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Trans Period Products.

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By *opsy Rogers OP   Woman
over a year ago


Well, the US have it covered but I can't find much in this country.

I have a 14yo grandson who will need them soon and I'd like to provide him with something less girly than what's on offer.

Can anyone share their experiences or advice please?

Any good forums I could join?

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By *emorefridaCouple
over a year ago

La la land

Have you looked at period pants? They normally come in plain black aren't feminine looking.

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By *uriousscouserWoman
over a year ago


Modibodi do boyshorts. I'm sure other companies will do a similar thing.

They do also have a men's trunk but it's not designed as a period pant so I'm not sure on how effective they would be.

Alternatively have you thought about washable pads? You can get them on etsy in a wide variety of different fabrics so they don't need to look feminine. It'll depend on what sort of underwear he wears whether he'd be able to use the ones with a snap to hold them in place (if he wears anything with a leg then they wont be able to fasten).

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By *opsy Rogers OP   Woman
over a year ago


"Have you looked at period pants? They normally come in plain black aren't feminine looking. "

They are all women's sizes and not even gender neutral

While he's with me, he'll be able to use washables but not at home.

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By *opsy Rogers OP   Woman
over a year ago


"Modibodi do boyshorts. I'm sure other companies will do a similar thing.

They do also have a men's trunk but it's not designed as a period pant so I'm not sure on how effective they would be.

Alternatively have you thought about washable pads? You can get them on etsy in a wide variety of different fabrics so they don't need to look feminine. It'll depend on what sort of underwear he wears whether he'd be able to use the ones with a snap to hold them in place (if he wears anything with a leg then they wont be able to fasten)."

I've looked at Modibodi, they are still feminine looking with an occasional nod to mens pants.

The mens range are way too big for my tiny munchkin, he's less than a size 4.

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By *anae21Woman
over a year ago

Nearer than you think

Some of the eco brands have disposable products in very gender neutral packaging: TOTM, Freda and ecovibe might be worth a look.

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By *emorefridaCouple
over a year ago

La la land

[Removed by poster at 26/08/21 13:46:45]

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By *opsy Rogers OP   Woman
over a year ago


"Some of the eco brands have disposable products in very gender neutral packaging: TOTM, Freda and ecovibe might be worth a look. "

Thank you, it's a long time since I've had to buy any so I'm out of the loop, not a good advert for a retired Midwife!

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By *emorefridaCouple
over a year ago

La la land

Wuka have boxer shorts that go to a 2xs if that's of use?

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By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

I'm sure I saw something about Superdrug launching some gender-free period products last year. I noticed it because the GC crew made a fuss about the word 'people' being used.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad

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By *emorefridaCouple
over a year ago

La la land

"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad "

Not all people transition from male to female

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By *uenevereWoman
over a year ago


"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad "

Trans men often have periods

Not all will choose to have a hysterectomy or even phaloplasty.

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By *jorkishMan
over a year ago


[Removed by poster at 26/08/21 16:21:51]

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By * Sophie xTV/TS
over a year ago


"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad "

Female to male, in much the same way as someone transitioning from male to female will have their original genitals, so will a female to male person.

What's mad is that you're on the spectrum and wouldn't think of this as trans is not exclusively one gender reassigning to another

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By *uenevereWoman
over a year ago


"Well, the US have it covered but I can't find much in this country.

I have a 14yo grandson who will need them soon and I'd like to provide him with something less girly than what's on offer.

Can anyone share their experiences or advice please?

Any good forums I could join?"

How much body dysphoria does he have with his genitals?

I only ask, as my sons main dysphoria is breast related and he uses a menstrual cup. He finds the longer use is helpful and they're also more environmentally friendly than many other products.

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By *jorkishMan
over a year ago


"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad "

You describe yourself as a tgirl I would have thought you'd be more enlightened tbh. Not all trans are male to female. Many are male to female. The OP has a young grandson(female to male) therefore needs period products

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Are tampons an option? You could throw away the outer box for him, and just buy him a box to store them in? Usually the packaging on the actual tampon is green or yellow, not overly girly?

Perhaps it isn't an option if he's still young, but I moved to tampons at a very young age so just thought I'd suggest it.

