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Sadiq Khan London Mayor

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

How refreshing to see someone of his standing come out and say he wears a "Badge of Shame" over the Anti Semetic shadows cast by some of the Labour Party.

If I lived in London I think he would get my vote.

Londoners do you think he could do the job?

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By *risky_MareWoman
over a year ago

...Up on the Downs

"How refreshing to see someone of his standing come out and say he wears a "Badge of Shame" over the Anti Semetic shadows cast by some of the Labour Party.

If I lived in London I think he would get my vote.

Londoners do you think he could do the job?


Zac Goldsmith fan here, I find him very logical and eloquent.

The fact that he is hot as hell has nothing to do with it.....

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By *awandOrderCouple
over a year ago

SW London

"How refreshing to see someone of his standing come out and say he wears a "Badge of Shame" over the Anti Semetic shadows cast by some of the Labour Party.

If I lived in London I think he would get my vote.

Londoners do you think he could do the job?


God yes, get the Tories out before they destroy the country ... already nearly there. Don't normally get involved with political debates on here ... but honest, there are so many problems with London in terms of how expensive it is ... housing, etc, haves and have nots ...

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"How refreshing to see someone of his standing come out and say he wears a "Badge of Shame" over the Anti Semetic shadows cast by some of the Labour Party.

If I lived in London I think he would get my vote.

Londoners do you think he could do the job?

Zac Goldsmith fan here, I find him very logical and eloquent.

The fact that he is hot as hell has nothing to do with it....."

Just googled you have a point.

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By *risky_MareWoman
over a year ago

...Up on the Downs

"How refreshing to see someone of his standing come out and say he wears a "Badge of Shame" over the Anti Semetic shadows cast by some of the Labour Party.

If I lived in London I think he would get my vote.

Londoners do you think he could do the job?

Zac Goldsmith fan here, I find him very logical and eloquent.

The fact that he is hot as hell has nothing to do with it.....

Just googled you have a point. "

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

A Jew v A Muslim

Like picking one out of the Jocks and the Geordies. ( older people will understand)

Both hate each other in the real world.

Mayor wise. Both will promise loads and deliver little.

Because of the tree hugging greens Some of London is now at a near 20 hour standstill and Khan wants to make Oxford st pedestrians only and plant loads of tress.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"A Jew v A Muslim

Like picking one out of the Jocks and the Geordies. ( older people will understand)

Both hate each other in the real world.

Mayor wise. Both will promise loads and deliver little.

Because of the tree hugging greens Some of London is now at a near 20 hour standstill and Khan wants to make Oxford st pedestrians only and plant loads of tress. "

I would like to see that to be honest it would look lovely.

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By *ittie4UCouple
over a year ago


"How refreshing to see someone of his standing come out and say he wears a "Badge of Shame" over the Anti Semetic shadows cast by some of the Labour Party.

If I lived in London I think he would get my vote.

Londoners do you think he could do the job?

Zac Goldsmith fan here, I find him very logical and eloquent.

The fact that he is hot as hell has nothing to do with it....."

Both Zac and Sadiq make 'guest appearances' in this excellent and funny video on grown up politics


It's well worth a watch if you were thinking about voting for either of them.

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By *ittie4UCouple
over a year ago



Because of the tree hugging greens Some of London is now at a near 20 hour standstill "

Any chance you might want to explain or justify that absolutely ridiculous comment?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Because of the tree hugging greens Some of London is now at a near 20 hour standstill and Khan wants to make Oxford st pedestrians only and plant loads of tress. "

What should they do? Build more roads?!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"A Jew v A Muslim

Like picking one out of the Jocks and the Geordies. ( older people will understand)

Both hate each other in the real world.

Mayor wise. Both will promise loads and deliver little.

Because of the tree hugging greens Some of London is now at a near 20 hour standstill and Khan wants to make Oxford st pedestrians only and plant loads of tress. "

The Oxford street proposals are a fantastic idea

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'd like to see every City centre and large town centre fully pedestrianised.

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By *olgateMan
over a year ago

on the road to nowhere in particular

Both leading candidates are lying wankers that I wouldn't cross the road to piss on and are only marginally more acceptable than the odious racist creep George Galloway. Val Scawcross is the best candidate but she doesn't have a hope in hell of being elected.

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By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

I've met both through my work. Neither would be my first choice but as the race is going to be between them I will choose Khan over Goldsmith.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Considering the amount of cyclists in London (as a form of transport rather than a sport), and the mount of Londoners that don't own cars, Goldsmith's talk of tearing up Cyucle Superhighways is going to alienate him from a lot of people. And I think in a city with a transport infrastructure that is pretty much on it;s knees he is very out of touch trying to sell himself t the motor lobby.

And a potential Mayor of London who's lack of knowledge of London is such that he can't answer simple questions about the tube network or the capital's football teams? To mr that seems to be far more about career politics than London

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"Both leading candidates are lying wankers that I wouldn't cross the road to piss on and are only marginally more acceptable than the odious racist creep George Galloway. Val Scawcross is the best candidate but she doesn't have a hope in hell of being elected. "

ah yes Val Shawcross who as a Labour councillor in Croydon wouldn't even sign the petition to stop New Addington from losing one of their 2 fire engines..

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By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

Caroline Pidgeon has some interesting proposals. She won't get enough of the vote to make it but whoever does become the next mayor should consider making her a deputy mayor.

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By *olgateMan
over a year ago

on the road to nowhere in particular

There are more joggers using the cycle lanes than cyclists. All the cycle lanes have managed to do is clog up and cause more congestion and pollution in the metropolis. The cycling lobby consists of influential male figures with too much power. The green lobby has a very narrow vision on how to cut pollution. There are 30% less vehicles coming into the centre of town but average speeds have dropped and pollution levels have gone up.

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By *ittie4UCouple
over a year ago


"Val Scawcross is the best candidate but she doesn't have a hope in hell of being elected. "

.....particularly as she isn't standing.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 06/04/16 23:08:02]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There are more joggers using the cycle lanes than cyclists. All the cycle lanes have managed to do is clog up and cause more congestion and pollution in the metropolis. The cycling lobby consists of influential male figures with too much power. The green lobby has a very narrow vision on how to cut pollution. There are 30% less vehicles coming into the centre of town but average speeds have dropped and pollution levels have gone up. "

The Evening Standard (hardly left leaning) did some research last year that showed 1 in 4 road users in morning rush hour was cyclists.


Cyclists don't cause congestion, they reduce it. Imagine all those people in cars. Or even trying to get on buses. How would that improve things?

And how do cyclists cause pollution?

Do you have any evidence at all (beyond a picture that's in the news today) that more runners use cyclepaths than cyclists do?

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By *ittie4UCouple
over a year ago


"There are more joggers using the cycle lanes than cyclists. All the cycle lanes have managed to do is clog up and cause more congestion and pollution in the metropolis. The cycling lobby consists of influential male figures with too much power. The green lobby has a very narrow vision on how to cut pollution. There are 30% less vehicles coming into the centre of town but average speeds have dropped and pollution levels have gone up. "

Let me just get this right then.

Because we've put in cycle lanes in London average car speeds have gone down and hence pollution has increase. That is your case?

So if we want to reduce pollution, which I'm sure we all do, all we should do is remove all the cycle lanes.

Is that correct?

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By *riskynriskyCouple
over a year ago


"There are more joggers using the cycle lanes than cyclists. All the cycle lanes have managed to do is clog up and cause more congestion and pollution in the metropolis. The cycling lobby consists of influential male figures with too much power. The green lobby has a very narrow vision on how to cut pollution. There are 30% less vehicles coming into the centre of town but average speeds have dropped and pollution levels have gone up.

