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mums and dads will be forced to look for work

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Single mums and dads will now be forced to look for work as soon as their child reaches seven. In 2012, the child age will be lowered to five. Are you a single parent? Are you worried about the changes and finding a job?

Do you think the changes are a good thing?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

'bout bloody time too.

Why should I bust my balls at work to fund other peoples kids ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Personally I think they should go to work once the child is in school. What the rationale in having someone sitting on their arse all day while I work to look after their kids!

I think it's fair enough to help while the child is young, but it's pushing it to expect people to pay for the choices others make.

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By *oe_Steve_NWestCouple
over a year ago


It won't make any difference to those that simply don't want to work - if they did they would be already! It may even make some have another child - it sounds good in theory but a bit short sighted - there are other steps that could be taken that would be more effective than this policy. Z

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

we both worked from our kids were no age,we had to work,no choice,the bills didnt stop coming in just because we had more mouths to feed.

too many want everything for nothing,that the state owes it to them,get off yr arse n work,we had to,our parents had to and thier parents before them

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I think myself if your child is 3 and you should be made to pay for them to private Nursery and work full time over 16 hours pw lots of scroungers who sponge from the state just have kids after kids as the tax payer forks the bill

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

we have this benefits culture they should scrap the whole thing if you dont want to work or cant find a job you should be taken off the benefits child or no child i would love to see it scrapped for good and people who dont want to work will live on the streets this may sound harsh but we need to stop it and get the scroungers into work no work no pay

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The problem here is, we'll still be forking the bill if they all did work, it'll just move to something else, in fact a single parent will probably get more handouts in working tax credits when they do start work than they get now on benefits, its a vicious circle.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"The problem here is, we'll still be forking the bill if they all did work, it'll just move to something else, in fact a single parent will probably get more handouts in working tax credits when they do start work than they get now on benefits, its a vicious circle."
easy scrap the tax credit and only give it to the working couple who have been in a job for over 3 years

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Don't agree with much of what's been said. I agree in principle with some of it if not with the reasoning behind it.

1. What of workers who have more children than I do? Why should i subsidise them ?

2. What of the lower paid receiving child benefit ? Why should the well paid subsidise their kids ?

3. What of the argument that families are unstable because of lack of parental contact ? That this contributes to guilt gifts , consumerism , fragmentation and break down ?

4. What of the cost of nurseries ? Or is the state expected to provide free care ? If so , again why should I pay for nurseries for other peoples kids ? Are schools really child minding facilities ?

5. Why is there so much I I I in these arguments ? Does caring for others in communities actually exist ? If a not so brainy mate can't get a higher paid job - is it their fault? Should they have children ? Should their children have less necessities than other children ? Why are scruffy waifs still held to be problematic when it's really the well heeled , gadget posessing spoilt brat of highly paid twats that has the attitude probs ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

oops Sorry louise n john ....

People should have a choice whether to work or not.

If they choose not to work they should not receive benefits.

People with children under school age should not work full stop.

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By (user no longer on site)
Forum Mod

over a year ago

So you're a single mum with a 7 yr old and now you have been forced to go to work

You have to find an employer that will let you have 13 weeks off a year,work around school times and pay you enough to cover childcare costs if they don't allow term time working

Not easy it you hav'nt got a good support network of family and friends around you

Not everyone is lucky enough to be in that situation

I don't have a clue about benefits or what you recieve if you're a single parent as I hav'nt been in that situation,im just thinking how hard it was to juggle work and a family when we moved to a new town,and that was with the support of a husband that also had to get up at 5 to travel 70 miles to get to work everyday

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By *ot cottons tabardMan
over a year ago


I'd vote for means tested pregnancies. At the first doctors appointment the potential mother needs to prove she is able to financially care for any infant that may be born, or else she's the brand new recipient of a knitting needle and a bottle of gin.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"oops Sorry louise n john ....

People should have a choice whether to work or not.

If they choose not to work they should not receive benefits.

People with children under school age should not work full stop. "

if they have kids they should be made to work why should us as a tax payer fund it i would love to see the whole thing scrapped this i know a girl in Leeds who says whay should i work when the state pays for us etc she got the wrong!Attitude and she got 14 children likes of her should only be paid for 1 child not fucking 14?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The working tax credit is a benefit that only working people get, hence the name. Why scrap a good incentive to get people into work and off welfare?

As for forcing people back into work once a child reaches a certain age, I think it will prove unworkable as you simply cannot force people to work if they have no intention of doing so, and what employer wants a worker who simply doesn't want to work? They'll be in and out of work every few weeks causing an administrative nightmare for the benefits system. I think offering a one-time 6 months tax amnesty for the long term unemployed would go a long way to getting the workshy back into full time employment as that would negate the need to give them benefits to compliment the lower wage they'll get than what they'd get if they stayed on benefits.

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By *oe_Steve_NWestCouple
over a year ago


I was a single parent for a while - still worked - paid for before and after school care - didn't get any benefits - didn't have a good support network really - I just got on with it - I think I was OK because I have always worked - if you have never worked then to be put in this situation where you have to look for a job would potentially be more difficult. Unfortunately, there are too many people who are too deeply entrenched in the welfare culture and feel that they don't need to work. As I said before, those that don't want to work won't - Z

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

Having a child (especially when they are at school most of the time) is no excuse for not working.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'd vote for means tested pregnancies. At the first doctors appointment the potential mother needs to prove she is able to financially care for any infant that may be born, or else she's the brand new recipient of a knitting needle and a bottle of gin."

That is so harsh!

I was married with 3 kids under 6 when i split up from my exhusband i had no choice but to go on benefits untill i found a job,benefits were a godsend but i definalty wasnt well off on them.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Unfortunately, there are too many people who are too deeply entrenched in the welfare culture and feel that they don't need to work. As I said before, those that don't want to work won't.


Exactly. Change they way they think and you'll change the way they live.

Id be in favour of bringing back some sort of workhouse system where the shame of being sent to the workhouse would be enough to get them off their lazy arses.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Single mum of 2 i have work with both children. Yes i get working and child tax credit to help toward my daughter 1200 a month child care cost. (Which they dont pay the full amount i still have to find the other £500 towards it)

Yes i have tried to find cheep child care but where i live its the only place where they can take her from 8am -6pm.

So would i be classed as a scrouger even tho i can work anything from 40-60 hours a week??

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I'd vote for means tested pregnancies. At the first doctors appointment the potential mother needs to prove she is able to financially care for any infant that may be born, or else she's the brand new recipient of a knitting needle and a bottle of gin.

That is so harsh!Sorry to hear about the split up don’t you think if you was not better of on benefits you should of came of them to go and get yourself ,

I was married with 3 kids under 6 when i split up from my exhusband i had no choice but to go on benefits untill i found a job,benefits were a godsend but i definalty wasnt well off on them."

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Single mum of 2 i have work with both children. Yes i get working and child tax credit to help toward my daughter 1200 a month child care cost. (Which they dont pay the full amount i still have to find the other £500 towards it)

Yes i have tried to find cheep child care but where i live its the only place where they can take her from 8am -6pm.

So would i be classed as a scrouger even tho i can work anything from 40-60 hours a week?? "

£1200 a month!! Fookin hell, and here's me whining about the £550 we pay for our son! Where do you send her? Eton?? lol

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By *oe_Steve_NWestCouple
over a year ago


"Single mum of 2 i have work with both children. Yes i get working and child tax credit to help toward my daughter 1200 a month child care cost. (Which they dont pay the full amount i still have to find the other £500 towards it)

Yes i have tried to find cheep child care but where i live its the only place where they can take her from 8am -6pm.

So would i be classed as a scrouger even tho i can work anything from 40-60 hours a week?? "

I certainly wouldn't class you as a scounger - tax credits are a good thing, you're working and paying tax yourself - Z

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Single mum of 2 i have work with both children. Yes i get working and child tax credit to help toward my daughter 1200 a month child care cost. (Which they dont pay the full amount i still have to find the other £500 towards it)

Yes i have tried to find cheep child care but where i live its the only place where they can take her from 8am -6pm.

So would i be classed as a scrouger even tho i can work anything from 40-60 hours a week??

£1200 a month!! Fookin hell, and here's me whining about the £550 we pay for our son! Where do you send her? Eton?? lol "

I wished its the price i have to pay even if i sent her to nursery i still have to pay a child minder whilst shes there! Ever feel like ur being screwed n not in a good way!

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By *oe_Steve_NWestCouple
over a year ago


Right, back to work for me!!! Z

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I wished its the price i have to pay even if i sent her to nursery i still have to pay a child minder whilst shes there! Ever feel like ur being screwed n not in a good way! "

How come? Surely the nursery would become the child minder?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Single mum of 2 i have work with both children. Yes i get working and child tax credit to help toward my daughter 1200 a month child care cost. (Which they dont pay the full amount i still have to find the other £500 towards it)

Yes i have tried to find cheep child care but where i live its the only place where they can take her from 8am -6pm.

So would i be classed as a scrouger even tho i can work anything from 40-60 hours a week??

I certainly wouldn't class you as a scounger - tax credits are a good thing, you're working and paying tax yourself - Z"

Yes i do and have been since i was 17! I didnt plan on my husband passing away and if it wasnt for the help i would be on full benifets

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By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

people moan about the kids of today yet we are not allowed to parent our children anymore.

may as well start opening up massive kids homes to chuck kids in so parents can work and and anyold person can raise the kids seeing as raising your own kids aint the done thing anymore.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I wished its the price i have to pay even if i sent her to nursery i still have to pay a child minder whilst shes there! Ever feel like ur being screwed n not in a good way!

How come? Surely the nursery would become the child minder? "

She can only go mornings from 930 to 1pm because of her age. I start work at 830 so she would have to go to a child minder before i start and i would then need her to pick her up to keep her till i finish. Because she cant take another child on whilst she at nursery i have to pay as if she was there!

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By *ummy mummyWoman
over a year ago


"So you're a single mum with a 7 yr old and now you have been forced to go to work

You have to find an employer that will let you have 13 weeks off a year,work around school times and pay you enough to cover childcare costs if they don't allow term time working

Not easy it you hav'nt got a good support network of family and friends around you

Not everyone is lucky enough to be in that situation

I don't have a clue about benefits or what you recieve if you're a single parent as I hav'nt been in that situation,im just thinking how hard it was to juggle work and a family when we moved to a new town,and that was with the support of a husband that also had to get up at 5 to travel 70 miles to get to work everyday"

I am a single mum with a 5 year old son and 3 year old twin girls.My husband left when the twins were 4 months old and yes I have been on benefits since. I did work before my son was born and before the twins were born so no I am not a waster who doesn;t want to work. I don't have any of my family here as I am originally from Canada so the support system is pretty much minimal.

I am looking forward to working again, but at the same time stressing about the hours, cost of childcare ,transport etc as I do not drive. I am not trying to come across as poor me...but it seems that a lot of people are painting everyone on benefits with the same brush.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I wished its the price i have to pay even if i sent her to nursery i still have to pay a child minder whilst shes there! Ever feel like ur being screwed n not in a good way!

How come? Surely the nursery would become the child minder?

She can only go mornings from 930 to 1pm because of her age. I start work at 830 so she would have to go to a child minder before i start and i would then need her to pick her up to keep her till i finish. Because she cant take another child on whilst she at nursery i have to pay as if she was there!


Sounds like both the nursery and the child minder have got you by the short n curlies. One of my bug bears is that we have to pay for littleun's place at nursery even when he's off sick for a week cos of a bug he caught whilst there!

If he is sick he has to have two clear days of being well before we can send him back and only last week I turned up to collect him and he was outside in the play area in just a fookin t-shirt (which was wet through as he'd been playing in the water area) and all his cold weather gear was inside on his peg. To say I flipped is putting it mildly.

