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8 game ban

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

for a proven racists

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Seems they made an example of him. Let's see if John Terry gets off scot-free, being an England player and all.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

He deserves more , horrible person

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By *ushroom7Man
over a year ago


That's nothing, i got married and received a 42 match ban. Per season.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Seems they made an example of him. Let's see if John Terry gets off scot-free, being an England player and all."

Has JT been charged with anything?..by anyone?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Seems they made an example of him. Let's see if John Terry gets off scot-free, being an England player and all.

Has JT been charged with anything?..by anyone?"

The CPS is still investigating his alleged racial abuse. It seems new evidence has been presented and a decision whether to prosecute him is imminent.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It wasn't proven, one word against another.

I haven't been a racist since I was 14, but this doesn't help anybody, except the BNP.

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By *ushroom7Man
over a year ago


I wonder if Suarez got the ban for calling Evra a "black" something or other?

If so, there'll be a few bans handed out to BBC staff following the next athletics commetary.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 20/12/11 20:57:43]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" a decision whether to prosecute him is imminent."

Don't hold ya breath

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

the problem for Suarez is that he has in a sense "previous" for this..... he got banned for 7 games in holland for exactly the same thing......

and as for the terry situation... the FA can't charge him with anything until the CPS have finished with there business.... and since there is more evidence of his wrong doing than there is with suarez.. I don't think the FA would get away with anything lighter if found guilty....

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By *ashful BazMan
over a year ago

poole dorset

"the problem for Suarez is that he has in a sense "previous" for this..... he got banned for 7 games in holland for exactly the same thing......

and as for the terry situation... the FA can't charge him with anything until the CPS have finished with there business.... and since there is more evidence of his wrong doing than there is with suarez.. I don't think the FA would get away with anything lighter if found guilty...."

Good post _abio.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

They will appeal and it will be reduced.

At least we will be saved from his theatrics for a while.

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"They will appeal and it will be reduced.

At least we will be saved from his theatrics for a while."

probably yes..

bet the swans would hate someone of his level, theatrics or not..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"They will appeal and it will be reduced.

At least we will be saved from his theatrics for a while.

probably yes..

bet the swans would hate someone of his level, theatrics or not.."

Great footballer. Didn't do much against us a few weeks ago. Got frustrated and had a tantrum if I remember correctly.

Waving imaginary cards around, diving, alleged racism and giving the v sign to fans. He's hardly endearing himself to people.

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By *r OreoMan
over a year ago


Terry will get off - he always seems to have things go his way.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Terry will get off - he always seems to have things go his way."

If he faces criminal charges, it could be the end of him.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"the problem for Suarez is that he has in a sense "previous" for this..... he got banned for 7 games in holland for exactly the same thing......

and as for the terry situation... the FA can't charge him with anything until the CPS have finished with there business.... and since there is more evidence of his wrong doing than there is with suarez.. I don't think the FA would get away with anything lighter if found guilty...."

I managed to find this.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/europe/9225097.stm

is this related?

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"They will appeal and it will be reduced.

At least we will be saved from his theatrics for a while.

probably yes..

bet the swans would hate someone of his level, theatrics or not..

Great footballer. Didn't do much against us a few weeks ago. Got frustrated and had a tantrum if I remember correctly.

Waving imaginary cards around, diving, alleged racism and giving the v sign to fans. He's hardly endearing himself to people.


thing is with football 'fans', probably the most fickle and hypocritical supporters of any sport most of the time..

if he signed for them they would in all honestly buy the named shirt and forget the tantrums etc once he started scoring goals..

then his previous clubs 'fans' would slag him off...

these guys are mercenaries by and large, free market etc..

though how in any sane world a guy kicking a football can earn more in a week than doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters will earn in several years is beyond me...

club loyalty is rare so whilst one week they will love someone the 'fans' will the next week sing the most disgusting songs about the 'family of the judas'..

bit like politics really, we get the game we deserve..

there is no place for racism in sport..

then again there should be no place for all the other things that go on...

spitting at each other, cheating condoned by managers when it suits and condemned when it does'nt, bullying the officials by the managers and players and the FA by the premier league and the broadcasters...

at its best it can be sheer enjoyment for many things, at its worst its one of the most vile things..

the beautifull game eh..

oops, off on a tangent there

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

see, i for one am glad he got banned, cant be doing with the redshite harping on about how great he is, when really he is one cheating bastard, my dislike turned into something far worse for him when he won an oscar for rolling round on the floor and getting rodwell sent off, gggggrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

as for players in general, yes they will freely move sround for who will pay them the most, who of us wouldnt in their situation?? most players, where ever they are from, will do this as they have no loyalty to any club. the majority of players, once they leave their boyhood club, are in it for one thing and one thing only . . . . money. if players truly 'loved the game' their sole ambition would be to play for their boyhood club and stay, no matter how much they get paid. i know this first hand, having close ties to my boyhood club.

