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"If I didn’t know better I would think this was a parody of the most ridiculous things you could say after 20 young kids have been shot. The figures don’t lie the number of people shot dead in America is 1000 times higher than that of the UK. If guns are unavailable no one gets shot." wrong.sorry but criminals will always get guns like dealers will always supply drugs. its a fact of the world. taking them away makes people get it illegally. there is no right or wrong.the problem is here to stay so you have to deal with it the best way you can. | |||
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"If I didn’t know better I would think this was a parody of the most ridiculous things you could say after 20 young kids have been shot. The figures don’t lie the number of people shot dead in America is 1000 times higher than that of the UK. If guns are unavailable no one gets shot. wrong.sorry but criminals will always get guns like dealers will always supply drugs. its a fact of the world. taking them away makes people get it illegally. there is no right or wrong.the problem is here to stay so you have to deal with it the best way you can." ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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"If I didn’t know better I would think this was a parody of the most ridiculous things you could say after 20 young kids have been shot. The figures don’t lie the number of people shot dead in America is 1000 times higher than that of the UK. If guns are unavailable no one gets shot. wrong.sorry but criminals will always get guns like dealers will always supply drugs. its a fact of the world. taking them away makes people get it illegally. there is no right or wrong.the problem is here to stay so you have to deal with it the best way you can. ![]() ![]() ![]() Sorry but the stats don't bear this out at all. In the UK in 2010, 39 people died from gunshot wounds, in the US it was over 9400. Even scaling the UK population up to American levels that means a total of around 150-200 maximum. So, having gun controls does seem to work when you compare the supposedly gun riddled UK with America. Yes, criminals will always get guns. But disaffected 15-20 year old kids with psychological problems or a maniacal streak (who tend to be the ones who commit these crimes, rather than the gun toting drug dealers) would find it a lot more difficult if mum and dad don't have an automatic rifle, handgun or pistol locked up in the shed, as 88% of American homes have nowadays. | |||
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"If I didn’t know better I would think this was a parody of the most ridiculous things you could say after 20 young kids have been shot. The figures don’t lie the number of people shot dead in America is 1000 times higher than that of the UK. If guns are unavailable no one gets shot. wrong.sorry but criminals will always get guns like dealers will always supply drugs. its a fact of the world. taking them away makes people get it illegally. there is no right or wrong.the problem is here to stay so you have to deal with it the best way you can." Do you honestly think the way to stop people getting shot is to have more guns. Where does this ever end? | |||
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"unless the law is changed (and i cannot see that happening) schools,colleges etc in the united states will start to be fenced off like prisons. towers with armed guards and further guards with dogs patrolling the outside. not perfect for children to study in and im sure you will agree with that. also you will have colleges etc offering business to private companies that can provide highly trained personnel. and the policy will be: if in doubt Kill!. innocents will be shot and killed because of this policy but the view will be that 1 dead is better than 20 plus. in a country where you have the right to bear arms you cannot take them away. because that makes the criminals stronger and law enforcement weaker. but as ive said schools will be run like prisons for the safety of the students. no one comes in without correct i.d. subject to search before entering declared zones. the rule book is endless if the money is available." I visited a lot of schools in New York a few years ago looking at models for academies and community and free schools. ALL of them were like prisons. Full body scanners at the door, uniformed guards and some guns. It was scary to see that in a secondary school let alone a primary school. I am sickened the NRA uses the milestone of a week since the awful killings to spout their mindless nonsense. | |||
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"If I didn’t know better I would think this was a parody of the most ridiculous things you could say after 20 young kids have been shot. The figures don’t lie the number of people shot dead in America is 1000 times higher than that of the UK. If guns are unavailable no one gets shot." Out of all the firearm incidents in the USA last year, 83% were with illegally obtained weapons. Some were suicides, some were accidental discharges and some were self defense. The number of actual crimes committed with legally owned weapons was (if memory serves) only 2% of the overall total. I agree something MUST be done and they are working on an alternative to an outright ban (Americans will never allow their 2nd amendment rights to be taken away). I don't see that arming teachers would be a good idea. | |||
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"If I didn’t know better I would think this was a parody of the most ridiculous things you could say after 20 young kids have been shot. The figures don’t lie the number of people shot dead in America is 1000 times higher than that of the UK. If guns are unavailable no one gets shot. wrong.sorry but criminals will always get guns like dealers will always supply drugs. its a fact of the world. taking them away makes people get it illegally. there is no right or wrong.the problem is here to stay so you have to deal with it the best way you can. ![]() ![]() ![]() You put it so much better than me. Thank you this is what I meant. Put guns in every house and more people get shot, easy as that. | |||
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"The argument that you have to have guns because the bad guys have guns is the same as made by 10-20 years olds here about knives. We try and teach them that they are more likely to be stabbed if they have a knife." ![]() | |||
