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When do we stop building ?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

When there’s no more of our beautiful green green grass left it seems

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

King's Crustacean

When everyone has a home ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I was thinking this the other day. Infrastructures can’t cope with the expansions.

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By *astyEricMan
over a year ago


When you Brexit and kick out all immigrants

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By *sGivesWoodWoman
over a year ago


"When everyone has a home ?"

There are thousands of empty ones being left to rot, maybe use those first before building more.

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By *rwhowhatwherewhyMan
over a year ago


When population growth falls and/or capitalism gets scrapped.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"When everyone has a home ?

There are thousands of empty ones being left to rot, maybe use those first before building more. "

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"When everyone has a home ?"

With an ever expanding population, this will never happen.

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By *orthyorkypairCouple
over a year ago

North Yorkshire

when they stop people from having two homes one for weekdays one for weekends i live in a village 109 houses in it only 76 are occupied monday to friday! and its the ssame at all the other villages in the area

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

My village has nearly merged into the nearest town, that town has nearly merged into the next town. They’re building everywhere. The roads are constantly busy, but I’m sure they’ve thought all this through.

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By *cgkcCouple
over a year ago


4.5 million public homes gone since right to buy.

If only these new builds were to replenish the public housing stock.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"When there’s no more of our beautiful green green grass left it seems "

What is the matter with humans, they don’t know when to stop.

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By *orthyorkypairCouple
over a year ago

North Yorkshire

"4.5 million public homes gone since right to buy.

If only these new builds were to replenish the public housing stock. "

with due respect if folks buy they dont need to rent

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"My village has nearly merged into the nearest town, that town has nearly merged into the next town. They’re building everywhere. The roads are constantly busy, but I’m sure they’ve thought all this through. "

I doubt they've thought it through

We have the same with a couple of towns here, who knows where one ends and the next begins as they have merged.

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By *abs..Woman
over a year ago


There is no long term plan. Councils have to fill government quotas to build.

In the meantime we give more money to schools so children can get fitter and on the other hand we take the green away where they would play.

Wacky world.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I was thinking this the other day. Infrastructures can’t cope with the expansions. "

The change here has been unbelievable, what’s it going to be like in the next 10, 20 years ?!

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

King's Crustacean

"When you Brexit and kick out all immigrants "

Uncalled for.

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By *sGivesWoodWoman
over a year ago


"When you Brexit and kick out all immigrants

Uncalled for. "


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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

King's Crustacean

"When everyone has a home ?

With an ever expanding population, this will never happen. "

My tongue was firmly .......

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"When population growth falls and/or capitalism gets scrapped."

What do you replace capitalism with ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"when they stop people from having two homes one for weekdays one for weekends i live in a village 109 houses in it only 76 are occupied monday to friday! and its the ssame at all the other villages in the area "

Stop people from having 2 homes? Why? I’m sure those people pay for their 2 homes.

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By *abs..Woman
over a year ago


"I was thinking this the other day. Infrastructures can’t cope with the expansions. "

The infrastructure is they key point really. Roads, doctors, schools etc just can’t cope.

We would do better to manage vacant properties instead of building more constantly.

Soon the only way will be up.

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By *hoenixAdAstraWoman
over a year ago

Hiding in the shadows

I live in a village, the local authority has been told it needs to provide nearly 2000 homes by 2025.

But where? We've got the sea to the South, the South Downs National Park directly to the North.

The only 2 possible plots of land are either side to, the east & west.

Both are designated flood plains, but hey ho... Permission has been granted, building will start soon on a huge retail park & 600homes

At peak times, our village is gridlocked, sheer volume of traffic trying to get round 1 main roundabout.

It took me an hour to drive the last mile yesterday, the previous 203 miles without a hitch.

I have no idea how our already crumbling infrastructure will cope.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I was thinking this the other day. Infrastructures can’t cope with the expansions.

The infrastructure is they key point really. Roads, doctors, schools etc just can’t cope.

We would do better to manage vacant properties instead of building more constantly.

Soon the only way will be up. "

They build bigger roads, then more schools, then those fill up, what then, where do we go.

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By *irth.Minge.FireMan
over a year ago

Seen in far off places

Greggs the bloody bakers seem to be taking over at the moment

They're everywhere!...

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I live in a village, the local authority has been told it needs to provide nearly 2000 homes by 2025.

But where? We've got the sea to the South, the South Downs National Park directly to the North.

The only 2 possible plots of land are either side to, the east & west.

Both are designated flood plains, but hey ho... Permission has been granted, building will start soon on a huge retail park & 600homes

At peak times, our village is gridlocked, sheer volume of traffic trying to get round 1 main roundabout.

It took me an hour to drive the last mile yesterday, the previous 203 miles without a hitch.

I have no idea how our already crumbling infrastructure will cope. "

It seems to be an unstoppable force, the same is happening where I live.

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By *dam1971Man
over a year ago


The idea of the green belt is pushed by property owners who want to see the value of their current housing go up.

Fly over most of the UK and there’s still an awful lot of green. It could be built on with no problem, but that would make current housing stop its inflation busting price rise

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I was thinking this the other day. Infrastructures can’t cope with the expansions.

The infrastructure is they key point really. Roads, doctors, schools etc just can’t cope.

We would do better to manage vacant properties instead of building more constantly.

Soon the only way will be up. "

It is. Most of the new builds seem to be townhouses crammed together!

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By *orthyorkypairCouple
over a year ago

North Yorkshire

"when they stop people from having two homes one for weekdays one for weekends i live in a village 109 houses in it only 76 are occupied monday to friday! and its the ssame at all the other villages in the area

Stop people from having 2 homes? Why? I’m sure those people pay for their 2 homes. "

the problem is not the owning two homes its the total lack of space to expand to allow everyone to own two homes that wants them

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By *ustme34Man
over a year ago


"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?


In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

As long as we keep building car park Id be okay

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By *ensualtouch15Man
over a year ago

ashby de la zouch

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?


Exactly the same time we restrict breeding ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family."

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By *orthyorkypairCouple
over a year ago

North Yorkshire

"I was thinking this the other day. Infrastructures can’t cope with the expansions.

The infrastructure is they key point really. Roads, doctors, schools etc just can’t cope.

