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"Is the boss of RBS worth his 7 million + bonus,i only ask as its our money he is pocketing ?" all to do with the shares he got as well on top | |||
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"Is the boss of RBS worth his 7 million + bonus,i only ask as its our money he is pocketing ?all to do with the shares he got as well on top" Much of the £7m is in shares and long term share options. It's still a scandal. | |||
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"The problem lies with remuneration committees - guys (mostly) who sit as non-executive directors on one board and advise on the salary and bonus that ought to be being paid to the senior officers of the firm. Those senior officers then return the favour by sitting as NEDs on the boards of the employers of the first load on NEDs and so the problem continues and escalates. It'll be interesting to see if HSBC carries out its threat to fuck off to pastures new. I doubt it. " i thought the merlin agreement was supposed to stop that little conspiracy and i quote from it .. The four Merlin banks have also agreed that total bonuses for their UK-based staff will be lower than they were in 2010. RBS has said that chief executive Stephen Hester will receive a £2m bonus for 2010, all in shares and payable after three years. | |||
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"In 2009 the board of RBS surrendered it's power of control of the RBS bonus pool to the UK Treasury, this was questioned by the then opposition who believed it might suffocate the running of the bank and lead to it's key players leaving the company. So the UK Treasury, under the control of the new UK government will have had to agree for this bonus to be paid." but the merlin agreement was only released this year on the 9 th feb to be exact and it stated 2million over 3 years ....???? | |||
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"In 2009 the board of RBS surrendered it's power of control of the RBS bonus pool to the UK Treasury, this was questioned by the then opposition who believed it might suffocate the running of the bank and lead to it's key players leaving the company. So the UK Treasury, under the control of the new UK government will have had to agree for this bonus to be paid. but the merlin agreement was only released this year on the 9 th feb to be exact and it stated 2million over 3 years ....???? " I think the 3 years is when he can realise his share options. | |||
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"In 2009 the board of RBS surrendered it's power of control of the RBS bonus pool to the UK Treasury, this was questioned by the then opposition who believed it might suffocate the running of the bank and lead to it's key players leaving the company. So the UK Treasury, under the control of the new UK government will have had to agree for this bonus to be paid. but the merlin agreement was only released this year on the 9 th feb to be exact and it stated 2million over 3 years ....???? " Merlin agreement apart, the UK Treasury still has control over the RBS bonus the Chancellor Cameron must have given the nod to the RBS bonuses. | |||
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"is anyone worth that .....???? " I can't see how anyone can conceivably be worth that sort of money yet few people complain when similarly ridiculous sums are paid to Rooney or Rinaldo or any of the better known Hollywood names. Indeed chunks of the population happily queue up to stick money in these folks pockets. | |||
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"In 2009 the board of RBS surrendered it's power of control of the RBS bonus pool to the UK Treasury, this was questioned by the then opposition who believed it might suffocate the running of the bank and lead to it's key players leaving the company. So the UK Treasury, under the control of the new UK government will have had to agree for this bonus to be paid. but the merlin agreement was only released this year on the 9 th feb to be exact and it stated 2million over 3 years ....???? Merlin agreement apart, the UK Treasury still has control over the RBS bonus the Chancellor Cameron must have given the nod to the RBS bonuses." yeah your right ..shut the sure start schools program's and put 28000 members of the police out to grass but pay one bloke 7 mill + .....sigh | |||
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"is anyone worth that .....???? I can't see how anyone can conceivably be worth that sort of money yet few people complain when similarly ridiculous sums are paid to Rooney or Rinaldo or any of the better known Hollywood names. Indeed chunks of the population happily queue up to stick money in these folks pockets." I think footballers salaries are even more of a farce, the world has gone crazy I tell ya! | |||
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"is anyone worth that .....???? I can't see how anyone can conceivably be worth that sort of money yet few people complain when similarly ridiculous sums are paid to Rooney or Rinaldo or any of the better known Hollywood names. Indeed chunks of the population happily queue up to stick money in these folks pockets." thats a good point !! | |||
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"is anyone worth that .....???? I can't see how anyone can conceivably be worth that sort of money yet few people complain when similarly ridiculous sums are paid to Rooney or Rinaldo or any of the better known Hollywood names. Indeed chunks of the population happily queue up to stick money in these folks pockets." Ive mentioned footballers in my comment too, forgot about movie stars but add them to the list too ![]() | |||