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"Even if banning privately held guns isn't a perfect solution, surely it has to be worth a try. Whilst a post Dunblane UK isn't entirely gun crime free, there have been no school shooting since." How many were there prior to Dunblane? | |||
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"Even if banning privately held guns isn't a perfect solution, surely it has to be worth a try. Whilst a post Dunblane UK isn't entirely gun crime free, there have been no school shooting since. How many were there prior to Dunblane?" What's that got to do with anything? | |||
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"Even if banning privately held guns isn't a perfect solution, surely it has to be worth a try. Whilst a post Dunblane UK isn't entirely gun crime free, there have been no school shooting since. How many were there prior to Dunblane? What's that got to do with anything?" I was simply asking the question. | |||
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" What I found more worrying was the suggestion that all mentally ill people should be recorded on a register. The next step these pseudo nazis would want is them rounding up, then what next......" Exactly!! ![]() ![]() | |||
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"Even if banning privately held guns isn't a perfect solution, surely it has to be worth a try. Whilst a post Dunblane UK isn't entirely gun crime free, there have been no school shooting since. How many were there prior to Dunblane? What's that got to do with anything? I was simply asking the question. " Dunblane is the only in-school shooting/gun massacre on record in the UK. This doesn't take into account any gang-related shootings involving school age children 'just outside' school grounds, of which there have been a small number. ![]() | |||
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"Sadly there is no way guns could ever be banned in the USA. There is more than one gun per person in circulation an outright ban would be impossible. Gun control will be difficult as the NRA are too powerful a group, even getting gun owners to hand in weapons would be near impossible. The only control the government may be able to introduce is the sale of certain types of weapons. What I found more worrying was the suggestion that all mentally ill people should be recorded on a register. The next step these pseudo nazis would want is them rounding up, then what next......" Heard a guy on the radio the other day (Brit living in the USA) who owns guns and even he was incredulous that there is NO legal requirement to keep any guns you have in a locked chest or cabinet like there is in the UK. Even just that change would make a difference. ![]() | |||
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"Can’t believe what I am watching, the NRA giving their thoughts on the killing of 26 people at a primary school. How do they sat we should stop it happening again? Let people take guns to school. These people are the sickest I have ever seen," Here here !! | |||
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"Sadly there is no way guns could ever be banned in the USA. There is more than one gun per person in circulation an outright ban would be impossible. Gun control will be difficult as the NRA are too powerful a group, even getting gun owners to hand in weapons would be near impossible. The only control the government may be able to introduce is the sale of certain types of weapons. What I found more worrying was the suggestion that all mentally ill people should be recorded on a register. The next step these pseudo nazis would want is them rounding up, then what next...... Heard a guy on the radio the other day (Brit living in the USA) who owns guns and even he was incredulous that there is NO legal requirement to keep any guns you have in a locked chest or cabinet like there is in the UK. Even just that change would make a difference. ![]() I completely agree. I own several rifles and a pair of shot guns. Before a license is granted correct cabinets MUST be installed and inspected. There are also yearly checks and also un-announced visits. I also have to hand one of my rifles into the police if I go on holiday (due to its calibre). Stricter gun storage would really reduce some of the risks. Sadly it will do nothing for the illegally obtained weapons. | |||
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"Could someone please clarify the rights to bear arms under the American constitutional second amendment...?" It isn't clear at all to normal folks. The Supreme Court upheld the NRA view a couple of years back but some people still believe it only applies to militia, not indoviduals. | |||
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"Could someone please clarify the rights to bear arms under the American constitutional second amendment...?" On Wiki there is a page all about it, and well written too. Just type in 2nd amendment and up it comes.. When it was included in 1791 it was all about being able to 'bear arms' to form a militia. Hardly think Jefferson and his chums had 'bear arms to go and murder infants school kids' when they drafted it... ![]() | |||
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"Could someone please clarify the rights to bear arms under the American constitutional second amendment...?" This is the final 2nd amendment from 1791. There were about five earlier wordings which were altered until approved.. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" ![]() | |||
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"Sadly there is no way guns could ever be banned in the USA. There is more than one gun per person in circulation an outright ban would be impossible. Gun control will be difficult as the NRA are too powerful a group, even getting gun owners to hand in weapons would be near impossible. The only control the government may be able to introduce is the sale of certain types of weapons. What I found more worrying was the suggestion that all mentally ill people should be recorded on a register. The next step these pseudo nazis would want is them rounding up, then what next...... Heard a guy on the radio the other day (Brit living in the USA) who owns guns and even he was incredulous that there is NO legal requirement to keep any guns you have in a locked chest or cabinet like there is in the UK. Even just that change would make a difference. ![]() As someone said earlier, it depends on the definition of 'illegally obtained'. The idiot who shot those kids 'illegally obtained' all the guns he used ..... from his Mum. The fact that his Mum had bought them legally and used them for the purpose for which they were purchased will, no doubt, be glossed over in the coming weeks. So that plays right into the NRA's hands... ![]() ![]() | |||
