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"Parents arrested for letting their child become morbidly obese!!!! Right or wrong?" If they had starved their kids, no one would disagree, so why not the other way round. There's plenty of publicity and information about the health risks available so. unless it's a medical condition, yes. | |||
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"Starve a child and it's rightly _iewed as abuse and/or neglect. I don't see as obesity, particularly in the very young is any different. " ![]() | |||
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"Parents arrested for letting their child become morbidly obese!!!! Right or wrong? If they had starved their kids, no one would disagree, so why not the other way round. There's plenty of publicity and information about the health risks available so. unless it's a medical condition, yes." This. ![]() | |||
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"poor child to be taken into care.. think that might effect him more for the rest of his life than being fat." yes you maybe right in saying this . ![]() | |||
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"Wrong. The child is at school during lunchtimes and is free to eat what they decide. In fact, at that age, there's only so much control a parent has over what that child eats. An intervention would have been just as effective if social services were really concerned. ![]() He must have been fed too much / the wrong type of food for years to get to that stage. | |||
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"Wrong. The child is at school during lunchtimes and is free to eat what they decide. In fact, at that age, there's only so much control a parent has over what that child eats. An intervention would have been just as effective if social services were really concerned. ![]() No child becomes obese during school lunch time and certainly not at age 11. Most primary schools drill the healthy eating agenda constantly. The responsibility for a child is always with the parent, despite actions to the contrary. | |||
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"I don't agree with splitting up families, i was taken off my parents and spent most of my life in and out of care homes and round verious foster families and from first hand experience its no life for child, however some of the kids you see now days are huge and something needs to be done about it, a woman i work with had a 10 year old who's a dress size 18, she gets bullies terrible at school, i really real for child, to be honest that alone would be enough to changed our eating habits" A lot of the time kids are eating as bored and loads of other things going on in there life and they cope eating to escape. Maybe some need to look at bigger picture and find out why they need to turn to food and that will take time and money and education .. something has to be done but people have got to wish to be helped some don't wish to .. | |||
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"Wrong. The child is at school during lunchtimes and is free to eat what they decide. In fact, at that age, there's only so much control a parent has over what that child eats. An intervention would have been just as effective if social services were really concerned. ![]() Again, it's all about education. I've seen children eating rubbish for years but with a metabolism faster than lightning burning it off. As it was mentioned before, putting a child into the system would do more harm than good. Plus, you can also gain weight from eating too little as the body stores fat if it feels it's not getting enough food. With so many potential factors, arresting people isn't going to change things. | |||
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" Found it. I still think unless the SS had tried all other avenues then an arrest is OTT...but the article didn't say whether the SS were involved long before the arrest or not." This takes place in Norfolk. Do police there have nothing better to do? Is crime that low? According to the mother, the child's favourite snack is steamed broccoli. ![]() | |||
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" Found it. I still think unless the SS had tried all other avenues then an arrest is OTT...but the article didn't say whether the SS were involved long before the arrest or not. This takes place in Norfolk. Do police there have nothing better to do? Is crime that low? According to the mother, the child's favourite snack is steamed broccoli. ![]() Do the police have nothing better to do than protecting a child? It's ok because there's another country even fatter than us? Pretty weak arguments. An arrest seems a bit strong, but I doubt it came from out of the blue and if it sends a message to the many parents that don't look after their children - then good. | |||
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"Wrong. Kid could have an imbalance that causes weight gain. Parents shouldbe educated on healthy eating for themselves and their kids. It should have been caught by doctors or family earlier on, but the parents shouldn't have been arrested. I was always a chubby kid, it wasn't til I was about 15 that I started gaining a lot of weight. But around that time I went on the pill (gained weight like crazy). I was always a fussy eater and I wish my parents had forced me to eat more vegetables and do more exercise but its not their fault im the size and weight I am today. " An imbalance that violates the basic laws of thermodynamics? You only get fat if you eat more than you need. | |||
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"so its my mums fault im fat!!!! You're an adult." it was a joke fast food is the main problems with kids nowdays they should get help with dealing with it but oTT to take them away | |||
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"so its my mums fault im fat!!!! You're an adult. it was a joke fast food is the main problems with kids nowdays they should get help with dealing with it but oTT to take them away " I think the main problem is with people's failure to accept personal responsibility. There's always something to blame - fast food, lifestyle, labels... | |||
