By *heWolfMan
over a year ago
warwickshire |
Could be worse. You could be in a pub, notice a fine young filly staring and smiling at you. Flattered, you slither over to suavely charm her with your silver tongue.
She flutters her eyelashes and coyly runs her finger round the top of her Alco-Tizer.
"Sorry I was staring" she ventures, "I know you don't I?"
You think for a second, coming to the conclusion that your prowess as a sex machine has now become legendary, the whole town worships you. But before you can reply, she follows it up with
"Yeah, you were at school with me Mum, she sometimes comes out with me and pointed you out the other week when all those lads were fighting in here, and you just stood there covering up your pint. She'd be here tonight, but can only handle one night out a month now. You ought to get together, you can have a natter about old times together, keep each other company. That gets more important as you get older, doesn't it? You never know what might happen when you are on your own......"
You will feel your raging boner subside into a floppy maggot as you realise you have more chance of plaitting snot than bedding this one.
Then again, Mum might be up for it, if you go gently in case you hit anything that has shifted when she hurt her hip at Line Dancing last week, any of her "Womens' Doings".
That is the day, my friend, that you realise you are on a downhill slope to the grave, and it is sometimes better to take any opportunity that comes a-knocking (even if it is knocking on the ceiling with her walking stick because she needs help getting onto the commode for a dump). Yes, turning 40 is a choker. |