By *aucy3 OP Couple
over a year ago
glasgow |
a couple of weeks ago,we had an empty,happy days.
our youngest,was staying at a friends,our eldest lives with his girlfreind,woohoo,what could go wrong.
so we made plans,a few drinks,then onto the bedroom,take some new pics for our profile,then a shagfest,mmmm mmmm mmmm.
plan part one,went like clockwork,
onto part two,we went to the bedroom,got the camera out.then dring dring fucking dring,who could that be at this time of night,i thought,i'll get rid of them,and carry on with our plan.
oh oh,it was our eldest,he had been out for the night,forgot his keys,and his girlfriend was staying with a friend,he was coming to ours for the night,oh shit.
so the plan went out the window,and another night of silent shagging ensued.
so have any of your best laid plans,gone awry.  |