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reality of government cuts

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Today been into pay my council tax and in the queue was this old lady who was in tears and distraught as not only does she contribute to council tax now but hit by bedroom tax as her son at university and he comes home at weekend. She cannot downsize because her son will have no place to live.

This is reality of this government and it is disgraceful that the less well off are hammered yet again. Remember on 5th april the elite will be receiving tax rebate of 100k. All in it together my arse

Whilst like others money is tight but seeing the state if the lady brings home the reality of what is happening to those in genuine need.

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By *B9 QueenWoman
over a year ago

Over the rainbow, under the bridge

It's what the Tories always do, and always have done. Expect to see a dramatic rise in poverty, more run down and neglected city areas and a rise in crime.

Don't expect to see the wealthy in any way touched by this.

Welcome to the 80s, round 2.

I will never understand why people who are not wealthy vote for them. They ALWAYS start with the usual 'scrounger' rhetoric which fools people and then come the cuts.

Billions in tax uncollected from the wealthy though, and don't expect that to change. The rich never tax the rich.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

I firmly believe this wil actually get folk to protest enough to have them change it as its the poll tax in another name.

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By *B9 QueenWoman
over a year ago

Over the rainbow, under the bridge

"I firmly believe this wil actually get folk to protest enough to have them change it as its the poll tax in another name."

There were protests up and down the country last Saturday.

Hmm not been on a demo in years. Feel the need to wave a placard.

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


We've been discussing this in the Scotland forum too. There were a few strange posts but overall everyone agreed that whilst the idea of getting overcrowded people into larger accommodation was a good thing, this is not the way to do it.

Apart from anything else, there aren't enough smaller places available, plus the cost of moving and decorating could run into a couple of thousand pounds quite easily and people can't afford that so they will stay put and suffer. To be able to pay they will either put the heating on less or skip a meal every other day just to save the money to pay this ridiculous thing.

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By *ndykayMan
over a year ago


"I firmly believe this wil actually get folk to protest enough to have them change it as its the poll tax in another name."

I think you are right - this will end up like the poll tax. It's a ridiculous situation that only hurts the vulnerable

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It's what the Tories always do, and always have done. Expect to see a dramatic rise in poverty, more run down and neglected city areas and a rise in crime.

Don't expect to see the wealthy in any way touched by this.

Welcome to the 80s, round 2.

I will never understand why people who are not wealthy vote for them. They ALWAYS start with the usual 'scrounger' rhetoric which fools people and then come the cuts.

Billions in tax uncollected from the wealthy though, and don't expect that to change. The rich never tax the rich."

It's the same the whole world over, it's the poor what gets the blame...

The words of that song are as true today as when they were written all that time ago.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We have never been entitled to any benefits apart from me claiming contribution based JSA for 6 months and we struggle daily at the moment even with the one income.

Those who can't work for whatever reason and are going to lose what help they do get are going to be pushed into poverty and I really really feel for them, I think its awful how people who are genuinely struggling in this country can't get help when they need it and many of the people who will be effected by cuts will have worked and paid into the system at some point.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

ask me this why did you voted for tories, in Scotland we didn't voted for them and were getting hit harder than ever worst than maggie thatcher

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We've been discussing this in the Scotland forum too. There were a few strange posts but overall everyone agreed that whilst the idea of getting overcrowded people into larger accommodation was a good thing, this is not the way to do it.

Apart from anything else, there aren't enough smaller places available, plus the cost of moving and decorating could run into a couple of thousand pounds quite easily and people can't afford that so they will stay put and suffer. To be able to pay they will either put the heating on less or skip a meal every other day just to save the money to pay this ridiculous thing. Ditto


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Now correct me if I'm wrong we live in a democracy. That means we have voted these so called mps into power. They are here to do the people's bidding and wishes for the good of the country. In the words of jethro bollix is all I can say

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. "

I think each case needs to be individually assessed (easier said than done I know).

There was a story in the news the other day of a couple in a 2 bed house who were going to have to pay bedroom tax on the second bedroom, however one of the couple had an illness and needed to be on a breathing machine through the night, the machine wouldn't fit in either bedroom with a double bed in it aswell so the couple slept in seperate rooms. In cases like this I don't think they should have to pay it, they may be a couple but in this case the two rooms are needed. They could move but the council had already adapted the house they were in to cater for their disabilities so why spend all that money again by moving them?

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By *or Fox SakeCouple
over a year ago


God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *B9 QueenWoman
over a year ago

Over the rainbow, under the bridge

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. "

Now this is just the rhetoric the Tories hope you will fall for. It is NEVER that cut and dried. EVER!! What if there is nowhere smaller available which IS the case for many, many people? They still get penalised through no fault of their own.

Let's say they are well-settled, kids in school, spent time and money doing up their home and find they have lost their job - company downsizing, redundancy, company gone bust - and they now have to bear the upheaval if moving. Moving house is costly. I know as I've just done it. Then they might end up in somewhere grotty which needs decorating which they can now not afford. And possibly moving the kids to a new school which is PROVEN to affect academic performance.

There is a HUGE human and social cost to this. What we need is MORE social housing.

They managed the hugest social housing build in history in the 1930s whilst we suffered the Great Depression. They CAN afford it now if they collect unpaid taxes from the rich tax dodgers.

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By *empting Devil.Woman
over a year ago


Where do i move to?

There are no one bedroom properties available and if there were Im not currently well enough to move. My spare room is a single and at the moment there are times i need someone to stay over cos Im not well enough to be alone.

When i first applied for a council property nearly twenty years ago i expected a one bedroom. The first thing they offered me was a three bedroom house! As someone with a clean history and who was working they saw me as part of the solution to a mess caused by a previous government policy - care in the community.

That had created ghettos by dumping large groups of people, inadequately prepared to live alone, into large swathes of social housing. The councils then wanted people in work who lead more 'normal' lifestyles to mix it up. As a result i could have had my pick.

And twenty years later, after working for all of that time i am now in need of the welfare state in a way i hope never to need it again and i am being penalized by around an extra 24 pounds a week.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I agree with KPLP, I am fully behind the bedroom tax. If you live in council accommodation it is not your property, simple as that.

There are many people in need of larger accommodation and this isn't the government throwing people out of government owned property, merely trying to assist those in more need.

Oh and the country is in a dire mess financially thanks to the Labour Party! Any party coming in after would have to make drastic changes in order to sort the economy out.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. "
But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

they'll need the money saved to rebuild city centres burnt to the ground in the summer. and for water cannons. lots of shiny water cannons

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 02/04/13 10:17:07]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Oh dear the per school economists are back. Lets get this straight borrowing has massively increased and that is because the economy has been drained by the exploits of bankers! How could anyone with half a brain not look at history. If you need to raise revenue you must follow j m Keynes economic example and create public works schemes so you have some revenue to tax. It amazes me that some people have such idiotic ideas such as the current chancellor. I have a doctorate in economic history but surely even the trained chimp above can realise that if you have no growth you raise less tax and that cutting benefits will create a loan shark economy as banks are not lending.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 02/04/13 10:17:44]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over"

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By *iker BullMan
over a year ago


I wonder if they will make the home owners who claim housing benefit sell their houses for smaller ones or stop their housing benefit,,if they did then we would see a change

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they???????? "

Are you saying there are "no one bedroom" council houses in your area, or "no one bedroom" places at all, including the private sector? I cannot believe there are no one bed private flats available? Correct me if I am wrong! x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I wonder if they will make the home owners who claim housing benefit sell their houses for smaller ones or stop their housing benefit,,if they did then we would see a change"

Home owners can't claim Housing benefit! That is for rent only!


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Today been into pay my council tax and in the queue was this old lady who was in tears and distraught as not only does she contribute to council tax now but hit by bedroom tax as her son at university and he comes home at weekend. She cannot downsize because her son will have no place to live."

I was surprised to read this as I had heard any number of times that this does not apply to retired people, I have googled this and as far as I can tell THIS IS THE CASE so the elderly lady need not be in tears. The following is a cut a paste from one of the many google sites with this info on.

"If you have one ‘spare’ bedroom, the amount of housing benefit you are allowed will be reduced by

14% of the rent and any eligible service charges. If you have two or more spare bedrooms, you will

lose 25%. Rules around spare bedrooms are strict and these changes only apply to working age

people (16 years to pension credit age) claiming housing benefit."

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

private sector has high rates for like a 2 or 3 bedroom council Flatt your better of were yer staying in a council one 2bh.

there is no single bedroom or 1 room any more for council housing as the is a (if there is prisoners or asylum seekers will have them 1st there is A massive waiting list for them, this means a rush to build new ones but the council wont have the money for it to make it happen due 2 to the cuts

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

By the way this bedroom tax has nothing to do with needing housing for larger families, because if your not claiming any benefits you can live in a 12 bedroomed house on your own if you so wish.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they???????? "

Why should you have spare rooms unoccupied when there are families who are having to share one room? Stupid government or greed of people who have more than they need when others desperately need more space.