The Evening Standard (hardly left leaning) did some research last year that showed 1 in 4 road users in morning rush hour was cyclists.


Cyclists don't cause congestion, they reduce it. Imagine all those people in cars. Or even trying to get on buses. How would that improve things?

And how do cyclists cause pollution?

Do you have any evidence at all (beyond a picture that's in the news today) that more runners use cyclepaths than cyclists do?


I think they were referring to the fact that is now takes 40 minutes to drive what used to take 10 minutes. So now you have hundreds of cars moving very slowly or stationery pumping out fumes.

A lot of the commuting cyclists I know state that the cycle highway is too far out of the way and they won't use it...

I reply to another post. Zac Goldsmith said he would rip it up if it wasn't used and was not wanted by Londoner's...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There are more joggers using the cycle lanes than cyclists. All the cycle lanes have managed to do is clog up and cause more congestion and pollution in the metropolis. The cycling lobby consists of influential male figures with too much power. The green lobby has a very narrow vision on how to cut pollution. There are 30% less vehicles coming into the centre of town but average speeds have dropped and pollution levels have gone up.

The Evening Standard (hardly left leaning) did some research last year that showed 1 in 4 road users in morning rush hour was cyclists.


Cyclists don't cause congestion, they reduce it. Imagine all those people in cars. Or even trying to get on buses. How would that improve things?

And how do cyclists cause pollution?

Do you have any evidence at all (beyond a picture that's in the news today) that more runners use cyclepaths than cyclists do?

I think they were referring to the fact that is now takes 40 minutes to drive what used to take 10 minutes. So now you have hundreds of cars moving very slowly or stationery pumping out fumes.

A lot of the commuting cyclists I know state that the cycle highway is too far out of the way and they won't use it...

I reply to another post. Zac Goldsmith said he would rip it up if it wasn't used and was not wanted by Londoner's...


So it's cyclists fault that London is congested? The Congestion Charge. the clue is in the name, and it predates the cycling infrastructure by many years. It;s not a new problem.

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By *ittie4UCouple
over a year ago


"I think they were referring to the fact that is now takes 40 minutes to drive what used to take 10 minutes. So now you have hundreds of cars moving very slowly or stationery pumping out fumes.


Yes, I think they were too.

Stupid of them really, don't you think? Especially since average traffic speeds in central London has been constant at about 9mph since I can remember. And a 40minute journey done in 10minutes would imply they used to travel in central London at an average speed of 36mph.

You're right about the pumping out fumes too. You'd have thought more of the car drivers might have learned how to turn off their engine during all that waiting, wouldn't you.

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By *olgateMan
over a year ago

on the road to nowhere in particular

When the congestion charge was first introduced, the number of cars coming into the zone decreased by 25%. By closing off roads, taking out lanes and introducing pinch points at major junctions traffic speed dropped by 30%. Official TFL figures. When the congestion charge was extended west, journey times increased again. The cycle superhighway on the embankment has closed off many of the roads meaning other traffic on already congested roads must now take longer detours on already heavily used roads. This means more pollution and congestion. The scheme in Hyde park means more motor traffic in the already busy Bayswater and Kensington areas. The proposed scheme for Regent's Park affects Camden and surrounding areas which will soon suffer even more upheaval when work on HS1 starts.

Central London is gridlocked by Mayoral vanity schemes

In a city covering over 750 miles in area, cycling is not a convenient option for everyone.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Because of the tree hugging greens Some of London is now at a near 20 hour standstill

Any chance you might want to explain or justify that absolutely ridiculous comment?"

What is absolutely ridiculous about what I said.

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By *riskynriskyCouple
over a year ago


"I think they were referring to the fact that is now takes 40 minutes to drive what used to take 10 minutes. So now you have hundreds of cars moving very slowly or stationery pumping out fumes.

Yes, I think they were too.

Stupid of them really, don't you think? Especially since average traffic speeds in central London has been constant at about 9mph since I can remember. And a 40minute journey done in 10minutes would imply they used to travel in central London at an average speed of 36mph.

You're right about the pumping out fumes too. You'd have thought more of the car drivers might have learned how to turn off their engine during all that waiting, wouldn't you."

I drive in London because I have to, mainly Sundays because the trains don't run when I start or finish work.

So at those times doing 20mph + wasn't a problem for most of the journey. Now Sunday afternoon/evening the Embankment is grid locked. Tfl have decided to do major road works in the surrounding area, so it's pointless trying different routes without going massively out of my way.

Seeing that the Embankment is one of the main routes through London it does seem daft to lose one lane of traffic.

Yes a lot of car drivers do switch their engine off when stationery but often the traffic is crawling, so you can't...

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By *ittie4UCouple
over a year ago



Because of the tree hugging greens Some of London is now at a near 20 hour standstill

Any chance you might want to explain or justify that absolutely ridiculous comment?

What is absolutely ridiculous about what I said. "

Where to start:

1) Greens, tree-hugging or not, have never been in power in London. It would be plain silly to blame them for London policies.

2) 'near 20 hour stand still' -I assume you mean a 20mph standstill. First, 20mph is not a standstill. Second, average traffic speeds in London have been fairly constant at 9mph for a long time, so 20mph would be a vast improvement. Thirdly, 20mph is anyway the maximum permissible speed on many London roads.

3) 'Because of' generally implies some form of logical causal link provided to the reader. You know, something like 'Because I'm opinionated, I write rubbish'. You don't though provide any evidence of a logic of what the causal link my be - so it makes it look ridiculous.

I hope that helps show what is absolutely ridiculous in your OP.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Seeing that the Embankment is one of the main routes through London it does seem daft to lose one lane of traffic.


It hasn't been lost to traffic. Bikes are traffic too

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Because of the tree hugging greens Some of London is now at a near 20 hour standstill

Any chance you might want to explain or justify that absolutely ridiculous comment?

What is absolutely ridiculous about what I said.

Where to start:

1) Greens, tree-hugging or not, have never been in power in London. It would be plain silly to blame them for London policies.

2) 'near 20 hour stand still' -I assume you mean a 20mph standstill. First, 20mph is not a standstill. Second, average traffic speeds in London have been fairly constant at 9mph for a long time, so 20mph would be a vast improvement. Thirdly, 20mph is anyway the maximum permissible speed on many London roads.

3) 'Because of' generally implies some form of logical causal link provided to the reader. You know, something like 'Because I'm opinionated, I write rubbish'. You don't though provide any evidence of a logic of what the causal link my be - so it makes it look ridiculous.

I hope that helps show what is absolutely ridiculous in your OP."

Bike lanes are all to do with the leftie tree huggers.

2, don't assume what I thought it would have saved you sometime. I know what I meant.

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By *olgateMan
over a year ago

on the road to nowhere in particular

Green Party had more influence than they had any right to according to how many seats they held when Livingstone was in power because they had the swing vote in an evenly matched assembly. The 9mph average speed is a myth, that was the average speed of a Routemaster bus in London. One man buses are much slower. Horses didn't move much above walking pace. In the interim years the average speed is much higher than it is now. TFL have brought in harebrained traffic schemes at important junctions and intersections like Elephant and Castle. It now takes a bus moving from its stand to the first stop 100 yards away 13 minutes to get there.

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By *iamondjoeMan
over a year ago


So glad I don;t live in London anymore. Sometimes.

I do get to visit regularly and, as ever, transport in London is an art rather than a science.

It's almost as if they could use some elected official with over-arching powers to do something about it...

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By *olgateMan
over a year ago

on the road to nowhere in particular

"So glad I don;t live in London anymore. Sometimes.