We would do better to manage vacant properties instead of building more constantly.

Soon the only way will be up. "

my point exactly many around here are only vacant monday to friday though!!!

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

King's Crustacean

"Greggs the bloody bakers seem to be taking over at the moment

They're everywhere!...


Handy. Vegan sos roll for a quid.......

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By *cgkcCouple
over a year ago


Let me say again, 4.5 million fewer public homes.

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By *emini ManMan
over a year ago

There and to the left a bit

"4.5 million public homes gone since right to buy.

If only these new builds were to replenish the public housing stock. "

This...so much this And the consequences of that right to buy scheme go way beyond the low levels of public housing stock...and explain so much of the problems we face currently as a society

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Let me say again, 4.5 million fewer public homes. "

That’s what we need to build to house everyone ?

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

King's Crustacean

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family."

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"When there’s no more of our beautiful green green grass left it seems "

Or trees and wildlife

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We'll stop building when there's no humans left .. we'll take up most the land then we'll build vertically.

Over population is a thing now don't be surprised if there will be a war break out to sort population

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Keeps me in a job

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By *cgkcCouple
over a year ago


"4.5 million public homes gone since right to buy.

If only these new builds were to replenish the public housing stock.

This...so much this And the consequences of that right to buy scheme go way beyond the low levels of public housing stock...and explain so much of the problems we face currently as a society"

Absolutely. Insanely massive implications. If you bought your council house you helped cause this problem.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ? "

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

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By *emini ManMan
over a year ago

There and to the left a bit

"when they stop people from having two homes one for weekdays one for weekends i live in a village 109 houses in it only 76 are occupied monday to friday! and its the ssame at all the other villages in the area

Stop people from having 2 homes? Why? I’m sure those people pay for their 2 homes.

the problem is not the owning two homes its the total lack of space to expand to allow everyone to own two homes that wants them "

I have no problem with people owning two homes - one as a holiday place that is kept just for them - what I do have a problem with is greedy landlords who own multiple properties and can simply add to their portfolio by re-mortgaging a couple of their existing properties and who buy whole swathes of new developments to rent out and profit from those that can't get a foot on the housing ladder.

I have no problem with people making money at all, but do think the sell off of public housing stock, combined with a greed driven society has allowed situations like the above to happen when if we'd not sold off that public housing stock it wouldn't have.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"When there’s no more of our beautiful green green grass left it seems

Or trees and wildlife "

it makes me sad.

There are so many ugly new build houses/ flats being built in record timing in my area that are all the same.

Soulless orange brick - tiny boxes for rent at over £1000 per month for a 1 bedroom box.

I feel sad for the young people now.

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By *orthyorkypairCouple
over a year ago

North Yorkshire

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days. "

well we are deffo in agreement there i shared a room with my brother until he was 11

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days. "

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"My village has nearly merged into the nearest town, that town has nearly merged into the next town. They’re building everywhere. The roads are constantly busy, but I’m sure they’ve thought all this through.

I doubt they've thought it through

We have the same with a couple of towns here, who knows where one ends and the next begins as they have merged.


This is happening where I am too

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

The amount actually built upon was according to a survey commissioned by the beeb in 2017 about 6% and it looks like that includes roads etc, full fact website looks to confirm that..

That doesn't mean our housing policy is pretty much still a dogs breakfast and needs a massive overhaul..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them. "

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

In my town new estates are being built on flood planes and land known to be unstable. We're a bit less populated in North Yorkshire so we haven't had villages and towns merging into each other yet. When I used to visit my ex in the Midlands I couldn't get my head around where one town stopped and the other began, it was such a shock. When I lived in Liverpool there were streets and streets of boarded up houses, just sitting there crumbling away. This was 2000-04 so I don't know if that is still the case.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it. "

Do people mean holiday or second homes rather than property rented out?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"The amount actually built upon was according to a survey commissioned by the beeb in 2017 about 6% and it looks like that includes roads etc, full fact website looks to confirm that..

That doesn't mean our housing policy is pretty much still a dogs breakfast and needs a massive overhaul.. "

Are you trying to say 6% isn’t a lot ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days. "

Personally I'm very grateful to be living in a country where these kind of living conditions are rare.

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By *orthyorkypairCouple
over a year ago

North Yorkshire

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it. "

Your situation is not what I was talking about good luck to you for renting out, i was talking about houses left EMPTY all week and used purely for weekends

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We're supposed to be the most intelligent species on Earth, yet we wreak havoc on it and everything else that shares the planet with us. We're sowing the seeds of our own destruction. And we probably deserve it.

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By *emini ManMan
over a year ago

There and to the left a bit

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them. "

People *do* need to take responsibility for their own actions - you'll get no disagreement from me in that, and things shouldn't be handed to people on a plate either BUT there is also a balance to be found between the two things to support those in need and provide for them when it's needed (not wanted but *needed*) and as I said above the sell off of public housing stock is just one example of where we actually handed things to people on a plate without fully taking responsibility for the consequences, and actually has resulted in taking something away from those with a genuine need, and giving to those that don't.

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"The amount actually built upon was according to a survey commissioned by the beeb in 2017 about 6% and it looks like that includes roads etc, full fact website looks to confirm that..

That doesn't mean our housing policy is pretty much still a dogs breakfast and needs a massive overhaul..

Are you trying to say 6% isn’t a lot ? "

I'm not trying to say anything other than that is the figure I found and that this countries housing policies need a major shake up..

Affordable, decent accommodation should be much more along the lines of countries like Germany where the realities of the economic situation are part of the solution rather than unfettered greed and poor legislation that allows 'Rachman esque' exploitation with people living in conditions that we prosecute pet owners for..

And yes I know there are bad tenants and the grief they cause..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it.

Your situation is not what I was talking about good luck to you for renting out, i was talking about houses left EMPTY all week and used purely for weekends "

I know but what’s the problem with that?. Living near London I know a few people who stay in London all week then go back to their home at weekends. Lots even live up North and do the commute to London during the week and back home at weekends.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it. "

I think the scenario you are describing is less widespread than you think. It's also very difficult to 'work the system' since you are required to work, or prove work search, in order to receive benefits wbi h are at an all time low anyway.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I was thinking this the other day. Infrastructures can’t cope with the expansions. "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

4:30pm officially.

