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David Cameron

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Or Dave as he likes to be known....

Is he the new messiah of British Politics?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

hes not the messiah, hes a very naughty boy !!! ,

sorry, someone had to do it

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By *thwalescplCouple
over a year ago


Funny how often Monty Python lines get quoted in here.

AHA!!!! Thats the common factor for swingers.... a warped sense of humour!!!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

knew it'd be you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

aw naw here a rant comin....... i fuckin hate the airburshed fake tanned sleazy irritatin annoyin upper class fake fuckin twat!! he no even got the ability to be maggie without the balls!! if that man gets voted in in scotland am movin to iraq or iran would have a better quality of fuckin life!! i hate him!! he gives me the impression of someone you would find in the corner wanking at a very low rated swingers bar or porn cinema!!! arrrggggh im off on one now!!! i really loathe him more than salmond or brown!! think i need to go and lie down!! sorry if iv offended one but i really pissin loathe the upper class twat especially when he tryin to pretend he in touch with the ordinary people!!! xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"aw naw here a rant comin....... i fuckin hate the airburshed fake tanned sleazy irritatin annoyin upper class fake fuckin twat!! he no even got the ability to be maggie without the balls!! if that man gets voted in in scotland am movin to iraq or iran would have a better quality of fuckin life!! i hate him!! he gives me the impression of someone you would find in the corner wanking at a very low rated swingers bar or porn cinema!!! arrrggggh im off on one now!!! i really loathe him more than salmond or brown!! think i need to go and lie down!! sorry if iv offended one but i really pissin loathe the upper class twat especially when he tryin to pretend he in touch with the ordinary people!!! xx"

so basically he can forget about your vote??

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"aw naw here a rant comin....... i fuckin hate the airburshed fake tanned sleazy irritatin annoyin upper class fake fuckin twat!! he no even got the ability to be maggie without the balls!! if that man gets voted in in scotland am movin to iraq or iran would have a better quality of fuckin life!! i hate him!! he gives me the impression of someone you would find in the corner wanking at a very low rated swingers bar or porn cinema!!! arrrggggh im off on one now!!! i really loathe him more than salmond or brown!! think i need to go and lie down!! sorry if iv offended one but i really pissin loathe the upper class twat especially when he tryin to pretend he in touch with the ordinary people!!! xx"

Go and have a lie down dear

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

thanks guys lol!!

he really bugs me just in case the point wasnt clear!! xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"thanks guys lol!!

he really bugs me just in case the point wasnt clear!! xx "

He bugs me too as i think he struggles to do anything more complex than wipe his arse!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"thanks guys lol!!

he really bugs me just in case the point wasnt clear!! xx "

thanks for clearing that up....your post was a little bit vague on the point

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"aw naw here a rant comin....... i fuckin hate the airburshed fake tanned sleazy irritatin annoyin upper class fake fuckin twat!! he no even got the ability to be maggie without the balls!! if that man gets voted in in scotland am movin to iraq or iran would have a better quality of fuckin life!! i hate him!! he gives me the impression of someone you would find in the corner wanking at a very low rated swingers bar or porn cinema!!! arrrggggh im off on one now!!! i really loathe him more than salmond or brown!! think i need to go and lie down!! sorry if iv offended one but i really pissin loathe the upper class twat especially when he tryin to pretend he in touch with the ordinary people!!! xx"

Don't beat about the bush dear, come right out with what you wish to say

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

had a wee lie down........... he still a sanctimonius fuckin knob end of a human being and him and his inbred chinless party members should be wiped from the face of the earth!!! xx

think a need another power nap!!!

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By *obletonMan
over a year ago


"had a wee lie down........... he still a sanctimonius fuckin knob end of a human being and him and his inbred chinless party members should be wiped from the face of the earth!!! xx

think a need another power nap!!! "

Yeah - Conservatives would be great if it wasnt for the Tories.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If all goes to plan Dave will put the one eyed nostril mining tosser and his thieving fuckin cronies out on the street come May and the country will be a better place for it

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

i refuse to rise to your bait billy smarts right hand man!! xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If all goes to plan Dave will put the one eyed nostril mining tosser and his thieving fuckin cronies out on the street come May and the country will be a better place for it "

A rather deluded vision of politics by the looks of it. You will find in reality very little changes with 85% of policy’s dictated by the current financial climate.

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By *lay69withusCouple
over a year ago


politicians in general = TOSSERS!!!!

one and all.