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By *B9 QueenWoman
over a year ago

Over the rainbow, under the bridge

"I wonder if they will make the home owners who claim housing benefit sell their houses for smaller ones or stop their housing benefit,,if they did then we would see a change

Home owners can't claim Housing benefit! That is for rent only!

x "

They used to be able to claim for the interest on their mortgages though. Don't know if that is still the case. It does not do society any favours for them to become homeless by losing their house as then there is more strain on public housing.

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By *or Fox SakeCouple
over a year ago


"Oh dear the per school economists are back. Lets get this straight borrowing has massively increased and that is because the economy has been drained by the exploits of bankers! How could anyone with half a brain not look at history. If you need to raise revenue you must follow j m Keynes economic example and create public works schemes so you have some revenue to tax. It amazes me that some people have such idiotic ideas such as the current chancellor. I have a doctorate in economic history but surely even the trained chimp above can realise that if you have no growth you raise less tax and that cutting benefits will create a loan shark economy as banks are not lending."

Please don't take this as undue criticism it's due criticism) but you are talking nonsense.

Firstly borrowing as a percentage of GDP is down.

Keynes died in 46, he could not and did not predict a world economy as it is, he had no concept of globalization. His fundamental idea was the "multiplier effect". Great idea in about 1925, rubbish idea in 2005 and beyond.

I can only assume that you weren't at Uni the day that was taught.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over"

I would agree with you, BUT this years borrowings are higher than any year that the Blair/Brown government had, which has been the case since this government came in. So if the cause of the problem was borrowing and this government is the solution, please explain why they are borrowing more money than the last lot?

Also though I have never been allowed a council house, I would have expected the rent would be higher on larger places as in any other form of housing scheme. so why do they need to apply a bedroom tax if the rents already account for the difference?

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By *xxwiganMan
over a year ago


"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over"

if tax rates go up and tax revenue goes down then tax is being evaded.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"By the way this bedroom tax has nothing to do with needing housing for larger families, because if your not claiming any benefits you can live in a 12 bedroomed house on your own if you so wish. "

Of course it does, it applies to social housing and the need for larger properties owned by the government to be given to families who need the extra space who are housed by the government.

The government of course wouldn't care less in your example as they would be reaping it in via council tax.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Where do i move to?

There are no one bedroom properties available and if there were Im not currently well enough to move. My spare room is a single and at the moment there are times i need someone to stay over cos Im not well enough to be alone.

When i first applied for a council property nearly twenty years ago i expected a one bedroom. The first thing they offered me was a three bedroom house! As someone with a clean history and who was working they saw me as part of the solution to a mess caused by a previous government policy - care in the community.

That had created ghettos by dumping large groups of people, inadequately prepared to live alone, into large swathes of social housing. The councils then wanted people in work who lead more 'normal' lifestyles to mix it up. As a result i could have had my pick.

And twenty years later, after working for all of that time i am now in need of the welfare state in a way i hope never to need it again and i am being penalized by around an extra 24 pounds a week."

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *B9 QueenWoman
over a year ago

Over the rainbow, under the bridge

"It's what the Tories always do, and always have done. Expect to see a dramatic rise in poverty, more run down and neglected city areas and a rise in crime.

Don't expect to see the wealthy in any way touched by this.

Welcome to the 80s, round 2.

I will never understand why people who are not wealthy vote for them. They ALWAYS start with the usual 'scrounger' rhetoric which fools people and then come the cuts.

Billions in tax uncollected from the wealthy though, and don't expect that to change. The rich never tax the rich.

It's the same the whole world over, it's the poor what gets the blame...

The words of that song are as true today as when they were written all that time ago. "

"It's the same the whole world over.

Ain't it all a bloomin' shame.

It's the rich what gets the pleasure,

And the poor what gets the blame."

And you see that on some of these threads. If you are poor you are not entitled to ANY pleasure in life, and if you do then you are slated for it. You should be just grateful to be allowed to subsist. The fact that people CANNOT get jobs to cover their living costs is irrelevant to some people. I walk around my local town and see how many businesses have closed. All those people who worked there are now, potentially, claiming benefits. But somehow THEY are to blame for it!

The way some people say things like 'most' and the 'majority' are smoking, drinking ect. Firstly where is the evidence - apart from 'some' families you may know (though you don't really know as you have no idea what they are doing in private)? What studies and surveys have been done for the entire country? Yet, people throw these words around as if they are actual, undisputed facts. We can all claim to know people who are feckless. But that does not make it MOST or the MAJORITY when there are 60 million people in the country!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Are you saying there are "no one bedroom" council houses in your area, or "no one bedroom" places at all, including the private sector? I cannot believe there are no one bed private flats available? Correct me if I am wrong! x "

Yes ill correct you, your wrong.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Why should you have spare rooms unoccupied when there are families who are having to share one room? Stupid government or greed of people who have more than they need when others desperately need more space."

My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over"

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It's what the Tories always do, and always have done. Expect to see a dramatic rise in poverty, more run down and neglected city areas and a rise in crime.

Don't expect to see the wealthy in any way touched by this.

Welcome to the 80s, round 2.

I will never understand why people who are not wealthy vote for them. They ALWAYS start with the usual 'scrounger' rhetoric which fools people and then come the cuts.

Billions in tax uncollected from the wealthy though, and don't expect that to change. The rich never tax the rich.

It's the same the whole world over, it's the poor what gets the blame...

The words of that song are as true today as when they were written all that time ago.

"It's the same the whole world over.

Ain't it all a bloomin' shame.

It's the rich what gets the pleasure,

And the poor what gets the blame."

And you see that on some of these threads. If you are poor you are not entitled to ANY pleasure in life, and if you do then you are slated for it. You should be just grateful to be allowed to subsist. The fact that people CANNOT get jobs to cover their living costs is irrelevant to some people. I walk around my local town and see how many businesses have closed. All those people who worked there are now, potentially, claiming benefits. But somehow THEY are to blame for it!

The way some people say things like 'most' and the 'majority' are smoking, drinking ect. Firstly where is the evidence - apart from 'some' families you may know (though you don't really know as you have no idea what they are doing in private)? What studies and surveys have been done for the entire country? Yet, people throw these words around as if they are actual, undisputed facts. We can all claim to know people who are feckless. But that does not make it MOST or the MAJORITY when there are 60 million people in the country!


Completely disagree, this society has got into a rut where people think it is their right to expect someone else to pay for their lives.

For every one person genuinely entitled to benefits and help you will find one who fraudulently claims or one who believes it is their right to receive handouts.

The cost being over 5 billion per year in false claims!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Why should you have spare rooms unoccupied when there are families who are having to share one room? Stupid government or greed of people who have more than they need when others desperately need more space.My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend. "

As they don't live with you and you are not their main carer, I can't see how you think that, as that is a lifestyle choice not a necessity. No offence intended.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Today been into pay my council tax and in the queue was this old lady who was in tears and distraught as not only does she contribute to council tax now but hit by bedroom tax as her son at university and he comes home at weekend. She cannot downsize because her son will have no place to live.

I was surprised to read this as I had heard any number of times that this does not apply to retired people, I have googled this and as far as I can tell THIS IS THE CASE so the elderly lady need not be in tears. The following is a cut a paste from one of the many google sites with this info on.


I thought it simply untrue due to the numbers. If her son is at university then he's under 21. Or he's a post grad or a mature student and in each of those cases should be fending for himself. How old is an elderly lady? 70s? She had him at 50?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend. "

Are you saying that the state should subsidize spare rooms to all grandparents so they can accommodate grandchildren at the weekends? In other words all grandchildren should have 2 bedrooms allocated to them by the state, 1 at home and another at grandparents and what about the other set of grandparents? 3 rooms?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Why should you have spare rooms unoccupied when there are families who are having to share one room? Stupid government or greed of people who have more than they need when others desperately need more space.My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend.

As they don't live with you and you are not their main carer, I can't see how you think that, as that is a lifestyle choice not a necessity. No offence intended. "

yes it is a necessity that i have my grandchildren every week, and if it comes to the crunch we will all squeeze in one bed.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Why should you have spare rooms unoccupied when there are families who are having to share one room? Stupid government or greed of people who have more than they need when others desperately need more space.My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend. "

Nice to see your priorities are all about you Make the rich pay more make the people who are really suffering do without. I think the bedroom tax is appropriate on this occasion.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Why should you have spare rooms unoccupied when there are families who are having to share one room? Stupid government or greed of people who have more than they need when others desperately need more space.My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend.

As they don't live with you and you are not their main carer, I can't see how you think that, as that is a lifestyle choice not a necessity. No offence intended. yes it is a necessity that i have my grandchildren every week, and if it comes to the crunch we will all squeeze in one bed. "

I am sorry but I don't see the necessity, as not sure if it is your son/s or daughter/s children but they are responsible for them, not you.

If they insist on taking up your kind generosity of having them every weekend they should pay the tax.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xxwiganMan
over a year ago


How many MP second homes (paid for by the tax payer) have spare bedrooms?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *or Fox SakeCouple
over a year ago


"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over

if tax rates go up and tax revenue goes down then tax is being evaded."