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By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

"So you're a single mum with a 7 yr old and now you have been forced to go to work

You have to find an employer that will let you have 13 weeks off a year,work around school times and pay you enough to cover childcare costs if they don't allow term time working

Not easy it you hav'nt got a good support network of family and friends around you

Not everyone is lucky enough to be in that situation

I don't have a clue about benefits or what you recieve if you're a single parent as I hav'nt been in that situation,im just thinking how hard it was to juggle work and a family when we moved to a new town,and that was with the support of a husband that also had to get up at 5 to travel 70 miles to get to work everyday

I am a single mum with a 5 year old son and 3 year old twin girls.My husband left when the twins were 4 months old and yes I have been on benefits since. I did work before my son was born and before the twins were born so no I am not a waster who doesn;t want to work. I don't have any of my family here as I am originally from Canada so the support system is pretty much minimal.

I am looking forward to working again, but at the same time stressing about the hours, cost of childcare ,transport etc as I do not drive. I am not trying to come across as poor me...but it seems that a lot of people are painting everyone on benefits with the same brush. "

they always do on here. but i seem to notice all these people working so hard spend enough time on a swinging forum during the day hahah...

peoples lifes are all diffrent, people could call me a spunger not working on benfits when i have a 5 year old at school, but many dont dont know about our lifes, thats she is disabled and it would be impossable for me to get a job that will fit around my childs needs and app's which happen weekly. too many people judge on here.... with having no facts its makes them invalid so i would not worry.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Agree with much of that Kitty.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Agree with Kitty.

Some very judgmental people on here who seem to have time to post when they claim to be grafting their nuts off supporting the "scroungers".

I don't know why you lot don't call for everyhting to be scrapped including the NHS and then no-one pay tax.

Survival of the fittest seems to be the shout on here and sod everyone else.

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"Agree with Kitty.

Some very judgmental people on here who seem to have time to post when they claim to be grafting their nuts off supporting the "scroungers".

I don't know why you lot don't call for everyhting to be scrapped including the NHS and then no-one pay tax.

Survival of the fittest seems to be the shout on here and sod everyone else."

You should take up drama.

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By *illyrocCouple
over a year ago

north west

[Removed by poster at 25/10/10 13:16:23]

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By *ustyWoman
over a year ago


am a single parent and work, perhaps it will get those of there backsides and stopping sponging of the system, getting housing benefit, council tax paid, and everything else.... about time, i was out of work last year for 6 months and got no help at all still had to keep my daughter and me oh and my flat as well with bills etc was told i had capital which is tied up in a financial settlement still, when you really need the help you cant get it yet there are the ones who get everything going............ at long last something is being done about it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Is that a dagger I see before me ?

Survival of the fittest seems the shout on here !

Out damn spot out !

Come to think of it ....... I AM forced to work by virtue of the fact that no one gives me ANYTHING for nothin' and I like eating and being warm ! Bastards.

Im going to pay my indirect tax now. OKA the lottery

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Agree with Kitty.

Some very judgmental people on here who seem to have time to post when they claim to be grafting their nuts off supporting the "scroungers"."

While you're at it let's ban working people from using the internet between their start and finishing hours eh?

Make them leave the iPhones and Blackberries in their lockers whilst on company time, take their laptops away from them too.

Hell, I'm being paid to sit here all day as my employer doesn't want me to fuck off and get another job elsewhere so maybe I should have my b/band disconnected huh?

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By *illyrocCouple
over a year ago

north west

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work. "

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked."

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Agree with Kitty.

Some very judgmental people on here who seem to have time to post when they claim to be grafting their nuts off supporting the "scroungers".

While you're at it let's ban working people from using the internet between their start and finishing hours eh?Lol i agree we work our guts so we can have some time to sit on here as we getting paid to do our jobs and having an break means i can sit and enjoy fab no sitting on my ass claiming jobseekrs etc

Make them leave the iPhones and Blackberries in their lockers whilst on company time, take their laptops away from them too.

Hell, I'm being paid to sit here all day as my employer doesn't want me to fuck off and get another job elsewhere so maybe I should have my b/band disconnected huh?


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By *illyrocCouple
over a year ago

north west

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please. "

SIMPLE because they dont just get child allowances the get rent council tax and every thing else paid for

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please.

SIMPLE because they dont just get child allowances the get rent council tax and every thing else paid for "

Rent ? they live in council housing ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please. "

I dont think this just refers to child benefit !!!

I assume it also encompasses all the other benefits so called scroungers get.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please.

I dont think this just refers to child benefit !!!

I assume it also encompasses all the other benefits so called scroungers get.


true true hun i think it would be a good idea if they Contraceptive coils to the females who have more than 3 children this way they dont get pregant and claim more money from the state.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'd vote for means tested pregnancies. At the first doctors appointment the potential mother needs to prove she is able to financially care for any infant that may be born, or else she's the brand new recipient of a knitting needle and a bottle of gin.

That is so harsh!Sorry to hear about the split up don’t you think if you was not better of on benefits you should of came of them to go and get yourself ,

I was married with 3 kids under 6 when i split up from my exhusband i had no choice but to go on benefits untill i found a job,benefits were a godsend but i definalty wasnt well off on them."

That was 10 yrs ago,my youngest was 2 so finding a job that that enabled me to be home when the older ones finished school wasnt easy..

What im trying to say is everyones personal circumstances are different,like Kittys so people shouldnt be so quick to judge.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please.

I dont think this just refers to child benefit !!!

I assume it also encompasses all the other benefits so called scroungers get.

true true hun i think it would be a good idea if they Contraceptive coils to the females who have more than 3 children this way they dont get pregant and claim more money from the state."

Jesus fucking christ....... Does the word Nazi mean anything here ?

Do these women get pregnant on their own ?

Why not have the working class put down at birth. Solved.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

it is not just people with kids who get housing benfit and counil tax, if people seriously think people will have kids (all of them) just for the money how stupid. do u know how much money u have to live on.... yea i can afford nice holidays flashy cars and massive tellys NOT

hold on my butler just came in wanting to know if i want my silver cleaned

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *b430Man
over a year ago


"Jesus fucking christ....... Does the word Nazi mean anything here ?

Do these women get pregnant on their own ?

Why not have the working class put down at birth. Solved."

Whatever happened to "Answers in a civil tongue please"?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Jesus fucking christ....... Does the word Nazi mean anything here ?

Do these women get pregnant on their own ?

Why not have the working class put down at birth. Solved.

You never asked for one :P Besides.... It was not meant to be uncivil. The tone was friendly .. with a bit of Anglo Saxon Shock.

Whatever happened to "Answers in a civil tongue please"? "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Damn ... I quoted wrong

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

u know what i got a disabled kid, i get a free car and extra money also god forbid FREE NAPPYS.... shall i go on to have more disabled kids to see what else i can get!!!!

god some people make me puke.

some people actully have children cos they love their kids and want to have a family and they actully want to bring their kids up and not leave it to someone else to do, not everyone just wants what they can get out of it... beleive me the benfits aint nothing compaed to a pain in the arse kid lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"it is not just people with kids who get housing benfit and counil tax, if people seriously think people will have kids (all of them) just for the money how stupid. do u know how much money u have to live on.... yea i can afford nice holidays flashy cars and massive tellys NOT

hold on my butler just came in wanting to know if i want my silver cleaned "

Get him to butter me a scone Kitty. My butler is shit but what can you expect when he's paid for by the sweat of others.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please.

I dont think this just refers to child benefit !!!

I assume it also encompasses all the other benefits so called scroungers get.

true true hun i think it would be a good idea if they Contraceptive coils to the females who have more than 3 children this way they dont get pregant and claim more money from the state.

Jesus fucking christ....... Does the word Nazi mean anything here ?

Do these women get pregnant on their own ?

Why not have the working class put down at birth. Solved."

as far as I am concerned this is not a witch hunt or against women in general !! there are single dads out there as well !!!

And while I don't agree with a lot of the harsh ways "to put things right"

You have to agree that there is a problem and some one some where has to come up with a solution.

I for one am not saying it's easy I have 3 sons and luckily enough both me and there mum ( now ex) where in full time employment... but the nature of my job meant I worked away for 24 days of every month !!!! which helped towards us getting divorced se always classed herself as a single parent lol !!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

"it is not just people with kids who get housing benfit and counil tax, if people seriously think people will have kids (all of them) just for the money how stupid. do u know how much money u have to live on.... yea i can afford nice holidays flashy cars and massive tellys NOT

hold on my butler just came in wanting to know if i want my silver cleaned

Get him to butter me a scone Kitty. My butler is shit but what can you expect when he's paid for by the sweat of others. "

i dont pay for mine, he is stolen!! like how this benfit theif steals her weekly food shopping!!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

half a million public sector jobs being axed, cut backs everywhere

more people being made to look for work

where are all these jobs going to come from?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *illyrocCouple
over a year ago

north west

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please.

I dont think this just refers to child benefit !!!

I assume it also encompasses all the other benefits so called scroungers get.

true true hun i think it would be a good idea if they Contraceptive coils to the females who have more than 3 children this way they dont get pregant and claim more money from the state.

Jesus fucking christ....... Does the word Nazi mean anything here ?

Do these women get pregnant on their own ?

Why not have the working class put down at birth. Solved."

I never said anything about ppl that work, most ppl with 4, 5 or 6 kids that claim benefits live in rented accommodation and get everthing paid for, only the other night on the news was a woman with 4 kids who had a brand new house and people carrier and she would need £60,000 a year to work, who would give her £60,000 a year job as she has never worked, and wtf has its not just a woman to make a baby got to do with it I am on about the benefits that they get, you have obviously locked in your house too long granny, and I am sick of paying hundreds of pounds a week to subsidise these layabouts who dont work and never intend to as they have so many benefits for having kids!!!! and as for the nazi thing isnt that a comment just to start stirring

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

make them work i say for benefits..... our daughter is married having to rent privately due to not being able to get a mortgage, her hubby works all the hours under the sun, she will be returning to work in feb after maternity leave, and yet his brother hasnt worked for 18 yrs opening says he never wants to work, has three children and some how manages to buy games for his wi every week.........bugs me too right it bugs meeeeee grrrrrrrrr!!!!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

i hope i am carrying twins.... LOADSA MONEY

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please.

I dont think this just refers to child benefit !!!

I assume it also encompasses all the other benefits so called scroungers get.

true true hun i think it would be a good idea if they Contraceptive coils to the females who have more than 3 children this way they dont get pregant and claim more money from the state.

Jesus fucking christ....... Does the word Nazi mean anything here ?

Do these women get pregnant on their own ?

Why not have the working class put down at birth. Solved.

I never said anything about ppl that work, most ppl with 4, 5 or 6 kids that claim benefits live in rented accommodation and get everthing paid for, only the other night on the news was a woman with 4 kids who had a brand new house and people carrier and she would need £60,000 a year to work, who would give her £60,000 a year job as she has never worked, and wtf has its not just a woman to make a baby got to do with it I am on about the benefits that they get, you have obviously locked in your house too long granny, and I am sick of paying hundreds of pounds a week to subsidise these layabouts who dont work and never intend to as they have so many benefits for having kids!!!! and as for the nazi thing isnt that a comment just to start stirring "

I never make personal comment and I wont now even though some have now been made to me.

Please feel free to message me privately if you want to. I won't enter into irrational argument.

Ta x

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *illyrocCouple
over a year ago

north west

"I would only pay child allowance on first two kids.

Have more than two.... you feed and clothe them, your on your own.

I would put a ceiling on total benefits.

No way should people get more in total benefits than someone who works.

Max benefits should be less than average take home wage.

Help the sick and needy, but make the lazy ones work.

Spot on there ,Ive been saying this for ages more than 2 kids pay your self it will save us multi millions.We are sick of seeing people with 4,5,6, Kids in big houses having it all payed for and never worked.

