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Nuisance neighbours

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Opinions please.

So we live in a mainly private Street. The only two house in street that's rented is the one next to us.

Theirs is end of terrace so we are the only ones affected by the noise.

The house has been converted into two maisonettes so upstairs front room is next to our bedroom.

We have put up with them for 13 years, shouting their head's off till the early hours almost daily.

I have complained to them and directly to landlord but not to beat around the bush they are scum.

(jump off your high horse if you find that offensive and read another thread)

What I mean is not a one of them has done a day's work the entire time they have lived next to us, they sleep in until gone lunchtime daily and the conversations basically go like this (i hear every word)

Fuck you, you fucking cunt...

No fuck you mum you fucking slag.

I kid you not.

Son has been in and out of jail for drug dealing.

They literally spend every single night of the week from about 9pm till 2/4 am arguing and swearing.

I have spoken to the council who agree they are a nuisance.

But I have yet to make it official.

Here's the dilemma.

I am concerned that they are the type of people who will turn nasty, our house is empty for large parts of the day and when not daughter is home alone.

And I worry about damage to our car.

They have all sorts of right dodgy people coming and going day and night.

But it's been over a decade now and it's making me ill, sleepless nights, nights on sofa have to wear ear plug's every night.

I really don't want to start a neighbourly dispute and potentially worse.

The worse things is they are all mid 50,s and should know better.

I will accept noise up until 10:30/11. After that is a piss take.

Don't take scum comments to Heart, trust me they are proper Jeremy kyle types.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I feel for you lovely that is a dilemna!

All our square is owned and we had one corner house that was rented. Same issues and the house between us and them is a blond disbled gentlemen.

In the end we reported the drug growing shall we say through the polices anonymous site. Got all the naighbours to do it aswell. Just before the police raided some other lowlives came along and chased them away for nicking their drugs. Its been quiet since

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Neighbours* fat thumbs lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Have you complained to the Environmental Health Department to have noise monitoring equipment installed ? Kept a diary of dates and times of the nuisance ?


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If they call their own mother a "Slag" then they won't have an ounce of respect for you or your opinions so approach with extreme caution is all I can say.

The best thing to do is try to record the noises they make from inside your home, try and include evidence of the time and date, build up a log of all these incidents for at least a month, then report them to the relevant authorities presenting your recorded evidence and log, only then will something be done and providing you have the evidence an eviction warning will be presented to them. Also speak to your neighbours and if possible ask them to do the same

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By *ilmiss75Woman
over a year ago


"Have you complained to the Environmental Health Department to have noise monitoring equipment installed ? Kept a diary of dates and times of the nuisance ?

Sarah "


I think you have to keep a log of it for so many months before anyone will even look into it. If you haven't already done this, then start doing it because they will send you away to do this.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Have you complained to the Environmental Health Department to have noise monitoring equipment installed ? Kept a diary of dates and times of the nuisance ?

Sarah "

Yes this, I used to live next door to a rented property and we had a nightmare with some of the tenants. Keep a record of what and when, it is useful in building a case against someone.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Keep a noise diary.. Complain officially.. And keep on complaining

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By *reyjaWoman
over a year ago

no idea!! bloody satnav!!

I agree with the above! Kept a noise diary, complain to noise pollution and follow it through!

I did and it did take a good few months of her not listening to the warnings, but eventually with enough evidence she was taken to court and given an asbo, so any further noise could be reported straight to the police and she would then face jail! Thankfully she finally got the message!

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By *odg123Man
over a year ago


I had illegal dog breeders next door for ten years! 30 + dogs and puppies! Noise, smell,flies and rats! Council tried everything but as they owned the house there was not a lot they could do! In the end they got repossed and went... Bliss

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Opinions please.

So we live in a mainly private Street. The only two house in street that's rented is the one next to us.

Theirs is end of terrace so we are the only ones affected by the noise.

The house has been converted into two maisonettes so upstairs front room is next to our bedroom.

