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Pope Memo

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By *ittle_brat_evie!! OP   Woman
over a year ago


I dont watch the news very often and so my have got the wrong end of this story but it has annoyed me - and i'm not even religious

It seems that some home office employees have written a 'joke' memo regarding the pope's visit to the UK later this year sugesting he could launch a range on Beneddict condoms, open an abortion clinic and stay in a Bradford council flat.

now, i am guessing this was not a serious attack on the pope or the Catholic Church and that the individuals will be duely reprimanded but it does make you think, what if this was written abut another religions leader?

Like i said - i am not religious and can see the funny side of the memo but look at the uproar there was when that Dutch guy drew a cartoon and South Park has been cancelled over a scene where a muslim leader was shown wearing a bear suit.

like i said - dont often watch the news so may be missing the point etc

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 26/04/10 08:14:14]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that other religions are more insecure than the Christian faith and regard charicature of it's holy figures as blasphemous. The Christian faith can withstand these so called 'attacks' and routinely brushes it off as a part of life.

I'd say that pretty much every religion other than Islam has learned how to deal with criticism of it's doctrines and mirth about it's leading figures. Only Islam takes these things serious enough to issue fatwa's and the like, and they've managed to instill a fear in leaders of non-Islamic states that this sort of thing is racist and must be stamped out.

I say bollocks to them, if they can't take it then fuck off to another Islamic country where it doesn't happen.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think that just recently Catholic bashing has become the order of the day. But like wishy, I think they can take a joke on the chin...after all....I don't remember any huge outcry at Spitting Image's portrayal of Pope John Paul II or Archbishop Robert Runcie.

This Memo was a crass joke, but I don't think it was done with any malice, and am sure the "felon" will get what's coming to him....both now and on judgement day

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By *heWolfMan
over a year ago


" Only Islam takes these things serious enough to issue fatwa's and the like, and they've managed to instill a fear in leaders of non-Islamic states that this sort of thing is racist and must be stamped out.

I say bollocks to them, if they can't take it then fuck off to another Islamic country where it doesn't happen."

Sri Lanka's Minister of Religious Affairs and Moral Uplift Secretary has taken offence at South Park too, for showing Buddha snorting a line of Coke.

The episode of South Park that was pulled depicted Mohammed dressed as a bear (because as we all know, images of the prophet are blasphemous, the bear suit was a disguise), and was shelved after the show's creators received death threats from a previously unknown radical group. It wasn't down to outcry from muslim leaders over the content.

Where the Catholic church went wrong was when it toned down the Inquisition, fear of a grisly end followed by a grisly afterlife did wonders for quelling dissent. Of course, Catholic priests moved onto that far more subtle form of control - fucking children.

And there lies the nub of it all - CONTROL. Religion thrives on control, through fear and intimidation, physical or spiritual.

Personally, I think anyone gullible enough to believe in an invisible friend in the sky deserves all they get, I don't believe things I read that apparently happened yesterday, let alone the words in a dodgy translated book that apparently was written thousands of years ago.

I live for today, this life, for peace and goodwill towards anyone who affects the life of me and my loved ones here and now. If other mugs want to live in fear of the Pit of Damnation, more fool them, and I'm quite happy to nail them to crosses or send them off to their 72 virgins, whatever, if it means peace and quiet for me and mine.

I'm not worried about finding out that I've made a big mistake, travelling down a corridor of light to find myself standing in front of The Man, having to explain my many blasphemies. If God exists, then He will understand why I don't believe any of the bullshit the organised religions feed people, I'm true in my heart to those who matter, myself and my world.

If you are reading this God, prove to ME, right now, absolutely, that you exist, and I will gladly change my tune. Till then, you are just another fairy story.

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By *heWolfMan
over a year ago


SHIT!!! That lightning bolt came close! Did anyone else see that? I could have been killed!!

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By *orse8Man
over a year ago


If TheWolf doesn't seem to be posting anymore, it's cos he just got struck down by lightning.

It was a Danish cartoonist btw, Theo van Gogh was the Dutch guy who got rubbed out.

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By *orse8Man
over a year ago


Damn you TheWolf, ninja poster.

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By *uss PussWoman
over a year ago

east cheshire

What has annoyed me is some bloody civil servant has been paid with our taxes to dick about in a brain storming session (apparently where this document originated), can see it now, some spotty wanker with an inflated ego thinking they are the dogs bollox. Have they been dismissed? nope...just moved to other duties...I hope its cleaning the toilets!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" Only Islam takes these things serious enough to issue fatwa's and the like, and they've managed to instill a fear in leaders of non-Islamic states that this sort of thing is racist and must be stamped out.