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" Found it. I still think unless the SS had tried all other avenues then an arrest is OTT...but the article didn't say whether the SS were involved long before the arrest or not. This takes place in Norfolk. Do police there have nothing better to do? Is crime that low? According to the mother, the child's favourite snack is steamed broccoli. ![]() So arresting the parents of obese children is more important than sexual abuse of a child, rape, murder? ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"A little while ago they were going to put restrictions on times chippers open/kebab shops to shop kids going in before supper time to get food. Rather than stress the poor kid to hell - im sure they'll be under enough stress from bullies why not just let the kid meet the fattest people around? Use scare tactics. I was a chubber and weighed a good 12stone throughout most of my preteen and teen years until I took it into my own hands and got down to 9 I was bullied something rotten not only from school collegues but from family as well. Just stupid the parents got arrested." The kid fell over and couldn't get back up. At 5 ft tall and 15+ stone he is probably the fattest person around. Although your suggestion isn't really going to be helping the self esteem of the fat people you use as scare tactics is it? "Hey Jeff you mind if we bring a bunch of kids round to stare at how grotesque you are to hopefully scare them out of becoming ad fat as you" | |||
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" Found it. I still think unless the SS had tried all other avenues then an arrest is OTT...but the article didn't say whether the SS were involved long before the arrest or not. This takes place in Norfolk. Do police there have nothing better to do? Is crime that low? According to the mother, the child's favourite snack is steamed broccoli. ![]() The mum also said she didn't think the childs weight was a problem. It is and probably why the SS were called. The article doesn't say if the parents had ignored any advice given by SS prior to the arrest but if they had then I still don't know what that would achieve as they would still have the same attitude. | |||
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"Parents arrested for letting their child become morbidly obese!!!! Right or wrong?" If they have ignored the hoards of advice and nutritional information that will have been constantly given to them along with dietician support then yes its right If they had starved a child they would be arrested too | |||
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"Its was not the place of the police to step in I feel. School and social services should have been there to help .This child has autism so thrives on structure and routine to remove him from his parents is just plain wrong They need support not criminalising this is not the way to deal with a child in need of help." They were as I heard it. And by the sound of it it's a desperate attempt to deal with the parents, not the child. | |||
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"Its was not the place of the police to step in I feel. School and social services should have been there to help .This child has autism so thrives on structure and routine to remove him from his parents is just plain wrong They need support not criminalising this is not the way to deal with a child in need of help." I work with menwwith learning disabilities and challenging behaviour, some have autism and food is their life. I agree the parents need support. | |||
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"Its was not the place of the police to step in I feel. School and social services should have been there to help .This child has autism so thrives on structure and routine to remove him from his parents is just plain wrong They need support not criminalising this is not the way to deal with a child in need of help. They were as I heard it. And by the sound of it it's a desperate attempt to deal with the parents, not the child." well they all need to put this child first and doing this just make things worse, Its not the job of the police, It Support from people in the right places is whats needed and social services have things they can put into place to help this family . So I feel they are the ones not doing there job here. | |||
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"It isn't a knee jerk response, I just heard it on the news and they've been involved with the family for some time. But I guess that doesn't suit your argument too well. The abuse/rape thing is pathetic - you think a copper walked past a woman being raped to pull the fat kid out of a house? When the child is ignored and dies from neglect the reactions are suddenly very different." It's only pathetic because, in comparison, it's clear to see which is more important. Who was involved with the family? Social services or the police? I'm sure by the mother's distress that they were really helpful. The kid was apparently a fan of steamed broccoli. Does that sound unhealthy to you? Some people are big than others. We are all different shapes and sizes and we do our best but for some, that is simply not possible. Parenting is not easy and parents will make mistakes. In a world where we are working longer hours and trying to make ends meet, people are living and eating on the go. That's an issue. Parents worry about making sure their children have enough to eat. For some, that's good thing and for others, it's not. That's an issue. Involving the police is over the top. It's a social services issue at best and they should remain with the family for as long as it takes, not separate them and cause pain and trauma for child and parent alike. | |||
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"From the Independent: "The 49-year-old and his wife, 43, were both questioned under caution after doctors at the Queen Elizabeth hospital contacted police after treating the boy twice in March. The pair were subsequently visited by social workers and agreed to a letter of intent over the 11-year-old’s care. If they fail to comply, legal proceedings will reportedly be started to take the child into care. But the pair insisted they were trying to keep their son at a healthy weight and encouraged him to take regular exercise. They said they had been threatened with legal action earlier this year and had signed up to a voluntary plan to address their son’s weight issues, with little success." That's the hospital, social services and finally the police. What extra help should they need?" If they really cared, as long as it takes. | |||
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"What isn't possible? Eating healthily and being active is possible for just about all children in this country. Encouraging such is possible for all parents. But then so is making excuses, which is a lot easier." Of course, but we have to police it? There are enough systems in places that we don't have to call in the law. There are enough children in care as it is. | |||
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"Advice and support don't seem to have worked. Hopefully this will and the child won't be separated from the parents." I hope so but we both know it's unlikely now the police are involved thus creating a bigger problem. | |||
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"Its was not the place of the police to step in I feel. School and social services should have been there to help .This child has autism so thrives on structure and routine to remove him from his parents is just plain wrong They need support not criminalising this is not the way to deal with a child in need of help." They did provide support and advice and ultimatums. They were ignored should the SS have just turned around and gone " ah well we tried" and walked away? | |||
