By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
My tips are..
1. Take turns being the one who is leading and in control.
- Recipients, just let them suck you how they want to, enjoy the pampering for what it is.
- Givers, relinquish control of your mouth and throat occasionally, give.. it.. up..
2. React to one another. If it feels amazing, let them know! In whichever way feels most natural to you.
3. If you can't take it deep, keep trying, its amazing being balls deep inside someone's throat. Not just the physical sensation, it looks incredible and just knowing you can/are prepared to push yourself - is a massive turn on. Also, if you get off on feeling a bit slutty, struggling this way really adds.
4. Don't forget the balls! Around the balls, inner thighs! OMG that drives me wild! I've got big clangers and they need loving too.
5. The bum.. go near it and we'll do one of two things.. twitch so hard we get a mega stiffy.. or flop in an instant. Neither is an indication of how we're feeling, or an invitation to continue. If you're unsure, ask. But this is BJing not RIMming tips
6. Long, tentative, passionate cock worship takes its toll on a man. He'll go up and down, twitch, turn, stretch, almost fall asleep in pleasure, regain his senses, take back control. IT ALL FEELS GOOD! Every little, different thing you do.
7. If you're not enjoying giving it - stop! If you are, show it, some men may be unused to long pampering blowjobs and feel like they're hoarding all the joy and can't relax. These men need it most Communicate you're very happy with that cock in your mouth.
8. Someone asked about best fruit or veg to use for practice Really? Why not buy a toy? The real thing is much nicer though - if you find a nice one.
9. Gagging, dribbing, struggling, personally I love it. It's not a requirement by any stretch of the imagination.
10. Watch out for teeth! Not always the fault of the giver, you as the person receiving a rougher bj may be a little sore the next day.
11. It really doesn't matter where I finish. It feels amazing whatever.
12. Men are super sensitive after cumming, bodywide, for a good minute or so. These feelings can be extended through denial and prolonging orgasms. This is a great time to gently tease, or not so gently, if Femdom or other Domination scenarios may be on your mind. Most of us can't handle it very well You show him who is boss  |