We have put up with them for 13 years, shouting their head's off till the early hours almost daily.

I have complained to them and directly to landlord but not to beat around the bush they are scum.

(jump off your high horse if you find that offensive and read another thread)

What I mean is not a one of them has done a day's work the entire time they have lived next to us, they sleep in until gone lunchtime daily and the conversations basically go like this (i hear every word)

Fuck you, you fucking cunt...

No fuck you mum you fucking slag.

I kid you not.

Son has been in and out of jail for drug dealing.

They literally spend every single night of the week from about 9pm till 2/4 am arguing and swearing.

I have spoken to the council who agree they are a nuisance.

But I have yet to make it official.

Here's the dilemma.

I am concerned that they are the type of people who will turn nasty, our house is empty for large parts of the day and when not daughter is home alone.

And I worry about damage to our car.

They have all sorts of right dodgy people coming and going day and night.

But it's been over a decade now and it's making me ill, sleepless nights, nights on sofa have to wear ear plug's every night.

I really don't want to start a neighbourly dispute and potentially worse.

The worse things is they are all mid 50,s and should know better.

I will accept noise up until 10:30/11. After that is a piss take.

Don't take scum comments to Heart, trust me they are proper Jeremy kyle types."

Quite plainly and simply report to the police using the phrase domestic violence disclosure scheme

There may be somethings they can do its a long winded process but is thorough

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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"Have you complained to the Environmental Health Department to have noise monitoring equipment installed ? Kept a diary of dates and times of the nuisance ?

Sarah "

I'd have done that after the first month of noise, let alone putting up with it for 10 years!!

I had a noisy neighbour once. Her aunt lived nearby but she wouldn't let her live with her. In the end she got evicted as she was too noisy for living in a block of flats. You have as much right to stress-free living as everyone else.

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By *homasP80Man
over a year ago


Don't know how you've put up with them for years, I'd give you a gold medal just for putting up with that for the years you have.

Personally if I lived next to them, I'd have rather moved if no-one (council/police) canny even seem to do much (cause no "official complaint" been made)

Maybe cause if more actually complain then something will get done.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Feel for you OP, I lived next door to similar sounding neighbours for 2 years, in the end the opportunity presented itself and we moved.

I did start going down the path of noise abatement with the council, so kept a diary & an environment officer came to the house to survey the situation.

The problem I had is my other neighbours preferred to put up with the noise than do something about it, which didn't help my case. Hence the move.

Good luck & I hope you sort something out.

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By *ivemeyoursoulWoman
over a year ago

Easter just around the corner!

"Have you complained to the Environmental Health Department to have noise monitoring equipment installed ? Kept a diary of dates and times of the nuisance ?

Sarah "

Yes definitely this,you have my upmost sympathies. I had to report my neighbours to Environmental Health about their dog who barks consistently when they go out until they return,the neighbours stuck a note through my door saying I should live and let live. I felt like ramming that note up their arses. We now live in total ignorance to each other. The other side communicate by screaming and swearing at each other,not great when your own children are listening to it. I know how shitty neighbours can affect your own health and mine is minor to yours.

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By *anky_PankyWoman
over a year ago

Filthy Fuckeryville

I'm going to go the other way and say is moving an option?

It can cause huge ructions complaining and as you've said they're dodgy and the fact you've waited so long to complain may go against you with authorities maybe?

Save yourself the stress maybe by finding a new place? X

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is a subject close to my heart as we were a family who was hounded out of our family home by a neighbour claiming we were the noisy neighbors.

It became a living nightmare we got to a point where we were afraid to cough without the fear of our neighbours banging on the wall to "shut the fuck up you cunt"

After we got in touch with mediators which they refused to speak to, they managed to take us to court all funded by legal aid (neither worked but owned their house) we got to see their noise diary, to say it was laughable was an understatement I received all the blame for any noise in our area including a car stereo playing loud music approximately 600 yards away (I couldn't drive then). Eventually my parents took the option of selling up and moving house.

