By *moked OP Man
over a year ago
Lincoln |
Recently I was asked to explain what is a Smoking Fetish? And why dont I post it in the forums Well here goes and this is purely what my Smoking Fetish is and how it affects me personaly, as many have found out already and boy did they love it as did I
So 1st of all What is a Fetish? ..
fet·ish (plural fet·ish·es)
1. magical object: something, especially an inanimate object, that is revered or worshiped because it is believed to have magical powers or be animated by a spirit
2. object of obsession: an object, idea, or activity that somebody is irrationally obsessed with or attached to
3. object arousing sexual desire: something that arouses sexual excitement or Stimulates and excites somebody, e.g. an inanimate object or nonsexual part of the body etc.
The word fetish comes from the Portuguese word 'feitico' which means 'witchcraft' or magical practice.
So that explained ..Yes i have a "Smoking Fetish" sometimes called "Capnolagnia" I can't explain it and to be honest gave up trying to do that years ago, also I'm neither promoting it or joining the mass hysteria to ban it either..its your choice I just know for me seeing a woman Smoke excites, stimulates, and is visually captivating! Personally I have always thought many women smoking actually look sensual, and in most cases erotic. For me the exhale is the most alluring, wether its a coned exhale, or a tight stream, the exhale is my particular favorite part of the desire (using desire, sounds better than fetish). Its the extension of the Exhale that has me going crazy! In fact that's an understatement. You see, I absolutely love it when a woman Exhales in my face, wether be it in a strong powerful exhale, or a slow sensual exhale. I just love the feelings it invokes. Equally I love to be exhaled on, my nipples chest, neck & {use your imagination lol} and also find smokey kissing very sensual too as its exhaled into me! And the fact I don't actually Smoke floors most people lol, in fact normally I find the smell of cigarette smoke rising from the cigarette on its own to be horrible , and distasteful , and a guy Smoking does absolutely nothing for me except make me want to find fresh air and leave the room..but something unexplainable happens when a woman inhales and then exhales her smoke. It is amazingly erotic watching the smoke pour from her lips and travel across the room or at me..I'm told I look almost hypnotized , captured with a lost look lol when smoke is blown in my face Its very visual and I'm sure there are connections with the Oral aspect, i.e. Lips, Mouth Tongue etc...But I just know it drives me Crazy..the whole thing arrouses me intensly hence my love of pictures videos of the Fetish and talking about it etc, and wether weird or crazy I never want to not feel those feelings/tingles and intense pleasure it gives me!..All the senses take over in what becomes a wonderful sensory overload for me. The anticipation is so strong as the woman in front of me inhales deep , and then with a very knowing sensual look starts to exhale! Visually , the sight of the smoke leaving those beautiful soft sensual lips and traveling towards me makes me crazy and weak at the knees. Now some of you will find the next bit hard to swallow but I assure you its true..Because the Smell when the smoke is Exhaled is very different than the smell of smoke directly from a cigarette , again I cannot explain. It's very intoxicating. The smell is mixed with the lipstick and the woman's natural and man-made perfumes as well as the actual smell of the smoke. All of this is difficult to put into words. but somehow , all of those senses when combined , create a spontaneous reaction and it puts me under her erotic spell , giving her a sensuous power over me , like a very strong aphrodisiac. Definitely sensual and sexually arousing to me
The anticipation is heightened knowing in an instant the voluminous exhaled smoke will soon be caressing my skin , in a cool blown steady stream , working my every sense sending waves of tingles through me , capturing and controling me etc...Also Smoking can and indeed does enhance anything sexual , and for me is very Physical, and mentally as well as visually stimulating to all my senses. Who said you only have the Cig after Sex lol , whats wrong with during?
So now you know here endeth the lesson  |