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By *i 1 Get 1 FreeCouple (MM)
over a year ago


"If all goes to plan Dave will put the one eyed nostril mining tosser and his thieving fuckin cronies out on the street come May and the country will be a better place for it "

Thieving fuckin cronies as you put it, were across all political parties and as for Camera On the least said the better!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Cameron is a useless Lord Snooty twat - just look at the fook up that is Boris Johnson if anyone thinks the twattty tories are any better - still bendy buses down here because they are better - and watch the dfisaster that boris will make of 2012 - please keep the current thieves in at least they have half a clue

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By *umourCouple
over a year ago


"If all goes to plan Dave will put the one eyed nostril mining tosser and his thieving fuckin cronies out on the street come May and the country will be a better place for it "

Here Here

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I voted for Blair way back when ... I believed his bloody lies and got well n truly shafted for it... Never again, Tories for evermore for me. Fucking Labour, who they trying to kid that they represent the working man, they only represent themselves.

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By *ig badMan
over a year ago

Up North :-)

Yep Dave will sort it no probs. Lots of experience and hell as there is no sun I am sure it will shine out of his arse when in power lol. He might even pull a magic wand out of his arse and grant us all 3 wishes lol!

I personally have no illusions the whole lot of them are shisters lining their and their friends pockets. The expense fiasco shows that. What we need is a dictatorship with 1 man in charge!!!

Fekit I am raising an army and im taking over. Big bad for president! Free swinging clubs for all with condoms and Viagra free for all who want them!!

Power to the people!!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

having had the misfortune to meet him last year i can truley say ,sleazy calculating bellend but that pretty much sums up politicians of all partys.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Funny how often Monty Python lines get quoted in here.

AHA!!!! Thats the common factor for swingers.... a warped sense of humour!!! "

Amen to THAT!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

prefer to take the view of David Cameron that Barak Obama expressed

"What a lightweight!"


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By *umpkinMan
over a year ago

near the sounds of the wimborne quarter jack!

I see he`s decided to ban his 6 year old daughter from listening to Lilly Allen`s records because the lyrics are too sexually explicit for a young person.

OK So how does the 6 year old KNOW they`re sexually explicit? Did David teach her? Radical upbringing there DAVE

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

im gonna ban my daughter from watchin tv in case he on it and gives her nightmares !i fuckin hate the irritating sanctimonious bull shit pocket filling gobshite of a man!!! x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

all as bad as each other and only interested in lining there own and friends pockets at the tax payers expence.we can change government but we are only switching from one bunch of lying crooks to another.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

nope end of .

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"im gonna ban my daughter from watchin tv in case he on it and gives her nightmares !i fuckin hate the irritating sanctimonious bull shit pocket filling gobshite of a man!!! x "

you really don't like him do you?

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By *stwoCouple
over a year ago


is he not tony blair in disguise

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By *illwill69uMan
over a year ago


"If all goes to plan Dave will put the one eyed nostril mining tosser and his thieving fuckin cronies out on the street come May and the country will be a better place for it "

For who?

His broken Brittan speeches have the same message as Thatchers broken economy speeches of 78/79.

Remember what she did for our industry? That is what Cameron will do for our society.

Shame is I think he will win, and then god help anyone who relies on the state for anything.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Shame is I think he will win, and then god help anyone who relies on the state for anything.


Precisely why we need him and his party in the hope that they will start to deal with the spongers who give nothing yet take everything

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By *umourCouple
over a year ago


If you look back at the Thatcher years, it was the most prosperous time in the UK for decades! Before she was elected she said that things would be hard and that people wouldn't like the way things had to be...

Loads on here saying about "Dave" being rich and posh... Helllooooo! Wake up everyone... The Labour party is no different! They are all very well off and don't forget their double standards...

Ministers sending their kids to private schools and saying that state education is OK for our kids!

Tony B Liar saying the MMR Vaccine is safe, but never once said his son had it! (Actually, it was documented that he had individual jabs and TB never denied it!)

I am so glad this thread is not typical of the voting public or we are screwed!

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By *umourCouple
over a year ago



Shame is I think he will win, and then god help anyone who relies on the state for anything.

Precisely why we need him and his party in the hope that they will start to deal with the spongers who give nothing yet take everything "

Anyone really think that a family on 20,000 per year need tax credits? I don't, we should all be responsible for our decisions and if we have kids, we should pay for them. Worse thing is that is you can get tax credits earning over 50.000 per year!

All those chav girls turning out kids like factories so they don't have to work. All their boyfriends standing around in town swilling beer during the day...

I went into town with my daughter one day in her new BMW Z4. We parked and got out and these idiots were shouting rude stuff at her. Then one shouted "Emma, that you? Where did you get that car?"

She shouted back I work for a living and it is mine. You could have done it if you'd got off your lazy chav arse and done some work!" Kinda shut em up for a while!