No, they are either using entirely legal methods of tax avoidance OR the really big hitters, are leaving the country.

In order to take more tax the tax rate needs to be LOWER not higher, a flat tax rate with zero loopholes is the simplest answer.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"How many MP second homes (paid for by the tax payer) have spare bedrooms? "

Not sure but as it is not social housing n/a, however if people want that lifestyle I suggest they get off their bums and become an MP!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend.

Are you saying that the state should subsidize spare rooms to all grandparents so they can accommodate grandchildren at the weekends? In other words all grandchildren should have 2 bedrooms allocated to them by the state, 1 at home and another at grandparents and what about the other set of grandparents? 3 rooms?"

NO im not saying the state should pay i pay my own rent and get a small amount towards it as im on min wage. I would love to be in full time work but only part time at the moment. Just think the government has gone the wrong way about this.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *isscheekychopsWoman
over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

I don't think anyone really knows the extent of how overcrowed some properties are. The government brought in the bedroom tax.. Its now down to the housing providers to think of ways to overcome this situation. I for one have been successful in moving people around so they are in the correct size property. It might be wise to sign up to HA's etc who have more stock. If you are under occupying and don't want to move for your reasons then I am afraid you have to pay the difference if you are in receipt of housing benefit..

There is so much going on behind the scenes in relation to this.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Why should you have spare rooms unoccupied when there are families who are having to share one room? Stupid government or greed of people who have more than they need when others desperately need more space.My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend.

Nice to see your priorities are all about you Make the rich pay more make the people who are really suffering do without. I think the bedroom tax is appropriate on this occasion. You cant blame me for the suffering....Blame the government, they need to stop letting every tom dick and harry into the country if we are such debt, and build smaller properties for people to move in to.


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Old people, are not having to pay the 'bedroom tax'

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Why should you have spare rooms unoccupied when there are families who are having to share one room? Stupid government or greed of people who have more than they need when others desperately need more space.My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend.

As they don't live with you and you are not their main carer, I can't see how you think that, as that is a lifestyle choice not a necessity. No offence intended. yes it is a necessity that i have my grandchildren every week, and if it comes to the crunch we will all squeeze in one bed.

I am sorry but I don't see the necessity, as not sure if it is your son/s or daughter/s children but they are responsible for them, not you.

If they insist on taking up your kind generosity of having them every weekend they should pay the tax."

Haha i take it your not a grandparent?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xxwiganMan
over a year ago


"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over

if tax rates go up and tax revenue goes down then tax is being evaded.

No, they are either using entirely legal methods of tax avoidance OR the really big hitters, are leaving the country.

In order to take more tax the tax rate needs to be LOWER not higher, a flat tax rate with zero loopholes is the simplest answer."

tax avoidance/evasion we can go into the semantics of word and the spirit of the law versus the letter of the law but the fact is tax rise and fall in revenue means someone is making a deliberate effort to evade tax.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Why should you have spare rooms unoccupied when there are families who are having to share one room? Stupid government or greed of people who have more than they need when others desperately need more space.My room isnt unoccupied as i have my grandchildren every weekend.

As they don't live with you and you are not their main carer, I can't see how you think that, as that is a lifestyle choice not a necessity. No offence intended. yes it is a necessity that i have my grandchildren every week, and if it comes to the crunch we will all squeeze in one bed.

I am sorry but I don't see the necessity, as not sure if it is your son/s or daughter/s children but they are responsible for them, not you.

If they insist on taking up your kind generosity of having them every weekend they should pay the tax.Haha i take it your not a grandparent?"

Completely regardless if I have children or grandchildren, unless you have PR you are not responsible for housing them at any time. Therefore it is not the governments responsibility to facilitate your lifestyle choice.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"How many MP second homes (paid for by the tax payer) have spare bedrooms? "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *xxwiganMan
over a year ago


"How many MP second homes (paid for by the tax payer) have spare bedrooms?

Not sure but as it is not social housing n/a, however if people want that lifestyle I suggest they get off their bums and become an MP!"

you will find the debroom tax also applies to prperty owned by private landlord so your arguement does not hold water

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It's what the Tories always do, and always have done. Expect to see a dramatic rise in poverty, more run down and neglected city areas and a rise in crime.

Don't expect to see the wealthy in any way touched by this.

Welcome to the 80s, round 2.

I will never understand why people who are not wealthy vote for them. They ALWAYS start with the usual 'scrounger' rhetoric which fools people and then come the cuts.

Billions in tax uncollected from the wealthy though, and don't expect that to change. The rich never tax the rich.

It's the same the whole world over, it's the poor what gets the blame...

The words of that song are as true today as when they were written all that time ago.

"It's the same the whole world over.

Ain't it all a bloomin' shame.

It's the rich what gets the pleasure,

And the poor what gets the blame."

And you see that on some of these threads. If you are poor you are not entitled to ANY pleasure in life, and if you do then you are slated for it. You should be just grateful to be allowed to subsist. The fact that people CANNOT get jobs to cover their living costs is irrelevant to some people. I walk around my local town and see how many businesses have closed. All those people who worked there are now, potentially, claiming benefits. But somehow THEY are to blame for it!

The way some people say things like 'most' and the 'majority' are smoking, drinking ect. Firstly where is the evidence - apart from 'some' families you may know (though you don't really know as you have no idea what they are doing in private)? What studies and surveys have been done for the entire country? Yet, people throw these words around as if they are actual, undisputed facts. We can all claim to know people who are feckless. But that does not make it MOST or the MAJORITY when there are 60 million people in the country!


Completely agree. Much easier to demonise those weakest and less able to defend their position.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My neighbour, well she was until a few weeks ago, was forced to move out of her 3 bed house

( she lived alone but had her grandchildren staying weekends) that she had lived in for 32 years. Last weekend a single woman moved in to the house next door but one to my old neighbour! Same sized house. No kids, 2 dogs, maybe dogs are classed as needing a bedroom each these days! My mind boggles at how this can happen. My old neighbour is devastated, she's 61 years old and can no longer accommodate her grandchildren.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"How many MP second homes (paid for by the tax payer) have spare bedrooms?

Not sure but as it is not social housing n/a, however if people want that lifestyle I suggest they get off their bums and become an MP!

you will find the debroom tax also applies to prperty owned by private landlord so your arguement does not hold water"

I am not arguing, whether someone owns 1 or 10 private properties that is their choice, as long as they pay the relevant taxes I couldn't care less.

What I am saying is that is not applicable in this debate as it is not social housing.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Today been into pay my council tax and in the queue was this old lady who was in tears and distraught as not only does she contribute to council tax now but hit by bedroom tax as her son at university and he comes home at weekend. She cannot downsize because her son will have no place to live.

I was surprised to read this as I had heard any number of times that this does not apply to retired people, I have googled this and as far as I can tell THIS IS THE CASE so the elderly lady need not be in tears. The following is a cut a paste from one of the many google sites with this info on.

I thought it simply untrue due to the numbers. If her son is at university then he's under 21. Or he's a post grad or a mature student and in each of those cases should be fending for himself. How old is an elderly lady? 70s? She had him at 50? "

The OP is 54 so the elderly lady I'm presuming is in her 70's at least so is exempt from bedroom tax. Also as said above she must have had her son very late for him to be at uni.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Everyone's entitled to there own opinions, lets agree to disagree. Have a good day.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *xxwiganMan
over a year ago


"How many MP second homes (paid for by the tax payer) have spare bedrooms?

Not sure but as it is not social housing n/a, however if people want that lifestyle I suggest they get off their bums and become an MP!

you will find the debroom tax also applies to prperty owned by private landlord so your arguement does not hold water

I am not arguing, whether someone owns 1 or 10 private properties that is their choice, as long as they pay the relevant taxes I couldn't care less.

What I am saying is that is not applicable in this debate as it is not social housing. "

But it is about people having rents subsidised whether it is a benefit claimant of mp both are paid from peoples taxes.

you keep saying about social housing is this the housing stock sold off in the 80's to be replaced by private property landlords inflating rents leading to a spiral in the cost in housing benefit payments?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xxwiganMan
over a year ago


"How many MP second homes (paid for by the tax payer) have spare bedrooms?

Not sure but as it is not social housing n/a, however if people want that lifestyle I suggest they get off their bums and become an MP!

you will find the debroom tax also applies to prperty owned by private landlord so your arguement does not hold water

I am not arguing, whether someone owns 1 or 10 private properties that is their choice, as long as they pay the relevant taxes I couldn't care less.

What I am saying is that is not applicable in this debate as it is not social housing. "

But it is about people having rents subsidised whether it is a benefit claimant of mp both are paid from peoples taxes.

you keep saying about social housing is this the housing stock sold off in the 80's to be replaced by private property landlords inflating rents leading to a spiral in the cost in housing benefit payments?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xxwiganMan
over a year ago


"How many MP second homes (paid for by the tax payer) have spare bedrooms?

