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""It's the standard privatisation technique: defund, make sure things don't work properly, people get angry, hand it over to private capital" Naom Chomsky. This is exactly what is happening right under our very noses. Note the exponential rise in anti-NHS propaganda in the media of late. " I do think there is an element of this going on. Sarah | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on" so we have a person visiting this country from abroad with a not fixable contagious disease now because they don't have a uk passport you want them to "jog on " without treatment good way to manage a disease ? | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on" I pay taxes and I had to pay a health care surcharge for my visa. But I don't have a UK passport. What about that? | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on" Don't non EU citizens pay? For some reason I thought they did ? And that wouldn't have made any difference to my A & E experience. They've just gone too far on economies of scale where I live and probably other places. They need to be realistic. I can feel a letter to my MP coming on - although it won't help in the slightest. Sarah | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on" Would you expect health care if you had an accident abroad on holiday? I wonder how hospitals in Spain cope treating elderly Brits who've never learnt the language when they retired there? Or the hospitals in Ibiza and Magaluf full of d*unken British twats? As ever I guess when it's the British abroad it's different? And presumably you'd tell the countless immigrant hospital staff to 'jog on' rather than have them treat you? | |||
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""It's the standard privatisation technique: defund, make sure things don't work properly, people get angry, hand it over to private capital" Naom Chomsky. This is exactly what is happening right under our very noses. Note the exponential rise in anti-NHS propaganda in the media of late. " And don't forget demonising those greedy money grabbing lazy junior doctors | |||
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"I am so proud of our NHS and wad proud to work within it. There are definite issues with A and E's being full of people who don't need it. The hospital I worked in had a gp walk in attached to emergency department. Everyone was triaged and then either sent to the gp side or the A&E side. However, staff within the NHS are overworked and underpaid and it means morale is often low..If it was any other job you would leave but luckily these people love what they do and want to provide top quality care. The government definitely needs to get their priorities sorted out and put more funding into where it's needed most instead of spending a fortune on things such as changing paperwork every month and redecorating areas that don't need it!!" is bang on lovely fooking moaners do my bonce in | |||
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"I've just taken early retirement from the NHS, if I had stayed, I would have killed or been killed such are the conditions. The lack of planning and the measure of success is as far away from clients as it could possibly be. " I hope you enjoy being retired. I admire all those that work so hard in often difficult conditions. Sarah | |||
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"Been trying ring them for 5 hours,no answer. ![]() Do you mean the 111 service ? They are usually pretty quick at answering. | |||
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" The public don't always use the NHS responsibly. The four hour limit in A&E is absurd for those who use it like a walk in GP. If your problem isn't an 'accident' or an 'emergency' you should wait longer. " I think it's a postcode lottery with GPs though - in some areas you can't get appointments for ages. Is that an absolute limit ? Or just what they think the maximum time should generally be. Maybe more A & E's should be split into minor and a major injuries and you wait possibly longer in the minor ones. Although splitting it may make it quicker overall. Sarah | |||
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"Medicines wastage on prescription is staggering, if the NHS clawed back the waste in the services it provides it'd save loads " Or, as appears to be a recurring theme if people used the NHS responsibly it would save loads | |||
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" The public don't always use the NHS responsibly. The four hour limit in A&E is absurd for those who use it like a walk in GP. If your problem isn't an 'accident' or an 'emergency' you should wait longer. I think it's a postcode lottery with GPs though - in some areas you can't get appointments for ages. Is that an absolute limit ? Or just what they think the maximum time should generally be. Maybe more A & E's should be split into minor and a major injuries and you wait possibly longer in the minor ones. Although splitting it may make it quicker overall. Sarah " A lot of trusts are doing that, having a minor injuries clinic in one hospital and an emergency department in another. The rebranding of A&E to ED is also a good thing. Last winter, West Herts NHS Trust punlished what people had attended A&E for on one of their busiest days, it included countless attendees with colds and other things such as ingrown toenails. While there is a need to educate people as to what they should attend with there is also a need to improve the services GP surgeries and NHS wlak in cenmtres provide | |||
