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Fit & Healthy 2016.. Part 4

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Continuing on fromm Miss HottieBotties part 3

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

lost 2 lb this week..

Set myself a mini target to lose 7lb in 3 weeks

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Congrats ! And good luck .....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Lost 4lbs and cutting coffee from 14 cups daily to 2cups. .its hell

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"lost 2 lb this week..

Set myself a mini target to lose 7lb in 3 weeks "

You are doing brilliantly, well done

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My weigh in is tomorrow. Not expecting a good week, but I have at least got back to the gym

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've been completely rubbish over the last few days and have eaten ALL the pies

I have 2 stone to lose it feels like it wants to stay - unless I cut my calories down really low which makes me miserable!

Pass me the cake

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I've been completely rubbish over the last few days and have eaten ALL the pies

I have 2 stone to lose it feels like it wants to stay - unless I cut my calories down really low which makes me miserable!

Pass me the cake "

are you doing it alone or are you part of a slimming group?

good luck though..x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"My weigh in is tomorrow. Not expecting a good week, but I have at least got back to the gym "

I had a pretty bad week but its the exercise that stopped me gaining

fingers crossed though Ruby xx

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Lost 4lbs and cutting coffee from 14 cups daily to 2cups. .its hell"

I remember going cold turkey on full sugar ..

the headaches and shakes were horrendous,, but im free of it now

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I've been completely rubbish over the last few days and have eaten ALL the pies

I have 2 stone to lose it feels like it wants to stay - unless I cut my calories down really low which makes me miserable!

Pass me the cake

are you doing it alone or are you part of a slimming group?

good luck though..x "

I'm doing it alone - I don't have any time for slimming groups - I'm just having a bad week xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"My weigh in is tomorrow. Not expecting a good week, but I have at least got back to the gym

I had a pretty bad week but its the exercise that stopped me gaining

fingers crossed though Ruby xx "

I'm hoping so, and if not there's always next week x

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By *appyguy17Man
over a year ago


I run quite a lot........

Even when you don't feel like running go out and do something.......and after a while you get a little bit addicted and you feel guilty when you miss your run.

Don't kill yourself....just build up slowly...

So a little willpower and you will all be amazed at what you can achieve...

And maybe book into a 5 or a 10k run and having a goal helps x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Lost 4lbs and cutting coffee from 14 cups daily to 2cups. .its hell

I remember going cold turkey on full sugar ..

the headaches and shakes were horrendous,, but im free of it now "

Proud of you for that

It's hell but I'll get there

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

Having a good week so far, been to the gym 4 times. Will be a bit active tomorrow as I'm stripping the front door, so that should work my arms

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


"Lost 4lbs and cutting coffee from 14 cups daily to 2cups. .its hell

I remember going cold turkey on full sugar ..

the headaches and shakes were horrendous,, but im free of it now "

For me it was cutting Coke and lucozade

I don't like suger free Coke - Sprite is ok

But at work I try to keep to water but I am doing well to loose 17lb - I need to get to 85kg (at 95) and tighten the belly for my fab photos

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Lost 4lbs and cutting coffee from 14 cups daily to 2cups. .its hell

I remember going cold turkey on full sugar ..

the headaches and shakes were horrendous,, but im free of it now

For me it was cutting Coke and lucozade

I don't like suger free Coke - Sprite is ok

But at work I try to keep to water but I am doing well to loose 17lb - I need to get to 85kg (at 95) and tighten the belly for my fab photos "

How long do the headaches last ...its bad enough I reckon slamming head into a wall would be less pain

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Lost 4lbs and cutting coffee from 14 cups daily to 2cups. .its hell

I remember going cold turkey on full sugar ..

the headaches and shakes were horrendous,, but im free of it now

For me it was cutting Coke and lucozade

I don't like suger free Coke - Sprite is ok

But at work I try to keep to water but I am doing well to loose 17lb - I need to get to 85kg (at 95) and tighten the belly for my fab photos "

youve done amazingly well.. this year ive lost 21 lb but to be fair im very large and its small in terms of percentage compared to you

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


How long do the headaches last ...its bad enough I reckon slamming head into a wall would be less pain"

i had them for about a week but i was drinking approx 2 litres of a day.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


How long do the headaches last ...its bad enough I reckon slamming head into a wall would be less pain

i had them for about a week but i was drinking approx 2 litres of a day. "

Well done for quitting

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


How long do the headaches last ...its bad enough I reckon slamming head into a wall would be less pain

i had them for about a week but i was drinking approx 2 litres of a day.

Well done for quitting "

shit just worked out thats 44 tsp of sugar

(5.5 tsp of sugar per 250ml)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


How long do the headaches last ...its bad enough I reckon slamming head into a wall would be less pain

i had them for about a week but i was drinking approx 2 litres of a day.

Well done for quitting

shit just worked out thats 44 tsp of sugar

(5.5 tsp of sugar per 250ml)"

Even more of an achievement to kick the habit then, that stuff is addictive

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews


How long do the headaches last ...its bad enough I reckon slamming head into a wall would be less pain

i had them for about a week but i was drinking approx 2 litres of a day.

Well done for quitting

shit just worked out thats 44 tsp of sugar

(5.5 tsp of sugar per 250ml)

Even more of an achievement to kick the habit then, that stuff is addictive "

My sister gets bad withdrawals if she doesn't have any diet , she goes through tons of the stuff!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


How long do the headaches last ...its bad enough I reckon slamming head into a wall would be less pain

i had them for about a week but i was drinking approx 2 litres of a day.