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By *omnlynneCouple
over a year ago

milton keynes

jt will be shagging the fa chairmans wife while they deliberate his sentence....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"though how in any sane world a guy kicking a football can earn more in a week than doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters will earn in several years is beyond me..."

Not to want an argument but how many spectators turn up to watch a Doctor, nurse or fireman do their job, never understand this argument, not to mention how much money is made from selling the matches through out the world.

Its like saying how can 4 guys playing instruments get paid so much for plucking strings and hitting drums when they sell out arena tours...

Because vast numbers of the public are willing to pay to see it!!!

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By *ce WingerMan
over a year ago

P.O. Box DE1 0NQ

there is no place for racism in sport.

Only in sport?

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By *ax the gentle GiantMan
over a year ago


i am a liverpool supporter and i am shocked that a modern day professional can use racist language the ban is a bit excesive considering Evera stated that it was not said with racial mallicious intent. there is no room for rascism in any walk of life if this ban leads to a change in attitude and the way we engage other fellow human beings then it will be a good thing. It would only be fair if this was unerversaly appiled to every player who is found guilty of racism and not just the one off ban. Oh an John Terry his favorite words are " i was misunderstood" he is like teflon man nothing ever sticks to him

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"the problem for Suarez is that he has in a sense "previous" for this..... he got banned for 7 games in holland for exactly the same thing......

and as for the terry situation... the FA can't charge him with anything until the CPS have finished with there business.... and since there is more evidence of his wrong doing than there is with suarez.. I don't think the FA would get away with anything lighter if found guilty...."

Here's the problem..The FA have played a blinder as far as causing themselves any embarrassment over Terry.

They charged Suarez but sat on their hands for a few days over Terry until someone,conveniently for the FA, made a complaint to the Met. I say conveniently because as you say their hands are then tied. There were two high profile internationals coming up and for the FA to charge their captain would have been hugely embarrassing for them. There's no way he could have played in those games.

There's now two scenarios..

Firstly the CPS decide there's insufficient evidence to charge him and the FA can't do anything. If there's no criminal charge the FA can't charge Terry with anything. or..Terry is charged with a racial offence and he is charged with it by the FA and stripped of the England captaincy. The FA then have the opportunity to say they had no choice given the decision by the CPS. Its a win win for the FA. Given their previous record of dithering its hardly surprising. I wouldn't even be surprised if the complaint to the Met emanated from Soho Square

I saw the game concerned and I must admit it did look like Terry said what he is accused of saying. If found guilty of course he should receive a long ban and the lose the England armband. It's no secret that I'm a Chelsea fan but to be honest off the pitch I'm not his biggest fan. Frank Lampard must look at himself in the mirror sometimes and wonder how the fuck Terry gets more recognition than him. There's a case to argue that the presence of Terry in the Chelsea side has actually held Lampard back.

Is John Terry a racist? I have no idea but i get the feeling that if Didier Drogba,Michael Essien and Ashley Cole had the slightest inkling that he was he would have already have lost the Chelsea captaincy

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"though how in any sane world a guy kicking a football can earn more in a week than doctors, nurses, police officers, firefighters will earn in several years is beyond me...

Not to want an argument but how many spectators turn up to watch a Doctor, nurse or fireman do their job, never understand this argument, not to mention how much money is made from selling the matches through out the world.

Its like saying how can 4 guys playing instruments get paid so much for plucking strings and hitting drums when they sell out arena tours...

Because vast numbers of the public are willing to pay to see it!!!


i suppose its about some sort of 'balance', not being naive i know the genie is out of the bottle...

bottle was smashed years ago tbh..

whilst i get your point about the principle of an audience prepared to pay elevating the value of what some do etc..

i just think its about more than that...

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"there is no place for racism in sport.

Only in sport? "

how about before you ask that 'question', you use the green button?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Liverpool statement:

"We find it extraordinary that Luis can be found guilty on the word of Patrice Evra alone when no-one else on the field of play - including Evra's own Manchester United team-mates and all the match officials - heard the alleged conversation between the two players in a crowded Kop goalmouth while a corner kick was about to be taken.

We would also like to know when the FA intend to charge Patrice Evra with making abusive remarks to an opponent after he admitted himself in his evidence to insulting Luis Suarez in Spanish in the most objectionable of terms."