I do get to visit regularly and, as ever, transport in London is an art rather than a science.

It's almost as if they could use some elected official with over-arching powers to do something about it..."

The irony is strong in this one.

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By *iamondjoeMan
over a year ago


"So glad I don;t live in London anymore. Sometimes.

I do get to visit regularly and, as ever, transport in London is an art rather than a science.

It's almost as if they could use some elected official with over-arching powers to do something about it...

The irony is strong in this one. "

Well not hugely

This begins as a discussion of Labour hopeful, Khan, and quickly develops in to a rant about the state of public transport (a favoured topic for Londoner - bottom line, so long as you don;t have to move in rush hours, you;re fine, otherwise you're fucked).

London was never built with cars in mind but developed organically. There are too many cars and the best answer is better public transport.

I think cyclists are a danger to themselves and others, having lived at E&C roundabout, 8 floors up for 17 years, I've seen it all.

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By *iamondjoeMan
over a year ago


"Both leading candidates are lying wankers that I wouldn't cross the road to piss on and are only marginally more acceptable than the odious racist creep George Galloway. Val Scawcross is the best candidate but she doesn't have a hope in hell of being elected. "

I did think your original post was reasonable, although I don;t know enough about Shawcross to comment.

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By *olgateMan
over a year ago

on the road to nowhere in particular

There is a dearth of talent in British politics at the moment. Val Shawcross is wasted in the London Assembly. With little to distinguish the partys on many issues, it is a crying shame that attitudes and loyalties are becoming more and more tribal.

On another note, this week has seen a major restructuring of the running of the London Underground. Hundreds of staff have been relocated with a change in their working practices. Nobody is quite sure what is going on, least of all the senior management. If there are any snafus please don't take it out on the staff

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By *riskynriskyCouple
over a year ago



Seeing that the Embankment is one of the main routes through London it does seem daft to lose one lane of traffic.

It hasn't been lost to traffic. Bikes are traffic too"

Still not as many bikes as cars, lorries, buses...Who are probably paying for the cycle highway...

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By *aribbean King 1985Man
over a year ago

South West London

I hope people find the common sense not to vote for Sadiq Khan for Mayor Of London again, his ruined it behond comprehensible

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By *aribbean King 1985Man
41 weeks ago

South West London

So not only does he introduce unnecessary LTNs, expanding ULEZ to the whole of London, Saqiq Khan now decided to charge people who drive to pay a fee to use the Blackwall Tunnel starting from 2025. Now to those who drive in here if thats not enough to put you off voting him then Im lost for words really.

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By *heGateKeeperMan
41 weeks ago


"So not only does he introduce unnecessary LTNs, expanding ULEZ to the whole of London, Saqiq Khan now decided to charge people who drive to pay a fee to use the Blackwall Tunnel starting from 2025. Now to those who drive in here if thats not enough to put you off voting him then Im lost for words really. "

That’s a tough one to argue in favour of, particularly when the surrounding roads aren’t great, Tower bridge is busy as fuck and the tunnel is shut half the time through road works or accidents

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By *afun2Couple
41 weeks ago


London is run by Labour if you had not of noticed.

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By *hawn ScottMan
41 weeks ago

london Brixton

I voted for him in the as he promised to freeze council tax and tfl fares for 4 years and he kept his promise. I also used to live in tooting and he has done a lot for community there and is well respected!

Lol there is a great curry house called the mirch massala and we saw him and his family having dinner there one Saturday. My d*unk friend walked up to him and started giving him hell about the wait times at tooting hospital!

I think with all the ulez stuff he won't be mayor next election.

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By (user no longer on site)
41 weeks ago

I hate Tories, but will still vote Tory if it gets rid of him.

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By *aribbean King 1985Man
41 weeks ago

South West London

I probably have to vote for Howard Cox for Mayor or highly reluctantly Susan Hall next year

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By *aribbean King 1985Man
28 weeks ago

South West London

Again Sadiq Khan can't be London Mayor next year, getting sick of the roads his closed off with the LTNs his introduced

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By *hawn ScottMan
28 weeks ago

london Brixton

Sadiq will definitely lose the next election. But do you honestly think if a tory mayor gets in he's going to reverse all the ulez charges???

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By *oubleswing2019Man
28 weeks ago


"Sadiq will definitely lose the next election. But do you honestly think if a tory mayor gets in he's going to reverse all the ulez charges??? "

Nope. Too much money to be lost if they do. Which to be fair, is essentially a "Pay To Pollute Tax" anyway.

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By *hawn ScottMan
28 weeks ago

london Brixton

"Sadiq will definitely lose the next election. But do you honestly think if a tory mayor gets in he's going to reverse all the ulez charges???

Nope. Too much money to be lost if they do. Which to be fair, is essentially a "Pay To Pollute Tax" anyway."

Yeah but people genuinely think that! Mind you some people thought after the brexit vote Mr toad would become prime minister????

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By *aribbean King 1985Man
28 weeks ago

South West London

I dont want a Tory or Labour Mayor, I'm gonna vote for Howard Cox

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By *ty31Man
20 weeks ago

NW London

"I dont want a Tory or Labour Mayor, I'm gonna vote for Howard Cox "

The problem we have, as Londoners, is that neither Sadiq Khan nor Susan Hall actually understands this city- how it works, what it needs and why it is so different to everywhere else in the UK.

I definitely ain't voting for Khan, he's proven himself to be a hypocrite time and time again.

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By *aribbean King 1985Man
20 weeks ago

South West London

This is a fact, 118 teenagers were murdered under Boris Johnson in the 8 years that he was London Mayor. Sadiq Khan however and bear in mind it's not 8 years exactly that his been Mayor yet and we had a Lockdown in-between that period, but 160 teenagers (and counting) have been murdered under his tenure. Now if people still feel to vote for him at the Mayoral Election then you tell the 160 parents who lost their teenagers under Sadiq Khan's watch on why he should get a third term as London Mayor

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By *r.Stephen-PickleMan
20 weeks ago


"This is a fact, 118 teenagers were murdered under Boris Johnson in the 8 years that he was London Mayor. Sadiq Khan however and bear in mind it's not 8 years exactly that his been Mayor yet and we had a Lockdown in-between that period, but 160 teenagers (and counting) have been murdered under his tenure. Now if people still feel to vote for him at the Mayoral Election then you tell the 160 parents who lost their teenagers under Sadiq Khan's watch on why he should get a third term as London Mayor"

And what of the policies that have created levels of poverty that lead people into lifestyles that lead to this kind of violence? And what of the cuts to youth services by the government? And what of the other social issues that lead to this kind of violence? What of that? Don’t use the issue of youth violence in London as reason to justify dislike of him as mayor. That issue is far more complex.

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By *m3232Man
20 weeks ago


The guy is a clown and should be if possible sacked as if anyone else messed up a company would have been out the door.

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By *aribbean King 1985Man
20 weeks ago

South West London

"This is a fact, 118 teenagers were murdered under Boris Johnson in the 8 years that he was London Mayor. Sadiq Khan however and bear in mind it's not 8 years exactly that his been Mayor yet and we had a Lockdown in-between that period, but 160 teenagers (and counting) have been murdered under his tenure. Now if people still feel to vote for him at the Mayoral Election then you tell the 160 parents who lost their teenagers under Sadiq Khan's watch on why he should get a third term as London Mayor

And what of the policies that have created levels of poverty that lead people into lifestyles that lead to this kind of violence? And what of the cuts to youth services by the government? And what of the other social issues that lead to this kind of violence? What of that? Don’t use the issue of youth violence in London as reason to justify dislike of him as mayor. That issue is far more complex. "

I have far more reasons why Sadiq Khan shouldn't be Mayor again and for the record I have said Sadiq Khan IS NOT the reason why we have knife crime in London as it's nothing to do with him in that sense however it's gotten worse under his watch in London and it's not my opinion it's facts

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20 weeks ago


My guess is 90% of the UK population couldn’t give a fuck about Sadik Khan or who the next mayor of London is.