Well done for quitting

shit just worked out thats 44 tsp of sugar

(5.5 tsp of sugar per 250ml)

Even more of an achievement to kick the habit then, that stuff is addictive

My sister gets bad withdrawals if she doesn't have any diet , she goes through tons of the stuff!"

Had a lucazade problem ages ago loved the stuff

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I (Mrs time) have lost 3 stone 6.5 lb since June and still going strong.

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"I (Mrs time) have lost 3 stone 6.5 lb since June and still going strong. "

Well done!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

feeling better for swimming again not sure if I am loosing the pounds but eating more fruit and less chocolate bars at work so I hope I am on the right track

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

One thing I need to sort out is going on planned walks. I do an awful lot of walking so might as well find the pretty places to go.

And just carry on as I am

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago



How long do the headaches last ...its bad enough I reckon slamming head into a wall would be less pain

i had them for about a week but i was drinking approx 2 litres of a day.

Well done for quitting

shit just worked out thats 44 tsp of sugar

(5.5 tsp of sugar per 250ml)

Even more of an achievement to kick the habit then, that stuff is addictive

My sister gets bad withdrawals if she doesn't have any diet , she goes through tons of the stuff!

Had a lucazade problem ages ago loved the stuff"

That I stop eating Pringles 960 calories per packet

The lack of suger drinks is fine now it wasn't when really busy at work stressed

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I (Mrs time) have lost 3 stone 6.5 lb since June and still going strong.

Well done! "

Thank you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

You are all doing really well- helps me to stay focussed reading this xx

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By *ecretlyASoftieWoman
over a year ago

Hull but travel regularly

I've lost half stone on my juice fast so far

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By *helbeeCouple
over a year ago


I'm doing well on my low fat diet since Nov 8th 2015. I was diagnosed with gall stones acute pancreitits an have to be on a low fat diet i was 10 stone 2 lbs pounds ..now 4 months on im 8 stone 5 lbs ..I've lost 2 lbs ..last month I was 8 stone 7 lbs ..i go to the gym work out do cardiovascular ie running machine .Excercise bike. Indoor rowing machine. .aerobics/step aerobics. .

Im doing quite well im a slim size 14 now i was a size 16..

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I've lost half stone on my juice fast so far "

i am curious how to people plan to sustain the loss when they no longer fork out lots of money for the supliments/shakes..

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By *ecretlyASoftieWoman
over a year ago

Hull but travel regularly

"I've lost half stone on my juice fast so far

i am curious how to people plan to sustain the loss when they no longer fork out lots of money for the supliments/shakes..


Same as how you sustain any other weight loss...or not! And I'm not paying for supplements and shakes I'm doing real food - the Jason vale super juice me program

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Just 1.5lbs off for me this week but I hadn't had a good week so I'm quite happy with that and will just keep plodding on. Slow and steady wins the race, and all that.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I (Mr) have lost 11lbs in 3 weeks purely by eating a lot less rubbish and working out for an hour a day on the Xbox (with the kinect camera and fitness evolved game. I'm at 77kgs now but am hoping to get down to about 66, maybe even nearer 60 by late spring. Seem to have hit a wall at the moment though but hopefully I can get past it soon.

These other motivational stories help though knowing I'm not the only one going through this

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I massively over done my leg work out, painful

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I massively over done my leg work out, painful "

im sure you wont be short of offers to rub it better

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Just 1.5lbs off for me this week but I hadn't had a good week so I'm quite happy with that and will just keep plodding on. Slow and steady wins the race, and all that. "

1.5 lb is amazing! I used to be really disheartend by 1/2 lb or 1 lb losses til i went to the beach with some weighing scales and picked up some pebbles that weighed those. Gave them to our SW consultant and they are great visual aids :D

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


Well I ran a pb for this year anyway of 5km in 31.08 which is one min faster than the last one I did

I can feel the weight coming of my bum and belly and I try to do at least 30 to 40 sit ups each session

I am aiming for at least 1kilo of a week - with the sexercise from Friday, gym today, and 2 planned sessions on Tuesday and Thursday I should get to my goal

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Well I ran a pb for this year anyway of 5km in 31.08 which is one min faster than the last one I did

I can feel the weight coming of my bum and belly and I try to do at least 30 to 40 sit ups each session

I am aiming for at least 1kilo of a week - with the sexercise from Friday, gym today, and 2 planned sessions on Tuesday and Thursday I should get to my goal "

Great news on the PB and good luck with reaching your weight targets.

i find if i commit myself to a set amount of weight i always fail.. so i just say 'a loss'

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


I am off to France in the summer and looking to get to 85kg and tone up belly (95kg at moment)

It's slowly coming off which I am happy with

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 07/02/16 19:10:16]

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

I'm worried about weigh in tomorrow night. I'm being good, I'm sticking to my plan and going to the gym 4 times a week. But I've only lost 3.5lbs in 4 weeks so if I haven't lost anything tomorrow I'm not really sure what to do

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Just continue what you're doing, it's a lifelong change you have to make, it takes time and persistence to change your body and keep it that way

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"Just continue what you're doing, it's a lifelong change you have to make, it takes time and persistence to change your body and keep it that way "

Yeah, and I've lost a lot already. I'm probably just worried as many people in the class seem to be having good losses and I'm not

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It's hard when you see that, but if you've achieved a lot already, you know you're capable, sure you'll be fine

