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I need a cuddle

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By *elix Sighted OP   Man
over a year ago

Your internet

I do. I really need someone to come and cuddle me. And maybe some snogs. I’ve had the shittest week ever and I just want someone to make it all better.

But enough of that - what do you do to get yourself out of a fug? Do you hibernate and watch crap on tv? See people? Exercise? What clears your mind of all the shit going in your life and the world?

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By *tar80sWoman
over a year ago


I dont know you but hugs and high fives.

I exercise or go see live music. Or go sit in the park and just listen to live music. The key for me is live music, youtube is awsome for that. The sounds and inflections of tones and voices gives you back those pieces of reality that can truly bring peace to the wounded parts of you and spur some creativity or at least spur your heart into warmer places. Live music. Nature. And an open sky.

Orrrrrr you can try ribs and ice cream.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I've just been for a run, my head needed screwed back on! It's the only thing that can get me back to normal

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By *elix Sighted OP   Man
over a year ago

Your internet

"I dont know you but hugs and high fives.

I exercise or go see live music. Or go sit in the park and just listen to live music. The key for me is live music, youtube is awsome for that. The sounds and inflections of tones and voices gives you back those pieces of reality that can truly bring peace to the wounded parts of you and spur some creativity or at least spur your heart into warmer places. Live music. Nature. And an open sky.

Orrrrrr you can try ribs and ice cream. "

Thank you!! For the hugs and a lovely post. I love being outside and I also enjoy live music. I’ll see if I can combine them! Oh, and ice cream?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I climb 1000 steps to a mountain top and practice apache warcries with a pack of wolves at my feet.

Or I just sit in a bed and sulk until I feel better, which can take s few days.

*bro hug! It’s the best I’ve got you for you pal.

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By *elix Sighted OP   Man
over a year ago

Your internet

"I climb 1000 steps to a mountain top and practice apache warcries with a pack of wolves at my feet.

Or I just sit in a bed and sulk until I feel better, which can take s few days.

*bro hug! It’s the best I’ve got you for you pal. "

Thanks, Woody!! I’ll take them.

Now to find myself a pack of tame wolves……

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By *rincipessaWoman
over a year ago

your wildest dreams,

I go to the beach, watch the sea. Get my feet wet, sometimes more.

Come home, have a bath with a glass of wine and music. I tend to want to be on my own, I’m not a sharer. I like my own company, especially at times like this.

But I do love cuddles and a lovely long snogging session, so it it works for you, I’m here

I do hope you feel better soon.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I dont know you but hugs and high fives.

I exercise or go see live music. Or go sit in the park and just listen to live music. The key for me is live music, youtube is awsome for that. The sounds and inflections of tones and voices gives you back those pieces of reality that can truly bring peace to the wounded parts of you and spur some creativity or at least spur your heart into warmer places. Live music. Nature. And an open sky.

Orrrrrr you can try ribs and ice cream. "

OMG - many thanks.... I haven't bought ice cream in over a year but I did today because of finishing what I hope is my last ever night shift. It was sat in a bag on my kitchen floor. Your reminder just saved my ice cream

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I love a good cuddle too.

My go to is the beach. Feel the sand between my toes and sometimes have a little paddle. It feels like an escape.

Have a virtual hug from me and I hope you are feeling better soon x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I love a good cuddle too.

My go to is the beach. Feel the sand between my toes and sometimes have a little paddle. It feels like an escape.

Have a virtual hug from me and I hope you are feeling better soon x


Is it specifically the beach or just water in general?

I find myself at one with the world mostly when in or on any water, be that a hot tub, the shower, at the beach or on the river in a boat or on a paddleboard

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By *2000ManMan
over a year ago


Switch off screens and go in garden.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I love a good cuddle too.

My go to is the beach. Feel the sand between my toes and sometimes have a little paddle. It feels like an escape.

Have a virtual hug from me and I hope you are feeling better soon x

Is it specifically the beach or just water in general?

I find myself at one with the world mostly when in or on any water, be that a hot tub, the shower, at the beach or on the river in a boat or on a paddleboard"

I love water, the bath is probably my safe space. The beach is special to me. I don't know why. It just soothes me. Even on a cold day, just walking along it with the dog calms me.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Bike ride, long walk, shoot things...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I love a good cuddle too.