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By *agic johnsonMan
20 weeks ago


Lining his own pockets with ulez while completely ignoring knife crime in London , he's a liar to committees over ulez . Horrible man even Boris is better than him

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By *acksparrow99Man
20 weeks ago

Canary Wharf, London

Either of those candidates are bad news for London. Khan is using his mayoral role to advance his political career with an eye on a PM or at least a ministerial job. If not that, he will be going to work for a Bank or an international think-tank. He cares little about London or Londoners. He used to sign TfL posters with "Mayor of London Sadiq Khan" when the TfL were promoting cheap bus fares, but only with "Mayor of London" when there were planned closures announced. Goldsmith is a Tory and they have not been very good at running the country lately.

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By *un Rugby playerMan
20 weeks ago

london Barnet


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By *aribbean King 1985Man
20 weeks ago

South West London

It's not a good look.to have over a 1000 murdered people in London which includes 160 teenagers since Sadiq Khan's been Mayor since 2016. Only credits to give Sadiq Khan IS that he froze travel fare for 4 years before putting them up eventually and and the had money to provide free school meals for kids but he time has to be up come May 2nd and I don't believe the polls that put him 25.points clear

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ornucopiaMan
20 weeks ago


"My guess is 90% of the UK population couldn’t give a fuck about Sadik Khan or who the next mayor of London is. "

99% of places like Dorset, perhaps.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
19 weeks ago

South West London

How does Sadiq Khan find £123 million to fund fare freezes on London Transport, £140 million to fund free school meals and £30 million to avert a tube as strike but can't find money to fix Hammersmith Bridge

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ty31Man
15 weeks ago

NW London

"How does Sadiq Khan find £123 million to fund fare freezes on London Transport, £140 million to fund free school meals and £30 million to avert a tube as strike but can't find money to fix Hammersmith Bridge"

And just managed to spend £6.3m renaming the Overground Lines with stupid, meaningless names.

Time for that numpty to go.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

Since Sadiq Khan been Mayor of London, this is the facts.

1000 murders have been committed under his watch, including 160 teenage murders.

Council Tax has risen every year since his been in office.

Expanded ULEZ zone twice under 2 years

Increased Congestion Charge to £15 and expanded it to weekends.

Introduced the craziest scheme ever in the form of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in unecessary places causing more unecessary pollution and traffic.

Introduced 20mph hour speed limits in unecesssary roads which again causes more pollution

Hasnt met housing targets since his been Mayor although housing targets havent been met across the country so might give him a pass on that.

Will charge people to use the Blackwall Tunnel next year

The only thing few things I give him credit for is the free school meals and the hopper fare but Im afraid its time for a new Mayor

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *tephanjMan
13 weeks ago


If I still loved in London that man would never get my vote

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ty31Man
13 weeks ago

NW London

"Since Sadiq Khan been Mayor of London, this is the facts.

1000 murders have been committed under his watch, including 160 teenage murders.

Council Tax has risen every year since his been in office.

Expanded ULEZ zone twice under 2 years

Increased Congestion Charge to £15 and expanded it to weekends.

Introduced the craziest scheme ever in the form of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in unecessary places causing more unecessary pollution and traffic.

Introduced 20mph hour speed limits in unecesssary roads which again causes more pollution

Hasnt met housing targets since his been Mayor although housing targets havent been met across the country so might give him a pass on that.

Will charge people to use the Blackwall Tunnel next year

The only thing few things I give him credit for is the free school meals and the hopper fare but Im afraid its time for a new Mayor


He's just proven time and time again that he doesn't care about blue collar workers.

I wonder how many of those policies would of caused outrage and disgust if they had been implemented by a Tory mayor?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

"Since Sadiq Khan been Mayor of London, this is the facts.

1000 murders have been committed under his watch, including 160 teenage murders.

Council Tax has risen every year since his been in office.

Expanded ULEZ zone twice under 2 years

Increased Congestion Charge to £15 and expanded it to weekends.

Introduced the craziest scheme ever in the form of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in unecessary places causing more unecessary pollution and traffic.

Introduced 20mph hour speed limits in unecesssary roads which again causes more pollution

Hasnt met housing targets since his been Mayor although housing targets havent been met across the country so might give him a pass on that.

Will charge people to use the Blackwall Tunnel next year

The only thing few things I give him credit for is the free school meals and the hopper fare but Im afraid its time for a new Mayor

He's just proven time and time again that he doesn't care about blue collar workers.

I wonder how many of those policies would of caused outrage and disgust if they had been implemented by a Tory mayor?"

A Tory Mayor will get the same scrutiny if they were doing a poor job too

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ulfilthmentMan
13 weeks ago

Just around the corner

Based on official statistics you’re more likely to get stabbed in Cleveland than in London. But… KHAN!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *icolerobbieCouple
13 weeks ago


"Based on official statistics you’re more likely to get stabbed in Cleveland than in London. But… KHAN!"

But he’s not the mayor of Cleveland, so he can only be blamed for the his London failures.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *amhorniestMan
13 weeks ago

East Molesey

He's by far the worst thing ever to happen to London, the sooner he's gone the better.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acksparrow99Man
13 weeks ago

Canary Wharf, London

"He's by far the worst thing ever to happen to London, the sooner he's gone the better."

Not sure he's worse than the Blitz, but I can't see much point in keeping him in the office.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

[Removed by poster at 27/02/24 15:10:33]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

There's a poll out to say Sadiq Khan has a 25 point lead over his nearest rival. But I'm thinking that can't be right given that most people I've spoken to are not looking to vote for him. I'm sure they're made up figures

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acksparrow99Man
13 weeks ago

Canary Wharf, London

"There's a poll out to say Sadiq Khan has a 25 point lead over his nearest rival. But I'm thinking that can't be right given that most people I've spoken to are not looking to vote for him. I'm sure they're made up figures"

He can always ask Lutfur Rahman for tips on winning elections

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *wistntwirlCouple
13 weeks ago

Middle Land

"A Tory Mayor will get the same scrutiny if they were doing a poor job too"

Wasn't the bloke before him a tory?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *tsJustKateWoman
13 weeks ago


Khan has destroyed London. I absolutely detest the vile little creature. I agree with what Lee Anderson said.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ndycoinsMan
13 weeks ago


Where is his "badge of shame" over a rise in anti Semitic crime of 1350% ? Silence.Tube drivers chanting 'river to the sea' over the PA,TFL bus drivers refusing to pick up Jewish students,Jewish people hiding their identity just to walk the streets? Silence.He is in no position to claim islamaphobia after calling moderate Muslims "Uncle Tom's".The Nightmayor of London is mentally and intellectually incapable of having any discussion or addressing any point/question,he instantly starts name calling.Racist,islamaphobe,far right,brexiteer,anti vaxxer,climate denier etc.Its my view or no view,is his extremist view and there is a delicious irony in that.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ndycoinsMan
13 weeks ago


"Khan has destroyed London. I absolutely detest the vile little creature. I agree with what Lee Anderson said. "

so does everyone else who can clearly see the hypocrisy,capitulation and surrender to the mob.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *idnightMischiefMan
13 weeks ago


"Khan has destroyed London. I absolutely detest the vile little creature. I agree with what Lee Anderson said. "

Lee Anderson's sentiments yes, but his delivery was way off.