4pm if I’m honest

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"4:30pm officially.

4pm if I’m honest "

Down tools. That’s your lot.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *osweet69Couple
over a year ago


The only people that do not want more housing are the people that already have a place to live.Only 2.27% of the UK is built on.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *rincessPussycatTV/TS
over a year ago

a world of her own

An estimated 200,000+ empty homes in this country and countryside is still being destroyed to build new ones.

Never mind all the empty factories, warehouses, shops that could house people.

Bloody humans.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Second-home ownership up 30% since 2000, research finds. One in 10 UK adults, or 5.2 million people, own a second home, while four in 10 adults own no property at all, according to new research that highlights the stark divide in wealth that Britain now faces. Aug 2017."

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The number of empty homes is down a third since 2010, the government said. Durham had the most empty homes (6,500) followed by Leeds (5,724), Bradford (4,144), Cornwall (3,273) and Liverpool (3,093).1 Jan 2018"

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Terrible economy, bad government policies, total lack of affordable housing for those needing it, and construction companies which contribute to a stifled market to maintain this situation. Loads of other factors, but we aren’t able to meet demand by a country mile. As mentioned, the right to buy scheme didn’t help, but society can’t blame anyone in that position for taking up that offer.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *abs..Woman
over a year ago


"In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it.

I think the scenario you are describing is less widespread than you think. It's also very difficult to 'work the system' since you are required to work, or prove work search, in order to receive benefits wbi h are at an all time low anyway. "

I work with families that have never worked. They are 2nd generation of non working families. People that live this way are only used to this and therefore live with a expectation that they receive things without giving anything back.

I’m there to support not judge but we can’t deny it happens. It’s a real thing.

The easy way out of that is to make people give something back to their community by volunteering for their benefits.

It terms of vacant properties I think councils could do more about these properties rather than throw up these cheap boxes on every bit of free land. We’re becoming a concrete canyon.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Have a look at the plans running to 2025 for Exeter. There are a lot of properties to be produced but in existing areas. Most of those plans involve green spaces and sustainable transport including making half of Exe Bridges traffic free. There is some good stuff in there OP

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Have a look at the plans running to 2025 for Exeter. There are a lot of properties to be produced but in existing areas. Most of those plans involve green spaces and sustainable transport including making half of Exe Bridges traffic free. There is some good stuff in there OP"

Aren’t they building a brand new town ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *osweet69Couple
over a year ago


""Second-home ownership up 30% since 2000, research finds. One in 10 UK adults, or 5.2 million people, own a second home, while four in 10 adults own no property at all, according to new research that highlights the stark divide in wealth that Britain now faces. Aug 2017.""
So would it be ok for everyone to have a second home if they could afford it?.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Have a look at the plans running to 2025 for Exeter. There are a lot of properties to be produced but in existing areas. Most of those plans involve green spaces and sustainable transport including making half of Exe Bridges traffic free. There is some good stuff in there OP

Aren’t they building a brand new town ? "

Have you seen Topsham now? Made me sad. Used to be lovely there

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it.

I think the scenario you are describing is less widespread than you think. It's also very difficult to 'work the system' since you are required to work, or prove work search, in order to receive benefits wbi h are at an all time low anyway.

I work with families that have never worked. They are 2nd generation of non working families. People that live this way are only used to this and therefore live with a expectation that they receive things without giving anything back.

I’m there to support not judge but we can’t deny it happens. It’s a real thing.

The easy way out of that is to make people give something back to their community by volunteering for their benefits.

It terms of vacant properties I think councils could do more about these properties rather than throw up these cheap boxes on every bit of free land. We’re becoming a concrete canyon. "

But it's not a common thing. It's easy to look at a tiny, maligned, sub-section of society and say 'here's where all the problems lie' when actually they are being scapegoated so nobody focuses on the real issues.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 29/05/19 10:48:14]

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ustme34Man
over a year ago


"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days. "

same i grew up in a big family not one on benifits some have there own house some rent ... the younger ones (even in my family) have had houses given and rent paid and are better off than me working 40 hrs plus overtime

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Have a look at the plans running to 2025 for Exeter. There are a lot of properties to be produced but in existing areas. Most of those plans involve green spaces and sustainable transport including making half of Exe Bridges traffic free. There is some good stuff in there OP

Aren’t they building a brand new town ? "

There are a bunch of new houses out toward Exminster yes but a large number are due to be achieved by redeveloping areas of the city

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *abs..Woman
over a year ago


"In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it.

I think the scenario you are describing is less widespread than you think. It's also very difficult to 'work the system' since you are required to work, or prove work search, in order to receive benefits wbi h are at an all time low anyway.

I work with families that have never worked. They are 2nd generation of non working families. People that live this way are only used to this and therefore live with a expectation that they receive things without giving anything back.

I’m there to support not judge but we can’t deny it happens. It’s a real thing.

The easy way out of that is to make people give something back to their community by volunteering for their benefits.

It terms of vacant properties I think councils could do more about these properties rather than throw up these cheap boxes on every bit of free land. We’re becoming a concrete canyon.

But it's not a common thing. It's easy to look at a tiny, maligned, sub-section of society and say 'here's where all the problems lie' when actually they are being scapegoated so nobody focuses on the real issues. "

They’re part of the bigger issue like many other things. I see the deprivation on a daily basis and unfortunately in the last three areas I have worked it has been the same scenario.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it.

I think the scenario you are describing is less widespread than you think. It's also very difficult to 'work the system' since you are required to work, or prove work search, in order to receive benefits wbi h are at an all time low anyway.

I work with families that have never worked. They are 2nd generation of non working families. People that live this way are only used to this and therefore live with a expectation that they receive things without giving anything back.

I’m there to support not judge but we can’t deny it happens. It’s a real thing.

The easy way out of that is to make people give something back to their community by volunteering for their benefits.

It terms of vacant properties I think councils could do more about these properties rather than throw up these cheap boxes on every bit of free land. We’re becoming a concrete canyon.