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" In the USA they send there kids to fat camps to get there weight down .? Maybe that will start over here. " It does happen the kid goes has a balanced diet and exercise loses weight and starts getting healthy then comes home and is fed piles of crap by thier parents thwn get fat and unhealthy again. Oh and at 15 stone at his age odds are this kid is now permanently disfigured by this unless he dedicates the next 10 years of his life to losing the weight very slowly and controlled even then he won't ever return to having a normal body and will be more at risk for holding the extra weight for so long | |||
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"What isn't possible? Eating healthily and being active is possible for just about all children in this country. Encouraging such is possible for all parents. But then so is making excuses, which is a lot easier. Of course, but we have to police it? There are enough systems in places that we don't have to call in the law. There are enough children in care as it is. " police have to be present when a child is removed from a household. There clearly arnt enough systems in place as we cannot control what the parent does when we are not there | |||
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"“His weight isn’t that much of a big deal. I’m chubby and the whole of my husband’s side of the family is big. It’s genetics - you can be genetically fat.” The first sentence worries me a lot!! How she can't be concerned over it is terrible. Apparently he fell over and couldn't get back up. And you cannot be genetically fat. You can have a gene that means you are more predisposed to over eating and a big appetite, yeah you will probably need more willpower and stuff to stay at a decent weight but if you eat healthy the same as everyone else you won't still weigh double what you should. " I remember a TV program on channel 4 I think and they investigated families who used excuses like they had low metabolisms and the fat gene. The families were sent to labs to have the gene looked for and their metabolisms tested and they had high metabolisms and no fat gene. If a child has overweight parents, they're more likely to be overweight because the child picks up their parents habits and will eat what the parents provide. crystal | |||
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"What isn't possible? Eating healthily and being active is possible for just about all children in this country. Encouraging such is possible for all parents. But then so is making excuses, which is a lot easier. Of course, but we have to police it? There are enough systems in places that we don't have to call in the law. There are enough children in care as it is. police have to be present when a child is removed from a household. There clearly arnt enough systems in place as we cannot control what the parent does when we are not there" We? This is what I'm talking about. We are making decisions on how parents raise their children. Wanting to control and dictate how other people raise their kids. One parent is struggling to feed to feed their child the best they can, Social get called in. One parent is feeding their child the best they can, Social get called in. Both parents, in both cases, love their children and trying to do the best by them in a country that has far bigger problems than a child's diet and eating habits. | |||
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"“His weight isn’t that much of a big deal. I’m chubby and the whole of my husband’s side of the family is big. It’s genetics - you can be genetically fat.” The first sentence worries me a lot!! How she can't be concerned over it is terrible. Apparently he fell over and couldn't get back up. And you cannot be genetically fat. You can have a gene that means you are more predisposed to over eating and a big appetite, yeah you will probably need more willpower and stuff to stay at a decent weight but if you eat healthy the same as everyone else you won't still weigh double what you should. I remember a TV program on channel 4 I think and they investigated families who used excuses like they had low metabolisms and the fat gene. The families were sent to labs to have the gene looked for and their metabolisms tested and they had high metabolisms and no fat gene. If a child has overweight parents, they're more likely to be overweight because the child picks up their parents habits and will eat what the parents provide. crystal" I used to work in a deli/bakery and there was a mum & dad used to bring their little one in every day about 9am and get her a bacon and sausage baguette. That's 3 slices of bacon and a jumbo sausage in a buttered 9 inch crusty baguette. Didn't know how old she was at the time but I think now she was about the same age as my lad who's 3. She had rolls on rolls going down her arms and waddled along where her legs were so big. It was awful. Lots of parents used to bring their kids in, I still go in with my lad to say hi, maybe once every couple of weeks. But most parents would get their kids a little sausage roll or a cheese puff as a treat now and then. Not a man sized baguette. | |||
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"What isn't possible? Eating healthily and being active is possible for just about all children in this country. Encouraging such is possible for all parents. But then so is making excuses, which is a lot easier. Of course, but we have to police it? There are enough systems in places that we don't have to call in the law. There are enough children in care as it is. police have to be present when a child is removed from a household. There clearly arnt enough systems in place as we cannot control what the parent does when we are not there We? This is what I'm talking about. We are making decisions on how parents raise their children. Wanting to control and dictate how other people raise their kids. One parent is struggling to feed to feed their child the best they can, Social get called in. One parent is feeding their child the best they can, Social get called in. Both parents, in both cases, love their children and trying to do the best by them in a country that has far bigger problems than a child's diet and eating habits." And one of those problems is apparently a strain on the nhs, where in a few years time this child will end up needing them a lot if they end up with diabetes, heart problems and so on if nothing is done. | |||
