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Fabs Diet 4

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Wow to all the fantastic Fab diet stars Slimmer of the year most definately goes to Diamond Smiles. Keep up all the great work all you fab stars.

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By *4FantasyCouple
over a year ago


Hi can I join in please? (Kaz), I have got some slimming world books and my friend from work and I are going to be doing it together to give each other moral support. My target is to get to size 12, I am currently an 18, so 3 dress sizes in all. I am hoping to start next monday so will be weighing in the week after.


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Hi can I join in please? (Kaz), I have got some slimming world books and my friend from work and I are going to be doing it together to give each other moral support. My target is to get to size 12, I am currently an 18, so 3 dress sizes in all. I am hoping to start next monday so will be weighing in the week after.


Of course you can good luck here to give moral support to all.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Check Fabs Diet 1, 2 and 3 and all the success stories.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Hi can I join in please? (Kaz), I have got some slimming world books and my friend from work and I are going to be doing it together to give each other moral support. My target is to get to size 12, I am currently an 18, so 3 dress sizes in all. I am hoping to start next monday so will be weighing in the week after.


Good luck kaz

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Despite the best efforts of some, I have been really good food wise for about the last 2 months.

My kex keep fallin down, I'm two notches further in on my belt than I was a couple of months ago and I look like Demis Roussos in a couple of my t-shirts now.

I refuse to go on a 'diet' : I just stick to no fried stuff, nothing over 3g fat per 100g and no sweeties - but I have a treat once a week, be it a bag of crisps, a piece of cake, a bacon butty.

I don't weigh myself as a rule and will not have scales in the house.

When I was at the diabetic nurse in September I was bang on 16 stone. I am back there at the end of November and if it hasn't dropped, that's it !

For me though, it isn't about vanity, more about being able to reap the benefits of my pension !

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Just returned from Gran Canaria 8lbs heavier than when I went!

more to do with the beer than the food!

So will be back on the plan tomorrow, running again and no beer, should soon drop off!

Target to get the 8lb off by Christmas and then another 7lb to get to my target weight, which I just didn't manage to do before my holiday!

Wish me luck!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Despite the best efforts of some, I have been really good food wise for about the last 2 months.

My kex keep fallin down, I'm two notches further in on my belt than I was a couple of months ago and I look like Demis Roussos in a couple of my t-shirts now.

I refuse to go on a 'diet' : I just stick to no fried stuff, nothing over 3g fat per 100g and no sweeties - but I have a treat once a week, be it a bag of crisps, a piece of cake, a bacon butty.

I don't weigh myself as a rule and will not have scales in the house.

When I was at the diabetic nurse in September I was bang on 16 stone. I am back there at the end of November and if it hasn't dropped, that's it !

For me though, it isn't about vanity, more about being able to reap the benefits of my pension !"

I did mine with portion control and exercise, dropped 4stone and went from dress size 20 to 12 in about 6 months!

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By *ove bi guysWoman
over a year ago


I started slimming world 2 weeks ago. Lost 7.5 lbs in week one and 3lbs this week so happy happy at the moment.

I am putting it down to walking (about an hr a day) and writing everything down. I was surprised how much just slipped passed my lips and I thought I was being good lol.

Medics would say I have about 6 stone to loose. But I am working on dress sizes and how I feel. I am a full size 18 now and I want to get to a tidy 12

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Well after a severe bout of Gastroenteritis I am in a size 18 pair of jeans not fitted into a size 18 in nearly 20 years.

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By *issNaughtyxxxWoman
over a year ago


I started SW 9weeks ago, finding it really easy and i have lost 9lbs and it's staying off.

Can i join too?

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

Well i gained 1/2lb this week which means ive lost nothing in three weeks. But im not concerned it will come of when its ready.

Well done shaz, although not a good way to loose weight

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"I started SW 9weeks ago, finding it really easy and i have lost 9lbs and it's staying off.

Can i join too? "

Of cause you can, ive just come back from class

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

Tell you what is funny most people seem to do slimming world and not weight watchers on this thread.