But it's not a common thing. It's easy to look at a tiny, maligned, sub-section of society and say 'here's where all the problems lie' when actually they are being scapegoated so nobody focuses on the real issues. "

It’s not a tiny sub section of society though. I can’t remember the percentage now but I know a large percentage of children live in a home where nobody has ever worked.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *revaunanceCouple
over a year ago


"It seems to be an unstoppable force, the same is happening where I live. "

Living in the same City, and the area most affected we agree that it is an unstoppable force.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"The only people that do not want more housing are the people that already have a place to live.Only 2.27% of the UK is built on. "

Not true. 5.9% is built on, 2.5 is urban built, 56.7 is farmland to provide food for us. This leaves only 34.9% that is natural habitat.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *osweet69Couple
over a year ago


"The only people that do not want more housing are the people that already have a place to live.Only 2.27% of the UK is built on.

Not true. 5.9% is built on, 2.5 is urban built, 56.7 is farmland to provide food for us. This leaves only 34.9% that is natural habitat. "


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"The only people that do not want more housing are the people that already have a place to live.Only 2.27% of the UK is built on.

Not true. 5.9% is built on, 2.5 is urban built, 56.7 is farmland to provide food for us. This leaves only 34.9% that is natural habitat. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18623096


I got my stats from the BBC to, not sure how to do the link.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it.

I think the scenario you are describing is less widespread than you think. It's also very difficult to 'work the system' since you are required to work, or prove work search, in order to receive benefits wbi h are at an all time low anyway.

I work with families that have never worked. They are 2nd generation of non working families. People that live this way are only used to this and therefore live with a expectation that they receive things without giving anything back.

I’m there to support not judge but we can’t deny it happens. It’s a real thing.

The easy way out of that is to make people give something back to their community by volunteering for their benefits.

It terms of vacant properties I think councils could do more about these properties rather than throw up these cheap boxes on every bit of free land. We’re becoming a concrete canyon.

But it's not a common thing. It's easy to look at a tiny, maligned, sub-section of society and say 'here's where all the problems lie' when actually they are being scapegoated so nobody focuses on the real issues.

It’s not a tiny sub section of society though. I can’t remember the percentage now but I know a large percentage of children live in a home where nobody has ever worked. "

This is from Aug 2018:

"The proportion of households in the UK where no-one is working is at its lowest point for over 20 years, the Office for National Statistics says.

The figures show 14.3% of households containing working-age adults are "workless" - down 0.2% compared with the same point last year.

Fewer children were living in families where no-one was currently working.

However, poverty campaigners have warned that most children living in poverty are now in families where at least one parent is working."

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *sGivesWoodWoman
over a year ago


"I live in a village, the local authority has been told it needs to provide nearly 2000 homes by 2025.

But where? We've got the sea to the South, the South Downs National Park directly to the North.

The only 2 possible plots of land are either side to, the east & west.

Both are designated flood plains, but hey ho... Permission has been granted, building will start soon on a huge retail park & 600homes

At peak times, our village is gridlocked, sheer volume of traffic trying to get round 1 main roundabout.

It took me an hour to drive the last mile yesterday, the previous 203 miles without a hitch.

I have no idea how our already crumbling infrastructure will cope.

It seems to be an unstoppable force, the same is happening where I live. "

Exactly the same here

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *abs..Woman
over a year ago


"In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.

Jeez.... you must have been the era before me even.

What makes you think everyone used to be able to save and buy ?

Too easy these days. My friend lived in a council house and there was 8 siblings. There was none of this I’m entitled to a bigger house because girls can’t sleep in the same room as boys. They had 4 in each room! They had a partition in one of the rooms. People think they should be handed everything on a plate these days.

People need to take responsibility for their own actions, liberals think other people should pay for them.

Damn right they should. Can’t afford kids don’t have them! Hence my 11 year age gap between my two. I’ve got 2 houses, one I rent out. Why the hell shouldn’t I? I worked for it.

I think the scenario you are describing is less widespread than you think. It's also very difficult to 'work the system' since you are required to work, or prove work search, in order to receive benefits wbi h are at an all time low anyway.

I work with families that have never worked. They are 2nd generation of non working families. People that live this way are only used to this and therefore live with a expectation that they receive things without giving anything back.

I’m there to support not judge but we can’t deny it happens. It’s a real thing.

The easy way out of that is to make people give something back to their community by volunteering for their benefits.

It terms of vacant properties I think councils could do more about these properties rather than throw up these cheap boxes on every bit of free land. We’re becoming a concrete canyon.

But it's not a common thing. It's easy to look at a tiny, maligned, sub-section of society and say 'here's where all the problems lie' when actually they are being scapegoated so nobody focuses on the real issues.

It’s not a tiny sub section of society though. I can’t remember the percentage now but I know a large percentage of children live in a home where nobody has ever worked.

This is from Aug 2018:

"The proportion of households in the UK where no-one is working is at its lowest point for over 20 years, the Office for National Statistics says.

The figures show 14.3% of households containing working-age adults are "workless" - down 0.2% compared with the same point last year.

Fewer children were living in families where no-one was currently working.

However, poverty campaigners have warned that most children living in poverty are now in families where at least one parent is working.""

That’s still a large percentage though. I do agree that poverty in worse within working families. That’s what I see but that’s because they don’t get all the additional benefits that non working families get.

Some people desperately want to work and can’t but I feel to tackle all these issues we need to be honest about the situation and generations of not working is simply not right.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *abs..Woman
over a year ago


"The only people that do not want more housing are the people that already have a place to live.Only 2.27% of the UK is built on. "

It’s more the blanket approach I object to. Each council with a quota. Some areas do not lend themselves to more housing and more people.

When a box is full you can’t get the lid on. It’s a fact.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?


When there's no money to be made...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xtrafun4youMan
over a year ago


"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?


Still plenty of space. It’s been increasing ever since civilation existed.

Until migration slows down. It will carry on.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xtrafun4youMan
over a year ago


"The only people that do not want more housing are the people that already have a place to live.Only 2.27% of the UK is built on. "

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *rbean69Man
over a year ago


Thye housing shortage is due to an ever-increasing population.

The ever-increasing population is due to immigration exceeding emigration.

Immigration needs to be carefully controlled to keep a roughly constant population.