I never get this ..... This is a similar argument to .. Single women have children for the money.. Im serious now .. I NEVER get this argument ....

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Answers in a civil tongue please.

I dont think this just refers to child benefit !!!

I assume it also encompasses all the other benefits so called scroungers get.

true true hun i think it would be a good idea if they Contraceptive coils to the females who have more than 3 children this way they dont get pregant and claim more money from the state.

Jesus fucking christ....... Does the word Nazi mean anything here ?

Do these women get pregnant on their own ?

Why not have the working class put down at birth. Solved.

I never said anything about ppl that work, most ppl with 4, 5 or 6 kids that claim benefits live in rented accommodation and get everthing paid for, only the other night on the news was a woman with 4 kids who had a brand new house and people carrier and she would need £60,000 a year to work, who would give her £60,000 a year job as she has never worked, and wtf has its not just a woman to make a baby got to do with it I am on about the benefits that they get, you have obviously locked in your house too long granny, and I am sick of paying hundreds of pounds a week to subsidise these layabouts who dont work and never intend to as they have so many benefits for having kids!!!! and as for the nazi thing isnt that a comment just to start stirring

I never make personal comment and I wont now even though some have now been made to me.

Please feel free to message me privately if you want to. I won't enter into irrational argument.

Ta x "

Typical well dont start branding the word Nazi in public then and stick to your own advice !!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Is there a need to quote and re-quote entire passages just to have a private spat with someone?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Single parents would love to go out and work , but if this government want ever single parent to work , where are the jobs that allow them to take care of their child when they arent at school , where are the jobs that are within school hours ?

Where are the childminders that would take a child from 6.30 am in the morning to allow a nurse to start a shift at half seven , and would the said child minder , feed them , get them ready take them to school , collect them again and give them dinner , and have them bathed and in bed for the single parent nurse coming off shift and home for 8 at night if not later.

Whilst getting people back to work is a good idea , there simply arent the jobs out there for them to do which fits with family life of a single parent , not all single parents have family who live near enough to do baby sitting duties .

So come on get a grip government , make real jobs for real people and the single parent would happily go to work in the hours their children are at school and safe in the knowledge that they would be there when there children got home from school .

There simply arent enough jobs for every adult in this country to work and thats fact.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If say C.Benefit was £20 and I had six kids and got £120 how the fuck does that buy a big house, a big car and a holiday AND feed and clothe six kids ?

Child benefit is £20 for the first child only , subsequent children get £13 odds , so not quite the £120 that the poster refers too.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

If we all sat back for a minute, I think we all know the type of person people are referring to when they talk about scroungers… generally, people who have never worked and have no interest trying to find work… people with no work ethic whatsoever, who think working is a mugs game.

Now if some of you sensitive souls want to sport that cap… feel free, it’s your choice to put it on your head.

I could be wrong but I don’t think anyone has said it is easy to find a job when you have to consider the care of your child/children… and I am pretty sure no one has said parents shouldn’t raise their own children… or are we now labelling working parents as neglectful.

My mates mum had an overlocking machine in her living room and did piece work from home… often earning more than those who worked factory hours as she would do a bit extra in the evenings if there was nothing on the telly.

There are many types of jobs which can be done from home… they may not be the best paid or the most rewarding in terms of personal growth… but they are jobs nevertheless.

Then there are those who find a way to work for themselves from home… the possibilities for that one are endless.

So, I reiterate my earlier post … having a child (especially when they are at school most of the time) is no excuse for not working. It may not be easy to find a job, you may not get a very well paid job and for some there will be more understandable barriers than for others… but the stand alone fact of “I have a child” is no excuse for not trying. Where there is a will there is a way.

Kitty, you say it is impossible for you to find a job which doesn’t clash with your child’s needs… you are right, because once you decide it is impossible it will be.

There’s an old quote “whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right”…. The problem with too many people in this country is – they have decided they can’t before they even try.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Single parents would love to go out and work , but if this government want ever single parent to work , where are the jobs that allow them to take care of their child when they arent at school , where are the jobs that are within school hours ?

Where are the childminders that would take a child from 6.30 am in the morning to allow a nurse to start a shift at half seven , and would the said child minder , feed them , get them ready take them to school , collect them again and give them dinner , and have them bathed and in bed for the single parent nurse coming off shift and home for 8 at night if not later.

Whilst getting people back to work is a good idea , there simply arent the jobs out there for them to do which fits with family life of a single parent , not all single parents have family who live near enough to do baby sitting duties .

So come on get a grip government , make real jobs for real people and the single parent would happily go to work in the hours their children are at school and safe in the knowledge that they would be there when there children got home from school .

There simply arent enough jobs for every adult in this country to work and thats fact."

Well said. There are lots of factors to consider. It's amazing the number of people who blame the jobless and the pregnant for how society is run.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well said Polo. If I were a woman and you were a man I'd have your babies for saying that, but as the roles are reversed you'll have to have one of mine - I'm setting up franchises you know.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Well said Polo. If I were a woman and you were a man I'd have your babies for saying that, but as the roles are reversed you'll have to have one of mine - I'm setting up franchises you know. "

Just as long as she works from home once she's had it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Single mum of 2 i have work with both children. Yes i get working and child tax credit to help toward my daughter 1200 a month child care cost. (Which they dont pay the full amount i still have to find the other £500 towards it)

Yes i have tried to find cheep child care but where i live its the only place where they can take her from 8am -6pm.

So would i be classed as a scrouger even tho i can work anything from 40-60 hours a week??

£1200 a month!! Fookin hell, and here's me whining about the £550 we pay for our son! Where do you send her? Eton?? lol "

It's £1,500 a month at the nursery where my daughter works, and she doesn't earn that a month!!! You have to be on a serious wage to afford that!!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *illyrocCouple
over a year ago

north west

Polo, Totally agree with your comments, also when the economy was booming a lot of these work shy ppl still didnt want to work, and even the ones on the low income jobs with 4 or 5 kids were on £400 per week extra with family tax credits! Sometimes truthful comments hits a nerve

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Well said Polo. If I were a woman and you were a man I'd have your babies for saying that, but as the roles are reversed you'll have to have one of mine - I'm setting up franchises you know.

Just as long as she works from home once she's had it. "

I'm sure I can find a few punters for her. Loads of men love being flogged till they bleed!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"Well said Polo. If I were a woman and you were a man I'd have your babies for saying that, but as the roles are reversed you'll have to have one of mine - I'm setting up franchises you know.

Just as long as she works from home once she's had it. "

Well as my employer offers job-share, flexi-hours, term-time contracts and all that other bumf they offer people who pop out sprogs... and the fact I can and do already work from home.... I can't see that being a problem.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Well said Polo. If I were a woman and you were a man I'd have your babies for saying that, but as the roles are reversed you'll have to have one of mine - I'm setting up franchises you know.

Just as long as she works from home once she's had it.

Well as my employer offers job-share, flexi-hours, term-time contracts and all that other bumf they offer people who pop out sprogs... and the fact I can and do already work from home.... I can't see that being a problem."

Can't wait! If i'm not around during conception be sure to send me a pic of the end result

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i think it stinks i have 2 kids eldest 10 youngest 5 , i have worked from eldest being 4 weeks old , i get tax credits ect and work 16 hours a week in a job i hate im stuck in cant do anything else because there is no childcare near me for my 10 year old , if the gov are insisting single parents go to work they need to ensure better childcare provision , my other issue is most childcare fininshes at 6pm so what is the likley hood of getting a job that finishes around the same time well in my eperience slim to none . I would love to work full time but i just cant i have even looked at getting a nanny but as it would mean me loosing taxcredits its not worth it .

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Now you've had it. History woman cometh

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Agree with Kitty.

Some very judgmental people on here who seem to have time to post when they claim to be grafting their nuts off supporting the "scroungers".

I don't know why you lot don't call for everyhting to be scrapped including the NHS and then no-one pay tax.

Survival of the fittest seems to be the shout on here and sod everyone else."

I don't see the correlation between people working and posting on forums. Just as there wouldn't be one for people posting on forums instead of actively looking for work!!!

The fact of the matter is "but for the grace of God...". The benefit system is there to help those that need it - I think very few people would argue with that.

If you struggle with one child why would you compound it by having two, three, four...and not expect to work? If you don't have a work ethic what usually happens, the next generation follows suit: THAT'S what I have a problem with.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"i think it stinks i have 2 kids eldest 10 youngest 5 , i have worked from eldest being 4 weeks old , i get tax credits ect and work 16 hours a week in a job i hate im stuck in cant do anything else because there is no childcare near me for my 10 year old , if the gov are insisting single parents go to work they need to ensure better childcare provision , my other issue is most childcare fininshes at 6pm so what is the likley hood of getting a job that finishes around the same time well in my eperience slim to none . I would love to work full time but i just cant i have even looked at getting a nanny but as it would mean me loosing taxcredits its not worth it . "

Have you looked at becoming qualified as a nanny... as there seems to be such a huge gap in the market around where you live.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

That is assuming there are jobs to apply for.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm looking up nanny training now ...... seems a lengthy and expensive business...

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *harpDressed ManMan
over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

"That is assuming there are jobs to apply for."

Do you want fries with that?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm looking up nanny training now ...... seems a lengthy and expensive business... "

Try men-in-diapers.com .. the nannies there earn a fookin fortune!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"some people actully have children cos they love their kids and want to have a family and they actully want to bring their kids up and not leave it to someone else to do, "

This is the type of comment that annoys the hell out of me from single mothers!!

They assume because they sit at home looking after the children they can't afford whilst the rest of us mugs work we are bad mothers for leaving our children in the care of others!!

It's a bit rich!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Now that's scary!! I said men-in-diapers without knowing if there was an actual website behind it.... and there is!!!!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i wouldnt want to look after children its not what im trained not what id want to do , i work my 16 hours but i dont have a family support network near me so it is hard , alot of childminders dont want to look after children 10 plus near me so its difficult the school closed the before and after school club near me due to lack of children so this didnt help matters at all , i only get tax credits i dont get any extra help with housing benifit ect as i am able to manage on what i earn , i am aware that i could claim this that and the other but i choose not to dont see why i should if i am able to manage on what i get

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *harpDressed ManMan
over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

For those advocating a "two child limit" for benefit eligibility....

If I (who have no kids) get together with a lady with three kids, whose previous record is taken into consideration when we want to have a child between us? Bit harsh to punish my child for the existence of two half-siblings...

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Now that's scary!! I said men-in-diapers without knowing if there was an actual website behind it.... and there is!!!! "

too late Wishy! the image of you all nappied up is here to stay.

I looked up the nannies - not literally - and I want to go go Norland.......the uniform is great! Hate kids tho ...... is that a problem ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Would never deprive a child of anything, that’s what this thread equates to, unfortunately children cannot pick their parents, good luck to the parents on their measly £60 a week or whatever it is they get these days, but keep reading the daily mail because being on benefits doesn’t make people live like kings and queens, they simply live by their means. Keep buying your £50 perfume and a new pair of shoes each week and be proud you earned them, next time you pop out for a cut and blow dry and a meal just think that you’d have spent all your benefit within an hour if you were unemployed.

Just a shame all unemployed people get tarred with the same brush, personally speaking I’d rather pay my taxes to someone who will benefit that it going to keep prisoners in prisons, but then again they’re more worthy than the poor lass at the end of the road with 3 kids, who’s other half fucked off to live with the barmaid from his local.

Not sure about forcing single parents to work when their kids hit 5, they should force one parent to stay at home until they hit 5, too many kids shipped from pillar to post to appease ones lifestyle these days and personally feel that’s a huge part of why society is the way it is today. Family values out the window…..

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If anyone wants to talk about limiting the amount of children one should be 'allowed' to have... do a search on the following:

"woman in china forced to have abortion at 8 months pregnant"

This was in the news yesterday so should be easy to find.