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


Tbh i found that last time I try to loose weight I was still drinking lucozade and surgery drinks so I was replacing the calories i had lost. When I stopped the gym due to knee hurting I was still putting the calories back in

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"Tbh i found that last time I try to loose weight I was still drinking lucozade and surgery drinks so I was replacing the calories i had lost. When I stopped the gym due to knee hurting I was still putting the calories back in "

I don't drink anything fizzy, except occasional sparkling water and a rare diet . I always drink sugar free squash

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


For me I have to failures Chinese food and surgery drinks

Surgery drinks a lot of places don't sell either diet or no suger versions

Chinese food, I try to eat less starters with stuff so just noodles and a main most time or rice and a main

And leave it at that

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm back on it, gym and cutting sugar intake, need to trim up a bit

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"For me I have to failures Chinese food and surgery drinks

Surgery drinks a lot of places don't sell either diet or no suger versions

Chinese food, I try to eat less starters with stuff so just noodles and a main most time or rice and a main

And leave it at that "

lol my idea of a chinese is chicken fried rice and a pot of curry sauce

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I'm worried about weigh in tomorrow night. I'm being good, I'm sticking to my plan and going to the gym 4 times a week. But I've only lost 3.5lbs in 4 weeks so if I haven't lost anything tomorrow I'm not really sure what to do "

even if thats an average of 1 lb a week its about 4 stone in a year.. certainly not to be sniffed at. Your doing fab!

They say the smaller consistant losses will make it a long term loss and not one thats quickly put back on

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"I'm worried about weigh in tomorrow night. I'm being good, I'm sticking to my plan and going to the gym 4 times a week. But I've only lost 3.5lbs in 4 weeks so if I haven't lost anything tomorrow I'm not really sure what to do "
when I got to target I averaged my weight loss out it was 1.5lb a week

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm worried about weigh in tomorrow night. I'm being good, I'm sticking to my plan and going to the gym 4 times a week. But I've only lost 3.5lbs in 4 weeks so if I haven't lost anything tomorrow I'm not really sure what to do "

It's probably because you've already lost a lot. Mine is going a lot slower than it did last year, but that's because I was 2 stone heavier then. Have you taken any measurements, or are you noticing a difference in your clothes? Even if the scales don't seem to be moving, with the exercise you're doing you must be getting fitter and that's a big achievement too

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm worried about weigh in tomorrow night. I'm being good, I'm sticking to my plan and going to the gym 4 times a week. But I've only lost 3.5lbs in 4 weeks so if I haven't lost anything tomorrow I'm not really sure what to do "

What plan are you doing?

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"I'm worried about weigh in tomorrow night. I'm being good, I'm sticking to my plan and going to the gym 4 times a week. But I've only lost 3.5lbs in 4 weeks so if I haven't lost anything tomorrow I'm not really sure what to do

It's probably because you've already lost a lot. Mine is going a lot slower than it did last year, but that's because I was 2 stone heavier then. Have you taken any measurements, or are you noticing a difference in your clothes? Even if the scales don't seem to be moving, with the exercise you're doing you must be getting fitter and that's a big achievement too "

Yeah I took my measurements when I started going to the gym, and again at Xmas and there was a small change. My colleagues and customers comment on my weight loss.

My calves feel a bit stronger and tighter, probably because I'm lifting 55lbs. Arms don't seem to be improving much though.

One of the guys I work with is a PT, so I'm going to speak to him this week and show him my routine, see if he has any suggestions

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I weigh in tomorrow. I've been good',counted every flipping calorie

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"I'm worried about weigh in tomorrow night. I'm being good, I'm sticking to my plan and going to the gym 4 times a week. But I've only lost 3.5lbs in 4 weeks so if I haven't lost anything tomorrow I'm not really sure what to do

What plan are you doing?"

Slimming World

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I weigh in tomorrow. I've been good',counted every flipping calorie "

fingers crossed for you.

ive had 2 take aways so praying for damage limitations.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I am down 20lbs so far this year, and bust out the push bike over the weekend just got to get my arse used to being in the saddle again, only another 21lb to go

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I am down 20lbs so far this year, and bust out the push bike over the weekend just got to get my arse used to being in the saddle again, only another 21lb to go"

brilliant! you must be thrilled!

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"I am down 20lbs so far this year, and bust out the push bike over the weekend just got to get my arse used to being in the saddle again, only another 21lb to go"

That's fantastic, well done!

I'm feeling more positive today - spoken to a guy at work who's a PT and he's gone over my routine with me, so will be giving that a go from Wednesday. Been good food wise so if I don't have a loss today it's not the end of the world, a maintain will be ok

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

So I've lost 1lb and got my bronze body magic award, not as much as I'd hoped but still a loss

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm not part of any group, but have reached a point where I feel that I can't put off doing something about my weight. I have a severe chest infection which I am still recovering from and I'm on my second course of antibiotics. When I went for my first gp visit I got weighed, it really wasn't good. I had put on 10lbs from when I had last weighed myself and it wasn't great then. I am going to wait until I have fully recovered from my chest infection and then I'm going to make a point of getting some exercise daily and cut out a lot of the crap that I eat. I will post my results in a week or so if that's ok.

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

No point trying to lose weight when you're unwell, health first!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"No point trying to lose weight when you're unwell, health first! "

True, kind of hoping that cutting down on rubbish food will help a bit. Once I am over will start to get the bike out again, even considering joining a gym.