I went to weight watchers for two weeks once and couldnt get on with it yet my mum goes but all my friends about 6 of them go slimming world but different class to me cause they work

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By *issNaughtyxxxWoman
over a year ago


Got my class tommorow night, only one week ive put on i either stay the same of loose a 1lb. I get frustrated as i never loose a big amount just 1 or 2 lbs but happy with it.

I got the christmas recipie book last week, looks great

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The 8lb I put on during my holiday to Gran Canaria came off in just about 1 week.

Delighted with that!

Not lost anymore, and really having an argument with myself at the moment.

When I originally started losing weight, I had a weight and a dress size in mind.

I have got to that dress size but am about 14lb off the weight.

I am maintaining this weight at the moment but have quite got used to my size and whereas initially I thought I looked really slim, I am now not sure and think I should try for that other 14lb which would bring me down another dress size.

Really can't make up my mind!

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Got my class tommorow night, only one week ive put on i either stay the same of loose a 1lb. I get frustrated as i never loose a big amount just 1 or 2 lbs but happy with it.

I got the christmas recipie book last week, looks great "

Ive lost 7stone in a year and its averaged a healthy 2lb a week (just under) so im happy to loose it at that speed

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Got my class tommorow night, only one week ive put on i either stay the same of loose a 1lb. I get frustrated as i never loose a big amount just 1 or 2 lbs but happy with it.

I got the christmas recipie book last week, looks great "

Thats how I lose weight, really have to work at it and only ever lose 1 or 2 lb a week.

I lost weight this time on my own, but when going to class previously I used to 'hate' those people who would lose 3, 4, 5 lb in a week.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"The 8lb I put on during my holiday to Gran Canaria came off in just about 1 week.

Delighted with that!

Not lost anymore, and really having an argument with myself at the moment.

When I originally started losing weight, I had a weight and a dress size in mind.

I have got to that dress size but am about 14lb off the weight.

I am maintaining this weight at the moment but have quite got used to my size and whereas initially I thought I looked really slim, I am now not sure and think I should try for that other 14lb which would bring me down another dress size.

Really can't make up my mind!"

I had it in my head i wanted to be 9st 7lb and a size 12. But now ive decided i want to be 10stone. I want to look healthy and fuller in the face

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Got my class tommorow night, only one week ive put on i either stay the same of loose a 1lb. I get frustrated as i never loose a big amount just 1 or 2 lbs but happy with it.

I got the christmas recipie book last week, looks great

Ive lost 7stone in a year and its averaged a healthy 2lb a week (just under) so im happy to loose it at that speed"

Are you still managing to lose weight or are you happy with where you are.

I started about in November last year and lost 4stone in about 6 months have lost a further 1/2 stone in last 5 months. But am currently debating with myself as to whether I try and get another 14lb off!

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Got my class tommorow night, only one week ive put on i either stay the same of loose a 1lb. I get frustrated as i never loose a big amount just 1 or 2 lbs but happy with it.

I got the christmas recipie book last week, looks great

Ive lost 7stone in a year and its averaged a healthy 2lb a week (just under) so im happy to loose it at that speed

Are you still managing to lose weight or are you happy with where you are.

I started about in November last year and lost 4stone in about 6 months have lost a further 1/2 stone in last 5 months. But am currently debating with myself as to whether I try and get another 14lb off!"

Ive still got 3stone 7lb to go and it has slowed up but still loosing. Think it will take about a year to loose the last 1/3rd of my weight but it is a way of life to me i just get on with it now

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

If anyone ever wants to pm me for support feel free to do so

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Got my class tommorow night, only one week ive put on i either stay the same of loose a 1lb. I get frustrated as i never loose a big amount just 1 or 2 lbs but happy with it.

I got the christmas recipie book last week, looks great

Ive lost 7stone in a year and its averaged a healthy 2lb a week (just under) so im happy to loose it at that speed

Are you still managing to lose weight or are you happy with where you are.

