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"There are no easy answers in these situations, and no winner, whatever the outcome. Sometimes, life is just shit, and all you can hope for is that "sometimes" doesn't last too long. " I get what you're saying mate. I just think bullies all need to be dealt with early or they'll carry in through life thinking it's ok. In this scenario the poor kid gets man handled to the floor with a broken hand and water poured over him. How is that right or acceptable?! | |||
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"I'm not charging him! He is a bully who needs to learn his lesson. He's a twat who can't fight and picks on weaker people. But it's a bottle of fucking water on someone's head! And a push! Between 2 schoolboys! Clearly the PC media has gone ape shit just because the other kid is Syrian.. Violent boys who can't fight and bully other kids? I would give him detention and make him play combat sports with better people untill he learns his lesson. This should be controlled in schools. But because liberals and the left have ruined the education system ALL BRITISH STATE SCHOOLS ARE ZOOS AND THE TEACHERS AREN'T RESPECTED/ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB! " Yeah I totally agree mate. I think the bullying fuckers need boot camp style discipline. I know the Americans are way out there sometimes (a discussion for another day) but I saw a programme based in America recently where bullies and petty criminals in their early teens were sent to a high security prison where gangsters, murderers etc were housed. With the assistance of boot camp style officers the prisoners gave these teenagers a real grilling and even scared the hell out of some of the kids and really set them straight. Wouldn't be such a bad idea over here. | |||
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"I'm not charging him! He is a bully who needs to learn his lesson. He's a twat who can't fight and picks on weaker people. But it's a bottle of fucking water on someone's head! And a push! Between 2 schoolboys! Clearly the PC media has gone ape shit just because the other kid is Syrian.. Violent boys who can't fight and bully other kids? I would give him detention and make him play combat sports with better people untill he learns his lesson. This should be controlled in schools. But because liberals and the left have ruined the education system ALL BRITISH STATE SCHOOLS ARE ZOOS AND THE TEACHERS AREN'T RESPECTED/ALLOWED TO DO THEIR JOB! " Teach a bully combat sports? Genius idea....... Whst could possibly go wrong. You're going to rattle on about discipline and self control mow. You can't force someone to learn combat sports. And there's no such thing as combat sports. They're two different things. | |||
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"Hopefully the CPS will not follow the heard and dismiss it for what it is. A media witch hunt and fund raising campaign." Oh and a vulnerable boy with a broken wrist who's (allegedly) been subject to a sustained period of bullying..what would you like to see the CPS 'dismiss for what it is'? | |||
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" Clearly the PC media has gone ape shit just because the other kid is Syrian.. " Imagine how 'apeshit' the un-pc media would have gone if it had been the other way round. | |||
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"Does none of you guys know the victim refugee was facing a backlash off the older guy for beating up a girl. The refugee and his friends (5 girls) beat up and bullied a young girl (14) who had to be home schooled because she feared going back to school. Also the refugee threatened to stab the older guy before he threw water over him and grabbed him by the throat. ![]() The only source I've seen promoting this account is Tommy Robinson, what next Nick Griffin says something lary about Africans? ![]() | |||
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"Does none of you guys know the victim refugee was facing a backlash off the older guy for beating up a girl. The refugee and his friends (5 girls) beat up and bullied a young girl (14) who had to be home schooled because she feared going back to school. Also the refugee threatened to stab the older guy before he threw water over him and grabbed him by the throat. ![]() ![]() What I find dubious about that version of events, is the fact that the boy filmed this attack after he had already been interviewed by the police about a previous attack. Whether it's a case of bullying or a feud, that's an incredibly stupid thing to do. | |||
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"So what's everyones thoughts on the 16 year old who assaulted the 15 year old Syrian kid (who had one hand in a cast)? Are they right to charge him? Should he be dealt with by the authorities? Should it be dealt with by the school? I completely agree with him being made an example of. He deserves whatever punishment comes his way. I've been bullied in the past when at school for being a minority and although I could handle myself I was always worried about the backlash I may face being the only Indian kid in a school of 1400 students. Bullies need to be stamped out and harsh punishments are needed. This is just my opinion though. " I think in this day and age, yes it is right. The schools are powerless to punish the kid, the parents obviously cant do anything as they more than likely don't know about it. Lets hope this carries on for a lot of other issues that happen in schools. | |||
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"A fight in a school playground. Why are we even talking about it? " It was a totally one sided event and couldn't be deemed a fight. The direct answer to your question is that the perpetrator was dumb enough to allow it to be filmed. | |||
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"Does none of you guys know the victim refugee was facing a backlash off the older guy for beating up a girl. The refugee and his friends (5 girls) beat up and bullied a young girl (14) who had to be home schooled because she feared going back to school. Also the refugee threatened to stab the older guy before he threw water over him and grabbed him by the throat. ![]() ![]() Yaxley has already admitted that he was duped and that the story of the Syrian boy beating up a white girl was bollocks. It never happened. Glad you're ready to believe all crap that is promoted by racists but actual filmed violence, this you question! sheesh | |||
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"I prefer to let the police sort it out, than be guided by armchair detectives in here. ![]() the police are too busy investigating that pint of milk that was stolen . | |||
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"From the point of view of a mother whose child was regularly bullied in yrs 7 & 8, i would say let the police handle it as they have far more power than teachers do anyway.. They sorted my childs bullies out by giving them a version of an ASBO, which goes on record, and speaking to the parents... who were suitably mortified " Sadly in this case I think the parents would be secretly proud of their son. | |||