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" We? This is what I'm talking about. We are making decisions on how parents raise their children. Wanting to control and dictate how other people raise their kids. One parent is struggling to feed to feed their child the best they can, Social get called in. One parent is feeding their child the best they can, Social get called in. Both parents, in both cases, love their children and trying to do the best by them in a country that has far bigger problems than a child's diet and eating habits." But a childs diet is a problem if it gets them to weigh 15 stone at 11. You mentioned the child likes broccoli on another too, but I also like eating too many goodies ....that and no exercise is what makes a person put on weight and the quicker the parents realise this the better for the child. They may think they are looking after their kid the best way they can, but they are not if they are denying there is a problem. | |||
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"Choosing to become fat as an adult is very different from neglecting your child to the point it is detrimental to their health. In those circumstances I'm very much in favour of the authorities acting in the best interests of the child." Education's the key. Like my work we have to do a 6 monthly fitness test. Maybe they should introduce that into schools?? | |||
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"I'm assuming that all the people defending the parents and complaining about social services involvement have never criticised social services for not doing enough when a child dies or is neglected? Or do we pick and choose when their involvement is acceptable based on our own uninformed perception? " I think it is the arresting of the parents that some people think is OTT rather than questioning that the SS are involved ![]() | |||
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"i think its very cruel to let your kids get too fat, same as people who let their cats and dogs get too fat. " If we were talking about a dog there would be overwhelming support for arresting the owner! | |||
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"Choosing to become fat as an adult is very different from neglecting your child to the point it is detrimental to their health. In those circumstances I'm very much in favour of the authorities acting in the best interests of the child. Education's the key. Like my work we have to do a 6 monthly fitness test. Maybe they should introduce that into schools?? " Parents are already made aware in various ways about the health of their children. | |||
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"What isn't possible? Eating healthily and being active is possible for just about all children in this country. Encouraging such is possible for all parents. But then so is making excuses, which is a lot easier. Of course, but we have to police it? There are enough systems in places that we don't have to call in the law. There are enough children in care as it is. police have to be present when a child is removed from a household. There clearly arnt enough systems in place as we cannot control what the parent does when we are not there We? This is what I'm talking about. We are making decisions on how parents raise their children. Wanting to control and dictate how other people raise their kids. One parent is struggling to feed to feed their child the best they can, Social get called in. One parent is feeding their child the best they can, Social get called in. Both parents, in both cases, love their children and trying to do the best by them in a country that has far bigger problems than a child's diet and eating habits. And one of those problems is apparently a strain on the nhs, where in a few years time this child will end up needing them a lot if they end up with diabetes, heart problems and so on if nothing is done. " I can appreciate that. ![]() | |||
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"Choosing to become fat as an adult is very different from neglecting your child to the point it is detrimental to their health. In those circumstances I'm very much in favour of the authorities acting in the best interests of the child. Education's the key. Like my work we have to do a 6 monthly fitness test. Maybe they should introduce that into schools?? Parents are already made aware in various ways about the health of their children. " Aren't they just!! Lol If that's the case then the parents should be hung out to dry. They've been told of their child's health yet still not done anything about it. Yeah I know there's all the sociological factors etc but it costs nothing to go for a walk round the block, building up to a run, put in a few press ups and sit ups and job's a good'en!! It's all about lifestyle choice. If the parents can't care for themselves what hope has the wee one got? | |||
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"Schools not longer playing compulsory competitive sport, PE being taken out of the curriculum, school playing fields being sold and combined with the rise technology which encourages lethargy and processed food with horrendous levels of sugar, fat and salt and is it any wonder we have an issue?" ![]() ![]() | |||
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" Found it. I still think unless the SS had tried all other avenues then an arrest is OTT...but the article didn't say whether the SS were involved long before the arrest or not. This takes place in Norfolk. Do police there have nothing better to do? Is crime that low? According to the mother, the child's favourite snack is steamed broccoli. ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"Schools not longer playing compulsory competitive sport, PE being taken out of the curriculum, school playing fields being sold and combined with the rise technology which encourages lethargy and processed food with horrendous levels of sugar, fat and salt and is it any wonder we have an issue? ![]() ![]() And why not? the parents could make sure their kids are not fed crap and take some don't need anything other than a good run in the park / game of footie etc which costs nothing. Surely you can't blame everyone else for something a parent should be doing for their child? | |||
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"Schools not longer playing compulsory competitive sport, PE being taken out of the curriculum, school playing fields being sold and combined with the rise technology which encourages lethargy and processed food with horrendous levels of sugar, fat and salt and is it any wonder we have an issue? ![]() ![]() Parents are ultimately responsible for their kids full stop. But the change in society over the past 30 years has been monumental and is a significant contributory factor. | |||
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" Parents are ultimately responsible for their kids full stop. But the change in society over the past 30 years has been monumental and is a significant contributory factor." It is yes...although a parent can find ways around the way things have changed...if they wanted to of course ![]() | |||