I started about in November last year and lost 4stone in about 6 months have lost a further 1/2 stone in last 5 months. But am currently debating with myself as to whether I try and get another 14lb off!

Ive still got 3stone 7lb to go and it has slowed up but still loosing. Think it will take about a year to loose the last 1/3rd of my weight but it is a way of life to me i just get on with it now"

Thats amazing, I have got to a size 12, and like you I have just changed my life really and know for sure, unlike on previous occassion, that I will never put it back on.

Just can't get my head around how I am going to lose another 14lb!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Got my class tommorow night, only one week ive put on i either stay the same of loose a 1lb. I get frustrated as i never loose a big amount just 1 or 2 lbs but happy with it.

I got the christmas recipie book last week, looks great

Ive lost 7stone in a year and its averaged a healthy 2lb a week (just under) so im happy to loose it at that speed

Are you still managing to lose weight or are you happy with where you are.

I started about in November last year and lost 4stone in about 6 months have lost a further 1/2 stone in last 5 months. But am currently debating with myself as to whether I try and get another 14lb off!"

If your happy thats the main thing but its goo to carry on going incase so easy to slip into bad habbits. Colder darker nights can't get out on the bike so thinking of things to fit around winter.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Got my class tommorow night, only one week ive put on i either stay the same of loose a 1lb. I get frustrated as i never loose a big amount just 1 or 2 lbs but happy with it.

I got the christmas recipie book last week, looks great

Ive lost 7stone in a year and its averaged a healthy 2lb a week (just under) so im happy to loose it at that speed

Are you still managing to lose weight or are you happy with where you are.

I started about in November last year and lost 4stone in about 6 months have lost a further 1/2 stone in last 5 months. But am currently debating with myself as to whether I try and get another 14lb off!

If your happy thats the main thing but its goo to carry on going incase so easy to slip into bad habbits. Colder darker nights can't get out on the bike so thinking of things to fit around winter."

I am exactly the same, was running every night after work, but now its pitch black!

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Got my class tommorow night, only one week ive put on i either stay the same of loose a 1lb. I get frustrated as i never loose a big amount just 1 or 2 lbs but happy with it.

I got the christmas recipie book last week, looks great

Ive lost 7stone in a year and its averaged a healthy 2lb a week (just under) so im happy to loose it at that speed

Are you still managing to lose weight or are you happy with where you are.

I started about in November last year and lost 4stone in about 6 months have lost a further 1/2 stone in last 5 months. But am currently debating with myself as to whether I try and get another 14lb off!

Ive still got 3stone 7lb to go and it has slowed up but still loosing. Think it will take about a year to loose the last 1/3rd of my weight but it is a way of life to me i just get on with it now

Thats amazing, I have got to a size 12, and like you I have just changed my life really and know for sure, unlike on previous occassion, that I will never put it back on.

Just can't get my head around how I am going to lose another 14lb!


Just looked at your photos and you look a perfect size to me. Is it really that important what the scales say in comparison to how you look. I do know that once you get something in your head its hard to get it out lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Thanks Diamond

I think you are right, can't get it out of my head.

My sensible side says you are a size 12 you must be slim. But then I have this other voice in my head saying you weigh too much and your BMI is still 26!

Going to gym this week and maybe toning up is the answer, legs are quite good now with running, but other bits still quite wobbly!

Thanks again, good to chat!

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By *issNaughtyxxxWoman
over a year ago


12st2 is apperently a healthy good weight for my height etc. Id like to get to 11stone but i think it's going to be really hard. Im at 13.9lb now, so i have a wee bit to go but positive ill get there x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"12st2 is apperently a healthy good weight for my height etc. Id like to get to 11stone but i think it's going to be really hard. Im at 13.9lb now, so i have a wee bit to go but positive ill get there x "

You just have to keep at it 1 week at a time!

Get to 12 2 first and then see how you feel.

Good to have small goals so you feel like you are achieving things

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

I should be between 8stone and 9stone 4lb for my height but i will be happy at 10stone.

