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By *uton_couple OP   Couple
over a year ago


What total twats the bbc were last night regards question time, the panel were like kids in a play ground picking on the new kid... and..... talk about a selective audiance! other speakers are allowed on there and can say what they like.........but put the BNP on and all they talk about is racism, they say he never answers questions on NHS/RECESSESION/HOUSING/ECONOMY ect ect....nobody EVER asks him!!!

it is also strange that everybody acknowledges there are specific races to certain areas , like the australian aborigany , or the native american indian , even the welsh and scottish have a race ..........a culture

you can check out there genes , it can be confirmed that a persons ancestral line is from the highlands of scotland

there culture ( without taking the P )is to eat haggis , wear a kilt , and play the bagpipes ,and very proud to do so , but england is now different

you cant call yourself a true brit without being castagated , called a racist , and being frowned upon for not being delighted at living in a multicutural society

so.................. its ok to be a scott , irish , welsh .......... but god help you if you consider yourself a native britain

if you go to munich it 98% german , beiging 99% chinese , middle east 99% arab , moscow 99% russian ........ even places like paris , rome , madrid etc are in the 95% area

its christmas soon and on the telly will be film of people shopping in oxford street ................. you will be hard pushed to see a white face , if you do its probably an eastern european

before you all jump up and call me a racist im not ............. im just pointing out the facts as i see them

if i am anything i might be called a culturist

a person that likes the habits and traditions that ive enjoyed up to about 10 years ago , for example talking to a neighbour over the fence ( in english )

its all gone now ................ , we feel more at home when we are in spain where the deep set culture like festivals , rituals , cuisine , language etc has not changed in many a long year

where if you get a letter from the council it is in the native tounge of spanish

not chinese , arabic , irdu , and 25 others

the uk is the only heavily multiculturised country in the world , and some people are sad to see that

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Ah i bet that feels better now ... nothing like a good old rant

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

They had to allow nick griffith an airing.

But that didnt mean they was gonna make it easy.

And they didnt. hand picked from audience to panel.

He had his say and everyone had a go.

end of.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"They had to allow nick griffith an airing.

But that didnt mean they was gonna make it easy.

And they didnt. hand picked from audience to panel.

He had his say and everyone had a go.

end of. "

U tell em babe u tell em yer yer lol (wish u could see the face im pullin)

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By *emmefataleWoman
over a year ago


"Ah i bet that feels better now ... nothing like a good old rant "
i think a good old wank feels better and if ya can combine the two.....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What total twats the bbc were last night regards question time, the panel were like kids in a play ground picking on the new kid... and..... talk about a selective audiance! other speakers are allowed on there and can say what they like.........but put the BNP on and all they talk about is racism, they say he never answers questions on NHS/RECESSESION/HOUSING/ECONOMY ect ect....nobody EVER asks him!!!

it is also strange that everybody acknowledges there are specific races to certain areas , like the australian aborigany , or the native american indian , even the welsh and scottish have a race ..........a culture

you can check out there genes , it can be confirmed that a persons ancestral line is from the highlands of scotland

there culture ( without taking the P )is to eat haggis , wear a kilt , and play the bagpipes ,and very proud to do so , but england is now different

you cant call yourself a true brit without being castagated , called a racist , and being frowned upon for not being delighted at living in a multicutural society

so.................. its ok to be a scott , irish , welsh .......... but god help you if you consider yourself a native britain

if you go to munich it 98% german , beiging 99% chinese , middle east 99% arab , moscow 99% russian ........ even places like paris , rome , madrid etc are in the 95% area

its christmas soon and on the telly will be film of people shopping in oxford street ................. you will be hard pushed to see a white face , if you do its probably an eastern european

before you all jump up and call me a racist im not ............. im just pointing out the facts as i see them

if i am anything i might be called a culturist

a person that likes the habits and traditions that ive enjoyed up to about 10 years ago , for example talking to a neighbour over the fence ( in english )

its all gone now ................ , we feel more at home when we are in spain where the deep set culture like festivals , rituals , cuisine , language etc has not changed in many a long year

where if you get a letter from the council it is in the native tounge of spanish

not chinese , arabic , irdu , and 25 others

the uk is the only heavily multiculturised country in the world , and some people are sad to see that


well said that couple couldnt agree with you more....