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"Schools not longer playing compulsory competitive sport, PE being taken out of the curriculum, school playing fields being sold and combined with the rise technology which encourages lethargy and processed food with horrendous levels of sugar, fat and salt and is it any wonder we have an issue? ![]() ![]() I'm not simply blaming. The world has become a lot different to the one many of us grew up in. I'm all for a healthy lifestyle. I play football 2-3 times a week, love walking eat a varied and balanced diet. I feel for the parents because many of these parents are working two jobs during evenings and weekends and may not have the time to spend with their children in these activities. Some activities cost money that a lot of these families haven't got. So I'm sympathetic as it's easy to judge but not everyone has the time or resources to pursue such a lifestyle. There is support for families in these situations and that should be encouraged, not arresting people. Way too extreme. | |||
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"Schools not longer playing compulsory competitive sport, PE being taken out of the curriculum, school playing fields being sold and combined with the rise technology which encourages lethargy and processed food with horrendous levels of sugar, fat and salt and is it any wonder we have an issue? ![]() ![]() well Said ![]() ![]() | |||
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"There is no excuse for allowing children to become obese,if you are still ignorant about nutrition,calorie intake vs calories used after being educated and supported then you are abusing that child and that child needs to be protected from harm Im glad ill be retired when the majority of patients that come into hospital are so obese it takes 6 people to move,wash,roll and toilet people every 2 hours because its back breaking,time consuming and becoming more and more common" I have a friend who designs the thingy's they use for moving fat people about in care homes/hospitals etc. It's a growth industry apparently. | |||
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"If they halved their food bill they could put that towards some activities.." I agree,plus walking costs nothing | |||
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"There is no excuse for allowing children to become obese,if you are still ignorant about nutrition,calorie intake vs calories used after being educated and supported then you are abusing that child and that child needs to be protected from harm Im glad ill be retired when the majority of patients that come into hospital are so obese it takes 6 people to move,wash,roll and toilet people every 2 hours because its back breaking,time consuming and becoming more and more common I have a friend who designs the thingy's they use for moving fat people about in care homes/hospitals etc. It's a growth industry apparently." It most definately is,and thats very sad because it can be prevented | |||
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"why the bloody hell would it be someone else's responsibility to feed a child appropriately.... apart from the parents/guardians" ![]() ![]() | |||
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"Schools not longer playing compulsory competitive sport, PE being taken out of the curriculum, school playing fields being sold and combined with the rise technology which encourages lethargy and processed food with horrendous levels of sugar, fat and salt and is it any wonder we have an issue? ![]() ![]() Maybe use less money on food that is no good for them and use that money for activities if they feel the need to pay for exercise. Exercise doesn't need to cost money though. If parents are at work too much, who is looking after the kids anyway? Surely someone is, which means they could do the things that the working parent can't. Parents need to be responsible for their own children. I am still agreeing with you on one point though, I am not sure arresting the parents would achieve anything if the SS have not got through to them before now. ![]() | |||
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"What isn't possible? Eating healthily and being active is possible for just about all children in this country. Encouraging such is possible for all parents. But then so is making excuses, which is a lot easier. Of course, but we have to police it? There are enough systems in places that we don't have to call in the law. There are enough children in care as it is. police have to be present when a child is removed from a household. There clearly arnt enough systems in place as we cannot control what the parent does when we are not there We? This is what I'm talking about. We are making decisions on how parents raise their children. Wanting to control and dictate how other people raise their kids. One parent is struggling to feed to feed their child the best they can, Social get called in. One parent is feeding their child the best they can, Social get called in. Both parents, in both cases, love their children and trying to do the best by them in a country that has far bigger problems than a child's diet and eating habits." Err yes society has decided that it should interfere when people abuse thier children making you 5 ft child 15 St at 11 is jist as much abuse as starving him. In fact malnutrition is easier to fix. He will live with the disfigurement caused by this for the rest of his life even with surgery | |||
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"What isn't possible? Eating healthily and being active is possible for just about all children in this country. Encouraging such is possible for all parents. But then so is making excuses, which is a lot easier. Of course, but we have to police it? There are enough systems in places that we don't have to call in the law. There are enough children in care as it is. police have to be present when a child is removed from a household. There clearly arnt enough systems in place as we cannot control what the parent does when we are not there We? This is what I'm talking about. We are making decisions on how parents raise their children. Wanting to control and dictate how other people raise their kids. One parent is struggling to feed to feed their child the best they can, Social get called in. One parent is feeding their child the best they can, Social get called in. Both parents, in both cases, love their children and trying to do the best by them in a country that has far bigger problems than a child's diet and eating habits." Err yes society has decided that it should interfere when people abuse thier children making you 5 ft child 15 St at 11 is jist as much abuse as starving him. In fact malnutrition is easier to fix. He will live with the disfigurement caused by this for the rest of his life even with surgery | |||
