By *V-Alice OP TV/TS
over a year ago
Ayr |
Boris tells us - a lot - that he takes full responsibility for his actions and the drastic shortcomings of his government. But does he ever actually mean it?
Due to his incompetence in his initial response to Covid, tens of thousands of UK citizens died, who need not have died.
He accepted full responsibility for his government's initial handling of the pandemic in Parliament.
This is, of course, the same Parliament he has been proven - to anyone who doesn't buy into his bullshit - to have deliberately misled.
Again, today, he has taken full responsibility for the culture - under his leadership - that allowed blatant law breaking to occur in Downing Street.
Clearly, for Boris, taking full responsibility only goes so far; certainly, it doesn't include resignation.
You could, therefore, argue that it amounts to nothing at all, when he says it. Which is a reasonable stance to take, given that he is a known liar.
So, when he says it; what does full mean? Or responsibility, for that matter?
It is well known that he has his supporters and defenders. But it ought to be borne in mind that such people have no sense of right and wrong, no integrity, no credibility and no self-respect.
Nor should they be treated with anything other than scorn, ridicule and contempt ...
for as long as they are content to take full responsibility for keeping Boris Johnson in office as PM. |