Take their money (all of it!) away and see what happens.. Shite wasters... Come on Dave, we counting on you...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Or Dave as he likes to be known....

Is he the new messiah of British Politics?"

He is a cock just like Brown.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Shame is I think he will win, and then god help anyone who relies on the state for anything.

Precisely why we need him and his party in the hope that they will start to deal with the spongers who give nothing yet take everything

Anyone really think that a family on 20,000 per year need tax credits? I don't, we should all be responsible for our decisions and if we have kids, we should pay for them. Worse thing is that is you can get tax credits earning over 50.000 per year!

All those chav girls turning out kids like factories so they don't have to work. All their boyfriends standing around in town swilling beer during the day...

I went into town with my daughter one day in her new BMW Z4. We parked and got out and these idiots were shouting rude stuff at her. Then one shouted "Emma, that you? Where did you get that car?"

She shouted back I work for a living and it is mine. You could have done it if you'd got off your lazy chav arse and done some work!" Kinda shut em up for a while!

Take their money (all of it!) away and see what happens.. Shite wasters... Come on Dave, we counting on you..."

and see the ones that were shoutin at your daughter how many of their families worked in industry before thatcher and sons closed them and doomed a full generation to the dole que which for the next generation meant no example of hard work and the benefit to be gained for it??

i dont condone what they did in fact i would have retorted the same in all honesty! but cant see fanny cameron making that much of a difference except making the divide of rich and poor wider whilst destroyin what public services we have through cuts. elderly parents goin to be needin care?? you will be left doing it or your inheritance if they have any being used to pay.

needin a hospital bed ? forget it go private or die!

i dont know what i fear most another 4 years under labour or the prospect of cameron and his cohorts xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oooh politics n sex .. bad mix

Actually Cameron is a snooty sod until he wants something ...but then again so are all politicians whatever creed / colour / background

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By *atisfy janeWoman
over a year ago


Ten to Twelve weeks away from the General Election and have not heard a single firm policy promise from Cameron.

Oh he did say last week that he plans a free vote in the House on Fox Hunting, and that he plans to rise the Inheritance Tax threshold to a Million Pounds....

Well that will get the country back on it's feet David.....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

ohhh yipee i can get the horse out and start chasing vermin!!!

the tories can use the great unwashed for their hunting or the homeless or some other vunerable group and that is superb news on inheritance tax that will really benefit us all..... there you go problems are sorted under messiah cameron!! would call him a knob end but it would be too flatterin xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Ten to Twelve weeks away from the General Election and have not heard a single firm policy promise from Cameron.

Oh he did say last week that he plans a free vote in the House on Fox Hunting, and that he plans to rise the Inheritance Tax threshold to a Million Pounds....

Well that will get the country back on it's feet David....."

I wonder just how many folk in the country will benefit from the inheritance tax changes?

Whilst we are comfy we can hardly be described as stinking rich but when Mrs B's mum goes some of the money raised from her 3 bed house on the south coast and most of her savings goes straight into the tax mans coffers.

How many folk of modest means will give money to the tax man when their parents, who have lived for ever in property in London etc etc eventually pass away?

This tax change will affect a damn site more people than some would have you believe

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I still remember 18 yrs of tory government

when we lost our utilities , steel industry and mines etc...

All to the private sector

I hope people dont forget that when voting.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

given this situation with the falklands gordon may find himself doin a maggie cause her saggy old arse was on the way out till that happened then it helped her win the election!! xx

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By *atisfy janeWoman
over a year ago


He would have made many voters feel a great deal more comfortable with it if he had suggested raising the threshold to £400k, the suggestion of a Million Pounds will leave a deficit to the treasury of an estimated £450m a year.

At the end of the day someone somewhere will end up paying for this golden handshake for wealthy residents of the UK.

Incidentally the figure of £400k was the suggestion of the all party group who have been studying Inheritance Tax reform for the last Two years.

If Cameron wants to court would be voters he would be better served addressing things like Immigration with FIRM policy promises rather than cheap point scoring in the Daily Mail.

Come on Cameron.....less soundbites and more policy promises to the masses and not the few!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"If all goes to plan Dave will put the one eyed nostril mining tosser and his thieving fuckin cronies out on the street come May and the country will be a better place for it "

Here's hoping.

BTW I was married in Calne. Small world eh? But I wouldn't want to paint it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I still remember 18 yrs of tory government

when we lost our utilities , steel industry and mines etc...

All to the private sector

I hope people dont forget that when voting. "

Didn't the last furnace on Teeside get closed down and mothballed last week after 150 years of production and almost 13 years of a Labour government

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By *atisfy janeWoman
over a year ago


It did but steelmaking isn't a nationalised industry anymore....Corus is a private company, courtesy of the great Tory sell off under Thatcher.

