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How important is your online image?

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Im talking about your visual image v your written Image.

Mine is probably weighted towards 70/30 in favour of my written persona. It’s important that people get me through my personality rather than me trying to get the best selfie as my avatar. Does that make sense? But, I still keep a lot of my private and personal stuff to myself.

And I am not calling anyone out here, I am sincerely interested if anyone knows how much of there personality they put forward to people. Do you keep a complete alternative you online, or is it what you see is what you get?

Does this make sense?

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By *asmeenTV/TS
over a year ago


How many times

You gonna say

Does this make sense

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By *asmeenTV/TS
over a year ago


My personality and pics are 100%


Me xx

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Not a lot of personally put forward until I meet.

Then I'm so different to whatever I write on my profile and in the threads...

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By *a LunaWoman
over a year ago


I’m pretty shy in person so once that dissipates then I think I’m probably like i am on here. Tongue in cheek, bit uncouth etc.

I’m a tomboy clothes wise so I don’t do rocking up looking sexy.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

That's a harder question to answer than I would've thought. I can't be sure.

I think I'd have to ask those who know me on and off line. I keep much hidden but my personality is essentially the same, I think.

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By *eyond PurityCouple
over a year ago


We are no different on here to offline but FAB and the forums only get to see part of our personalities. People we chat to regular get to see more.

As for pics, they are a side of us that we enjoy but we hardly take pics of us in real life, more scenery and surroundings.


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By *ealitybitesMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 28/10/21 08:11:31]

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By *ealitybitesMan
over a year ago


Anyone who knows me through here can confirm that I am no different in person. I have the same wit and sense of humour and am comfortable talking to most people as equals if they do likewise. I am loyal to those who have earned my loyalty and have no time for self obsessed people.

The only difference I can see is that I'm happier avoiding confrontation in person but whether here or in my daily life I'll walk away rather than add fuel to someone else's drama or supply them with ammunition.

As it already says on my profile my pics are there for various reasons but I like to think they add to people's impression of me and they can see I'm not all about the pics.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

"That's a harder question to answer than I would've thought. I can't be sure.

I think I'd have to ask those who know me on and off line. I keep much hidden but my personality is essentially the same, I think."

Yea, that why I elaborated a little. I thought I was pretty much what you see is what you get, then I realised how many cards I actually hold to my chest.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I don’t think my profile really does me justice to be honest. Find it hard to transmit my personality in not so many words. May have another crack at it soon.

Pics are as authentic as can be. Words not sure they quite hit the mark.

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By *herry OnatopWoman
over a year ago

Just over there

I think my profile write up and pics give a good idea of my personality. The majority of messages seem to confirm that.

I don't think I could hide my personality from coming out, I've tried mysterious, I'm just too much of an open book!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

If you mean Fab then it's a persona with hints of personality around the edges.

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By *herry OnatopWoman
over a year ago

Just over there

I completely missed the point of the op....

On here I don't really hold a lot of importance to my visual image. Don't get me wrong, I know the style and context of images I want to portray and interactions are genuine not image based but here I'm just Cherry, like me or not!

On other platforms where its all about the visuals my genuine personality is not important and the visuals become the focus.

Does that make sense?

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By *ily WhiteWoman
over a year ago


My profile (when it's visible) doesn't really give much away about me, perhaps apart from the fact that I'm straight talking ...I've always preferred people to get to know me through chatting and draw their own conclusions, rather than be swayed by whatever self realised image that I portray

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

This is the only platform I'm on, I'm not a words smith and I don't enjoy taking pics of myself.

My tongue in cheek comments on the forums probably don't help me either.

On the other hand though, out of all the meets I've had over the years.

There has always been a good response to meeting again or just keeping in touch.

Infact, only one person said no to meeting again and that was down to my body size.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What you see is what you get, I’m no different just me

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By *elle xWoman
over a year ago

Doire Theas

Honestly I would rather be seen a as nice person than an attractive person beauty fades but inner beauty lasts forever

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By *hilloutMan
over a year ago

All over the place! Northwesr, , Southwest

My online image is an accurate reflection of my real self.

Anyone who's met me in person can confirm I'm as relaxed and outgoing as my profile implies and that I look just like my pictures (if not better).

No real mystery here

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By *arker secrets 321Man
over a year ago

West Bromwich

Think the pics are a persona of who we are trying 2 be ...1st thing we see is pics then read profile .then we ingage in text but not till u meet do u really see the person in the pics x

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By *iamondCougarWoman
over a year ago

Norfuck! / Lincolnshire

It’s an online image - you only see what I want you to see. If we happen to meet then it’s the real me

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By *hunky GentMan
over a year ago

Maldon and Peterborough

"It’s an online image - you only see what I want you to see. If we happen to meet then it’s the real me


Definitely much nicer in the flesh.