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"What total twats the bbc were last night regards question time, the panel were like kids in a play ground picking on the new kid... and..... talk about a selective audiance! other speakers are allowed on there and can say what they like.........but put the BNP on and all they talk about is racism, they say he never answers questions on NHS/RECESSESION/HOUSING/ECONOMY ect ect....nobody EVER asks him!!!

it is also strange that everybody acknowledges there are specific races to certain areas , like the australian aborigany , or the native american indian , even the welsh and scottish have a race ..........a culture

you can check out there genes , it can be confirmed that a persons ancestral line is from the highlands of scotland

there culture ( without taking the P )is to eat haggis , wear a kilt , and play the bagpipes ,and very proud to do so , but england is now different

you cant call yourself a true brit without being castagated , called a racist , and being frowned upon for not being delighted at living in a multicutural society

so.................. its ok to be a scott , irish , welsh .......... but god help you if you consider yourself a native britain

if you go to munich it 98% german , beiging 99% chinese , middle east 99% arab , moscow 99% russian ........ even places like paris , rome , madrid etc are in the 95% area

its christmas soon and on the telly will be film of people shopping in oxford street ................. you will be hard pushed to see a white face , if you do its probably an eastern european

before you all jump up and call me a racist im not ............. im just pointing out the facts as i see them

if i am anything i might be called a culturist

a person that likes the habits and traditions that ive enjoyed up to about 10 years ago , for example talking to a neighbour over the fence ( in english )

its all gone now ................ , we feel more at home when we are in spain where the deep set culture like festivals , rituals , cuisine , language etc has not changed in many a long year

where if you get a letter from the council it is in the native tounge of spanish

not chinese , arabic , irdu , and 25 others

the uk is the only heavily multiculturised country in the world , and some people are sad to see that

well said that couple couldnt agree with you more.... "

I too agree and in 10/15 years time those very same protesters will be moaning that thier kids are in classes of 30/40 kids where only a handful speak english or of white english origion...where there wil be no churches but plenty of mosques...where the NHS will be no more because all funds have dried up and they have to work till they are 85 to recieve thier pension because they money has been spent on every thing else except the ones that matter ...and that most english families will not be able to have apet cat because most of the illegal imigrants own them ..lol that last bit was a joke ...but it will come true becasue i worry about all this does it make me a racist?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

I guess this is the price to pay for our ancestors conquering a 1/4 of the entire planet 200 years ago.

The British Empire is the ONLY empire to encompass the entire globe, and to manage such a vast range of cultures, ethnicities and social groupings requires co-operation from the indiginous populations of those areas, but, there is a price to pay for that. When our former colonies demanded independence we were in no position to deny them self governance and once that was achieved the ramifications of imposed rule came home to roost - and that was that the people who had helped us rule our territories were under threat from their own compatriots, so we had to allow them to come here.

This exodus to the British Isles soon came to include those who had skills to offer after millions of British skilled men were killed in WW2. It was the only way to rebuild our country after 6 years of horrific warfare.

The situation now is that the British culture is one of diversity that includes dozens of traditions from all over the world and many of those labelled 'ethnic' are 3rd generation Britons and have as much right to be here as those of us who are 20th gen Brits.

When you also take into account that families rarely have 8, 9 or 10 children like they used to then it's not difficult to realise that there would be a drastic lack of workers if we blocked immigration to our shores. Couple that with the fact that many British whites deem certain jobs as beneath them it's hardly surprising that bosses turn to foreign labour who are more than happy to escape the poverty of their own countries to come here for a better life.

Nick Griffin is a moronic little boy who wants to turn the clock back to when we all went around saying 'Morning Squire' with thick country accents as that was the sum total of our knowledge of the world. The BNP is a one-policy-party and if they ever achieved true power and kicked out everyone it deemed 'non-british', well, it's not rocket science to understand who they would turn on next - YOU!

Ring any bells? c.1933, Germany???

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


Genuinely couldn't have said it better myself .Nice to see a well thought out post about this issue.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

the trouble is you cant love this country any more with out been deemed a racist ..i am a nationist because i am proud to be English i am proud of this country's history why should i be branded a racist because of that ?

tkae for example muslims etc they have a culture of having 7/8 kids per family

in 15/20 years time those kids will have 7/8 and so it goes on so in 2/3 generations the english will be out numbered in thier own country its not about getting rid of them like hitler wanted its about getting the right balance

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By *ig badMan
over a year ago

Up North :-)

*Digging granddads tin helmet out from under bed! Filling sandbags and sitting in the Swiss camp here* So no bullets in my direction please

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

Sorry but as reasonable as that post sounds the current day reality is that folk risk everything they have to come here simply because it's a great place to end up.

