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Crying can harm babies brains

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By *ickmeallover OP   Woman
over a year ago

a very plush appartment off junt 7 M5

Do you agree with todays headlines?

They suggest that leaving babies to cry can potentially harm babies

"Leaving young babies to cry themselves to sleep can harm their developing brains, a parenting expert claims.

Dr Penelope Leach says recent scientific tests show high levels of the stress hormone cortisol develop in babies when no one answers their cries.

If this happens over long periods and repeatedly, it can be "toxic" to their brains, she says in a new book.

Dr Leach suggested unattended extreme crying bouts of 30 minutes or more could be damaging to babies"

Did you leave your babies to cry and do you feel it harmed them?

My youngest (of 3) was left to cry most of all as I was busy doing everything else for everyone else in my family and she is a straight A STUDENT so I think its a load of doo dah

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

Mine didn't cry much anyway so I wouldn't have left them to cry as there must have been something wrong.

To be honest though, I don't think I could have left them for a long time crying anyway.

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By *aughty_kittyWoman
over a year ago

finger licking good

i dont belive they know anything about babys anymore....

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By *ickmeallover OP   Woman
over a year ago

a very plush appartment off junt 7 M5

some babies just do cry tho

when clean fed and warm

My middle one cried non stop on a 5 mile drive to a holiday destination

she was the same with everyone else, nanna, aunty

Maybe I was just unlucky

My eldest hardly made a sound

Maybe it was that the youngest ones had to cry to make themselves heard in our house

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

lol yes that could have been it.

But yes, we were very lucky that mine didn't cry.....but had a friend who's baby did non stop....and she used to switch off while I would be tearing my hair out

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 22/04/10 14:12:34]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My parents were from the "leave them to it" school of thought....never did me any harm....am quite normal






Oh....hang on a minute

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

with mine if i knew she wasnt hungry or in pain or needin changed then i usually just left her especially if she was tired !

you do tend to know your childrens cry and why , ie hunger whatever.

i never picked her up everytime she cried as a lot of the time i did she would start laughin especially at bedtime! xx

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By *ickmeallover OP   Woman
over a year ago

a very plush appartment off junt 7 M5

"My parents were from the "leave them to it" school of thought....never did me any harm....am quite normal






Oh....hang on a minute "

all that pureed turnip maybe

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Our little lad rarely cries so when he does we know something's amiss. We've left him to cry it out at nighttime for five minutes and he's settled himself but it's more of a moan every ten seconds than a full on cry. My daughter was exactly the same, so it lends me to think that some babies cry a lot and some don't and I see no reason why that should be attributed to some sort of brain damage. Just another quack looking for headlines methinks.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My daughter cried day and night non stop for first 6 months,i was constantly holding her,even though it has hard i couldnt have left her to cry herself to sleep.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

nope .

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

How old are humans as a species and someone now suggests that something they have done since they began, is harmful.....FFS

It's even worst when we believe the so called experts, and how many experts have been proved wrong when they tried to take us from the norm???????

Does wanking make you go bald, deaf, blind, have have a hairy palm or all of them....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"How old are humans as a species and someone now suggests that something they have done since they began, is harmful.....FFS

It's even worst when we believe the so called experts, and how many experts have been proved wrong when they tried to take us from the norm???????

Does wanking make you go bald, deaf, blind, have have a hairy palm or all of them.... "

...and my face didn't stay like this when the wind changed either!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"How old are humans as a species and someone now suggests that something they have done since they began, is harmful.....FFS

It's even worst when we believe the so called experts, and how many experts have been proved wrong when they tried to take us from the norm???????

Does wanking make you go bald, deaf, blind, have have a hairy palm or all of them....

...and my face didn't stay like this when the wind changed either! "

I will take your word for it, lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My eldest daughter was the perfect baby she slept she never cried until she was teething and as a result when she did cry I knew something was wrong. I would then run to her and pick her up.

My youngest was the opposite she wanted held all day long, if I dared to speak to my eldest or Steven all hell would break loose and shorty would scream the house down. I got that stressed out I thought stuff it (well it was really a lot stronger than that) and put her in her cot to sleep one day - she screamed and howled and screamed and howled. Oldest went in the room shorty stopped big kid walked out the bedroom shorty screamed again!!

