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diet soda is it good or bad

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By *impcuck OP   Man
6 weeks ago

edge of taunton

diet soda is it good or bad ...

im under a heart consultant who was telling me today how bad diet soda is for your health worse than drinking the normal stuff ..... do you agree

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By *aptain Caveman41Man
6 weeks ago


It's bad too many bad ingredients to replace the sugar

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By *rixie_BlondeWoman
6 weeks ago

London (She/ Her)

As a type 1 diabetic, no it’s far healthier than full sugar.

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By *ortyairCouple
6 weeks ago


Much healthier than full fat sugar drinks.

Mrs x

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By *ellhungvweMan
6 weeks ago


[Removed by poster at 10/05/24 00:39:26]

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By *impcuck OP   Man
6 weeks ago

edge of taunton

"As a type 1 diabetic, no it’s far healthier than full sugar. "

im a type one too however for me diet soda raises my blood sugars faster than normal soda also diet soda has been nick namamed the liver killer the more i look into it the worse its becoming took me nealy 4 years to get of diet soda i was told to as it caused me liver problems within a few months of stopping my liver is doing great

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By *ortyairCouple
6 weeks ago


It's actually recommended by Diabetes UK.

Can you explain the mechanism for raising your blood sugars even though it has no sugar in it?

Mrs x

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By *avin77Man
6 weeks ago


Diet specifically aint good for reflux.

Annoying as I love it lol

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By *ortyairCouple
6 weeks ago


"Diet specifically aint good for reflux.

Annoying as I love it lol"

That's true for all carbonated drinks.

Mrs x

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By *avin77Man
6 weeks ago


"Diet specifically aint good for reflux.

Annoying as I love it lolThat's true for all carbonated drinks.

Mrs x"

Annoying as love the drink lol

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By *rixie_BlondeWoman
6 weeks ago

London (She/ Her)

"It's actually recommended by Diabetes UK.

Can you explain the mechanism for raising your blood sugars even though it has no sugar in it?

Mrs x"

Diet Coke can lift my sugars a bit, it’s been suggested it’s a reaction to delicious gorgeous caffeine. But I struggle to accept that Diet Coke or soda raises your sugars MORE than the real stuff. Having been diabetic over 30 years I cannot see how that can happen

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By *avin77Man
6 weeks ago


"Diet specifically aint good for reflux.

Annoying as I love it lolThat's true for all carbonated drinks.

Mrs x"

Great profile by the way

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By *lice AgainTV/TS
6 weeks ago


Yes, I agree.

Aspartame and it's derivatives are controversial at best and are only legal due to intensive political lobbying.

At best they make your body crave sugar because you taste the sweetness but don't experience the glucose.

Aspartame degrades in the body to produce phenylalanine (which although essential is problematic in excess, and also a potent laxative) and also... formaldehyde. Woot.

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By *ortyairCouple
6 weeks ago


"It's actually recommended by Diabetes UK.

Can you explain the mechanism for raising your blood sugars even though it has no sugar in it?

Mrs x

Diet Coke can lift my sugars a bit, it’s been suggested it’s a reaction to delicious gorgeous caffeine. But I struggle to accept that Diet Coke or soda raises your sugars MORE than the real stuff. Having been diabetic over 30 years I cannot see how that can happen"

I don't think it can, there's no sugar in it.

Mrs x

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By *ortyairCouple
6 weeks ago


"Yes, I agree.

Aspartame and it's derivatives are controversial at best and are only legal due to intensive political lobbying.

At best they make your body crave sugar because you taste the sweetness but don't experience the glucose.

Aspartame degrades in the body to produce phenylalanine (which although essential is problematic in excess, and also a potent laxative) and also... formaldehyde. Woot.


Can you supply one peer reviewed study that confirms this?

Mrs x

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By *rixie_BlondeWoman
6 weeks ago

London (She/ Her)

"It's actually recommended by Diabetes UK.

Can you explain the mechanism for raising your blood sugars even though it has no sugar in it?

Mrs x

Diet Coke can lift my sugars a bit, it’s been suggested it’s a reaction to delicious gorgeous caffeine. But I struggle to accept that Diet Coke or soda raises your sugars MORE than the real stuff. Having been diabetic over 30 years I cannot see how that can happenI don't think it can, there's no sugar in it.

Mrs x"

I totally agree

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By *lice AgainTV/TS
6 weeks ago


"Yes, I agree.

Aspartame and it's derivatives are controversial at best and are only legal due to intensive political lobbying.

At best they make your body crave sugar because you taste the sweetness but don't experience the glucose.

Aspartame degrades in the body to produce phenylalanine (which although essential is problematic in excess, and also a potent laxative) and also... formaldehyde. Woot.

Can you supply one peer reviewed study that confirms this?

Mrs x"

I'll look some up but I assume you mean the phenylalanine/formaldehyde bit?

