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"If I had known what caused the first one there wouldn't have been a second! " Bloody hell, did they not teach you anything in Biology at school? (I believe it has something to do with shagging) ![]() | |||
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"If I had known what caused the first one there wouldn't have been a second! Bloody hell, did they not teach you anything in Biology at school? (I believe it has something to do with shagging) ![]() No disrespect to A & K at all, but most unwanted pregnancies used to be down to ignorance. Nowaadays i suppose you could blame alcohol and ignorance. | |||
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"Perhaps if the issue of imigration was solved then we'd have a better chance at solving the issue of multiple births in a society that is straining at the seams. Finally the government have capped the number of immigrants allowed in but that does not solve the issues caused by those already here. While I am sympathetic to the problems faced in their home land and their reasons at wanting to claim asylum in a country that is safe, perhaps there should be a clause in there that says 'you can come, but you can't breed' And before I'm accused of being 'ist' that also applies to the one's 'born & bred' in this country. The British folk that continue to knock kids out left right & centre & expect the tax payers to foot the bill. They're the ones that cripple our health system, empty the pockets of the tax payer and over crowd our schools. All the while slumping off to the post office each Tuesday morning in their pyjama's & ugg boots with dirty children screaming for their daily sweet fix. They get their money, put the gas & electric on the meter then slide over to the cigarette counter for the 60 regal kingsize that will fuck their lungs up before they demand health care for their cancer & childs asthma. " oi i wear jammies and ugg boots to go to the shop!! but im not a bru dwelling multiple breeder so its allowed!! x ![]() | |||
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"Perhaps if the issue of imigration was solved then we'd have a better chance at solving the issue of multiple births in a society that is straining at the seams. Finally the government have capped the number of immigrants allowed in but that does not solve the issues caused by those already here. While I am sympathetic to the problems faced in their home land and their reasons at wanting to claim asylum in a country that is safe, perhaps there should be a clause in there that says 'you can come, but you can't breed' And before I'm accused of being 'ist' that also applies to the one's 'born & bred' in this country. The British folk that continue to knock kids out left right & centre & expect the tax payers to foot the bill. They're the ones that cripple our health system, empty the pockets of the tax payer and over crowd our schools. All the while slumping off to the post office each Tuesday morning in their pyjama's & ugg boots with dirty children screaming for their daily sweet fix. They get their money, put the gas & electric on the meter then slide over to the cigarette counter for the 60 regal kingsize that will fuck their lungs up before they demand health care for their cancer & childs asthma. oi i wear jammies and ugg boots to go to the shop!! but im not a bru dwelling multiple breeder so its allowed!! x ![]() It's only allowed bcause you live West of the meridian line which divides civilised society from the rest in Scotland. ![]() | |||
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"Perhaps if the issue of imigration was solved then we'd have a better chance at solving the issue of multiple births in a society that is straining at the seams. Finally the government have capped the number of immigrants allowed in but that does not solve the issues caused by those already here. While I am sympathetic to the problems faced in their home land and their reasons at wanting to claim asylum in a country that is safe, perhaps there should be a clause in there that says 'you can come, but you can't breed' And before I'm accused of being 'ist' that also applies to the one's 'born & bred' in this country. The British folk that continue to knock kids out left right & centre & expect the tax payers to foot the bill. They're the ones that cripple our health system, empty the pockets of the tax payer and over crowd our schools. All the while slumping off to the post office each Tuesday morning in their pyjama's & ugg boots with dirty children screaming for their daily sweet fix. They get their money, put the gas & electric on the meter then slide over to the cigarette counter for the 60 regal kingsize that will fuck their lungs up before they demand health care for their cancer & childs asthma. oi i wear jammies and ugg boots to go to the shop!! but im not a bru dwelling multiple breeder so its allowed!! x ![]() ![]() yes and im sure the only place you have culture is between your toes! ![]() | |||