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"If they halved their food bill they could put that towards some activities.. I agree,plus walking costs nothing " What's the family's income? This might help but it's not a certainty as they may still could need help towards costs. Being arrested and cautioned will make finding work interesting though. ![]() ![]() | |||
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"I'm assuming that all the people defending the parents and complaining about social services involvement have never criticised social services for not doing enough when a child dies or is neglected? Or do we pick and choose when their involvement is acceptable based on our own uninformed perception? " This! When I first read the story my thought was they ignore when a child is abused and killed by a parent but pretty quick of the mark to call in the police because the kid is fat, but then I thought you can't cherry pick what abuse is acceptable. The parents have a problem because they don't recognise there's a problem. The poor boy is probably having a shitty time at school too. | |||
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"If they halved their food bill they could put that towards some activities.. I agree,plus walking costs nothing What's the family's income? This might help but it's not a certainty as they may still could need help towards costs. Being arrested and cautioned will make finding work interesting though. ![]() ![]() Whatever their income if they spend less on food they have more available to spend on other things. If you really want to plead the poverty argument try explaining to me why you don't see 15 stone kids in countries with a food shortage? And then factor in that a walk is free. A run is free. Playing at the park is free. Or maybe they need somebody else to do that for them too? | |||
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"Starve a child and it's rightly _iewed as abuse and/or neglect. I don't see as obesity, particularly in the very young is any different. ![]() This. | |||
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"Totally correct....every bit as much abuse and neglect as starving them..... They said it was "genetic".... He inherited eating pies methinks!" though I don't agree with over feeding kids I personally do not see it as abusive as starving a child as starvation is a deliberate act of cruelty where as most over weight kids tend to have over weight parents and the parents are just feeding their kids the same as they eat and they see nothing wrong with it, to me its more a case of re education whole families sometimes | |||
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"It isn't a knee jerk response, I just heard it on the news and they've been involved with the family for some time. But I guess that doesn't suit your argument too well. The abuse/rape thing is pathetic - you think a copper walked past a woman being raped to pull the fat kid out of a house? When the child is ignored and dies from neglect the reactions are suddenly very different." Well said..... Anyone see the prig last night re diabetes.... Scary scary stuff- and it's 80% caused by diet/ lifestyle.... Parents have got to take responsibility , and not fall prey to the marketing might of fags booze carry outs ( Eat! , don't cook!.... My god! ) big M's etc etc | |||
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"my kids were weird, I have 3 girls, two are really slim, my youngest is what I suppose most would call skinny, yet my middle daughter has always been chubby, not obese but always carried a bit of weight, I fed them all the same yet two was slim and one wasn't" People are different. Who knew? ![]() | |||
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"If they halved their food bill they could put that towards some activities.. I agree,plus walking costs nothing What's the family's income? This might help but it's not a certainty as they may still could need help towards costs. Being arrested and cautioned will make finding work interesting though. ![]() ![]() You didn't have to go all the way to developing countries to find children going without. UK poverty is a reality. Plus, processed goods are easy to buy in bulk with the amount of £1 stores about which has helped (albeit in a twisted way) lower income families. I'll leave the poverty issue alone, simply because that is another issue for another day. You're right. A walk is free, a run is free and a play in the park is free. My friend has a child who does all three and he's pretty big! (I need to warn her! ![]() | |||
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"There are plenty of unhealthy skinny kids too. This story is ridiculous. so long as there is love and happiness. If this story isabout neglect, that's a different matter. peace and love people x" ![]() | |||
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"poor child to be taken into care.. think that might effect him more for the rest of his life than being fat.yes you maybe right in saying this . ![]() But it might save their life. Lesser of 2 evils perhaps ? | |||
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"11year old 5'1" 15 stone is horrible the parents obviously think filling the poor kid up on shit fatty sugar filled food is a good thing.. in a single dad yeah im a bit overweight but my kids are fed good home cooked food stews chilli wraps homemade burgers fish pie etc etc but the time it takes is minimul for healthy kids all three of mine play sport from Gymnastics to table tennis to rugby league cricket n football its all down to lazy good for nothing parents. IM not a perfect dad never get any awards but i love my boys n playing a game in the park gets my arse off the sofa too evryone is a winner so top tips cook good food get them off the xbox get them enroled into sports clubs take them out to the park etc try n replace mars bars with fruit keep off the Pepsi ![]() ![]() | |||
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"There's a few on here could do with locking up, or kept away from the food for a bit" Theres a few that could grow up a bit too such as yourself | |||
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"I am fat! I am the middle of three girls, brought up in the same household eating the same home cooked food as my access to money or food outside. My younger sister is and always has been stick thin. My older sister is plump and always has been.....I was from teens fat and continue to be so.....had a fat maternal grandmother and mother... My older sister has two kids, my nephew is stick thin, my niece is plump. My son is stick thin. There are more factors than eating And frankly I have other priorities in my life, if I offend folks they do not need to speak to me." So maybe you could enlighten us as to why those 'factors' don't apply to the rest of Europe where obesity levels are significantly lower than the UK | |||