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"From the point of view of a mother whose child was regularly bullied in yrs 7 & 8, i would say let the police handle it as they have far more power than teachers do anyway.. They sorted my childs bullies out by giving them a version of an ASBO, which goes on record, and speaking to the parents... who were suitably mortified " My son suffered from bullying in senior school and has suffered from panic attacks since so I say let the police deal x storm x | |||
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"The bullies need taking out of the school fort a start then some no holds bared counselling for both bully and parents to let them know in no uncertain terms its not acceptable behaviour. " I sometimes where the kids get it's how they've been brought up. They learn this in their own homes. Bullies and parents alike need to be put right. | |||
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" Would this be so widely reported if it the victim was white ??? " Nope, in Durham a large group of teenagers attacked police with bricks, fireworks, punches and kicks. The police solution was to text the parents and ask them to come pick their little darlings up and take them home to their warm beds. | |||
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"it's the filming of violence with the intent to publically stream it via mainstream media sites on the internet, that is by far the most sinister element of this and many other cases of violence ... only a wacko would want to undertake such a thing and the voyeurs who actively seek to watch the content can be considered equally wacko and morally bankrupt also ... grim ![]() The videoing is a common thing... they used to call it "happy slapping" and the intention is that the bullies use it to spread the victims humiliation... sometimes though they send it to someone who has some moral integrity and they get offended. That's what has happened here, with the video being shared virally with messages of discus. And to those who say would you have had the same uproar if the roles were reversed... you just need to look at the thousands of fake news stories all over social media showing "immigrants" doing every evil under the sun to get your answer there. Cal | |||
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"it's the filming of violence with the intent to publically stream it via mainstream media sites on the internet, that is by far the most sinister element of this and many other cases of violence ... only a wacko would want to undertake such a thing and the voyeurs who actively seek to watch the content can be considered equally wacko and morally bankrupt also ... grim ![]() and that's exactly what makes the perpertrators and voyeurs so sinister and mentally disturbed | |||
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"it's the filming of violence with the intent to publically stream it via mainstream media sites on the internet, that is by far the most sinister element of this and many other cases of violence ... only a wacko would want to undertake such a thing and the voyeurs who actively seek to watch the content can be considered equally wacko and morally bankrupt also ... grim ![]() I agree with you here mate. The bullies record it to humiliate the poor innocent victims but karma is a b!tch and it's these same videos that allow the authorities to catch the perpetrators as they can be identified. The bullies aren't as smart as they think they are. Infact they aren't smart full stop. | |||
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"I see the mother of the child accused of bullying was herself convicted quite recently of racially-aggravated abuse and fined. Sounds like a lovely home. ![]() Exactly my point. This kind of stuff starts at home. | |||
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"When I was young... I got beat up in the park then they got wires, tied me up and basicly crucified me against the bandstand. I was beaten up and humiliated and left untill someone found me. Some people are "snowflakes" they immagine whatever happened to them was worse than what happened to someone else. A bottle of water on your head is hardly comparable... I was thrown off a hill them I was kicked to a pulp and my spine hurt so badly I couldn't jog for 3 weeks. I had this type of thing quite regular. Nobody likes the autistic (even the teachers). I'm not shedding a year for someone who was called a nasty name once or had a bottle of water on the head.... Frankly the claims people make about how they were bullied as children are frequently pathetic. My dad said more children need to be bullied so they are more humble as adults. Because half the complaints I've herd so far are from cry babies. It's a big deal for narcasists to claim they had it worse than anyone else. " Your dad sounds like a charming man! Bullying doesn't make 'humble' adults, ridiculous. no wonder there's a mental health crisis among children and adults with these sorts of attitudes. Also you refer to narcasists when in your post you refer to yourself having it worse than the boy in the video! I think its wrong for you to dismiss his experiences because you might have had it worse | |||
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"He’s 16. If he’s mature enough to kick 7 bells out of someone he is definitely mature enough for the consequences. " Life if full of choices and when we make the wrong ones we should face the consequences 100% just like we embrace the joys of making the right ones | |||
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"I don't "dismiss" his experience with bullying. I merely present the obvious fact this is for school to punish children harshly for these things. Instead the Labour party and left wing teachers have destroyed the education system and turned schools into zoos. Now they want police to start intervening when a boy pours water on anouther boys head? The school should do something like boxing and beastings. That's what they did in better times. Police don't need to be involved. Schools are supposed to be respectable institutions but now politicly correct teachers aren't allowed to correct bad behaviour appropriately. I've worked in schools in UK and Thailand. British schools are like zoos with no discipline because it's so heavily regulated by left wing people who are incompitent. " I suppose the prize for ‘Least Sense, Most Words’ has been won for today, at least! ![]() | |||
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"Comity an offence on video, when everyone knows who you are, the police are bound to take the easy arrest. Simple End Of " It really is that simple isn't it? If he hadn't got his mates to film it and then shared it online the police would never have got involved. He wanted notoriouty and he's paying the price | |||