My go to is the beach. Feel the sand between my toes and sometimes have a little paddle. It feels like an escape.

Have a virtual hug from me and I hope you are feeling better soon x

Is it specifically the beach or just water in general?

I find myself at one with the world mostly when in or on any water, be that a hot tub, the shower, at the beach or on the river in a boat or on a paddleboard

I love water, the bath is probably my safe space. The beach is special to me. I don't know why. It just soothes me. Even on a cold day, just walking along it with the dog calms me. "

That'll be the sound of waves, very therapeutic! Sleeping on the beach at Man of War bay at Durdle Door has to be the place I have slept the soundest in all my life. I haven't ever slept properly but there it's baby sleep.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Unlike Mr I'm not as fit as him so I don't run. I will go for a walk though, if the dog isn't in a cunty mood I'll take her too because a dog that doesn't listen makes my mood worse. But if she's behaving and she's with me she makes me feel 100x better.

I like the sea too. I could get lost in thoughts at the sea. Nice thoughts too, maybe the odd "if I just walk into the sea noone will care" - (thank god for medication ).

Books. I love reading and it's a huge release for me as long as conditions are right.. A good book, quiet, nothing urgent needed doing that day around the house.


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

And of course. A cuddle from my husband makes me feel secure and loved.


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By *asyloversCouple
over a year ago


Years ago it was a bad hang over that would clear my mind and get me march on with life refreshed anew (quite weird lol)

Recently a nice session in a hot tub does the trick with a cool nice wine glass (full)

A present it’s going for a run that clears my head and I found myself dancing in the aisles of supermarket to the music coming over the tannoy. Seems I might be getting my mojo back and not just endlessly grinding the hours at work

Have a good weekend and dance in those aisles

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By *elix Sighted OP   Man
over a year ago

Your internet

There are some awesome suggestions in here! Thanks for the kind words everyone, I’m generally ok.

Will definitely get out and try some of these ideas, though.

Keep them coming!!

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By *edeWoman
over a year ago

the abyss

all the hugs OP

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By *uicy 2020Woman
over a year ago


Sending lots of hugs OP, sorry its not been a good week for you. But its over now and hopefully you have some nice stuff planned for the bank holiday weekend.

I listen to some loud shouty music and go for a stomp when Im feeling agitated or angry. Then I'll probably have a cry, eat lots of junk food, some wine, and watch some trashy tv. Not really a long-term coping strategy though, lol


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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Don't do the hug thing, so can't help there.

But if it was me, work out, shower, cry whilst in the shower, wine, some really unhealthy but tasty food, horror film.

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By *ulieAndBeefCouple
over a year ago


Have a big hug Felix. A kitchen disco is my go to for cheering myself up. Music up loud, Dance like a twat. Never fails.


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By *eroLondonMan
over a year ago


Felix, sending you all the man-hugs that you can manage from this humble Londoner. I tend to escape into the quiet streets of London - brisk walks, immerse myself into the café culture and just take in the air and listen to some calming music whilst people watching.

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By *elix Sighted OP   Man
over a year ago

Your internet

Thanks for all the kind words, friends.

I’m treating myself to a dirty Chinese takeaway tonight and seeing friends over the weekend.

I hope you all have something fabulous planned

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hey there. It's a for you my friend.

For me I head off for a walk over the fells and try to get things in perspective accompanied by birdsong and some bleating sheep...!

Have a lovely weekend whatever you do

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Hugs and kisses help a lot, from the right person. I hope you avail yourself of some soon, OP, if you can.

I sometimes curl up in bed with snacks and my tablet to watch some good tv. Sometimes I tackle chaos in my house and subdue it.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Crap tv

And tube of Pringles work for me

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By *lex CoxMan
over a year ago


What I do which is quite often, is I

put on my fave music which is soulful garage uplifting house music on and pop my earbuds go for a walk and don't answer any calls or messages whilst out, and just sit on a bench for a while look around and just be in the moment.