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

I never thought I'd enjoy going to the gym but I do, lol

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By *ingAlMan
over a year ago


I agree with a previous comment about running, you'll look and feel great

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy "

Congratulations x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy

Congratulations x"

Cheers Liam,, its almost 2 stone since Jan.. i LOVE slimming world

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


Congrats I have my weigh in tommorow

I think it is likely to be around the 2lb mark again but I can live with that as it would be 1lb so just short of a stone and half

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy

Congratulations x

Cheers Liam,, its almost 2 stone since Jan.. i LOVE slimming world "

Slimming world just plants the seed, you do the hard work

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy

Congratulations x

Cheers Liam,, its almost 2 stone since Jan.. i LOVE slimming world "

Wow, well done

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy "

That's fantastic, well done!

I started a new routine today and worked on my lower body, rather stiff now and have to slowly lower myself onto the toilet, lol!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy "

Well done you, that's absolutely fantastic. I'm 4.5 lbs down over 2 weeks. I'm aiming for at least 1.5lbs next week to be 1.5 stone lighter and at least 3.5lbs in 2 weeks to achieve my club 10 target.

Does anyone else find after a while they can't see or feel noticeable changes? My clothes are looser but I'm still a way off getting into the next size down and some days I still "feel" my old size despite having lost 19.5lbs in 10 weeks.

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


I just smashed the 30min mark for 5km. First time this year. 29.23 that is a massive 1min 45secs off my pb this year though still a couple mins off my pb. When I started back this year I couldn't do under 34mins so to reduce best time by over 4 mins is a real positive

My weigh in is tonight.

This week is the first time I have run 2 x 5km both In decent times so I am aiming for at least 2lb though any more would be a bonus

Fingers crossed

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 11/02/16 08:28:48]

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy

Well done you, that's absolutely fantastic. I'm 4.5 lbs down over 2 weeks. I'm aiming for at least 1.5lbs next week to be 1.5 stone lighter and at least 3.5lbs in 2 weeks to achieve my club 10 target.

Does anyone else find after a while they can't see or feel noticeable changes? My clothes are looser but I'm still a way off getting into the next size down and some days I still "feel" my old size despite having lost 19.5lbs in 10 weeks. "

Ive no shame admitting my weight,, i was 30 stone 6 lb at my heaviest and this for me will be a longgg journey but i plan on never seeing those numbers again.

My head and heart are finally in the right place and im on a roll. To see a change in physical appearance i think id have to shift 4 stone first. Sounds silly perhaps but my thighs and tummy have gone from hard and firm to jelly/flabby and im noticing changes in energy levels and fitness.

The changes everyone is making regardless of what the scales say are positive and smart. Its all beneficial. To loose just 0.5 lb each week is still a huge 2 stone in a year.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I just smashed the 30min mark for 5km. First time this year. 29.23 that is a massive 1min 45secs off my pb this year though still a couple mins off my pb. When I started back this year I couldn't do under 34mins so to reduce best time by over 4 mins is a real positive

My weigh in is tonight.

This week is the first time I have run 2 x 5km both In decent times so I am aiming for at least 2lb though any more would be a bonus

Fingers crossed "

WOW reading your posts always make me smile.. the week that i chose to up my activity levels i lost a very small amount due to water retention.. so hoping that wont happen to you :D

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I just smashed the 30min mark for 5km. First time this year. 29.23 that is a massive 1min 45secs off my pb this year though still a couple mins off my pb. When I started back this year I couldn't do under 34mins so to reduce best time by over 4 mins is a real positive

My weigh in is tonight.

This week is the first time I have run 2 x 5km both In decent times so I am aiming for at least 2lb though any more would be a bonus

Fingers crossed "

Keep it up fella thats really good! xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Upped the weights and cardio this week. Now on 7 meals per day. Gained 3kg since January. Pictures to follow

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy

Well done you, that's absolutely fantastic. I'm 4.5 lbs down over 2 weeks. I'm aiming for at least 1.5lbs next week to be 1.5 stone lighter and at least 3.5lbs in 2 weeks to achieve my club 10 target.

Does anyone else find after a while they can't see or feel noticeable changes? My clothes are looser but I'm still a way off getting into the next size down and some days I still "feel" my old size despite having lost 19.5lbs in 10 weeks.

Ive no shame admitting my weight,, i was 30 stone 6 lb at my heaviest and this for me will be a longgg journey but i plan on never seeing those numbers again.

My head and heart are finally in the right place and im on a roll. To see a change in physical appearance i think id have to shift 4 stone first. Sounds silly perhaps but my thighs and tummy have gone from hard and firm to jelly/flabby and im noticing changes in energy levels and fitness.

The changes everyone is making regardless of what the scales say are positive and smart. Its all beneficial. To loose just 0.5 lb each week is still a huge 2 stone in a year."

You're doing so well. Having your head in the right place is so necessary to succeed. Thank you for sharing that with me as I take a lot of inspiration from you and others who regularly post on these threads.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


"6 and a half pounds off this week!

feeling well happy

Well done you, that's absolutely fantastic. I'm 4.5 lbs down over 2 weeks. I'm aiming for at least 1.5lbs next week to be 1.5 stone lighter and at least 3.5lbs in 2 weeks to achieve my club 10 target.

Does anyone else find after a while they can't see or feel noticeable changes? My clothes are looser but I'm still a way off getting into the next size down and some days I still "feel" my old size despite having lost 19.5lbs in 10 weeks.