This will not happen as long as people keep electing the same type of people to Parliament.

You have a vote, you have a choice.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *dam1971Man
over a year ago


"Thye housing shortage is due to an ever-increasing population.

The ever-increasing population is due to immigration exceeding emigration.

Immigration needs to be carefully controlled to keep a roughly constant population.

This will not happen as long as people keep electing the same type of people to Parliament.

You have a vote, you have a choice."

As your first assumption is wrong, the rest kind of falls down a bit but full marks for blaming stuff on the wrong people

The housing shortage is down to poor government planning.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *hatYorkLadMan
over a year ago


When they've finally covered the entire country in student accommodation for York university

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *rbean69Man
over a year ago


"Thye housing shortage is due to an ever-increasing population.

The ever-increasing population is due to immigration exceeding emigration.

Immigration needs to be carefully controlled to keep a roughly constant population.

This will not happen as long as people keep electing the same type of people to Parliament.

You have a vote, you have a choice.

As your first assumption is wrong, the rest kind of falls down a bit but full marks for blaming stuff on the wrong people

The housing shortage is down to poor government planning."

We don't have an ever-increasing population?

Poor government planning is certainly the cause of our population problem.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *dam1971Man
over a year ago


"Thye housing shortage is due to an ever-increasing population.

The ever-increasing population is due to immigration exceeding emigration.

Immigration needs to be carefully controlled to keep a roughly constant population.

This will not happen as long as people keep electing the same type of people to Parliament.

You have a vote, you have a choice.

As your first assumption is wrong, the rest kind of falls down a bit but full marks for blaming stuff on the wrong people

The housing shortage is down to poor government planning.

We don't have an ever-increasing population?

Poor government planning is certainly the cause of our population problem."

We do have an increasing population, like we’ve always had.

We’ve also had rubbish programming on BBC2 before 9pm and that hasn’t caused the housing crisis either

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *VineMan
over a year ago

The right place

Less than 6% of the land in the UK is built on. Meaning that there’s 94% open space. If we are going to build more houses it makes sense to join up existing towns and villages rather than start in the middle of nowhere.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Thye housing shortage is due to an ever-increasing population.

The ever-increasing population is due to immigration exceeding emigration.

Immigration needs to be carefully controlled to keep a roughly constant population.

This will not happen as long as people keep electing the same type of people to Parliament.

You have a vote, you have a choice.

As your first assumption is wrong, the rest kind of falls down a bit but full marks for blaming stuff on the wrong people

The housing shortage is down to poor government planning.

We don't have an ever-increasing population?

Poor government planning is certainly the cause of our population problem.

We do have an increasing population, like we’ve always had.

We’ve also had rubbish programming on BBC2 before 9pm and that hasn’t caused the housing crisis either"

Do you know the main reason for the increase in population, google it and comeback to me, let’s try and deal in facts and see how we get on ?!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family."

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *hatYorkLadMan
over a year ago


We do need to control population growth, it really grips me when people just want to keep concreting over the countryside including land which we grow our food from. Excessive human breeding isn't compulsory!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Less than 6% of the land in the UK is built on. Meaning that there’s 94% open space. If we are going to build more houses it makes sense to join up existing towns and villages rather than start in the middle of nowhere. "

Except it’s not open space, the vast majority is farm land, designed to supply food for an ever expanding population.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *hatYorkLadMan
over a year ago


"Less than 6% of the land in the UK is built on. Meaning that there’s 94% open space. If we are going to build more houses it makes sense to join up existing towns and villages rather than start in the middle of nowhere. "

So just do away with all that green belt land which is habitat for wildlife as well as where we grow our food from, just to turn the whole country into urban sprawl? Also what about flood plains and mountainous areas, can't really cover those in housing estates.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *abs..Woman
over a year ago


Government are only concerned with their time in charge. There is no long term plan, no forward thinking. We are destroying this country and one day we won’t be able to undo the damage.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Most builders on sites I've been on seem to stop building around 12 times a day.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Most builders on sites I've been on seem to stop building around 12 times a day."

As a builder, I can confirm this. One bloke I work with never gets started.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Btw, looking at the state of Stoke on Trent, I think it was in about 1939.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Btw, looking at the state of Stoke on Trent, I think it was in about 1939."

Twenty to eight ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

In my opinion when the government stops handing out a house and benifits to the young uns just for popping out a few kids and not working then there wont be such a need for all the new estates popong up everywhere..what hapened to growing up getting a job saving up to get a house then having the kids to start a family.


I'm sure many pregnant women in hostels will agree with this and the righteous thumbs up.....

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?


Nah, even when there's no more free fields and land they will build in top of the old shit or make islands and extend land in the oceans

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

200,000 acres of rainforest is destroyed each day .... at this rate there will be nothing for are future ....

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ultry SuccubusTV/TS
over a year ago


Only when 'we' cease to exist.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Is it when every village, town and city is joined together and there is nothing left, cause no one seems able to say, Ok that’s enough now ?

Nah, even when there's no more free fields and land they will build in top of the old shit or make islands and extend land in the oceans "

Where are they going to put the oceans only they're already saying that the Thames Barrier is working at full capacity?

I think I've just found a use for Stoke.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ibblingnewtWoman
over a year ago

by the sea

When we all have our own homes with a garden? it’s strange humanity has changed so much so many living alone and broken up households and extra homes needed

No one wants flats either, it seems we all want our own space and the space is getting eaten up

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm in Coventry presently. There's just a couple of big back gardens separating it from Brum now, may was well just call it all Birmingtry and feed everybody batches for lunch.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"When they've finally covered the entire country in student accommodation for York university "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"When you Brexit and kick out all immigrants "

I'll get my coat ready then

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

We've only built on 6%.

If we weren't so snobby about tower blocks we wouldn't have to sprawl as much. If utilised the empty properties and stopped people from keeping them empty for profit we wouldn't have a crisis.

But, we've only built on 6% of the land.


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

When do I stop rebuilding a railway... when its rebuilt... duh

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"We've only built on 6%.

If we weren't so snobby about tower blocks we wouldn't have to sprawl as much. If utilised the empty properties and stopped people from keeping them empty for profit we wouldn't have a crisis.