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"Could someone please clarify the rights to bear arms under the American constitutional second amendment...? This is the final 2nd amendment from 1791. There were about five earlier wordings which were altered until approved.. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" ![]() Thank you.... For a bonus point... Where in the constitution does it state that every citizen shall have the inviolable right to bear arms.... | |||
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"Could someone please clarify the rights to bear arms under the American constitutional second amendment...? This is the final 2nd amendment from 1791. There were about five earlier wordings which were altered until approved.. "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" ![]() "In 2008 and 2010, the Supreme Court issued two landmark decisions concerning the Second Amendment. In District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570 (2008), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to possess a firearm, unconnected to service in a militia and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. In dicta, the Court listed many longstanding prohibitions and restrictions on firearms possession as being consistent with the Second Amendment. In McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 3025 (2010), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment limits state and local governments to the same extent that it limits the federal government" You did ask....... ![]() ![]() | |||
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"Sadly there is no way guns could ever be banned in the USA. There is more than one gun per person in circulation an outright ban would be impossible. Gun control will be difficult as the NRA are too powerful a group, even getting gun owners to hand in weapons would be near impossible. The only control the government may be able to introduce is the sale of certain types of weapons. What I found more worrying was the suggestion that all mentally ill people should be recorded on a register. The next step these pseudo nazis would want is them rounding up, then what next......" Four hundred million legally owned and registered and an estimated number of at least the same number again to as many as twice number illegally held. Ridding a country of about a billion firearms is not happening any time soon. | |||
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"ok, hand grenades for kids to beat the automatic assualt rifles..where does it all stop? Kids and teachers with nukes? I have no idea how to disarm 260 million people, if people knew that answer then wars around the world would finish." With small incremental steps - each one palatable and leaving just enough room for the next step. | |||
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"ok, hand grenades for kids to beat the automatic assualt rifles..where does it all stop? Kids and teachers with nukes? I have no idea how to disarm 260 million people, if people knew that answer then wars around the world would finish. With small incremental steps - each one palatable and leaving just enough room for the next step." Spot on Hot, to get where you need to be you have to start with the first step, if you don’t take that you will never get anywhere. I think that is what the NRA are afraid of. If they came out and said OK to banning one kind of gun they may see it as the begging of the end for their little (well not so little) club. | |||
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"They have the right to bear arms, but it's ridiculous for them to have full on automatic military grade assault weapons. They can never be justified for home defence. I am ex military as well so I know what these weapons can do" They don't have access to fully automatic weapons (in most states, although some people are licensed to own them). They have semi automatic variants (AR-15 for example) and each state has different restrictions on those weapons. Hand guns are a problem for their ease of concealment. | |||
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"They have the right to bear arms, but it's ridiculous for them to have full on automatic military grade assault weapons. They can never be justified for home defence. I am ex military as well so I know what these weapons can do" you would think so wouldn't you..... but i have spent the last week (i went to one of the largest public state universities in the US) on there message boards and the amount of people I have seen rubbish what the UK and Australia did after mass shooting incidents in 1996..... what i have noticed is there is a huge divides goes... see there is the right to bare arms and the right to buy any arms, and those two have become so entwined... so even the banning of some types of guns, and limits on ammo for example, which may well sound sensible to you and I, is a step too far for the likes of the NRA..... did find it interesting that they suggested a register for the "mentally ill"... when they have been fighting against a register "for gun owners".... but because a lot of (especially republicans) politicians have their election campaigns are partly funded by the NRA, this just made any gun control suggestions a lot harder to make law... | |||
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"Hey Fabio you are probably the man to ask. If the Americans voted on a change in gun ownership and the majority said yes lets ban them could the constitution then be changed? Surely its up to the American people what the American people can and cant do. " in theory the answer would be yes... in practice it would never happen. people are too attached to guns... 300 millions in the us now.. that ship has sailed for example... there was a ban put in place on "assult type weapons" that was put in in 1994..... it was a bill that had a provision that it had to be renewed every 10 years..... it was allowed to expire in 2004 it is the same type of bill they are trying to re-bring in now... with the adding of a couple of things like adding a ban on extended magazines, banning semi automatic weapons... gun ranges and hunting is huge in the states is huge... I've been hunting, it does nothing for me... the interesting thing now is will the sensible gun owner now distance themselves from the NRA democratic gun senators and congress people on the left are doing it, and a few on the right are beginning to, but not enough for republicans in office to fear the backlash of losing their seats... if you want an example.. my favourite US morning show is "Morning Joe" on MSNBC, the channel tend to be the left sided equilivant to "fox news".. but is hosted by a former republican member of congress, joe scarborough his views on gun control have changed since sandy hook, and is getting slaughtered for it... it is worth googling the last couple of days.... | |||