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"Medicines wastage on prescription is staggering, if the NHS clawed back the waste in the services it provides it'd save loads " Do you mean people ordering things they don't need ? Or being over prescribed ? When I lost a relative to cancer - there were unopened prescribed medicines which we returned to the pharmacy but I understand it has to be destroyed as it has been dispensed to that person. I guess you can't prove it hasn't been tampered with. It felt like such a waste, but I think that's something that can't be changed. Sarah | |||
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" The public don't always use the NHS responsibly. The four hour limit in A&E is absurd for those who use it like a walk in GP. If your problem isn't an 'accident' or an 'emergency' you should wait longer. I think it's a postcode lottery with GPs though - in some areas you can't get appointments for ages. Is that an absolute limit ? Or just what they think the maximum time should generally be. Maybe more A & E's should be split into minor and a major injuries and you wait possibly longer in the minor ones. Although splitting it may make it quicker overall. Sarah " GP services are where the NHS is most underfunded. They provide 90% of NHS care for just 10% of the total budget. We need massive investment in GP services to make them more accessible and effective. The four hour limit applies to everyone who comes into A&E, regardless of why they're there. It puts massive pressure on staff and incentivises people to attend A&E with minor problems. I agree, the four hour limit should apply only to those attending for emergency care. | |||
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"Totally agree, but I think a lot of the problems stem from moronic people who clog up A&E with minor issues that their GP could help with, or go to the GP for things the pharmacy could help with. Currently, within our family we have 2 medical issues ongoing that require the hospital; 1 involving a serious heart problem and the other an elderly relative who had a major fracture. Both of these have received outstanding care from our local NHS hospital. I have zero tolerance for people who complain if the have to wait 30 minutes past their appointment. I've waited longer for a private consultation for which I paid over £1000....... " Based on my own experience and the _iews of the doctors, nurses and hospital administrators I know I think there is a combination of this (idiots, morons, no common sense etc.) and elderly people with complex care needs who aren't able to be discharged until the social care is in place - which often takes a long time because that system is pretty much at breaking point. Those are the two biggest challenges in my _iew. | |||
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" The public don't always use the NHS responsibly. The four hour limit in A&E is absurd for those who use it like a walk in GP. If your problem isn't an 'accident' or an 'emergency' you should wait longer. I think it's a postcode lottery with GPs though - in some areas you can't get appointments for ages. Is that an absolute limit ? Or just what they think the maximum time should generally be. Maybe more A & E's should be split into minor and a major injuries and you wait possibly longer in the minor ones. Although splitting it may make it quicker overall. Sarah GP services are where the NHS is most underfunded. They provide 90% of NHS care for just 10% of the total budget. We need massive investment in GP services to make them more accessible and effective. The four hour limit applies to everyone who comes into A&E, regardless of why they're there. It puts massive pressure on staff and incentivises people to attend A&E with minor problems. I agree, the four hour limit should apply only to those attending for emergency care. " Completely agree about the 4 hour limit. If someone rocks up with spurious complaint or something that they should just have seen their GP about then if they knew they were going to have to wait 6, maybe 8 hours it might discourage them. And free up time in the system to see more serious cases in a quicker time frame. | |||
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"We were spending 8% of GDP on healthcare, government plans will reduce that to 7% by 2020 (official plans we'll see what they actually do) France and Germany spend over 11% - that's equivalent to tens of billions more than we do Now when people say it's sustainable what they should be saying is it's not sustainable at the current levels of spending - other countries manage to fund their Heath service and so should we " Well Americans spend even more than the French. They don't get better care though! It's not all about how much money you throw at the problem. As someone already said, tell the idiots going to A&E with the sniffles to fuck off, get some proper IT systems and stop using so much temporary labour and thay would be a good start. | |||