I set myself small goals all the while thats the only way i can do it otherwise it would seem to much

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

I lost 1lb today. I was disappointed as thats only 1lb in 4 weeks. I know it will come of but i feel horrible and fat today.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I lost 1lb today. I was disappointed as thats only 1lb in 4 weeks. I know it will come of but i feel horrible and fat today."

At least its off! Have a look at some old pics or get out some old clothes to make you realise how well you have done!

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By *incscpleCouple
over a year ago


well done to you all ive lost 3 an a half stone in 5 months was a size 26 now i can get into size 20 jeans im so happy

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

well ive gone back to fat camp.....again lol

im your classic yo yo dieter, anyone who know me will tell you every time you see me im a different size, even i cant keep up with myself lol

ive lost 25 pounds so far this time

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I lost 1lb today. I was disappointed as thats only 1lb in 4 weeks. I know it will come of but i feel horrible and fat today."

you've done so well

im sure you know after a while your body will come to a plateau, the closer you are to your goal the slower you loose it

you may have lost 1 pound in 4 weeks but thats still another pound off dont get disheartened its the worse thing to make you think fuck it and go off the rails......believe me ive dont it may times

just look at what you have lost over all rather than what your loosing each week and be proud of yourself x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Ohh didnt know we had a thread for this.....woohoo..joined sw and up to.now lost pounds put em back on due to lots of holidays...now back on track....only lost 4 and half pound to boot but have stopped my intake of alcohol so hopefully loose more....need to eat more as i tend to skip.lunch .....glad theres support in here so if its ok would love to join in....i need all.the help i can get and well done to the ladies who have lost.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hey I like this thread,

Iv just rejoined the gym, as I went up to 13st 10

And in 5 weeks iv lost 8lb, amazing what a little excerise can do. I can see the change in my body already, muscles coming back, and the biggest notice for the weight lose was when I bent over to pick something up on a shop, I had a builders bum lol my jeans kept fallen down!

Good luck to all

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Ooo great thread. I've lost 4 stone this year and have another 2 to go. I've gone from a 20 to a 14/16 but really want to be a 12. I just can't keep away from chocolate at the moment though, and carbs! Someone gag me with something so I can't eat

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is where I think my weight gain came from

I couldn't go without a cpl of chocolate digestive with a bru!!!

Oh I miss them, but well done on the 4st lose amazing

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've put on in 8 weeks- 8lbs- a pounds a week due to being bed bound and eating 'what I'm given'.. I'm totally gutted but know beggars can't be choosers and can't wait to be able to make my own meals and loose the extra weight- I was doing ok on my diet until the leg

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"This is where I think my weight gain came from

I couldn't go without a cpl of chocolate digestive with a bru!!!

Oh I miss them, but well done on the 4st lose amazing "

Thanks :D I have managed to get to 12and a half stone, but want to be 10 and a half which is the upper end of a healthy BMI for my height, but I don;t want to be slim.....I like my curves too much

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well you have done really well so far, but looking at your pics you are right down lose your curvyness, as you look nice to me.

But you do what makes you feel happy,

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

I think we have been neglecting the diet thread.

Well its seems to be taking forever to go from 7 to 7 1/2stone. But lost another 1lb this week which makes 7stone 5 1/2lb. But all though it has slowed down lots im still shrinking and am now officially a comfortable size 16

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well done diamonds, your body may be reaching a plateau of weight loss, but battle through it, don't get disheartened. There's plenty of people on this thread impressed with your commitment, me too.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Well done diamonds, your body may be reaching a plateau of weight loss, but battle through it, don't get disheartened. There's plenty of people on this thread impressed with your commitment, me too."

Thankyou, i did have 4 weeks with no loss and i did carry on. But have now lost again 4 weeks on the trot. I knew it was going to slow up. Ive lost the majority of it and come of the tablets so have achieved what i set out to achieve, im quiet happy now because this is my new way of life forever and i dont mind if it takes a year for the final 3 stone to come off.