The joke of it was for years we endured drilling and hammering from 7 in morning on Sunday's and bank holidays as well as screaming arguments, but we just let all that slide then the fuckers done it to us.

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By *errygTV/TS
over a year ago


when you go out, put on des oconnor, max bygraves on loud repeat play, ie dick a dum dum, by des,thats enough to drive anyone insane

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By *ivemeyoursoulWoman
over a year ago

Easter just around the corner!

"when you go out, put on des oconnor, max bygraves on loud repeat play, ie dick a dum dum, by des,thats enough to drive anyone insane"

Yeah sometimes you just have to play them at their own shit,doesn't solve matters,but makes you feel better and gets some frustration out. After listening to the dog next door which isn't as often now I make sure they have a few hours of my rather loud music to listen to,not Des O'connor though they'd probably like that

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I suppose what I'm saying is don't let it become an obsession and record relevant information as apposed to any old rubbish.

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By *homasP80Man
over a year ago


"when you go out, put on des oconnor, max bygraves on loud repeat play, ie dick a dum dum, by des,thats enough to drive anyone insane

Yeah sometimes you just have to play them at their own shit,doesn't solve matters,but makes you feel better and gets some frustration out. After listening to the dog next door which isn't as often now I make sure they have a few hours of my rather loud music to listen to,not Des O'connor though they'd probably like that "

Doing this sounds like fun, good revenge, but even if you did it the once, I bet they'd win, by saying You were the instigator

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Right, this isn't going to be the mist popular post, and I totally expect to get slated for it, but hey ho, tests life.

I lived three doors away from the family from hell, the dad would come back from the pub pissed up every night, the mom had no volume control, and the kids always had someone coming after them both, for nicking their car, or husband, I shit you not, I caught the son breaking into.my shed, so I man handled him out if my garden, while he's telling me he's going to have me, and he was going to a solicitor, blah blah blah

After that I had my car egged, a dick spray painted on the garden wall, and all sorts of indirect shit.

So my solution to the problem, I waited in the alley way for the dad to come back from the pub, and told him if him it his kids bother me in any way, or his wifey gob, annoyed me again, or if any if them, it any if their mates looked at my house funny, that I was going to hold him responsible, and cut his balls off.

Shock horror, I threatened someone with physical violence, I'm a bad person, yeah maybe, but I'm a bad person who had two years of un interrupted sleep, some times being nice is a waste of time

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By *ivemeyoursoulWoman
over a year ago

Easter just around the corner!

"when you go out, put on des oconnor, max bygraves on loud repeat play, ie dick a dum dum, by des,thats enough to drive anyone insane

Yeah sometimes you just have to play them at their own shit,doesn't solve matters,but makes you feel better and gets some frustration out. After listening to the dog next door which isn't as often now I make sure they have a few hours of my rather loud music to listen to,not Des O'connor though they'd probably like that

Doing this sounds like fun, good revenge, but even if you did it the once, I bet they'd win, by saying You were the instigator"

I only do it when I've had enough,it saves me getting a huge hammer and smashing their door down and dropping the dog off at the Rspca

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By *AA123Couple
over a year ago


"Right, this isn't going to be the mist popular post, and I totally expect to get slated for it, but hey ho, tests life.

I lived three doors away from the family from hell, the dad would come back from the pub pissed up every night, the mom had no volume control, and the kids always had someone coming after them both, for nicking their car, or husband, I shit you not, I caught the son breaking into.my shed, so I man handled him out if my garden, while he's telling me he's going to have me, and he was going to a solicitor, blah blah blah

After that I had my car egged, a dick spray painted on the garden wall, and all sorts of indirect shit.

So my solution to the problem, I waited in the alley way for the dad to come back from the pub, and told him if him it his kids bother me in any way, or his wifey gob, annoyed me again, or if any if them, it any if their mates looked at my house funny, that I was going to hold him responsible, and cut his balls off.

