it is not one thing there is a build up to everything, right from the start the messages to and throw , meeting at a pub and getting the vibe, to getting ready and waiting for the knock on the door, inviting him into the house his eyes on the wife to there kissing in the hall way, the way he is touching her pulling her towards him so she can feel how aroused he is to be there, seeing his hand in her knickers they are bulging as he gets fingers inside her, her hand on his bulge, to her taking him to the bedroom, seeing his cock for first time and knowing he is going to fuck my wife with it, his tongue on her clit and lips pulling her open and eating her, her hand around his hard cock rubbing her fingers over his precum, so much more , and all guys different things the way they act some awesome some not so, take an assertive guy he knows and knows what the wife and her husband want and his desire, a good guy can take a couple so high and they want more and he wants lots more , and with more meets the sex gets so much better and everyone knows what each other like , and it becomes more exciting, and then its not waiting for the knock on the door , but to have the door open as he arrives, |