Prevaricate: To speak falsely or misleadingly; deliberately misstate or create an incorrect impression; lie.

Also, anagram of Patrice Evra.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm glad Suarez has got a ban - they shouldn't let those fucking dagoes get away with anything if it's offensive to anyone slightly darker than them

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The CPS decision re JT is expected before 2pm today.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

CPS have decided Terry has a case to answer

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

And bang on queue... The cps have said they are going to prosecute John terry over the remarks aimed at Anton Ferdinand

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By *irtydanMan
over a year ago


"CPS have decided Terry has a case to answer"
oh good

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Things went from bad to worse for John Terry when it was confimed that Andre Villas Boas has been put in charge of organising his defence.

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By *oole2010Couple
over a year ago


suarez was banned in holland for seven games for biting an opponent as a liverpool fan i do get fed up with suarez falling over every challenge i just think to myself get up man do your job you can score goals without that nonsense however evra has admitted in his statement that he doesnt think that suarez is a racist and admitted himself that he called suarez something or other as highlighted in the liverpool statement 8 matches is a bit extreme and he has been made an example of yes it is wrong but we have to get into foreign players heads is that what is acceptable in their country is not in ours and as the fa golden boy john terry has a case to answer for according to the cps i think every footie fan is gonna relish this outcome to see what punishment he will get as it seems it was one word against the other with suarez and evra it looks like they have concrete evidence against terry so they gonna ban him for longer? hmmmmmmmm i dont think they will somehow with teflon john

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By *he BananamanMan
over a year ago


i am not fond of suarez as he spends an awful lot of time diving for penalties!, (ie cheating)but as he speaks spanish,patrice evra is french,the referee british,so who did the interpreting on the field of play during the game?.

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By *ushroom7Man
over a year ago


Shame Rio's not as good as he was. Can you imagine the convo as they next sing the anthem at Wembley :

CB : "Hey skip, did you call my little cousin a ******"

Skip : "What of it?"

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

[Removed by poster at 21/12/11 21:34:34]

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

"the problem for Suarez is that he has in a sense "previous" for this..... he got banned for 7 games in holland for exactly the same thing......



are you sure about this statement?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"the problem for Suarez is that he has in a sense "previous" for this..... he got banned for 7 games in holland for exactly the same thing......


are you sure about this statement?"

He got a seven match ban for biting someone..Evra on the other hand could start a fight in an empty room

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

"the problem for Suarez is that he has in a sense "previous" for this..... he got banned for 7 games in holland for exactly the same thing......


are you sure about this statement?"

yep... the biting incident had some of this in it...

actually the wierd thing is that Suarez actually admitted to what is being alledged with evra by saying "its someone we say in uruguay all the time"... so is the arguement that he is being treated differently because he is a foreigner??

what do i believe will happen in the Suarez case... liverpool can't appeal the verdict, but can appeal the length... the FA will bring it down to 6... but suarez has another charge coming for his antics at the fulham game.. and will get another 2 for that..... so bringing it back up to 8...

I can't see how there is any way terry is going to get less than 10 games now... we have proof of what he said and who it was aimed out.... his is a more clear cut case than suarez because it was caught on camera.....

which is why the FA has snookered itself in the john terry case....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


I can't see how there is any way terry is going to get less than 10 games now... we have proof of what he said and who it was aimed out.... his is a more clear cut case than suarez because it was caught on camera.....


Are we assuming Terry will be found guilty?

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead


Are we assuming Terry will be found guilty?"

well if they found suarez guilty when his was a case of "he said she said" and no one actually caught what was said on film...

you have to admit it doesn't look good for terry.... who was caught on camera saying some very unsavoury things".....

if race wasn't a part of it why on earth use to word "black" in it..... if he had just said "f*****g c**t" instead of "f*****g black c**t"... there wouldn't be an issue....

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire

Reason i am asking is i cant find any link to racism with the biting incident m8, more like abh and a total act of stupidity notwithstanding..

My stance on what he has done with evra is he deserves what he gets..

no arguments and no excuses 'cos he is from another country in my eyes 'cultural differences' are one thing but he should have known it was offensive..

certainly an education issue for him as to what is acceptable, then again his grandfather was himself a black guy!?

Think Terry will be finished by this England wise, fairly clear what he said and its a no brainer for the FA..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I agree It doesn't look good and I saw what he appeared to say.His defence is that what has been quoted was preceeded by "I never called you a..."

Obviously The CPS have another film cos the ones Sky have shown Ashley Cole and John Obi Mikel walk across the screen and obscure him. If he's guilty he's gonna get hammered and he deserves to.