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"Comity an offence on video, when everyone knows who you are, the police are bound to take the easy arrest. Simple End Of " I was so shocked when I saw the video - the way the attacker brutally pushed the poor kid a little bit and when he went down the nasty thug viciously poured what looked more than a small cupful of water over his face, whilst holding his neck. Luckily, the poor kid turned his head and most of the water went over his ear but it must have caused him tremendous agony over the prolonged 16 second attack. It must have been a terrifying ordeal because the poor kid was able to get up straight away and walk off. I'm as outraged as all the posters on here because of this senseless act of brutal violence and definitely the death penalty should be re-instated for this horrible crime. ![]() | |||
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"When I was young... I got beat up in the park then they got wires, tied me up and basicly crucified me against the bandstand. I was beaten up and humiliated and left untill someone found me. Some people are "snowflakes" they immagine whatever happened to them was worse than what happened to someone else. A bottle of water on your head is hardly comparable... I was thrown off a hill them I was kicked to a pulp and my spine hurt so badly I couldn't jog for 3 weeks. I had this type of thing quite regular. Nobody likes the autistic (even the teachers). I'm not shedding a year for someone who was called a nasty name once or had a bottle of water on the head.... Frankly the claims people make about how they were bullied as children are frequently pathetic. My dad said more children need to be bullied so they are more humble as adults. Because half the complaints I've herd so far are from cry babies. It's a big deal for narcasists to claim they had it worse than anyone else. " But if not addressed, next time it could be more than a bottle of water on his needs to be nipped in the bud | |||
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"Comity an offence on video, when everyone knows who you are, the police are bound to take the easy arrest. Simple End Of It really is that simple isn't it? If he hadn't got his mates to film it and then shared it online the police would never have got involved. He wanted notoriouty and he's paying the price" I’m my experience the only agenda the police have is clear up rates. And I do have a lot of experience with police. Including the lovely city of London police (not the square head met) and how wonderfully polite they are on the old stop and search for sus. And on stop search for sus, I don’t think I’ve ever had it when it wasn’t justified. ![]() | |||
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"Comity an offence on video, when everyone knows who you are, the police are bound to take the easy arrest. Simple End Of I was so shocked when I saw the video - the way the attacker brutally pushed the poor kid a little bit and when he went down the nasty thug viciously poured what looked more than a small cupful of water over his face, whilst holding his neck. Luckily, the poor kid turned his head and most of the water went over his ear but it must have caused him tremendous agony over the prolonged 16 second attack. It must have been a terrifying ordeal because the poor kid was able to get up straight away and walk off. I'm as outraged as all the posters on here because of this senseless act of brutal violence and definitely the death penalty should be re-instated for this horrible crime. ![]() Can I ask if the perpetrator had been a Syrian refugee and the victim a British kid - would you be saying the same thing? | |||
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"Comity an offence on video, when everyone knows who you are, the police are bound to take the easy arrest. Simple End Of I was so shocked when I saw the video - the way the attacker brutally pushed the poor kid a little bit and when he went down the nasty thug viciously poured what looked more than a small cupful of water over his face, whilst holding his neck. Luckily, the poor kid turned his head and most of the water went over his ear but it must have caused him tremendous agony over the prolonged 16 second attack. It must have been a terrifying ordeal because the poor kid was able to get up straight away and walk off. I'm as outraged as all the posters on here because of this senseless act of brutal violence and definitely the death penalty should be re-instated for this horrible crime. ![]() I think they need to make an example out of the little sh!t who did this...and his stupid friends who recorded the video bit I think the death penalty is a bit too far. Wow. I was thinking more like an ASBO and like 500 hours community service or some juvenile detention centre. Or a boot camp style shock to his system. Defo not the death penalty. | |||
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" Would this be so widely reported if it the victim was white ??? " There’s plenty of bully stories that went brisk on YouTube or have got to news. Google will help you out. People like you make me laugh with your whataboutisms. | |||
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"Comity an offence on video, when everyone knows who you are, the police are bound to take the easy arrest. Simple End Of I was so shocked when I saw the video - the way the attacker brutally pushed the poor kid a little bit and when he went down the nasty thug viciously poured what looked more than a small cupful of water over his face, whilst holding his neck. Luckily, the poor kid turned his head and most of the water went over his ear but it must have caused him tremendous agony over the prolonged 16 second attack. It must have been a terrifying ordeal because the poor kid was able to get up straight away and walk off. I'm as outraged as all the posters on here because of this senseless act of brutal violence and definitely the death penalty should be re-instated for this horrible crime. ![]() Why does this always come down to race? I find people only ever ask questions likes this when the criminal is white. When the criminal is of another race, I don’t see these comments as often, if ever. I wonder why? Are we supposed to be more lenient to the British and hard on foreigners or something? | |||
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"I was reading up on this. The bully comes from a family of criminals both his mother and older brother have been arrested for racially motivated violence previously so can we expect anything less from the kid? The whole story about the Syrian being a bully also turned out to be lies and the “woman” changed her story three times, also the bullies brother changed his Facebook name to share false stories about the Syrian only to stupidly leave his face picture up and people recognise who it is. Apparently the family have fled the UK & are in another country, currently living as foreigners, the one thing they hated themselves. How ironic." This is what I was saying further up the thread...this kind of stuff is learnt from the home environment. The kid needs education and the parents need it too. They should both be made to pay the price for things like this. It's far more humiliating form the parents to attend some sort of punishmen like community service. Even more so in this case as shes been arrested for racially motivated violence. If the authorities know this they should humilitate her by making her and her son do community service together for something like 500 hours. | |||