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By *jorkishMan
over a year ago


"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad

Female to male, in much the same way as someone transitioning from male to female will have their original genitals, so will a female to male person.

What's mad is that you're on the spectrum and wouldn't think of this as trans is not exclusively one gender reassigning to another "

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By *om and JennieCouple
over a year ago

Chams or Socials

"Have you looked at period pants? They normally come in plain black aren't feminine looking.

They are all women's sizes and not even gender neutral

While he's with me, he'll be able to use washables but not at home."

Have you thought about contacting these companies & asking them to modify their products? The more that do the more likely they are to produce what your grandson and others need - especially if they will be needed for many years xx Good luck on finding a suitable product - a lot of my friends swear by mooncups - especially those with bad cramps xx

J x

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By *opsy Rogers OP   Woman
over a year ago


Hi all.

First if all, thank you for all the suggestions, some I've already found or considered, others are new to me.

I also thank you for your remote support of my grandson, thankfully his family is so comfortable with all things gendered, he didn't need to come out or announce anything.

Even a couple of family members who consider it a phase would never voice their opinion to him and they support his choices.

I've also been in conversation with a few companies this afternoon and it's been nothing but positive

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By *inky_couple2020Couple
over a year ago

North West

"Some of the eco brands have disposable products in very gender neutral packaging: TOTM, Freda and ecovibe might be worth a look.

Thank you, it's a long time since I've had to buy any so I'm out of the loop, not a good advert for a retired Midwife!"

Agreed with the poster above. I use Natracare organic pads. Although the box has a few flowers on, the pads and their packaging inside are very plain. I discard the box and put into storage boxes in the bathroom cupboard so he could get rid of the cardboard straight away.

I take it he'd prefer to avoid any insertable products?

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By *harliebbwWoman
over a year ago


sorry if I am a bit behind the times here, but would a trip to the doctors be a idea for something to stop the period? I know as a woman it always comes across as a strong selling point when they offer me birth control.

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By *indergirlWoman
over a year ago

somewhere, someplace

"I'm sure I saw something about Superdrug launching some gender-free period products last year. I noticed it because the GC crew made a fuss about the word 'people' being used."

Luna is the brand, they say for people who have periods

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By *opsy Rogers OP   Woman
over a year ago


"sorry if I am a bit behind the times here, but would a trip to the doctors be a idea for something to stop the period? I know as a woman it always comes across as a strong selling point when they offer me birth control. "

He's not quite 14. Besides identifying as male and wanting to transition, giving him any hormones at this age is a bad idea.

We encourage the children to face up to lifestyle difficulties without ignoring them, learning to deal with the adult world is hard work but really necessary.

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By *icketysplitsWoman
over a year ago

Way over Yonder, that's where I'm bound

"I'm sure I saw something about Superdrug launching some gender-free period products last year. I noticed it because the GC crew made a fuss about the word 'people' being used.

Luna is the brand, they say for people who have periods "

Thank you.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad

Female to male, in much the same way as someone transitioning from male to female will have their original genitals, so will a female to male person.

What's mad is that you're on the spectrum and wouldn't think of this as trans is not exclusively one gender reassigning to another "

I may be on the spectrum as you call it but does that give me less rights to express myself than someone who is 'more' on the spectrum than I am? The op wasn't clear their grandson was ftm and it didn't cross my mind as I personally don't confuse biological sex with gender identity, of course now it makes sense!

Absolutely no disrespect to you, the OP or their grandchild whatsoever but please understand that it's just so tiring and boring to be constantly corrected and told what is acceptable appropriate language or told how I should think about a demographic that I belong to! No wonder people walk on eggshells around us, nobody knows what to say for the best and even I always seem to get it 'wrong' even though I'm in the club!

My intentions are pure I assure you and I have my own points of view on the OP which include accepting oneself as a trans person rather than claiming to be the opposite sex which is biologically impossible. Why can't we just be trans people in the end?

I encourage the op to teach their grandchild how to accept being transgender in all its beauty along with all of its limitations too. This journey is majorly about self acceptance, trust me.