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"Market forces determine that he is worth it, simple fact. Just like top footballers and Hollywood stars. Supply and demand of the top talents in any field determine pay rates. We choose to live in a free Market society so I'm afraid it's the old 'rough with the smooth' syndrome. ............... " It's not a proper 'free market' in the normally accepted sense of the term in as much as there are barriers to entry and that the market price is set by the participants themselves rather than by the constraints on the purchasers. | |||
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" It's not a proper 'free market' in the normally accepted sense of the term in as much as there are barriers to entry and that the market price is set by the participants themselves rather than by the constraints on the purchasers." The free Market perspective here is the guy selling his specific skills to the highest bidder, the barrier to entry is his education, work experience and talent as a banker, but that's why he gets £7M. Cold fact is that if RBS doesn't pay a Market rate it won't attract the best talent. Where the free Market falls down is that the bank was not allowed to fail. | |||
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"it is an interesting topic.... so lets add a bit on context into this.... a) The boss of Barclays got a £6.5 million bonus.... actually was recommended £9 mil but said he was accutely aware of how it would publicly perceived..... b) the boss of Lloyds Banking Group which is also publically owned ended up getting a £400k bonus, which again had to be agreed by the govt. so Govt owned Lloyds which made a profit got a bonus almost 20 times less that Govt owned RBS which made a loss... somewhere here screwed up....... you could say "going rate" here.. however as the boss of barlcays, which took no govt money, said public perception is going to be key... the pressure is going to be on the RBS boss to not take all of that bonus...." Yeah i agree something is not adding up here,in mid february the Merlin accord annouced it was 2 million and an example of the banks being reined in this a two fingers up to the government ...before the election the libs were banging on for 18 months about why havent the govt got representatives on the board of the banks like any major shareholder would demand ,did they do it Now if the people own rbs and we do ,then we should be able to say via our govt no its 2 million and thats your lot ,dont forget this is on top of his substantial wages lol | |||
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"Is the boss of RBS worth his 7 million + bonus,i only ask as its our money he is pocketing ?" I am worth every penny ![]() | |||
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"I'll keep banging on about this and it's going to sound boring but.... The Treasury (George Osbourne presiding) had to approve all payments in the RBS Bonus Pool. So the government would have had to give the nod on this....which is one hell of a smack in the mouth for the electorate and a true indication of what the Tories are all about. Funded by big money always means a degree of pay back..." this Government isn't doing a good job of disguising whom is in whom's pockets and whom is footing the tailors bill for fixing the hole in that pocket. I would imagine even the least educated can see though's too transparent not to. the phrase 'fatcats' will be very much in vogue again | |||
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"I'll keep banging on about this and it's going to sound boring but.... The Treasury (George Osbourne presiding) had to approve all payments in the RBS Bonus Pool. So the government would have had to give the nod on this....which is one hell of a smack in the mouth for the electorate and a true indication of what the Tories are all about. Funded by big money always means a degree of pay back..." So are you saying they have changed there mind since the Merlin agreement in mid february and it was spin ?. shock eyes ![]() ![]() | |||
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"I don't believe the Govt really knows how to approach this. The way they deal with the banks is soundbites without substance. The truth is Osbourne knows he needs the banks more than they need him (now that they've been bailed out). I think all sides have just decided to tough it out without any real significant changes. Vince Cable has been silenced and the Tories never really intended to break up or reign the banks in. Osbourne agreeing to these bonuses is just evidence of that in my opinion. " I agree with you it was Cable banging on for over a year about appointing govt director's to the boards of bailed out banks,the problem being i think ,as they are now in power they dont want to be seen as presiding over any further bailouts or failed banks. But this skews your earlier point about normal free market forces ,what organisation is allowed to operate without representation of its major shareholders on the short they have bottled it with the banks. | |||