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"its only going to get worse now Cameron has decided NHS no longer gets free training, loads of want to be nurses wont be able to pay the fees so they will be even shortet staffed watch this space ....." Clever move by the tories, if they fail to privitise it this time round leave a nice ticking time bomb to create a manpower issue for the future | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on I pay taxes and I had to pay a health care surcharge for my visa. But I don't have a UK passport. What about that?" so you paid a small contribution to use the nhs/ well done. So now you can have treatment here , free, which would be very expensive elsewhere . You pay taxes? Duh, everyone on planet pays taxes of some sort - direct or indirect taxes- so what's your point? Were you or your family brought up here ? Have you or your family paid taxes over a working lifetime to pay for this service the parasites turn up and use for free? Or you just some Johnny come lately expecting free treatment cos you paid a few quid up front? What if you produce brats - ya gonna do that in a field ? Dentist ? How to put this politely, your little tenner /100 health fee payment will be used up probably first time you use any nhs service . Not such a bad deal mate | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog onso we have a person visiting this country from abroad with a not fixable contagious disease now because they don't have a uk passport you want them to "jog on " without treatment good way to manage a disease ? " And when did this last happen? Come on- up your game a bit of you want serious discussion. Less of the 6th form hyperbolic disaster scenarios. That may happen once a century, if that? Actually can't think of it eve happening. Yeah let's build the nhs model on something that has never happened and probably never will . Just like our nuke industry | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on I pay taxes and I had to pay a health care surcharge for my visa. But I don't have a UK passport. What about that? so you paid a small contribution to use the nhs/ well done. So now you can have treatment here , free, which would be very expensive elsewhere . You pay taxes? Duh, everyone on planet pays taxes of some sort - direct or indirect taxes- so what's your point? Were you or your family brought up here ? Have you or your family paid taxes over a working lifetime to pay for this service the parasites turn up and use for free? Or you just some Johnny come lately expecting free treatment cos you paid a few quid up front? What if you produce brats - ya gonna do that in a field ? Dentist ? How to put this politely, your little tenner /100 health fee payment will be used up probably first time you use any nhs service . Not such a bad deal mate " Do you ask to see the passport of a doctor or nurse treating you? If you needed a blood transfusion would you ask the origins of who donated it? Or is that different? | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on I pay taxes and I had to pay a health care surcharge for my visa. But I don't have a UK passport. What about that? so you paid a small contribution to use the nhs/ well done. So now you can have treatment here , free, which would be very expensive elsewhere . You pay taxes? Duh, everyone on planet pays taxes of some sort - direct or indirect taxes- so what's your point? Were you or your family brought up here ? Have you or your family paid taxes over a working lifetime to pay for this service the parasites turn up and use for free? Or you just some Johnny come lately expecting free treatment cos you paid a few quid up front? What if you produce brats - ya gonna do that in a field ? Dentist ? How to put this politely, your little tenner /100 health fee payment will be used up probably first time you use any nhs service . Not such a bad deal mate " ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on I pay taxes and I had to pay a health care surcharge for my visa. But I don't have a UK passport. What about that? so you paid a small contribution to use the nhs/ well done. So now you can have treatment here , free, which would be very expensive elsewhere . You pay taxes? Duh, everyone on planet pays taxes of some sort - direct or indirect taxes- so what's your point? Were you or your family brought up here ? Have you or your family paid taxes over a working lifetime to pay for this service the parasites turn up and use for free? Or you just some Johnny come lately expecting free treatment cos you paid a few quid up front? What if you produce brats - ya gonna do that in a field ? Dentist ? How to put this politely, your little tenner /100 health fee payment will be used up probably first time you use any nhs service . Not such a bad deal mate ![]() ![]() ![]() Just so you know Courtney, you didn't need to dignify that with a response. | |||
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" How to put this politely, your little tenner /100 health fee payment will be used up probably first time you use any nhs service . Not such a bad deal mate " I had a premature baby - so the patient hadn't paid anything in taxes to the system but cost 1000's to treat. Luckily that baby is now a teenager and will hopefully go on to contribute taxes etc, but I'm not sure it will ever be as much as the cost at birth to the NHS. Sarah | |||
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"Just so you know Courtney, you didn't need to dignify that with a response. " But its kinda fun to see how vitriolic some people get ![]() | |||
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"The NHS is a crap service for those who actually pay for it, wonderful for those that don't. " Isn't that the nature of any universal system? Don't even get me started on state schools... | |||
