By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago
Ok, time to think outside the box, instead of being sheep.
Most advertised jobs are allocated to someone, either an internal candidate or a friend of a friend, so applying for lots of jobs isn't the way forward.
Jobs are advertised for two reasons, first, company policy, and second to find someone with more experience who will enrich the company or organisation.
By applying for 30 jobs a week, and being disappointed 30 times a week, it knocks confidence, hurts and is pointless.
When looking for a job, split time 3 ways,
15 hours a week for yourself, sport, dancing, friends, fun,
15 hours for earning money in any job, shops, pubs, farms, casual labour, just for cash to live
15 hours to find the "perfect" job.
ie, decide the field you are drawn to, narrow it down to a specific company or organisation. ( it could be marine research or anything specific )
Find out as much as you can about the company or organisation, names, salaries, history, and then write to a named person in the department you are interested in, explaining why you are interested, and what you can offer.
IMPORTANT. offer to work for a trial period for free, this gives you as a potential employee and the employer a risk free period to evaluate.
Always attach a head and shoulder photo to the first page of any application and CV.
As an employer 100's of applications are received every year, and you have to stand out, people hire based on lots of reasons, but like most things it comes down to a gut feeling, and your eyes, will always sell you.
Good luck in their quest, and by thinking outside the box I know they will do well.  |