Or do you expect the government to bail out an Indian owned company with more public funds?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It did but steelmaking isn't a nationalised industry anymore....Corus is a private company, courtesy of the great Tory sell off under Thatcher.

Or do you expect the government to bail out an Indian owned company with more public funds?"

The classic "It's all the Tories fault"................. almost 13 years into a labour Government

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By *atisfy janeWoman
over a year ago


"It did but steelmaking isn't a nationalised industry anymore....Corus is a private company, courtesy of the great Tory sell off under Thatcher.

Or do you expect the government to bail out an Indian owned company with more public funds?

The classic "It's all the Tories fault"................. almost 13 years into a labour Government "

So explain to me if you would why it is the fault of a Labour goverment that a private company (Corus) that has benefited from Steel industry privatisation (Under the Tories) and has countless UK and EU handouts,cannot make steel in the UK at a profit?

It's all down to global production costs, just how is that the fault of a UK government.....however long they have been in power?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It did but steelmaking isn't a nationalised industry anymore....Corus is a private company, courtesy of the great Tory sell off under Thatcher.

Or do you expect the government to bail out an Indian owned company with more public funds?

The classic "It's all the Tories fault"................. almost 13 years into a labour Government

So explain to me if you would why it is the fault of a Labour goverment that a private company (Corus) that has benefited from Steel industry privatisation (Under the Tories) and has countless UK and EU handouts,cannot make steel in the UK at a profit?

It's all down to global production costs, just how is that the fault of a UK government.....however long they have been in power?"

I think you just answered your own question

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It did but steelmaking isn't a nationalised industry anymore....Corus is a private company, courtesy of the great Tory sell off under Thatcher.

Or do you expect the government to bail out an Indian owned company with more public funds?

The classic "It's all the Tories fault"................. almost 13 years into a labour Government "

I think it would take any government longer than 13yrs to try and undo what the tories did to this country

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By *atisfy janeWoman
over a year ago


Watched David Cameron last Autumn speaking in the House of Commons about rising Gas prices and how the government should get a grip on profiteering by the Gas companies, was more than a bit rich considering that like all the other nationalised industries (water, electric, etc.) it was sold off to private companies in order that they could make enormous profits for a select few....by his own political party.

The family silver has been pawned by Thatcher and Major....Cameron just hopes that people have very short memories.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Almost 3 years back BLiar very astutely spots the inevitable and stands down leaving Broon to face the music, he now tours the world earning a feck site more money than the comrades left behind, and Cameron is the bad guy

Some of you folk need to wake up and smell the coffee, you were sold down the river and whilst BLiar rakes it in the country he dumped is in feckin tatters.........

But I expect that Mrs T will be shortly be taking the blame for that as well

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By *i 1 Get 1 FreeCouple (MM)
over a year ago


"But I expect that Mrs T will be shortly be taking the blame for that as well "

Funny how Camera On goes on about a broken society, what he fails to mention is a society which was broken under a conservative government, a conservative government lead by Thatcher when she demolished communities, forcing people to move hundreds of miles to find employment, and not let's forget Tebbitt's famous quote to the millions struggling to find employment “on yer bike”

Thatcher was a thoroughly nasty women, a one woman wrecking machine, following WW2 it was said, we should never let them forget, the same should be said about Thatcher for the destroyer that she was, eventually, when her ticket is picked out of the lucky bag, her passing will be mourned by few.

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By *zMaleMan
over a year ago


mznwty you're such a mass debater.......... would love to take you out for a meal wine and dine you...........at the conservative club

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By *zMaleMan
over a year ago


Better a person that was VOTED into power than a person that the power was handed to. I Can't remember voting for Brown or his policies. If you like him so much in Scotland mznwty PLEASE take him back cos we don't want him down here.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"It did but steelmaking isn't a nationalised industry anymore....Corus is a private company, courtesy of the great Tory sell off under Thatcher.

Or do you expect the government to bail out an Indian owned company with more public funds?

The classic "It's all the Tories fault"................. almost 13 years into a labour Government

So explain to me if you would why it is the fault of a Labour goverment that a private company (Corus) that has benefited from Steel industry privatisation (Under the Tories) and has countless UK and EU handouts,cannot make steel in the UK at a profit?


Was the problem not similar when steel was a nationalised industry..or is my memory playing me up in my old age?

