if you are looking into alternative therapies and treatments for this condition, I might suggest a homeopath, reflexologist or aromatherapist.
I am a reflexologist and aromatherapist myself. The first thing I would say is, always take medical advice from your general practitioner and heed their referrals to any other specialists. Inform them on any alternative treatments you may be partaking in. Query any medications you are on and potentially what side effects they may have... might they be part of the cause?
There is no known cause for this condition, an overactive immune system or hormonal imbalance may be part of the cause...hence the query on meds...
The next thing I would say is that the most important thing in life is to have balance, a healthy and balanced diet with plenty of fresh unprocessed foods, lots of water, take note of any foods which might irritate and exclude those. A mix of cardiovascular and weight bearing exercise for a healthy heart and joints. A healthy sleep pattern, avoid stress...these are all things that can have a massive impact on our immune systems.
As for essential oils, lemon and teatree are great for boosting the immune system. Frankincense is great for skin conditions and grounding. Rose is great for balancing the female hormones. Please get advice from your local health food store on how to use these or consult an aromatherapist as these oils are VERY POTENT...this could be combined with a reflexology treatment which I will go into also.
As for the coconut oil, if you decide to try this, go with organic, unrefined. Just apply to labia twice a day. You will need to be careful for any changes as there may be increased risk of thrush which would obviously aggravate the condition, but coconut oil lubricates and soothes otherwise...
If you decide to go with a reflexologist, get a referral. I'm not sure of the registration process where you are. Again ask a doctor...
Reflexology is not a quick fix. You would be given a treatment plan, which should be adjusted over the course of time. Initially you may need weekly sessions, while being asked to address certain lifestyle aspects...
There are many different holistic and alternative approaches. This is just one I would be familiar with...
I do hope you get some relief. In saying you, I mean both of you, as I understand that you are both suffering in your own individual ways with the condition.
All the best to you both x |