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"not sure why people who are adults are declaring their size, it is about the children. adults make their own choice ( unless genuine health challenges determine size ) kids are led by parents." I was going to say the same about the adults getting offended I don't think any rational person can deny that there is a massive epidemic of obesity now that includes children,there wasn't when I was a child,there may have been the occasional overweight child in a class yet now its far far more,that is nothing to do with genetics,the majority of that is due to,ignorance, poor nutrition and lack of exercise,nothing more,and getting defensive about it isn't going to change something thats going to get worse in the next few years | |||
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"It could be argued as to why we need our kids to be fit and healthy? Work is becoming more automated, most kids idea of fun is to stay in with their mates and play computer games, many jobs can be done at home as they are mainly done using a computer, the government is concerned that pensions are un affordable as people are living longer; so in terms of having a population fit for the nations needs obese kids are a bonus. But back to the question; parents are only part of the equation there are (as the previous threads have highlighted) many other contributing factors. Persnally, as a perent, anything that affected my kids health, over eating, under aged sex, drugs, over training, alchol... I'd do all I could to educate and influence them to make sure they stayed fit healthy and safe; maybe the parents of the child are in court not because their kid is fat but because they could have done more and didn't?" Need to be healthy?..because for the first time in generations many children are unlikely to outlive their parents. | |||
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"my kids were weird, I have 3 girls, two are really slim, my youngest is what I suppose most would call skinny, yet my middle daughter has always been chubby, not obese but always carried a bit of weight, I fed them all the same yet two was slim and one wasn't" Mine were the same, youngest and eldest slim, middle one got as big as a size 16 at one point. Now all three are size eights. | |||
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"If they halved their food bill they could put that towards some activities.. I agree,plus walking costs nothing What's the family's income? This might help but it's not a certainty as they may still could need help towards costs. Being arrested and cautioned will make finding work interesting though. ![]() ![]() ![]() You're very likely right about the fitness of some of those involved in making the decision - over half the population is seriously overweight now, so it's an issue that needs tackling. Not doing soon the basis that most people are fat won't help. I use the example of a country in real poverty vs the UK 'relative poverty' because the fact is that in societies where food is scarce people are not fat. In one of the wealthiest countries in the world where people live surrounded by technology and do not have to fight or work hard to stay alive, people can and do get fat. Personally I think that if you're fortunate enough by accident of birth to live in such a society you should take some responsibility for yourself and others, in the knowledge that you're very, very lucky. Regardless of what you think about any of that - if you can't make the effort to do the best for your children, particularly their health - you're scum. If you need tackling because of this, you should be. Instead of making excuses people should just get off their arses. | |||
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"Thing is, I studied nutrition when I was into my training years ago. Once a fat cell has been made, it can never be got rid of, only reduced in size, so letting kids get obese is sentencing them to a lifelong struggle to avoid being overweight. Whilst not obese, I was fat as a kid and have had to watch my diet since. It's an ongoing struggle. ![]() I hear you there I have always struggled with my weight, even when i've been slim to me I've felt like a fat person just borrowing a body for a while because I know at some point the weight will go back on its an on going battle i've fought all my life, it actually gets you down after a while And I do sometimes feel sorry for the kids as you know what kind of a life they have ahead | |||
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"I am fat! I am the middle of three girls, brought up in the same household eating the same home cooked food as my access to money or food outside. My younger sister is and always has been stick thin. My older sister is plump and always has been.....I was from teens fat and continue to be so.....had a fat maternal grandmother and mother... My older sister has two kids, my nephew is stick thin, my niece is plump. My son is stick thin. There are more factors than eating And frankly I have other priorities in my life, if I offend folks they do not need to speak to me." i have 12 year old twin boys one is taller n what i call chunky the other is small n slim even skinny id say they both eat well home cooked food but they are physically different but they arnt alowed on xbox at mine we do stuff as a family that keeps us all in shape n trim,ish | |||
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"If they halved their food bill they could put that towards some activities.. I agree,plus walking costs nothing What's the family's income? This might help but it's not a certainty as they may still could need help towards costs. Being arrested and cautioned will make finding work interesting though. ![]() ![]() ![]() Diet aside, this child (as far as any of us are aware) is attending school, dressed and loved. Apart from what this child is being fed, these parents are no different than most in the UK. There are far worse crimes against children than this that need police attention. | |||
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"If they halved their food bill they could put that towards some activities.. I agree,plus walking costs nothing What's the family's income? This might help but it's not a certainty as they may still could need help towards costs. Being arrested and cautioned will make finding work interesting though. ![]() ![]() ![]() It's not like they chose to do this instead of stopping a child getting beaten And tbh this Has done life long permanant damage to the child than starving him would have done | |||
