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Self awareness

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Do you have self awareness?

Do you question your mindset/triggers/thoughts?

Do you actually observe and examine your thoughts…

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By *ave1976XXXMan
over a year ago


I did years ago but not anymore

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

No I don't think I do. I'm most incredibly shallow.

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By *iaisonseekerMan
over a year ago


"The unexamined life is not worth living" Socrates.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I’m so deep people call me puddle.

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By *atnip make me purrWoman
over a year ago


Not enough

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I’m so deep people call me puddle. "

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By *ea monkeyMan
over a year ago

Manchester (he/him)


I realise that it’s a very blunt answer but it’s something that I do on a regular basis and I’m always asking myself ‘why?’. I think that it’s the only way to really grow as a person

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By *ysteriousgirl97Woman
over a year ago



I realise that it’s a very blunt answer but it’s something that I do on a regular basis and I’m always asking myself ‘why?’. I think that it’s the only way to really grow as a person "


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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


I realise that it’s a very blunt answer but it’s something that I do on a regular basis and I’m always asking myself ‘why?’. I think that it’s the only way to really grow as a person "

I agree, and I’m curious as to how many people do it.

You meant so much about yourself/your patterns don’t you

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago


I realise that it’s a very blunt answer but it’s something that I do on a regular basis and I’m always asking myself ‘why?’. I think that it’s the only way to really grow as a person

I agree, and I’m curious as to how many people do it.

You meant so much about yourself/your patterns don’t you "

Ffs learn *

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By *oystick-MCRMan
over a year ago

Manchester | London

I’m sure you’ve asked this before op

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By *eatrice BadinageWoman
over a year ago

In a Sparkly Dress

Far too much and often get stuck in my head and have to withdraw from my mind or I can loose hours self analysing

I love my brain but need regular timeouts from its intensity

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I’m sure you’ve asked this before op"

Maybe, but it’s ok. There’s no limit on self awareness

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Far too much and often get stuck in my head and have to withdraw from my mind or I can loose hours self analysing

I love my brain but need regular timeouts from its intensity"

Well, that’s self awareness right there

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By *eliWoman
over a year ago

I'll know it when I find it.

Yes and no.

Because I know that sometimes I can get very much in my head and overthink something rotten and sometimes it's better for me to be mindful and just enjoy/be rather than examining too closely.

But I do try and examine where some thoughts come from/certain behavioural responses and grow from that if they're not serving me or others. I might not be the most reliable narrator so I try and keep in mind my confirmation bias/self awareness might not be the most accurate.

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By *his_Kitty_ScratchesWoman
over a year ago


"Do you have self awareness?

Do you question your mindset/triggers/thoughts?

Do you actually observe and examine your thoughts…


Unfortunately at times yes, I’m always analysing why I do what I do or think what I think. It’s exhausting especially as it seems so many people don’t take a moment to consider their behaviour at times

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By *ora the explorerWoman
over a year ago

Paradise, Herts

No I don’t think I do really. Maybe sometimes.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Yes and no.

Because I know that sometimes I can get very much in my head and overthink something rotten and sometimes it's better for me to be mindful and just enjoy/be rather than examining too closely.

But I do try and examine where some thoughts come from/certain behavioural responses and grow from that if they're not serving me or others. I might not be the most reliable narrator so I try and keep in mind my confirmation bias/self awareness might not be the most accurate. "

That’s really good, it sounds like you’re very self aware

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By *thfloorCouple
over a year ago


"No I don't think I do. I'm most incredibly shallow. "

Haha your regular well-considered posts point to the exact opposite!

I reflect way too much, it is not necessary, there's introspection and then there's straight up omphaloscopy. I try to do more and think less but it does not come naturally!

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Do you have self awareness?

Do you question your mindset/triggers/thoughts?

Do you actually observe and examine your thoughts…

Unfortunately at times yes, I’m always analysing why I do what I do or think what I think. It’s exhausting especially as it seems so many people don’t take a moment to consider their behaviour at times "

Could you have some awareness around how you make yourself feel?

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By *enriette and SamCouple
over a year ago

The Magic whip




Pickled onion

I think I was happier not analysing.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I think so, or at least like to think I do. I tend to keep my own counsel and self analysis has always been part of my adult life in and out of work. Mostly I'm ok. Sometimes, I know I'm being a twat, but it doesn't necessarily stop me..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I have virtually no self awareness and it drive Mrs mad. I'm trying but it's not easy after 46yrs.

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By *ackformore100Man
over a year ago

Tin town

"Do you have self awareness?

Do you question your mindset/triggers/thoughts?

Do you actually observe and examine your thoughts…


I have pretty mature self awareness. And I'm pretty reflective and knowledgeable about what's going on. Tick tick. But absolutely hopeless about doing anything at all about things that trigger and drive behaviour that doesn't serve me well... Massive cross

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I have virtually no self awareness and it drive Mrs mad. I'm trying but it's not easy after 46yrs."

It would also appear that I no longer have any comprehension of grammar!

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By *thfloorCouple
over a year ago





Pickled onion

I think I was happier not analysing."

I reflected for you on your misplaced apostrophe

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

"No I don't think I do. I'm most incredibly shallow.

Haha your regular well-considered posts point to the exact opposite!

I reflect way too much, it is not necessary, there's introspection and then there's straight up omphaloscopy. I try to do more and think less but it does not come naturally!"

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By *oeBeansMan
over a year ago


I think I do but it mainly appears at times of self-doubt or when I feel unfulfilled. Could be with work, the gym, social activities, or just time in general and whether I'm making the most out of what I do.