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"The NHS is a crap service for those who actually pay for it, wonderful for those that don't. For those who have received in-hospital treatment - were their more than two beds in your ward, was it cleaned to correct standards, were your meds/drips etc set up properly and in time, and did you ever see a senior doctor at the weekend? If you can answer yes to all these questions, congratulations - you're a rarity these days." On both my recent stays I was in a spotlessly clean room with one bed, I saw consultants on both occasions, granted it wasn't weekend. The food was really good and the care was second to none. In my experience it was a million miles from a crap service. | |||
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"The NHS is a crap service for those who actually pay for it, wonderful for those that don't. For those who have received in-hospital treatment - were their more than two beds in your ward, was it cleaned to correct standards, were your meds/drips etc set up properly and in time, and did you ever see a senior doctor at the weekend? If you can answer yes to all these questions, congratulations - you're a rarity these days. On both my recent stays I was in a spotlessly clean room with one bed, I saw consultants on both occasions, granted it wasn't weekend. The food was really good and the care was second to none. In my experience it was a million miles from a crap service." Good for you, I nearly died from misdiagnosis of a common condition and I have a close friend who is permanently in a wheel chair because of misdiagnosis of a rare condition. Neither of us have even seen a hint of remorse or compensation, which is what you get with a monopoly supplier. | |||
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"Been trying ring them for 5 hours,no answer. ![]() no Bristol eye hospital sorry ![]() | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services." The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. | |||
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""It's the standard privatisation technique: defund, make sure things don't work properly, people get angry, hand it over to private capital" Naom Chomsky. This is exactly what is happening right under our very noses. Note the exponential rise in anti-NHS propaganda in the media of late. " ![]() | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. " The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post. | |||
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"Our dear government need to close tax loopholes, collect the tax owed by tax avoiders, stop giving themselves 10% and 11% pay rises and billing for massive expenses claims and invest in a decent budget for the NHS, schools etc. Problem solved. They won't because they want the NHS to fail so they can say it's clearly not working as it is and should be privatised. That's definitely going to provide a better service when most of the money is going to external contractors and huge payouts for execs and shareholders. It worked so well for the rail network and it's improving the Royal Mail beyond measure ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post." I made my thoughts clear earlier but they got ignored because we'd rather blame evil tories or immigrants for what is actually wasteful management. Just because the people on the ground are working hard, doesn't mean they are working smart. I'm telling you they aren't enabled to work smart because the NHS has long fucked up every IT project it's started. Fundamentally, our local hospital looks like a 1980's museum rather than a modern health care facility. The NHS complaining about lack of funding is like a sieve complaining about a lack of water. | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post. I made my thoughts clear earlier but they got ignored because we'd rather blame evil tories or immigrants for what is actually wasteful management. Just because the people on the ground are working hard, doesn't mean they are working smart. I'm telling you they aren't enabled to work smart because the NHS has long fucked up every IT project it's started. Fundamentally, our local hospital looks like a 1980's museum rather than a modern health care facility. The NHS complaining about lack of funding is like a sieve complaining about a lack of water. " the tories are certainly doing no better. | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on I pay taxes and I had to pay a health care surcharge for my visa. But I don't have a UK passport. What about that?" And we have a reciprocal arrangement for health care with many countries! Has no one here ever used an EHIC card? | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post. I made my thoughts clear earlier but they got ignored because we'd rather blame evil tories or immigrants for what is actually wasteful management. Just because the people on the ground are working hard, doesn't mean they are working smart. I'm telling you they aren't enabled to work smart because the NHS has long fucked up every IT project it's started. Fundamentally, our local hospital looks like a 1980's museum rather than a modern health care facility. The NHS complaining about lack of funding is like a sieve complaining about a lack of water. the tories are certainly doing no better." What a mature response to a serious issue. Where did I indicate I give a flying fuck about the tory party? I'd like people to face up to the real issues and stop the lazy