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"I am fat! I am the middle of three girls, brought up in the same household eating the same home cooked food as my access to money or food outside. My younger sister is and always has been stick thin. My older sister is plump and always has been.....I was from teens fat and continue to be so.....had a fat maternal grandmother and mother... My older sister has two kids, my nephew is stick thin, my niece is plump. My son is stick thin. There are more factors than eating And frankly I have other priorities in my life, if I offend folks they do not need to speak to me." So you and one of your sisters ate lots the other didn't or did considerable amount of exercise Eating is the main Factor exercising off a single meal requires hours of work. And there is no magic gene that somone makes you work outside of the laws of thermodynamics. Only way you get fat is to eat more than you need. | |||
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"I am fat! I am the middle of three girls, brought up in the same household eating the same home cooked food as my access to money or food outside. My younger sister is and always has been stick thin. My older sister is plump and always has been.....I was from teens fat and continue to be so.....had a fat maternal grandmother and mother... My older sister has two kids, my nephew is stick thin, my niece is plump. My son is stick thin. There are more factors than eating And frankly I have other priorities in my life, if I offend folks they do not need to speak to me. So you and one of your sisters ate lots the other didn't or did considerable amount of exercise Eating is the main Factor exercising off a single meal requires hours of work. And there is no magic gene that somone makes you work outside of the laws of thermodynamics. Only way you get fat is to eat more than you need." Agree 100% ![]() ![]() | |||
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"Diet aside, this child (as far as any of us are aware) is attending school, dressed and loved. Apart from what this child is being fed, these parents are no different than most in the UK. There are far worse crimes against children than this that need police attention. " You tried this line before and it's a nonsense attitude. Should thefts be ignored because people also rape? Domestic abuse be overlooks because people are out and about with weapons? Traffic offences be ignored because people commit murders? I'm confident that the police are sufficiently well organised to be able to have dealt with this issue at a time that didn't impede their other duties. Which straw will you clutch at next? The child has big bones? Sleep eating? | |||
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"Parents arrested for letting their child become morbidly obese!!!! Right or wrong?" Too nanny state. We and the government should be educating folk, not persecuting them. | |||
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"Parents arrested for letting their child become morbidly obese!!!! Right or wrong? Too nanny state. We and the government should be educating folk, not persecuting them." what that eating too much food gets you fat.... | |||
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"Parents arrested for letting their child become morbidly obese!!!! Right or wrong? Too nanny state. We and the government should be educating folk, not persecuting them." Phrasing is wrong. That should be "parents arrested for MAKING child morbidly obese" | |||
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"Seems you can be arrested for doing anything now. " Think it's more a case of not doing anything | |||
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"Diet aside, this child (as far as any of us are aware) is attending school, dressed and loved. Apart from what this child is being fed, these parents are no different than most in the UK. There are far worse crimes against children than this that need police attention. You tried this line before and it's a nonsense attitude. Should thefts be ignored because people also rape? Domestic abuse be overlooks because people are out and about with weapons? Traffic offences be ignored because people commit murders? I'm confident that the police are sufficiently well organised to be able to have dealt with this issue at a time that didn't impede their other duties. Which straw will you clutch at next? The child has big bones? Sleep eating? " The only nonsense is that you are trying to put this on a par with more heinous crimes. Here's a question: How much jail time should these parents serve for this offence? If the law is involved, how far will this go? I'm trying to understand your passion for healthy eating but it's getting a bit much now. | |||
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"I am fat! I am the middle of three girls, brought up in the same household eating the same home cooked food as my access to money or food outside. My younger sister is and always has been stick thin. My older sister is plump and always has been.....I was from teens fat and continue to be so.....had a fat maternal grandmother and mother... My older sister has two kids, my nephew is stick thin, my niece is plump. My son is stick thin. There are more factors than eating And frankly I have other priorities in my life, if I offend folks they do not need to speak to me." Yeah, I'm sure the kid eats a perfectly balanced diet and exercises regularly and he got fat by magic. We live in a society where there's an excuse for everything and everyone. It's absolutely disgusting what these two "parents" have done to this young boy. | |||
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"Diet aside, this child (as far as any of us are aware) is attending school, dressed and loved. Apart from what this child is being fed, these parents are no different than most in the UK. There are far worse crimes against children than this that need police attention. You tried this line before and it's a nonsense attitude. Should thefts be ignored because people also rape? Domestic abuse be overlooks because people are out and about with weapons? Traffic offences be ignored because people commit murders? I'm confident that the police are sufficiently well organised to be able to have dealt with this issue at a time that didn't impede their other duties. Which straw will you clutch at next? The child has big bones? Sleep eating? " ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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" Found it. I still think unless the SS had tried all other avenues then an arrest is OTT...but the article didn't say whether the SS were involved long before the arrest or not. This takes place in Norfolk. Do police there have nothing better to do? Is crime that low? According to the mother, the child's favourite snack is steamed broccoli. ![]() Apparently the Mother already told him to excercise as much as he could................on his Wi !! | |||
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"Seems you can be arrested for doing anything now. " aye gone are the good old days where child abuse and neglect went unpunished. ah well. | |||
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