To provide contrast I know so many female women who use men's deodorant or shaving products without batting an eye lid, why don't they care about the male images used on product labels etc? Could it be that they are comfortable with their own identity and don't need reassurance? What about trans women that top and buy condoms aimed at men to put on their own (she) dicks? I never heard any complaints about that from trans women but should condoms also be gender neutralised in that case? I personally find the concept bizzare and unnecessary.

The trans people I know that are happy or most comfortable in their own skins honestly do not care so much about things like this, they're living life.

Respect to your trans journey and wishing everyone a happy life, it's not easy but it gets better xxx

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By *opsy Rogers OP   Woman
over a year ago


"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad

Female to male, in much the same way as someone transitioning from male to female will have their original genitals, so will a female to male person.

What's mad is that you're on the spectrum and wouldn't think of this as trans is not exclusively one gender reassigning to another

I may be on the spectrum as you call it but does that give me less rights to express myself than someone who is 'more' on the spectrum than I am? The op wasn't clear their grandson was ftm and it didn't cross my mind as I personally don't confuse biological sex with gender identity, of course now it makes sense!

Absolutely no disrespect to you, the OP or their grandchild whatsoever but please understand that it's just so tiring and boring to be constantly corrected and told what is acceptable appropriate language or told how I should think about a demographic that I belong to! No wonder people walk on eggshells around us, nobody knows what to say for the best and even I always seem to get it 'wrong' even though I'm in the club!

My intentions are pure I assure you and I have my own points of view on the OP which include accepting oneself as a trans person rather than claiming to be the opposite sex which is biologically impossible. Why can't we just be trans people in the end?

I encourage the op to teach their grandchild how to accept being transgender in all its beauty along with all of its limitations too. This journey is majorly about self acceptance, trust me.

To provide contrast I know so many female women who use men's deodorant or shaving products without batting an eye lid, why don't they care about the male images used on product labels etc? Could it be that they are comfortable with their own identity and don't need reassurance? What about trans women that top and buy condoms aimed at men to put on their own (she) dicks? I never heard any complaints about that from trans women but should condoms also be gender neutralised in that case? I personally find the concept bizzare and unnecessary.

The trans people I know that are happy or most comfortable in their own skins honestly do not care so much about things like this, they're living life.

Respect to your trans journey and wishing everyone a happy life, it's not easy but it gets better xxx


The title of my thread clearly has trans in it and I'm not sure why you think a cis teenage boy would want to wear 'masculine' period products.

Please don't offer advice unless it's asked for, you know nothing about my amazing family and how we support the people in it, none of whom are heterosexual.

Wait. My son is. Can't think of anybody else.

Took me ages to understand but I'm asexual.

My grandson (who is still very much a child) doesn't feel female, he feels male. It's bad enough that he's reminded with his blossoming body that he's not actually male without having to use perfumed, pretty, pink and flowery products that are an absolute necessity, unlike like deodorants, shaving products and condoms, all of which are absolute choice.

All we are doing is supporting him in his choices with as little fuss as possible so he doesn't spend one second worrying about what his family will think, say or negativity comment on about those choices.

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By *atnip make me purrWoman
over a year ago


I don't have any advice but did want to tell you that you are an awesome gran.

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By *ittlemiss1985Woman
over a year ago


Have you thought about reusable pads? I looked on Etsy and they had a lot that didn't look girly.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Yeah it's a lovely uplifting thread to read x

All the best OP X

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By *olly_chromaticTV/TS
over a year ago


"Hi all.

First if all, thank you for all the suggestions, some I've already found or considered, others are new to me.

I also thank you for your remote support of my grandson, thankfully his family is so comfortable with all things gendered, he didn't need to come out or announce anything.

Even a couple of family members who consider it a phase would never voice their opinion to him and they support his choices.

I've also been in conversation with a few companies this afternoon and it's been nothing but positive "

Topsy, I've nothing to add to the advice, looks like the other posters have given you some pointers and you're chasing up the leads now. I would like to say though that you are bloody awesome, a super gran, and your entire family sounds like excellent people. He is a lucky lad to have got such brilliant support. Much love to all, Polly xx

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By *lasgow guyyMan
over a year ago


Hey x

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By *opsy Rogers OP   Woman
over a year ago


Thanks again everyone.