thinking. | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post. I made my thoughts clear earlier but they got ignored because we'd rather blame evil tories or immigrants for what is actually wasteful management. Just because the people on the ground are working hard, doesn't mean they are working smart. I'm telling you they aren't enabled to work smart because the NHS has long fucked up every IT project it's started. Fundamentally, our local hospital looks like a 1980's museum rather than a modern health care facility. The NHS complaining about lack of funding is like a sieve complaining about a lack of water. the tories are certainly doing no better. What a mature response to a serious issue. Where did I indicate I give a flying fuck about the tory party? I'd like people to face up to the real issues and stop the lazy thinking. " i didn't indicate your political preference. The nhs needs fixi g. The current government is doing no better, and just making it worse. The nhs was founded on socialistic values and the current government is based on tory values so i doubt they have the interests at heart. The it system is part of it but not the entire reason for it. | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post. I made my thoughts clear earlier but they got ignored because we'd rather blame evil tories or immigrants for what is actually wasteful management. Just because the people on the ground are working hard, doesn't mean they are working smart. I'm telling you they aren't enabled to work smart because the NHS has long fucked up every IT project it's started. Fundamentally, our local hospital looks like a 1980's museum rather than a modern health care facility. The NHS complaining about lack of funding is like a sieve complaining about a lack of water. the tories are certainly doing no better. What a mature response to a serious issue. Where did I indicate I give a flying fuck about the tory party? I'd like people to face up to the real issues and stop the lazy thinking. i didn't indicate your political preference. The nhs needs fixi g. The current government is doing no better, and just making it worse. The nhs was founded on socialistic values and the current government is based on tory values so i doubt they have the interests at heart. The it system is part of it but not the entire reason for it. " In my experience, people start talking about values when they have no practical solutions to real problems. | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post. I made my thoughts clear earlier but they got ignored because we'd rather blame evil tories or immigrants for what is actually wasteful management. Just because the people on the ground are working hard, doesn't mean they are working smart. I'm telling you they aren't enabled to work smart because the NHS has long fucked up every IT project it's started. Fundamentally, our local hospital looks like a 1980's museum rather than a modern health care facility. The NHS complaining about lack of funding is like a sieve complaining about a lack of water. the tories are certainly doing no better. What a mature response to a serious issue. Where did I indicate I give a flying fuck about the tory party? I'd like people to face up to the real issues and stop the lazy thinking. i didn't indicate your political preference. The nhs needs fixi g. The current government is doing no better, and just making it worse. The nhs was founded on socialistic values and the current government is based on tory values so i doubt they have the interests at heart. The it system is part of it but not the entire reason for it. " i dont tbonk its the funding. It's the way it has been run as i said earlier. | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post. I made my thoughts clear earlier but they got ignored because we'd rather blame evil tories or immigrants for what is actually wasteful management. Just because the people on the ground are working hard, doesn't mean they are working smart. I'm telling you they aren't enabled to work smart because the NHS has long fucked up every IT project it's started. Fundamentally, our local hospital looks like a 1980's museum rather than a modern health care facility. The NHS complaining about lack of funding is like a sieve complaining about a lack of water. the tories are certainly doing no better. What a mature response to a serious issue. Where did I indicate I give a flying fuck about the tory party? I'd like people to face up to the real issues and stop the lazy thinking. i didn't indicate your political preference. The nhs needs fixi g. The current government is doing no better, and just making it worse. The nhs was founded on socialistic values and the current government is based on tory values so i doubt they have the interests at heart. The it system is part of it but not the entire reason for it. i dont tbonk its the funding. It's the way it has been run as i said earlier. " Good, it don't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice. But the NHS ain't catching any mice. | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post. I made my thoughts clear earlier but they got ignored because we'd rather blame evil tories or immigrants for what is actually wasteful management. Just because the people on the ground are working hard, doesn't mean they are working smart. I'm telling you they aren't enabled to work smart because the NHS has long fucked up every IT project it's started. Fundamentally, our local hospital looks like a 1980's museum