I loved this episode of the young ones. Anyone else have a favourite?
Rick: Hands up, who likes me! [there is no response]
Mike: Guys, no wonder Neil's smelly. [He indicates the notebook] According to the house list, it says the last time we went to the laundrette was the 23rd of October... nineteen-eighty-one. Guys, it's wash day.
Vyvyan: But why, Michael? I myself have three pairs of socks, and three pairs of knickers. That means I've only worn them... 269 times each since the last wash.
Rick: I said, hands up, who likes...
Mike: Rick! We heard what you said. Now, guys, brace yourselves, there's no avoiding this, and I'm not talking about my chopper, we are going to the laundrette!
Vyvyan: Oh, no, please...
Neil: No, not the laundrette...
Rick: [stands up abruptly] Why don't you like me?
Vyvyan: Because you're a complete bastard.
Rick: Vyvyan, I'm being serious!
Vyvyan: So am I. You're a complete bastard and we all hate you.
Rick: [shaking his head] I find that rather difficult to believe.
Vyvyan: Do you want to bet on it? I'll put down a fiver.
Neil: Yeah, me too.
Mike: You can count me in as well.
[Vyv, Neil, and Mike put their money on the table]
Rick: Yes, eh, I...I don't bet.
Vyvyan: Coward!
Neil: Yeah, yellow chicken!
Rick: Alright, I'm not scared!
Vyvyan: Right, then, a fiver!
Rick: Oh, I haven't got any money.
Neil: What about that tenner I lent you this morning? For your sister's operation?
Vyvyan: You haven't got a sister, Rick! You're the classic example of an only child.
Rick: Alright, alright, are we going to bet or are we going to piffle around all night? [slaps money on the table] There's a tenner!
Vyvyan: Quiet, everybody, the bet's on!
Rick: Right. Hands up, who likes me! [Rick throws both arms into the air, while the other three guys drop their hands to the floor] DAMN! Right, that's it, I'm going to kill myself. [He removes his belt] Then you'll be sorry!  |