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Appropriate discipline in schools

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics

[Removed by poster at 21/01/20 07:23:55]

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics

I do realise that it's very difficult these days for teachers to be able to discipline children.

I just would like people's views on a situation that recently occurred.

During an art lesson my 13 year old daughter was going to put her blazer on her chair, and she feels the teacher thought she was just walking about and as a result she was made to stand in the corner facing the wall for the next 20 minutes until the lesson ended.

There was another child who was made to leave the room, I'm not sure of the circumstances surrounding that.

Regardless of what the teacher felt my daughter had done and if there was a miscommunication, I just don't feel that thirteen-year-old should be left facing a wall during a class for 20-minutes.

The other children were all sitting at their desks.

I think I might contact the teacher and just ask her about the situation as I just feel really unsettled about it.

It seems to me a kind of humiliation punishment which I don't really feel is is appropriate these days.

My daughter was very embarrassed buy the situation.

I just would like people's views on this, when I was a child being punished like this was usual but but I've not heard of it being used as an appropriate disciplinary measure for a long time.

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By *hamCouple30Couple
over a year ago


Kids are soft these days.

They need to get over it.

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By *nto My ArmsMan
over a year ago


Check the school's behaviour policy. I'd be very surprised if that is amongst the sanctions.

If it's not, the teacher needs a sharp reminder about appropriate forms of sanction, so I'd take it further and ensure the school's Safeguarding lead is involved.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What do you think the teacher should have done? Opened a dialogue with one pupil in the middle of the lesson? Facing a wall is hardly humiliating to be honest...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I would consider that your daughter may not be being entirely truthful about what happened.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Standing and facing a wall really isn't that bad, it was the same at my school.

Just move on I'd say.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Check the school's behaviour policy. I'd be very surprised if that is amongst the sanctions.

If it's not, the teacher needs a sharp reminder about appropriate forms of sanction, so I'd take it further and ensure the school's Safeguarding lead is involved. "

There was no risk of harm so why would Safeguarding come into it?

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By *ackDorianMan
over a year ago


Can’t really make anyone face a wall; it’s pointless punishment.

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By *nto My ArmsMan
over a year ago


If the teacher is going off piste with sanctions I'd expect there to be a look into how else they decide to discipline. That could see the need for Safeguarding involvement.

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By *a LunaWoman
over a year ago

South Wales

It was probably because there was another child outside the class (presumably stood outside it rather than sent somewhere?). It that was the case it would have been so there wasn’t two of them outside the class having a chinwag when it should have been a punishment.

My old comp teachers did it all the time.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

Standing facing a wall for 20 minutes is hardly humiliation. How are teachers supposed to discipline kids these days. Safeguarding against what never heard anything so daft

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Standing in the corner of the room facing the wall? Seriously? In this day and age? They will be bringing dunces caps back in next....having said that, I cant think of a better place to be to make one....all that paper to make a cone with and paint to write a big D on it. Tbh this sounds like a bit of a wind up

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics

Is it necessary to face the wall, if she was told to stay in a corner or at the back of the class I would feel a little different. What reason would there be to have a child face the wall?

I think it's the fact she was told to face the wall, that I feel uncomfortable about.

There is no notes in the behaviour policy about standing in corners facing the wall, only about being asked to leave the classroom.

There is no reason for me to feel she wasn't telling me the truth, she is a very truthful child.

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By *rAitchMan
over a year ago

Diagonally Parked in a Parallel Universe

My maths teacher had a bamboo cane. The end was frayed and was like a Cat O'Nine Tails. I was on the receiving end of that. Once. Across the fingertips. Never again. Didn't do me any harm. Just taught me not to take the piss about him behind his back any more.

He was also a great shot with the blackboard rubber.

The woodwork teacher had a thin piece of plywood shaped a bit like a cricket bat, and the geography teacher used an old slipper. I never had the pleasure of those, either.

All short, sharp shocks then straight back to the lessons.

Pupil discipline at the school was pretty good.

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics

I'm not a fan of a bigger person physically hurting a smaller person, who also would have no power to resist or fight back.

I feel that is bullying.

All the same I also received the ruler when I was in school.

Things have moved on from there.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If that was my child I'd make her accept it I'm afraid ... something happened and that isn't humiliating or needing safeguarding etc plus I feel very sorry for teachers now! Sorry but life is tough occasionally and helps us to make better decisions

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By *wisted999Man
over a year ago

North Bucks

Before I came to the UK my School at home could whack you a will it seems.

When I came to the UK and misbehaved the teacher told me to get my ass outside and stand in the corridor. I thought she was kidding. I had a wonderful time stood outside talking to people wondering when the real punishment would come

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If that was my child I'd make her accept it I'm afraid ... something happened and that isn't humiliating or needing safeguarding etc plus I feel very sorry for teachers now! Sorry but life is tough occasionally and helps us to make better decisions "

They make kids face the wall so they don't distract other kids who are sitting in the class. Ie. By pulling silly faces or making gestures or something. And to ensure the kid being punished isn't distracted from thinking about what they've done to end up standing there.