A lot of it happens when I meet new people too. I'm hyper-aware of how I come across to ensure I make a good impression even if I'm not showing all of my personality straight away as sociopathic as that may seem

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

No, my head’s full of sawdust.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I used to be a naval gazer of the worst kind. Therapy taught me to venture out of my own head and be in the world a bit more and I'm much happier for it. It's very difficult not to over analyse when it's the habit of a lifetime.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"I used to be a naval gazer of the worst kind. Therapy taught me to venture out of my own head and be in the world a bit more and I'm much happier for it. It's very difficult not to over analyse when it's the habit of a lifetime."

It’s getting the balance isn’t it.

It’s good to be aware, but also it’s good to just be

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By *enriette and SamCouple
over a year ago

The Magic whip




Pickled onion

I think I was happier not analysing.

I reflected for you on your misplaced apostrophe "

Oh thank you, I was eating a pickled onion at the time which probably effected my punctuation

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

It's so deep here I only ask myself stupid stuff like "I know this restaurant has a terrible rating on trips advisor am I that hungry to eat here "

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By *ice But Very NaughtyCouple
over a year ago


Yes, I've no idea if the answers I give myself are true or not but I do ask the questions and I'm mostly satisfied with my own answers. But then I would be wouldn't I? Is there even any point me questioning my own thoughts when I'm the one answering myself?

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By *tarflyLouWoman
over a year ago


I’m training to be a counsellor and you have to do this constantly so that when you’re in the room with a client you know what’s your stuff and what’s theirs

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By *etcplCouple
over a year ago

Gapping Fanny

I think I do quite well.

Its fun to observe in others a lack of awareness, self or otherwise, in their words and deeds.

Too often the entitlement sets in, and it can blind you

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Do you have self awareness?

Do you question your mindset/triggers/thoughts?

Do you actually observe and examine your thoughts…


Way too much - gets bad when I start arguing with myself

Wait no - is that schysoprenia?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Do you have self awareness?

Do you question your mindset/triggers/thoughts?

Do you actually observe and examine your thoughts…


Yes I would definitely say I am self aware, but I would also say I practice self awareness too. Because to me it’s about learning to understand, how and why you are feeling that way. Recognising emotions and understanding them helps me move forward…

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes, getting better at seeing triggers as I get older and avoiding them.

Try not to overthink things now or be too hard on myself. We're all arseholes at one point or another. Failure to admit or see this is evidence that you are one.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"Yes, getting better at seeing triggers as I get older and avoiding them.

Try not to overthink things now or be too hard on myself. We're all arseholes at one point or another. Failure to admit or see this is evidence that you are one."

Haha, yep, agree with that one

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By *abarellaWoman
over a year ago


I'm very self aware, maybe too much.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yes I believe it can make us better but need to temper it with the fact that not everything is controlled by us.

However sometimes I have a tendency to swing the pendulum too far in the other direction however when I try to change something about myself.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Nope i activly stay out of my own brain because i dont like who i become if i let myself over analise myself better to just float thru whats left of life

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By *SYDirtySecretMan
over a year ago

St Helier

Yes I am always analysing people, situations and myself. I know my weaknesses and my strengths and I analyse my beliefs.

I used to travel a lot backpacking around random places on my own. In that time with nobody to talk to I learned a lot about self reflection

Part of what I do as a job is examine the mindset of 'bad entities' shall we say, and that leads me into many other realms of considering the human condition. What makes us tick. Why are we different? Are we different?

I'm quite passionate about people, cultures, psychology and just 'humans' in general. I think that's sort of why I enjoy sex and nudity so much. Everyone stripped down to their raw, animalistic, basic selves. It's a form of sharing an intimate and honest moment and to satisfy our primal urges.

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By *ou only live onceMan
over a year ago


"Do you have self awareness?

Do you question your mindset/triggers/thoughts?

Do you actually observe and examine your thoughts…


Yes, I think I'm self aware - aware of and able to analyse my own thoughts and feelings (even if I don't externalise that necessarily), and also of my impact on others.

I'm quite good at "arguing with myself" before reaching a decision or if I'm worried I've made a bad decision. But don't make a conscious effort to observe and examine, when I probably should sometimes.

Not so good on triggers (other than one around exercise/food!), but don't *think* I'm triggered by too much else, but maybe I'm just missing them all!

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By *avie65Man
over a year ago

In the west.

I'd say I was pretty self aware and I do a lot of reflection in my personal and work lives.

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By *uxom redCouple
over a year ago


Yes, yes and yes.

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By *rHotNottsMan
over a year ago

Dubai & Nottingham

"Do you have self awareness?

Do you question your mindset/triggers/thoughts?

Do you actually observe and examine your thoughts…



Yes sometimes, much less so now as you learn to trust your initial feelings more and cut out toxic thoughts almost completely.

It If I’m feeling frustrated, angry, lonely etc (which is very very rare) then I have learned to identify it, stop, reflect and re-align, much faster.

I don’t over observe or analyse my thoughts routinely no, there was a time for doing that and that is past. You have to trust how you think and what you do and say aligns with your beliefs

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By *gent CoulsonMan
over a year ago

Secret hideaway in the pennines

After the events of 2021, I am very much self aware, I try to mitigate stressful triggers, most days I succeed in finding a positive spin on things, every now and then I end up hermiting.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Do you have self awareness?

Do you question your mindset/triggers/thoughts?

Do you actually observe and examine your thoughts…


Yes I do and I can verbalise it to others.

However I don't think I'll ever know if I actually do it as much as I could/should. But I think I'm doing it a lot.


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By *olly_chromaticTV/TS
over a year ago


All the time.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I question myself everyday.

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