I say bollocks to them, if they can't take it then fuck off to another Islamic country where it doesn't happen.

Sri Lanka's Minister of Religious Affairs and Moral Uplift Secretary has taken offence at South Park too, for showing Buddha snorting a line of Coke.

The episode of South Park that was pulled depicted Mohammed dressed as a bear (because as we all know, images of the prophet are blasphemous, the bear suit was a disguise), and was shelved after the show's creators received death threats from a previously unknown radical group. It wasn't down to outcry from muslim leaders over the content.

Where the Catholic church went wrong was when it toned down the Inquisition, fear of a grisly end followed by a grisly afterlife did wonders for quelling dissent. Of course, Catholic priests moved onto that far more subtle form of control - fucking children.

And there lies the nub of it all - CONTROL. Religion thrives on control, through fear and intimidation, physical or spiritual.

Personally, I think anyone gullible enough to believe in an invisible friend in the sky deserves all they get, I don't believe things I read that apparently happened yesterday, let alone the words in a dodgy translated book that apparently was written thousands of years ago.

I live for today, this life, for peace and goodwill towards anyone who affects the life of me and my loved ones here and now. If other mugs want to live in fear of the Pit of Damnation, more fool them, and I'm quite happy to nail them to crosses or send them off to their 72 virgins, whatever, if it means peace and quiet for me and mine.

I'm not worried about finding out that I've made a big mistake, travelling down a corridor of light to find myself standing in front of The Man, having to explain my many blasphemies. If God exists, then He will understand why I don't believe any of the bullshit the organised religions feed people, I'm true in my heart to those who matter, myself and my world.

If you are reading this God, prove to ME, right now, absolutely, that you exist, and I will gladly change my tune. Till then, you are just another fairy story.


bugger it.....set up God's Profile.....but forget it takes 7 days till I can post here for him

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

" Only Islam takes these things serious enough to issue fatwa's and the like, and they've managed to instill a fear in leaders of non-Islamic states that this sort of thing is racist and must be stamped out.

I say bollocks to them, if they can't take it then fuck off to another Islamic country where it doesn't happen.

Sri Lanka's Minister of Religious Affairs and Moral Uplift Secretary has taken offence at South Park too, for showing Buddha snorting a line of Coke.

The episode of South Park that was pulled depicted Mohammed dressed as a bear (because as we all know, images of the prophet are blasphemous, the bear suit was a disguise), and was shelved after the show's creators received death threats from a previously unknown radical group. It wasn't down to outcry from muslim leaders over the content.

Where the Catholic church went wrong was when it toned down the Inquisition, fear of a grisly end followed by a grisly afterlife did wonders for quelling dissent. Of course, Catholic priests moved onto that far more subtle form of control - fucking children.

And there lies the nub of it all - CONTROL. Religion thrives on control, through fear and intimidation, physical or spiritual.

Personally, I think anyone gullible enough to believe in an invisible friend in the sky deserves all they get, I don't believe things I read that apparently happened yesterday, let alone the words in a dodgy translated book that apparently was written thousands of years ago.

I live for today, this life, for peace and goodwill towards anyone who affects the life of me and my loved ones here and now. If other mugs want to live in fear of the Pit of Damnation, more fool them, and I'm quite happy to nail them to crosses or send them off to their 72 virgins, whatever, if it means peace and quiet for me and mine.

I'm not worried about finding out that I've made a big mistake, travelling down a corridor of light to find myself standing in front of The Man, having to explain my many blasphemies. If God exists, then He will understand why I don't believe any of the bullshit the organised religions feed people, I'm true in my heart to those who matter, myself and my world.

If you are reading this God, prove to ME, right now, absolutely, that you exist, and I will gladly change my tune. Till then, you are just another fairy story.


Have we got the same parents? I swear I could have written that word for word. Well said.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What has annoyed me is some bloody civil servant has been paid with our taxes to dick about in a brain storming session (apparently where this document originated), can see it now, some spotty wanker with an inflated ego thinking they are the dogs bollox. Have they been dismissed? nope...just moved to other duties...I hope its cleaning the toilets!!


In every workplace up and down the country you will find people taking a break from their work, or even just a lighter moment where they are relaxing from the hum drum of their jobs, and merriment becomes the normal routine - you know, having a laugh.

Do you not joke about with your workmates during the course of your working day?

