colour yellow is a Symbol and incredibly powerful and emotive to a lot of people and it should be banned from going up on public buildings ? Do you hear yourself lol

So if the colour was purple or green or blue on public buildings in Catalan would they be ok its just the colour yellow you have a problem with ? Lol

As usual you ignore the point.

Covering the buildings in yellow is of political significance it is NOT JUST A COLOUR.

As you say you think Spain should have free elections you should be against biased attempts to sway the voters by officials that should be nutural

As for not having international observers I don't remember the UK requiring them so why should Spain."

Oh my god i didnt know the colour yellow could sway voters lol so the most inportant thing to a person to elect a party is now the colour they and nothing to do with policies no wonder the UK is fucked with that level of thinking lol

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By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 07/12/17 11:41:36]

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Alex Salmond was a Member of Parliament for Banff and Buchan from 1987 to 2010. Right kinky?

If Scotland didn't have a parliament at that time, then the only parliament must have been the ENGLISH parliament. Right kinky?

So that makes Banff and Buchan part of ENGLAND then. Right kinky? "

Right lets settle this which country in the UK had a parilament that banned tartan and kilts ? Clue it wasnt Scotland

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol "

Again wrong !!!

The British government brought in anti jacobite laws which Scotland is a part of.

The banning of tartan was part of it but don't blame it on England because it was enforced by Scots.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

Whats next are people gonna say oh look at that pretty colour Labour have i love red so that means i vote Labour because am swayed with the colour red

Yup world gone mad with that kind of think

Do you that is up there with the mob that say oh my granny voted Labour so i vote Labour lmao

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By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


Was it the one that introduced the Witchcraft Act around the same time, making the good old Scottish tradition of strangling and burning witches illegal in Scotland?

Much to the annoyance of Scottish Lord Erskine!

Meanwhile, back in the 21st century.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

Again wrong !!!

The British government brought in anti jacobite laws which Scotland is a part of.

The banning of tartan was part of it but don't blame it on England because it was enforced by Scots."

Which country again is that British government in ? Hint its not Scotland lol

Imagine banning kilts and tartan

Oh well will have to ban fish and chips and mushy peas lol oh that is is a joke people you know that think called banter hehe

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Alex Salmond was a Member of Parliament for Banff and Buchan from 1987 to 2010. Right kinky?

If Scotland didn't have a parliament at that time, then the only parliament must have been the ENGLISH parliament. Right kinky?

So that makes Banff and Buchan part of ENGLAND then. Right kinky?

Right lets settle this which country in the UK had a parilament that banned tartan and kilts ? Clue it wasnt Scotland "

Is Banff and Buchan in England? If it's an ENGLISH Parliamentary constituency, then it's part of ENGLAND by your logic.

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By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 07/12/17 11:55:51]

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By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 07/12/17 11:57:06]

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By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


Parliament = England

England = Parliament

The cats out the bag now.

Next time you have a go at Parliament, by your own admission, you're really having a go at England.

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By *inkyHnS OP   Couple
over a year ago

The Council of Elrond

"Parliament = England

England = Parliament

The cats out the bag now.

Next time you have a go at Parliament, by your own admission, you're really having a go at England."

Nope just pointing out a little fact for you

Scotland and England entered a union of two kingdoms ie the UK note that wee fact " union" not country but union

Now since Scotland didnt have a parilament in those days and the UK parilament is in the country England then England banned tartan and kilts lol

Remember the important thing the UK is not a country hehe

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By *eedsandyMan
over a year ago


What have the recent posts got to do with Catalan elections?

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By *igsteve43Man
over a year ago


Kinky can you go out on an evening without getting hit because the rubbish you spout when sober is incredulous, it must be hilarious when you are d*unk.

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By *icklybitMan
over a year ago


Neither did England have a Parliament.

It was, as it is now, the Parliament of both Scotland and England.

It just happens to be located in England.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

Again wrong !!!

The British government brought in anti jacobite laws which Scotland is a part of.

The banning of tartan was part of it but don't blame it on England because it was enforced by Scots.

Which country again is that British government in ? Hint its not Scotland lol

Imagine banning kilts and tartan

Oh well will have to ban fish and chips and mushy peas lol oh that is is a joke people you know that think called banter hehe "


Countries don't do anything goverments do.


Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


""I am right tho arent i ?"

Eh? England did at one stage ban tartan in Scotland

No, it didn't.

Yes they did i believe it was round about the 1746 England banned tartan i think it was called the dress act

How did you not know that i got taught that in school lol

Again wrong !!!

The British government brought in anti jacobite laws which Scotland is a part of.

The banning of tartan was part of it but don't blame it on England because it was enforced by Scots.

Which country again is that British government in ? Hint its not Scotland lol

Imagine banning kilts and tartan

Oh well will have to ban fish and chips and mushy peas lol oh that is is a joke people you know that think called banter hehe


Countries don't do anything goverments do.


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By *ercuryMan
over a year ago


"Kinky can you go out on an evening without getting hit because the rubbish you spout when sober is incredulous, it must be hilarious when you are d*unk."

Post of the Week

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Kinky can you go out on an evening without getting hit because the rubbish you spout when sober is incredulous, it must be hilarious when you are d*unk.

Post of the Week "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Whats next are people gonna say oh look at that pretty colour Labour have i love red so that means i vote Labour because am swayed with the colour red

Yup world gone mad with that kind of think

Do you that is up there with the mob that say oh my granny voted Labour so i vote Labour lmao"

Once again, you're inventing something to argue against.

You'd be better off if you stopped using trying to use the Catalan situation as a substitute for Scotland's failed independence movement.

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Whats next are people gonna say oh look at that pretty colour Labour have i love red so that means i vote Labour because am swayed with the colour red

Yup world gone mad with that kind of think

Do you that is up there with the mob that say oh my granny voted Labour so i vote Labour lmao

Once again, you're inventing something to argue against.

You'd be better off if you stopped using trying to use the Catalan situation as a substitute for Scotland's failed independence movement."

Reply privatelyReply in forumReply +quote

By *LCCCouple
over a year ago


"Whats next are people gonna say oh look at that pretty colour Labour have i love red so that means i vote Labour because am swayed with the colour red

Yup world gone mad with that kind of think

Do you that is up there with the mob that say oh my granny voted Labour so i vote Labour lmao

Once again, you're inventing something to argue against.

You'd be better off if you stopped using trying to use the Catalan situation as a substitute for Scotland's failed independence movement.


I'm glad we got this sorted

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

You should see the adjitsdriving about Scotland with defaced saltires and Catalan flags

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