rather than a modern health care facility. The NHS complaining about lack of funding is like a sieve complaining about a lack of water. the tories are certainly doing no better. What a mature response to a serious issue. Where did I indicate I give a flying fuck about the tory party? I'd like people to face up to the real issues and stop the lazy thinking. i didn't indicate your political preference. The nhs needs fixi g. The current government is doing no better, and just making it worse. The nhs was founded on socialistic values and the current government is based on tory values so i doubt they have the interests at heart. The it system is part of it but not the entire reason for it. In my experience, people start talking about values when they have no practical solutions to real problems. " the solution is remove the private sector elements that take for profit, the excess management, and get back to the core values. Tell me what your answer is. I'm genuinly interested, not having a go at you | |||
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"I am so proud of our NHS and wad proud to work within it. There are definite issues with A and E's being full of people who don't need it. The hospital I worked in had a gp walk in attached to emergency department. Everyone was triaged and then either sent to the gp side or the A&E side. However, staff within the NHS are overworked and underpaid and it means morale is often low..If it was any other job you would leave but luckily these people love what they do and want to provide top quality care. The government definitely needs to get their priorities sorted out and put more funding into where it's needed most instead of spending a fortune on things such as changing paperwork every month and redecorating areas that don't need it!!" ![]() | |||
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"The NHS has been starved of cash by the coalition and Tory governments of recent years. It is no surprise that it is buckling, at a point where it didn't actually need just flat level investment but increases to it. The government is disingenuous when it states that the NHS is safe in its hands - far from it. And the media have stepped in to stick the knife into the NHS too, where caustic headlines bash the NHS at every opportunity. We are probably only discussing this here today largely because the media has stirred up calamitous disaster scenarios, a health system armageddon. The Conservatives have willingly used much of the same language. This fear mongering by using propaganda to stoke fear would likely be something Goebbels would be proud of. We voted this lot in, so are now living with the knock on effects that this means to our services. The NPfIT clusterfuck happened under Labour actually, there's £20bn the NHS pissed away for "little clinical functionality" in the words of the public accounts committee. That's polite speak for fuck all by the way. The previous Labour government certainly made awful decisions. It's the current government which is the wolf in sheep's clothing, where they're pretending to maintain investment, when it's derisory sums being invested. I'm assuming that you agreed with the rest of that post. I made my thoughts clear earlier but they got ignored because we'd rather blame evil tories or immigrants for what is actually wasteful management. Just because the people on the ground are working hard, doesn't mean they are working smart. I'm telling you they aren't enabled to work smart because the NHS has long fucked up every IT project it's started. Fundamentally, our local hospital looks like a 1980's museum rather than a modern health care facility. The NHS complaining about lack of funding is like a sieve complaining about a lack of water. the tories are certainly doing no better. What a mature response to a serious issue. Where did I indicate I give a flying fuck about the tory party? I'd like people to face up to the real issues and stop the lazy thinking. i didn't indicate your political preference. The nhs needs fixi g. The current government is doing no better, and just making it worse. The nhs was founded on socialistic values and the current government is based on tory values so i doubt they have the interests at heart. The it system is part of it but not the entire reason for it. In my experience, people start talking about values when they have no practical solutions to real problems. the solution is remove the private sector elements that take for profit, the excess management, and get back to the core values. Tell me what your answer is. I'm genuinly interested, not having a go at you " Modernise and focus on productivity. You have 8 hours of a nurse or doctors time, how do you maximise what they can reasonably deliver in terms of patient care in those 8 hours? - you get rid of any paper - you minimise admin On top of that you then staff your hospital properly since you know what reasonably productivity looks like which saves on the additional costs from temporary staff. Then combine the NHS purchasing power with suppliers more. If you did all those things, I fail to see why our health system wouldn't be as good as Frances with say a maximum of 15% extra funding. | |||
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"I find that people who keep quoting the same old Chinese sayings have little to add to the argument ![]() You obviously don't know your history if you think that's an old saying | |||
