By *tella Heels OP TV/TS
over a year ago
west here ford shire |
Hi, please read the whole of this post, I will try to make it as short as I can, but please read it,
I’m doing this in hope those that read can be aware of the dangerous issues of oral sex..
I have cancer of the throat, HPV cancer, now this can be caused by varying things, but the most common way is sexual contact. Mainly oral sex...!!!
Please don’t stop reading!!!!
I am so far lucky I am told it’s at stage 2 and hopefully I should recover. I have just completed 6 weeks of intensive radiotherapy,
I was lucky my body has coped ok with this, many suffer intense reactions, as did brisrob 500 (fabmember now with terminal cancer) my story for those who haven’t read it is on the forum under cancer of the throat parts 1,2 &3.
I don’t want to put you off, but warn you of the dangers, check any potential sexual partner before you meet please!!!
So to give you a short history of what I have been through, I was diagnosed (confirmed) with spinal stenosis in 3rd week of July, this is a painful condition caused by damage in my spinal discs trapping the spinal column causing severe pain when you walk, 2 weeks later 6th August (4 days before my birthday) I was confirmed diagnosed with cancer.
The treatment is tough on the body, I’ve lost all sense of taste, the cancer gave me extremely painful headaches (neuralgia) I have been on morphine for weeks to cope, I can hardly swallow, nausea and diarrhoea on occasions, I can’t put fruit or acidic or alcohol in my mouth as it’s like putting acid in your mouth, even squash for drinking hurts, everything tastes of a floury water mix and is disgusting. I finished 6 whole weeks of daily therapy on Friday, yesterday my body started to react from all the radiotherapy, I am sick and vomiting with diarrhoea, ihave now lost 2 stone in weight.
This is just the initial treatment, hopefully it’s done the trick, but if not it could be major surgery, removal of my jaw bone, then reconstruction, threw more chemo or radiotherapy. I forgot to add, teeth!! They check all your teeth if any are deemed to not be able to withstand treatment and last 10 yrs after they remove them..
I’m sorry to scare you, but I want you all to be aware of how dangerous this is, please don’t be ignorant and don’t take chances!!
If you have read this, don’t respond it’s not necessary except to keep it on the forum, I would prefer you fabbed my profile pic, that way I know how many fabbers I have touched..
Thank you for reading this in full xxx