As an aside,seeing as the Met received an anonymous complaint and we're obliged to act on it,is someone gonna call the old bill everytime someone intentionally goes over the top or throws an elbow?

Paul Scholes would have spent his whole career on bail!

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire


I can't see how there is any way terry is going to get less than 10 games now... we have proof of what he said and who it was aimed out.... his is a more clear cut case than suarez because it was caught on camera.....

Are we assuming Terry will be found guilty?"

Terry is pretty much bang to rights, its on camera even though the Premier league wanted it pulled off the web..

if Ferdinand thought he had been called a ***** c**t and asked him did he say it, Terry could have said 'no i did not say that' or words to that effect..

the fact that he said, 'i did not call you a ***** C**t' is racist end of.

he will be finished Engalnd wise..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


the fact that he said, 'i did not call you a ***** C**t' is racist end of.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have to say has this man been convicted i a court of law? If not the "charge " is from a lesser authority. He appears to be guilty of controvening his professional body at the meoment. The Police shoule have been notified at the time of the alleged offence and asked to investigate as happend in the Ferdinand allegations. Racial abuse is an excuse for having limited intelligence.......these are two highly paid footballers! I rest my case your honour!

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By *ouple in LancashireCouple
over a year ago

in Lancashire


the fact that he said, 'i did not call you a ***** C**t' is racist end of.



not sure why you need the 'frog eye'(is that the right term lol) icon?

by using the fact that a person is of a particular ethnicity and also adding a derogatory term to that is in the eyes of the law a racist offence..

Terry may have thought Ferdinand was being a c**t, he did not have to refer to his colour..

He was wrong to do so, and probably realised it pretty soon after...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?"

White people are not 'prone' to racism, racists are prone to racism, doesn't matter what their race is.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


the fact that he said, 'i did not call you a ***** C**t' is racist end of.


not sure why you need the 'frog eye'(is that the right term lol) icon?


The reason for the is this..

Let's for the sake of the discussion assume JT is telling the truth and this happened:

AF: Did you just call me a b**** C***?

JT: Anton,I didn't call you a fucking b**** c***.

Are you saying that by using the phrase as a denial in answer to a direct question in itself is a racist comment?

That's insane!

If so the court case will be like Monty Python.

Every time he gives his version of events the prosecution will leap to his feet and scream "there,he said it again"

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By *orestersCouple
over a year ago

The Forest

"If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?

White people are not 'prone' to racism, racists are prone to racism, doesn't matter what their race is. "

A sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative. You really should stop judging people on the colour of their skin, it's racist, as are you.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?

White people are not 'prone' to racism, racists are prone to racism, doesn't matter what their race is.

A sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative. You really should stop judging people on the colour of their skin, it's racist, as are you."

I beg your pardon?!!!

Would you like to read the QUESTION again?

Asking a question regarding racism does not make one a racist.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?

White people are not 'prone' to racism, racists are prone to racism, doesn't matter what their race is.

A sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative. You really should stop judging people on the colour of their skin, it's racist, as are you."

Man that's a cheap shot.Thats two people today been accused of being a racist. The problem with accusations like that on a forum is that the accused finds it almost impossible to rebut other than denying it. I read Wishy's posts with great interest,mainly cos i disagree with most of them but i can say one thing,he's no racist

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By *U1966Man
over a year ago


All parts of rio's plot to get england captaincy his cousin accusing terry and his mate accusing suarez to make it a big story around the world

Evra is the one who should be banned oh sorry i forgot he plays for man utd

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By *isterTeaseMan
over a year ago


I've got a funny feeling jt is going to get away with this tbh I'm pretty sure he will, when has any celebrity or sports star done time for racist abuse or has been giving a punishment that affects the way they make a living? (for example getting banned from the England & cheese team)

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By *isterTeaseMan
over a year ago


"All parts of rio's plot to get england captaincy his cousin accusing terry and his mate accusing suarez to make it a big story around the world

Evra is the one who should be banned oh sorry i forgot he plays for man utd"

& exactly why should only evra be punish?

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By *U1966Man
over a year ago


"All parts of rio's plot to get england captaincy his cousin accusing terry and his mate accusing suarez to make it a big story around the world

Evra is the one who should be banned oh sorry i forgot he plays for man utd

& exactly why should only evra be punish? "

Who said only evra! he admitted insulting suarez in spanish and gets away scot free

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By *orestersCouple
over a year ago

The Forest

"If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?

White people are not 'prone' to racism, racists are prone to racism, doesn't matter what their race is.

A sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative. You really should stop judging people on the colour of their skin, it's racist, as are you.