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By *good-being-badMan
over a year ago

mis-types and auto corrects leads cock leeds

I can confirm that on here and in real life I likes boobs. (+)(+)

Anything else others can decide if they get to meet me and see if the digital is the same az the real life version.

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By *affron40Woman
over a year ago


Oh god my written image is pants right now.. I need a rewrite but not been inspired yet. But that gives an idea of my personality in itself!

I’m deliberately awkward because I don’t want to be constantly chatting on here so I use the unapproachable tactic to filter those messages down. Clicking with someone by conversation is so much more important than just admiring photos. I usually don’t have many photos on show and I dislike strangers complementing on just the way I look.

You’d have to ask those that know me if I’m giving a true representation.. it’s brutally honest but it’s certainly not the full picture. I need to soften the edges a little and stop being quite so defensive..

going to reattempt my profile today now.. thanks

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

When I read the op it made me stop and think. I don't consider my on line image at all really. I guess that might be a situational and age thing. I don't work so no employer to worry about, I'm old enough not to care what strangers think of me and I'm of a generation who grew into adulthood without the spectre of my on line presence coming back to haunt me or being my main source of social interaction. Therefore apart from the security and privacy aspect I don't think I consciously think about the image I present.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My personality doesn't come across in my photos, maybe I should do something about that. I like the way some posters have introduced humour in their pics. Nor in my profile but that's deliberate. Its more important to me that I am myself in the forums and chat -when I'm interacting with others.

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By *tue555Man
over a year ago

Passed Beyond Reach

"Im talking about your visual image v your written Image.

Mine is probably weighted towards 70/30 in favour of my written persona. It’s important that people get me through my personality rather than me trying to get the best selfie as my avatar. Does that make sense? But, I still keep a lot of my private and personal stuff to myself.

And I am not calling anyone out here, I am sincerely interested if anyone knows how much of there personality they put forward to people. Do you keep a complete alternative you online, or is it what you see is what you get?

Does this make sense? "

It kind of makes sense, I put very little of my personality either image or written to anyone on here. Genine friends know more but only the closest know most.

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By *it-chrissyTV/TS
over a year ago

sw. london

i like making good fotos, like to present myself in best ways. making fotos when i'm xdressing is more fun than in regular everyday male life, which is why there's more of them.

the writing kinda Has to be full of the things i don't like and wont get a reply from me. just experience to try and put off certain types. not that it works much haha

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By *parkle1974Woman
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 28/10/21 09:54:57]

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Not of particular importance to me really.

This platform is my only online presence.

It’s nice to get good feedback on pictures now and again just to reassure my ego that it’s still relevant.

As for personality… I don’t think any amount of internet can show a person’s true self and certainly a lot of the stuff people say on here is total bullshit.

Anyways, must dash, my private jet crew are becoming impatient for me to get on and relax.

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By *ora the explorerWoman
over a year ago

Paradise, Herts

Never really thought about it so I suppose it’s not that important to me x

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I really don't care what people think. Some 'get' me and some don't.

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By *ora the explorerWoman
over a year ago

Paradise, Herts

"I really don't care what people think. Some 'get' me and some don't. "

Yeah pretty much this but meant in a nice way not a bolshy way

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My pics and profile like me as 100% authentic.

I work hard to add quirky unusual photos as they as more of a reflection of me , my personality and character and so show me in a true light.

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

"I really don't care what people think. Some 'get' me and some don't. "

This is true of me in life. You really have little to no influence over what other people think of you, they've usually made their minds up within 30 seconds of meeting you. Only the people you actually know will "get you". I also think that the image you imagine you present is frequently very different from how other people perceive you.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

My profile text shows nothing about my personality, it’s there to mine people along and not message me. It doesn’t work and I should block all messages but then I can’t receive messages regarding forum posts. Plus I’d break my no meet rule for someone very handsome.

On the forums I’m completely myself. I write the same way I would talk if we were having a conversation in person. I may be a bit too open and honest and I over share everything going on in my life but I like to try and understand things from as many different view points as possible.

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By (user no longer on site) OP   
over a year ago

Thanks guys. A little more insight to you all

Better than having to go through all your profiles if I am honest..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"My profile text shows nothing about my personality, it’s there to mine people along and not message me. It doesn’t work and I should block all messages but then I can’t receive messages regarding forum posts. Plus I’d break my no meet rule for someone very handsome.