My recollection is that the steel industry never stayed within it's budget plans and was coming back to the taxpayer time and time again for bailouts, threatening to strike if the demands weren't meant?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


I hope you are not seriously try to imply that prior to nationalisation mainstream UK industry was hugely inefficient, massively over staffed, run by an ineffective management and gripped in a stranglehold by the trade unions.

I hope also you are not trying to suggest that these industries cost the tax payer billions each year and that any sort of governmental interference or attempts at modernising saw the militant tendency organising mass strikes, inevitably bringing the country to a standstill.

Still no doubt all of the above was Mrs T's fault as well

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


I hope you are not seriously try to imply that prior to nationalisation mainstream UK industry was hugely inefficient, massively over staffed, run by an ineffective management and gripped in a stranglehold by the trade unions.

I hope also you are not trying to suggest that these industries cost the tax payer billions each year and that any sort of governmental interference or attempts at modernising saw the militant tendency organising mass strikes, inevitably bringing the country to a standstill.

Still no doubt all of the above was Mrs T's fault as well"

that darned woman....has so much to answer for..letting the unions and the industries get away with so much...for so long.....tsssch

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

as much as i love a free meal and a date i would rather scoop my eyes out with roasting hot spoons and pour bleach in the sockets than set foot in one of those god forsaken places!

i wouldnt get in anyway im female and a lone parent so everythin that is wrong with broken britain is my fault apparently oh add in pure working class even if highly educated!!

iv not had a look at the conservative manifesto yet but for the purpose of debate i will after the sound of my mining family rotating in their graves leaves my ears.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


.......... so everythin that is wrong with broken britain is my fault apparently .........."

nooooooooo.....is Mrs T's fault

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By *ountrypairCouple
over a year ago


lol cant beat a political thread eh lol rite lets start one up about religion now lol

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Better a person that was VOTED into power than a person that the power was handed to. I Can't remember voting for Brown or his policies. If you like him so much in Scotland mznwty PLEASE take him back cos we don't want him down here."

i didnt vote for him either or blair and from previous posts you will see im not a great fan of gordon brown either or the great scottish messiah mr salmond.

but if push came to shove labour would have my vote over tory it will be a cold day in hell before i vote for a party who will willingly remove any chance or opportunity from the working classes and design their policies to suit the higher classes of society.

too much reading of karl marx at the moment here whos comin to start the revolution with me!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


.......... so everythin that is wrong with broken britain is my fault apparently ..........

nooooooooo.....is Mrs T's fault "

dont start me about that fuckin woman!! see the day thats number is up it will be one big party here!!!

just remember there is no such thing as society according to maggie well dear it will be one big society here havin a party!!

the cheek of that woman and her degration of the working classes and take a look at her own children one in a race row and the other with his scandals!!!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"i didnt vote for him either or blair and from previous posts you will see im not a great fan of gordon brown either or the great scottish messiah mr salmond.

but if push came to shove labour would have my vote over tory it will be a cold day in hell before i vote for a party who will willingly remove any chance or opportunity from the working classes and design their policies to suit the higher classes of society.

too much reading of karl marx at the moment here whos comin to start the revolution with me!! "

Labour may have stood for the working class when it was first formed 50 years ago but they cannot lay claim to that stance now. They care less about the working man than any other mainstream political party in this country. You only have to look at all the stealth taxes that Labour have introduced over the past 12 years. We pay far far more in tax than we ever did under the Tories and now that Labour have virtually bankrupted Britain we'll be paying a lot more in the future, but the Tories will get the blame for it.

Labour opened the floodgates to immigrants to the UK because along with each immigrant came a new Labour vote. Now they're talking about an amnesty for any illegal immigrant who's been here for more than 14 years, and there's yet more votes for Labour who have failed so miserably to enforce the deportation of undesirables when they've been captured. And now you know why.

Labour are the party of the Immigrant Class. The Tories represent the average Joe Britain now, and they've come a long way from the old Thatcherite days.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"i didnt vote for him either or blair and from previous posts you will see im not a great fan of gordon brown either or the great scottish messiah mr salmond.

but if push came to shove labour would have my vote over tory it will be a cold day in hell before i vote for a party who will willingly remove any chance or opportunity from the working classes and design their policies to suit the higher classes of society.

too much reading of karl marx at the moment here whos comin to start the revolution with me!!

Labour may have stood for the working class when it was first formed 50 years ago but they cannot lay claim to that stance now. They care less about the working man than any other mainstream political party in this country. You only have to look at all the stealth taxes that Labour have introduced over the past 12 years. We pay far far more in tax than we ever did under the Tories and now that Labour have virtually bankrupted Britain we'll be paying a lot more in the future, but the Tories will get the blame for it.