People don't always understand the difference between Islam and Islamist (political Islam) and radical nutters certainly rule the streets 'round here.

I live in Tower Hamlets; PLO flags on every other lamppost and I've already seen a car today, plastic wrapped in green, white and black, with 'from the river to the sea' across the side.

He has no sincerity, but unfortunately there is no charismatic competition, ready to take the helm - I don't think any other party wants London tbh.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *idnightMischiefMan
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq will definitely lose the next election. But do you honestly think if a tory mayor gets in he's going to reverse all the ulez charges??? "
Sadly I think he will win.

Not on his policies, but on the lack of any good and visible opposition.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *yzykMan
13 weeks ago


Politics forum for this surely?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

If people have this mind set that there's no competition then obviously he is going to win by default so go out there and vote for anyone but Sadiq Khan

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq will definitely lose the next election. But do you honestly think if a tory mayor gets in he's going to reverse all the ulez charges??? Sadly I think he will win.

Not on his policies, but on the lack of any good and visible opposition."

He will win by a county mile. Poling has him with a 25 point lead over Susan Hall. Susan hall is an absolute joke. Thank god London is woke and sees though the Tory dog whistling and culture wars.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *hesubtlegentMan
13 weeks ago


I agree he will win. People of his faith will support him no matter how terrible he is. Susan Hall is closest rival but she will only get a sniff of victory if she comes through with disbanding ulez…

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *idnightMischiefMan
13 weeks ago


"If people have this mind set that there's no competition then obviously he is going to win by default so go out there and vote for anyone but Sadiq Khan"


I'm no Tory supporter, but I would pretty much vote for anyone who can see him off.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

But shouldnt always believe the polls anyways

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"But shouldnt always believe the polls anyways "

Poles are rarely if ever wrong. So don’t get your hopes up.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *tsJustKateWoman
13 weeks ago


I'd vote for a dog before him.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"I'd vote for a dog before him. "

And you’ll still loose

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ornucopiaMan
13 weeks ago


"There's a poll out to say Sadiq Khan has a 25 point lead over his nearest rival. But I'm thinking that can't be right given that most people I've spoken to are not looking to vote for him. I'm sure they're made up figures"

Depends a lot on who his nearest rival is!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ty31Man
13 weeks ago

NW London

"Sadiq will definitely lose the next election. But do you honestly think if a tory mayor gets in he's going to reverse all the ulez charges??? Sadly I think he will win.

Not on his policies, but on the lack of any good and visible opposition.

He will win by a county mile. Poling has him with a 25 point lead over Susan Hall. Susan hall is an absolute joke. Thank god London is woke and sees though the Tory dog whistling and culture wars."

Susan Hall is a terrible candidate. It just goes to show that the Tories don't want to win.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

"But shouldnt always believe the polls anyways

Poles are rarely if ever wrong. So don’t get your hopes up. "

well actually polls have been wrong in the past. For example the polls in the 1992 Election predicted a Labour Government winning for it to end up being a Tory Victory instead

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
13 weeks ago

"But shouldnt always believe the polls anyways

Poles are rarely if ever wrong. So don’t get your hopes up. well actually polls have been wrong in the past. For example the polls in the 1992 Election predicted a Labour Government winning for it to end up being a Tory Victory instead"

And the polling industry is a far different beast to what it was 30 years ago.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *acksparrow99Man
13 weeks ago

Canary Wharf, London

I don't think there is a chance of a Tory victory this time round.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ornucopiaMan
13 weeks ago


"But shouldnt always believe the polls anyways

Poles are rarely if ever wrong. So don’t get your hopes up. well actually polls have been wrong in the past. For example the polls in the 1992 Election predicted a Labour Government winning for it to end up being a Tory Victory instead

And the polling industry is a far different beast to what it was 30 years ago."

Quite possibly there are more Poles working in the polling industry than 30 years ago, as well!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
13 weeks ago

"But shouldnt always believe the polls anyways

Poles are rarely if ever wrong. So don’t get your hopes up. well actually polls have been wrong in the past. For example the polls in the 1992 Election predicted a Labour Government winning for it to end up being a Tory Victory instead

And the polling industry is a far different beast to what it was 30 years ago.

Quite possibly there are more Poles working in the polling industry than 30 years ago, as well!"

And London as a rule, is far more accepting of them than a lot of the country

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

Well actually the polls in the 2019 Election was predicting between a hung parliment and a small marjority for the Tories only for it to be a bigger marjority for the Tories then they expected so again dont always trust these polls

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"Well actually the polls in the 2019 Election was predicting between a hung parliment and a small marjority for the Tories only for it to be a bigger marjority for the Tories then they expected so again dont always trust these polls"

They predicted a Tory win and a Tory win was delivered. The great unwashed were mugged off by blow job, the ensued lying, cheating and lots of dead cat story’s, then he was exiled in disgrace.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *hocolate37Man
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq will definitely lose the next election. But do you honestly think if a tory mayor gets in he's going to reverse all the ulez charges??? Sadly I think he will win.

Not on his policies, but on the lack of any good and visible opposition.

He will win by a county mile. Poling has him with a 25 point lead over Susan Hall. Susan hall is an absolute joke. Thank god London is woke and sees though the Tory dog whistling and culture wars.

Susan Hall is a terrible candidate. It just goes to show that the Tories don't want to win.


This. If people in London think Susan ("Hammersmith & Fulham is one borough?") Hall would do a better job, they're unbelievably deluded...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *amhorniestMan
13 weeks ago

East Molesey

"Khan has destroyed London. I absolutely detest the vile little creature. I agree with what Lee Anderson said. "


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

I think I be voting for Howard Cox to be Mayor as I did speak to him a couple of months ago

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ornucopiaMan
13 weeks ago


I can't vote for any of the candidates as I live a few hundred metres over the border and, in any case, our local elections are always a year different.

However, I am certainly impacted by how they do the job.

Luckily I drive older Japanese vehicles which were born with engines which met the spec before it was drawn up by Europe ( a place which I am told we don't belong to any more) . Otherwise I would be peeved at an arbitrary new boundary which divides essentially similar areas of equal traffic density and susceptibility or otherwise to pollution.

From a more altruistic stand point, I remain perplexed by how two adjacent contiguous suburban boroughs can be so very different where penalising car owners is concerned.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"I can't vote for any of the candidates as I live a few hundred metres over the border and, in any case, our local elections are always a year different.

However, I am certainly impacted by how they do the job.

Luckily I drive older Japanese vehicles which were born with engines which met the spec before it was drawn up by Europe ( a place which I am told we don't belong to any more) . Otherwise I would be peeved at an arbitrary new boundary which divides essentially similar areas of equal traffic density and susceptibility or otherwise to pollution.

From a more altruistic stand point, I remain perplexed by how two adjacent contiguous suburban boroughs can be so very different where penalising car owners is concerned."

The European Union and Europe are completely different you realise that surely? Europe is a continent that our small increasing flag shagging island resides within.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
13 weeks ago

"I think I be voting for Howard Cox to be Mayor as I did speak to him a couple of months ago"

The climate change denier?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *idnightMischiefMan
13 weeks ago


"I'd vote for a dog before him. "
I'd vote for shoving wasps up my arse before him.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *andE2000Man
13 weeks ago


"Khan has destroyed London. I absolutely detest the vile little creature. I agree with what Lee Anderson said.

Lee Anderson's sentiments yes, but his delivery was way off.

People don't always understand the difference between Islam and Islamist (political Islam) and radical nutters certainly rule the streets 'round here.