Not sure but as it is not social housing n/a, however if people want that lifestyle I suggest they get off their bums and become an MP!

you will find the debroom tax also applies to prperty owned by private landlord so your arguement does not hold water

I am not arguing, whether someone owns 1 or 10 private properties that is their choice, as long as they pay the relevant taxes I couldn't care less.

What I am saying is that is not applicable in this debate as it is not social housing. "

But it is about people having rents subsidised whether it is a benefit claimant of mp both are paid from peoples taxes.

you keep saying about social housing is this the housing stock sold off in the 80's to be replaced by private property landlords inflating rents leading to a spiral in the cost in housing benefit payments?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *obandruthCouple
over a year ago


is it realy fair that some one should be forced to move , ask your self would you move for them , no i dont think so

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"private sector has high rates for like a 2 or 3 bedroom council Flatt your better of were yer staying in a council one 2bh.

there is no single bedroom or 1 room any more for council housing as the is a (if there is prisoners or asylum seekers will have them 1st there is A massive waiting list for them, this means a rush to build new ones but the council wont have the money for it to make it happen due 2 to the cuts "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ugby 123Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

O o O oo

If you are going to join in the debate do it without insulting people please.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *or Fox SakeCouple
over a year ago


"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over

if tax rates go up and tax revenue goes down then tax is being evaded.

No, they are either using entirely legal methods of tax avoidance OR the really big hitters, are leaving the country.

In order to take more tax the tax rate needs to be LOWER not higher, a flat tax rate with zero loopholes is the simplest answer.

tax avoidance/evasion we can go into the semantics of word and the spirit of the law versus the letter of the law but the fact is tax rise and fall in revenue means someone is making a deliberate effort to evade tax."

So if you put your money into an ISA, or a pension, you are evading tax?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Honestly, the land of plenty, of milk and honey has gone and is being replaced by bread and water, this is just the first shot over the bows and there is a lot more to come. In a few months this will be forgotten as there are much more harsher measures to follow, the world does not owe us a living, if GB Inc dont earn the money then we cannot pay it out, this has still to sink in yet. We have seen whats happened to Greece, Cyprus and Spain, see if they think the extra bedroom subsidy counts. That may possibly be us yet.

I just feel sorry for those who have worked all their lives, they should get more back, the single mother of 4 by 3 different men who has only ever taken from the system and never put in, well I cannot shed any crocodile tears for them.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *xxwiganMan
over a year ago


"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over

if tax rates go up and tax revenue goes down then tax is being evaded.

No, they are either using entirely legal methods of tax avoidance OR the really big hitters, are leaving the country.

In order to take more tax the tax rate needs to be LOWER not higher, a flat tax rate with zero loopholes is the simplest answer.

tax avoidance/evasion we can go into the semantics of word and the spirit of the law versus the letter of the law but the fact is tax rise and fall in revenue means someone is making a deliberate effort to evade tax.

So if you put your money into an ISA, or a pension, you are evading tax?"

No you are not evading tax putting money into an ISA. It was set up by the government to encourage saving, the govermnet knows about it so how could it be evading. TheY also set a yearly allowance for people to invest in which is a modest amount.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"How many MP second homes (paid for by the tax payer) have spare bedrooms?

Not sure but as it is not social housing n/a, however if people want that lifestyle I suggest they get off their bums and become an MP!

you will find the debroom tax also applies to prperty owned by private landlord so your arguement does not hold water

I am not arguing, whether someone owns 1 or 10 private properties that is their choice, as long as they pay the relevant taxes I couldn't care less.

What I am saying is that is not applicable in this debate as it is not social housing.

But it is about people having rents subsidised whether it is a benefit claimant of mp both are paid from peoples taxes.

you keep saying about social housing is this the housing stock sold off in the 80's to be replaced by private property landlords inflating rents leading to a spiral in the cost in housing benefit payments?"

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over"

Lets have some facts not rabts. Yes labour fucked up and borrowing was high however lets not forget the banks caused the financial meltdown in first place labour then had to manage it from there. Whilst labour were in even through the meltdown folk were working poor being generally looked after. What we have now is poor being hammered just because they are poor.

Borrowing is higher now than ever before purely down to osborne and co so clearly they have failed their own tests. Yes they blame europe for things but end of day the choices they are making are causing pain just for sake of it. Try justifying a tax rebate for the rich of over 100k to anyone who is being hit.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

When it was first talked about I'm sure it was on about moving the elderly out of the bigger houses into 1 bed room houses or flats. The people I know that have extra bedrooms all seem to be people over retirement age that aren't going to be affected which is a joke

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *obandruthCouple
over a year ago


last time this goverment where in power there where jobs advertised at the job center for as little as £1 per hour , LEAST WE FORGET , they always think the poorest people owe them a liveing , SHAME ON THEM .

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Was talking to a lady who i have known since a young child,she still lives in her home on the street we grew up,its a 3 bedroomed house she has lived in it for 42 years brought her family up and sometimes has grandchildren stay.

She is so worried about the bedroom tax as she is in her 60's and thinks she may have to move...quite sad really as she doesn't want to move its her home

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

Crumpet Castle

Spot on.


 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Was talking to a lady who i have known since a young child,she still lives in her home on the street we grew up,its a 3 bedroomed house she has lived in it for 42 years brought her family up and sometimes has grandchildren stay.

She is so worried about the bedroom tax as she is in her 60's and thinks she may have to move...quite sad really as she doesn't want to move its her home "

Please tell her the good news, pensioners are exempt from the bedroom tax so she will not have to move. Of course that is bad news for young couples looking for a family home, but she will be fine.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Spot on.

Home. "

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *obandruthCouple
over a year ago


if she is in her 60 , she should be ok

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *exybabyMan
over a year ago


When people find themselves in 'times of need' let's see if they then change their opinions. Life is cruel and totally unfair. Those that make the rules DO NOT suffer by them.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It's about time there was a benefit shake up, it's been a long time coming.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It amazes me the attitude and opinions some people have towards council tenants. I was a home owner for 23 years, I've been a council tennant for the past 3 years. I pay my rent in full as I work. If I have a spare room should I pay the tax from my earnings or am I ok to have the extra room as I'm not a 'scrounger'

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Was talking to a lady who i have known since a young child,she still lives in her home on the street we grew up,its a 3 bedroomed house she has lived in it for 42 years brought her family up and sometimes has grandchildren stay.

She is so worried about the bedroom tax as she is in her 60's and thinks she may have to move...quite sad really as she doesn't want to move its her home

Please tell her the good news, pensioners are exempt from the bedroom tax so she will not have to move. Of course that is bad news for young couples looking for a family home, but she will be fine."

It affects anyone of working age in social housing this means council houses or others such as housing associations. Dependant on when shewas born will determine whether affected as retirement ages have increased. The fact that this lady and others are now worrying about this show hows bad the government are treating folk.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. "

Cant feed em dont breed em.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *arnaclebillMan
over a year ago

Robin Hood County

"God theres some crap spoken about this government

Lets nail the lie that they are giving money to the rich with tax cuts.

The higher tax rate was introduced, and the tax take went down. So you tax more, you get less, it's a simple fact of life. Deal with it people.

They inherited the worst set of books since about 1945 thanks to Bliar and Brown, they spent billions of BORROWED cash on fantasy projects.

You have to pay the money back, if you are upset at that don't let governments spend it in the first place.

Rant over"

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Was talking to a lady who i have known since a young child,she still lives in her home on the street we grew up,its a 3 bedroomed house she has lived in it for 42 years brought her family up and sometimes has grandchildren stay.

She is so worried about the bedroom tax as she is in her 60's and thinks she may have to move...quite sad really as she doesn't want to move its her home

Please tell her the good news, pensioners are exempt from the bedroom tax so she will not have to move. Of course that is bad news for young couples looking for a family home, but she will be fine."

It affects anyone of working age in social housing this means council houses or others such as housing associations. Dependant on when shewas born will determine whether affected as retirement ages have increased. The fact that this lady and others are now worrying about this show hows bad the government are treating folk.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

The clear majority on this forum see this as unfair and picking on the vulnerable! As for tax revenue dropping that is for many reasons including the first tripple dip recession the world has ever known in the modern era (the collapse of rome may have been the last!)

If rich people are not willing to pay the 50 pc why are they going to pay 45pc? Just tighten the loopholes which are only there to let them out of it in the first place!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *B9 QueenWoman
over a year ago

Over the rainbow, under the bridge

"The clear majority on this forum see this as unfair and picking on the vulnerable! As for tax revenue dropping that is for many reasons including the first tripple dip recession the world has ever known in the modern era (the collapse of rome may have been the last!)

If rich people are not willing to pay the 50 pc why are they going to pay 45pc? Just tighten the loopholes which are only there to let them out of it in the first place! "

LOL MPs won't vote for that! It would include them - many are on boards of directors and they will see their dividend shrink!

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"It amazes me the attitude and opinions some people have towards council tenants. I was a home owner for 23 years, I've been a council tennant for the past 3 years. I pay my rent in full as I work. If I have a spare room should I pay the tax from my earnings or am I ok to have the extra room as I'm not a 'scrounger'"

You won't have to pay anything as the money is taken from people's housing benefits and you don't claim any.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

We're not in this situation due to bankers. We're in this situation because of poor financial management by consecutive governments for 30 years.