I left her for 5 minutes with her cries breaking my heart cos they were pitiful and I as her mother should have been able to settle my daughter.

Steven came in from work picked shorty up and silence he looked at me and said why you letting her cry I just stared at him and said teas on the table Im going for a bath. Walked out the room shorty screamed again I stuck my head round the door and said thats why I left her crying do you think you can do better be my guest!!

Same thing happened day after day all shorty wanted was to be held by me and me alone - realistically I couldnt do that while still looking after big kid and doing housework and dealing with everything else, so yes sometimes I let shorty cry never for longer than 20 minutes tho.

By the time she teethed she knew if she cried mum would come running but not for attention and she leant the difference fast cos I would just put her back down again. No matter how it hurt me to listen to her scream in frustration.


x x x

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

My son was a premature baby and they told me he would have tons of things wrong with him,Apart from a submucus cleft palete and hearing problems all he ever had was chicken pox. He slept through the night from 5 weeks only three of those was at home as he was in special care. He only woke up for one night feed the next three weeks. At one stage i asked the health visitor if he was ok cause he hadnt cried for two weeks. He was weened at three months and even off his night feed at 7 months. He can run 15 miles and cycle 25 and is very slender but not skinny. As for leaving them to cry i cant see the harm in it for short periods of time as they would get used to you picking them up all the while but dont think i could leave a baby to cry for more than about 20 minutes

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

oh, but then ive spent the last 20 years feeling guilt cause i didnt breast feed him. I couldnt as he was tube fed in those days they didnt extract milk to put in feeding tubes so al he could have was this special milk. But through advertising and "other" people poking their nose in ive felt guilty ever since, still do now

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The thing is the doctors and the specialists are always changing the goalposts no child comes with a manual or instruction book each child is an individual. If a baby crys first instinct is to comfort them. Take weaning it used to start at 4 months now it is 6 months. If a baby is hungry first instinct is to feed them and sometimes milk is not enough my eldest was born 9pound 2 ounces and was a big baby she was on baby rice at 3 months all we can go on is mothers instinct. Both mine were happy babies are happy children but I think my eldest now 12 is paying me back argh teenagers. Give me a toddlers tantrum over a teenage one anyday.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

seems its more scientists getting bored in a lab somewhere again trying to think up scaremonger doogooder bullshit,

just like the burgers make you crazy, blowjobs give you cancer, bla bla bla....

kids cant go and be kids anymore, oh no they're not aloud to go ride bikes, graze there knees, climb trees, get into mischief etc... that "childhood" stuff...

shouldn't studies be finding cures for diseases, and solutions to volcanic ash? lol something that we could do with that is a real problem?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"oh, but then ive spent the last 20 years feeling guilt cause i didnt breast feed him. I couldnt as he was tube fed in those days they didnt extract milk to put in feeding tubes so al he could have was this special milk. But through advertising and "other" people poking their nose in ive felt guilty ever since, still do now"

dont ever feel guilty for being a parent, i didnt breast feed mine and my eldest is a healthy 23yr old lol , didnt do him any harm .xxx

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"oh, but then ive spent the last 20 years feeling guilt cause i didnt breast feed him. I couldnt as he was tube fed in those days they didnt extract milk to put in feeding tubes so al he could have was this special milk. But through advertising and "other" people poking their nose in ive felt guilty ever since, still do now

dont ever feel guilty for being a parent, i didnt breast feed mine and my eldest is a healthy 23yr old lol , didnt do him any harm .xxx"

I know but the advertisments are all around us now. I think if i had been given the chance to breast feed and said no i may feel different its the fact i wasnt able to make my own decison.

But funny thing is they are now saying tins or baby food and jars arnt that good for a baby and 20 years ago my son never ever had a tin or jar of baby food just the flakes you made up for breakfast so in someways i was before my time

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

mm sunshine orange breakfast was like that , tasted great heheh they will always change the goalposts on what is good or bad for our kids and 10 yrs from new they will have a different set of rules

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I had two caesareans and my milk never came through with both of mine. Just because I got big boobs people thought I was carrying a milk float. I had no alternative than to bottle feed both of mine and both very healthy.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Well i like a crying baby ,,i like a quiet baby ---but which one is better??---only 1 way to find out---"FIGHT"!!!!!!!!! lol lol

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