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"I was reading up on this. The bully comes from a family of criminals both his mother and older brother have been arrested for racially motivated violence previously so can we expect anything less from the kid? The whole story about the Syrian being a bully also turned out to be lies and the “woman” changed her story three times, also the bullies brother changed his Facebook name to share false stories about the Syrian only to stupidly leave his face picture up and people recognise who it is. Apparently the family have fled the UK & are in another country, currently living as foreigners, the one thing they hated themselves. How ironic." We have so much to learn about the phrase live and let live here in the U.K. . I’m ashamed to be English after this . ![]() | |||
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"I was reading up on this. The bully comes from a family of criminals both his mother and older brother have been arrested for racially motivated violence previously so can we expect anything less from the kid? The whole story about the Syrian being a bully also turned out to be lies and the “woman” changed her story three times, also the bullies brother changed his Facebook name to share false stories about the Syrian only to stupidly leave his face picture up and people recognise who it is. Apparently the family have fled the UK & are in another country, currently living as foreigners, the one thing they hated themselves. How ironic. We have so much to learn about the phrase live and let live here in the U.K. . I’m ashamed to be English after this . ![]() You shouldn’t be ashamed you are your own person. What baffles me is how quick people are to disregard this as “petty”, when it’s very clearly not if you really read into it. This boy wasn’t targeted for a reason, not only are the bullies parents to blame, but also the media, taking a quick look at the bullies Facebook shows him sharing right wing media & not the good sort. Another Tommy Robinson sheep who thinks violence on others is okay. It’s funny though how he has some sort of hatred for foreigners & has fled to a foreign country. ![]() | |||
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"The kid that was bullied already had his arm ina sling from a previous case of bullying . His sister was bullied and it was filmed too at the same school . It’s an appalling lack of care and attention on the part of the school as much as anything . If kids can’t feel safe at school , what will become of our society ? These people came to us to escape the tyranny they were put under in Syria . And this is what they are subjected to here . Out of the frying pan into the fire ? The whole episode is disgusting . The kid who bullied him should be made an example of to deter others from doing the same thing . " My attitude on this is that if the school want to make a stance in it they will. For some schools its easier to turn a blind eye. Fact. As I've said in my story further up...I was a minority in high school. In primary school it was me and my sister and we were the only two Indians in a village school of 80 kids and only 6 teachers. One kid aged 8 called my sister a p*** and it was teacher's son. That teacher taught at that school. It turned out her picked up that word from another kid at football practice (not connected to the school in anyway). The teacher whose son it was made him apologise to my sister in front of the whole school and then they did a on assembly on diversity. Now to me that's one way to address it. | |||
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"I was reading up on this. The bully comes from a family of criminals both his mother and older brother have been arrested for racially motivated violence previously so can we expect anything less from the kid? The whole story about the Syrian being a bully also turned out to be lies and the “woman” changed her story three times, also the bullies brother changed his Facebook name to share false stories about the Syrian only to stupidly leave his face picture up and people recognise who it is. Apparently the family have fled the UK & are in another country, currently living as foreigners, the one thing they hated themselves. How ironic. We have so much to learn about the phrase live and let live here in the U.K. . I’m ashamed to be English after this . ![]() ![]() What's wrong with being "right wing"? (Within reason) My A level media studies teacher moaned about me being "right wing". She was a left wing femenist. If someone's a xenophobe it's not anything to do with capitalism vs socialism. I feel like "the left" manipulates.. I get what your insinuating about racism and certain branches of right wing/nationalist politics. But I don't want to live in a left wing utopia. People always link right wing to negative things but it's not fair because thatcher/raigan/mogg/farrage...are right wing. It's very dangerous for capitalist conservative opinion to be rated with the same brush as bnp and other groups. I think liberals and the left use minorities as tokens and clowns while the right doesn't play the same game. | |||
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"How are people sure that the attacker was a British kid and not Eastern European? Because of the reporting restrictions, I can't find that info anywhere. Anybody got a link?" Facebook & Twitter will help you out. He’s definitely English. | |||
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"How are people sure that the attacker was a British kid and not Eastern European? Because of the reporting restrictions, I can't find that info anywhere. Anybody got a link?" I can be eastern European if I choose to take my grandparents identity. However eastern Europeans and old school Germans are too proud to virtue signal. | |||
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"How are people sure that the attacker was a British kid and not Eastern European? Because of the reporting restrictions, I can't find that info anywhere. Anybody got a link? Facebook & Twitter will help you out. He’s definitely English. " Ah, Facebook and Twitter, the 2 great bastions of truth. I prefer to know the facts before making racist assumptions ![]() | |||