PFI is crippling the NHS and schooling. We have a huge population putting strain on the welfare system and also the NHS. More and more infrastructure and projects are being farmed out to private industry. The rail system is the most expensive and least reliable in Europe. And its verifiable that it's become worse since privatisation.

We've paid for any number of national and local vanity projects, Millennium dome/Olympics etc which have never made their money back as promised.

And to top it all we are taking in about £120 billion less tax than we are spending each year. This shortfall has to be borrowed. Hence our 1+trillion debt.

So as it would be prohibitively expensive to buy out all the private companies that own every public resource, the money has to be clawed back from the welfare system and public spending.

Everyone who has ever used the welfare system, sat back while the Olympics and Queens jubilee were on or being planned and said nothing, or haven't voted, are part responsible. So basically everyone. I dont care if you've held a job down and paid tax for all your working life, if you've said nothing about what's been going on you're part to blame.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The clear majority on this forum see this as unfair and picking on the vulnerable! As for tax revenue dropping that is for many reasons including the first tripple dip recession the world has ever known in the modern era (the collapse of rome may have been the last!)

If rich people are not willing to pay the 50 pc why are they going to pay 45pc? Just tighten the loopholes which are only there to let them out of it in the first place!

LOL MPs won't vote for that! It would include them - many are on boards of directors and they will see their dividend shrink!"

Not all MPs are money grabbing. But even if they are simply vote consistently for the ones that support fairness instead of blaming people for being poor!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oe_Steve_NWestCouple
over a year ago


"Today been into pay my council tax and in the queue was this old lady who was in tears and distraught as not only does she contribute to council tax now but hit by bedroom tax as her son at university and he comes home at weekend. She cannot downsize because her son will have no place to live.

This is reality of this government and it is disgraceful that the less well off are hammered yet again. Remember on 5th april the elite will be receiving tax rebate of 100k. All in it together my arse

Whilst like others money is tight but seeing the state if the lady brings home the reality of what is happening to those in genuine need."

An old lady with a son at uni? Sounds unlikely, Z

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *aGaGagging for itCouple
over a year ago

Newcastle upon Tyne

A lively thread!

Just an observation, but most views opposing the bedroom tax seem to be around people having to move out of their homes and the lack of availability of smaller homes. The reality is that it is about reducing benefits to those that are consisdered to live in oversized homes. We all have lifestyle choices to make and prioritise. How many home owners would like to live in larger houses but can't afford to?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *wingerdelightCouple
over a year ago


"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights??????? "

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *B9 QueenWoman
over a year ago

Over the rainbow, under the bridge

"A lively thread!

Just an observation, but most views opposing the bedroom tax seem to be around people having to move out of their homes and the lack of availability of smaller homes. The reality is that it is about reducing benefits to those that are consisdered to live in oversized homes. We all have lifestyle choices to make and prioritise. How many home owners would like to live in larger houses but can't afford to?"

That assumes that people actually do have lifestyle choices. Lots of simplistic views - reality is far more complex.

But, never mind, let the poor bear the brunt. Again. After all, they are the powerless and, often, voiceless.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oe_Steve_NWestCouple
over a year ago


"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country"

Or just pay the extra for the room? Z

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *wingerdelightCouple
over a year ago


"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country

Or just pay the extra for the room? Z"

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country"

Dont be silly how can i buy a house on £6.19 per hour, and i have have worked for 40 years so im not a scrounger.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *B9 QueenWoman
over a year ago

Over the rainbow, under the bridge

"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country Dont be silly how can i buy a house on £6.19 per hour, and i have have worked for 40 years so im not a scrounger. "

You are pissing in the wind here, babes. I totally agree with you - there are people on benefits through no fault of their own having worked, paid taxes and NI for decades only to have lost their job in the recession. They then find they cannot get a job as there are so few out there and no one will employ them as they are 'too old'. But god forbid they might have a pint occasionally to lift the tedium. You can hear the catcalls of SCROUNGER! from miles away. Usually from the leafy suburbs.

Sorry, getting very upset by the total lack of empathy on here. Maybe I need to make a semi-dignified retreat. You will get no sympathy from some quarters.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *wingerdelightCouple
over a year ago


"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country Dont be silly how can i buy a house on £6.19 per hour, and i have have worked for 40 years so im not a scrounger. "

i understand your problem and i wasnt calling you a scrounger, but the point is why should everyone else pay for you to have a spare room?

should we buy you a new car aswell?

if you earn little then you cant afford a big house, thats reality, if you want a big house earn more, if you cant then live to your means, sounds harsh and i dont mean to be but the fact is if you cant afford something that most would consider a luxuary then you cant have it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

We have some lovely council flats here they are really big, all two and three bedroomed. Quite a lot of the two bedroomed are occupied by single people. Why? Because there are very limited single bedroom properties and the ones that are are mainly for care in the community people. Im not opposed to the bedroom tax, id just like to know where they will put these people and if someone can not afford the extra rent so puts in to downsize, where are they supposed to get the money from until they are downsized which if you live here could be 10 years

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *ustcutieWoman
over a year ago


The court says my brother should have his 4 kids staying with him every weekend..... How could he do that in a 1 bedroom flat?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

why should we suffer when they the torries getting away with the expenses scandal: there heading for another riot

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

Ive just googled one bedroomed properties in my county and in the WHOLE of the county there is 13 private rented one bedroomed properties up for let

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country Dont be silly how can i buy a house on £6.19 per hour, and i have have worked for 40 years so im not a scrounger.

i understand your problem and i wasnt calling you a scrounger, but the point is why should everyone else pay for you to have a spare room?

should we buy you a new car aswell?

if you earn little then you cant afford a big house, thats reality, if you want a big house earn more, if you cant then live to your means, sounds harsh and i dont mean to be but the fact is if you cant afford something that most would consider a luxuary then you cant have it."

And i understand what your saying,i dont wish to claim help but dont have any alternative at the moment. I just think its a catch 22, downsize yes... but where to? there is no smaller properties for me to go unless i go private, which is approx £100 a month more than the rent im paying now. i will move and i will still have my grandchildren.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country Dont be silly how can i buy a house on £6.19 per hour, and i have have worked for 40 years so im not a scrounger.

You are pissing in the wind here, babes. I totally agree with you - there are people on benefits through no fault of their own having worked, paid taxes and NI for decades only to have lost their job in the recession. They then find they cannot get a job as there are so few out there and no one will employ them as they are 'too old'. But god forbid they might have a pint occasionally to lift the tedium. You can hear the catcalls of SCROUNGER! from miles away. Usually from the leafy suburbs.

Sorry, getting very upset by the total lack of empathy on here. Maybe I need to make a semi-dignified retreat. You will get no sympathy from some quarters."

Thankyou x

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *wingerdelightCouple
over a year ago


"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country Dont be silly how can i buy a house on £6.19 per hour, and i have have worked for 40 years so im not a scrounger.

i understand your problem and i wasnt calling you a scrounger, but the point is why should everyone else pay for you to have a spare room?

should we buy you a new car aswell?

if you earn little then you cant afford a big house, thats reality, if you want a big house earn more, if you cant then live to your means, sounds harsh and i dont mean to be but the fact is if you cant afford something that most would consider a luxuary then you cant have it.And i understand what your saying,i dont wish to claim help but dont have any alternative at the moment. I just think its a catch 22, downsize yes... but where to? there is no smaller properties for me to go unless i go private, which is approx £100 a month more than the rent im paying now. i will move and i will still have my grandchildren."

in that case would it not be cheaper to pay for your extra room then?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"We have some lovely council flats here they are really big, all two and three bedroomed. Quite a lot of the two bedroomed are occupied by single people. Why? Because there are very limited single bedroom properties and the ones that are are mainly for care in the community people. Im not opposed to the bedroom tax, id just like to know where they will put these people and if someone can not afford the extra rent so puts in to downsize, where are they supposed to get the money from until they are downsized which if you live here could be 10 years"
Thankyou this is what ive been trying to say from the 1st post.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

id happily pay whatever the difference in bedroom tax was.

For me that would be a welcome luxury and a relief. As it stands, Theres a chance i'll lose my flat, not because i get paid benefits or anything, i work, but because i simply dont have enough money to do it all.

My choices are,

wait till me and my kid are evicted an lose our £1500 deposit, or leave, making ourselves intentionally homeless by social housing standards (meaning we get no help)


go and stay in my shop. (which doesnt have heating, showers, baths or cooking facilities)

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Same here...been in my home 25 years, brought my family up, worked all my life but part time now so get a small amount paid towards my rent. Ive now been told to move out as i have spare room dont know where my grandchildren are supposed to stay each weekend. Wheres our human rights???????

if you want a big genough house to have your grand kids staying over then buy one, you dont have a right for others to fund your life style, this is the attitude that is killing this country Dont be silly how can i buy a house on £6.19 per hour, and i have have worked for 40 years so im not a scrounger.

i understand your problem and i wasnt calling you a scrounger, but the point is why should everyone else pay for you to have a spare room?

should we buy you a new car aswell?

if you earn little then you cant afford a big house, thats reality, if you want a big house earn more, if you cant then live to your means, sounds harsh and i dont mean to be but the fact is if you cant afford something that most would consider a luxuary then you cant have it.And i understand what your saying,i dont wish to claim help but dont have any alternative at the moment. I just think its a catch 22, downsize yes... but where to? there is no smaller properties for me to go unless i go private, which is approx £100 a month more than the rent im paying now. i will move and i will still have my grandchildren.in that case would it not be cheaper to pay for your extra room then?"