The reason?

She'd already had her quota of children as permitted under Chinese law.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"I'm looking up nanny training now ...... seems a lengthy and expensive business... "

12 months, distance learning, £320-£497 and no doubt some areas of the country will have grants available.

May not be easy.... but certainly not impossible.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ertnbeckyCouple
over a year ago


"I'd vote for means tested pregnancies. At the first doctors appointment the potential mother needs to prove she is able to financially care for any infant that may be born, or else she's the brand new recipient of a knitting needle and a bottle of gin."
you are disgusting

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I would not like to see the welfare system totally abolished, after all no one can predict for every eventuality and people do often through no fault of their own fall on hard times. I do think there should be a time limit on it though. I also think that it should be made a lot less of an attractive option by either paying less or being paid in vouchers etc, as it should provide basics and not luxuries.

Where I think there should be a big shake up though is for people continuing to have children when they are already unable to support the ones they have.

Fair enough if through no fault of your own you end up needing help from the state to look after children you already have, but in my opinion it is wrong to then go on to have even more children and expect to get even more benefits towards them.

As a two parent family who both work( I am off work on my holidays this week before anyone comments!) we have had to make a decision about how many children we can AFFORD to have. I do not see why people who don’t work should have the choice to have as many as they want rather than as many as they can afford.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *harpDressed ManMan
over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

"I said men-in-diapers without knowing if there was an actual website behind it"

Course you did...

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I said men-in-diapers without knowing if there was an actual website behind it

Course you did..."

You try it, think of any kinky name for a sex site and type it directly, without knowing if there is a site there or not. I bet there is.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It's been one per family for years in China. Eight months is murder surely?

For the uber senstive on here I am NOT calling anyone a murderer.

My daughters were born at sommat like six months .... and more than viable.

I found the daiper sites Wishy. One of them is a dating site. Fancy joining up ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I said men-in-diapers without knowing if there was an actual website behind it

Course you did...

You try it, think of any kinky name for a sex site and type it directly, without knowing if there is a site there or not. I bet there is. "

I looked for Wishy in Daipers but on the net there is NO Wishy without Washy!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm looking up nanny training now ...... seems a lengthy and expensive business...

12 months, distance learning, £320-£497 and no doubt some areas of the country will have grants available.

May not be easy.... but certainly not impossible."

the problem is to recieve childcare element of working tax the childcare provider needs to be registered and nannies arent hence why you wouldnt be eligible for the credits

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The one child system in China is only applicable in non-urban areas, and then only in some provinces. I thought that if they broke this law they faced higher taxation. It was only yesterday that I learned that abortions well into the third trimester are carried out. That's just plain obscene - and we give China fucking aid for Christ's sake!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm looking up nanny training now ...... seems a lengthy and expensive business...

12 months, distance learning, £320-£497 and no doubt some areas of the country will have grants available.

May not be easy.... but certainly not impossible."

What's the qualification after that ? Is that the first tier ... seems quick to me but then we don't really value children as a society so that may be it ...... 12 months remote and then you can look after someone elses kids

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *eorge17Man
over a year ago


"The one child system in China is only applicable in non-urban areas, and then only in some provinces. I thought that if they broke this law they faced higher taxation. It was only yesterday that I learned that abortions well into the third trimester are carried out. That's just plain obscene - and we give China fucking aid for Christ's sake! "

don't think China needs any aid from us regarding fucking - there's about a billion of them

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm looking up nanny training now ...... seems a lengthy and expensive business...

12 months, distance learning, £320-£497 and no doubt some areas of the country will have grants available.

May not be easy.... but certainly not impossible.

What's the qualification after that ? Is that the first tier ... seems quick to me but then we don't really value children as a society so that may be it ...... 12 months remote and then you can look after someone elses kids "

It does not sound long to me either, but then again 4 minutes on your back and you can look after a kid for 18 years! lol

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"I'm looking up nanny training now ...... seems a lengthy and expensive business...

12 months, distance learning, £320-£497 and no doubt some areas of the country will have grants available.

May not be easy.... but certainly not impossible.

What's the qualification after that ? Is that the first tier ... seems quick to me but then we don't really value children as a society so that may be it ...... 12 months remote and then you can look after someone elses kids "

They'd still know more than some of the lazy arsed scroungers and so the kids may be better off.... if the Jeremy Kyle show is anything to go by.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *harpDressed ManMan
over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

"I said men-in-diapers without knowing if there was an actual website behind it

Course you did...

You try it, think of any kinky name for a sex site and type it directly, without knowing if there is a site there or not. I bet there is. "

Monkey felching.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I said men-in-diapers without knowing if there was an actual website behind it

Course you did...

You try it, think of any kinky name for a sex site and type it directly, without knowing if there is a site there or not. I bet there is.

Monkey felching.


Why did that come to mind ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

I wasn't going to ask.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hmmmmmmmmm I tried parrot fingering but got learning guitar chords by rote!

No sex.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *harpDressed ManMan
over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

No reason

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Let that monkey loose !

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By *harpDressed ManMan
over a year ago

Here occasionally, but mostly somewhere else

Ok, first thought was "animal -------", but that would probably exist.

So, specified monkey, probably influenced by monkey tennis.

Then added something kinky that has no other meaning.

Does that satisfy all you Freudians?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

As a 52 year old single parent, who claims no state handouts apart from the child benefit I receive for my 12 year old, I'm in a bit of a quandary. Through no fault of my own.

My child's father was killed, his ex who he had never completely formally divorced after seven years received all insurance payouts, state widows pension, private pension and his council pension, she has retired on the proceeds.

I now find myself at my age with ailing health and dwindling savings more and more worried and less and less able to find work....am I to be castigated as a single parent state scrounger also?

Where do I fit into this great welfare states scheme of things?

I want to work, have worked and am now too sick to work, until most or all of my savings are gone I cannot claim benefits,

I sold my five bedroom house we had built together and downsized rather than go on benefits.

I owe no-one a penny don't believe in credit and yet I'm the one who the welfare state turn away, the humiliation of standing almost begging alongside junkies (I know that they are for a fact) is heartbreaking and humiliating to say the least.

I was even advised to sell my home at one point to support my son and I, how can they tell me to leave us homeless, how does that help because then i will have savings to support us till they run out again?

Crazy is not sufficient enough a word for the frustration and anger I feel.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

Kitty, you say it is impossible for you to find a job which doesn’t clash with your child’s needs… you are right, because once you decide it is impossible it will be.

that just clearly shows someone who wishes to judge with out knowing facts, my child is tube fed 4 times a day, and overnight on a pump, can not be left alone at all and at 5 is still in nappys, for me to get a job i need to find one where it pays enough to cover childcare which with a special needs child and the extra needs will cost more then the avrage childminder, i also need a boss who does not mind me going off a few hours a few times a week to take my chid to her number of app's which is more often 3 a week at least, also someone who does not mind me popping over to her school to unblock her tube which happens a cuple of times a week.

lets see i could work nights no have no family in london so its just me and my child do you know any overnight childminders? i get respite one night a week as of her high demands, i could work that day i guess...

i tell you something.. i do a nurses job 24 hours a day with out pay with out breaks i am on call all the time with out able to relax, i saved the nhs thousands of pounds by agreeing to be taught how to look after a child on 24 hour oxygan and tube fed so she would be brough home with no nurses having to look after her.

so yes i may be on benfits but i have saved the NHS thousands by becoming a fucking unpaid nurse.

nurses are trained for years to learn what i had to learn in weeks and i brough her home and for 5 years i have been her full time carer...

so if anyone wants to say anything about me being on benfits it makes me laugh, i do work, 24 hours a day doing a nurses job UNPAID. but because its my child it dont matter huh, i should have left her in the hospital so i could go out and work to keep other people happy haha

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

im a single mum and i've always worked

theres bugger all special about me so if i can manage to work with kids so can everyone else

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Agree with Kitty.

Some very judgmental people on here who seem to have time to post when they claim to be grafting their nuts off supporting the "scroungers".

I don't know why you lot don't call for everyhting to be scrapped including the NHS and then no-one pay tax.

Survival of the fittest seems to be the shout on here and sod everyone else."

We are allowed a day off you know .....

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

Kitty... are all single parents in your position?... No.

Is this thread about people who work as carers for their own family? ... No.

I have every empathy for people in your position, but I also stand by the comment that once people decide something is impossible they make it so.

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By *oe_Steve_NWestCouple
over a year ago


The welfare state is there to look after people like Kitty, people who really need help but you have to admit that for every genuine person claiming benefits etc there are loads who could actually get a job. I've had to take 2 and 3 jobs at once to get by which I'd rather do than hold my hand out once a week for a handout. Unfortunately the dossers who have never and will never work are bringing up a generation with the same 'don't give a shit' attitude and it sickens me. Z

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"As a 52 year old single parent, who claims no state handouts apart from the child benefit I receive for my 12 year old, I'm in a bit of a quandary. Through no fault of my own.

My child's father was killed, his ex who he had never completely formally divorced after seven years received all insurance payouts, state widows pension, private pension and his council pension, she has retired on the proceeds.

I now find myself at my age with ailing health and dwindling savings more and more worried and less and less able to find work....am I to be castigated as a single parent state scrounger also?

Where do I fit into this great welfare states scheme of things?

I want to work, have worked and am now too sick to work, until most or all of my savings are gone I cannot claim benefits,

I sold my five bedroom house we had built together and downsized rather than go on benefits.

I owe no-one a penny don't believe in credit and yet I'm the one who the welfare state turn away, the humiliation of standing almost begging alongside junkies (I know that they are for a fact) is heartbreaking and humiliating to say the least.

I was even advised to sell my home at one point to support my son and I, how can they tell me to leave us homeless, how does that help because then i will have savings to support us till they run out again?

Crazy is not sufficient enough a word for the frustration and anger I feel.


The thing is Laine, as I've said previously - but for the grace of God!!! Any one of us could find ourselves in a situation where we are on benefits through no fault of our own. Blimey, 500,000 people will be joining the ranks soon.

No, that's not the point: there will ALWAYS be people that need help and assistance, and very few people - unless they are really cold - would deny them that.

It's the ones that can work but refuse to that gets my goat. And the ones that believe because they stay at home and look after their children it some how makes them superior better mothers than those of us that decided to work and support our children when they were at school and not expect others to!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

a single parent here worked since the age of 16 now have 4 lovely kids took nearly a year out from work due to family issues and lived on nothing but my well earned savings since ive loved every minute of being at home catching up on loads ive missed out on while working crazy hours .now the funds are dwindling away its time to get back out there and earn more i honestly couldnt live on state benefits £69 per week for a singleperson toped up with family tax or the likes isnt much unless you are fly to the system and can get the extra bits for drinking beinng an addict faking an illness .i understand some are sick and do have to make do but it really is easy to work with young kids ive done it with 4 will do it again and can hold my head up to say i gave birth to them and i HAVE provided for them .

