By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
Last night I went out, yes that's right, I went out on a non child based social event, and to say I made the most of it, is an understatement.
First off, on my way out, I noticed there were a lot of people in the street, then the bloke from a coupe of doors down came bolting out of the ally way, pursuing a chicken, thee guy is 70 and he was running like usain bolt, and he caught it, the young chap from across the road shouted over "ask him why he ran across the road" much to the amusement of all the neighborhood.
I went to the train station to buy a ticket into town, and the guy in the ticket office gave me my ticket for nothing, as it was his last day and he hated the job.
I met up with my friends, and my oldest female friend was drinking orange juice, turns out her fella of 8 months has superior sperm and she is pregnant, after trying for 10 years with her cheating ex, so I decided to drink her share of alcohol lol
Headed over to broad street, to meet up with some other friends, where I got chatting to some lads from Leicester, congratulated them on their premier league win, and realised that one of their group was very quiet, turned out he was a man utd fan, this caused his mates to resume the piss ripping
As the evening wore on, and we were going from bar to bar, I took it upon myself in my d*unken state to tell every police constable I saw what a great job they do, and how much better they are than American police, I even had a picture taken with a couple of police women, I get so friendly when I've got the drink in me lol
Last bar, and I'm chatting to a charming young lady, who I woke up next to this morning, we chatted over coffee this morning, as she told me she never does this kind of thing, and that she hoped I understand that she's not after a relationship, I reassured her that "last night was, what it was, and it was fun and safe, and were both adults, failed in my attempt to get morning sex though, but hey, you casnt have everything lol  |