I have just finished watching it now.
I think that mostly the people who are part of the lifestyle that were interviewed came across as being the most rational and justified their actions very well. The couple who are members on here seemed genuinely down-to-earth... and I must say that her swing looked very comfortable! Maybe I'm a bit biased as I have more in common with this group of people, but I tried to be objective about the show whilst watching it.
The 'average people on the street' that were interviewed were all clearly pissed as a fart, and this showed in their answers to the questions that were asked. I got the impression that the majority of them would be up for it given the opportunity... not sure if that was intentional or not as it seemed to contradict with the underlying tone of the show was.
The so-called experts were very hit-and-miss. The sex therapist made some valid points, but the rest were unqualified to really talk about the subject and were, unsurprisingly, miseducated and misinformed. In particular, the Showbiz Reporter stood out as being particularly ignorant and intolerant. There was one soundbite which was repeated a few times where he said, in an astonished tone, something about a husband who enjoyed "hiding in the wardrobe whilst his missus was being fucked by a total stranger". So what if he does? If nobody is being hurt (physically or emotionally) then why is this 'expert' so outraged by it?
I'm not sure why they included the piece about the musician / gigolo because that seemed to be something completely different. He wasn't a swinger, he was a prostitute, despite him claiming to not be one. He may not tout for business on the kerbs of London's streets, but he's not a part of the swingers' lifestyle (whatever that means). He would have been more suited to a program about why people use prostitutes rather than a program supposedly about people who are polygamous.
Similarly, I felt the section about the pretty people having an exclusive orgy detracted from the real point of the show. The cameras weren't allowed inside and the female invitee didn't seem to remember much of what had happened. For all we know, the couples who took part in the jet set orgy may have only 'soft swapped', and therefore didn't really fit the category of "I sleep with strangers". It was, however, incredibly good publicity for the woman running it... the show didn't name websites but it mentioned her company's name on many occasions. They should have just gone to Chams instead!
Overall I was disappointed - but not really surprised - that the message of the show was very much "ooh look at the swingers" as if they were part of a circus freak show. It was quite condescending in places, and the 'experts' appeared incredibly self-righteous when they were talking. It was tabloid trash in a TV show. I don't watch much TV these days so maybe this is par for the course on Virgin 1 but I was hoping to have seen some objective, investigative journalism - sadly I was left disappointed.
The milf with the dark hair and glasses was very yummy though |