"apparently more men joined him!!!!"
Yeah, 'twas a council gang of mowers, you only need one to do the mowing, but then you need a full team to back you up. You got the Supervisor, who dont do owt, but makes sure the budget is adhered to, then you got the union rep, just making sure the Supervisor dont get out of hand and tell the guys to do some work, then you got the safety guy with his hi-viz, hard hat, safety glasses, steel toe tector boots, and the obligatory clipboard, then you got the guy who leans on a shovel, or in this case a rake, he's always there, not sure what function he actually carries out, perhaps he is there for moral support? Then you got the young lad, all blond hair, tight jeans and (no matter what the weather) no t-shirt on under his hi-viz.... think he's the obligatory eye candy for the ladies......... think there should be a female equivilent, but no girls ever go for this type of job, too afraid they might chip a nail or summat!!