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"Perhaps if the issue of imigration was solved then we'd have a better chance at solving the issue of multiple births in a society that is straining at the seams. Finally the government have capped the number of immigrants allowed in but that does not solve the issues caused by those already here. While I am sympathetic to the problems faced in their home land and their reasons at wanting to claim asylum in a country that is safe, perhaps there should be a clause in there that says 'you can come, but you can't breed' And before I'm accused of being 'ist' that also applies to the one's 'born & bred' in this country. The British folk that continue to knock kids out left right & centre & expect the tax payers to foot the bill. They're the ones that cripple our health system, empty the pockets of the tax payer and over crowd our schools. All the while slumping off to the post office each Tuesday morning in their pyjama's & ugg boots with dirty children screaming for their daily sweet fix. They get their money, put the gas & electric on the meter then slide over to the cigarette counter for the 60 regal kingsize that will fuck their lungs up before they demand health care for their cancer & childs asthma. oi i wear jammies and ugg boots to go to the shop!! but im not a bru dwelling multiple breeder so its allowed!! x ![]() ![]() ![]() Excuse me, madam. I've got yoghurt too. | |||
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"Following on from Luton_Couple's post on the 'Scroungers' thread regarding his view on China's one child policy being implented over here, I thought it warranted it's own discussion. ~ First, the facts: China's one child policy was established by Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in 1979 to limit communist China's population growth. Although designated a "temporary measure," it continues a quarter-century after its establishment. The policy limits couples to one child. Fines, pressures to abort a pregnancy, and even forced sterilization accompanied second or subsequent pregnancies. It is not an all-encompassing rule because it has always been restricted to ethnic Han Chinese living in urban areas. Citizens living in rural areas and minorities living in China are not subject to the law. However, the rule has been estimated to have reduced population growth in the country of 1.3 billion by as much as 300 million people over its first twenty years. This rule has caused a disdain for female infants; abortion, neglect, abandonment, and even infanticide have been known to occur to female infants. The result of such Draconian family planning has resulted in the disparate ratio of 114 males for every 100 females among babies from birth through children four years of age. Normally, 105 males are naturally born for every 100 females. Now that millions of sibling-less people in China are now young adults in or nearing their child-bearing years, a special provision allows millions of couples to have two children legally. If a couple is composed of two people without siblings, then they may have two children of their own, thus preventing too dramatic of a population decrease. ~ That kind of negates the argument for offspring restriction, it's far too draconian for it to be a blanket policy strictly enforced, but maybe some sort of concession for those who volunteer to undergo sterilisation could be found. Siren's gagging for another child so I guess we won't be moving to China in a hurry. ![]() We used to have wars they prevented population explosion and pestilence, disease, malnutrition etc etc which thank to the main no longer exists. But we get a dramatic increase in the population. So if we don't limit births there is only one answer to reduce the population.......... ![]() | |||
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" oi i wear jammies and ugg boots to go to the shop!! but im not a bru dwelling multiple breeder so its allowed!! x ![]() ![]() Civilised? From someone on the side of the country which put salt n sauce on their chips????? ![]() | |||
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"at the moment i have 2 grandchildren ( from 1 of my 3 daughters ) even if they only go on to have 2 each that will make 6 so if ive got that right 2 people turn into 6 people in about 35 years and as the "parents" are all still alive that makes 11 ( depending on how you look at it ) " If you look at my family from my grandparents on just one side then my lovely ole nan & grandad are directly responsible for 92 people being alive today. 8 x children 24 x grandchildren 46 x g/grandchildren 14 x g/g/grandchildren My grandparents were born c.1910 so now, 100 years later, they have multiplied by just over 4,500% Ok. we have a BIG family lol, but if you average it out, the worldwide population increases by approx 1bn every 10-12 years. China & India combined have almost 40% of the world's current population of 6.7bn people. The current growth rate is 1.10% or some 140mn people. Deaths account for 57mn people annually. A decline in the growth rate in recent decades has led experts to predict that the 10-12 year population expansion gap will increase to 20-25 years per bn people upto 2050, which indicates a reduction in the growth rate. Needless to say, that by 2100 the worldwide population will hit 12bn people, almost double than today's total. Scan forward 500 years and it's not rocket science to see that we will have outgrown this planet and will have to look for other worlds to colonise. Nature has a funny old way of working things out and as our population increases so does our technical capabilities, so it's not inconceivable that we will have found another world, or maybe even terra-formed Mars to produce the food we need, but it can never be a realistic place for billions of people to live. We'll survive, if we haven't blown the place to smithereens by then. | |||