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"I truly believe that the Tories would have had in depth discussions with various financial institutions before the general election, despite the promises they were making the electorate in order to gain votes they knew EXACTLY how they were going to act if and when they were in power. The only hope now is that Vince Cable tears himself off of the leash and starts a covert revolt amongst the Lib Dem back benchers....there are rumblings that he is livid with the way that Osbourne is handling the bank bonus issues, and fingers crossed this will end up in a break up of the coalition before the Tories strip the last of the family silver out of the cupboard." I agree with you Cable was the public front end in opposition of liberal policies re thre banks and he has been flung aside like a old rag doll by Dave 1 ,Dave 2 is clearly now a puppet of Dave 1 ,no wonder Cable is pissed off .... | |||
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"..........,no wonder Cable is pissed off ...." Not only IS pissed off but HAS pissed off. When was he last spotted? | |||
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"..........,no wonder Cable is pissed off .... Not only IS pissed off but HAS pissed off. When was he last spotted?" he is off plotting i reckon | |||
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".................. this could backfire,as the lib dems,must be fuming, they will hold there tongue's,until after the av vote.then show there true colours. " You're right. They sold out in return for a taste of power and have abandoned every aspiration save AV. In the event that vote is lost, and I suspect it will be, plus the Fib Dems getting a serious kicking at the devolved administration elections in May, there'll be a major falling out and probably the end of the romance. | |||
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"the banks keep telling us,they have to pay these kind of bonuses,to hold on to the best people. the same people whose practices,created a world wide recession.doesn't figure. the tories for all there,tough talk,and posturing. were never going to be tough on banks. this could backfire,as the lib dems,must be fuming, they will hold there tongue's,until after the av vote.then show there true colours. " totally agree with your take on it ,i just wonder why they dont put a bit of competition in the bank and promote from within saying ok you would do it for 1.5 mill would you ..why do we have to accede to all their demands...we the people own it and we should or our elected reps should say bollox you work for the civil service now mate if you dont like it resign ..the banks have not pulled back enough and its just a matter of time until the same bullshit happens again ...only this time we wont be able to bail em out | |||
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"Arent bonuses for doing a good job? Because last time i checked having the general public bail out your business is not doing a good job..." That's how things ought to be. Nobody begrudges John Lewis partners getting the 18% bonus announced today because there's absolutely no doubt the firm has turned in better than last year profit figures. | |||
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"Bankers work with money so it shouldn't come as a big surprise to find they know how to keep a lot of it for themselves. Car mechanics know how to fix cars cheaply, builders build houses that you or I would pay through the nose for. Take away their perks and pay and we'd be left with the 2nd class banker who'd take more risks with other people's money and ump us straight back into a depression. Do they earn their 6-figure salaries? Only another banker can answer that because if you or I try to, it just comes across as jealousy." Sorry, i could possibly understand staff of Barclays receiving big bonuses as they didnt take any taxpayers money, but i can't see how RBS can justify paying such large sums when the taxpayer stopped them from going under. What sticks in a lot of people's throats is that a lot of these staff received their bonuses before when the bank was 'doing well', but the big game of pass the parcel came to a halt, and RBS was found to be holding a lot of worthless IOU's. | |||
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"Arent bonuses for doing a good job? Because last time i checked having the general public bail out your business is not doing a good job... That's how things ought to be. Nobody begrudges John Lewis partners getting the 18% bonus announced today because there's absolutely no doubt the firm has turned in better than last year profit figures." We hit our first £5billion milestone last financial year ![]() | |||
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"the banks keep telling us,they have to pay these kind of bonuses,to hold on to the best people. the same people whose practices,created a world wide recession.doesn't figure. the tories for all there,tough talk,and posturing. were never going to be tough on banks. this could backfire,as the lib dems,must be fuming, they will hold there tongue's,until after the av vote.then show there true colours. totally agree with your take on it ,i just wonder why they dont put a bit of competition in the bank and promote from within saying ok you would do it for 1.5 mill would you ..why do we have to accede to all their demands...we the people own it and we should or our elected reps should say bollox you work for the civil service now mate if you dont like it resign ..the banks have not pulled back enough and its just a matter of time until the same bullshit happens again ...only this time we wont be able to bail em out " Saying 'we the people own the banks' is a tad naive. You try walking into a branch of RBS and demand to see the bank manager - you being HIS employer, so to speak - and you'll soon be told where to go. We pay our taxes and the govt uses it as it sees fit. It won't consult you as to how it should be used because, frankly, once you've paid your taxes the money isn't 'yours' any longer. The spin doctors only tell you its the 'taxpayer' who owns this or that in order to sell it to a gullible British public who actually buy it, rather than saying it how it really is: "Fuck off, it's not your money and you have no say in how it's spent, but when we want more money from you we'll just take it, ok!" | |||