Shock horror, I threatened someone with physical violence, I'm a bad person, yeah maybe, but I'm a bad person who had two years of un interrupted sleep, some times being nice is a waste of time"

Sometimes the nuclear option is the only option to take when it comes to bullies. Good for you for standing up for yourself.

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By *irceWoman
over a year ago


Feel for you* soon as the sun comes out my neighbours put the music on....loud

Oh and they had a massive Street fight going on and the the boys in blue raided my house.....wrong number lmao crazy world

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Get a camera on them. They cost fuck all on ebay and an SD card to put in them.

Upload their shit to youtube, make copies of their anti-social behaviour and forward to their landlord and the police.

It's not illegal to video your own property, you don't have to have signs up either, but if you're thinking of prosecuting you have to have signs up.

I'm just exposing my prick door neighbours for who they are atm, and they're intruding onto my property at times so it's easy enough to do and legal. Their noise also intrudes onto my property so that's legal to record that as well.

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By *piritsonfabCouple
over a year ago



I'd move if that was at all possible.

Neighbour noise is bad... but neighbour disputes with scumbags are HELL.

Failing that. ... find a bloke down the pub prepared to have a quiet word in their ear. ....

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By *ivemeyoursoulWoman
over a year ago

Easter just around the corner!


I'd move if that was at all possible.

Neighbour noise is bad... but neighbour disputes with scumbags are HELL.

Failing that. ... find a bloke down the pub prepared to have a quiet word in their ear. ...."

There have been times in the past I'd wished I knew a man down the pub,I'm some people take the piss because I'm by myself with the kids

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By *ivemeyoursoulWoman
over a year ago

Easter just around the corner!


I'd move if that was at all possible.

Neighbour noise is bad... but neighbour disputes with scumbags are HELL.

Failing that. ... find a bloke down the pub prepared to have a quiet word in their ear. ....

There have been times in the past I'd wished I knew a man down the pub,I'm some people take the piss because I'm by myself with the kids "

sure *

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By *elvet RopeMan
over a year ago

by the big field

1. Buy cctv to cover your entire property

2. Buy a big fucking stereo system with large sub woofers

3. Buy a timer plug

4. Buy a drum and bass compilation cd

5. Set timer for random intervals from the time you go to work until you come home, press loop play, turn up to 11 and put the speakers against the wall- go to work knowing anything they do is on camera and they're getting no sleep either

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By *trawberry-popWoman
over a year ago

South East Midlands NOT

The problem with moving is that you legally have to record any 'trouble' you've had with your neighbours. Makes it harder to sell the property. Anyway you shouldn't feel forced out of your own home.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Cheers for all the replies.

Have been really unlucky with neighbours since well forever.

I think my biggest concerns are.

1:one day I am going to lose it and go round there and go off the head.

2: if I go down the official route of reporting it, I will have to disclose it should we ever sell the house.

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By *ivemeyoursoulWoman
over a year ago

Easter just around the corner!

Yep not easy is it,bloke down the pub it is then

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Cheers for all the replies.

Have been really unlucky with neighbours since well forever.

I think my biggest concerns are.

1:one day I am going to lose it and go round there and go off the head.

2: if I go down the official route of reporting it, I will have to disclose it should we ever sell the house. "

i actually dreamed that i slit my neighbours throat, it felt good too. 5 years of shit will do that to you.

i do think if you're a 'nice' person and patient then some people will take the piss.

and you can't really expect official authorities to do much except send asking letters to your neighbours until you give them actual evidence to see how bad your neighbours are.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Our neighbours downstairs are broadly similar..shouting and screaming and dealing from the property and we hate them..

I have a plan now.

We're moving in may..not because of them but it helps and on moving day I have a few things to do.

1. I'm rigging my plumbing to flood them before locking the door and snapping the key off in the lock

2. Am leaving a cheap corded drill on a plug timer to come on all through the night. No drill bit in it but something like a saucepan so it makes a massive racket.