But, we've only built on 6% of the land.



Why do you say only ? 59% is farm land to provide food for an ever expanding population. There’s only actually 39% of actual countryside we can enjoy.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *htcMan
over a year ago


The reason is Britain's population is getting older. In order to keep the population up, they are allowing any body to move here unrestricted. Which means they need more houses to do so. But as the people get older less houses will be needed and but more will be allowed in to fill these gaps.

But it comes with big consequences that the population ethnicity of Britain will be forever changed and will be over the point of no return by 2045, with London being the major change before the rest of the UK, I won't mention anymore.....

American news is has many interesting facts which British media hide.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


Is John cleese right about London?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *inkysexpotMan
over a year ago


Planning permission for 700 homes has been rejected near me thankfully, there was nothing said about road improvements, doctors surgeries and schools either....

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

"We've only built on 6%.

If we weren't so snobby about tower blocks we wouldn't have to sprawl as much. If utilised the empty properties and stopped people from keeping them empty for profit we wouldn't have a crisis.

But, we've only built on 6% of the land.


Why do you say only ? 59% is farm land to provide food for an ever expanding population. There’s only actually 39% of actual countryside we can enjoy. "

I understand that but the idea that we have built on everything is a nonsense. We don't have to expand most cities outwards if we built smarter, people gave up being sniffy about building up and we taxed second and third homes in the pretty areas most. Villages are dying out because they are holiday hobby places, creating a need to build for local people.

Property has become individual pension and wealth creation schemes instead of homes.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"When there’s no more of our beautiful green green grass left it seems "

Then we must start building more into the blue blue sky, lack of land is no reason to stop

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *aughty But Nice TwiceWoman
over a year ago


"When everyone has a home ?

There are thousands of empty ones being left to rot, maybe use those first before building more. "

Loads of homeless people and yet you say there are thousands of empty ones .. mind boggling x wonder who actually owns these so called empty houses x

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

A quick read through shows the Fab Forum 'it's the immigrants, innit' crew have been triggered. Which reminds me why these threads are framed in such specific ways.

I'm off. Enjoy your fixed points of view, with no reference to facts or thinking how we can accommodate needs.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"We've only built on 6%.

If we weren't so snobby about tower blocks we wouldn't have to sprawl as much. If utilised the empty properties and stopped people from keeping them empty for profit we wouldn't have a crisis.

But, we've only built on 6% of the land.


Why do you say only ? 59% is farm land to provide food for an ever expanding population. There’s only actually 39% of actual countryside we can enjoy.

I understand that but the idea that we have built on everything is a nonsense. We don't have to expand most cities outwards if we built smarter, people gave up being sniffy about building up and we taxed second and third homes in the pretty areas most. Villages are dying out because they are holiday hobby places, creating a need to build for local people.

Property has become individual pension and wealth creation schemes instead of homes.


I’ve got no problem with building up and I agree about property being a pension scheme for some, but our infrastructure can’t cope, where I live the roads are Permanently busy, gridlocked at rush hour and still they continue to build new houses on fields, meaning more people move in to an area that hasn’t got the Facilities to deal with the people that are already here.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


Once I hoped

To seek the new and unknown

This planet's overrun

There's nothing left for you or for me

Don't give in, we can

Walk through the fields

And feeling nature's glow

But all the land is owned

There's none left for you or for me.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"4.5 million public homes gone since right to buy.

If only these new builds were to replenish the public housing stock.

with due respect if folks buy they dont need to rent "

Yes, but its easier to say that when according to gov house price index 2018 the avg house price in Yorkshire and Humber is £158,545 as opposed to South West £255,207

South East £324,540 or worst of all London £484,584 Not quite so easy to buy a house then

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

All of this planets problems, from plastic to wars to climate change to everything else, can be attributed to one cause. Overpopulation.

To rectify this, the next 3 generations, spanning approx 100 years, need to have 1 child only.

Harsh? Yes. Necessary for survival? Yes.


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustme34Man
over a year ago


"When they've finally covered the entire country in student accommodation for York university "
ha I cut the grass on one of the new estates there

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By *educedWoman
over a year ago


I hope not!

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By *ired_upMan
over a year ago



Summary: around 90 percent is not built on. So it's about how much time we spend in cities. Not how much we have built.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"A quick read through shows the Fab Forum 'it's the immigrants, innit' crew have been triggered. Which reminds me why these threads are framed in such specific ways.

I'm off. Enjoy your fixed points of view, with no reference to facts or thinking how we can accommodate needs.


That certainly isn't what I was saying, nor many other posters. Not even the Op.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Property has become individual pension and wealth creation schemes instead of homes.


Pension and wealth creation through property is unfortunately an inadequate stop gap replacement for social housing.

As a landlord I provide homes for families who otherwise would not have one. Yes I make steady money from it, but the annual rent after tax, is on average 1/20th of the value of my investment.

As for holiday homes, yes they exist and are often empty. But the majority of them are in areas where there is no work to support a family living there anyway.

So you have to look elsewhere for the root cause of the problem.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

There are some really awful views being expressed in this thread. Basically it’s an attitude of I’m alright jack, I have a nice home in a nice village so fck anyone else who has aspirations for the same!

And as for the roads cannot cope - tell you what, sell your car and use public transport then.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 29/05/19 22:05:08]

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ibblingnewtWoman
over a year ago

by the sea

"All of this planets problems, from plastic to wars to climate change to everything else, can be attributed to one cause. Overpopulation.

To rectify this, the next 3 generations, spanning approx 100 years, need to have 1 child only.

Harsh? Yes. Necessary for survival? Yes.


I think the decrease of fertility will take care of that

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"[Removed by poster at 29/05/19 22:05:08]"

When we've reached the stars

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There are some really awful views being expressed in this thread. Basically it’s an attitude of I’m alright jack, I have a nice home in a nice village so fck anyone else who has aspirations for the same!

And as for the roads cannot cope - tell you what, sell your car and use public transport then."

Public transport only works in high density population areas.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

When it comes to forums like this, the comments from many people make me think we have no hope.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"When it comes to forums like this, the comments from many people make me think we have no hope. "

Totally agree Micky

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"There are some really awful views being expressed in this thread. Basically it’s an attitude of I’m alright jack, I have a nice home in a nice village so fck anyone else who has aspirations for the same!

