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In need of a forum virtual hug 🫂

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By *ittleMissMinion OP   Woman
10 weeks ago

La La Land

I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!

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By *avin77Man
10 weeks ago


Sending hugs now x

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By *il miss bootsWoman
10 weeks ago


Sending huge squishy marshmallow hugs 🫂

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By *ir tootMan
10 weeks ago


"I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!"

Jesus come here and gets toots bar special premium hug. 🫂

That fucks sucks.

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By (user no longer on site)
10 weeks ago

Keep smiling 😉

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By *lternativenerdMan
10 weeks ago


sending virtual hugs. people can be awful.

that must have triggered you so much. i'm sorry.

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By *afkaMan
10 weeks ago

Nottingham (ish)


There you go, lots of virtual hugs


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By *echnosonic_BrummieMan
10 weeks ago



Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔 "

The only people who can hurt me with words alone are the people I genuinely care about; absolutely nobody else could hurt me with words no matter how hard they tried.

Offering a virtual hug but if they're going to bother you that much can't you just block them from contacting you via phone, email, social media etc?

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By *ea monkeyMan
10 weeks ago

Manchester (he/him)

Ex’s are the absolute worst. If they choose to attack, they know all the soft points and where you’re vulnerable. None of this says anything about you though, it’s all about them and their need to try and hurt you.

Sending you huge hugs and love. You’re so much better than they are

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By *hatKlungeEnigmaMan
10 weeks ago

St Leonards

Can't you just punch them really hard in the centre of their face and then shit where their nose used to be?

Virtually, if not actually?

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By *ememberTheNameMan
10 weeks ago


"I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!"


Please take this in the context i mean it in the best way !


Fuck what they’ve said

You shouldn’t care what they think

What they do

Or what they say

You have more about you than they’ll ever deserve



Go make the best year out of it and show them they missed out

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By (user no longer on site)
10 weeks ago

Fuck it, the old NYE head fuckery.

Let it float out of your head never to be thought of again.

You've got this xx 😘😘😘

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By *eartShapedBoxxxWoman
10 weeks ago


Big hugs to you OP.

If this person knows what they have done to you to make you feel the way you do then I'd say their message tonight was calculated and should be forgotten pronto, they'd want to get to you so don't let them. I hope you've managed to forget them and enjoy the start of a new year ❤️

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By *entBarryUKMan
10 weeks ago


Massive hugs Nympha. I hope that 2025 is your year to get away from them and boost your confidence in yourself. X

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By *he Gentleman 84Man
10 weeks ago

North East

They know what makes you tick, know there words will deeply affect you. Just a form of control & abuse sounds like your better off away from it cut the toxicity out completely sending a hug I’ve been there with an ex who knew how to mentally manipulate

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By *entlemanFoxMan
10 weeks ago

North East / London

You have done the hard part by leaving your ex.

It is very common for toxic people to try to work their way back into control.

Focus on your new life.

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By (user no longer on site)
10 weeks ago

It can take you back when you hear from them again but try not to focus too much on it. Focus on how far you've come and the person you are now and that person doesn't engage, blocks and keeps moving forward. We gave these people too much power when we were with them, don't give it too them once you've found your peace

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By *rthur30Man
10 weeks ago


It’s a new year and a new you. If your ex. Treated you badly, why should you care what they do or say? Be yourself and not what others expect you to be. Sending you a warm and tender hug.

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By *ittlemissFlirtyCouple
10 weeks ago

3rd Rock from the sun

"I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!"

Oh lovely I'm so sorry this person has been a twat to you. Can you block them from messaging?,sending big hugs xx

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By *vaRose43Woman
10 weeks ago

Forest of Dean

Big hugs coming your way.

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By *idewayscontrolMan
10 weeks ago


Sending hugs x

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By (user no longer on site)
10 weeks ago

I have an ex that can do this with just one message. It's easy to say to just forget it, harder to do. But you know the best way I've found of saying fuck you, is to just ignore and get on with being you. That will piss them off more than anything.


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By *ai Hard 2 - Dai HarderMan
10 weeks ago

Manchester / Cardiff

I saw the title and thought 'I need a hug, I'm in'. But I'm just feeling sorry for myself; you've got to deal with that sort of shitbag on NYE so Cwtches from the Welsh side 🫂

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By *rdere OpusCouple
10 weeks ago

Brum - ish

"I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!"