Labour opened the floodgates to immigrants to the UK because along with each immigrant came a new Labour vote. Now they're talking about an amnesty for any illegal immigrant who's been here for more than 14 years, and there's yet more votes for Labour who have failed so miserably to enforce the deportation of undesirables when they've been captured. And now you know why.

Labour are the party of the Immigrant Class. The Tories represent the average Joe Britain now, and they've come a long way from the old Thatcherite days."

you back on the fags yet or over the worst of it before i reply??

old labour had the right idea and to an extent with new labour i agree with you on a few parts with damage done, but as scottish working class nothing will change my mind that the tories have our best interests at heart the effects from their last term in office are still felt deep here x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"i didnt vote for him either or blair and from previous posts you will see im not a great fan of gordon brown either or the great scottish messiah mr salmond.

but if push came to shove labour would have my vote over tory it will be a cold day in hell before i vote for a party who will willingly remove any chance or opportunity from the working classes and design their policies to suit the higher classes of society.

too much reading of karl marx at the moment here whos comin to start the revolution with me!!

Labour may have stood for the working class when it was first formed 50 years ago but they cannot lay claim to that stance now. They care less about the working man than any other mainstream political party in this country. You only have to look at all the stealth taxes that Labour have introduced over the past 12 years. We pay far far more in tax than we ever did under the Tories and now that Labour have virtually bankrupted Britain we'll be paying a lot more in the future, but the Tories will get the blame for it.

Labour opened the floodgates to immigrants to the UK because along with each immigrant came a new Labour vote. Now they're talking about an amnesty for any illegal immigrant who's been here for more than 14 years, and there's yet more votes for Labour who have failed so miserably to enforce the deportation of undesirables when they've been captured. And now you know why.

Labour are the party of the Immigrant Class. The Tories represent the average Joe Britain now, and they've come a long way from the old Thatcherite days."

What a load of bollox lmao. If the torys get in look at what services they cut. And who sold off the utility companies? You know the ones making huge profits that could have benefited the country if we had still owned them.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What a load of bollox lmao. If the torys get in look at what services they cut. And who sold off the utility companies? You know the ones making huge profits that could have benefited the country if we had still owned them."

You mean the utility companies whose workers erected roadworks in the street then fucked off for four hours for breakfast and didn't come back until 3pm to pack said tent away and do it all again the following day? Those utility companies you mean?

They were privatised to make them profitable. Are you so niave to think that as public companies they did their work with gusto? Did they hell, they just milked the public purse for all they could get then strolled off into the sunset on a nice fat public pension.

Thatcher was the best thing to have ever happened to this country and without her we'd still be throwing rocks at taxi drivers for taking strike-breakers into work. Oh I remember the Scargill days and thank fuck she broke the Unions. They sold everyone down the river, whilst drawing a nice salary from Union funds whilst the families they claimed to represent starved.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"i didnt vote for him either or blair and from previous posts you will see im not a great fan of gordon brown either or the great scottish messiah mr salmond.

but if push came to shove labour would have my vote over tory it will be a cold day in hell before i vote for a party who will willingly remove any chance or opportunity from the working classes and design their policies to suit the higher classes of society.

too much reading of karl marx at the moment here whos comin to start the revolution with me!!

Labour may have stood for the working class when it was first formed 50 years ago but they cannot lay claim to that stance now. They care less about the working man than any other mainstream political party in this country. You only have to look at all the stealth taxes that Labour have introduced over the past 12 years. We pay far far more in tax than we ever did under the Tories and now that Labour have virtually bankrupted Britain we'll be paying a lot more in the future, but the Tories will get the blame for it.

Labour opened the floodgates to immigrants to the UK because along with each immigrant came a new Labour vote. Now they're talking about an amnesty for any illegal immigrant who's been here for more than 14 years, and there's yet more votes for Labour who have failed so miserably to enforce the deportation of undesirables when they've been captured. And now you know why.

Labour are the party of the Immigrant Class. The Tories represent the average Joe Britain now, and they've come a long way from the old Thatcherite days.

What a load of bollox lmao. If the torys get in look at what services they cut. And who sold off the utility companies? You know the ones making huge profits that could have benefited the country if we had still owned them."

Again...my recollection my be off beam....but nationalised utilities in pretty much the same boat as British Steel??

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By *obbytupperMan
over a year ago

Menston near Ilkley

I had a letter the other day from Ed Balls (prospective candidate for Morley and Rothwell) He asked how I would like the Gov't to reduce the national debt and a few other questions on governance.

I replied to him asking if he felt he had to ask me how to run the country was he a suitable candidate and why on earth was he the minister in charge of education?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I had a letter the other day from Ed Balls (prospective candidate for Morley and Rothwell) He asked how I would like the Gov't to reduce the national debt and a few other questions on governance.