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"at the moment i have 2 grandchildren ( from 1 of my 3 daughters ) even if they only go on to have 2 each that will make 6 so if ive got that right 2 people turn into 6 people in about 35 years and as the "parents" are all still alive that makes 11 ( depending on how you look at it ) If you look at my family from my grandparents on just one side then my lovely ole nan & grandad are directly responsible for 92 people being alive today. 8 x children 24 x grandchildren 46 x g/grandchildren 14 x g/g/grandchildren My grandparents were born c.1910 so now, 100 years later, they have multiplied by just over 4,500% Ok. we have a BIG family lol, but if you average it out, the worldwide population increases by approx 1bn every 10-12 years. China & India combined have almost 40% of the world's current population of 6.7bn people. The current growth rate is 1.10% or some 140mn people. Deaths account for 57mn people annually. A decline in the growth rate in recent decades has led experts to predict that the 10-12 year population expansion gap will increase to 20-25 years per bn people upto 2050, which indicates a reduction in the growth rate. Needless to say, that by 2100 the worldwide population will hit 12bn people, almost double than today's total. Scan forward 500 years and it's not rocket science to see that we will have outgrown this planet and will have to look for other worlds to colonise. Nature has a funny old way of working things out and as our population increases so does our technical capabilities, so it's not inconceivable that we will have found another world, or maybe even terra-formed Mars to produce the food we need, but it can never be a realistic place for billions of people to live. We'll survive, if we haven't blown the place to smithereens by then." yes nature has a way of balancing things out , and has done for millions of years , there has never been a species that has been able to usurp all the others untill now , unfortunatly in the case of mankind he is both very intelligent , and very stupid , and the only way i can see him working it out in a natuaral way is by canibalism as for technology , we have the cold fusion , and the terraform mars brigade they cant stop it raining when the tennis is on at wimbledon , let alone slow down global warming , so as regards terraforming mars that could be at least a thousand years before we even start , then ten thousand before you could open ( by a crack ) the visor on your spacesuit !!! by then it will be too late so lets all put it to the back of our minds and make a silly joke about it ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"at the moment i have 2 grandchildren ( from 1 of my 3 daughters ) even if they only go on to have 2 each that will make 6 so if ive got that right 2 people turn into 6 people in about 35 years and as the "parents" are all still alive that makes 11 ( depending on how you look at it ) If you look at my family from my grandparents on just one side then my lovely ole nan & grandad are directly responsible for 92 people being alive today. 8 x children 24 x grandchildren 46 x g/grandchildren 14 x g/g/grandchildren My grandparents were born c.1910 so now, 100 years later, they have multiplied by just over 4,500% Ok. we have a BIG family lol, but if you average it out, the worldwide population increases by approx 1bn every 10-12 years. China & India combined have almost 40% of the world's current population of 6.7bn people. The current growth rate is 1.10% or some 140mn people. Deaths account for 57mn people annually. A decline in the growth rate in recent decades has led experts to predict that the 10-12 year population expansion gap will increase to 20-25 years per bn people upto 2050, which indicates a reduction in the growth rate. Needless to say, that by 2100 the worldwide population will hit 12bn people, almost double than today's total. Scan forward 500 years and it's not rocket science to see that we will have outgrown this planet and will have to look for other worlds to colonise. Nature has a funny old way of working things out and as our population increases so does our technical capabilities, so it's not inconceivable that we will have found another world, or maybe even terra-formed Mars to produce the food we need, but it can never be a realistic place for billions of people to live. We'll survive, if we haven't blown the place to smithereens by then." Be Green - Have one kid. It struck me a while back. People recycle their newspapers, don't leave the telly on standby overnight and use low energy bulbs etc - all so they can "do their bit" for the environment. But by having one less kid the overall carbon saving a couple of generations down the line is massive compared to the puny things people do now. ![]() | |||
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"Be Green - Have one kid. It struck me a while back. People recycle their newspapers, don't leave the telly on standby overnight and use low energy bulbs etc - all so they can "do their bit" for the environment. But by having one less kid the overall carbon saving a couple of generations down the line is massive compared to the puny things people do now. ![]() t's all well and good coming up with ideas to 'save the planet' but they never seem to take account for the human factor. I have two children. My eldest longed for a sibling and when my son was born 2 years ago her first words on seeing him was: "I'll never be alone now, Daddy." That alone makes me stick two fingers up to the eco-warriors. Nature always finds a way to balance things out, 4 billion years of evolution proves that, so as far as I'm concerned, I'll recycle stuff if it's convenient for me to do so, I'll have as many kids as I want, and the 'greens' can go and live on their own little island and grow bio-friendly crops etc etc.. It's all a fookin con anyway - go to Sainsbury's and see how much more you pay for eco products. | |||
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