They come all the way across Europe to arrive at the French coast where they are allowed to gather for the final push.

They want to come here because of what is on offer as it's not on offer anywhere else in the world.

Wishey's reap and yea shall sow post goes a long way to explaining the why's and where fore's of it all but the fact is immigrants want to get to our island shores because once here they are pretty well set for life, I don't necessarily mean financially but squared away in a manner that their homeland could never provide.

We are a soft touch and that is undeniable, if it were not the case why would they not simply stay in their first port of call.

I am not sure what the answer is although I have some fairly radical thoughts on it but suffice to say if we did toughen up on things would so many be risking all to get here

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Sorry but as reasonable as that post sounds the current day reality is that folk risk everything they have to come here simply because it's a great place to end up.

They come all the way across Europe to arrive at the French coast where they are allowed to gather for the final push.

They want to come here because of what is on offer as it's not on offer anywhere else in the world.

Wishey's reap and yea shall sow post goes a long way to explaining the why's and where fore's of it all but the fact is immigrants want to get to our island shores because once here they are pretty well set for life, I don't necessarily mean financially but squared away in a manner that their homeland could never provide.

We are a soft touch and that is undeniable, if it were not the case why would they not simply stay in their first port of call.

I am not sure what the answer is although I have some fairly radical thoughts on it but suffice to say if we did toughen up on things would so many be risking all to get here "

My post would have read like War & Peace if I tried to list all the reasons why we're in the position we are now.

Sure, many people come here because it's such a soft touch and they get given everything they need upon arrival. What would you do if you were born in Eastern Europe and didn't have a pot to piss in and some nice country said, "Hey, come over here, we'll take real good care of you, all paid for like." - You'd go, that's what lol.

Yes, we do need a radical change in our approach to immigration but we need to make sure that those who wish to come here have something to offer the society into which they want to be absorbed. We also need an effective policy on crime committed by foreigners. We can't expel British criminals but we can deport those who come here and then break our laws, and the Customs & Border Agency should have greater powers to seize convicted foreigners immediately after they've been convicted - or completed a custodial sentence - and then hold them until they are deported, thus eliminating the possibility of them absconding.

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Sorry but as reasonable as that post sounds the current day reality is that folk risk everything they have to come here simply because it's a great place to end up.

They come all the way across Europe to arrive at the French coast where they are allowed to gather for the final push.

They want to come here because of what is on offer as it's not on offer anywhere else in the world.

Wishey's reap and yea shall sow post goes a long way to explaining the why's and where fore's of it all but the fact is immigrants want to get to our island shores because once here they are pretty well set for life, I don't necessarily mean financially but squared away in a manner that their homeland could never provide.

We are a soft touch and that is undeniable, if it were not the case why would they not simply stay in their first port of call.

I am not sure what the answer is although I have some fairly radical thoughts on it but suffice to say if we did toughen up on things would so many be risking all to get here "

nearly agree with you total but we sense you arent saying what you really mean.......and thats a first for you...

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Sorry but as reasonable as that post sounds the current day reality is that folk risk everything they have to come here simply because it's a great place to end up.

They come all the way across Europe to arrive at the French coast where they are allowed to gather for the final push.

They want to come here because of what is on offer as it's not on offer anywhere else in the world.

Wishey's reap and yea shall sow post goes a long way to explaining the why's and where fore's of it all but the fact is immigrants want to get to our island shores because once here they are pretty well set for life, I don't necessarily mean financially but squared away in a manner that their homeland could never provide.

We are a soft touch and that is undeniable, if it were not the case why would they not simply stay in their first port of call.

I am not sure what the answer is although I have some fairly radical thoughts on it but suffice to say if we did toughen up on things would so many be risking all to get here

My post would have read like War & Peace if I tried to list all the reasons why we're in the position we are now.

Sure, many people come here because it's such a soft touch and they get given everything they need upon arrival. What would you do if you were born in Eastern Europe and didn't have a pot to piss in and some nice country said, "Hey, come over here, we'll take real good care of you, all paid for like." - You'd go, that's what lol.

Yes, we do need a radical change in our approach to immigration but we need to make sure that those who wish to come here have something to offer the society into which they want to be absorbed. We also need an effective policy on crime committed by foreigners. We can't expel British criminals but we can deport those who come here and then break our laws, and the Customs & Border Agency should have greater powers to seize convicted foreigners immediately after they've been convicted - or completed a custodial sentence - and then hold them until they are deported, thus eliminating the possibility of them absconding.


we agree with the latter half..wishy..