Yes it would if i had it.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

oh i fuckin give up, buying a tent and camping outside no. 10

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By *at2Couple
over a year ago

north Down

Check out the bilderberg group and then you will see who really runs the world and the puppet governments. And what there agenda's are..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I live in social housing there are 5 of us sharing a 3 bed and I live in what should be the sitting room we have all been on various waiting lists for 1 bed accommodation for over 2 years but are not a priority as none of us have kids. Although bedroom tax world not affect those I live with the existing lack of one bed accommodation does and that is where I have a problem with this tax, there is just not enough housing for people to move into. The shocking thing is the advise I have been given by the council housing officer, she advised that I could get a place quicker by "having a family".

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *orkieMan
over a year ago

Who knows

Just a thought... wonder if the Queen going to be asked to downsize from Buck House with all its spare bedrooms, after all there are only two of them, they dont own the place and they receive an income (benefits) from the state.

If the government suggested that to her then she would have them imprisoned in the tower faster than you could say "orf with their heads"

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Just a thought... wonder if the Queen going to be asked to downsize from Buck House with all its spare bedrooms, after all there are only two of them, they dont own the place and they receive an income (benefits) from the state.

If the government suggested that to her then she would have them imprisoned in the tower faster than you could say "orf with their heads""

If anyone that works feels like paying someone's shortfall of benefits say so here I am sure someone will take up the offer

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *radleyandRavenCouple
over a year ago


"When it was first talked about I'm sure it was on about moving the elderly out of the bigger houses into 1 bed room houses or flats. The people I know that have extra bedrooms all seem to be people over retirement age that aren't going to be affected which is a joke"

That was what I thought. One of my ex's nans lives in a large 4 bedroom house. The only person she lives with is her son (and not being funny, but he's 50-something). As far as I know, she isn't going to be touched by this, but then a friend of mine who's mother is blind and in a wheelchair who lives in a bungalow that was specially addapted to her has been told they will either have to move or pay bedroom tax on a so-called "spare room" which may hold a single bed, but you wouldn't fit anything else in there... A home-visit somehow decided it was still a spare room.

I don't know if it's connected (I haven't really read into it) but she has also been told that the independant living allowance she recieves which helps pay for her carer will also be affected, so potentially, she could be forced to move out and fend for herself in an unfamiliar house with no care. My friend does all he can, but short of giving up work, he can't be with her all the time.

These bungalows were built specifically for people with disabilities and as I said, the house was adapted for her to so I don't see the logic of forcing them out for the sake of what I'd class as a storage room.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Was talking to a lady who i have known since a young child,she still lives in her home on the street we grew up,its a 3 bedroomed house she has lived in it for 42 years brought her family up and sometimes has grandchildren stay.

She is so worried about the bedroom tax as she is in her 60's and thinks she may have to move...quite sad really as she doesn't want to move its her home

Please tell her the good news, pensioners are exempt from the bedroom tax so she will not have to move. Of course that is bad news for young couples looking for a family home, but she will be fine."

I will pass that on i do understand its hard for young families but i do also think it is sad for people like this who have been there so long as to make it their home.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Where do you "go in" to pay council tax anyway?

Serious question, as i assumed people just paid it by direct debit.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By *oulou45Woman
over a year ago


I can see it from both sides. I grew up in social housing. Now I'm on my own I have to rent privately which takes nearly 3 quarters of my wage. I don't expect the council to house me. I have a grandaughter who comes and stays ,she sleeps in my room, again not down to the coucil. When she's older I will sleep on my sofa. I work full time in care, care homes have had massive cuts, which will soon reflect on our wages. Well it does already. It will be worse soon. I won't be entitled to any help so I've got a 2nd job. I may not have much space but will always find space for my grandaughter and for my new grandchild due this year. I feel sorry for people who genuinely need help. But the guys I care for have no voice.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Where do you "go in" to pay council tax anyway?

Serious question, as i assumed people just paid it by direct debit."

Local town hall. I pay mine over the phone with my debit card a lot easier

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Where do you "go in" to pay council tax anyway?

Serious question, as i assumed people just paid it by direct debit."

Local town hall. I pay mine over the phone with my debit card a lot easier

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

And .......if her son is paying his university accomodation during the week then why can he not stay there in the weekend?

Or, HE could work a few hours in the union bar and give her the money to pay for the bedroom that he requires her to keep.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"And .......if her son is paying his university accomodation during the week then why can he not stay there in the weekend?

Or, HE could work a few hours in the union bar and give her the money to pay for the bedroom that he requires her to keep."

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *radleyandRavenCouple
over a year ago


"Just a thought... wonder if the Queen going to be asked to downsize from Buck House with all its spare bedrooms, after all there are only two of them, they dont own the place and they receive an income (benefits) from the state.

If the government suggested that to her then she would have them imprisoned in the tower faster than you could say "orf with their heads""

God, could you agine how many families you'd fit in there? Chuck some plasterboard in there and Each room would make a small 2- 3 storey house so can only imagine how many 1 bed accommodations it would make.

Quick, everyone outside Buckingham Palace with their suitcases in 15mins! x

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Where do you "go in" to pay council tax anyway?

Serious question, as i assumed people just paid it by direct debit."

You can still go into our council office and pay

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *wingerdelightCouple
over a year ago


"I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.


why should you not?

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Where do you "go in" to pay council tax anyway?

Serious question, as i assumed people just paid it by direct debit."

The local council office! Not EVERYBODY has the luxury of a bank account nowadays!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.

why should you not?


Why should i not what?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.


Why should your right to a bigger home be more secure than the right of people who lose their jobs and cant afford to pay their mortgage?

I have step children(they are my husbands biological children obviously) and if we could not afford to pay the mortgage and had to move to a smaller house, then THEY would not have their own room here.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

[Removed by poster at 02/04/13 14:29:14]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Are you saying there are "no one bedroom" council houses in your area, or "no one bedroom" places at all, including the private sector? I cannot believe there are no one bed private flats available? Correct me if I am wrong! x Yes ill correct you, your wrong. "

So if I were to google 1-2 bed properties to rent in your area, there would be none?? really??

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *wingerdelightCouple
over a year ago


"I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.

why should you not?

Why should i not what? "

loose your flat if you cant pay for it

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nnyMan
over a year ago


"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Are you saying there are "no one bedroom" council houses in your area, or "no one bedroom" places at all, including the private sector? I cannot believe there are no one bed private flats available? Correct me if I am wrong! x Yes ill correct you, your wrong.

So if I were to google 1-2 bed properties to rent in your area, there would be none?? really??


For a long time, private lets often excluded people on benefits - No DHSS was the cry.

The advent of direct payments to the landlord changed many landlord's minds about this.

A return to payment via the tenant may well change minds back, reducing an already limited supply of private rented accommodation.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"Where do you "go in" to pay council tax anyway?

Serious question, as i assumed people just paid it by direct debit."

That unfortunatly, just shows that some people dont realize that not everyone can have a bank account that pays direct debits. Im not really sure how it works but i think to open new accounts you have to go through some sort of processing to show that you have a certain amount going in. I changed banks recently and had to go through a process for them to let me have the account i wanted AND i was going to be giving them the money, not asking for a loan or overdraft.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"The clear majority on this forum see this as unfair and picking on the vulnerable!"

Would you say that people on here who live in social housing and in some case are virulently anti Tory are unbiased in their comments in this thread?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

"Where do you "go in" to pay council tax anyway?

Serious question, as i assumed people just paid it by direct debit.

That unfortunatly, just shows that some people dont realize that not everyone can have a bank account that pays direct debits. Im not really sure how it works but i think to open new accounts you have to go through some sort of processing to show that you have a certain amount going in. I changed banks recently and had to go through a process for them to let me have the account i wanted AND i was going to be giving them the money, not asking for a loan or overdraft."

Yes, you can get a basic account. They usually cost more to service. The reality of being poor is that you pay more for basic services. You don't get the direct debit discounts. Payment cards for heating and light cost more. The estimate is that it can be as much as £1,200 a year more to do the basics than for someone on the average salary with a good credit record.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.

why should you not?

Why should i not what?

loose your flat if you cant pay for it"

Aaah, so being a responsible father and actually WANTING access to my kids means nothing then? I had to go to court and PROVE that i would have suitable and stable environment for them. Which i then WOULDN'T if i lost it!

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *wingerdelightCouple
over a year ago


"I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.

why should you not?