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"Hey Fabio you are probably the man to ask. If the Americans voted on a change in gun ownership and the majority said yes lets ban them could the constitution then be changed? Surely its up to the American people what the American people can and cant do. in theory the answer would be yes... in practice it would never happen. people are too attached to guns... 300 millions in the us now.. that ship has sailed for example... there was a ban put in place on "assult type weapons" that was put in in 1994..... it was a bill that had a provision that it had to be renewed every 10 years..... it was allowed to expire in 2004 it is the same type of bill they are trying to re-bring in now... with the adding of a couple of things like adding a ban on extended magazines, banning semi automatic weapons... gun ranges and hunting is huge in the states is huge... I've been hunting, it does nothing for me... the interesting thing now is will the sensible gun owner now distance themselves from the NRA democratic gun senators and congress people on the left are doing it, and a few on the right are beginning to, but not enough for republicans in office to fear the backlash of losing their seats... if you want an example.. my favourite US morning show is "Morning Joe" on MSNBC, the channel tend to be the left sided equilivant to "fox news".. but is hosted by a former republican member of congress, joe scarborough his views on gun control have changed since sandy hook, and is getting slaughtered for it... it is worth googling the last couple of days...." and if a few kiddies have their lives cut short, it's ok, in ten years the memory will have expired (apart from the families who will relive it each year every year till they die) but hey ho, let's go shoot some pheasants with an AK47 on Sunday after church. You up for that buddy? | |||
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"If the American people have no appetite to ever ban or control guns then im sorry but they loose their right to fill churches and be outraged when these atrocities happen." I hope you are angry and upset and thats what has caused you to say that....... x | |||
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"If the American people have no appetite to ever ban or control guns then im sorry but they loose their right to fill churches and be outraged when these atrocities happen. I hope you are angry and upset and thats what has caused you to say that....... x" I watched the NRA speech live today and couldn’t believe what I was watching. Of course I feel sorry and appalled at what happened, I have kids, but they don’t seem to have any appetite to change things, sorry if it came across as anything else. | |||
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" and if a few kiddies have their lives cut short, it's ok, in ten years the memory will have expired (apart from the families who will relive it each year every year till they die) but hey ho, let's go shoot some pheasants with an AK47 on Sunday after church. You up for that buddy?" don't have to preach that to me.. one of the reasons i left the states is that in NYC I was way too close to guns and been in situations where you hit the floor whilst bullets whizz thru the air... I honestly believe if i had stayed and being the cocky SOB i was at the time, I wouldn't be here today and that is me being truthful..... i would be all for gun control, but you have to tell certain types of folks in the rural south and midwest that taken "certain guns" off the market isn't a slippery slope to taking all guns away.... that is the bit that the republicans have to play in this... until they get on board nothing changes.... as i said that ship sailed.... | |||
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"It's about the same mentality as a female American journalist I took to Heathrow (fortunately she was leaving the country...) about a week after the 7/7 bombings. In her infinite wisdom, she told me the reason the bombers had been able to set of their bombs was because we (in the UK) are not allowed to 'bear arms'. I asked her what good that would have done. "So they could have shot 'em!" was the reply. "Would that be before or after they set the bombs off then..??" I asked. "What dya mean?" "When would we open fire? On four possibly completely innocent young guys just going on their way to college, or after they have blown themselves up? And if the latter, what exactly do we shoot at?????" Needless to say, she didn't have an answer..... and I didn't get a tip either.... As for the NRA, I have dealt with Americans for a long time and keep saying it is like dealing with a nation of 300 million people all with the mentality and intelligence of a 13 year old. The NRA's statement is exactly the sort of comment I would expect from a 13 year old..... ![]() Have met many Americans over the years and I can honestly say that the US Government has done such a good sales pitch that they believe that they are the only civilised country in the world, everyone should look up to them and follow their lead, and everything they do is right... in a word delusional | |||
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"It's about the same mentality as a female American journalist I took to Heathrow (fortunately she was leaving the country...) about a week after the 7/7 bombings. In her infinite wisdom, she told me the reason the bombers had been able to set of their bombs was because we (in the UK) are not allowed to 'bear arms'. I asked her what good that would have done. "So they could have shot 'em!" was the reply. "Would that be before or after they set the bombs off then..??" I asked. "What dya mean?" "When would we open fire? On four possibly completely innocent young guys just going on their way to college, or after they have blown themselves up? And if the latter, what exactly do we shoot at?????" Needless to say, she didn't have an answer..... and I didn't get a tip either.... As for the NRA, I have dealt with Americans for a long time and keep saying it is like dealing with a nation of 300 million people all with the mentality and intelligence of a 13 year old. The NRA's statement is exactly the sort of comment I would expect from a 13 year old..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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