Firstly, remind yourself that you don't have to have the meet, if you're not feeling right - this may take any pressure off you, if it exists.
Whilst it can be wrong to focus on the negative, is there anything big that could addressed? There may be something that's knocking your self- confidence, and relieving it could be liberating.
Fairly easy ways to reinvigorate your mind and body are short walks, chatting with people who love and cherish you, and anything that you know that does you a lot of good.
Do some simple yoga, if you can, as deep breathing/meditation will uplift you. You'll likely get a fresh perspective on things too.
Treat yourself as a best friend would. Pamper and treat yourself as they would. Take a good long bath, maybe get a treatment somewhere etc.
Chat with close friends too.
Remember times when you've felt at your peak, of confidence or whatever emotion - whether times when you've had success, felt loved or just wonderful etc. Keep these as stock emotional resources you can dip into regularly - your pot of gold. By re-accessing positive states of mind, you'll allow better things to become more possible, more easily. We tend to have behavioural traits that are somewhat emotional state dependent, and these positive states are likely to open up more resoureful opportunities to think and behave differently.
On a similar note, smile as much as you can. Smiling releases stress and helps you feel better too. Possibly watch some comedy etc, or just physically smile, and those endorphins etc will create a flow of goodness.
Lastly, remember those people who cherish you. Maybe get in touch with them, and let them know how important they are, or that you're a little low etc.
Hope everything goes well over the next day or so. Sophie x |