I replied to him asking if he felt he had to ask me how to run the country was he a suitable candidate and why on earth was he the minister in charge of education? "

Let us know if he replies

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"i didnt vote for him either or blair and from previous posts you will see im not a great fan of gordon brown either or the great scottish messiah mr salmond.

but if push came to shove labour would have my vote over tory it will be a cold day in hell before i vote for a party who will willingly remove any chance or opportunity from the working classes and design their policies to suit the higher classes of society.

too much reading of karl marx at the moment here whos comin to start the revolution with me!!

Labour may have stood for the working class when it was first formed 50 years ago but they cannot lay claim to that stance now. They care less about the working man than any other mainstream political party in this country. You only have to look at all the stealth taxes that Labour have introduced over the past 12 years. We pay far far more in tax than we ever did under the Tories and now that Labour have virtually bankrupted Britain we'll be paying a lot more in the future, but the Tories will get the blame for it.

Labour opened the floodgates to immigrants to the UK because along with each immigrant came a new Labour vote. Now they're talking about an amnesty for any illegal immigrant who's been here for more than 14 years, and there's yet more votes for Labour who have failed so miserably to enforce the deportation of undesirables when they've been captured. And now you know why.

Labour are the party of the Immigrant Class. The Tories represent the average Joe Britain now, and they've come a long way from the old Thatcherite days.

What a load of bollox lmao. If the torys get in look at what services they cut. And who sold off the utility companies? You know the ones making huge profits that could have benefited the country if we had still owned them.

Again...my recollection my be off beam....but nationalised utilities in pretty much the same boat as British Steel??"

Gas and electric was a long way from that! Don't see people rushing for British steel shares right now like they did when the utilities were sold off. Unless you know something different?

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By *he_original_poloWoman
over a year ago

a Primark shoebox in Leicester

"...The Tories represent the average Joe Britain now, and they've come a long way from the old Thatcherite days."

Well they would represent the average Joe if they knew who the average Joe was. Or is that the average Joe who travels without a first class ticket on trains?

Have they come along way or have they just u-turned for a while on a few things to win votes. What do the Tories stand for? Do they even know what they stand for? Can you trust any party to stick to it's promises when it will gladly abandon them to point score?

Then again... you only hear the u-turns from those they allow out in public. Deep in the heart of the party still lies some of it's founding values.

Cutting taxes... yeah they want to do that alright. Cut the tax and remove the need to provide the service, just turn it over to the private sector... if you can't afford to pay for it tough fucking luck!

If you are loaded you will save money.... paying directly for a service will cost far less that the tax the wealthy pay.

If you are indeed an average Joe just see how long your financial recovery takes... if it ever happens.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"old labour had the right idea and to an extent with new labour i agree with you on a few parts with damage done, but as scottish working class nothing will change my mind that the tories have our best interests at heart the effects from their last term in office are still felt deep here x"

You have laws in Scotland that we cry out for down here but for some inexplicable reason the fairest laws of all only apply north of the border. Take housebuying, for example; In Scotland, your handshake is your bond but down here you can agree a sale and a week before completion the buyer drops the price forcing you to accept it or lose the sale and possibly the house you're moving into. You also enjoy free University places, free prescriptions - only in England do we pay for prescriptions, Wales, N.Ireland & Scotland get them for free. You also enjoy free care for the elderly; down here, the elderly have to sell their houses and use those funds to pay for their care when their N.I. contribs should have covered them for that eventuality. You have a lot to be thankful for and yes, I'm still not smoking but handling it much better now lol.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have no faith at all in any political party . For 2 years i was directly screwed over and messed around form a decision that ws meant to protect this country , never again will i be so naieve . to me nothing has changed in hundreds of years . the public are treated like idiots lied to and generally get the p**s taken out of them . i dont really believe in democracy as i dont thinkit has truely existed since the ancient greeks , we have had unelected people running the country for years , career politicians who have been there for years and did very very little . expenses for example , if they all thought it was so atrocious how did none of them say anything ? they only there to line their own pocket and to hell with the rest of us . im far from a communist and im not a nationalist . i dont believe in labour and i cant stand the tories , the liberal democrats i wouldnt trust to make a decision over what to have for breakfast and the rest of them are a waste of space . sounds bitter apologies but just my views there .