Ive no shame admitting my weight,, i was 30 stone 6 lb at my heaviest and this for me will be a longgg journey but i plan on never seeing those numbers again.

My head and heart are finally in the right place and im on a roll. To see a change in physical appearance i think id have to shift 4 stone first. Sounds silly perhaps but my thighs and tummy have gone from hard and firm to jelly/flabby and im noticing changes in energy levels and fitness.

The changes everyone is making regardless of what the scales say are positive and smart. Its all beneficial. To loose just 0.5 lb each week is still a huge 2 stone in a year.

You're doing so well. Having your head in the right place is so necessary to succeed. Thank you for sharing that with me as I take a lot of inspiration from you and others who regularly post on these threads."

Only lost a 1lb but that's less than what I did weigh last week

But it's nearly 19lb lost since new year and aiming for 20lb by next week

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


Only lost a 1lb but that's less than what I did weigh last week

But it's nearly 19lb lost since new year and aiming for 20lb by next week


Glad that your positive about your loss.. you increased activity and you ran PB's so you should be pleased as punch with the efforts!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


I am 2 pbs in 1 week, also I can feel more toned

It is just one of those weeks

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

any more updates?

i had burger n chips tonight.. all in control though and had a lush salad with it

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

I'm away tomorrow night so healthy food options will be limited, I'll do my best though!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I'm away tomorrow night so healthy food options will be limited, I'll do my best though! "

i dont fret anymore over eating out, i think one meal away kinda keeps me sane. if it were purely 'diet' food i know for a fact id fall off the band wagon and go crazy with naughtiness

Ive been doing SW for a while now and found my taste buds are adapting to new flavours. Greasy foods really make me ill as i cant tolerate fats. I just naturally go for healthier options..

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lacksausageMan
over a year ago

Birmingham Airport

I was doing well

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've been unwell so lost my appetite so eating 5-6 times a day has gone down the pan. I hope to be back in routines once I'm back at work.

I'm on medication which is playing havoc at the moment x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I was doing well "

was? whats happened?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I've been unwell so lost my appetite so eating 5-6 times a day has gone down the pan. I hope to be back in routines once I'm back at work.

I'm on medication which is playing havoc at the moment x"

get well soon xxx

your doing brilliantly x

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *lacksausageMan
over a year ago

Birmingham Airport

"I was doing well

was? whats happened? "

Till I changed jobs and now I have to attend meetings where fancy food is a biggie

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Inspiring thread. I've lost 2 stone 3lbs with sw . It's taken me 11 months though as I've lost it slowly. My question is I'm slightly worried now as I've just had acl reconstruction surgery on my knee. It's a long recovery process due to mobility on the knee joint and I'm currently not able to exercise or get out and walk as I normally would. I'm sticking to my sw meal plans but am worried about the exercise side. Only lost 1lb this week xx WELL DONE YOU ALL

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I was doing well

was? whats happened?

Till I changed jobs and now I have to attend meetings where fancy food is a biggie "

presuming you work 5 days a week.. so thats only potentially 5 meals out of 21 that you might not have the best choices..

just make sure you keep focused for everything else x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Inspiring thread. I've lost 2 stone 3lbs with sw . It's taken me 11 months though as I've lost it slowly. My question is I'm slightly worried now as I've just had acl reconstruction surgery on my knee. It's a long recovery process due to mobility on the knee joint and I'm currently not able to exercise or get out and walk as I normally would. I'm sticking to my sw meal plans but am worried about the exercise side. Only lost 1lb this week xx WELL DONE YOU ALL "

1st off congratulations on your loss its a brilliant achievement!

SW is designed to still get decent weight loss results without increased ativity. It works better WITH it,, but still works without it.

Maybe increase fluids and up the speed foods, if you nibble it, scribble it!

I plan my meals in advanced and i also do my food shop for the week the day after weigh day. Means im motivated from either a great loss,,, or im kicking myself due to a gain but adamant that im going to lose the next week :D Simply, if i dont buy crap i cant eat crap :D xx

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Inspiring thread. I've lost 2 stone 3lbs with sw . It's taken me 11 months though as I've lost it slowly. My question is I'm slightly worried now as I've just had acl reconstruction surgery on my knee. It's a long recovery process due to mobility on the knee joint and I'm currently not able to exercise or get out and walk as I normally would. I'm sticking to my sw meal plans but am worried about the exercise side. Only lost 1lb this week xx WELL DONE YOU ALL

1st off congratulations on your loss its a brilliant achievement!

SW is designed to still get decent weight loss results without increased ativity. It works better WITH it,, but still works without it.

Maybe increase fluids and up the speed foods, if you nibble it, scribble it!

I plan my meals in advanced and i also do my food shop for the week the day after weigh day. Means im motivated from either a great loss,,, or im kicking myself due to a gain but adamant that im going to lose the next week :D Simply, if i dont buy crap i cant eat crap :D xx "

Thank you that. Totally makes sense . I've upped my speed foods. Good luck keep up the good work xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've done really well this week, I don't weigh myself but people have noticed the weight loss already (3 weeks being very strict)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I've done really well this week, I don't weigh myself but people have noticed the weight loss already (3 weeks being very strict)"

Nice one.. i started to feel better about myself. More energy, had better skin etc

Keep it up, sometimes people lose inches rather than pounds

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have lost 5lbs since new years, hoping for another 20lbs by the end of the year ideally, but i would be happy with 10.