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By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

the thing that gets me is that unless people know the full suition they are quick to judge, if i did not tell anyone my stoary about honey, people will assume, i am a single young mum who cant be arsed to work. thats what gets to me, not everyone is the same but young single mums seem to be a easy target to many people when in fact some people are just doing the best they can in their own personal suition.

but rather then learn about people there is just one big label slapped on people. that is what i find unfair!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Kitty, you say it is impossible for you to find a job which doesn’t clash with your child’s needs… you are right, because once you decide it is impossible it will be.

that just clearly shows someone who wishes to judge with out knowing facts, my child is tube fed 4 times a day, and overnight on a pump, can not be left alone at all and at 5 is still in nappys, for me to get a job i need to find one where it pays enough to cover childcare which with a special needs child and the extra needs will cost more then the avrage childminder, i also need a boss who does not mind me going off a few hours a few times a week to take my chid to her number of app's which is more often 3 a week at least, also someone who does not mind me popping over to her school to unblock her tube which happens a cuple of times a week.

lets see i could work nights no have no family in london so its just me and my child do you know any overnight childminders? i get respite one night a week as of her high demands, i could work that day i guess...

i tell you something.. i do a nurses job 24 hours a day with out pay with out breaks i am on call all the time with out able to relax, i saved the nhs thousands of pounds by agreeing to be taught how to look after a child on 24 hour oxygan and tube fed so she would be brough home with no nurses having to look after her.

so yes i may be on benfits but i have saved the NHS thousands by becoming a fucking unpaid nurse.

nurses are trained for years to learn what i had to learn in weeks and i brough her home and for 5 years i have been her full time carer...

so if anyone wants to say anything about me being on benfits it makes me laugh, i do work, 24 hours a day doing a nurses job UNPAID. but because its my child it dont matter huh, i should have left her in the hospital so i could go out and work to keep other people happy haha "

I personally feel for parents like kitty....they are the ones who benefits are designed for. I myself was in a very similar situation when our daughter was young, she too was fed via a pump day and night, and i can tell you i worked harder and for longer hours than any nurse, also caring for our younger son as well. I was actually forced to give up my good job and for go promotion as i had to take so much time off work for app's and failed to find a nursery who would take her. I Appriciate this was about 15 yrs ago and some things could have changed regarding child care, but believe me i earned every bit of any monies i recieved at the time.I t's the people who feel this country is here to let them lie back and be cared for that annoy me, when so many like myself and im sure kitty will back me on this one, have to fight for any thing they are entitled too...... well done you Kitty your doing a great job, !!!!!!!! xxxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have read all the above posts and still think that in essence, people should be encouraged to work, once their children are of school age.

(There will always be exceptions to every rule, for example parents of children with learning difficulties)

I was brought up in a single parent family and my mother worked from 9-3.30 until i was 12 at which point she went full time.

I know that there are laws about what age children can be left unsupervised from, and they are different from when i was 12, but i grew up in a household that appreciated every penny, because it Was so hard-earned.

And todays society could do with a little bit more of that attitude, in my opinion, and a little less of, the Govt. will pay because I am entitled.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm a single mom snd I returned to work when my youngest was 16months old

I don't earn that much that it subsidises all of the fees I incur, which until my daughter went to school this year amounted to £1200per month...this fee may seem high, but not only is it below average, it is partially subsidised by my employers...many nurseries charge more than that...it would be ignorant to expect a minimum wage earner to pay for this.

I now pay approx £650pm (rising to £800min in school holidays) for childcare fees. My disposable income is a joke when I look at my income.

However, I chose to work as I intend to set a good example to my children. I have no intention of teaching them that they will be better of by staying at home. As a single parent, I consider this my responsibility.

There is no excuse, in my mind,to stay at home when a child is at school...no, school is not a child carer, but the fact is, the children are at school for x hours a day so working those hours seems to make sense surely?! As for the holidays they get...use a family member or child minder. I wont hear anyone saying that's difficult as I live close to 500 miles away from my nearest family member and I manage it.

You may not earn more thn what you get on benefits...but what you do earn is respect and the privilege of giving back to society.

i consider the fact that I am employed, my employment brings someone else employment...tax credits arent supposed to make you rich, they're supposed to make what you do possible

If anyone can figure out how I can earn enough to pay 600-800pm childcare bills and still afford to pay my bills and live whilst i work and earn an above modest income...please let me know, becuase short of winning the lottery...it is close to impossible.

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Reply privately

By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

i get carers allowence, £53 pound a week, which they take off my income support LOL so i actually recive nothing in carers allowence its a joke.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


It's the ones that can work but refuse to that gets my goat. And the ones that believe because they stay at home and look after their children it some how makes them superior better mothers than those of us that decided to work and support our children when they were at school and not expect others to!!"

I understand that mentality too, as a working mother newly moved with my then husband in the forces. I capitalised on doing cleaning for those other mums out working and fitted it round my kids school hours.

Within months I had my own business employing 13 other mums in the same situation as myself all happy to do anything we could to earn our own independent money around school hours.

If I was fit enough I'd be doing the same thing now, and working up another business scheme, it can be done in many cases......we'll just have to watch this space once I get my thinking cap on lol! xxxx

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have read all the above posts and still think that in essence, people should be encouraged to work, once their children are of school age.

(There will always be exceptions to every rule, for example parents of children with learning difficulties)

I was brought up in a single parent family and my mother worked from 9-3.30 until i was 12 at which point she went full time.

I know that there are laws about what age children can be left unsupervised from, and they are different from when i was 12, but i grew up in a household that appreciated every penny, because it Was so hard-earned.

And todays society could do with a little bit more of that attitude, in my opinion, and a little less of, the Govt. will pay because I am entitled."

I myself worked for many years in the civil service int eh departments that hand out benefits.......... have seen the lazy ppl who will never work to the men and women whjo have worked all their lives who feel ashamed to walk into a government department and claim benefits. One thing you cannot do is generalise about benefits an ppl claiming them......... thre will always be the ones who will work any system thats put in place and unfortunately there will always be ppl who need these benefits, so i think you need to look at the bigger picture........ there are infact many ppl who would love to work who are not able when caring for example for disabled children or parents.I also know for a fact there are many ppl not claiming what they are entitled too to enable to help them while they search for work. So not ever one is a scrounger who claims benefits, they are there to help, but unfortunately it is the few as always who spoil it for the many xxxx

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *amschwingerzCouple
over a year ago


Im all for it...why shouldnt they work..it might act as a deterrent when 16 year old girls leave school with the sole ambition of getting up the spout and being given a flat to live in when watching their hero Jeremy Kyle all day....

And there irresponsible lazy chav boyfriends might learn to keep it in their pants a bit more too..

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *on-bazCouple
over a year ago


Forcing them back to work won't work for the "dolies" as they will just have another child.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *atureFem4FunWoman
over a year ago

Petts Wood

There are in excess of 2.5 million people currently out of work, there are a further 600,000 about to be taken off of Incapacity benefit and put onto Jobseekers that will swell those figures to in excess of 3.1 million.

There are the 490,000 public service workers due to lose their jobs in the next two years, there are an estimated 1.4 million single mothers under the age of 25 that the government want to put out to work.....

Now that's all well and good....make 'em work.....

That is almost 5 million jobs that will need to be found....don't make me laugh, where the feck do this poor excuse for a government think these 5 million jobs are coming from?

It's all designed to get you ready for the next round of cuts coming up in next Aprils budget.....

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

yeah i dont agree with forcing single parents into work when the child reaches school age as jobs are hard enough to come by and certainly none that will let you work from after 9 till whenever gives you enough time to get the child from school.

And as been said before the schools are off for much more than the average 5 weeks holidays that most jobs offer so if they are a single parent and have noone that can watch the child what do they do?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"That is almost 5 million jobs that will need to be found....don't make me laugh, where the feck do this poor excuse for a government think these 5 million jobs are coming from?


An easy response would be "when has the number of people out of work ever been zero?"

We've never had 100% employment so your figures don't stack up Jane. Putting 1.4m under-25s back into work is an easy thing to say, but much more difficult to accomplish as is ascertaining which claimants of Incap Ben. will no longer recieve it and which claimants will. We knew there would be some job losses with these cuts but to say we're heading for 5m unemployed is taking it to the extreme.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *etillanteWoman
over a year ago



the thing that gets me is that unless people know the full suition they are quick to judge, if i did not tell anyone my stoary about honey, people will assume, i am a single young mum who cant be arsed to work. thats what gets to me, not everyone is the same but young single mums seem to be a easy target to many people when in fact some people are just doing the best they can in their own personal suition.

but rather then learn about people there is just one big label slapped on people. that is what i find unfair!"

I don't know you and after reading your story you are one of the genuine.

But for every one of you and others like you, how many scrounging ............... are there

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Loads round my way who say....

" I wanna be here when my kids are babies etc"

Then spend all day in the pub...Kids are dragged up and have no manners or no morals.

Those are the ones to get into work along with the no hope fathers of said kids.

It really gets my goat to pay for said people.

My parents got sod all till a year before they died. and we had to fight for it.

Yet they worked from the age of 14 till retirement ,

It makes me extremely angry this so called welfare state.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

In some states in the usa...

Have one kid and the state will help.

Have another and your money decreases...

Why cant we adopt that policy. ?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Agree with Kitty.

Some very judgmental people on here who seem to have time to post when they claim to be grafting their nuts off supporting the "scroungers".

I don't know why you lot don't call for everyhting to be scrapped including the NHS and then no-one pay tax.

Survival of the fittest seems to be the shout on here and sod everyone else.

We are allowed a day off you know ..... "

You're right lol but who is helping power this mighty economy to feed the so-called scroungers while you guys are taking time out??

This forum at times seems powered by The Daily Mail.

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By *evnsueCouple
over a year ago


this is a problem with a no win solution most of us who work all seem to know of "a scrounger" i know several,and this is what i think pisses people off most.How do you balance the genuine who can,t get out to work from the ones who won,t work cos they tell you their better off on the social and many have never worked in thier entire lives and to ask them to go out to earn a living would horrify them. From my personal experiance my sons ex is now taking lessons from her father on how to con her doctor into getting her on invalidity benifits because she is afraid she may be "forced" into getting a job

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By *etillanteWoman
over a year ago


In France, and I am sure someone will correct me if I;m wrong, you get benefit for two children and that's it.

Now if the will protest about everything, show the state of mind they in when they accept that.

I agree

two children and then after that you are on your own

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Petillante - sensible and clear idea

announce the policy of only supporting 2 kids for families and only affects families of two or less. Announce say say 9 1/2 months ahead to stop a sudden surge in babies and the savings work through the system

Stops those who have kids for the money - and anyway shouldn't people have children to nurture protect love and raise not for cash, or is that an old fashioned sentiment

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By *etillanteWoman
over a year ago


"- and anyway shouldn't people have children to nurture protect love and raise not for cash, or is that an old fashioned sentiment


I thought that's why you had children, but maybe I'm old fashioned

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By *ig bird brightWoman
over a year ago


"Kitty, you say it is impossible for you to find a job which doesn’t clash with your child’s needs… you are right, because once you decide it is impossible it will be.

that just clearly shows someone who wishes to judge with out knowing facts, my child is tube fed 4 times a day, and overnight on a pump, can not be left alone at all and at 5 is still in nappys, for me to get a job i need to find one where it pays enough to cover childcare which with a special needs child and the extra needs will cost more then the avrage childminder, i also need a boss who does not mind me going off a few hours a few times a week to take my chid to her number of app's which is more often 3 a week at least, also someone who does not mind me popping over to her school to unblock her tube which happens a cuple of times a week.

lets see i could work nights no have no family in london so its just me and my child do you know any overnight childminders? i get respite one night a week as of her high demands, i could work that day i guess...

i tell you something.. i do a nurses job 24 hours a day with out pay with out breaks i am on call all the time with out able to relax, i saved the nhs thousands of pounds by agreeing to be taught how to look after a child on 24 hour oxygan and tube fed so she would be brough home with no nurses having to look after her.

so yes i may be on benfits but i have saved the NHS thousands by becoming a fucking unpaid nurse.

nurses are trained for years to learn what i had to learn in weeks and i brough her home and for 5 years i have been her full time carer...

so if anyone wants to say anything about me being on benfits it makes me laugh, i do work, 24 hours a day doing a nurses job UNPAID. but because its my child it dont matter huh, i should have left her in the hospital so i could go out and work to keep other people happy haha "

i,m in a very similar situtation to kitty on full benefits etc.... i would love to work but its just not practial for me to do so...i agree with get the people off benefits and back to work but not every one is in the same situation.. if i could work i would and would give me great satisfaction that i have earnt my own money and provided for my child

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

I think different circumstances should be looked at differently. There could be one 18 year old with three children by three different fathers or a woman that has been married 20 years with three children and then divorced.

