Been vaping over 3 years now, from a 30-40 a day rollup habit.
Started with a cheap e-cig type for around £30, but it was pretty crap, though good enough to lead me to think that something more industrial strength might do it.
Went to the 1st generation re-fillables first, got an e-go from totally wicked.
Later went from the 510 atomiser to the 801, and bought 2 years supply (Totally Wicked were selling them off cheap at £1 a time), so missed the first and second generation tank systems.
I still have a few 801 atomisers left, but recently changed to the Vivi Nova tank system, which is 3rd generation tank technology - you can replace the wicks and coils easily and they're only around £2 each. The coils last much longer than the old style atomisers and can be cleaned, dry burned to get the crap off, and re-used several times.
I also bought 1 litre of Totally Wicked (really cheap at that volume) Red American tobacco flavour at 36 mg, but nearly finished that now and trying out Cloud 9 vaping 24mg stuff that they're selling off cheap - bought 150ml of that, which will last a while.
All in all, buying in volume/bulk when it's on offer, I get through around £10 a month in consumables - I still have the original batteries and chargers from my first e-go kit, though along the way I've bought a couple of high capacity USB pass through batteries, so can keep them topped up from my PC while I vape.
In terms of health, I can run faster and further, my sense of smell has improved and smokers cough has gone.
I still have the odd jazz woodbine, but that's the only time I smoke tobacco. Vaping is a total smoking substitute for me and I won't go back to rollups as long as I can vape.
Hope this helps - good luck  |