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

I've officially given myself the night off so you best not here me complaining next week

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I've officially given myself the night off so you best not here me complaining next week "

enjoy it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I've been unwell so lost my appetite so eating 5-6 times a day has gone down the pan. I hope to be back in routines once I'm back at work.

I'm on medication which is playing havoc at the moment x

get well soon xxx

your doing brilliantly x "

Thank you

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Well today ive made a veg soup and eaten 3 tangerines, a banana and a big handful of grapes.

Got some prawns to use by tomorrow so just going to do a simple salad

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Weighed myself this morning and have lost 5lbs. Quite impressed with that. Not expecting it to carry on at that rate though.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Weighed myself this morning and have lost 5lbs. Quite impressed with that. Not expecting it to carry on at that rate though. "

Thats brilliant! bet you feel chuffed x

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


"Weighed myself this morning and have lost 5lbs. Quite impressed with that. Not expecting it to carry on at that rate though.

Thats brilliant! bet you feel chuffed x "

Congrats mate

Today I done 3.5km in 20 min flat which is really good pace for me anyway. I was aiming to do a 5km but over cooked the pace this morning.

At that pace I was aiming for sub 29 possible nearer 28 for. 5km which was far to fast

Had a roast for lunch

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

Was away in Glasgow last night and had a couple of little nibbles from the buffet, and eggs Benedict and toast for breakfast. Back on it tonight though!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

18 months ago I weighed 14.5 stone, through bootcamp twice weekly and eaten sensibly within reason I'm now 12.10 stone, another 20 pound to go before end of April

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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

[Removed by poster at 14/02/16 20:38:25]

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By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

Ate what I wanted this week and lost 2lbs. Go figure!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *appyguy17Man
over a year ago


Training for a half marathon at the moment.....i did 10 miles today.....on target to break 2 hours...so very happy x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Ate what I wanted this week and lost 2lbs. Go figure!"

sub conciously you must be doing something right x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

we are going away in april so got a few weeks to hit the weights extra hard. want to look good,in my eyes that is lol

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

Weighed myself this morning and lost 5lbs! Which takes me to bang on 6st overall

It'll be a different story at SW tonight, might be 2lbs, but still chuffed with that. Need to be extra good this week to ensure I don't put it on next week!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Weighed myself this morning and lost 5lbs! Which takes me to bang on 6st overall

It'll be a different story at SW tonight, might be 2lbs, but still chuffed with that. Need to be extra good this week to ensure I don't put it on next week! "

fingers are crossed for you, but scales often do weigh differently

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"Weighed myself this morning and lost 5lbs! Which takes me to bang on 6st overall

It'll be a different story at SW tonight, might be 2lbs, but still chuffed with that. Need to be extra good this week to ensure I don't put it on next week!

fingers are crossed for you, but scales often do weigh differently "

Yep, 2lbs it was. Half a pound away from my half stone award!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Weighed myself this morning and lost 5lbs! Which takes me to bang on 6st overall

It'll be a different story at SW tonight, might be 2lbs, but still chuffed with that. Need to be extra good this week to ensure I don't put it on next week!

fingers are crossed for you, but scales often do weigh differently

Yep, 2lbs it was. Half a pound away from my half stone award! "

great loss! i'm half a pound away from 2 and a half stone... then i'm only 6 pound away from my club 10

means being really focused to get that loss next week

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Weighed myself this morning and lost 5lbs! Which takes me to bang on 6st overall

It'll be a different story at SW tonight, might be 2lbs, but still chuffed with that. Need to be extra good this week to ensure I don't put it on next week!

fingers are crossed for you, but scales often do weigh differently

Yep, 2lbs it was. Half a pound away from my half stone award! "

And nearly 6 overall, that's impressive.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *igeiaWoman
over a year ago


I had a serious word with myself last weekend at the plateau I'd stuck at. 3lbs down this week as a result. Right direction finally!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

I've given myself a kick up the arse as well, I've become to complacent. Just under 3 weeks until my birthday and I want to see the scales have moved by the

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I had a serious word with myself last weekend at the plateau I'd stuck at. 3lbs down this week as a result. Right direction finally!"

nice one! when i get stuck i just go back to basics

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I've given myself a kick up the arse as well, I've become to complacent. Just under 3 weeks until my birthday and I want to see the scales have moved by the "

did you get a small gain this week? you said you were relaxing a bit

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"I've given myself a kick up the arse as well, I've become to complacent. Just under 3 weeks until my birthday and I want to see the scales have moved by the

did you get a small gain this week? you said you were relaxing a bit "

haven't been on the scales since, try not to weigh myself as often as I did.

I'm doing fine with the maintaining just want to be 6 lb less doing it

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"Weighed myself this morning and lost 5lbs! Which takes me to bang on 6st overall

It'll be a different story at SW tonight, might be 2lbs, but still chuffed with that. Need to be extra good this week to ensure I don't put it on next week!

fingers are crossed for you, but scales often do weigh differently

Yep, 2lbs it was. Half a pound away from my half stone award!

great loss! i'm half a pound away from 2 and a half stone... then i'm only 6 pound away from my club 10

means being really focused to get that loss next week


Well done you

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"Weighed myself this morning and lost 5lbs! Which takes me to bang on 6st overall

It'll be a different story at SW tonight, might be 2lbs, but still chuffed with that. Need to be extra good this week to ensure I don't put it on next week!

fingers are crossed for you, but scales often do weigh differently

Yep, 2lbs it was. Half a pound away from my half stone award!