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago

"Sorry but as reasonable as that post sounds the current day reality is that folk risk everything they have to come here simply because it's a great place to end up.

They come all the way across Europe to arrive at the French coast where they are allowed to gather for the final push.

They want to come here because of what is on offer as it's not on offer anywhere else in the world.

Wishey's reap and yea shall sow post goes a long way to explaining the why's and where fore's of it all but the fact is immigrants want to get to our island shores because once here they are pretty well set for life, I don't necessarily mean financially but squared away in a manner that their homeland could never provide.

We are a soft touch and that is undeniable, if it were not the case why would they not simply stay in their first port of call.

I am not sure what the answer is although I have some fairly radical thoughts on it but suffice to say if we did toughen up on things would so many be risking all to get here

My post would have read like War & Peace if I tried to list all the reasons why we're in the position we are now.

Sure, many people come here because it's such a soft touch and they get given everything they need upon arrival. What would you do if you were born in Eastern Europe and didn't have a pot to piss in and some nice country said, "Hey, come over here, we'll take real good care of you, all paid for like." - You'd go, that's what lol.

Yes, we do need a radical change in our approach to immigration but we need to make sure that those who wish to come here have something to offer the society into which they want to be absorbed. We also need an effective policy on crime committed by foreigners. We can't expel British criminals but we can deport those who come here and then break our laws, and the Customs & Border Agency should have greater powers to seize convicted foreigners immediately after they've been convicted - or completed a custodial sentence - and then hold them until they are deported, thus eliminating the possibility of them absconding.


And why not the same policy for those that are here illegally, when caught why do we let them appeal time after time on the tax payers expense they are here illegally so they should be deported with out any appeal ..it happens everywhere else why not here?

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By (user no longer on site)
over a year ago


I suspect that within one or two more posts we would both come up with a fair and workable solution but the fluffy huggy society we live in would condemn us in a heart beat.

I doubt either of us have a single racist bone in our bodies and all we would seek is some semblance of fairness and justice for all. But hey it's almost 2 am and I have a Spandau concert to go to tomorrow

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By *ebzStarWoman
over a year ago


Wow - what a subject and one that alot of people are usually afraid to air their opinions on scared of being branded a racist.

I love the fact we are a multicultural society.

When at school, was only 1 of 3 white kids, 1 black - and the rest asian or indian.

Loved the free uniform days where we also had to bring in food - was the first time i ever experienced samosa's and the like and listed to their music and watched them do their dancing.

Had never had a curry in our house at that point - it was always fishfingers and chip, or meat and 2 veg.

Have lived in London for the last 14 years, in an erea as my brother described as "deli deli spot the white man" (he IS rascist).

Loved it there. Was never worried about walking down the street at night. All the shops with all the speciality foods, and all the smells. Ok i didnt like the Halal lorries that delivered in the day ewww, but i the selection and variation of foods along that high street was magnificent.

Our local shop was run by "paki's" - but fuck me did they work hard- they were open at half5am, and didnt shut til 1am - the family all taking turns at doing a shift- meaning i could get me booze, fags of a pint of milk at any time during my waking hours.

I know people moan about "them" all coming over here and stealing our jobs and money - but wait - MOST of the people who are unemployed or on incapacity benefits (which takes the piss in alot of people that i have seen on them) are WHITE.

They WONT work - because the benefit system pays them MORE than they would get if they got off their arses and got a job.

All the young girls who get pregnant so they get a council house......white???

There has to be something to fill the gap where the "white" people fail.

BUT, yes, there need to be more stricter guidleines, as many dont come here to offer anything back into our society - just want a better life - dont we all???

Gawd (darent say God...lol) i could rabbit about this for hours.....what ya mean i already have, lol.

All that said, i still like to say i am ENGLISH. Not British, i was born in England. They dont even give you that option when you fill in forms these days. It does get me goat - but at the end of the day does it really matter???

I still very fortunate that i was born here, and even tho working class and never had two pennies to rub together, have a roof over my head, not starved, and not been gang raped/beaten by the local lads on a regular basis.

The world will never be a peaceful place as there will always be too many politics, but lets at least try and get on with our neighbours (in micheal jackson song) dont matter if they black or white.

Debz xxx

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