I think things that should be addressed are child minders fees and nursery fees, Jay's daughter pays £65 a day nursery fees. In the old days mothers would go to work and a neighbour would see the kids in from school or give them their tea. Today they have to go through police checks, childminding courses ect.

Also the fact that there just isnt the jobs today that there used to be, however i dont think people should be allowed to sit on their backsides and do nothing. Most colleges have creches now and work round children that are at school.

Also it should pay you to go out to work and make sure you benefit from it. People on benefit should be made to do community work.

My poor son is now 20 and he does everything possible to get work (ok he doesnt have children) but hes even taken a part time job and gets £1.70 a week less than if he was on the dole to prove that he wants to work.

Cut out all the crap and make it possible for people to work and raise a family, beleive it or not most do want to work, but the scroungers that there are out there should be made to do community work

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm fast coming to the realisation that I could go insane fretting about spongers etc that the govt seem willing to give my heard earned tax to and give me no say in the matter. So with that realisation in mind I can look on our life and think, "yeah, we have good jobs, a nice home that will be bought and paid for in 15 years time, we have a nice car, nice clothes, holidays when we want them and good pension arrangements. We have savings in the bank and investment trusts for the kid's Uni fees. We're comfortable and we can look forward to a nice life when we're older.

And those who seem to think it's ok to live off the state?

Fuck 'em.

If they are happy to live on the breadline, or under it, with no hope for the future and an old age without the neccessaries to heat whatever squat they find themselves living in, well, they made that bed so let them fookin lie in it.

I'm working now to provide for the future of my family and I ease any guilt I feel (which is next to zero) by paying my taxes when they are due and let whatever government is in power at the time to redistibute it to the lazy wankers who want the standard of life that I have but will never get it in a million years for the simple reason they are too lazy to get off their fookin arses and earn it.

Obviously, I do not count those who cannot work due to disabilities etc, I'm talking purely about those scroungers who want everything for nothing - and the ironic thing is that they haven't wised up to the fact that they're going to be getting nothing for nothing in the long term ...and I'll be sipping pina coladas in the Maldives and laughing my bollocks off at them.

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By *ruitWoman
over a year ago

near kings lynn

After reading alot of this it seems there are so many different situations and everyone doesnt know the facts of each individual case of course.

There are many people with children coming to that magic 7 years and yes some will get themselves pregnant just to go back to the start and not need to work. Alot will work and alot have reasons that makes it very hard to get jobs.

I saw a lady in town who has a partner and dont think either of them works. They already have 4 kids and mum is heavily expecting another. Are they the scum of society and just having another one to not have to return to work? I have no idea if dad is sick so unable to work but he is able to buy beer so many I should assume that he is just another faker of illness?

To be honest. I have no idea of their details and it isnt my business. As long as their concience is clear and they have their own reasons for their life, my opinion of them isnt important.

As is the same for my life. Single mum of 2 young ones.I am doing voluntery work and studying GCSes to get myself into a better position to get back working. I am making big steps to get sorted again. They are my kids and I do the best I can for them at the moment. But have alot of things stacking against me as others too. Those details are mine and mine alone and not a single person on this site knows my specific details.

I used to be a nanny and then went into childminding til I fell preggie 2nd time around. I am now making my steps to maybe return to minding again or will try for a part time job to fit in with school hours as best I can.

What I dislike tho is people being so critical and tarring all with the same brush. You dont know the details so cant generalise. Yes there are lots of people just having another child to keep benefits coming in. There are alot of people like me making steps to get organised again. Judge where you know the specifics but they are none of your business really as is the lady I saw in town. I cant judge her as know nout about her.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Agree with Kitty.

Some very judgmental people on here who seem to have time to post when they claim to be grafting their nuts off supporting the "scroungers".

I don't know why you lot don't call for everyhting to be scrapped including the NHS and then no-one pay tax.

Survival of the fittest seems to be the shout on here and sod everyone else.

We are allowed a day off you know .....

You're right lol but who is helping power this mighty economy to feed the so-called scroungers while you guys are taking time out??

This forum at times seems powered by The Daily Mail."

hahaha....the country is run by the Daily Mail!

I agree though...if we all had the attitude of "fuck it, let the tax payers pay for me to sit on my arse"....well, who would be paying the taxes to afford it?!

btw....before anyone attacks, this is aimed at those solely that want to screw the system, not those legitimately using it...they are the ones that usually find it hardest to get the help they need!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


hahaha....the country is run by the Daily Mail!

I agree though...if we all had the attitude of "fuck it, let the tax payers pay for me to sit on my arse"....well, who would be paying the taxes to afford it?!

btw....before anyone attacks, this is aimed at those solely that want to screw the system, not those legitimately using it...they are the ones that usually find it hardest to get the help they need!"

Agreed! I strongly believe in mum staying at home with young kids wherever possible or as second best choice find suitable childminding alternatives btw. Healthy family life, IMHO is at the heart of an emotionally secure upbringing, this does not mean two parent families btw. I also believe in taking responsibility for the offspring you produce in every sense of the word

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"In some states in the usa...

Have one kid and the state will help.

Have another and your money decreases...

Why cant we adopt that policy. ? "

Here Here,the more you have the less you should get.

We live on a small island on a shrinking planet.

In modern times there is no need to have large families.

In times past they had large families because of ignorance,high infant mortality and to go out to work to help put food on the table.

Those days are gone.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"In some states in the usa...

Have one kid and the state will help.

Have another and your money decreases...

Why cant we adopt that policy. ?

Here Here,the more you have the less you should get.

We live on a small island on a shrinking planet.

In modern times there is no need to have large families.

In times past they had large families because of ignorance,high infant mortality and to go out to work to help put food on the table.

Those days are gone.


YEP - very true xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I myself am a single parent to ONE child.

I was lucky as my mom helped with looking after him. I got a job which paid less than £100 a week with no tax benefits etc.

Am i better than some, no i dont think so but i used my time sorting my self out and got re trained at the same time.

Enabling me to get a better job with better prospects.

While sitting watching the tide of single parents and scoungers grow and grow .And it annoyed me bigtime.

I have no problems with those who genuinly need help as i do now.

Im disabled and cant do what i used to. but im still seeking some sort of work.

Mean time i live on £65 a week and thats it.

My savings went to support myself for 6 mths and pay off any bills i had and pay up my council tax etc till next year.

Am i on my own when acting like this. no im not.

There are many with a strong work ethis out there but we dont here about them.

We always here about those who take all they can get .

Maybe if the media started highlighting those who work hard etc, it would go somewhere towards the sort of country we all want to live in .

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By *uckscouple2007Couple
over a year ago


Would it be too much to suggest scrapping the education system and sending the kids out to work instead once they are old enough to ... Sew mail bags / Operate heavy machinery / Able to lug milk churns / etc?

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By *ig badMan
over a year ago

Up North :-)

If your fit, healthy, your kids are at school then i can't see any reason for someone not working to be honest. Granted some never have and employers will be dubious but think on this.

Your kids grow up, say your 35-45 ish you haven't worked in a good 16 years if at all. What are you going to do then? Even if its voluntary work there should be some emphasis on everyone contributing in some way to society.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Your kids grow up, say your 35-45 ish you haven't worked in a good 16 years if at all. What are you going to do then? Even if its voluntary work there should be some emphasis on everyone contributing in some way to society."

Some do. They're out blagging gear all day keeping the police force in a job. No crime = no policmen needed to solve them.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Once upon a time in my tender little years, I remember factories who had creches and nurseries for children at the place their parents worked, it meant if necessary in those times where money was tight, goods were needed to be manufactured quickly, both parents were able to work and still go visit their children when on official breaks.

I don't know if it would be a solution, perhaps I'm backward looking and naive but if large companies were able to provide free or subsidised childcare on their premises as in days of yore maybe they would have those breadline families/single parents doing their bit for society and their own self respect.

Or maybe I'm setting myself up to be shot down in flames here. xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Out of interest, i see there is a lot of speculation about people working once children hit school ages and people doing their part in society.

Do you aim this at single parents on benefits or think it applies to people in a situation such as ourselves where one partner is in the higher tax band, claims absolutely no benefits and earns enough to support the family but the other partner stays home in the housewife/lady of leisure role?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Has anyone any idea of who the ConDems are going to pick on next week?

Pensioners maybe? Ooh no can't do that as they turn out and vote.

Picking on the vulnerable isn't a nice trait.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I dont understand why people are so unhappy about it all.

I mean if the government were dramatically increasing the amount they were taking from us and not providing us critical infrastructure,health,emergency,sanitation services in return then it would be understandable for people to be upset. But all they are doing is better monitoring and reducing the amounts they "hand out" to people. Unless you are physically or mentally disabled there is no reason that you should be entitled to the country's financial support at the cost of people who have made the effort to get out of bed at 5am and work a 12 hour day and then spend their own time bettering themselves to get those jobs.

These people aren't owed anything and should be made to carry out menial public services until they can find paid employment.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Cart before the horse as usual. There are single parents a plenty who would love to return to their professions and jobs but they do need some support to do that.

"Latch key kids" does not bode well for the future.

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By *leasureDomeMan
over a year ago

all over the place

Knitting needles and gin ,enforced sterilisation,bread and water lol its amazing to me how a few anomalies trotted out by the media to sell papers can get everyones knickers in a twist.

First of all i think as kitty pointed out everyones situation is different ,no one walks around with sponger or carer labels on there clothes so how does any one know who is who ?

Carers save this country 82 billion quid a year in care services there is 6 million of them doing a great job so you wont get me begrudging the likes of kitty one penny.

And then we have the hard workers who wanted a big family and were then out of work through the building trade going tits up or perhaps the downsizing of private govt contracts,decent hardworking people having a bad run

people who have worked all of their lives.

Yeah there is a few people who abuse the system there always has been and dont we get to hear it eh,gotta sell them papers after all.

But then there are also people who deliberately fiddle their tax

and expenses (mostly the great and the good ).

Remember todays hardworker is tomorrows benefit claimant,it can happen to anyone on this site, no one is exempt from that risk, especially in this climate of slash and burn, their are many highly qualified and experienced people without work at present forced to claim.

So to pillory any people on benefits as "scroungers" is harsh in the circumstances its stereotyping ,if the government have said your entitled to it,it is not illegal to make a claim.

Of more concern to me is the haemorrage of yet more tax payers money to Europe who have increased the budget when every other country has cut from a staggering 108.2 billion to 114.4 billion.

Finally if we stop immigration as the majority of people seem to want and stop certain people from having kids.

Whos going to pay taxes and pensions in the future,as we have an aging population.?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I am sick to the back teeth of everyone having a go at the single parent and blaming all of the woes of this country on them.

I was working full time and had a career when I got married and had my children. We decided together that I give up work to care for the kids as we didn't want to just work to pay for childcare. Still I registerd as a childminder myself so I could do both jobs both parent and earn money and pay my way.

My husband then decided the grass was greener somewhere else so I ended up losing my house cos of his debts ( to which I knew nothing about)

So i find for the first time in my working life after paying my dues for 20 years that I have had to ask for help.

Just remember that some of us have paid our dues and are only claiming the help we are entitled to.

But bear in mind I hate that I have to claim benefits. Its not the way I was raised and it sticks in my throat. If I had the choice not to then I would.

But even while I am claiming them I am still searching for a part time job in a school so I can work while the kids are at school and still childmind during the holidays and before and after school.

And just remember all of you who are critisising and blaming single parent for all of the woes that you never know what is round the corner and it might be you one day.

And remember that those single parent that do work and are away from there kids are probably being critisised for not being stay at home parent.