And nearly 6 overall, that's impressive. "

Thanks Ruby. That's been over almost 4yrs and still a few stone to go, but I'll get there

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


Just done a 5km is 29.20 aiminging for sub 29 and it's weigh in day today I hope to have lost a kg (2.2lb) then I would be at the stone and half mark since new year which is really really good

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've just sent an email to sign up for a beginners running group. I can only jog for about 30 seconds at a time, so that's a bit scary

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

That's further than I can jog

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


You've got to start somewhere when I started in the gym about 18months ago I couldn't run 1/4 mile now I can do 5km reasonably ok

Admitley about 4 years ago I was playing football twice a week but piled on the kg when stopped

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


1 1/2 lb lost this week so just another 1/2 lb to get to 1.5 stone happy with that

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

Well done

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *trawberry-popWoman
over a year ago

South East Midlands NOT

Well I'm still teetering around the 2st lost mark. I need to get re-focussed! I've set myself a target to lose 10lbs by easter. Plenty of time to do that but I really need a boost in motivation! I've got a birthday do on the 25th March so hoping I can do it so that the people there comment on my weight loss (haven't seen most of them since pre-diet) but i'm not sure it's enough to be properly noticeable. Grr!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *trawberry-popWoman
over a year ago

South East Midlands NOT

Thread killer alert!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm upto 2 and half mins with the month plank challenge

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By *trawberry-popWoman
over a year ago

South East Midlands NOT

"I'm upto 2 and half mins with the month plank challenge "

Well done! I admit i've never tried to plank!

Weigh in tomorrow...hoping i've taken a chunk out of that half stone!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm feeling really down I stupidly weighed myself as I thought I'd lost weight over the last month but I've lost nothing

I've exercised every day and cut out carbs, reduced sugar and alcohol and don't eat dairy anyway! I'm at a loss tbh

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm feeling really down I stupidly weighed myself as I thought I'd lost weight over the last month but I've lost nothing

I've exercised every day and cut out carbs, reduced sugar and alcohol and don't eat dairy anyway! I'm at a loss tbh "

Just keep at it, if your doing the right things the weight will eventually come off

Keep posative

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm feeling really down I stupidly weighed myself as I thought I'd lost weight over the last month but I've lost nothing

I've exercised every day and cut out carbs, reduced sugar and alcohol and don't eat dairy anyway! I'm at a loss tbh "

You could well have lost inches rather than pounds, do you have any measurements to compare?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

Stayed the same this week, which I suppose is ok as I've had a couple of minor blips. But still...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

With an increase in physical activity, although you may be burning fat cells and using carbs, you may have an increase in water retention. You're body will retain approximately 2-4lbs of water in order to aid in hydration during exercise. And until you become inactive, it won't go anywhere.

It may seem you aren't losing weight, but body measurements are a way of determining your progress preferentially to the scales.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm feeling really down I stupidly weighed myself as I thought I'd lost weight over the last month but I've lost nothing

I've exercised every day and cut out carbs, reduced sugar and alcohol and don't eat dairy anyway! I'm at a loss tbh

You could well have lost inches rather than pounds, do you have any measurements to compare? "

I did wonder this, I don't but can start it now. My clothes are much looser which is why I thought I had lost weight x

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"With an increase in physical activity, although you may be burning fat cells and using carbs, you may have an increase in water retention. You're body will retain approximately 2-4lbs of water in order to aid in hydration during exercise. And until you become inactive, it won't go anywhere.

It may seem you aren't losing weight, but body measurements are a way of determining your progress preferentially to the scales. "

Thank you, I will do this from now on x

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"With an increase in physical activity, although you may be burning fat cells and using carbs, you may have an increase in water retention. You're body will retain approximately 2-4lbs of water in order to aid in hydration during exercise. And until you become inactive, it won't go anywhere.

It may seem you aren't losing weight, but body measurements are a way of determining your progress preferentially to the scales.

Thank you, I will do this from now on x "

You're welcome. x

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"With an increase in physical activity, although you may be burning fat cells and using carbs, you may have an increase in water retention. You're body will retain approximately 2-4lbs of water in order to aid in hydration during exercise. And until you become inactive, it won't go anywhere.

It may seem you aren't losing weight, but body measurements are a way of determining your progress preferentially to the scales.

Thank you, I will do this from now on x "

Same as me, I've stayed the same weight wise for last few week but my clothes feel looser & boobs seem to have shrunk a tad

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

So how is everyone doing this week?

Ive struggled with it being half term, made some poor choices. Got on the scales and unforunately they said a 3 lb gain. I will accept it if it turns out to be correct, draw a line under it then move on.

On plan today and all day tomorrow

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes, it is going fine, 2016 is all about getting bigger, had a great workout session earlier. I did back

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ee VianteWoman
over a year ago

Somewhere in North Norfolk

I hate dieting *sigh*

It's so slow.

Then I get impatient and tempted to stop eating. That never works well. I end up nutso and then binge.

I want to be put in stasis for 6 months and tube fed.

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By *ee VianteWoman
over a year ago

Somewhere in North Norfolk

I want results dammit!

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By *trawberry-popWoman
over a year ago

South East Midlands NOT

I lost 4lbs this week, first week back on track (I keep saying that though!) I have a party over the easter weekend and ideally I'd like to lose another 10lbs! That's just over 2lbs a week. I just need to stay motivated and it CAN be done!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"So how is everyone doing this week?