And as for the roads cannot cope - tell you what, sell your car and use public transport then."

When you say awful views, do you mean people having concerns about new houses being built in areas that Haven’t got the infrastructure to cope. Oh and I cycle to work, cause the roads are gridlocked.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

There is a definite lack of joined up thinking in the planning department. There is a plan to build 5000 houses south of Bristol, no plan to build any work space, so that means 10,000 extra cars fighting their way into Bristol on a single road to dissipate to various places of work scattered around the city.

Public transport may follow, currently there is one bus an hour going in that direction it runs into the town center. To get to where the work is can be a 4 hour bus ride each day already so it won't work.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

some parts of the world are in population decline as marriage and family are no longer important ...

homes are needed i think the way forward will be to build up like the 60s high rise but in a much more modern way like in the milan gardens high rise buildings in the sky way footprint of say 10 house's will give 20 to 30 apartment that look very nice indeed and eco frendly ...

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"All of this planets problems, from plastic to wars to climate change to everything else, can be attributed to one cause. Overpopulation.

To rectify this, the next 3 generations, spanning approx 100 years, need to have 1 child only.

Harsh? Yes. Necessary for survival? Yes.


I think the decrease of fertility will take care of that "

I certainly hope so.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There are some really awful views being expressed in this thread. Basically it’s an attitude of I’m alright jack, I have a nice home in a nice village so fck anyone else who has aspirations for the same!

And as for the roads cannot cope - tell you what, sell your car and use public transport then.

When you say awful views, do you mean people having concerns about new houses being built in areas that Haven’t got the infrastructure to cope. Oh and I cycle to work, cause the roads are gridlocked. "

The new housing developments make their fair share of contributions towards infrastructure, including highways, schools, hospitals etc. They also provide the majority of the affordable homes needed by those who cannot afford to buy a home.

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By *ibblingnewtWoman
over a year ago

by the sea

Councils will rarely build councils homes now, costs are far too high it’s housing associations or other government incentives that can help get people into affordable homes, live 100 miles north of London and you might possibly get a chance to buy a house, south of that then it’s going to be a hell of a struggle

People have to make choices of moving to secure a better future as terrible as that sounds it’s possibly a wise choice, static caravan sites are becoming the norm in parts of the south of England

I’d love a second home btw, if I paid for it I’d have every right to have it no matter how many days a week I stayed

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By *ust RachelTV/TS
over a year ago


"I was thinking this the other day. Infrastructures can’t cope with the expansions.

The infrastructure is they key point really. Roads, doctors, schools etc just can’t cope.

We would do better to manage vacant properties instead of building more constantly.

Soon the only way will be up. "

Not just that, power, water electric. I saw a report saying that some areas, don't have the water supply to maintain the rate of expansion that is happening already.

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By *nnocentimesMan
over a year ago

over there by that tree

"but that would make current housing stop its inflation busting price rise"

I don’t fully agree, you only have to look at the purpose built settlements - Wixams (brownfield), Camborne(mixed) and the new town proposed at Twinwoods 12k homes on brownfield, another 12k near Brampton and lastly the 5k being built around Wootton so that’s nearly 50k new homes built within 20 miles of us.

I don’t see any housing stop at all -

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ibblingnewtWoman
over a year ago

by the sea

They are basically planning a new town near Bedford

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By *nnocentimesMan
over a year ago

over there by that tree

"They are basically planning a new town near Bedford "

Lol, more like 6 mini towns

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By *egularLegsMan
over a year ago


In Birmingham it always feels like a permanent building site. I've never known a time when traffic hasn't been diverted because of some new project which is somehow supposed to make our lives better. In the city centre alone for the past few years it's the HS2, new buildings for banks, new tram lines, hotels and university housing.

When/if it's finnished there will be something else that needs building to improve our lives. Which will most likely be "luxury flats" that are mega expensive and built with the cheapest materials.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *egularLegsMan
over a year ago


"All of this planets problems, from plastic to wars to climate change to everything else, can be attributed to one cause. Overpopulation.

To rectify this, the next 3 generations, spanning approx 100 years, need to have 1 child only.

Harsh? Yes. Necessary for survival? Yes.


I think the decrease of fertility will take care of that I certainly hope so."

China had it right with the 1 child policy. With to many people breading and a shortage or decent housing and rising costs; and shortage, of food production, it's a no brainer we are on a downward spiral.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"All of this planets problems, from plastic to wars to climate change to everything else, can be attributed to one cause. Overpopulation.

To rectify this, the next 3 generations, spanning approx 100 years, need to have 1 child only.

Harsh? Yes. Necessary for survival? Yes.


I think the decrease of fertility will take care of that I certainly hope so.

China had it right with the 1 child policy. With to many people breading and a shortage or decent housing and rising costs; and shortage, of food production, it's a no brainer we are on a downward spiral."

This is concerning and it's only 2019.

In many ways we have become victims of our own success, and success comes at a price.

We either stop breading like rabbits which I can't see happening or eventually we will use all of Earth's resources.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"China had it right with the 1 child policy. With to many people breading and a shortage or decent housing and rising costs; and shortage, of food production, it's a no brainer we are on a downward spiral."

They most probably were, it along with the current policy of letting the older generation starve to death has a lot to do with their apparent prosperity.

Maybe Boris can bring that to the UK

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By *egularLegsMan
over a year ago


"All of this planets problems, from plastic to wars to climate change to everything else, can be attributed to one cause. Overpopulation.

To rectify this, the next 3 generations, spanning approx 100 years, need to have 1 child only.

Harsh? Yes. Necessary for survival? Yes.


I think the decrease of fertility will take care of that I certainly hope so.

China had it right with the 1 child policy. With to many people breading and a shortage or decent housing and rising costs; and shortage, of food production, it's a no brainer we are on a downward spiral.

This is concerning and it's only 2019.

In many ways we have become victims of our own success, and success comes at a price.

We either stop breading like rabbits which I can't see happening or eventually we will use all of Earth's resources. "

Completely agree. I'm always seeing advertising campaigns to stop using single use plastics, recycle more, use less waste, use less water. All things I agree with but I'm not seeing TV campaigns they tell everyone to stop having kids.