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"the banks keep telling us,they have to pay these kind of bonuses,to hold on to the best people. the same people whose practices,created a world wide recession.doesn't figure. the tories for all there,tough talk,and posturing. were never going to be tough on banks. this could backfire,as the lib dems,must be fuming, they will hold there tongue's,until after the av vote.then show there true colours. totally agree with your take on it ,i just wonder why they dont put a bit of competition in the bank and promote from within saying ok you would do it for 1.5 mill would you ..why do we have to accede to all their demands...we the people own it and we should or our elected reps should say bollox you work for the civil service now mate if you dont like it resign ..the banks have not pulled back enough and its just a matter of time until the same bullshit happens again ...only this time we wont be able to bail em out " I hate to admit that you are right ![]() ![]() | |||
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" well i am only quoting what David Cameron said on the Andrew Mars show and i quote : "On the general, I want to see the bonus pool smaller than last year, on the specific, Royal Bank of Scotland, as you rightly say, is owned by the Government. "They should not be leading the way on bonuses, they should be a back-marker." so how is paying the chairman as much if not more than Barclays make them a back marker ? " I'd have thought by now nobody would still be believing a word Cameron says. | |||
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"simple answer NO! market forces, a CBI phrase to justify the free market. am not advocating a socialist nirvana but something needs to change in this relentless march to 'uber capitalism' he runs a bank, actually he heads up a board but when Nurses, Teachers and Police Officers etc are being sacked we need to look at where we are as a society. Politicians are gutless cowards, regardless of party. They should have taken it over fully then run it to free up capital for small businesses crying out for help, and to have a loans policy where people are not forced to go to crooks because they cant get credit. it would have addressed what the govener of the bank of England referred to the other day, they would have had to act differently as there would be no bail out by HMG but a takeover." Well said. | |||
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"Is the boss of RBS worth his 7 million + bonus,i only ask as its our money he is pocketing ?" Bet he's worth a lot more en that, he's been pocketing for years. | |||
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"simple answer NO! market forces, a CBI phrase to justify the free market. am not advocating a socialist nirvana but something needs to change in this relentless march to 'uber capitalism' he runs a bank, actually he heads up a board but when Nurses, Teachers and Police Officers etc are being sacked we need to look at where we are as a society. Politicians are gutless cowards, regardless of party. They should have taken it over fully then run it to free up capital for small businesses crying out for help, and to have a loans policy where people are not forced to go to crooks because they cant get credit. it would have addressed what the govener of the bank of England referred to the other day, they would have had to act differently as there would be no bail out by HMG but a takeover." yep totally agree with you it should of been nationalised ...we already put 45 billion into it | |||
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"simple answer NO! market forces, a CBI phrase to justify the free market. am not advocating a socialist nirvana but something needs to change in this relentless march to 'uber capitalism' he runs a bank, actually he heads up a board but when Nurses, Teachers and Police Officers etc are being sacked we need to look at where we are as a society. Politicians are gutless cowards, regardless of party. They should have taken it over fully then run it to free up capital for small businesses crying out for help, and to have a loans policy where people are not forced to go to crooks because they cant get credit. it would have addressed what the govener of the bank of England referred to the other day, they would have had to act differently as there would be no bail out by HMG but a takeover. yep totally agree with you it should of been nationalised ...we already put 45 billion into it " gollygosh - 45 quid'd do me for now. ![]() | |||
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"but if the manager recoups losses, sets the road to recovery etc and potentially saves/recovers millions then surely a percentage bonus is ok? dont worry im not a banker but i cant believe all the media hype and that ppl r given millions bonuse just coz" A Billion Pounds loss in the last financial year isn't the road to recovery in my book.... | |||
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"what was the loss the year before?! u cant go from minus billions to plus billions in a year" Other banks have..... | |||