I found a support and information group for trans children and their adults called Mermaid, they even have a helpline and I chatted to a lovely mum of an older trans teen.

If anyone knows of a trans child, I highly recommend them, they really have got it covered.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad

Female to male, in much the same way as someone transitioning from male to female will have their original genitals, so will a female to male person.

What's mad is that you're on the spectrum and wouldn't think of this as trans is not exclusively one gender reassigning to another

I may be on the spectrum as you call it but does that give me less rights to express myself than someone who is 'more' on the spectrum than I am? The op wasn't clear their grandson was ftm and it didn't cross my mind as I personally don't confuse biological sex with gender identity, of course now it makes sense!

Absolutely no disrespect to you, the OP or their grandchild whatsoever but please understand that it's just so tiring and boring to be constantly corrected and told what is acceptable appropriate language or told how I should think about a demographic that I belong to! No wonder people walk on eggshells around us, nobody knows what to say for the best and even I always seem to get it 'wrong' even though I'm in the club!

My intentions are pure I assure you and I have my own points of view on the OP which include accepting oneself as a trans person rather than claiming to be the opposite sex which is biologically impossible. Why can't we just be trans people in the end?

I encourage the op to teach their grandchild how to accept being transgender in all its beauty along with all of its limitations too. This journey is majorly about self acceptance, trust me.

To provide contrast I know so many female women who use men's deodorant or shaving products without batting an eye lid, why don't they care about the male images used on product labels etc? Could it be that they are comfortable with their own identity and don't need reassurance? What about trans women that top and buy condoms aimed at men to put on their own (she) dicks? I never heard any complaints about that from trans women but should condoms also be gender neutralised in that case? I personally find the concept bizzare and unnecessary.

The trans people I know that are happy or most comfortable in their own skins honestly do not care so much about things like this, they're living life.

Respect to your trans journey and wishing everyone a happy life, it's not easy but it gets better xxx


You find it bizarre and unnecessary but I’m sure you’ve experienced people who don’t understand you being a tgirl so realise how hurtful people being so insensitive to your feelings can be.

Fair enough, you assumed because it said ‘trans’ they were talking about a trans female, but you were mistaken.

Bow out gracefully rather than trying to justify yourself. This is a genuine issue affecting many trans men.

You may not understand or care how they feel but their distress is very genuine.

Be kind.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Thanks again everyone.

I found a support and information group for trans children and their adults called Mermaid, they even have a helpline and I chatted to a lovely mum of an older trans teen.

If anyone knows of a trans child, I highly recommend them, they really have got it covered."

I have nothing to add but I love this. I'm glad you've found this group. You sound like an awesome gran Topsy

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By *uriousscouserWoman
over a year ago


"Thanks again everyone.

I found a support and information group for trans children and their adults called Mermaid, they even have a helpline and I chatted to a lovely mum of an older trans teen.

If anyone knows of a trans child, I highly recommend them, they really have got it covered."


I would also echo what other posters have said - your grandson is blessed to have such a caring supportive family around him.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad

Female to male, in much the same way as someone transitioning from male to female will have their original genitals, so will a female to male person.

What's mad is that you're on the spectrum and wouldn't think of this as trans is not exclusively one gender reassigning to another

I may be on the spectrum as you call it but does that give me less rights to express myself than someone who is 'more' on the spectrum than I am? The op wasn't clear their grandson was ftm and it didn't cross my mind as I personally don't confuse biological sex with gender identity, of course now it makes sense!

Absolutely no disrespect to you, the OP or their grandchild whatsoever but please understand that it's just so tiring and boring to be constantly corrected and told what is acceptable appropriate language or told how I should think about a demographic that I belong to! No wonder people walk on eggshells around us, nobody knows what to say for the best and even I always seem to get it 'wrong' even though I'm in the club!

My intentions are pure I assure you and I have my own points of view on the OP which include accepting oneself as a trans person rather than claiming to be the opposite sex which is biologically impossible. Why can't we just be trans people in the end?

I encourage the op to teach their grandchild how to accept being transgender in all its beauty along with all of its limitations too. This journey is majorly about self acceptance, trust me.