Ok, so this little bit of horseplay should never have got out and it's creator is guilty of nothing more than foolishness, and he'll probably pay a hefty price for it. It's a bit harsh to label him a 'spotty wanker with an inflated ego thinking they are the dogs bollox' though, don't you think?

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By *uss PussWoman
over a year ago

east cheshire


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By *heWolfMan
over a year ago


"a brain storming session "

Whaaaaaaaaat???? You can't say that! That is highly offensive to any epileptics who might be reading. You must use the term "idea storming". Or you'll go to Hell. Probably.

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By *uss PussWoman
over a year ago

east cheshire

"a brain storming session

Whaaaaaaaaat???? You can't say that! That is highly offensive to any epileptics who might be reading. You must use the term "idea storming". Or you'll go to Hell. Probably."

The Devil can't handle me

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By *ickmealloverWoman
over a year ago

a very plush appartment off junt 7 M5

I think its all very silly really

Its disrespectful for one and you would think that they would have better things to do with their time

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By *heWolfMan
over a year ago


Luckily, I'm his representative here, and I've been instructed to cop a fee....erm, I mean, assess the situation. It says so in the Bible (South Park edition, 2010, withdrawn from most bookshops)

Soooooo, alrighty..... just assume the position...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I thought that memo was hilarious

As for the Pope coming to the UK, who pays for this...........muggings here probably.

What annoys me is that an organisation can only apologise for the abuse scandal but no one is getting done for it.

Is it any different from a paedophile ring?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i think its been a case of supreme stupidity plus not thinkin of the consequences on someones part!

most of the stuff that was on it was offensive to catholics and mostly against their beliefs.

not bein catholic myself i dont really care but a lot of people would be offended it is a major religion that a lot of people do take seriously and i imagine a lot of irish catholics would be offended because of someones crass stupidity xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I thought that memo was hilarious

As for the Pope coming to the UK, who pays for this...........muggings here probably.

What annoys me is that an organisation can only apologise for the abuse scandal but no one is getting done for it.

Is it any different from a paedophile ring?


Yeah, the pope's too old to understand what a computer is let alone use one to surf the web for kiddie porn.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

it actually reminds me of somethin our local orange order would come up with for maximum offensiveness and i bet a lot of them had a good laugh at it!


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By *emmefataleWoman
over a year ago


i am keeping my gob shut on this one ....*wonders off into other room*

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By *heWolfMan
over a year ago



most of the stuff that was on it was offensive to catholics and mostly against their beliefs.


Ah yes, but doesn't Christianity hinge on the principle of "turn the other cheek".

Perhaps God wrote the memo to test their faith.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i wouldnt know im not christian??

except when im havin a lazy day and it was an act of god who punctured my car tyre so i couldnt get to uni!! xx

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By *heWolfMan
over a year ago


I'm not a Christian either, at least not in the traditional sense. I know one thing though, when I see a ghost I'm making signs of the cross and praying for Jesus to make it go away.

Ah, that makes me a Shit Christian.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Ah yes, but doesn't Christianity hinge on the principle of "turn the other cheek".


it was their practice of turning the other cheeks that got a lot of them into trouble in the first place!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Ah yes, but doesn't Christianity hinge on the principle of "turn the other cheek".

it was their practice of turning the other cheeks that got a lot of them into trouble in the first place! "

and the coffee just got spat on the laptop screen!!!! xx

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester


If you are reading this God, prove to ME, right now, absolutely, that you exist, and I will gladly change my tune. Till then, you are just another fairy story.


There would be no test of faith if you have proof... so the bible bashers say.

Which just makes me think God is a bit on the twisted side and likes to play mind games.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


If you are reading this God, prove to ME, right now, absolutely, that you exist, and I will gladly change my tune. Till then, you are just another fairy story.

There would be no test of faith if you have proof... so the bible bashers say.

Which just makes me think God is a bit on the twisted side and likes to play mind games.


We wouldn't need a test of faith if God popped down regularly when people are pissing about and said, "Oy! Enough now, or you'll get your legs slapped!"

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester


If you are reading this God, prove to ME, right now, absolutely, that you exist, and I will gladly change my tune. Till then, you are just another fairy story.

There would be no test of faith if you have proof... so the bible bashers say.

Which just makes me think God is a bit on the twisted side and likes to play mind games.

We wouldn't need a test of faith if God popped down regularly when people are pissing about and said, "Oy! Enough now, or you'll get your legs slapped!" "

But there would be no test of faith in doing that.

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