You will find that most things containing the stuff have "contains a source of phenylalanine" written on the label. The rest is just basic chemistry.

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By *oofy321Man
6 weeks ago

moon base zero

Your body doesn't know the difference between sugar and artificial sugar

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By *ortyairCouple
6 weeks ago


"Yes, I agree.

Aspartame and it's derivatives are controversial at best and are only legal due to intensive political lobbying.

At best they make your body crave sugar because you taste the sweetness but don't experience the glucose.

Aspartame degrades in the body to produce phenylalanine (which although essential is problematic in excess, and also a potent laxative) and also... formaldehyde. Woot.

Can you supply one peer reviewed study that confirms this?

Mrs x

I'll look some up but I assume you mean the phenylalanine/formaldehyde bit?

You will find that most things containing the stuff have "contains a source of phenylalanine" written on the label. The rest is just basic chemistry.


Aspartame is made up of Aspartic Acid, Phenylalanine and Methanol and breaks down into these component parts in the gut. It breaks down very quickly and is clear of your system within 24 hours.

In hundreds of studies Aspartame has never been found in the blood or orgins. There is no evidence of Aspartame causing cancer or with causing damage to the brain.

One of the byproducts of digesting aspartame is methanol which in turn does get broken down into formaldehyde, yes. But the quantities are extremely small, much smaller than the amounts in your body anyway. Minute quantities of formaldehyde are also extremely common everywhere in nature.

Mrs x

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By *ortyairCouple
6 weeks ago


"Your body doesn't know the difference between sugar and artificial sugar "
Apart from the fact that one is made from carbs and the other isn't.

Mrs x

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By *atnip make me purrWoman
6 weeks ago


Ive switched to stevia in my tea and coffee supposed to be healthier.

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By *izzmasterzeroMan
6 weeks ago


Diet or not I bet if you think about it real hard you'd probably realise that eating and drinking things full of acid and chemicals probably isn't a good idea.

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By *ivemealadybonerWoman
6 weeks ago


I can't drink fat cola as I'd be giving Usain Bolt a run for his money to the bog. Pepsi Max (or the cheap alternative from supermarkets) all way for me, it used to be the only thing I'd drink but cut my intake right down now.

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By *mily36CWoman
6 weeks ago

Bedford... (or anywhere beginning with B..!?)

"Your body doesn't know the difference between sugar and artificial sugar "

It certainly does and as it's not natural it doesn't know what to do with it...

...just like low fat spreads versus butter

The best dietician advice I've ever heard is that if a food or drink product contains more than 4/5 ingredients it's best avoided...

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By *ittlebirdWoman
6 weeks ago

The Big Smoke

Everything is bad for you if you have too much of it

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By *ang bang bangity bangCouple
6 weeks ago


I'm pretty sure the research on this is very clear and diet soda is only harmful in extremely high use over very long periods. But you can say the exact same thing about a lot of stuff.

Is it better to drink water? Well sure it is. But then it's also far healthier to live like a monk on an island in the Atlantic and grow all your own food and never interact with another human. But where's the craic in that.

And as for it being more healthy to drink normal soda, I'm struggling to see any logic there. That said how much nutritional knowledge do a lot of medical people actually have? It's certainly a criticism I've heard the likes of Dr Peter Attia level at the medical practice.


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By *ad NannaWoman
6 weeks ago

East London

I can't drink most sugar free drinks as they give me a stomach ache.

I drink Lucozade and original cola to satisfy my thirst for something other than water.

Technically, I'm supposed to avoid all fizzy drinks but I have an unhealthy relationship with them.

I'm overweight and I'm losing weight, to lessen my chances of contracting diabetes.

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By *amie HantsWoman
6 weeks ago


If your consultant has said diet drinks are bad for your health then I would listen.

I got different advice from a different medical professional so I follow that advice I’ve been given.

We’re all different I imagine if we get told different things there will be other variables that are being considered

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By *agnar73Man
6 weeks ago


Aspartame isn’t proven safe, few of the artificial sweeteners are apart from the sugar based ones.

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By *agnar73Man
6 weeks ago


"Your body doesn't know the difference between sugar and artificial sugar "

It absolutely does

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By *iddlesticksMan
6 weeks ago

My nan’s spare room.

Sorry I can’t enter this discussion until we refer to it as pop.

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By *agnar73Man
6 weeks ago


"I can't drink most sugar free drinks as they give me a stomach ache.

I drink Lucozade and original cola to satisfy my thirst for something other than water.

Technically, I'm supposed to avoid all fizzy drinks but I have an unhealthy relationship with them.

I'm overweight and I'm losing weight, to lessen my chances of contracting diabetes. "

Read contents on Lucozade it added artificial sweeteners to get around sugar tax

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By *ora the explorerWoman
6 weeks ago

Paradise, Herts

I won’t drink it nor have I ever bought it or let my kids have it when they were younger.