I beg your pardon?!!!

Would you like to read the QUESTION again?

Asking a question regarding racism does not make one a racist. "

You are pardonned for your mistake. I was commenting on the eventual answer, not the original question.

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By *isterTeaseMan
over a year ago


"All parts of rio's plot to get england captaincy his cousin accusing terry and his mate accusing suarez to make it a big story around the world

Evra is the one who should be banned oh sorry i forgot he plays for man utd

& exactly why should only evra be punish?

Who said only evra! he admitted insulting suarez in spanish and gets away scot free "

You pretty much implied it with previous comment, I'm sure other players have insulted each other I'm just wondering why you chose to use Evra as an example & paint terry & suraez as the victims?

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By *els_BellsWoman
over a year ago

with the moon n stars somewhere in gtr manc

If Suarez did pass a remark regarding Evra's skin colour, then yes 8 match ban and fine are right.

If Evra also remarked on Suarez's race, he should also face the same punishment.

John Terry if found guilty in court could only get a £250 fine according to a radio discussion yesterday and then the FA will also have to make an example of him.

Yes I am a Liverpool fan but I can not be doing with all this roly polying round the pitch and think managers should fine them everytime they went down too easily. However, the referee should book players for going down like a sack of spuds.

If I was a manager I'd never have a full squad.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

There was an interesting incident in Holland last night.

An Ajax fan got on the pitch and tried to attack the AZ Alkamaar goalkeeper.The bloke ended up on his back and the goalie then proceeded to try and kick the shit out of the idiot.

Unbelievably the Ref sent the goalie off!

Full credit to the Alkamaar coach,he took his players off the pitch and the game was abandoned after 36 minutes

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By *abioMan
over a year ago

Newcastle and Gateshead

just seen the footage of this on youtube.... i was like

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Foresters, you appear to have just called me a racist.

Please explain why.

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By *uro anchorMan
over a year ago


Suarez should not have been banned..

He,s in my dream team...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?

White people are not 'prone' to racism, racists are prone to racism, doesn't matter what their race is.

A sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative. You really should stop judging people on the colour of their skin, it's racist, as are you."

Are you going to explain why my response to Wishy was racist?

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By *orestersCouple
over a year ago

The Forest

"If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?

White people are not 'prone' to racism, racists are prone to racism, doesn't matter what their race is.

A sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative. You really should stop judging people on the colour of their skin, it's racist, as are you.

Are you going to explain why my response to Wishy was racist?"

The explaination is in my post, but I will reiterate it for you.

You made a sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I must be missing something..in what way is that a sweeping generalisation based on skin colour?

I believe he was saying to Wishy that there's nothing intrinsically different about the white race that makes it any more prone to racism than other races.

To believe otherwise would surely be a racist statement itself

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By *emima_puddlefuckCouple
over a year ago


"If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?

White people are not 'prone' to racism, racists are prone to racism, doesn't matter what their race is.

A sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative. You really should stop judging people on the colour of their skin, it's racist, as are you.

Are you going to explain why my response to Wishy was racist?

The explaination is in my post, but I will reiterate it for you.

You made a sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative. "

EH...no he didnt...read again...he does the exact opposite...saying anyone can be racist,irrespective of colour...a fair,balanced comment,unlike yours

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If a black player calls a white player a c**t but omits the word 'white' but has no previous of ever calling another black player anything derogatory - could his use of the word 'c**t' towards a white player be deemed racist?

Ot are only white people prone to racism?

White people are not 'prone' to racism, racists are prone to racism, doesn't matter what their race is.

A sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative. You really should stop judging people on the colour of their skin, it's racist, as are you.

Are you going to explain why my response to Wishy was racist?

The explaination is in my post, but I will reiterate it for you.

You made a sweeping generalisation based on skin colour. Positive racism is just as loathsome as negative.

EH...no he didnt...read again...he does the exact opposite...saying anyone can be racist,irrespective of colour...a fair,balanced comment,unlike yours "


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No need for it end of!!.

If any normal person made a racist remark to someone they worked with it would be classed as gross misconduct and they would be sacked.

perhaps this should happen as so many footballers seem to think they are untouchable. While im ranting today they need to have there wages dropped too all they do is kick a bag or air around on a field afterall did they save ur parents life last year or even have there legs blown of at war erm no!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

anyone else wonder why forums have become fucking ridiculous....I'm still begging the question...

every fucking week there is at least some ridiculous shite on here

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By (user no longer on site)
Forum Mod

over a year ago

Good grief

Sone of the comments in this thread that ive just had to speed read defy logic and reasoning!

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