By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
No wind up here. I wanted to talk about what Love means to people. We've had the threads about marrieds cheating etc and the reaction seems to be in one of two camps:
1) the man/woman cheating is a bastard and should be shot
2) work the problem out by talking and being honest - and then be shot.
Nobody in their right mind is going to sit their spouse down and say, "listen honey, I need some sex so I thought it best to let you know I'll be cheating on Friday night, btw ...what's for tea tonight sweetness?"
It just doesn't happen like that in the real world, so why do people do what they do when things at home have gone awry?
For some, I think seeking an avenue outside of the marriage to get what one feels should be within the marriage alleviates the impact of actually addressing the root problem. Some people love their spouse and don't want to lose his or her but for one reason or another they percieve them not to be the same person in terms of intimacy that they were earlier on in the relationship. That doesn't mean they love them any less, just that they wish they were who they used to be.
For others there is a financial penalty of breaking up a relationship, and many people - both men and women - would prefer a clandestine arrangment with a lover than make the break and lose a huge part of what they've worked hard to achieve (the legalities of who owns what in a marriage break up and who has contributed to the marriage during it's course I'll set aside for the moment).
I'm deliberately steering clear of including relationships where one partner is physically unable to provide sex, as I am not including those who have a tacit agreement in place but the other half "doesn't want to know the details."
I'm most suredly not on the side of those who condemn it as the ultimate deal breaker under any circumstances when there is such a huge grey area between black and white. I do feel that each person has an unalienable right to the truth to enable them to make their own subsequent decisions, and any decision that is made when the underlying factors are based on lies is not making the correct decision.
So where does Love fit into all this?
I believe it is possible to love someone and not be faithful to them, possibly for the reasons outlined above but there are many more reasons not listed here as to why people seek affection outside of the relationship they are in. For example, I know for sure that I would be able to remain with Siren if she said, "Listen Wishy, I'm just not interested in sex anymore but I don't want to lose you as a husband and father to our kids so I'm quite happy for you to find a friend with benefits," that that's exactly what I'd do, but as Soapy so eloquently posted above, I wouldn't brag about on here, I wouldn't say I was married on my profile, and I'd only divulge the information if directly asked.
p.s. our marriage is fine, she's just waiting for her body to settle back into some sort of normality.  |