Ive struggled with it being half term, made some poor choices. Got on the scales and unforunately they said a 3 lb gain. I will accept it if it turns out to be correct, draw a line under it then move on.

On plan today and all day tomorrow "

Good luck. I had a gain last week which I lost this week along with another 2lbs. I got my 1.5 stone loss award tonight too

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Hand on heart thought idd gain, but i managed to pull it back and lose 1.5 lb. Making a total of 2 stone 13 lb

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Hand on heart thought idd gain, but i managed to pull it back and lose 1.5 lb. Making a total of 2 stone 13 lb "

Wow, that's fantastic. Your 3 stone award next week then?

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


"Hand on heart thought idd gain, but i managed to pull it back and lose 1.5 lb. Making a total of 2 stone 13 lb "

Wow proper congratulations

I just weighed myself this morning - the stone and half limit has been beat and smashed

I have lost 10.6kg since new year. 1stone 9lb since new year. I am aiming at 2stone by this time next month before I go to Berlin

I have a smile like a Cheshire Cat this morning

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Hand on heart thought idd gain, but i managed to pull it back and lose 1.5 lb. Making a total of 2 stone 13 lb

Wow proper congratulations

I just weighed myself this morning - the stone and half limit has been beat and smashed

I have lost 10.6kg since new year. 1stone 9lb since new year. I am aiming at 2stone by this time next month before I go to Berlin

I have a smile like a Cheshire Cat this morning "

You doing amazingly well Mike!

I went to hospital yesterday and the technician in the Heart & Lung department saw me and said straight away ive lost weight and he can see it in my face.. I got on the scales at the hospital and i was 17KG lighter then when i was last there in mid December.

He checked my oxygen levels over night and said i no longer needed to use the CPAP machine and as ive lost weight i no longer have severe Sleep Apnea

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

That's great

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I lost 1.5lbs this week - 11 in total this year. Have been beating myself up a little bit for it not being fast enough, but from this week I'm determined to just chill out a little bit. It's still 11lbs, and I'm still 2.5 stone lighter than I was last January. Even if I only lose half a pound a week I'll get there eventually

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I lost 1.5lbs this week - 11 in total this year. Have been beating myself up a little bit for it not being fast enough, but from this week I'm determined to just chill out a little bit. It's still 11lbs, and I'm still 2.5 stone lighter than I was last January. Even if I only lose half a pound a week I'll get there eventually "

Ruby thats stil amazing losses, be proud xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I lost 1.5lbs this week - 11 in total this year. Have been beating myself up a little bit for it not being fast enough, but from this week I'm determined to just chill out a little bit. It's still 11lbs, and I'm still 2.5 stone lighter than I was last January. Even if I only lose half a pound a week I'll get there eventually "

Slow and steady is the way forward as I think it's then incorporated into your lifestyle better.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm going with measuring my waist instead of scales! Starting tomorrow morning!! Been away this weekend but stuck to very healthy eating so quite proud of myself!

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

I've just said fuck it today - a disappointing night last night has led to angry eating today

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


My weekend has been awful food wise but I knew it would be as was away from home and gym

But I am sure I will get back on it

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"My weekend has been awful food wise but I knew it would be as was away from home and gym

But I am sure I will get back on it "

Ive had a dodgey weekend as it was my birthday, but i know how to pull it back. ive made good choices but if i gain i know why.

Starting the gym tomorrow. Might get some water retentio from that but hoping it wont impact the scales this week. need 1 lb for my club 10, and be nice to be into the'26 stone' bracket

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm going with measuring my waist instead of scales! Starting tomorrow morning!! Been away this weekend but stuck to very healthy eating so quite proud of myself! "

I was really spurred on by ever time I fitted into a size down jeans I'd go and buy the next size down ..then I'd try them on every Sunday and as you get closer and closer it really keeps you motivated and seeing the results in a very real and visable way!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I'm going with measuring my waist instead of scales! Starting tomorrow morning!! Been away this weekend but stuck to very healthy eating so quite proud of myself!

I was really spurred on by ever time I fitted into a size down jeans I'd go and buy the next size down ..then I'd try them on every Sunday and as you get closer and closer it really keeps you motivated and seeing the results in a very real and visable way!"

wish id drop a dress size.. few more stone to go before that happens. Though friends say they can see my face get thinner

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By *ikeC81Man
over a year ago


I put a skinny white long sleeved Tshirt on Saturday night. First time in a while. I actually felt comfatable if you asked me 3 months ago I wouldn't but I actually got some really nice compliments from people, I may have to try and go clothes shopping again

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

Surprisingly I lost 1lb this week and finally got my 1/2st award. Not sure how, really

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

I've decided I want to lose 10% of my body weight by 29th of may

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Surprisingly I lost 1lb this week and finally got my 1/2st award. Not sure how, really "

I love it when that happens,, subconsciously you must be doing something right!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Surprisingly I lost 1lb this week and finally got my 1/2st award. Not sure how, really "

Well done

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I've decided I want to lose 10% of my body weight by 29th of may


is there much left to lose? youve done amazing

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"Surprisingly I lost 1lb this week and finally got my 1/2st award. Not sure how, really

I love it when that happens,, subconsciously you must be doing something right! "

Last week I maintained, and I was out on Saturday, and there was chocolate yesterday!

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By *oobsandballsMan
over a year ago

st andrews

"Surprisingly I lost 1lb this week and finally got my 1/2st award. Not sure how, really

Well done "

Thank you

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