Why should i not what?

loose your flat if you cant pay for it

Aaah, so being a responsible father and actually WANTING access to my kids means nothing then? I had to go to court and PROVE that i would have suitable and stable environment for them. Which i then WOULDN'T if i lost it!"

well im sorry but isnt part of beeing a responsible father beeing able to pay for a house for them?

i know sometimes things happen out side of our control in life, but there are ways to protect yourself, like saving some money for instance, life isnt fair and to expect the state to pay for things is not the attitude that is going to get this country going again.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Are you saying there are "no one bedroom" council houses in your area, or "no one bedroom" places at all, including the private sector? I cannot believe there are no one bed private flats available? Correct me if I am wrong! x Yes ill correct you, your wrong.

So if I were to google 1-2 bed properties to rent in your area, there would be none?? really??


How about taking a lodger to cover the bedroom tax and give you extra income and as for grandchildren....sofa bed? blow up beds??

Would this not be a logical solution?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"why should we suffer when they the torries getting away with the expenses scandal: there heading for another riot"

Have you conveniently forgotten how many labour and lib dem MP's were caught in that scandal ?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *wingerdelightCouple
over a year ago


"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Are you saying there are "no one bedroom" council houses in your area, or "no one bedroom" places at all, including the private sector? I cannot believe there are no one bed private flats available? Correct me if I am wrong! x Yes ill correct you, your wrong.

So if I were to google 1-2 bed properties to rent in your area, there would be none?? really??

How about taking a lodger to cover the bedroom tax and give you extra income and as for grandchildren....sofa bed? blow up beds??

Would this not be a logical solution?


are you aloud to have lodgers in a council house?

i would be suprised if you could.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *empting Devil.Woman
over a year ago


Council tenants can have lodgers but only by following the rules set out - which i don't know.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Are you saying there are "no one bedroom" council houses in your area, or "no one bedroom" places at all, including the private sector? I cannot believe there are no one bed private flats available? Correct me if I am wrong! x Yes ill correct you, your wrong.

So if I were to google 1-2 bed properties to rent in your area, there would be none?? really??

How about taking a lodger to cover the bedroom tax and give you extra income and as for grandchildren....sofa bed? blow up beds??

Would this not be a logical solution?

are you aloud to have lodgers in a council house?

i would be suprised if you could."

yes you can apparently as long as there is no "overcrowding" and it appears where as before the income would affect your benefits, in light of the bedroom tax they will no longer take lodger income in to account

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

A couple of people have said the words "the poor have no voice"

Cobblers. To start with everyone has a vote.

Second, if the majority of the country, hell even a vocal enough minority were to take a stand then things could change.

it's called revolution and it's happened in quite a few places recently. So give it a go or stop moaning all of you.

Everyone wants things to change but no one wants to stick their necks out do they?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Are you saying there are "no one bedroom" council houses in your area, or "no one bedroom" places at all, including the private sector? I cannot believe there are no one bed private flats available? Correct me if I am wrong! x Yes ill correct you, your wrong.

So if I were to google 1-2 bed properties to rent in your area, there would be none?? really??

How about taking a lodger to cover the bedroom tax and give you extra income and as for grandchildren....sofa bed? blow up beds??

Would this not be a logical solution?

are you aloud to have lodgers in a council house?

i would be suprised if you could."

You are not allowed to sub-let any part of a council or housing association tenancy. It would be grounds for eviction.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Maybe the rich should pay a little more but then I don't see anything wrong with the bedroom tax. We know 2 families of 4 living in bedsits because they can't get a bigger house. Is it really fair someone should have extra unused bedrooms paid for by the state when others desperately need family accommodation. Its an intensive to move if people don't want to pay. But they are telling people to move into smaller homes, of which there is none in my area. there's no way im moving miles away from my family and work, the stupid f-----g government just havnt thought this one out, or have they????????

Are you saying there are "no one bedroom" council houses in your area, or "no one bedroom" places at all, including the private sector? I cannot believe there are no one bed private flats available? Correct me if I am wrong! x Yes ill correct you, your wrong.

So if I were to google 1-2 bed properties to rent in your area, there would be none?? really??

How about taking a lodger to cover the bedroom tax and give you extra income and as for grandchildren....sofa bed? blow up beds??

Would this not be a logical solution?

are you aloud to have lodgers in a council house?

i would be suprised if you could.

You are not allowed to sub-let any part of a council or housing association tenancy. It would be grounds for


Subletting and having a lodger are not legally the same thing

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oulou45Woman
over a year ago


"A couple of people have said the words "the poor have no voice"

Cobblers. To start with everyone has a vote.

Second, if the majority of the country, hell even a vocal enough minority were to take a stand then things could change.

it's called revolution and it's happened in quite a few places recently. So give it a go or stop moaning all of you.

Everyone wants things to change but no one wants to stick their necks out do they?"

I mentioned the guys I look after having no voice. They are non verbal with learning disabilities. We do our best to advocate for them.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oulou45Woman
over a year ago


"A couple of people have said the words "the poor have no voice"

Cobblers. To start with everyone has a vote.

Second, if the majority of the country, hell even a vocal enough minority were to take a stand then things could change.

it's called revolution and it's happened in quite a few places recently. So give it a go or stop moaning all of you.

Everyone wants things to change but no one wants to stick their necks out do they?"

I mentioned the guys I look after having no voice. They are non verbal with learning disabilities. We do our best to advocate for them.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.

why should you not?

Why should i not what?

loose your flat if you cant pay for it

Aaah, so being a responsible father and actually WANTING access to my kids means nothing then? I had to go to court and PROVE that i would have suitable and stable environment for them. Which i then WOULDN'T if i lost it!

well im sorry but isnt part of beeing a responsible father beeing able to pay for a house for them?

i know sometimes things happen out side of our control in life, but there are ways to protect yourself, like saving some money for instance, life isnt fair and to expect the state to pay for things is not the attitude that is going to get this country going again."

Lol, i'm sorry if this comes over as a wee bit abrupt, but, BOLLOCKS!! Taking from the poor WON'T get the country going again as you put it. It will just put more people in debt and on the streets. It mus be nice living in a bubble.

What about the folks living on minimum wage? What do they save from after paying rent and buying essential items, like food, gas, electric and clothes?

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *illycarrolCouple
over a year ago

n/cle on tyne

whilst i agree on both sides of this debate and i hate the tories ,i saw them destroy all manufacturing etc, i hate labour just a tad less they are all self serving hypocrites no matter who you vote for the government get in ,theve picked on the poor,unemployed young ,disabled and people listened to the tripe in the daily mail and other propagander on this war on the poor when this is achieved they will then come after anybody else they choose to vilify be very afraid the next level of society with bank savings ,divide and conquer

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oulou45Woman
over a year ago


"I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.

why should you not?

Why should i not what?

loose your flat if you cant pay for it

Aaah, so being a responsible father and actually WANTING access to my kids means nothing then? I had to go to court and PROVE that i would have suitable and stable environment for them. Which i then WOULDN'T if i lost it!

well im sorry but isnt part of beeing a responsible father beeing able to pay for a house for them?

i know sometimes things happen out side of our control in life, but there are ways to protect yourself, like saving some money for instance, life isnt fair and to expect the state to pay for things is not the attitude that is going to get this country going again.

Lol, i'm sorry if this comes over as a wee bit abrupt, but, BOLLOCKS!! Taking from the poor WON'T get the country going again as you put it. It will just put more people in debt and on the streets. It mus be nice living in a bubble.

What about the folks living on minimum wage? What do they save from after paying rent and buying essential items, like food, gas, electric and clothes? "

I'm sure if your on min wage you can get help. I know at my 2nd job they do. I also know none of them are english and own homes in romania. This is not me being raciest as I have a nigerian hubby

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nnyMan
over a year ago


".........This is not me being raciest as I have a nigerian hubby"

The two things are not incompatible.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oulou45Woman
over a year ago


".........This is not me being raciest as I have a nigerian hubby

The two things are not incompatible."

I've seen things in different lights and makes me angry.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *radleyandRavenCouple
over a year ago


".........This is not me being raciest as I have a nigerian hubby

The two things are not incompatible. I've seen things in different lights and makes me angry. "

Having had a friend told by a housing association to use her Muslim hubby's surname because she'll "get a house quicker", I'm afraid there ARE corruptions. But that's like most organisations. Just as I've known companies who won't take on people who don't have an English surname (Won't name them but they're no longer trading anyway).

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nnyMan
over a year ago


That's the trouble, isn't it?

People 'know this' or 'have heard that' but are never able to name names.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I'm a single guy, get access to my kids every weekend, have two bedrooms, one of which is for my kids, work, and pay my own rent so not affected by the 'bedroom tax' at the moment. BUT, if i lost my job, does that mean i should my home as well?

I have spent time, effort and money on making the flat a home for myself and my kids when they come to stay with me. If i'm forced to move to a one bed flat, (of which, there are NONE available in this area) i lose the right to have access to them.

why should you not?