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"I was reading up on this. The bully comes from a family of criminals both his mother and older brother have been arrested for racially motivated violence previously so can we expect anything less from the kid? The whole story about the Syrian being a bully also turned out to be lies and the “woman” changed her story three times, also the bullies brother changed his Facebook name to share false stories about the Syrian only to stupidly leave his face picture up and people recognise who it is. Apparently the family have fled the UK & are in another country, currently living as foreigners, the one thing they hated themselves. How ironic. We have so much to learn about the phrase live and let live here in the U.K. . I’m ashamed to be English after this . ![]() ![]() I don’t remember saying anywhere in my post that there is anything wrong with being right wing, but do feel free to fly off the handle when someone uses that phrase, wouldn’t be the first time someone has done that. There isn’t anything wrong with being right wing, centre or left. What is wrong is when the media encourage hatred with their misleading headlines that the extreme of both sides play on & use as leverage. You can be right wing & not be a Tommy Robinson sheep or feel the need to abuse foreigners on Facebook & tell them to go back to their own country. You can also be left wing & not cry about Brexit every 5 minutes or share a dozen posts about Corbyn, or constantly accuse & call people names because their opinion differs. | |||
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"How are people sure that the attacker was a British kid and not Eastern European? Because of the reporting restrictions, I can't find that info anywhere. Anybody got a link? Facebook & Twitter will help you out. He’s definitely English. Ah, Facebook and Twitter, the 2 great bastions of truth. I prefer to know the facts before making racist assumptions ![]() Since it’s his own Facebook I’d guess it’s pretty accurate. But feel free to find out his name and seek out his birth certificate online for confirmation if you’re really that arsed. Whilst you’re there, look up the word racism before using it. ![]() | |||
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"How are people sure that the attacker was a British kid and not Eastern European? Because of the reporting restrictions, I can't find that info anywhere. Anybody got a link? Facebook & Twitter will help you out. He’s definitely English. Ah, Facebook and Twitter, the 2 great bastions of truth. I prefer to know the facts before making racist assumptions ![]() ![]() I'm sure the authorities are doing all that's necessary, I'm not really a fan of online lynch mobs they usually display the sort of ignorance that I tend to avoid. Oh, and thanks for the suggestion regarding looking up the word racism - I did. My sentence was apt. Have you got the link to this Facebook page you mentioned, I can't find it anywhere? | |||
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"How are people sure that the attacker was a British kid and not Eastern European? Because of the reporting restrictions, I can't find that info anywhere. Anybody got a link? Facebook & Twitter will help you out. He’s definitely English. Ah, Facebook and Twitter, the 2 great bastions of truth. I prefer to know the facts before making racist assumptions ![]() ![]() Racism refers to someone’s race. “British kid” refers to his nationality, not his race, so not racist, not even close. Besides, it’s not an assumption. It can easily be found online, I’m not going to share it here as much as he is a vile human being for what he’s done, I won’t be copying & pasting a 16 year olds Facebook link, it’s strange you’d even ask when you state you’re not a fan of online lynch mobs. | |||
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"I have also heard this story which I believe is true so tough luck on the refugee he shouldn’t be a bully in the first place and why are they even in our country they shouldn’t be here that’s the reason for the state that Great Britain is in due to all these refugees coming over and getting handouts " The story isn’t true, the person you speak of eventually stated he wants involved and then the real mother of the poor child whose picture they stole came forward to confirm she doesn’t even go to that school, doesn’t live in that town or know the Syrian. I wondered how long it would take for the closet bigots to make their way to this thread! Great Britain is in a state because of the government not because poor, scared refugees decided to move somewhere else for a better life. If you lived in a war torn country & had the opportunity to save yours and your families lives by moving elsewhere you’re telling me you wouldn’t? | |||
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"I have also heard this story which I believe is true so tough luck on the refugee he shouldn’t be a bully in the first place and why are they even in our country they shouldn’t be here that’s the reason for the state that Great Britain is in due to all these refugees coming over and getting handouts " Theresa May is on Fab?! ![]() | |||
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"I have also heard this story which I believe is true so tough luck on the refugee he shouldn’t be a bully in the first place and why are they even in our country they shouldn’t be here that’s the reason for the state that Great Britain is in due to all these refugees coming over and getting handouts " What a vile creature you are. | |||
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"How are people sure that the attacker was a British kid and not Eastern European? Because of the reporting restrictions, I can't find that info anywhere. Anybody got a link? Facebook & Twitter will help you out. He’s definitely English. Ah, Facebook and Twitter, the 2 great bastions of truth. I prefer to know the facts before making racist assumptions ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"I want to see a knockout or a solid strike before it's "assault" between teenage boys. This is pathetic because it's not even as bad as a wedgie or getting tango'ed. It's a waterfight. And I would intervene if I was the teacher to punish the bully. But not police action." It wasn't just a shove though was it. He pushed him to the ground, put his hand round his throat and threatened to drown him while pouring water over his face. That's is more than playground bullying. | |||
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"Comity an offence on video, when everyone knows who you are, the police are bound to take the easy arrest. Simple End Of I was so shocked when I saw the video - the way the attacker brutally pushed the poor kid a little bit and when he went down the nasty thug viciously poured what looked more than a small cupful of water over his face, whilst holding his neck. Luckily, the poor kid turned his head and most of the water went over his ear but it must have caused him tremendous agony over the prolonged 16 second attack. It must have been a terrifying ordeal because the poor kid was able to get up straight away and walk off. I'm as outraged as all the posters on here because of this senseless act of brutal violence and definitely the death penalty should be re-instated for this horrible crime. ![]() Do you have to be physically injured to be taken seriously in your world then? No mental health issues in firemansham land? No optional trauma? Just broken bones? | |||
