By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
The more americanised we become through capitalism, the more I will bet my balls that the government will always be bought/bribed/manipulated by the corporations in one way or another.
News Corp and Rupert Murdoch - for instance - does the same here as Fox does in the US, manipulating both the people of left and right wing to play them against each other, not with the intent on picking a side. Keep people distracted wit current affairs and the monopoly board is yours to play with as you please.
Congress and the presidency in the US are the top targets of their fake ass-kissing ruse just so they can get closer to their own agendas; most likely proving that they have more power than the rest of the Fortune 500. Otherwise why is a decrepit old man like Murdoch not sunning himself on that tax haven where all his money went at his ripe old age?
They get huge corporate tax breaks even when the lower classes are breaking under the strain of taxation during recessions lik these, they dumb people down with their commercial bullshit media propaganda and when things dont go their way, the smear campaign begins to sully the reputations of the people running the country. Just keeping you guessing.
When somebody new wants to come into power, the first thing they need is the backing of trusted and popular political peers. The second thing they need is funding, which usually comes in the form of private corporate backing. How else can you gain your popularity if not through the media where you will be the centre of attention?
That means favour for a favour, usually in the form of a get out of jail free card or a promise on corporate tax cuts, which we will pay for instead, because we're not powerful enough to make up the rules as we go along.
Here, Cameron isn't as popular as other leaders and I doubt he gets the same "incentives" and "endorsements" (if not the same amount, despite being one of the biggest thieving bastards we know), and although several US corporations have been caught evading tax, they dont even get fined the amount they should owe, because - favour for a favour.
Just like once upon a time, the BBC was loyal to queen, country and license fee payer (with a dutifully strong ethic of "Inform, Educate and then Entertain") and not their political bed sharers, once upon a time, this country's government had a stricter code of ethics that at least involved NOT selling us out to foreigners looking for a discount. But socialism dictated that if we were to have a good economy, we had to transform the industry to be majorly about buying and selling; Tertiary Industry being a breeding ground for greed as much as it was about economical growth.
Situation's the same as it always has been, really, but equality is an illusion and so is governmental power today. That's why they resort to such desperate measures as bedroom tax, because they really are fucked and need to display their diminishing ability to be in control of anything. |