Why should i not what?

loose your flat if you cant pay for it

Aaah, so being a responsible father and actually WANTING access to my kids means nothing then? I had to go to court and PROVE that i would have suitable and stable environment for them. Which i then WOULDN'T if i lost it!

well im sorry but isnt part of beeing a responsible father beeing able to pay for a house for them?

i know sometimes things happen out side of our control in life, but there are ways to protect yourself, like saving some money for instance, life isnt fair and to expect the state to pay for things is not the attitude that is going to get this country going again.

Lol, i'm sorry if this comes over as a wee bit abrupt, but, BOLLOCKS!! Taking from the poor WON'T get the country going again as you put it. It will just put more people in debt and on the streets. It mus be nice living in a bubble.

What about the folks living on minimum wage? What do they save from after paying rent and buying essential items, like food, gas, electric and clothes? "

Well said

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *ucky_LadsCouple (MM)
over a year ago

Kidderminster+ surrounding areas.

if people move out of homes because the bedroom is not being used the extra big houses can then be used for when the new influx of rumanians & bulgrians come over here next year on holidays,they have got to live somewhere,it is in their "human rights".

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"if people move out of homes because the bedroom is not being used the extra big houses can then be used for when the new influx of rumanians & bulgrians come over here next year on holidays,they have got to live somewhere,it is in their "human rights"."

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nJ_NW_cplCouple
over a year ago


If the condems are so sure that the majority of people agree with what they are doing lets have a general election. Say 6 weeks from now we all go to the polls and see what the outcome is. Labour would have a massive overall majority the conservatives would be lucky to hold onto second place and as for the so called third party they would be lucky to win a seat. We should be able to have a vote of no confidence in the government and force a general election. By the way we both work and claim no money from the government we just believe that what is happening is wrong.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nnyMan
over a year ago


Clegg and Co won't go for that.

They find the ministerial salaries and limousines far too comfy to forgo them.

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have read this topic with interest and sadness..all too often any changes the government makes to the benefit system is seen with derision and contempt from a large majority of people.The main point that I always come back to is this..what would we do without a benefit state in the first place? Many other countries have no such luxury, and are struggling with poverty and famine.I myself have seen both sides of this coin,I spent a time surviving on support for myself and two very small children and know first hand how difficult it is! That said I never once took it as my "human right" to be handed free housing and support. I had no computer (therefore no internet),no sky tv,nights out,or indeed even a bank account.I survived within my means and didn't complain..at this point I lived in a small 2 bedroom social housing development,in which my children shared a room.

Whilst i completely understand the anger from many at the current changes,and really feel for many who will be unfairly affected I still find it hard to understand a lot of the arguments.The MAIN problem we currently have is solely down to poor management from our government stemming back many years and THIS is where our anger should be targeted..NOT at the social class system.Many of the so called "rich" are hit with astronomical tax bills when all they have tried to do is better thier lives..how can we blame them for the government shortcomings? I found this from a leading economist..it sums up how we are brainwashed into a society of blame..it certainly made me stop and think..I hope in some small measure it does to many of you too..

"Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to £100...

If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this...

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.

The fifth would pay £1.

The sixth would pay £3.

The seventh would pay £7..

The eighth would pay £12.

The ninth would pay £18.

The tenth man (the richest) would pay £59.

So, that's what they decided to do..

The ten men drank in the bar every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve ball.

"Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by £20". Drinks for the ten men would now cost just £80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes.

So the first four men were unaffected.

They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men?

The paying customers?

How could they divide the £20 windfall so that everyone would get his fair share?

They realised that £20 divided by six is £3.33. But if they

subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer.

So, the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by a higher percentage the poorer he was, to follow the principle of the tax system they had been using, and he proceeded to work out the amounts he suggested that each should now pay.

And so the fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% saving).

The sixth now paid £2 instead of £3 (33% saving).

The seventh now paid £5 instead of £7 (28% saving).

The eighth now paid £9 instead of £12 (25% saving).

The ninth now paid £14 instead of £18 (22% saving).

The tenth now paid £49 instead of £59 (16% saving).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But, once outside the bar, the men began to compare their savings.

"I only got a pound out of the £20 saving," declared the sixth man.

He pointed to the tenth man,"but he got £10!"

"Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only saved a pound too. It's unfair that he got ten times more benefit than me!"

"That's true!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get £10 back, when I got only £2? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison, "we didn't get anything at all. This new tax system exploits the poor!"

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had their beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money between all of them for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and government ministers, is how our tax system works.

The people who already pay the highest taxes will naturally get the most benefit from a tax reduction.

Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore.

In fact, they might start drinking overseas, where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.

Professor of Economics.

For those who understand, no explanation is needed.

For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible"

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oulou45Woman
over a year ago


"if people move out of homes because the bedroom is not being used the extra big houses can then be used for when the new influx of rumanians & bulgrians come over here next year on holidays,they have got to live somewhere,it is in their "human rights".


 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *nnyMan
over a year ago


Kamerschen has denied having written this.

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *isscheekychopsWoman
over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

Can I just say whether you are black,white,chinese,yellow, purple or whatever. The colour of your skin and you reglious beliefs will not get you a house quicker... Housing is based on the circumstances and not what bloody colour you are.. this thread is actually making me really angry... Some don't know what its like to be on the other side of housing the ones making the decisions and reading some harrowing shit each day... Anyway I need to stay away from these threads...

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *yrdwomanWoman
over a year ago

Putting the 'cum' in Eboracum

"if people move out of homes because the bedroom is not being used the extra big houses can then be used for when the new influx of rumanians & bulgrians come over here next year on holidays,they have got to live somewhere,it is in their "human rights"."

 (closed, thread got too big)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I met an old lady of 87 really upset in the street , I know her but not well , she was crying her eyes out was horrible to see, I asked her what was wrong . She lives in a 3 bedroomed council house that she has lived in for donkeys yrs , brought her kids up there. Its a small neighbourhood everybody keeps an eye on her . Thanks though to this fuckin goverment and their bedroom tax they are destroying peoples lives . When you hear old ladies say they would rather comit suicide than be forcefully moved from there home, it is truely heartbreaking

 (closed, thread got too big)

Reply privately

By *oulou45Woman
over a year ago


"Can I just say whether you are black,white,chinese,yellow, purple or whatever. The colour of your skin and you reglious beliefs will not get you a house quicker... Housing is based on the circumstances and not what bloody colour you are.. this thread is actually making me really angry... Some don't know what its like to be on the other side of housing the ones making the decisions and reading some harrowing shit each day... Anyway I need to stay away from these threads... "
Like I've said I've put myself on a lot of posts here. I will keep on working and plodding on. Will always be room here for my grandchild/children. In a few yrs time I will need help let's hope its out there

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By *isscheekychopsWoman
over a year ago

The land of grey peas and bacon

"I met an old lady of 87 really upset in the street , I know her but not well , she was crying her eyes out was horrible to see, I asked her what was wrong . She lives in a 3 bedroomed council house that she has lived in for donkeys yrs , brought her kids up there. Its a small neighbourhood everybody keeps an eye on her . Thanks though to this fuckin goverment and their bedroom tax they are destroying peoples lives . When you hear old ladies say they would rather comit suicide than be forcefully moved from there home, it is truely heartbreaking "

That old lady is exempt from bedroom tax so she will be rattling around in that house for a few years yet!!

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

"I met an old lady of 87 really upset in the street , I know her but not well , she was crying her eyes out was horrible to see, I asked her what was wrong . She lives in a 3 bedroomed council house that she has lived in for donkeys yrs , brought her kids up there. Its a small neighbourhood everybody keeps an eye on her . Thanks though to this fuckin goverment and their bedroom tax they are destroying peoples lives . When you hear old ladies say they would rather comit suicide than be forcefully moved from there home, it is truely heartbreaking "

Why would she be forced to move? It only affects people of working age

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By *iamondsmiles.Woman
over a year ago

little house on the praire

[Removed by poster at 02/04/13 18:12:33]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I met an old lady of 87 really upset in the street , I know her but not well , she was crying her eyes out was horrible to see, I asked her what was wrong . She lives in a 3 bedroomed council house that she has lived in for donkeys yrs , brought her kids up there. Its a small neighbourhood everybody keeps an eye on her . Thanks though to this fuckin goverment and their bedroom tax they are destroying peoples lives . When you hear old ladies say they would rather comit suicide than be forcefully moved from there home, it is truely heartbreaking "

Why on earth do people believe everything they hear Pensioners are not affected!

Who will be affected?

This change affects council tenants, and those who rent from housing associations, who are housing benefit claimants. It does not affect private sector tenants who are already subject to certain rules.

The government estimates that 655,000 households will have their benefit cut, roughly a third of social sector claimants. Only those of working age will see reduced payments.

But foster carers and families of armed services personnel will be exempt from controversial changes to housing benefit, ministers have said.

Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith said the 5,000 approved foster carers in the UK would continue to receive rent payments towards an "additional room" as long as they have fostered a child or become an approved foster carer in the previous 12 months.

And families with adult children serving in the armed forces will also be exempt from the changes, even when on overseas deployment. They will be treated as if they were continuing to live at home.

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