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"How are people sure that the attacker was a British kid and not Eastern European? Because of the reporting restrictions, I can't find that info anywhere. Anybody got a link?" You can hear him speak on the video. Only 1 person asked about what the reaction would be if the victim was a British kid. No one has said the perpetrator was British. | |||
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"If aged over 10 they are deemed by English law to be culpable for their behaviour " Actually they asses anyone who’s not adult to see if they are suitably culpable | |||
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" It wasn't just a shove though was it. He pushed him to the ground, put his hand round his throat and threatened to drown him while pouring water over his face. That's is more than playground bullying. " This is why schools should teach combat sports. It's more intimidation/bullying than anything. When people say "round the neck" its still just grappling rather than strikeing. I think the bully should be forced to spar with the school champion. That would teach him a valuable lesson. Sparing is good because it teaches self restraint and puts violence into an appropriate place rather than bullying. I think every time a bully is violent they should be made to have a real fight with a worthy opponent or....except cowardice. | |||
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"I havent seen the video, anyone know where to view it? bullies, racists, bigots get them all in a pot and roll down a hill, lol - joking I do not condone hills dealing with our messes lol" We cannot put our beautiful hills through that! ![]() | |||
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"Bullying goes on in every school in the uk every day so why the big outcry about this particular incident " There are posters on here who look at Facebook and Twitter, so they'll be able to give you every bit of accurate information you require. Good question though ![]() | |||
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"Bullying goes on in every school in the uk every day so why the big outcry about this particular incident " Have to say I did ask this on another thread. The way itv were reporting it seemed as if there was a major crisis in schools now. Its always been there. Questions should be asked of the schools policy and of the parenting of those who feel this is an acceptable way to behave. | |||
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"Bullying goes on in every school in the uk every day so why the big outcry about this particular incident There are posters on here who look at Facebook and Twitter, so they'll be able to give you every bit of accurate information you require. Good question though ![]() You know news outlets such as the BBC, itv, sky etc all have a presence in social media, including Facebook and twitter. | |||
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"Bullying goes on in every school in the uk every day so why the big outcry about this particular incident Have to say I did ask this on another thread. The way itv were reporting it seemed as if there was a major crisis in schools now. Its always been there. Questions should be asked of the schools policy and of the parenting of those who feel this is an acceptable way to behave. " exactly but we all know schools do sweet fa about bullying it doesn’t matter what race religion gender bullying is bullying and needs to be stopped | |||
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"And what did the “victim” do to spark the attack? " What would he have had to have done to make it OK to push him to the ground grab home by the throat and threaten to drown him? | |||
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"Bullying goes on in every school in the uk every day so why the big outcry about this particular incident There are posters on here who look at Facebook and Twitter, so they'll be able to give you every bit of accurate information you require. Good question though ![]() That’s the internet for you. Things go viral and news outlets want to be the first to report it when it hits. Much like the RyanAir racist saga, I’ve seen similar happen on believe it or not a RyanAir flight when I was travelling to Majorca, the guy actually got violent and there were people filming, it didn’t go viral. Why? Because that’s just the internet, some things go viral and the news outlets make the most. Some don’t. There are much worse incidents than this that don’t go viral, but who can you blame? If people are sharing it and sharing it of course the news outlets are going to share it too. That’s how it works. | |||
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"And what did the “victim” do to spark the attack? " Being a Syrian Refugee looking at the bullies Facebook profile. | |||
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"Bullying goes on in every school in the uk every day so why the big outcry about this particular incident Have to say I did ask this on another thread. The way itv were reporting it seemed as if there was a major crisis in schools now. Its always been there. Questions should be asked of the schools policy and of the parenting of those who feel this is an acceptable way to behave. " It's neo liberal policies. There isn't the same problem when I worked in thailand. There wasn't much bullying at all. That's because teachers are allowed to physicly defend themselves and other students. Non of the Thai teenagers EVER give me any shit. They misbehave but there is no violent behaviour because they know what would happen if they did. It's corrected at a very early age. They can't be destructive and violent. They don't get given excuses like children in British schools (where I worked as facilities manager). In British schools all the children are special snowflakes. Mental halth problems/kids from dysfunctional backgrounds are also given snowflake treatment. They get given excuses. I never needed to use the cane. But it's good to be a teacher and knowing you have the right to physicly defend yourself and your students against violence and bullying. (But that never happened in my experience of Thai school. English culture is ruined) | |||
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"There as been loads of videos on Facebook with bullying in gangs but because this is a refugee big thing made about it and the family have been given more money. " By crowd funding. let's not make this into something it isn't. | |||