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"I find that people who keep quoting the same old Chinese sayings have little to add to the argument ![]() You obviously don't know your grammar if you think that I said it was ![]() | |||
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"I find that people who keep quoting the same old Chinese sayings have little to add to the argument ![]() ![]() Yeah that's true. Anyway, ideology is a poor substitute for results. | |||
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"Well I would argue that without a clear ideology, you are unlikely to get the results you desire. We evidently think very differently about these things, but that's cool ![]() Philip Tetlock of Berkeley University has empirically proven that stronger ideology produces inferior predictions and analysis about political events. I'd strongly expect that to lead to inferior performance since you can't really solve problems if you can't identify their route cause. I quoted Deng Xiaoping because I think he's the most successful politician of the previous century, having kicked off over 40 years of double digit economic growth from what was one of the most ideological countries going. Whereas North Korea clings to its ideology but doesn't do so well... | |||
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"What do you expect/ when millions of people haven't paid into the system - but can turn up and get service . Should be for uk passport holders , and family , only. Show your passport at the door , or jog on I pay taxes and I had to pay a health care surcharge for my visa. But I don't have a UK passport. What about that? so you paid a small contribution to use the nhs/ well done. So now you can have treatment here , free, which would be very expensive elsewhere . You pay taxes? Duh, everyone on planet pays taxes of some sort - direct or indirect taxes- so what's your point? Were you or your family brought up here ? Have you or your family paid taxes over a working lifetime to pay for this service the parasites turn up and use for free? Or you just some Johnny come lately expecting free treatment cos you paid a few quid up front? What if you produce brats - ya gonna do that in a field ? Dentist ? How to put this politely, your little tenner /100 health fee payment will be used up probably first time you use any nhs service . Not such a bad deal mate " ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"yeah , because capitalism isn't an ideology ![]() Is China capitalist? ![]() | |||
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"yeah , because capitalism isn't an ideology ![]() ![]() you perpetually espouse a capitalist ideology and then claim that you don't buy in to ideology .... who do you think you are fooling by this? just admit that you prefer that ideology above any of the other which are available | |||
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"yeah , because capitalism isn't an ideology ![]() ![]() Oh yeah I admit that, it's better than the others but I don't have any kind of boner for it that blinds me to the obvious abuses. It could definately be improved, but I want improvement within the system, not a new system. I'd compliment communism if it had any economic achievements for me to compliment. | |||
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"it doesn't matter how you feel about other isms .... the first step to combating being an idealist is to admit to yourself that you are one .... well done, we've made real progress in todays intervention. ![]() Idealist?! I'd sell capitalism on a street corner for double digit economic growth for 40 years... and throw in my grandma for good measure | |||
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"Just watching the BBC news article about the NHS and findings that over past 4 years - 400 people had the wrong body part operated on, one patient had a testicle instead of a cyst removed. Earlier this week, I ended up in A & E in the early hours of the morning - due to recent changes - the smaller hospitals here don't take admissions at night. I ended up with 4 others queuing in a corridor in the cold. Two of the patients were really elderly. There were no free cubicles. Talking to the staff - that was a quietisg night. It wasn't unusual. I'm all ok now and have to say from the ambulance to the nurses and doctors - everyone was brilliant. But .... The service just isn't sustainable. Should we pay more? Pay insurance like in the USA if we can? Or should the government pay more in? I have always been proud of our NHS service, but it's buckling under the pressure. " It's mismanagement and being used a political football by successive cabinets . the cons probably want to undermine and eviscerate it as much as possible to push people toward a private provider run by one of their sleazy chums. The NHS needs to be firewalled from clumbsy political meddling. Also, healthcare provided to foreign nationals should not be free. Healthcare tourism costs the NHS millions per year. If a foreign national does not have private insurance to cover care whilst here.. They should be provided basic stabilising care and sent to their country of origin. | |||
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"Fantastic staff but we are all living too long and high priced technology and drugs that keep us alive arent helping. I booked a test at the gum clinic today and have to wait 3 week's. Please don't have to prove you are a national first though. We are all equal, me being British is an accident of birth. Peace and love fabbers. X" It's not free for all! We pay for it! ![]() | |||
