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By *rincess peach OP   Woman
over a year ago

shits creek

I've got one that seems to think my front garden is a banging hiding place for his wares.

I not so secretly really enjoy watching him.

I just wanna be like snow white and have lots of animal buddies. *sigh*

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Pretty sweet to watch when they pat the ground down after burying the nuts

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By *red333Man
over a year ago


Come to Devon animals birds squirrels, sea gulls coming out of the woodwork

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By *rincess peach OP   Woman
over a year ago

shits creek

"Pretty sweet to watch when they pat the ground down after burying the nuts "

It's the first time I've ever seen one do it in real life and not on a cartoon

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By *andyfloss2000Woman
over a year ago


Cute x

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By *etcplCouple
over a year ago

Gapping Fanny

We used to live in a squirrel heavy area, and the Mrs got quite friendly with a few and hand fed them.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I've got one that seems to think my front garden is a banging hiding place for his wares.

I not so secretly really enjoy watching him.

I just wanna be like snow white and have lots of animal buddies. *sigh*"

Oh a woman after my own heart. I have a couple I occasionally leave some seed and nuts for in my front lawn (just occasionally as they’d lose their instinct to gather things if feed too often) and I love watching them play and bury things

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By *entBarryUKMan
over a year ago


They are amazing at getting into places and solving puzzles. I remember feeding the ones in Boscombe which were so tame and cheeky.

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By *rtyIanMan
over a year ago

Gateway to the Beacons

In my last home I used to watch them do it and then see a woodpecker fly down and take the stash, woodpecker must have been in tree watching lol

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By *irtydevil666Man
over a year ago


Hopefully it does not get under roof tiles and into the loft....then they become a pest....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I've got one that seems to think my front garden is a banging hiding place for his wares.

I not so secretly really enjoy watching him.

I just wanna be like snow white and have lots of animal buddies. *sigh*"

They sh!t all over your bed BTW

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By *rincess peach OP   Woman
over a year ago

shits creek

"Hopefully it does not get under roof tiles and into the loft....then they become a pest...."

He's only coming as close as the front step. I have a massive tree at the end of my front garden and next door have a fern near their front door.

I've heard plenty of people in our street who've had them in their lofts.

I wanna build him his own little house. I won't, but I want to!

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By *elisandre300Woman
over a year ago


My parents have one that visits regularly.

If they haven’t left nuts out for him he bangs on the window!

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By *it-chrissyTV/TS
over a year ago

sw. london

I've got a squirrel gang that charge about the garden and big trees. someone gives them monkey nuts which they bury and stash in every nook and cranny.

they are super fun tho do damage some of my nice plants. had a couple of white ones turn up but the gang seem to have chased them away.

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By *it-chrissyTV/TS
over a year ago

sw. london

when i was a park-keeper i had monkey nuts to feed the local squirrels, one of which got so tame he'd come in my hut and climb up my leg to sit on the desk eating, also could get him to sit on my shoulder like a parrot which was cool

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Make good stew

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By *sleWightCoupleCouple
over a year ago


We have only red squirrels here on the Isle of Wight. We've caught loads of the those pesky grey one trying to sneak over here in small boats, but no chance.

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By *imi_RougeWoman
over a year ago


This is one of my favourite things to go, go and feed the squirrels in the park. They take the nuts right out of your hand! Gives me so much joy.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My youngests fav animals,he's totally nuts about them

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By *valanche1001Man
over a year ago


The really smart ones don’t go looking for their own nuts, they just watch the other squirrels bury them, then dig them up and bury them elsewhere. Crafty feckers

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By *ce WingerMan
over a year ago

P.O. Box DE1 0NQ

When I used to live out in the sticks I had a couple of squirrels that frolicked about in the mini orchard at the top of ma garden, used to drive ma Border Collie insane

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Have you ever seen blackbirds jumping up and down in your garden, they are trying to imitate rain,worms come to the surface when it's raining, very clever

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By *wist my nipplesCouple
over a year ago

North East Scotland, mostly

Fuck off, OP. You mean you aren't actual Snow White?

Mrs TMN x

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By *rincess peach OP   Woman
over a year ago

shits creek

"Fuck off, OP. You mean you aren't actual Snow White?

Mrs TMN x"

I know criminal isn't it.

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By *o new WinksMan
over a year ago


Found a dead one in my sofa last night. How it got there and why it decided to eat the foam that killed it were some of the things I wondered as I threw it in the bin.

Followed by fuck, that isn't even my sofa.

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By *2000ManMan
over a year ago


Op, put out a saucer of water. You'd be surprised how many animals will use it on a regular basis.

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By *elvet RopeMan
over a year ago

by the big field

"In my last home I used to watch them do it and then see a woodpecker fly down and take the stash, woodpecker must have been in tree watching lol"

It’s almost the other way round at mine. Woodpecker on the bird feeder and the squirrel rocks up- then it’s like some sort of mafioso turf war for 10 minutes….usually ending up with a victorious squirrel hanging upside down to feast on the nuts while the woodpecker shouts abuse from the trees.

I’m just waiting for the Magpies to get involved and turn up with shotguns

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By *ab FunstersCouple
over a year ago


"Pretty sweet to watch when they pat the ground down after burying the nuts

It's the first time I've ever seen one do it in real life and not on a cartoon "

I used to sit outside with my daughter at the top of our garden and hand feed them. They love monkey nuts so we sat with a tray on our lap with lots of nuts on it and eventually they came down to eat them. Takes patience but so worth it.

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