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"There as been loads of videos on Facebook with bullying in gangs but because this is a refugee big thing made about it and the family have been given more money. " A member of the public set up a GoFundMe page. Nobody is stopping you from doing similar for the other victims of bullying you speak of. A lot of people have an issue with the fact the family is being donated money and keep talking of other victims of bullying and “what about them” yet they aren’t setting up a donation page or doing anything to help other victims, tells me they don’t actually care. I’ve seen plenty of GoFundMe pages that I think are pointless, a wannabe glamour & webcam model asking men to donate money for her boob job being one. | |||
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"Bullying goes on in every school in the uk every day so why the big outcry about this particular incident There are posters on here who look at Facebook and Twitter, so they'll be able to give you every bit of accurate information you require. Good question though ![]() I was on an easyjet flight. I saw how the steward on this fligj t failed to acknowledge me at any time even when I acknowledged him. It's not extreme but just shows that even in adult life you can't really know who was a high school bully or who is a closed minded idiot. | |||
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"And what did the “victim” do to spark the attack? What would he have had to have done to make it OK to push him to the ground grab home by the throat and threaten to drown him? " When he already has his arm in a sling ? | |||
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"There as been loads of videos on Facebook with bullying in gangs but because this is a refugee big thing made about it and the family have been given more money. A member of the public set up a GoFundMe page. Nobody is stopping you from doing similar for the other victims of bullying you speak of. A lot of people have an issue with the fact the family is being donated money and keep talking of other victims of bullying and “what about them” yet they aren’t setting up a donation page or doing anything to help other victims, tells me they don’t actually care. I’ve seen plenty of GoFundMe pages that I think are pointless, a wannabe glamour & webcam model asking men to donate money for her boob job being one. " Erm can I have the link to that gofundme page...poor girl needs our help lol | |||
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"And what did the “victim” do to spark the attack? What would he have had to have done to make it OK to push him to the ground grab home by the throat and threaten to drown him? " Different people have different triggers perhaps he threatened to kill a member of the other lads family all we see is the end result | |||
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"And what did the “victim” do to spark the attack? What would he have had to have done to make it OK to push him to the ground grab home by the throat and threaten to drown him? Different people have different triggers perhaps he threatened to kill a member of the other lads family all we see is the end result " End result? You see him walk over to him & assault him. Why is it that you need this boy to have done something wrong to accept what the bully did? His sister was bullied to and tried to commit suicide. It’s disgusting how many are so quick to victim blame when the story is out there. This Syrian boy was bullied several times, his hand in a cast is the result of one of the incidents. | |||
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"I have also heard this story which I believe is true so tough luck on the refugee he shouldn’t be a bully in the first place and why are they even in our country they shouldn’t be here that’s the reason for the state that Great Britain is in due to all these refugees coming over and getting handouts " Who are 'They'? People fleeing war torn countries? Parents wanting to keep their children safe? Wow! Appalling attitude. Cannot.even. | |||
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"There as been loads of videos on Facebook with bullying in gangs but because this is a refugee big thing made about it and the family have been given more money. " It's been elevated due to social media hysteria - plenty of fascinating articles about this phenomena available online. Also, people get much more emotional at this time of year, so that's probably a factor too. As for the crowd funding, it's just virtue signalling, another pleasant social media participation trait ![]() | |||
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"And what did the “victim” do to spark the attack? What would he have had to have done to make it OK to push him to the ground grab home by the throat and threaten to drown him? Different people have different triggers perhaps he threatened to kill a member of the other lads family all we see is the end result End result? You see him walk over to him & assault him. Why is it that you need this boy to have done something wrong to accept what the bully did? His sister was bullied to and tried to commit suicide. It’s disgusting how many are so quick to victim blame when the story is out there. This Syrian boy was bullied several times, his hand in a cast is the result of one of the incidents." This ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"I have also heard this story which I believe is true so tough luck on the refugee he shouldn’t be a bully in the first place and why are they even in our country they shouldn’t be here that’s the reason for the state that Great Britain is in due to all these refugees coming over and getting handouts " Absolutely ridiculous!! It's people like this that give my great Britain a terrible international name and profile. We're an embarrassment in the world and I should know I travel the world and currently over in Europe. We're in this fine mess as hardy would say to laurel due to the mess created by the bankers, many expensive illegal and morally unacceptable wars and finally by a system hell bent on privitising our NHS or should I say americanising it. We're not on this mess because of immigration be they economic or asylum seeking. Many come over here to work. The ones already here need to get themselves off booze leading them to A&E and into work. It's so backward and archaic but very very clever how our system fails to learn from history. We as a nation had no problems with anyone 10 years ago 20 years ago 30 years ago wanting asylum or work here. Now we do but why have we let off those that put us in this mess. What utter garbage. What do you folks read ridiculously convulted tabloid presses like the daily mail? ![]() | |||