I live in Tower Hamlets; PLO flags on every other lamppost and I've already seen a car today, plastic wrapped in green, white and black, with 'from the river to the sea' across the side.

He has no sincerity, but unfortunately there is no charismatic competition, ready to take the helm - I don't think any other party wants London tbh."

The difference between Islam and Political Islam is like the difference between A car and a mechanical car. The latter is an extremist car.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *tsJustKateWoman
13 weeks ago


"I'd vote for a dog before him.

And you’ll still loose "

But it would be satisfying voting for the dog

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

"I think I be voting for Howard Cox to be Mayor as I did speak to him a couple of months ago

The climate change denier?"

Not exactly, when I spoke to him he told me he accepts there's a problem with the climate but doesn't believe it's as bad as people make it out to be

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
13 weeks ago

"I think I be voting for Howard Cox to be Mayor as I did speak to him a couple of months ago

The climate change denier? Not exactly, when I spoke to him he told me he accepts there's a problem with the climate but doesn't believe it's as bad as people make it out to be"

““Climate change is always happening”, and “I just don’t think there’s a crisis. It is arrogant to think that we, as human beings, can make any difference to this planet.”

That last sentence is telling. The man is a buffoon.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"I think I be voting for Howard Cox to be Mayor as I did speak to him a couple of months ago

The climate change denier? Not exactly, when I spoke to him he told me he accepts there's a problem with the climate but doesn't believe it's as bad as people make it out to be

““Climate change is always happening”, and “I just don’t think there’s a crisis. It is arrogant to think that we, as human beings, can make any difference to this planet.”

That last sentence is telling. The man is a buffoon."

He is that!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ir Cum SizzedMan
13 weeks ago


It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ir Cum SizzedMan
13 weeks ago


I live in hope

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"I live in hope"

You are going to be severely disappointed he is a shoe in and rightly so.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

Well the only poll that matters is voting day so we see until then

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouple in LancashireCouple
13 weeks ago

in Lancashire

"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.


What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..


I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders."

What? Make that make sense. Kahn was in his right to reply to the comments made about it. Anderson is a ghoul!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *0shadesOfFilthMan
13 weeks ago


Khans lies on crime exposed


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Khans lies on crime exposed


Laurence Fox. A bastion of accuracy and truth.


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oversfunCouple
13 weeks ago


"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say"

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *astandFeistyCouple
13 weeks ago


"Khans lies on crime exposed


Laurence Fox. A bastion of accuracy and truth.



Did you bother to watch the video before attacking the messenger?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ?"

lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan"

Assuming you talked to people for about ten minutes on average, and we'll take a low thousands, at 2000.

That's about 333 hours "at least" spent talking to strangers about Khan. Or nearly 14 days. Two weeks solidly talking about him.

Fair play to you, that's dedication to the cause. I assume this was not part of a paid survey, just off your own back?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouple in LancashireCouple
13 weeks ago

in Lancashire

"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders."

We all do but we have maybe what we deserve..

We've allowed it to become a cess pit of division..

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ty31Man
13 weeks ago

NW London

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ?"

The latest opinion poll indicates that only about 25% are happy with his performance as mayor so far but yet indicate a landslide win as Susan Hall proved to be unpopular.

Being such a major city we deserve better

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan

Assuming you talked to people for about ten minutes on average, and we'll take a low thousands, at 2000.

That's about 333 hours "at least" spent talking to strangers about Khan. Or nearly 14 days. Two weeks solidly talking about him.

Fair play to you, that's dedication to the cause. I assume this was not part of a paid survey, just off your own back?"

Well I been speaking to people from the last Mayoral Election back in 2021 so it could be more then 2000 but I go with that but yeah on my own back as well as with a few friends. Trying to educate certain people why they shouldnt vote for him and yes some will vote for him out of party loyalty if anything not because they like him

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *exxyyDy11Man
13 weeks ago

North West

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan

Assuming you talked to people for about ten minutes on average, and we'll take a low thousands, at 2000.

That's about 333 hours "at least" spent talking to strangers about Khan. Or nearly 14 days. Two weeks solidly talking about him.

Fair play to you, that's dedication to the cause. I assume this was not part of a paid survey, just off your own back? Well I been speaking to people from the last Mayoral Election back in 2021 so it could be more then 2000 but I go with that but yeah on my own back as well as with a few friends. Trying to educate certain people why they shouldnt vote for him and yes some will vote for him out of party loyalty if anything not because they like him"

Are most Londoners disappointed in Khan then?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders.

We all do but we have maybe what we deserve..

We've allowed it to become a cess pit of division..


It could be the right time for people to open their eyes to the fact that they are being played by the ones they least expect.

That is unless people actually like the division, hatred and fighting.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan

Assuming you talked to people for about ten minutes on average, and we'll take a low thousands, at 2000.

That's about 333 hours "at least" spent talking to strangers about Khan. Or nearly 14 days. Two weeks solidly talking about him.

Fair play to you, that's dedication to the cause. I assume this was not part of a paid survey, just off your own back? Well I been speaking to people from the last Mayoral Election back in 2021 so it could be more then 2000 but I go with that but yeah on my own back as well as with a few friends. Trying to educate certain people why they shouldnt vote for him and yes some will vote for him out of party loyalty if anything not because they like him"

Even more!

Fair play to you. Did you go door to door, or just stop people in the street?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan

Assuming you talked to people for about ten minutes on average, and we'll take a low thousands, at 2000.

That's about 333 hours "at least" spent talking to strangers about Khan. Or nearly 14 days. Two weeks solidly talking about him.

Fair play to you, that's dedication to the cause. I assume this was not part of a paid survey, just off your own back? Well I been speaking to people from the last Mayoral Election back in 2021 so it could be more then 2000 but I go with that but yeah on my own back as well as with a few friends. Trying to educate certain people why they shouldnt vote for him and yes some will vote for him out of party loyalty if anything not because they like him

Are most Londoners disappointed in Khan then?"

For the most part they are. People have praised him for the hopper fare, introducing 24/7 tube service during the weekends and providing free school meals for kids as well as making London cleaner to breathe apparantly which I think its down to ULEZ. But most dont like the fact that crime seems worse then it was under Johnson. They were other things too like council tax going up every year and those who drive dont like road closures with these LTNs while those who dont drive do. Also from what we gathered they liked the cycyle lanes but felt some of them were in places where they shouldnt be. But overall crime was probably the top issue that people didnt like about him and his response to it

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan

Assuming you talked to people for about ten minutes on average, and we'll take a low thousands, at 2000.

That's about 333 hours "at least" spent talking to strangers about Khan. Or nearly 14 days. Two weeks solidly talking about him.

Fair play to you, that's dedication to the cause. I assume this was not part of a paid survey, just off your own back? Well I been speaking to people from the last Mayoral Election back in 2021 so it could be more then 2000 but I go with that but yeah on my own back as well as with a few friends. Trying to educate certain people why they shouldnt vote for him and yes some will vote for him out of party loyalty if anything not because they like him

Even more!

Fair play to you. Did you go door to door, or just stop people in the street?"

Speaking to people on the streets

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan

Assuming you talked to people for about ten minutes on average, and we'll take a low thousands, at 2000.

That's about 333 hours "at least" spent talking to strangers about Khan. Or nearly 14 days. Two weeks solidly talking about him.

Fair play to you, that's dedication to the cause. I assume this was not part of a paid survey, just off your own back? Well I been speaking to people from the last Mayoral Election back in 2021 so it could be more then 2000 but I go with that but yeah on my own back as well as with a few friends. Trying to educate certain people why they shouldnt vote for him and yes some will vote for him out of party loyalty if anything not because they like him

Even more!