But not just me there has been some massive loses this year and i think this thread has been neglected lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 06/12/11 13:24:39]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Thankyou, i did have 4 weeks with no loss and i did carry on. But have now lost again 4 weeks on the trot. I knew it was going to slow up. Ive lost the majority of it and come of the tablets so have achieved what i set out to achieve, im quiet happy now because this is my new way of life forever and i dont mind if it takes a year for the final 3 stone to come off.

But not just me there has been some massive loses this year and i think this thread has been neglected lol"

I have lost 12lbs in 6/7 weeks but tail end of last week, I re-discovered my liking for scones, chips, chocolate & bread with loadsa butter.

Need to get things back on track this week but proving hard.

It's a bit like swinging : You don't have any meets for weeks and you aren't that arsed.

But one bit of fun and you just want more, more, more

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Thankyou, i did have 4 weeks with no loss and i did carry on. But have now lost again 4 weeks on the trot. I knew it was going to slow up. Ive lost the majority of it and come of the tablets so have achieved what i set out to achieve, im quiet happy now because this is my new way of life forever and i dont mind if it takes a year for the final 3 stone to come off.

But not just me there has been some massive loses this year and i think this thread has been neglected lol

I have lost 12lbs in 6/7 weeks but tail end of last week, I re-discovered my liking for scones, chips, chocolate & bread with loadsa butter.

Need to get things back on track this week but proving hard.

It's a bit like swinging : You don't have any meets for weeks and you aren't that arsed.

But one bit of fun and you just want more, more, more "

You can take time off as long as you get back on track before any serious damage is done. I took the day off on sunday and got straight back on it. Have a little of what you fancy

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By *odareyouMan
over a year ago

not far from iceland,,,,,, tescos is nearer though :-) (near leeds)

I applaud all of the ladies and gents that are attempting to lose weight, the weight you gained went on very slowly ... remember the jeans that had shrunk in the wash, they'd never shrunk before... nope it was the very slow weight gain, , it will take as long or longer to lose that same weight, keep at it people, the benefits to your health now and future will make it worthwhile, exercise a bit, speak to your Dr , he or she will help, (walking is good, sex is good) eat a balanced diet, eat a little less,

Oh and I'll have all your Christmas choccys... yumm.

Good luck ...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have put a stone and half back on since summer and so miserable, it makes me feel so unsexy and not want to play, so Jan 2nd back on the horse to get 2 and a half off. I want to feel and look hot again not like a massive pink blob

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 07/12/11 11:48:46]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Diamonds has done tremendously well, she is an inspiration on those cold mornings when you think its too cold to go running.

Well done Karen, keep it up hun, and a little lapse over xmas is cool.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

this thread is being seriously neglected. after my disastrious weigh in last week i lost 1.5lb this week bringing it back to 7.4 stone. im determind to get this 7 and half stone award that keeps evading me by early next year

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"this thread is being seriously neglected. after my disastrious weigh in last week i lost 1.5lb this week bringing it back to 7.4 stone. im determind to get this 7 and half stone award that keeps evading me by early next year"

you lost me - is 7.4 stone not less than 7 and a half ?

or is the award a thing for keeping below the level over a number of weeks ?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

3 more pound you can do it diamond.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"this thread is being seriously neglected. after my disastrious weigh in last week i lost 1.5lb this week bringing it back to 7.4 stone. im determind to get this 7 and half stone award that keeps evading me by early next year

you lost me - is 7.4 stone not less than 7 and a half ?

or is the award a thing for keeping below the level over a number of weeks ?"

think as it lost 7 4 only needing 3 to get to 7 and a half

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"this thread is being seriously neglected. after my disastrious weigh in last week i lost 1.5lb this week bringing it back to 7.4 stone. im determind to get this 7 and half stone award that keeps evading me by early next year

you lost me - is 7.4 stone not less than 7 and a half ?

or is the award a thing for keeping below the level over a number of weeks ?"

you get an award at every half stone ive got 3lb to my 7 and half stone.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"this thread is being seriously neglected. after my disastrious weigh in last week i lost 1.5lb this week bringing it back to 7.4 stone. im determind to get this 7 and half stone award that keeps evading me by early next year

you lost me - is 7.4 stone not less than 7 and a half ?