To provide contrast I know so many female women who use men's deodorant or shaving products without batting an eye lid, why don't they care about the male images used on product labels etc? Could it be that they are comfortable with their own identity and don't need reassurance? What about trans women that top and buy condoms aimed at men to put on their own (she) dicks? I never heard any complaints about that from trans women but should condoms also be gender neutralised in that case? I personally find the concept bizzare and unnecessary.

The trans people I know that are happy or most comfortable in their own skins honestly do not care so much about things like this, they're living life.

Respect to your trans journey and wishing everyone a happy life, it's not easy but it gets better xxx

The title of my thread clearly has trans in it and I'm not sure why you think a cis teenage boy would want to wear 'masculine' period products.

Please don't offer advice unless it's asked for, you know nothing about my amazing family and how we support the people in it, none of whom are heterosexual.

Wait. My son is. Can't think of anybody else.

Took me ages to understand but I'm asexual.

My grandson (who is still very much a child) doesn't feel female, he feels male. It's bad enough that he's reminded with his blossoming body that he's not actually male without having to use perfumed, pretty, pink and flowery products that are an absolute necessity, unlike like deodorants, shaving products and condoms, all of which are absolute choice.

All we are doing is supporting him in his choices with as little fuss as possible so he doesn't spend one second worrying about what his family will think, say or negativity comment on about those choices.


Well done a measured response to Cherry's ignorance. I was going to be far more angry in response.

I mean equating using condoms to a 13 year old needing period products WTAF.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad

Female to male, in much the same way as someone transitioning from male to female will have their original genitals, so will a female to male person.

What's mad is that you're on the spectrum and wouldn't think of this as trans is not exclusively one gender reassigning to another

I may be on the spectrum as you call it but does that give me less rights to express myself than someone who is 'more' on the spectrum than I am? The op wasn't clear their grandson was ftm and it didn't cross my mind as I personally don't confuse biological sex with gender identity, of course now it makes sense!

Absolutely no disrespect to you, the OP or their grandchild whatsoever but please understand that it's just so tiring and boring to be constantly corrected and told what is acceptable appropriate language or told how I should think about a demographic that I belong to! No wonder people walk on eggshells around us, nobody knows what to say for the best and even I always seem to get it 'wrong' even though I'm in the club!

My intentions are pure I assure you and I have my own points of view on the OP which include accepting oneself as a trans person rather than claiming to be the opposite sex which is biologically impossible. Why can't we just be trans people in the end?

I encourage the op to teach their grandchild how to accept being transgender in all its beauty along with all of its limitations too. This journey is majorly about self acceptance, trust me.

To provide contrast I know so many female women who use men's deodorant or shaving products without batting an eye lid, why don't they care about the male images used on product labels etc? Could it be that they are comfortable with their own identity and don't need reassurance? What about trans women that top and buy condoms aimed at men to put on their own (she) dicks? I never heard any complaints about that from trans women but should condoms also be gender neutralised in that case? I personally find the concept bizzare and unnecessary.

The trans people I know that are happy or most comfortable in their own skins honestly do not care so much about things like this, they're living life.

Respect to your trans journey and wishing everyone a happy life, it's not easy but it gets better xxx

The title of my thread clearly has trans in it and I'm not sure why you think a cis teenage boy would want to wear 'masculine' period products.

Please don't offer advice unless it's asked for, you know nothing about my amazing family and how we support the people in it, none of whom are heterosexual.

Wait. My son is. Can't think of anybody else.

Took me ages to understand but I'm asexual.

My grandson (who is still very much a child) doesn't feel female, he feels male. It's bad enough that he's reminded with his blossoming body that he's not actually male without having to use perfumed, pretty, pink and flowery products that are an absolute necessity, unlike like deodorants, shaving products and condoms, all of which are absolute choice.

All we are doing is supporting him in his choices with as little fuss as possible so he doesn't spend one second worrying about what his family will think, say or negativity comment on about those choices.