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By *ou only live onceMan
over a year ago


I'd go to the gym, I think. Or there are some guaranteed smiles-in-a-song too. Personally, I'm not great at being hugged when I'm in a bad mood, but hope you're feeling fug-free soon, OP!

It's a long weekend, so there's that silver lining...

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By *avinaTVTV/TS
over a year ago

Transsexual Transylvania

I don't know. I'm still trying to clear it.

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By *elix Sighted OP   Man
over a year ago

Your internet

"I don't know. I'm still trying to clear it. "

Oh not you as well!! I’m sorry to hear that, Davina. Have you been inspired by any of the above to help get over the hump? (Oo er)

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I’ve been feeling emotional and shitty all day.

I’ve tried to perk myself up with video games, some yoga and drawing. Nothing has worked so far.

What I need is a cuddle and a good broken hearted sob, but that’s not going to happen so I make so by cuddling my cats and starting threads about Cosplay x

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By *eviants In DefianceCouple
over a year ago


Hugs OP

It depends what I feel I need at the time. Sometimes that's shut myself away, sometimes that's out and about with fresh air and people.


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By *hatMinxOverThereWoman
over a year ago

42 Wallaby Way

I eat and watch horror movies.

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By *elix Sighted OP   Man
over a year ago

Your internet

"I’ve been feeling emotional and shitty all day.

I’ve tried to perk myself up with video games, some yoga and drawing. Nothing has worked so far.

What I need is a cuddle and a good broken hearted sob, but that’s not going to happen so I make so by cuddling my cats and starting threads about Cosplay x"

I love cats and I’d like to get a couple. That contented purring they do when they’re snuggling must be the most relaxing sound ever

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

cake and binge watch shows

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I’ve been feeling emotional and shitty all day.

I’ve tried to perk myself up with video games, some yoga and drawing. Nothing has worked so far.

What I need is a cuddle and a good broken hearted sob, but that’s not going to happen so I make so by cuddling my cats and starting threads about Cosplay x

I love cats and I’d like to get a couple. That contented purring they do when they’re snuggling must be the most relaxing sound ever"

It is. They’re sweet.

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By *ad NannaWoman
over a year ago

East London

I take my tablet, go to bed and watch films or series' on my phone.

Sometimes I might have a little cry and read a book.

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By *ad NannaWoman
over a year ago

East London

I can't use food as a comfort any more.

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By *urve_your_enthusiasmWoman
over a year ago


I'm sorry your week has been shit. Mine was so far very stressful and then today was really awful, a combination of different things. I'm having a takeaway, watching a comedy thing I haven't watched in ages. Doing crafts help me as well.

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By *elsh-guyMan
over a year ago

the land of the dragon and loads of sheep

Snap. Would love a night just full of cuddles and a smooch or two. Haven't had them in so long and I'm a proper cuddley person.

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By *orphia2003Woman
over a year ago


Certainly love a good cwtch, especially after a bad day at work. They don't even have to listen to me vent and rant. Just cwtch and nod occasionally.

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By *essicagraceWoman
over a year ago


Lick my wounds, have a cry, vape my lungs into submission and go on a big stomp. Then hot water bottle and my Teddy for a big cuddle in bed.

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By *orphia2003Woman
over a year ago


Other option is very loud rock music and smash things. I have a very large pile of rocks in the back garden which are gradually being reduced to gravel. I find it very therapeutic.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Know that feeling … I just go in my shell (bed) .. and get on my feels

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By *o scandalousWoman
over a year ago


Exercise, music, chocolate, alcohol, hibernate.

One of them will work!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I go for a nice bath or shower, comfy pj’s , get into bed, have a cry and try again tomorrow.

I hope your mood picks up a bit soon OP

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By *agneto.Man
over a year ago


Usual MO is to not think about it, distract myself with good TV. And tea.

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By *nandwet69Couple
over a year ago


I love cuddling or as the Welsh say a cwtch . There is a difference , a cwtch can solve so much but a cuddle can potential in my experience end i a poke in the back even when they say that all they need.

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By *archelCouple
over a year ago

A field somewhere

Can't beat a hug for making everything better.

I've had a really stressful week, coupled with working away.

Every Friday I look forward to getting home for a hug from my kids and Mrs. It really cheers me up.

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