Fair play to you. Did you go door to door, or just stop people in the street? Speaking to people on the streets"

Fair play. It's good to be politically engaged with your fellow humans.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oversfunCouple
13 weeks ago


"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan"

So thousands of ppl have told you their voting intentions?aye right

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oversfunCouple
13 weeks ago


"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders.

We all do but we have maybe what we deserve..

We've allowed it to become a cess pit of division..

It could be the right time for people to open their eyes to the fact that they are being played by the ones they least expect.

That is unless people actually like the division, hatred and fighting."

Can you give examples of hatred and fighting? and who is it that is fighting and who with ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders.

We all do but we have maybe what we deserve..

We've allowed it to become a cess pit of division..

It could be the right time for people to open their eyes to the fact that they are being played by the ones they least expect.

That is unless people actually like the division, hatred and fighting.

Can you give examples of hatred and fighting? and who is it that is fighting and who with ?"


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oversfunCouple
13 weeks ago


"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders.

We all do but we have maybe what we deserve..

We've allowed it to become a cess pit of division..

It could be the right time for people to open their eyes to the fact that they are being played by the ones they least expect.

That is unless people actually like the division, hatred and fighting.

Can you give examples of hatred and fighting? and who is it that is fighting and who with ?

Really? "


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders.

We all do but we have maybe what we deserve..

We've allowed it to become a cess pit of division..

It could be the right time for people to open their eyes to the fact that they are being played by the ones they least expect.

That is unless people actually like the division, hatred and fighting.

Can you give examples of hatred and fighting? and who is it that is fighting and who with ?

Really? yes"

I can't help you buddy, and you are probably not ready for a serious conversation.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oversfunCouple
13 weeks ago


"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders.

We all do but we have maybe what we deserve..

We've allowed it to become a cess pit of division..

It could be the right time for people to open their eyes to the fact that they are being played by the ones they least expect.

That is unless people actually like the division, hatred and fighting.

Can you give examples of hatred and fighting? and who is it that is fighting and who with ?

Really? yes

I can't help you buddy, and you are probably not ready for a serious conversation."

As i thought you made it up and made a right ar-e of yourself when asked for evidence

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aribbean King 1985Man
13 weeks ago

South West London

"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan

So thousands of ppl have told you their voting intentions?aye right"

Well I have since 2021 from the Last Mayoral Election.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders.

We all do but we have maybe what we deserve..

We've allowed it to become a cess pit of division..

It could be the right time for people to open their eyes to the fact that they are being played by the ones they least expect.

That is unless people actually like the division, hatred and fighting.

Can you give examples of hatred and fighting? and who is it that is fighting and who with ?

Really? yes

I can't help you buddy, and you are probably not ready for a serious conversation.

As i thought you made it up and made a right ar-e of yourself when asked for evidence "

I don't want to appear as rude as you, but if you need to ask for recent examples of hate, fighting and division, I think you are either trolling or in need of a little of your research, which will take you no time at all to do.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oversfunCouple
13 weeks ago


"It's such a shame, London has clearly fallen under Khan's rule. He seems to ouze hatred for white British people.

What facts do you base that upon?

His white conservative leader of the opposition in the GLA stood by him last week and said Anderson was wrong..

I'm not agreeing with the posters view on Khan, but what I do know is Khan tried to capitalise on Anderson's comments for political gain using racism and Islamophobia as his points of attack. He took to many platforms and created his own video to emphasise this over and over.

99% of the country believe Anderson was wrong in what he said, Khan stirred hard and with it comes more unrest, more divide and Khan will not take any responsibility for unrest as he will take a moral high ground.

I expect more not less of our politicians and leaders.

We all do but we have maybe what we deserve..

We've allowed it to become a cess pit of division..

It could be the right time for people to open their eyes to the fact that they are being played by the ones they least expect.

That is unless people actually like the division, hatred and fighting.

Can you give examples of hatred and fighting? and who is it that is fighting and who with ?

Really? yes

I can't help you buddy, and you are probably not ready for a serious conversation.

As i thought you made it up and made a right ar-e of yourself when asked for evidence

I don't want to appear as rude as you, but if you need to ask for recent examples of hate, fighting and division, I think you are either trolling or in need of a little of your research, which will take you no time at all to do."

i never made the claim so i dont need to research it,i asked for evidence that you wont or cant provide,so to me your making it up

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oversfunCouple
13 weeks ago


"Well I spoken to people around London and from the mood they been given me they aint looking to votr for him again despite what the polls say

London is a big place,how many people have you spoken too ? lost count but somewhere in the thousands at least. Obviously Im not saying their views reflect the opinions of every single person in London, Im saying the people that I've spoken to so far, most of them said to me they wont be voting for Khan

So thousands of ppl have told you their voting intentions?aye right Well I have since 2021 from the Last Mayoral Election. "

To be honest i dont beleive you

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oo hotCouple
13 weeks ago

North West

Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further."

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


[Removed by poster at 29/02/24 20:31:54]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *uddy laneMan
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race…."

Pushing boundaries of reality and norms individuals are encouraged to participate.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….


Islamophobia is a form of racism. It can be argued that that Islamophobic political discourse is dominated by anti-Muslim racism, which disguises itself as anti-Islam bigotry.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Islamophobia is a form of racism. It can be argued that that Islamophobic political discourse is dominated by anti-Muslim racism, which disguises itself as anti-Islam bigotry."

You can argue this but it will conclude unless you believe all Muslims are one race it is not correct.

Bending meanings helps nobody but your virtue. Anderson is stupid, the end.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race…."

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?"

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Islamophobia is a form of racism. It can be argued that that Islamophobic political discourse is dominated by anti-Muslim racism, which disguises itself as anti-Islam bigotry.

You can argue this but it will conclude unless you believe all Muslims are one race it is not correct.

Bending meanings helps nobody but your virtue. Anderson is stupid, the end."

It’s a way of being racist without being overtly racist. It has the exact same effect. Anderson is a ghoul who panders to a small bunch of fellow hate believers.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?"

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Islamophobia is a form of racism. It can be argued that that Islamophobic political discourse is dominated by anti-Muslim racism, which disguises itself as anti-Islam bigotry.

You can argue this but it will conclude unless you believe all Muslims are one race it is not correct.

Bending meanings helps nobody but your virtue. Anderson is stupid, the end.

It’s a way of being racist without being overtly racist. It has the exact same effect. Anderson is a ghoul who panders to a small bunch of fellow hate believers. "

No it really isn’t.

Racism is very clearly defined, and Muslims exist in all races.

Anderson is a twat, but it doesn’t allow a free pass to keep moving the goal posts on definition

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oo hotCouple
13 weeks ago

North West

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles."

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore."

Sadly have to agree.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ostindreamsMan
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles."

That such a weak response. Looks like you don't have the answer to the question and you are falling back to the usual "you Tory/Gbnews/daily mail reader" responses.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?"

I'll ask your question if you answer mine first.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ostindreamsMan
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

I'll ask your question if you answer mine first."

We have had this debate before. "Racist" isn't a default fallback word to anything for which you don't have an alternative descriptive word.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore."

You have no argument again, but you still throw it out there, thick skin

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

[Removed by poster at 29/02/24 20:57:47]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree."

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ostindreamsMan
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree.

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?


Remember when Kate Forbes was criticised for being a Christian during the Scottish elections? Maybe we should call that racism too.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree.

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?


Do you have a preferred descriptive word for prejudice against Muslims?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

I'll ask your question if you answer mine first.