or is the award a thing for keeping below the level over a number of weeks ?

think as it lost 7 4 only needing 3 to get to 7 and a half "

to coin your phrase just, thanks for making me even more 'confuddled'

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"this thread is being seriously neglected. after my disastrious weigh in last week i lost 1.5lb this week bringing it back to 7.4 stone. im determind to get this 7 and half stone award that keeps evading me by early next year

you lost me - is 7.4 stone not less than 7 and a half ?

or is the award a thing for keeping below the level over a number of weeks ?you get an award at every half stone ive got 3lb to my 7 and half stone. "

ah i see !

well when ya get the award, i hope you're avatar shall reflect said position

stood on a podium holding ur award, looking all teary and singing the national anthem

seriously tho diamond, you know you can do it, we know you can do it, so give it some welly and blitz that next half stone mark x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hats off to diamondsmiles and doublediamond - you've both done brilliantly and look fantastic!

Her x

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By *londeCazWoman
over a year ago

Arse End of the Universe, Cumbria

Well done everyone - don't forget Slimming World doesn't close over Christmas so you can still get weighed, help you keep on track as much as you want to.....see you at the scales

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Well done everyone - don't forget Slimming World doesn't close over Christmas so you can still get weighed, help you keep on track as much as you want to.....see you at the scales "

grrrrrrrrrr its like a bloody slimming world outing reading this thread . My next weigh in is day after boxing day which works out perfectly. Im going to be a good girl. Think ive just lost 2lb running round tesco like an idiot and up and down the town lol

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

Am i allowed to bump this thread this week lol. Anyone daring to get weighed or weight themselves? Im off to class in the morning to get weighed

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By *londeCazWoman
over a year ago

Arse End of the Universe, Cumbria

Weigh in tomorrow night, hopefully the horrendous trots I've had today may alleviate the gain (sorry if that's TMI lol) - was supposed to be getting a bit of Body Magic today delivering leaflets but that's gone tits up as I can't get more than 5 yards from the fecking toilet - Good Luck everyone

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

WoW everyone's done so well, ive never read these threads before. I have been needing to lose weight for years and always brushed off the subject and felt like it was always other people who said 'isnt it time you started losing weight'.. and being a rebel i stuck my fingers up at them and ate cake but finally I know its the right time for me to start my journey of losing weight and changing my life

I am ready to do this now.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

Well after my disastrous morning of dozing off and missing class, i got a lift to the next town tonight (how is that for dedication) and i lost(drum roll) 4lb yes over christmas and ive been so good and bloody deserve it. But as you know i was struggling well last two weeks ive lost 5 1/2lb and the only thing ive altered is i drink 3 pints of water a day now (6 mugs) now ive got used to drinking it im going to up it to 4 pints aday

So I finally got my 7 1/2stone award weight total loss to date 7 stone 7 1/2lb

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Massive congratulations

Feels amazing doesnt it x

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Massive congratulations

Feels amazing doesnt it x"

Im back on a high, i was never going to give up because its just a way of life now but i was beginning to get disheartened but we have just been given a new pack so lots of goody recipes for the new year

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Well after my disastrous morning of dozing off and missing class, i got a lift to the next town tonight (how is that for dedication) and i lost(drum roll) 4lb yes over christmas and ive been so good and bloody deserve it. But as you know i was struggling well last two weeks ive lost 5 1/2lb and the only thing ive altered is i drink 3 pints of water a day now (6 mugs) now ive got used to drinking it im going to up it to 4 pints aday

So I finally got my 7 1/2stone award weight total loss to date 7 stone 7 1/2lb"

oh you bloody show off lol

My weigh ins thursday, im dreading it, i know i'll have put on but i also know ive got to go face it so as i get back on track for next week, shouldnt be hard now as all our junks gone, i didnt go mad this year as i didnt want junk around the house for weeks after