Humans beings are now more akin to parasites if you think about it.

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By *ave-and-LouiseCouple
over a year ago


It's not the homes it's the infrastructures to go with it that's the issue. Go look at Google maps on satellite mode and try and tell us there no room... There's plenty of space to build homes around the UK. But we need adequately funded schools, doctors/hospitals, transport networks etc to go with it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"All of this planets problems, from plastic to wars to climate change to everything else, can be attributed to one cause. Overpopulation.

To rectify this, the next 3 generations, spanning approx 100 years, need to have 1 child only.

Harsh? Yes. Necessary for survival? Yes.


I think the decrease of fertility will take care of that I certainly hope so.

China had it right with the 1 child policy. With to many people breading and a shortage or decent housing and rising costs; and shortage, of food production, it's a no brainer we are on a downward spiral.

This is concerning and it's only 2019.

In many ways we have become victims of our own success, and success comes at a price.

We either stop breading like rabbits which I can't see happening or eventually we will use all of Earth's resources.

Completely agree. I'm always seeing advertising campaigns to stop using single use plastics, recycle more, use less waste, use less water. All things I agree with but I'm not seeing TV campaigns they tell everyone to stop having kids.

Humans beings are now more akin to parasites if you think about it."

I can't imagine why you're not seeing such TV campaigns.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ce WingerMan
over a year ago

P.O. Box DE1 0NQ

At Level 175?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *egularLegsMan
over a year ago


"At Level 175? "

You'll probably have to pay a subscription fee by then. That's how they get you.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Thought this said bullying at first glance - now!

Building? - what they said up there ^

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ce WingerMan
over a year ago

P.O. Box DE1 0NQ

"At Level 175?

You'll probably have to pay a subscription fee by then. That's how they get you."


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ineMan
over a year ago

In cave behind a waterfall on a hill

Less than 10% of the UK is built upon in total. The number of homeless and hidden homeless increases daily. Are they to get denied the opportunity of a home, and thereby all the services the rest of us can access.

When the disabled homeless are beaten up in the streets, and their wheelchairs stolen, would you like to live that way.

The measure of any society is how it treats its sick, its disabled, the weak, the homeless, and those who need our support.

Be careful what you wish for, most people are only two paychecks away from joining the dispossessed.

Where is the ....

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 30/05/19 01:15:23]

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ce WingerMan
over a year ago

P.O. Box DE1 0NQ

"Less than 10% of the UK is built upon in total. The number of homeless and hidden homeless increases daily. Are they to get denied the opportunity of a home, and thereby all the services the rest of us can access.

When the disabled homeless are beaten up in the streets, and their wheelchairs stolen, would you like to live that way.

The measure of any society is how it treats its sick, its disabled, the weak, the homeless, and those who need our support.

Be careful what you wish for, most people are only two paychecks away from joining the dispossessed.

Where is the ...."

There is plenty of love out there, although I think some people choose to express it in different ways?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"There are some really awful views being expressed in this thread. Basically it’s an attitude of I’m alright jack, I have a nice home in a nice village so fck anyone else who has aspirations for the same!

And as for the roads cannot cope - tell you what, sell your car and use public transport then."

That might work except for the vast majority of the country outside of towns and cities where since the privatisaton of public transport there is either no or virtually no public transport (because the routes arent profitable enough) and you cant say move to a town because there arent enough homes to move into.

I have lived in villages in the country and in towns and in both cases unless you have money or a decently paid job you are screwed. There are a few things that should never be privately owned and run for the profit of its owners or shareholders and at the top of the lists should be public transport and social housing (followed very closely by utilities).

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ulfilthmentMan
over a year ago

Just around the corner

"When everyone has a home ?"

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Housing Crisis Bingo!

It's the immigrants! = Check.

It's the Students! = Check.

It's the Single Mothers = Check.

It's the Foreign investors buying up land building on it and jacking up the prices. = still waiting.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *utmegsMan
over a year ago

Closer than you think

"Housing Crisis Bingo!

It's the immigrants! = Check.

It's the Students! = Check.

It's the Single Mothers = Check.

It's the Foreign investors buying up land building on it and jacking up the prices. = still waiting."

You missed off -

It’s the Thatcherite home ownership revolution that persuaded everyone that they needed to take the biggest gamble of their lives on property ‘futures’. Now the market is like a giant Ponzi scheme that can never be devalued or dismantled because all the players will starve in their old age.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Housing Crisis Bingo!

It's the immigrants! = Check.

It's the Students! = Check.

It's the Single Mothers = Check.

It's the Foreign investors buying up land building on it and jacking up the prices. = still waiting.

You missed off -

It’s the Thatcherite home ownership revolution that persuaded everyone that they needed to take the biggest gamble of their lives on property ‘futures’. Now the market is like a giant Ponzi scheme that can never be devalued or dismantled because all the players will starve in their old age."

I did miss that one, well played sir.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"When everyone has a home ?

There are thousands of empty ones being left to rot, maybe use those first before building more. "

Yes. Going round my town , there are lots of empty properties above shops that are empty and could be converted into homes to help with the housing crisis. Seems such a waste.

Instead of building very expensive homes in our countryside that are too expensive for most people to buy.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *osweet69Couple
over a year ago


"There are some really awful views being expressed in this thread. Basically it’s an attitude of I’m alright jack, I have a nice home in a nice village so fck anyone else who has aspirations for the same!

And as for the roads cannot cope - tell you what, sell your car and use public transport then.

That might work except for the vast majority of the country outside of towns and cities where since the privatisaton of public transport there is either no or virtually no public transport (because the routes arent profitable enough) and you cant say move to a town because there arent enough homes to move into.

I have lived in villages in the country and in towns and in both cases unless you have money or a decently paid job you are screwed. There are a few things that should never be privately owned and run for the profit of its owners or shareholders and at the top of the lists should be public transport and social housing (followed very closely by utilities)."

If you do not mind moving I think they do all those things in China and Russia?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

And no one in power will ever say enough is enough.

And therein lies the problem.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lem-H-FandangoMan
over a year ago


When the rich have got too much money, building will slow.

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