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2019 election result

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By *bernath OP   Couple
over a year ago


The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority.

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By *uddy laneMan
over a year ago


"The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority."

May I add over 19 million were not politically engage and did not vote.

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By *lixerMan
over a year ago


The whole system is fucked. The whole thing. Unwritten constitution, crown in parliament, the lot. It is the system of the middle ages, not the present day.

We will ALL benefit from a better system. Unless you are one the tiny percentage that benefits from it.

Support the Scottish Breakaway. Really. Why do you want to support this Union?

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By *bernath OP   Couple
over a year ago


"The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority.

May I add over 19 million were not politically engage and did not vote."

So no mandate because technically no vote is not for the the tories either so in fact it was 35 million people so indeed the majority is in fact being rules the minority. Tories and their voters are the real elitists. They have no mandate, they have no real right to rule.

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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
over a year ago

golden fields

"The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority."

How many people voted for UKIP, brexit party, reclaim, BNP etc?

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By *heNerdyFembyWoman
over a year ago

Eastbourne (she/they)

"The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority.

How many people voted for UKIP, brexit party, reclaim, BNP etc?"

Brexit : 644,257

UKIP: 22,817

reclaim/bnp didn't get enough for their own category on the BBC election results so fall into the other votes total of 267,757

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By *ayturners turn hayMan
over a year ago


"The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority."

. Hello. Thank you for publishing this .It certainly confirms that the Conservative party are far more popular than any other party by a substantial margin. 14 million votes for the Conservatives against 10 million votes for Labour is a very substantial lead and provides proof as to how popular the Conservative party are . When you vote you do not have to worry about being cancelled or sneered at. At election time you simply listen to all the candidates and vote for whoever you believe to be best for the country. The electorate can hardly be wrong.

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By *ohnnyTwoNotesMan
over a year ago

golden fields

" The electorate can hardly be wrong. "

Lolz. This is amazing.

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By *heNerdyFembyWoman
over a year ago

Eastbourne (she/they)

"Hello. Thank you for publishing this .It certainly confirms that the Conservative party are far more popular than any other party by a substantial margin. 14 million votes for the Conservatives against 10 million votes for Labour is a very substantial lead and provides proof as to how popular the Conservative party are . When you vote you do not have to worry about being cancelled or sneered at. At election time you simply listen to all the candidates and vote for whoever you believe to be best for the country. The electorate can hardly be wrong. "

And this theydies and gentlethems is an interpretation of the data presented by confirmation bias.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority.. Hello. Thank you for publishing this .It certainly confirms that the Conservative party are far more popular than any other party by a substantial margin. 14 million votes for the Conservatives against 10 million votes for Labour is a very substantial lead and provides proof as to how popular the Conservative party are . When you vote you do not have to worry about being cancelled or sneered at. At election time you simply listen to all the candidates and vote for whoever you believe to be best for the country. The electorate can hardly be wrong. "

Indeed , the electorate voted for MPs in the Conservative party that decideD that Boris is a fuckwit and is no longer capable/trusted to be the PM

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By *oubleswing2019Man
over a year ago



And this theydies and gentlethems is an interpretation of the data presented by confirmation bias."

It's more than that. It's completely duplicitous.

It just highlights in very clear terms what is wrong with the FPTP system.

When the sum of the all the non-C votes is higher than the C vote, doesn't that say something ? That more people collectively didn't vote for the C's than did.

Imagine a person goes to a party of 50 and they have vote on him being Mr Popular.

20 vote for him. 30 don't.

That's not a good result for Mr. Popular in my book, when 30 people vote for anyone else but Mr. Popular.

A good spin doctor will tell you Mr. Popular won the vote.

A statistician will tell you the spin doctor is talking doo-doo.

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By *bernath OP   Couple
over a year ago


"The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority.. Hello. Thank you for publishing this .It certainly confirms that the Conservative party are far more popular than any other party by a substantial margin. 14 million votes for the Conservatives against 10 million votes for Labour is a very substantial lead and provides proof as to how popular the Conservative party are . When you vote you do not have to worry about being cancelled or sneered at. At election time you simply listen to all the candidates and vote for whoever you believe to be best for the country. The electorate can hardly be wrong. "

14 million tories to 35 million non tories is not proof they are popular, it’s proof that tories cannot count properly, no wonder the economy is in the shitter.

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By *V-AliceTV/TS
over a year ago


"The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority.. Hello. Thank you for publishing this .It certainly confirms that the Conservative party are far more popular than any other party by a substantial margin. 14 million votes for the Conservatives against 10 million votes for Labour is a very substantial lead and provides proof as to how popular the Conservative party are . When you vote you do not have to worry about being cancelled or sneered at. At election time you simply listen to all the candidates and vote for whoever you believe to be best for the country. The electorate can hardly be wrong. "

They weren't wrong - 35 million of them refused to assent to the Tories forming a government.

Only imbeciles would claim the Tories have a mandate to govern the UK.

And they've all been doing it a lot lately.

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By *irldnCouple
over a year ago


"The Tories are harping on about winning about 14 million votes in the last election. Thinking they have the mandate when in actual fact there were more people who in actual fact voted against the conservatives

Here are the numbers

Tories - 13,941,086

Labour - 10,292,354

Lib Dem - 3,675,342

Scottish National Party - 1,242,380

Green - 864,743

DUP- 244,127

SF - 181,853

PC - 153,265

AP - 134,115

SDLP - 118,737

So this is how it works

Tories and DUP - 14,185,213

Labour and the rest - 16,662,789

So to claim the tories won the popular vote is not true.

We are being ruled by a party who doesnt have the mandate of the people in general.

Like the other freak over the pond, the slob did not win the popular vote.

What lies do the tories have to continue to say they won the mandate of the people when they haven’t.

They are like their republican comrades over the pond, minority rule over a larger majority.

So to all these right whingers, you are the minority politically, and you force your minority views on a far larger majority.

So when you complain why there are so many anti-tories in these forums, look at the numbers and know you will always be in the minority.. Hello. Thank you for publishing this .It certainly confirms that the Conservative party are far more popular than any other party by a substantial margin. 14 million votes for the Conservatives against 10 million votes for Labour is a very substantial lead and provides proof as to how popular the Conservative party are . When you vote you do not have to worry about being cancelled or sneered at. At election time you simply listen to all the candidates and vote for whoever you believe to be best for the country. The electorate can hardly be wrong. "

Others have already addressed the statistical point but I will address one other...

You say ARE but you meant WERE just as ALL polls now confirm. 2.5yrs of inept govt and corruption has finally started to wake some people up.

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By *estivalMan
over a year ago


Anyone have any idea who the last party was that had more votes than all the other partys put together? I was under the impression that every goverment dosent have the majority of the country voting for them

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Have yourselves a revolution, maybe even implement a final solution for those pesky right whingers you mention. That’ll learn them.

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