I'm really sorry to hear. The best thing we can do re people who have caused us such trauma is to cut them out completely, leaving no avenue for further contact (provided no children are involved).

Sending big hugs and wishing you a happy and productive 2025.


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By *ildTimes.Man
10 weeks ago


✋ have a high 5

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By *avexxMan
10 weeks ago


"I have an ex that can do this with just one message. It's easy to say to just forget it, harder to do. But you know the best way I've found of saying fuck you, is to just ignore and get on with being you. That will piss them off more than anything.


,,, exactly this

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By *nightsoftheCoffeeTableCouple
10 weeks ago


Sending hugs, try not to let them get under your skin, they don't deserve that satisfaction - remember how far you've come since.


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By *obilebottomMan
10 weeks ago

All over

🫂 x

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By *ouchthisbeardMan
10 weeks ago


Sending love & hugs x

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By *o_yeur_eyes_onlyMan
10 weeks ago


Sorry to hear NL! If you don't need this person in your life (and it seems like you don't), then cut them out. Surround yourself with people that respect, cherish, love and VALUE you....brings so much more peace.

You are beautiful.

Sending hugs x

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By *ulieScrumptiousWoman
10 weeks ago

North West

Huge hugs. My inbox is open if you need to vent x

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By *iss.BellaWoman
10 weeks ago


Massive hugs to you gorgeous 😘🥰

Easier said than done,but that person is not worth your head space! Inbox is open ❤️

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By *dam1971Man
10 weeks ago


Really sorry to hear this, it can feel like it puts us back so far.

Words or actions from an ex can hurt because it can take us right back to being in a bad relationship. Just like hearing a song can instantly take us back to when we first heard it, emotions are the fastest time machine ever. It also takes us straight back to the emotions we felt at the time, so with an ex it might be frustration, anger, or the unfairness of it. That’s why it’s so powerful.

Someone cleverer than me said there are only two things you can change: what you say and what you do. You can’t change anything else, especially not someone else’s behaviour so don’t bother about that; it’s like getting annoyed at it raining.

Changing what you do is how you react to things, and that’s absolutely in your control, although depending on the past it’s not always easy. Achievable though.

As said by others, this person is an ex. They might still be a part of your life for kids or something, but you need to remind yourself their words can hurt less now.

Take some time to look at it rationally, their words don’t have to hurt as they did and know that you’re on the path to them hurting even less in future.

They will keep doing their ranty shit, but it’s like they’re now not in front of you but they’re just on the screen of an old TV set. That TV is an old black and white portable, and it’s moving gradually further away from you, the arial is losing the signal a bit and the screen is going fuzzy as it also gets smaller going away from you. That’s the image of them and so it has less and less effect on you.

You can get through this, trust me.

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By *itonmyface1Man
10 weeks ago


Sending hugs from Ireland xxx

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By *riar BelisseWoman
10 weeks ago


Emotional abusers are the absolute worst, they know exactly what triggers you.

In my journey of recovery I journalled the triggers she did and slowly desensitised myself to them. The day I took away her power was the day I was reborn, knowing she couldn't hurt me again. Ever. I was in control, not her and I cut all ties completely. Blocked all possible ways of contact across all platforms.

Sending some bear hugs lovely x

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By *inky Biscuit DunkerMan
10 weeks ago


Sending virtual hugs to the OP and anyone else who is in need of one. Xmas After Eight mints also available

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By *atnip make me purrWoman
10 weeks ago


Distraction is the best cure. So getting fabbing! Have a you day.

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By *ai Hard 2 - Dai HarderMan
10 weeks ago

Manchester / Cardiff

"Huge hugs. My inbox is open if you need to vent x"

no it's not 🚷 ...was hoping for some free counselling then! 😉🤪🤣

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By *edbath 5Man
10 weeks ago


"I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!"

Awwww bless you. Come here. Arms out. Mmmm that’s better. Love cuddles.

Block his number. Don’t reply. Don’t engage. That’s what he wants.

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By *heGateKeeperMan
10 weeks ago


This is really sad and it’s shitty that someone would do that to someone, especially at a time when 99% of folk are focused on gratitude and showing love and positive energy.

You’re deffo getting a big hug the next time I see you 🫂

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By *midnight-Woman
10 weeks ago


There is a reason that person is in your past.