Absolutely did not mean to offend and apologies if I offered more advice than was asked for I just wish I'd arrived sooner at that place of acceptance in myself and that's the advice I'd offer to any young trans person. I second what others have said and your grandson is blessed to have an amazing supportive family like yours and I sincerely wish you all the best

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Am I missing something? Why do women's menstruation products suddenly need to be gender neutral or trans? So that trans people and men can pretend to have periods? Is that it? The world's gone mad

Female to male, in much the same way as someone transitioning from male to female will have their original genitals, so will a female to male person.

What's mad is that you're on the spectrum and wouldn't think of this as trans is not exclusively one gender reassigning to another

I may be on the spectrum as you call it but does that give me less rights to express myself than someone who is 'more' on the spectrum than I am? The op wasn't clear their grandson was ftm and it didn't cross my mind as I personally don't confuse biological sex with gender identity, of course now it makes sense!

Absolutely no disrespect to you, the OP or their grandchild whatsoever but please understand that it's just so tiring and boring to be constantly corrected and told what is acceptable appropriate language or told how I should think about a demographic that I belong to! No wonder people walk on eggshells around us, nobody knows what to say for the best and even I always seem to get it 'wrong' even though I'm in the club!

My intentions are pure I assure you and I have my own points of view on the OP which include accepting oneself as a trans person rather than claiming to be the opposite sex which is biologically impossible. Why can't we just be trans people in the end?

I encourage the op to teach their grandchild how to accept being transgender in all its beauty along with all of its limitations too. This journey is majorly about self acceptance, trust me.

To provide contrast I know so many female women who use men's deodorant or shaving products without batting an eye lid, why don't they care about the male images used on product labels etc? Could it be that they are comfortable with their own identity and don't need reassurance? What about trans women that top and buy condoms aimed at men to put on their own (she) dicks? I never heard any complaints about that from trans women but should condoms also be gender neutralised in that case? I personally find the concept bizzare and unnecessary.

The trans people I know that are happy or most comfortable in their own skins honestly do not care so much about things like this, they're living life.

Respect to your trans journey and wishing everyone a happy life, it's not easy but it gets better xxx

You find it bizarre and unnecessary but I’m sure you’ve experienced people who don’t understand you being a tgirl so realise how hurtful people being so insensitive to your feelings can be.

Fair enough, you assumed because it said ‘trans’ they were talking about a trans female, but you were mistaken.

Bow out gracefully rather than trying to justify yourself. This is a genuine issue affecting many trans men.

You may not understand or care how they feel but their distress is very genuine.

Be kind. "

Bow out gracefully? I made a mistake yes but that doesn't mean I need to be silenced. Many many many people will make 'mistakes' on this topic and that's, also part of the acceptance. I've apologised to the OP and I hope y'all understand that I was attempting to directly target the distress itself as that's the part that doesn't go away so easily, even after full transition for so many. Appreciate that I offered more than was asked for and now just trying to explain that I was infact being kind rather than feeling like the demon of this thread. Some things can not be expressed properly in text.

Let's not subdivide ourselves here we are one light with many colours of expression xxx

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By *lamorousBeautyLondonWoman
over a year ago


"Well, the US have it covered but I can't find much in this country.

I have a 14yo grandson who will need them soon and I'd like to provide him with something less girly than what's on offer.

Can anyone share their experiences or advice please?

Any good forums I could join?

How much body dysphoria does he have with his genitals?

I only ask, as my sons main dysphoria is breast related and he uses a menstrual cup. He finds the longer use is helpful and they're also more environmentally friendly than many other products. "

If suitable then I would also recommend period cup, they are made of silicone and can be used for a very long time. I am trying to remember if I have seen any colours but mine is transparent with a white bag.

I have only started using it recently and I wish I would have started a long time ago! I have never accepted having periods and always loathed them. Now the biggest reason why is gone - the cup I have can be worn for 12 hours at a time so literally needs to be changed twice a day (depending on flow of course). Very hygienic, the mess and inconvenience are reduced to utter to minimum.

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By *wisted999Man
over a year ago

North Bucks

I never thought about the implications of this. Thinking about I I can understand now why it could be an issue.

Always learning.

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By *ollymollWoman
over a year ago


I have just been browsing an eco website and they have a collection of plain black washable reusable pads, plus other period products that may be of use. They may fit what you’re looking for. The website was My Little Eco Shop.

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