Us single parents cant win either way.

So until you have been in the situation and know all the ins and outs it might be better to keep sweeping statements to yourselves.

You never know when it could be you that needs the help.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It's not about tax dodgers, nor about Europe. Those are very separate and very different issues. This is about those who have stated publicly in the media, and those like them, that they have no intention of working and will continue to fire out babies for the sole purpose to scrounge yet more money out of the taxpayer. We've all read or heard about these tossers and been outraged by them and now the govt has decided that the gravy train has left the station and only those with a valid ticket will be aboard it. The rest will be left on the station platform swinging their tits in the wind, bleating about how hard done by they are.


Fuck 'em!

Let them learn to shut their fookin legs or learn what contraception is, then let them discover how to budget and live within one's means without resorting to illegal activities. Let them learn what an alarm clock is.

But one has to bear in mind that with any change of a system designed to administer some million plus people there will be mistakes made and some genuine cases of people in real need will slip through the net. It's unnavoidable, but the expense saved from eliminating the scroungers and workshy is worth the hassle of re-assessing those genuine cases as and when they are identified - although I suspect they won't agree with me.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i am a single parent of a 12 yr old boy and yes i am on benefits since april and No i sure as hell don't want to be....i want to work... i have had numerous interviews where i never hear a word back from the company after and i have sent off so many C.V's and contacted so many potential employers only for then not to bother getting back to me....i hate being unemployed its vey disheartening telling people i don't work, actually for me its embarrassing as well as i know i will be branded a scrounger...at this stage i don't care what kind of job i get once it pays the bills and keeps a roof over our heads i'll be happy !!!

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By *leasureDomeMan
over a year ago

all over the place

"It's not about tax dodgers, nor about Europe. Those are very separate and very different issues. This is about those who have stated publicly in the media, and those like them, that they have no intention of working and will continue to fire out babies for the sole purpose to scrounge yet more money out of the taxpayer. We've all read or heard about these tossers and been outraged by them and now the govt has decided that the gravy train has left the station and only those with a valid ticket will be aboard it. The rest will be left on the station platform swinging their tits in the wind, bleating about how hard done by they are.


Fuck 'em!

Let them learn to shut their fookin legs or learn what contraception is, then let them discover how to budget and live within one's means without resorting to illegal activities. Let them learn what an alarm clock is.

But one has to bear in mind that with any change of a system designed to administer some million plus people there will be mistakes made and some genuine cases of people in real need will slip through the net. It's unnavoidable, but the expense saved from eliminating the scroungers and workshy is worth the hassle of re-assessing those genuine cases as and when they are identified - although I suspect they won't agree with me."

But wishy you have said it yourself this is media sensationalism a minority of claimants having kids as a revenue earner, you cant seriously believe that the press report these cases without spin to deliberately wind up the public so they can sell their trash.

If your serious about the government stopping the gravy train.Europe is very much an issue and costs us far more than people who abuse the system and invariably make fraudulent claims,yes its wrong of course. But you can not blame people for making legitimate claims if they are entitled to claim.

I am not pointing this at any individual but whenever a thread regards benefit claimants crops up, the words "scrounger" (and worse in this thread) is always attached somewhere in some context.

This stigmatises and stereotypes claimants the vast majority of which would rather not be there invariably they are people who have paid in all their life to a scheme calle National Insurance,now if you have paid in whats worng with claiming when you need it to support you.

Tell you what ask any 50 + person who cant get a job because of ageism what they would rather do work, or be on the breadline,you wont get many saying benefits.

Not everyone claiming benefits is a scrounger or fraudulant claimant milking the system ,they are invariably hard working people on hard times,ill ,or saving the country billions by acting as carers.

Next we will be blaming em for the global recession.Remember the politicians we all voted in since the war got the benefits system to the point it is now, not the claimants.

The demographic shift will start to effect this country from 2014 with a direct effect on economic growth (source-Office for Budget responsibility). The point being with more baby boomers retiring and cuts in immigration to 50000 per annum .we actually need as many babys born as we can.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Cart before the horse as usual. There are single parents a plenty who would love to return to their professions and jobs but they do need some support to do that.

"Latch key kids" does not bode well for the future. "

Its a good point many give up work to bring kids up which is a good thing at times. Kids coming home to an empty house isn't ideal. Extended family's can help though at times but not everyone lives near parents anymore. There is nothing wrong with people with kids at school getting part time jobs though until the kids get older.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Im all for it...why shouldnt they work..it might act as a deterrent when 16 year old girls leave school with the sole ambition of getting up the spout and being given a flat to live in when watching their hero Jeremy Kyle all day....

And there irresponsible lazy chav boyfriends might learn to keep it in their pants a bit more too..


if they stopped the working tax credits and if the goverment only pay for one child that would put some people off,if they have more than 1 child they would have to look after it as the goverment would only pay for one child? sounds harse but there are lots of lazy bastards out there waiting on handouts what likes of myself pay for

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

people should work for their benefits. whatever the minimum wage is they should work the hours to pay for the amount of benefit.....would soon see the lazy asses getting off their arses to find a job then.

Plenty of things they could do....like cleaning up the streets, cutting grass etc. Or training courses

A lot of folk just dont want to work.....never seek work and just live a non responsible life with no bills to worry about as everything is paid for them.

No reason why folk cant get back to work once kids are in full time education....should have the choice up till then if they want to be stay at home parents or not.

Need to change things where parents can work term time and get holidays when childrn are off as it is very difficult to juggle. Increase the minimum wage so parents can work part time hours and still be better off than when on benefits. As unfortunately a lot of folk are beter off not workin hence why they dont want to. The welfare state has mad it too easy not to work.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It's not about tax dodgers, nor about Europe. Those are very separate and very different issues. This is about those who have stated publicly in the media, and those like them, that they have no intention of working and will continue to fire out babies for the sole purpose to scrounge yet more money out of the taxpayer. We've all read or heard about these tossers and been outraged by them and now the govt has decided that the gravy train has left the station and only those with a valid ticket will be aboard it. The rest will be left on the station platform swinging their tits in the wind, bleating about how hard done by they are.


Fuck 'em!

Let them learn to shut their fookin legs or learn what contraception is, then let them discover how to budget and live within one's means without resorting to illegal activities. Let them learn what an alarm clock is.

But one has to bear in mind that with any change of a system designed to administer some million plus people there will be mistakes made and some genuine cases of people in real need will slip through the net. It's unnavoidable, but the expense saved from eliminating the scroungers and workshy is worth the hassle of re-assessing those genuine cases as and when they are identified - although I suspect they won't agree with me."

eeer it's about ....... "Single mums and dads will now be forced to look for work as soon as their child reaches seven. In 2012, the child age will be lowered to five. Are you a single parent? Are you worried about the changes and finding a job?

Do you think the changes are a good thing?"

Some of them may be working the system crookedly, but most aren't and with a system which supports them and their children would gladly return to work.

One bad apple don't remind you of anything?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It's not about tax dodgers, nor about Europe. Those are very separate and very different issues. This is about those who have stated publicly in the media, and those like them, that they have no intention of working and will continue to fire out babies for the sole purpose to scrounge yet more money out of the taxpayer. We've all read or heard about these tossers and been outraged by them and now the govt has decided that the gravy train has left the station and only those with a valid ticket will be aboard it. The rest will be left on the station platform swinging their tits in the wind, bleating about how hard done by they are.


Fuck 'em!

Let them learn to shut their fookin legs or learn what contraception is, then let them discover how to budget and live within one's means without resorting to illegal activities. Let them learn what an alarm clock is.

But one has to bear in mind that with any change of a system designed to administer some million plus people there will be mistakes made and some genuine cases of people in real need will slip through the net. It's unnavoidable, but the expense saved from eliminating the scroungers and workshy is worth the hassle of re-assessing those genuine cases as and when they are identified - although I suspect they won't agree with me.

eeer it's about ....... "Single mums and dads will now be forced to look for work as soon as their child reaches seven. In 2012, the child age will be lowered to five. Are you a single parent? Are you worried about the changes and finding a job?

Do you think the changes are a good thing?"

Some of them may be working the system crookedly, but most aren't and with a system which supports them and their children would gladly return to work.

One bad apple don't remind you of anything?"

There is more than one bad apple though. Its not some its thousands who are manipulating the system so they can stay at home to watch Jeremy Kyle in comfort on benefits.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

thing is i see it like this

you have children, you work to pay for them

im a single mum so im not having a go at them, but i have always worked when i was with my ex and after we split, because my kids are my responsability and i work to provide for them

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Miss Cherry

"people should work for their benefits. whatever the minimum wage is they should work the hours to pay for the amount of benefit

.....not a bad idea at all but no need to generally slug everyone off as many are look and do get jobs. ...........

(would soon see the lazy asses getting off their arses to find a job then.)

A lot of folk just dont want to work never seek work and just live a non responsible life with no bills to worry about as everything is paid for them. ...............

how many is a lot - what are the ACTUAL figures? How do you know that they never seek work? If they are signing this means that the job centre staff are not doing their jobs either.

No reason why folk cant get back to work once kids are in full time education....should have the choice up till then if they want to be stay at home parents or not.


fair enough but what about after school? latch key kids?

Need to change things where parents can work term time and get holidays when childrn are off as it is very difficult to juggle.


If you think that this is difficult for them then you should try BEING AN EMPLOYER. As an employer I need people to work to suit me and my customers. I would not be ready to run my business to accomodate them or I would go under. For goodness sakes.

Increase the minimum wage so parents can work part time hours and still be better off than when on benefits.


Oh yes? Once again sooo easy to shift this reponsibility to the EMPLOYER. Does not matter if this is gonna put me out of business and leave those I employ out of jobs. Naaaa they can go on benefit. GET REAL ..........

(As unfortunately a lot of folk are beter off not workin hence why they dont want to. The welfare state has mad it too easy not to work.)

someone has to say it, cos the sun won't.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Once upon a time in my tender little years, I remember factories who had creches and nurseries for children at the place their parents worked, it meant if necessary in those times where money was tight, goods were needed to be manufactured quickly, both parents were able to work and still go visit their children when on official breaks.

I don't know if it would be a solution, perhaps I'm backward looking and naive but if large companies were able to provide free or subsidised childcare on their premises as in days of yore maybe they would have those breadline families/single parents doing their bit for society and their own self respect.

Or maybe I'm setting myself up to be shot down in flames here. xxx "

One of the reasons I'm in my current job is they had a nursery and holiday play scheme. In real terms, with my experience and qualifications it meant a drop in salary, but with three young children and a flexible working environment I was quids in.

I didn't have to worry about school holidays as that was provided. I could drive my kids in with me, know they were safe and drive them home.

My girls are now 19, 23 and 27...there was no playscheme this year, and the work nursery closes 31 December!!

Times are a changing!! I don't think many employers can afford to run nursery and playschemes nowadays, sadly.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

That is the most sensible thing i've read whilst following this thread. Jeremy Kyle is so enigmatic my doctor gave up everything so as to never miss an episode.

Now we ALL understand the cause. Eradicate Jeremy Kyle and swell the workforce!

Uhmmmmmm someone make some paying jobs pls.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It's not about tax dodgers, nor about Europe. Those are very separate and very different issues. This is about those who have stated publicly in the media, and those like them, that they have no intention of working and will continue to fire out babies for the sole purpose to scrounge yet more money out of the taxpayer. We've all read or heard about these tossers and been outraged by them and now the govt has decided that the gravy train has left the station and only those with a valid ticket will be aboard it. The rest will be left on the station platform swinging their tits in the wind, bleating about how hard done by they are.


Fuck 'em!

Let them learn to shut their fookin legs or learn what contraception is, then let them discover how to budget and live within one's means without resorting to illegal activities. Let them learn what an alarm clock is.