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By *rMonkeyMan
6 weeks ago


You need to get a new consultant op.

Aspartame could be considered dangerous at high doses, to duplicate the rat study dosages you would need to drink 55-60 cans a day consistently for months.

Your body does not treat it in the same way as sugar, there is no insulin or blood glucose spike.

The major issue is all of the these shitfluencers on the tinterweb, misinformed, can't read scientific papers and usually trying to sell you something.

If you try to debate them they can't provide any peer reviewed data to support their stance and almost always revert to an argument from authority.

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By *altenkommandoMan
6 weeks ago

milton keynes

"Yes, I agree.

Aspartame and it's derivatives are controversial at best and are only legal due to intensive political lobbying.

At best they make your body crave sugar because you taste the sweetness but don't experience the glucose.

Aspartame degrades in the body to produce phenylalanine (which although essential is problematic in excess, and also a potent laxative) and also... formaldehyde. Woot.

Can you supply one peer reviewed study that confirms this?

Mrs x

I'll look some up but I assume you mean the phenylalanine/formaldehyde bit?

You will find that most things containing the stuff have "contains a source of phenylalanine" written on the label. The rest is just basic chemistry.

Aspartame is made up of Aspartic Acid, Phenylalanine and Methanol and breaks down into these component parts in the gut. It breaks down very quickly and is clear of your system within 24 hours.

In hundreds of studies Aspartame has never been found in the blood or orgins. There is no evidence of Aspartame causing cancer or with causing damage to the brain.

One of the byproducts of digesting aspartame is methanol which in turn does get broken down into formaldehyde, yes. But the quantities are extremely small, much smaller than the amounts in your body anyway. Minute quantities of formaldehyde are also extremely common everywhere in nature.

Mrs x"

In some people aspartame does cross the blood brain barrier and messes with the hypothalmus which can cause some debilitating side effects as well as general malaise. If it does this it’s best steered clear of.

As for aspartame and diabetes, it doesn’t raise your blood glucose levels but can interfere with the functioning of GLP-1 reception/binding, the hormone that regulates the sensation of “fulness” and can lead to wanting to eat more or sugar cravings which can then alter your blood glucose. It’s not bad for diabetics per se (I’d take issue with some of the guidance) but what it leads to in terms of hunger/cravings needs to be managed if you are diabetic, so again, I’d stay clear of it in large quantities.

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By *pankingNorfolkCouple
6 weeks ago


Not sure it’s the sugar replacements that are the problem. Generally just look at all the ingredients in any fizzy drink.

Diet drinks get a harder time because they have all green badges when it comes to the healthy eating banner. But they just aren’t as healthy as the label states.

Coke and Tropicana are equally unhealthy. Someone once explained the sugar in a can of is equivalent to putting 10 teaspoons of sugar in a mug of tea

We would all be much better going back to simpler drinks, less processed foods.

I now bake all my own biscuits, four to five ingredients compared to the long list you find on back of most packets. In top of that they are tastier, more satisfied from less quantity eaten and most importantly I know what went in them from start to finish

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By *emorefridaCouple
6 weeks ago

La la land

Are they healthy nope despite their green traffic light symbols. However, if you are overweight and are drinking several cans of the sugar version, changing to the diet one is a better option for loosing weight. Which would mean less strain on your heart and joints etc etc etc.

If you are at peak weight and health then yes it's something to look at and consider. But if you are overweight and it's a choice between the full sugar version or a chocolate bar and the diet version, well I know which I'm choosing.

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By *ogerroger69Man
6 weeks ago

West Yorks

It’s diet pop x

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By *nightsoftheCoffeeTableCouple
6 weeks ago


They usually contain aspartamine which isn't great tbh.


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By *melie LALWoman
6 weeks ago


"diet soda is it good or bad ...

im under a heart consultant who was telling me today how bad diet soda is for your health worse than drinking the normal stuff ..... do you agree"

Listen to your cardiologist!

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

6 weeks ago

East Sussex

"diet soda is it good or bad ...

im under a heart consultant who was telling me today how bad diet soda is for your health worse than drinking the normal stuff ..... do you agree"

I would hope your consultant knows more about these things than I do so I'd be inclined to agree with her or him.

I don't like anything labelled 'diet' it usually has a nasty after taste

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By *ash0000Man
6 weeks ago

Mid Cornwall

It’s shit stuff, your stomach thinks it’s getting sugar and prepared for that.

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By (user no longer on site)
6 weeks ago

Bad bad bad bad bad.

If an ant won't touch it, why would you?

It is probably not the worst thing in the glass when it's is mixed with alcohol though.

l' eau, aqua, wasser, acqua, vatten, ? is an excellent alternative.

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By *hrek101Man
6 weeks ago


I feed my fizzy pop addiction with a soda stream and fresh juice.

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