On the forums I’m completely myself. I write the same way I would talk if we were having a conversation in person. I may be a bit too open and honest and I over share everything going on in my life but I like to try and understand things from as many different view points as possible. "

I certainly think your personality comes across in the forum, Annie. And I agree women's profiles are less about personality than to filter interest. That's out of necessity really. I'd rather be silly and sarcastic!

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Fuck knows. Don’t know what my image is so doesn’t make sense for it to me important to me. I just try to be honest whatever I’m feeling

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I really don't care what people think. Some 'get' me and some don't.

Yeah pretty much this but meant in a nice way not a bolshy way "

I'm a bolshy old goat.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I really don't care what people think. Some 'get' me and some don't.

This is true of me in life. You really have little to no influence over what other people think of you, they've usually made their minds up within 30 seconds of meeting you. Only the people you actually know will "get you". I also think that the image you imagine you present is frequently very different from how other people perceive you. "

That must mean that people think I'm actually secretly nice.

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

We all have an on line image whether we care what it is or not. I have a very clear picture of everyone I interact with on line and many that I don't. You can't help conveying certain aspects of yourself through words no matter how carefully chosen. Even no words conveys something

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By *parkle1974Woman
over a year ago


I like to think of my profile as a shop window.

If it entices you in and wants you seeing/knowing more then job done x

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By *icecouple561Couple
Forum Mod

over a year ago

East Sussex

"I really don't care what people think. Some 'get' me and some don't.

This is true of me in life. You really have little to no influence over what other people think of you, they've usually made their minds up within 30 seconds of meeting you. Only the people you actually know will "get you". I also think that the image you imagine you present is frequently very different from how other people perceive you.

That must mean that people think I'm actually secretly nice.


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By *ustcurious1000Couple
over a year ago

Milton Keynes

I read profiles similar interests are good for me rather then how you look , don’t think I have type so understanding a personality is a must for me

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By *EAT..85Woman
over a year ago


Someone I've been chatting to recently said they thought my profile was stern. I had aimed for informative whilst not negative. I'd like to think my profile is balanced between pleasant pics and useful blurb to interest and match me to the right people. So I'm hoping its a 50/50 split.

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By *eliWoman
over a year ago


I don't really think too much about it nowadays. You'll never appeal/please to everyone so now I aim to please myself without causing harm/hurt to others.

My pictures are me. They look like me, admittedly they are crap. My text is me. My bio is a bit pretentious, knowingly wanky.

I think of the written me as being a snapshot of how I am in one particular moment at time - I'm quite a private person so won't show all sides of me but I don't really do that in person either.

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By *eah BabyCouple
over a year ago

Cheshire, Windermere ,Cumbria

Just skirt around the edges, you get more the more you delve in, although don’t think our personalities come over that much on our profile

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By *tue555Man
over a year ago

Passed Beyond Reach

"I really don't care what people think. Some 'get' me and some don't.

This is true of me in life. You really have little to no influence over what other people think of you, they've usually made their minds up within 30 seconds of meeting you. Only the people you actually know will "get you". I also think that the image you imagine you present is frequently very different from how other people perceive you.

That must mean that people think I'm actually secretly nice.


I don't know how I'd feel if people thought I was really nice

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By *iamondCougarWoman
over a year ago

Norfuck! / Lincolnshire

"It’s an online image - you only see what I want you to see. If we happen to meet then it’s the real me

Definitely much nicer in the flesh. "


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By *iscean_dreamMan
over a year ago

Port talbot

I'm the same in person as online, I'm a absolute delight to be around

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By *cunnylassCouple
over a year ago


My partner has described me as scathing and tactless recently.I think she's only being so nice because she wants something from me.

Don't know or care if this comes across in our profile which was written by me.


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By *ranny-CrumpetWoman
over a year ago

King's Crustacean

These days ....... not a lot and with good reason.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I am 100% the same as I am on hear as I am in real life

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I am 100% the same as I am on hear as I am in real life "

Same for me.

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By *tephTV67TV/TS
over a year ago


More outspoken on here than in TV mode. But nowhere near as outspoken in male mode.

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By *urplechesterCouple
over a year ago


Personality wise we are the same on here as we are in real life, but we do keep a lot of personal info out as we like the separation between real and fab life! Sometimes that’s a challenge when responding on the forums tbh! Miss pc

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"I am 100% the same as I am on hear as I am in real life

Same for me. "

Your awesome forum poster

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By *uriousscouserWoman
over a year ago


I think I'm the same online as in real life. I certainly try to give a truthful picture of myself. I'm not really concerned with my image but I am concerned about being true to myself.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

What you see is what you get, I don't know how to be anything other than me online or in real life

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