We have had this debate before. "Racist" isn't a default fallback word to anything for which you don't have an alternative descriptive word."

Maybe you'd like to give it a try?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree.

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?


Those are mute points.

The whole religion is not a race comment.

A dictionary definition of Islamophobia is as follows

“unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam”

Would you consider antisemitism to be a form of racism? Because that is widely accepted as so.

Just like homophobia is a prejudice against gay people, male or female.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oversfunCouple
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree.

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?


youv still not shown evedince of hatered and fighting and by who?yet you want ppl to answer you

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ostindreamsMan
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree.

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?

Those are mute points.

The whole religion is not a race comment.

A dictionary definition of Islamophobia is as follows

“unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam”

Would you consider antisemitism to be a form of racism? Because that is widely accepted as so.

Just like homophobia is a prejudice against gay people, male or female. "

Antisemitism is racism because jews are ethnoreligious groups. And Hitler's views were based on bloodlines and not religion. A Jewish person who converted to Christianity would be still considered an enemy by Hitler.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ostindreamsMan
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

I'll ask your question if you answer mine first.

We have had this debate before. "Racist" isn't a default fallback word to anything for which you don't have an alternative descriptive word.

Maybe you'd like to give it a try?"

I don't have a word. But that doesn't mean I should use the word racist. I don't have a word to describe you. Shall I call you a racist? Or do you prefer transphobe? Maybe far-right?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree.

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?

youv still not shown evedince of hatered and fighting and by who?yet you want ppl to answer you "


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *otMe66Man
13 weeks ago

Terra Firma

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree.

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?

Those are mute points.

The whole religion is not a race comment.

A dictionary definition of Islamophobia is as follows

“unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam”

Would you consider antisemitism to be a form of racism? Because that is widely accepted as so.

Just like homophobia is a prejudice against gay people, male or female. "

It’s moot.

Fear of a religion and followers of that religion, nothing at all mentions race in your description.

Keep going though

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

I'll ask your question if you answer mine first.

We have had this debate before. "Racist" isn't a default fallback word to anything for which you don't have an alternative descriptive word.

Maybe you'd like to give it a try?

I don't have a word. But that doesn't mean I should use the word racist. I don't have a word to describe you. Shall I call you a racist? Or do you prefer transphobe? Maybe far-right?"

If there's no word that you want people to use. Why are you so upset about people using the word "racist"?

Call me whatever makes you happy.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree.

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?

Those are mute points.

The whole religion is not a race comment.

A dictionary definition of Islamophobia is as follows

“unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam”

Would you consider antisemitism to be a form of racism? Because that is widely accepted as so.

Just like homophobia is a prejudice against gay people, male or female.

It’s moot.

Fear of a religion and followers of that religion, nothing at all mentions race in your description.

Keep going though "

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ostindreamsMan
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

I'll ask your question if you answer mine first.

We have had this debate before. "Racist" isn't a default fallback word to anything for which you don't have an alternative descriptive word.

Maybe you'd like to give it a try?

I don't have a word. But that doesn't mean I should use the word racist. I don't have a word to describe you. Shall I call you a racist? Or do you prefer transphobe? Maybe far-right?

If there's no word that you want people to use. Why are you so upset about people using the word "racist"?

Call me whatever makes you happy."

Don't you see the ridiculousness behind the argument? Calling someone a racist is an allegation. Something that could get you fired in a job. So unless you are sure what it means, why do you use the word?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
13 weeks ago

golden fields

"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

I'll ask your question if you answer mine first.

We have had this debate before. "Racist" isn't a default fallback word to anything for which you don't have an alternative descriptive word.

Maybe you'd like to give it a try?

I don't have a word. But that doesn't mean I should use the word racist. I don't have a word to describe you. Shall I call you a racist? Or do you prefer transphobe? Maybe far-right?

If there's no word that you want people to use. Why are you so upset about people using the word "racist"?

Call me whatever makes you happy.

Don't you see the ridiculousness behind the argument? Calling someone a racist is an allegation. Something that could get you fired in a job. So unless you are sure what it means, why do you use the word?"

Islamaphobia is commonly understood as a form of racism. If you're determined to try to undermine people who call out racism, in whatever form, by arguing semantics. Then I don't know why you're finding it so hard to provide an alternative descriptive word.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ouples_EroticaXXXCouple
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

That is such a weak argument, and one that doesn’t fly outside of the tory / GBbees circles.

You are wasting your time, best to ignore.

Sadly have to agree.

Is Islam a race?

Are Muslims all one race?

Those are mute points.

The whole religion is not a race comment.

A dictionary definition of Islamophobia is as follows

“unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam”

Would you consider antisemitism to be a form of racism? Because that is widely accepted as so.

Just like homophobia is a prejudice against gay people, male or female.

Antisemitism is racism because jews are ethnoreligious groups. And Hitler's views were based on bloodlines and not religion. A Jewish person who converted to Christianity would be still considered an enemy by Hitler."

Muslims are also a Ethnoreligious group so by your own admission that makes it racism. Well done for proving our point.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ostindreamsMan
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

I'll ask your question if you answer mine first.

We have had this debate before. "Racist" isn't a default fallback word to anything for which you don't have an alternative descriptive word.

Maybe you'd like to give it a try?

I don't have a word. But that doesn't mean I should use the word racist. I don't have a word to describe you. Shall I call you a racist? Or do you prefer transphobe? Maybe far-right?

If there's no word that you want people to use. Why are you so upset about people using the word "racist"?

Call me whatever makes you happy.

Don't you see the ridiculousness behind the argument? Calling someone a racist is an allegation. Something that could get you fired in a job. So unless you are sure what it means, why do you use the word?

Islamaphobia is commonly understood as a form of racism. If you're determined to try to undermine people who call out racism, in whatever form, by arguing semantics. Then I don't know why you're finding it so hard to provide an alternative descriptive word. "

Islamophobia is not a form of racism. Would you say someone bashing Christians as racist too? Would you call anyone who makes fun of Scientologists racists too?

If you want to defend a religion and it's followers irrespective of its values, then you need to do it for all religions. I will start a religion tomorrow that says anyone who beats up their neighbours everyday will get to go to heaven and you need to defend that religion too.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *igNick1381Man
13 weeks ago


"Sadiq Khan is miles ahead in the opinion polls and I reckon rent a thug Anderson’s racist comments will have helped him stretch that lead even further.

What was the racist comment? Still mixing up a religion with race….

Do you have a preferred descriptive word for the prejudice against Muslims?

Do you think all Muslims are one race?

I'll ask your question if you answer mine first.

We have had this debate before. "Racist" isn't a default fallback word to anything for which you don't have an alternative descriptive word.

Maybe you'd like to give it a try?

I don't have a word. But that doesn't mean I should use the word racist. I don't have a word to describe you. Shall I call you a racist? Or do you prefer transphobe? Maybe far-right?

If there's no word that you want people to use. Why are you so upset about people using the word "racist"?

Call me whatever makes you happy.

Don't you see the ridiculousness behind the argument? Calling someone a racist is an allegation. Something that could get you fired in a job. So unless you are sure what it means, why do you use the word?

Islamaphobia is commonly understood as a form of racism. If you're determined to try to undermine people who call out racism, in whatever form, by arguing semantics. Then I don't know why you're finding it so hard to provide an alternative descriptive word. "

"Islamaphobia" is NOT racist and anyone saying it is has severe mental deficiencies

You could argue that it's bigotry

But Islam, like all religions, is just an idea, and all ideas can be critiqued and ridiculed to your heart's content

People only conflate it with racism to make it seem precious

No religion is precious

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