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"I have also heard this story which I believe is true so tough luck on the refugee he shouldn’t be a bully in the first place and why are they even in our country they shouldn’t be here that’s the reason for the state that Great Britain is in due to all these refugees coming over and getting handouts Absolutely ridiculous!! It's people like this that give my great Britain a terrible international name and profile. We're an embarrassment in the world and I should know I travel the world and currently over in Europe. We're in this fine mess as hardy would say to laurel due to the mess created by the bankers, many expensive illegal and morally unacceptable wars and finally by a system hell bent on privitising our NHS or should I say americanising it. We're not on this mess because of immigration be they economic or asylum seeking. Many come over here to work. The ones already here need to get themselves off booze leading them to A&E and into work. It's so backward and archaic but very very clever how our system fails to learn from history. We as a nation had no problems with anyone 10 years ago 20 years ago 30 years ago wanting asylum or work here. Now we do but why have we let off those that put us in this mess. What utter garbage. What do you folks read ridiculously convulted tabloid presses like the daily mail? ![]() "The ones already here need to get themselves off booze" Who exactly are you referring to? | |||
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"I have also heard this story which I believe is true so tough luck on the refugee he shouldn’t be a bully in the first place and why are they even in our country they shouldn’t be here that’s the reason for the state that Great Britain is in due to all these refugees coming over and getting handouts Absolutely ridiculous!! It's people like this that give my great Britain a terrible international name and profile. We're an embarrassment in the world and I should know I travel the world and currently over in Europe. We're in this fine mess as hardy would say to laurel due to the mess created by the bankers, many expensive illegal and morally unacceptable wars and finally by a system hell bent on privitising our NHS or should I say americanising it. We're not on this mess because of immigration be they economic or asylum seeking. Many come over here to work. The ones already here need to get themselves off booze leading them to A&E and into work. It's so backward and archaic but very very clever how our system fails to learn from history. We as a nation had no problems with anyone 10 years ago 20 years ago 30 years ago wanting asylum or work here. Now we do but why have we let off those that put us in this mess. What utter garbage. What do you folks read ridiculously convulted tabloid presses like the daily mail? ![]() I have 1 example due to limited time but I meant those that choose to not work but rather intoxicated themselves with any funds they have and leading to causing pressure on the NHS. It's telling that rather than taking my argument as a whole 1 aspect was taken in a defensive manner. Unless you drink loads and don't work I wasn't referring to you but those I have come across in the lower echelons of our society that have opportunities galore but pride ego or intoxications whether drugs or alcohol or others keep them hell bent on blaming others and in this case immigrants seem to be the brunt of their arguments and dismay it seems. | |||
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"When the child who has been assaulted can have such a grown-up attitude and doesn’t want violence aimed at the bully, and is 'very concerned about the violent comments on social media' then there is no excuse for adults who spout hatred and encourage violence against others" ![]() ![]() | |||
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"The bully should be dealt with by the school and the police from what I have read of the forums the bully’s family are not exactly pillars of the community.It also comes across on the forums that the bully is a racist and to me that is worrying at 16 already a bully and racist.As someone that was at times bullied and had racist abuse when ever I played school boy football it’s makes me wonder if any has changed from 35 years ago when I was 15." ![]() ![]() | |||
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" I have 1 example due to limited time but I meant those that choose to not work but rather intoxicated themselves with any funds they have and leading to causing pressure on the NHS. It's telling that rather than taking my argument as a whole 1 aspect was taken in a defensive manner. Unless you drink loads and don't work I wasn't referring to you but those I have come across in the lower echelons of our society that have opportunities galore but pride ego or intoxications whether drugs or alcohol or others keep them hell bent on blaming others and in this case immigrants seem to be the brunt of their arguments and dismay it seems. " I was attacked by pakistanies on a train. The guy said "I fucking hate gora bastards always d*unk...don't fucking look at me or I will etc..." This was an unprovoked racial attack but I don't even drink. Jesus provided lots of wine at the wedding and it isn't "harram". The nhs and housing is drained. The country is overcrowded at an unsustainable level and the quality of life suffers. This country has a problem with a perpetual underclass of loosers. But it's our responsibility to take care of our own "broad masses"'s not our responsibility to take in the world's peasents to provide them with the same services... | |||
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" I have 1 example due to limited time but I meant those that choose to not work but rather intoxicated themselves with any funds they have and leading to causing pressure on the NHS. It's telling that rather than taking my argument as a whole 1 aspect was taken in a defensive manner. Unless you drink loads and don't work I wasn't referring to you but those I have come across in the lower echelons of our society that have opportunities galore but pride ego or intoxications whether drugs or alcohol or others keep them hell bent on blaming others and in this case immigrants seem to be the brunt of their arguments and dismay it seems. I was attacked by pakistanies on a train. The guy said "I fucking hate gora bastards always d*unk...don't fucking look at me or I will etc..." This was an unprovoked racial attack but I don't even drink. Jesus provided lots of wine at the wedding and it isn't "harram". The nhs and housing is drained. The country is overcrowded at an unsustainable level and the quality of life suffers. This country has a problem with a perpetual underclass of loosers. But it's our responsibility to take care of our own "broad masses"'s not our responsibility to take in the world's peasents to provide them with the same services... " Like I said we need to deal with racists and bigots. I agree with the "perpetual underclass of losers" and that we should take care of our own too.i disagree with the rest. We're the 6th largest economy not accounting for the royal and offshore assets. The solution I believe I gave above. With the banking industry and national lottery to children in need there is enough proof that we have wealth in this nation but we're blaming others. Solution as per my posts above. | |||
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