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"what was the loss the year before?! u cant go from minus billions to plus billions in a year" You've failed to grasp the concept of creative accounting. | |||
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"no actually they havent but whatever lets all read headlines ignore facts and rant inanly" Who is ranting? | |||
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"what was the loss the year before?! u cant go from minus billions to plus billions in a year You've failed to grasp the concept of creative accounting." When you grasp this concept, can you grasp the money? | |||
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"what was the loss the year before?! u cant go from minus billions to plus billions in a year" Yes you can. A lot of this also comes down to accounting methods. Have you any idea how much some of these banks have set aside in this years figures for 'possible' bad debt issues. | |||
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"what was the loss the year before?! u cant go from minus billions to plus billions in a year You've failed to grasp the concept of creative accounting. When you grasp this concept, can you grasp the money?" Oh no. In this case the 'creative' bit is to make it look as if there isn't any money. | |||
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"what was the loss the year before?! u cant go from minus billions to plus billions in a year You've failed to grasp the concept of creative accounting. When you grasp this concept, can you grasp the money? Oh no. In this case the 'creative' bit is to make it look as if there isn't any money." ![]() | |||
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"no actually they havent but whatever lets all read headlines ignore facts and rant inanly" i dont see any inane ranting ,just people having a discussion ,it is a forum ..its what we do here. if you have any info proving the papers or various recent quotes\ commitments of politicians were wrong let us all in on it . | |||
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"ok...losses down on last year plus loads set aside for potential losses, meaning survive this and next year then release the set asides showing great profit just before next election - if people were intelligent enough to read more than scaremongering headlines we wouldnt be in this mess. is anyone worth 7million, no? but there must be an inscentive to turn things around...rather than royal wedding gifts being charitable donations charge everyone 10 to watch it on tv, ask guests to donate heavily, then offset the money raised (wordlwide) against our deficit and we're free...simples" off with his head! | |||
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"what was the loss the year before?! u cant go from minus billions to plus billions in a year" Lloyds Bank 2009 £6.3bn LOSS Lloyds Bank 2010 £2.2bn PROFIT So can rant,rant,rant,rant,rant....sorry all ranted out now. | |||
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"ok...losses down on last year plus loads set aside for potential losses, meaning survive this and next year then release the set asides showing great profit just before next election - if people were intelligent enough to read more than scaremongering headlines we wouldnt be in this mess. is anyone worth 7million, no? but there must be an inscentive to turn things around...rather than royal wedding gifts being charitable donations charge everyone 10 to watch it on tv, ask guests to donate heavily, then offset the money raised (wordlwide) against our deficit and we're free...simples" but the 200 billion we put into the banks was not a donation we bought assets shares, the money is still there and the point many are making is the current coalition in opposition commited to get tough with the banks . We are major shareholders and should be able to direct the banks to do as we wish "we" being "our" government ,however all we have is a back door deal what is called Merlin,a commitment in there said RBS would be the backstop of bonuses in fact in february they stated 2 million and so the question is as far as i see it ,have the government gone soft on banks now they are in ..or are the banks flipping the finger to its biggest shareholder and calling the governments bluff | |||
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"rather than royal wedding gifts being charitable donations charge everyone 10 to watch it on tv, ask guests to donate heavily, then offset the money raised (wordlwide) against our deficit and we're free...simples" There is a job waiting for you at the could be the answer to George Osbournes woes And I bid you all a very good night...night, night. | |||
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"ok...losses down on last year plus loads set aside for potential losses, meaning survive this and next year then release the set asides showing great profit just before next election - if people were intelligent enough to read more than scaremongering headlines we wouldnt be in this mess. is anyone worth 7million, no? but there must be an inscentive to turn things around...rather than royal wedding gifts being charitable donations charge everyone 10 to watch it on tv, ask guests to donate heavily, then offset the money raised (wordlwide) against our deficit and we're free...simples off with his head! " lmao your just not taking this seriously are you lol | |||
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