They are most definitely not good enough, or deserving enough of your headspace, emotions or tears, even if of rage.

If you are able to block them, do it. If not rename them in your address book ... Twatty-McTwatface (actually that's probably Nick's new name...but you get the idea)

Some really great posts above which I hope bring comfort...I noted the one about choice, which is super powerful - We CHOOSE to be happy...we CHOOSE to be unhappy. Sure, the initial contact is a shock, but don't let your mood be governed by someone who no longer holds significance in your life. Delete the message if you haven't already, the imagine transferring the words onto a piece of paper and then burn it, watching the pieces break down and turn to ash, lost forever...in the words of that stupid Disney film 'let it ho, let it go, let it go' ...if you sing it, it will put a smile on your face and that briefly will bring happiness to build on.

We love you, you've got this. Kick ass biaaatch 💕💋

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By *irty-pairCouple
10 weeks ago


"I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!"

So sorry to hear this, OP. We know what that’s like, and it’s shit. Really shit.

Sending double hugs your way xx

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By *eading beddingMan
10 weeks ago


I have a whole stack of virtual hugs, the universal medicine, to spare 🫂🫂🫂

Hope your world looks brighter this morning

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By *orphia2003Woman
10 weeks ago


Can offer cwtches. (Better than hugs, as only the Welsh can cwtch)

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By *ary69321Man
10 weeks ago

Newcastle upon tyne

I'll give you a virtual hug, how did he get your number, if I had seen his name on me phone, I wouldn't have read it and that's what the block button is for.

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By *ensual DesiresMan
10 weeks ago

Teesside/North Yorkshire

"I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!"

Sending you hugs if you was closer I would give you a real hug just hold you let you cry no words would be needed just my arms holding you as you croed

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By *eeds fun guyMan
10 weeks ago


A big virtual hug is on its way ensure your embrace it and take the power you need to smash that right back to your ex xx

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By *ir-March-a-lotMan
10 weeks ago



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By *adagastMan
10 weeks ago


"I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!"

Sending as many virtual hugs 🫂 as I can. We all need a hug from time to time and I hope you can start to feel better soon knowing that we all care.

All good wishes for 2025.

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By *enk15Man
10 weeks ago



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By *sWyldWoman
10 weeks ago


"Ex’s are the absolute worst. If they choose to attack, they know all the soft points and where you’re vulnerable. None of this says anything about you though, it’s all about them and their need to try and hurt you.

Sending you huge hugs and love. You’re so much better than they are"


They aren't worth your head space

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By *urreyfun2008Man
10 weeks ago

East Grinstead

Proper hug on its way

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By *eliWoman
10 weeks ago


Ach Nympha. Sending you love and virtual hugs in lieu of the real ones you'll get before too long.

It's easy enough to say they don't deserve your headspace but if they do occupy it? For a little bit? That's okay. You can take the time to process, rediscover and remember the amazing woman you are. I hope in time their messages hurt less and you're able to give them the lack of headspace they deserve. ❤️

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By *rishman75Man
10 weeks ago


sending you a big irish hug and whisper in your ear potatoes lol xxx

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By *ags73Man
10 weeks ago


Awww. Big hugs.

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By *avinaTVTV/TS
10 weeks ago

Transsexual Transylvania

"I'm hear to have a rant and not the way I intended to start a New Year!

It's taken years for me to build my confidence levels back up after I left my ex, that person completely destroyed me mentally! Tonight I received some messages from that person completely out of the blue and they have made me feel like absolute shite! I'm not the type of person who can just shrug things off either, I'll be in a foul mood for days now 😔

So if there are any virtual hugs going spare? I would really appreciate them

Any others in the need of a virtual hug feel free to post!"

Have a massive hug sweety!

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By *cotlad178Man
10 weeks ago


Sending all the hugs you need, your a super strong woman don't let that prick back in to your head he deserves not another single thought delete and block him, you got this please don't feel bad

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By *ags73Man
10 weeks ago


"Sending all the hugs you need, your a super strong woman don't let that prick back in to your head he deserves not another single thought delete and block him, you got this please don't feel bad "

100% what a prick

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By *gent CoulsonMan
10 weeks ago

Secret hideaway in the pennines

Sending extra special hugs 🫂

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