3. Making and printing a few hundred business flyers for his dealing operation...including his phone number address and name. then distributing them them them throughout the flats and under windscreen wipers locally

4. Putting his number up on every contact site I can think of under the guise of a woman looking for phone sex

5. Tbc

Should be a fun night and morning for them

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Right, this isn't going to be the mist popular post, and I totally expect to get slated for it, but hey ho, tests life.

I lived three doors away from the family from hell, the dad would come back from the pub pissed up every night, the mom had no volume control, and the kids always had someone coming after them both, for nicking their car, or husband, I shit you not, I caught the son breaking into.my shed, so I man handled him out if my garden, while he's telling me he's going to have me, and he was going to a solicitor, blah blah blah

After that I had my car egged, a dick spray painted on the garden wall, and all sorts of indirect shit.

So my solution to the problem, I waited in the alley way for the dad to come back from the pub, and told him if him it his kids bother me in any way, or his wifey gob, annoyed me again, or if any if them, it any if their mates looked at my house funny, that I was going to hold him responsible, and cut his balls off.

Shock horror, I threatened someone with physical violence, I'm a bad person, yeah maybe, but I'm a bad person who had two years of un interrupted sleep, some times being nice is a waste of time"

I'm with kinky butler on this one..sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.Its unfortunate that some situations get to that level..but it is literally the only language they understand.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Just feel the need to say it isn't just rented properties that cause these issues. I'm a tenant, and a very good one!!!

I lived in a rented house and the 'owned' house next door caused me all kinds of problems!!

Middle class single father with fucking annoying teenage kids and dog.

Don't put every tenant in the same category, it's offensive as there are more good, law abiding tenants than bad ones. People who own their homes can be equally as bad!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Our neighbours downstairs are broadly similar..shouting and screaming and dealing from the property and we hate them..

I have a plan now.

We're moving in may..not because of them but it helps and on moving day I have a few things to do.

1. I'm rigging my plumbing to flood them before locking the door and snapping the key off in the lock

2. Am leaving a cheap corded drill on a plug timer to come on all through the night. No drill bit in it but something like a saucepan so it makes a massive racket.

3. Making and printing a few hundred business flyers for his dealing operation...including his phone number address and name. then distributing them them them throughout the flats and under windscreen wipers locally

4. Putting his number up on every contact site I can think of under the guise of a woman looking for phone sex

5. Tbc

Should be a fun night and morning for them


Crickets from a pet shop under the floor boards. They thrive and make wonderful noises at night.

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By *piritsonfabCouple
over a year ago


"Our neighbours downstairs are broadly similar..shouting and screaming and dealing from the property and we hate them..

I have a plan now.

We're moving in may..not because of them but it helps and on moving day I have a few things to do.

1. I'm rigging my plumbing to flood them before locking the door and snapping the key off in the lock

2. Am leaving a cheap corded drill on a plug timer to come on all through the night. No drill bit in it but something like a saucepan so it makes a massive racket.

3. Making and printing a few hundred business flyers for his dealing operation...including his phone number address and name. then distributing them them them throughout the flats and under windscreen wipers locally

4. Putting his number up on every contact site I can think of under the guise of a woman looking for phone sex

5. Tbc

Should be a fun night and morning for them

Crickets from a pet shop under the floor boards. They thrive and make wonderful noises at night. "

God that would feel wonderful once you've gone. But make sure nothing you do can be traced to you. It's amazing how these types can enlist the help of the authorities when it suits them.

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By *isexmistressWoman
over a year ago


"If they call their own mother a "Slag" then they won't have an ounce of respect for you or your opinions so approach with extreme caution is all I can say.

The best thing to do is try to record the noises they make from inside your home, try and include evidence of the time and date, build up a log of all these incidents for at least a month, then report them to the relevant authorities presenting your recorded evidence and log, only then will something be done and providing you have the evidence an eviction warning will be presented to them. Also speak to your neighbours and if possible ask them to do the same "

I just wanted to say,what a terrific profile picture

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