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By *eeleyWoman
over a year ago


I have a child of a similar age and this would piss me off, if the teacher thought your child was wandering around she should have been told to return to her seat, not lost 20 minutes of learning time in a humiliating position.

I understand that punishing kids these days is difficult but I find this type of punishment abit old fashioned and bullyish. If it was my child I would have a discussion with the teacher and find out why he/she thought that punishment was appropriate.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Children exaggerate can you be sure it was 20 mins and not the last 5 at the end of the lesson?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I do realise that it's very difficult these days for teachers to be able to discipline children.

I just would like people's views on a situation that recently occurred.

During an art lesson my 13 year old daughter was going to put her blazer on her chair, and she feels the teacher thought she was just walking about and as a result she was made to stand in the corner facing the wall for the next 20 minutes until the lesson ended.

There was another child who was made to leave the room, I'm not sure of the circumstances surrounding that.

Regardless of what the teacher felt my daughter had done and if there was a miscommunication, I just don't feel that thirteen-year-old should be left facing a wall during a class for 20-minutes.

The other children were all sitting at their desks.

I think I might contact the teacher and just ask her about the situation as I just feel really unsettled about it.

It seems to me a kind of humiliation punishment which I don't really feel is is appropriate these days.

My daughter was very embarrassed buy the situation.

I just would like people's views on this, when I was a child being punished like this was usual but but I've not heard of it being used as an appropriate disciplinary measure for a long time."

I think you have a right to find out, from that teachers point of view. What exactly went on. I'd contact the school, so you can discuss over the phone or face to face.

Does seem odd for a 13 year old to be punished this way. Leaving the room yes, that idea, no!

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

Yep go and speak to the teacher in a friendly "let's do what's best for my kid and cooperate with each other way".

Making a 13 year old stand facing the wall isn't appropriate *in my opinion* but I'd want to know both sides of the story before I did anything about it.

A class full of teenagers is a volatile thing and the teacher needs full control, how they achieve that varies. Sometimes they use forms of discipline on one pupil that the others wouldn't want to experience and gain control that way, sometimes they're at their wits end and do things as a last resort and sometimes they think it's the right thing to do.

I was at school over 40 years ago and was never made to stand facing the wall and never witnessed it either.

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

Oh and also teachers aren't always right.

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By *pursChick aka ShortieWoman
over a year ago

On a mooch

The teachers have a hard time of it nowadays. I see nothing wrong with a child being made to face the wall, they can’t interact with / disrupt the rest of the class, but they can still hear the lesson

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By *m3232Man
over a year ago


My guess would be that maybe she and others play around and now she got her punishment.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

the untouchable generation of kids today have very little respect for anyone or anything!

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By *uciyassMan
over a year ago


Let’s go back to the old days when we were all in school. Didn’t do me any harm and we didn’t even have a child line to phone. Bring back the leather I say Everyone’s gone to soft these days and worries about bloody health and safety Now I’m not saying beat them to an inch of their life’s but telling them stop your a very bad boy or girl quite doesn’t do it these days.

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By *ittleMissCaliWoman
over a year ago

all loved up

Standing against a wall is hardly humiliating... and children can fabricate... however if I ever had an issue I'd discus it with the school.

I never got punished at school but obviously saw others do so and either standing outside the room or facing the wall was a punishment seen used. And dont have an issue with it myself.

We hate to think our little darlings can get into trouble but if it was a misunderstanding I'm sure the teacher would calmly discuss it.

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By *hatYorkLadMan
over a year ago


My sister is a teacher and she's told me about various times she's told kids off for misbehaving or bullying in school and the next thing has had the parents in screaming at her for daring to chastise or punish their little darling. It's not a job I'd want!

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics

Thank you for your many and varied responses I appreciate the different opinions.

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


Find out where they live, make them stand in a fucking corner...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Speak to the teacher first and get the full story.

I have had countless times where one student has only ever given their side of events.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Poor teachers. Have very little in their armoury these days and have been successfully vilified by the media. Not surprised people don't want the job.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Standing facing a wall is really not humiliating at all imo.

You say your child is very truthful, but isn't it a little naive to think that our children always tell the truth?

My daughter's school uses a 3 strike policy. Then to isolation. My daughter was given 2 strikes at once for 2 different breaches so ended up in isolation. Did I have a problem with it? Yeah, I had a problem in that she made those decisions to get strikes so not only did she get put in iso for the rest of the day she also got grounded and her phone removed (best punishment I can give)

Everyone needs to stop being so soft with children and teach them, it's what we're here for as parents

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By *litterbabe OP   Woman
over a year ago

hiding from cock pics

There has been countless other times that my children have been punished at school this is the first time that I wasn't quite comfortable with the sanction.

I have always supported the teachers judgement previously, and also my children know when something goes on at school there are often consequences at home.

I do know very well how difficult it is these days to be a teacher, control a classroom and punish when necessary.

I do of course do realise I'm only hearing one side of the story.

All opinions are important thank you.

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