But one has to bear in mind that with any change of a system designed to administer some million plus people there will be mistakes made and some genuine cases of people in real need will slip through the net. It's unnavoidable, but the expense saved from eliminating the scroungers and workshy is worth the hassle of re-assessing those genuine cases as and when they are identified - although I suspect they won't agree with me.

eeer it's about ....... "Single mums and dads will now be forced to look for work as soon as their child reaches seven. In 2012, the child age will be lowered to five. Are you a single parent? Are you worried about the changes and finding a job?

Do you think the changes are a good thing?"

Some of them may be working the system crookedly, but most aren't and with a system which supports them and their children would gladly return to work.

One bad apple don't remind you of anything?

There is more than one bad apple though. Its not some its thousands who are manipulating the system so they can stay at home to watch Jeremy Kyle in comfort on benefits."

Thought bout it mesel on occassions. Slog me guts out working and end up with less than peeps on benefits and have to pay full rates, dentist, prescriptions etc. However, I just cannot join those ranks, I prefer to slog on and keep my head held high.

However, I am still not ready to put all unemployed peeps or single parents in the same bag and think it is stupid to bring in new measures like this without adequate support. Why are we all becoming so insular? So much of this is about children and they are the future of our nation.

So many peeps with hard cheese and big chips of it on their shoulders taking it out on the wrong peeps. The government must be laughing behind their hands, they manipulate us so well.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Out of interest, i see there is a lot of speculation about people working once children hit school ages and people doing their part in society.

Do you aim this at single parents on benefits or think it applies to people in a situation such as ourselves where one partner is in the higher tax band, claims absolutely no benefits and earns enough to support the family but the other partner stays home in the housewife/lady of leisure role?"

I think you're lucky to be able to stay at home while your husband works and supports you without the need of benefit - and that is the crux of the matter - you as a family are supporting yourselves, not expecting the rest of us to support you.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"That is the most sensible thing i've read whilst following this thread. Jeremy Kyle is so enigmatic my doctor gave up everything so as to never miss an episode.

Now we ALL understand the cause. Eradicate Jeremy Kyle and swell the workforce!

Crikey, that's a coinkydinki, so did mine. He is now working to erect a JK community healing centre and has recruited a number of JK disciples (non-waged of course).

Uhmmmmmm someone make some paying jobs pls."

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Once upon a time in my tender little years, I remember factories who had creches and nurseries for children at the place their parents worked, it meant if necessary in those times where money was tight, goods were needed to be manufactured quickly, both parents were able to work and still go visit their children when on official breaks.

I don't know if it would be a solution, perhaps I'm backward looking and naive but if large companies were able to provide free or subsidised childcare on their premises as in days of yore maybe they would have those breadline families/single parents doing their bit for society and their own self respect.

Or maybe I'm setting myself up to be shot down in flames here. xxx

One of the reasons I'm in my current job is they had a nursery and holiday play scheme. In real terms, with my experience and qualifications it meant a drop in salary, but with three young children and a flexible working environment I was quids in.

I didn't have to worry about school holidays as that was provided. I could drive my kids in with me, know they were safe and drive them home.

My girls are now 19, 23 and 27...there was no playscheme this year, and the work nursery closes 31 December!!

Times are a changing!! I don't think many employers can afford to run nursery and playschemes nowadays, sadly. "

Again, a little flexibility in the tax scheme could help here. If we want people and businesses to thrive in this kind of climate we gotta help.

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By *atureFem4FunWoman
over a year ago

Petts Wood

There is a bottom line to this argument....there just aren't the jobs available to employ all of these groups...

Unemployed, Incapacitated, Single Mums....and more importantly those who are going to lose their jobs in the coming months (500,000 public sector, estimated 400,000 private sector)

Last week I advertised a 25 hours per week part time position in my small business, fully prepared to work it around school hours etc.

I received 47 applications within Five days of it being advertised on my shop window.

The Estate Agent down the road from my shop received over 200 applications in a week for an office assistant position after he put it in a local newspaper.

So I think lots of people want to work but there just are not the positions available for all these people

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I am going to make this my last ever post in these forums as it has become an unpleasant place to read.

I have rarely come across such scapegoating of groups of people. One week it's immigrants and the next it's single parents. And a consistent theme is anyone who happens to be unemployed or on incapacity.

The economy going pear shaped and the cuts have made people turn in on each other which is very depressing.

As for people on "the gravy train" and the "training" available it just isn't there any more if it ever was. Training is a postcode lottery and if you need proof of that ask the folks at your local Job Centre (the ones that aren't being laid off that is).

How about showing kindness towards each other and understanding. The likes of Jeremy Kyle pick out deliberately provocative examples because he needs something shocking for his TV show. The Daily Mail do the same.

Don't fall for it folks. Folks on the dole aren't driving round in Bentleys or going on holidays in the sun. Many are trying to keep their head above the water.

Show some kindness forumites. It will serve you better in the long run.

Happy trails.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *leasureDomeMan
over a year ago

all over the place

"There is a bottom line to this argument....there just aren't the jobs available to employ all of these groups...

Unemployed, Incapacitated, Single Mums....and more importantly those who are going to lose their jobs in the coming months (500,000 public sector, estimated 400,000 private sector)

Last week I advertised a 25 hours per week part time position in my small business, fully prepared to work it around school hours etc.

I received 47 applications within Five days of it being advertised on my shop window.

The Estate Agent down the road from my shop received over 200 applications in a week for an office assistant position after he put it in a local newspaper.

So I think lots of people want to work but there just are not the positions available for all these people"

your totally right the figures for unemployment have been massaged and hidden for years ...(some say that was the purpose of incapacity benefit in the first place)

so all these people who resent the "lazy scum" and "scroungers"...step aside and go join em ....see how long it would take your current employer to fill your post ....they wouldnt even blink the queue would be atround the block with many of them better qualified.

Stop having a go at people on benefits it just isnt their fault. And the ones where it is their fault are a minority

and put in the papers so we all get angry its basically the press shit stirring the population and seems to have worked quite well judging by the thread

The unemployment levels are rising everywhere its a way governments solve financial problems. Re single mothers the government have subsidised population growth since the war ...its nothing new.

we need people to be born to replace the workers who retire and die simple. and with 2/3rds of society currently to be supported by 1/3rd i say let em have as many as they like.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I am going to make this my last ever post in these forums as it has become an unpleasant place to read.

I have rarely come across such scapegoating of groups of people. One week it's immigrants and the next it's single parents. And a consistent theme is anyone who happens to be unemployed or on incapacity.

The economy going pear shaped and the cuts have made people turn in on each other which is very depressing.

As for people on "the gravy train" and the "training" available it just isn't there any more if it ever was. Training is a postcode lottery and if you need proof of that ask the folks at your local Job Centre (the ones that aren't being laid off that is).

How about showing kindness towards each other and understanding. The likes of Jeremy Kyle pick out deliberately provocative examples because he needs something shocking for his TV show. The Daily Mail do the same.

Don't fall for it folks. Folks on the dole aren't driving round in Bentleys or going on holidays in the sun. Many are trying to keep their head above the water.

Show some kindness forumites. It will serve you better in the long run.

Happy trails. "

nooooo, if you leave me now you'll take away the very heart .........

stay, stand up and be counted. ya whimp! xxx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Echoing what some have stated - there are lots of qualified and willing people right now who cannot find a job for love or money, even when prepared to relocate, take pay cuts and accept antisocial hours.

I personally do not like sweeping statements of any kind, nobody has the right to refer to a non working person as lazy. Dont judge a book by its cover and don judge a man(or woman) for not working for you will not ever know the entire story. I am not saying there are some who abuse the system - it is the price we pay for freedom and democracy; a small price to pay in my mind.

There is another point to be made : Do those who feel that every economically inactive person is actually happy about not working? I don't think so! Working for a lot of people means, besides earning an income, the chance to socialise, talk to others and feel valued. A very basic human need which is often forgotten in the debate.

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By *nkednkinky_bbwWoman
over a year ago


my ex left when my youngest was 4 weeks old. when he was 8 months old the company i worked for got taken over and i was basically forced out. i then claimed benefits for the next 3 and a half yrs until he started full time school. i now work and bring up 3 kids alone ( i have no outside support) i pay my 16 yr old to look after her brothers while i work because no childminder will have them for the hours i work. it is a struggle but i hated being on benefits. next door to me lives mom, dad, son (24) and daughter (18) and not one of them works or ever intends to.

oh and in 2 yrs time when my daughter leaves school and starts working herself i will lose my babysitter so will have to give up my own job

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

nice to see the daily mail circulation still up!!

jobs jobs where the hell are they?? especially ones payin 7.50 per hour, the livin wage ie the minimum amount people need to function properly in society!

welcome to the aftermath of capitalism folks!! the rise of the underclass its not new karl marx and various other people wrote about it in th 1800's and now thanks to the new right ideology it back at the forefront!

family structures changed, the extended family is gone and so is the source of extra support with looking after children the nuclear family is on the way out too get with the times!!

if its not the single parents its the immigrants ! who made all these lone parents?? was it because of penile dsfunction? ten pints and forgot u had a wife and kids and spawned an accident? it takes 2 to make a baby in the ordinary sense anyway and funny how its always the womans fault are men not responsible for contraception??

i would really love to live in the ivory towers that you lot live in it makes me sick to see the way you are all so fuckin perfect and never will need the welfare state but i bet ten to a penny your the ones screamin about losin child benefit and you quickly label other people scroungers!!!! there but for the grace of god......

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

To many snobs on here and dailymail readers,Work weres the fucking jobs unsympathetic shower who havnt a clue what hardship is

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

here here desmondo .

hard earned taxes i have heard all about it on here , what a pile of nonsence , the government should stop the aid to other countries and this would bring back a lot of monies that this country needs , get the soldiers back home and stop putting so much money into nuclear weapons , more millions saved , but hey no way , lets get the kids of our coutry into homes , take away what little money people get to bring them up away and let them starve.

you should all think shame of yourselves , just remember that these kids ur talking about now will be wiping ur arse when u cant do it yourself.

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By *leasureDomeMan
over a year ago

all over the place

"To many snobs on here and dailymail readers,Work weres the fucking jobs unsympathetic shower who havnt a clue what hardship is "

got to admire your balls out take on it there mate .But i am not sure its snobbery ,its media hype and the people are believing it. I have seen this stigmatisation of people on benefits for a couple of years now.

Pick a few anomalies out and put the scenario to the people that all benefit claimants are "scroungers" or "workshy" ,"Lazy fuckers". These are people legally claiming assistance not criminals. You cant blame people for claiming JSA or help if there are no jobs or no training to skill you up to get a job.

Re the "make the fuckers work for there benetits" what a great concept lets chuck the remaining street cleaners,grass cutters on the dole as well.

Its going to be interesting when labour ask the govt for a commitment that when the debt is paid the cuts will be reversed.If not it will prove this is political dogma and nothing to do with clearing debt,its back to the 80s ,attack the weakest-reward the strongest.

Oh and totally ignore any pre election pledges.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What is amusing about this thread is the same people who are complaining about being labled workshy scroungers are the same that are first to post about immigrants etc.

Sweeping generalisations is not nice is it?!!

It's not snobbery, and I don't think it's even media hype - we ALL know someone who is on the fiddle, but conveniently "forget" those on benefits who really do need help and assistance.

But for the grace of God...I wouldn't for one moment criticise someone for being on benefit IF they needed it. If someone wants to breed without the benefit of a partner to help them, it's not my problem, it becomes my problem when said person makes snide remarks about working mothers not being good mothers because we choose to work and provide for our children AND limit the amount we have.

As with all things the government is looking for an easy target and scapegoat and this weeks it's single parents. Who knows who'll be in the firing line next!

I think single parents should work when their children are at school...only one problem with that - they're not the jobs to go around, so in reality a futile exercise!!

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