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

you may well find that if the Barnett Formula was scrapped then spending decisions North of the border would be radically different

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"old labour had the right idea and to an extent with new labour i agree with you on a few parts with damage done, but as scottish working class nothing will change my mind that the tories have our best interests at heart the effects from their last term in office are still felt deep here x

You have laws in Scotland that we cry out for down here but for some inexplicable reason the fairest laws of all only apply north of the border. Take housebuying, for example; In Scotland, your handshake is your bond but down here you can agree a sale and a week before completion the buyer drops the price forcing you to accept it or lose the sale and possibly the house you're moving into. You also enjoy free University places, free prescriptions - only in England do we pay for prescriptions, Wales, N.Ireland & Scotland get them for free. You also enjoy free care for the elderly; down here, the elderly have to sell their houses and use those funds to pay for their care when their N.I. contribs should have covered them for that eventuality. You have a lot to be thankful for and yes, I'm still not smoking but handling it much better now lol. "

good glad its going well for you!! you over the worst of it now!

in scotland our university tution fees are paid in loan form mines this term are £1800 by time i graduate, tution fees and loans i will be in debt i think by 20 grand but remember it was the tory government that withdrew grants and brung in loans!

our prescriptions arent free yet but should be within the next few years and we do have free personal care for the elderly all as much as it kills me to say brought in by a snp government.

iv had a look at some of the manifesto especially regarding family and children and basically if we do have a to tory government things would be a lot worse but some of the stuff couldnt be implemented in scotland such as childcare reforms as we have a seperate commision for this xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Or Dave as he likes to be known....

Is he the new messiah of British Politics?"

If his Party classify swinging as a medical condition, available free on the NHS, then he gets our vote lol

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 24/02/10 10:43:44]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Anyone really think that a family on 20,000 per year need tax credits? I don't, we should all be responsible for our decisions and if we have kids, we should pay for them. Worse thing is that is you can get tax credits earning over 50.000 per year!"

Sorry to pick this bit out _umour, but that’s nothing new and has been happening for as long as I can remember, the only thing Labour done there was abolish the married men’s tax allowance, then rename it as child tax credits.

Let’s all be honest, they are all the same, it’ll never change, however even with all these hidden stealth taxes, rising fuel prices, and everything else that goes with it, everyone’s standard of living has improved from 20+ years ago, multiple cars per household, TV’s in every room, gadgets, gizmos, the list goes on, even the poorest of us have luxuries that would never have been possible back then.

Doesn’t matter who’s in power, everyone will always want more, the problem is you’d have to be bonkers to ever think its ever going to happen. The ticking of a box will only ever change the name of the person whose next in line to be blamed for our own greed.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

yeah you are old!!

in scotland its regulated with the care commision in england its somethin else and part of the manifesto is about opportunity for all providers public, childminders, private nurseries etc and standards so its no relevant to scotland u with me now??x

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

lol....am catching up....slowly

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By *atisfy janeWoman
over a year ago


So this guaranteed free care for the elderly in England.....who exactly is going to pay for it?

Ever increasing elderly population because of advancements in medicine, the average lifespan for English men is now in excess of 77 and 81 for women.

This is expected to climb to 79 and 84 within the next decade, it's all well and good slating governments for seeking assistance from elderly homeowners but this money has to come from somewhere.

This is not Utopia or Never-Never land....it's the UK we live in...real world.

The Tories have been unsurprisingly coy about making firm pledges to stop the sale of elderly peoples houses to pay for care, this is because they realise it would be an impossible pledge to keep.

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By *illwill69uMan
over a year ago


New labour is not socialist, they are now a centre right to right wing party, this can be seen in all their policies. If the Tories get into power we are in for a massive lurch to the right.

As for the belief that we are paying massively more in taxes than we did under the last Tory governmentis rubbish, I believe the total tax take has risen from 42/3% of GDP to 45% of GDP, but at the same time the balance has shifted by about 5% to spending taxes. While at the same time the income tax balance has moved by round the same amount from low income to high income.

The Tories have yet to publish their manifesto, but they have said that they want to reduce spending now, that means job cuts and benefit cuts. The simple fact is that leads to deflation, deflation in a recovery causes the recovery to stall and leads to a further recession. Instead of that increased government spending as in a siege economy leads to job creation and increased demand ect.

The only fault with this is that we no longer own our utilities, nor do we produce our own steel, coal, ships ect (now who was it sold them?) and we allow any foreign companies to borrow money from our banks (that’s our money) to buy our businesses asset strip them and export our jobs.

This is how the Tories, their supporters (not the average Jo who they con into voting for them) and their financial backers make their money (some of which they use to get the Tories elected, and so the corrupt dance goes on till they have stripped us of all our wealth.

So vote Tory and vote yourself out of work and poor!

Its your choice, but please don’t complain when the Tories steel your jobs, your children’s futures and your pensions.

Tory is an Irish word for thief!

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