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"It astounds me that GPs as well as A&E do not have dedicated mental health workers, currently my local hospital if someone is admitted with suicidal thoughts at night they are stuck on a chair in a corridor in A&E. They are then told a crisis team member will see you, can be as long as a 12 hour wait. Clearly A&E can not deal with this people and I'd imagine it would leave them feeling uncared for. " A&E in the royal Victoria hospital Belfast is basically an overspill ward for people with mental health / addiction problems in the evening. Mental health within the NHS has always been underfunded. Especially not helped by the weight of new patients suffering from drug abuse related mental health conditions currently. The NHS needs to be run independently of the government.. Like a private enterprise. Firewalled from political agendas. | |||
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"Fantastic staff but we are all living too long and high priced technology and drugs that keep us alive arent helping. I booked a test at the gum clinic today and have to wait 3 week's. Please don't have to prove you are a national first though. We are all equal, me being British is an accident of birth. Peace and love fabbers. X It's not free for all! We pay for it! ![]() It's cheaper and more equitable than private health insurance | |||
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"It astounds me that GPs as well as A&E do not have dedicated mental health workers, currently my local hospital if someone is admitted with suicidal thoughts at night they are stuck on a chair in a corridor in A&E. They are then told a crisis team member will see you, can be as long as a 12 hour wait. Clearly A&E can not deal with this people and I'd imagine it would leave them feeling uncared for. A&E in the royal Victoria hospital Belfast is basically an overspill ward for people with mental health / addiction problems in the evening. Mental health within the NHS has always been underfunded. Especially not helped by the weight of new patients suffering from drug abuse related mental health conditions currently. The NHS needs to be run independently of the government.. Like a private enterprise. Firewalled from political agendas." not going to happen though is it the current government spent £3billion reorganising it, for which no-one can see what for and the current ministers actually wrote the current junior doctor contract - they cant stop themselves | |||
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"yeah , because capitalism isn't an ideology ![]() ![]() Is China Communist?? China is a collective elitist dictatorship(contradiction in terms I know),more akin to animal farm,than any true ideology of communism. Back to The NHS,they should enlist pound shop buyers. For Most organisations,the more you buy,the cheaper the goods. Only the NHS bucks this trend,they pay top dollar for every item. The NHS doesn't need more money,they need more people who can negotiate the best deals. Competent purchasing,would vastly reduce overall cost. ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"yeah , because capitalism isn't an ideology ![]() ![]() In economic terms it's "state capitalist" just like Russia and not all that far from what Jeremy Corbyn would like, just with a bit more pollution. | |||
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"yeah , because capitalism isn't an ideology ![]() ![]() And a bit more voting. ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"yeah , because capitalism isn't an ideology ![]() ![]() What is your obsession with China? You seem to allude to it given any opportunity. Some sort of propaganda agent? China isn't a model for anything . Cheap labour, pollution..a doodgy government that steam rolls over and exploits its citizens . It's a country without mobility or free enterprise. Only wealthy friends of the political elite benefit from such a structure. | |||
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"Totally agree, but I think a lot of the problems stem from moronic people who clog up A&E with minor issues that their GP could help with, or go to the GP for things the pharmacy could help with. Currently, within our family we have 2 medical issues ongoing that require the hospital; 1 involving a serious heart problem and the other an elderly relative who had a major fracture. Both of these have received outstanding care from our local NHS hospital. I have zero tolerance for people who complain if the have to wait 30 minutes past their appointment. I've waited longer for a private consultation for which I paid over £1000....... " It did baffle me when the strikes were on that the A&E departments were empty.How does that work...obviously alot of people using A&E as doctors appointments. | |||
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"yeah , because capitalism isn't an ideology ![]() ![]() Clearly you haven't been and your information is flawed. Do you have some aversion to learning from the best bits that other countries have to offer? You think that the UK is so fucking great there's nothing you can learn from anywhere else? 600m people lifted out of poverty by 40 years of double digit growth is a fantastic achievement given where it started from. They also don't take shit from Google or bankers. | |||
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