Been good today so if i stuck to it till thursday i shouldnt have done to bad, hopefully

Anyway enough of my ramblings lol

well done you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Well after my disastrous morning of dozing off and missing class, i got a lift to the next town tonight (how is that for dedication) and i lost(drum roll) 4lb yes over christmas and ive been so good and bloody deserve it. But as you know i was struggling well last two weeks ive lost 5 1/2lb and the only thing ive altered is i drink 3 pints of water a day now (6 mugs) now ive got used to drinking it im going to up it to 4 pints aday

So I finally got my 7 1/2stone award weight total loss to date 7 stone 7 1/2lb"

Keep the good work up thats great its hard work losing weight been there

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Well after my disastrous morning of dozing off and missing class, i got a lift to the next town tonight (how is that for dedication) and i lost(drum roll) 4lb yes over christmas and ive been so good and bloody deserve it. But as you know i was struggling well last two weeks ive lost 5 1/2lb and the only thing ive altered is i drink 3 pints of water a day now (6 mugs) now ive got used to drinking it im going to up it to 4 pints aday

So I finally got my 7 1/2stone award weight total loss to date 7 stone 7 1/2lb

oh you bloody show off lol

My weigh ins thursday, im dreading it, i know i'll have put on but i also know ive got to go face it so as i get back on track for next week, shouldnt be hard now as all our junks gone, i didnt go mad this year as i didnt want junk around the house for weeks after

Been good today so if i stuck to it till thursday i shouldnt have done to bad, hopefully

Anyway enough of my ramblings lol

well done you "

If it wasnt for the fact i really wanted to get this award i would of lapsed over christmas 90% of people do. Go get weighed then its over and done with. You know what will happen if you dont and i bet it wont be anywhere near as bad as you expectxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hi can I join in please I am Chloe and can i just say a massive well done first of all on all you weight losses, I have been doing ww for 24 weeks now my youngest is only 26 weeks old and have lost to date 25 lb going from a size 18 to just going into a 14, but not lost my boobs LOL) xxxx have still got a way to go but think I am still doing ok over Christmas although I don't have my next weigh in till the 5th of Jan xxx

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Hi can I join in please I am Chloe and can i just say a massive well done first of all on all you weight losses, I have been doing ww for 24 weeks now my youngest is only 26 weeks old and have lost to date 25 lb going from a size 18 to just going into a 14, but not lost my boobs LOL) xxxx have still got a way to go but think I am still doing ok over Christmas although I don't have my next weigh in till the 5th of Jan xxx"

Of cause you can join in, these diet threads are to help us all and keep each other motivated

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Thank you so much sometimes I need a little bit of motivation LOL, just looking forward to the end result by summer I hope xxx

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Thank you so much sometimes I need a little bit of motivation LOL, just looking forward to the end result by summer I hope xxx"

Think there will be a new thread going up new years day so we can start the year on a fresh start and all christmas put behind everyone lol

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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"Thank you so much sometimes I need a little bit of motivation LOL, just looking forward to the end result by summer I hope xxx

Think there will be a new thread going up new years day so we can start the year on a fresh start and all christmas put behind everyone lol"

Would be good for me. Need to lose a stone this year.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Will be starting a new thread 1st Jan so watch this space. Need to get back on it big time started off so well as you do but lost it in the summer when life got in the way and comfort eating took over need to gain control again.

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By *londeCazWoman
over a year ago

Arse End of the Universe, Cumbria

Well, spent 3 hours delivering leaflets today (rain kept off) then off to group and lost 3lb!!!!! Went under my next stone - woohoo! Not cos I've been very good, but cos I've been not too bad and then very ill Boxing Day I think - never mind, the result is the same - hoping for a maintain over the next fortnight as I'm in Egypt on a cruise from tomorrow but back home and can get back on the plan for about 5/6 days before group - fingers crossed!!! Well done the rest of you, some marvellous losses for Xmas week!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Can't wait to get back to the gym, indulged in faaaaaar too much naughty treats, can't fight temptations

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