"This lockdown / Corona thing is a bit of a bugger
My head is a wreck
If I am sleeping at all, it's for maybe 4 or 5 hours and even that is broken
I find myself unable to sleep without a dim light on and the radio on low
The silence is often deafening
Work and having a routine is a godsend, but that is under threat as my employment relies heavily on the hospitality trade
Despite a negative Covid test on Friday, I am being told to still self isolate... and pretty much, from Thursday, I expect to be furloughed again
In the background, I have two poorly parents, one with dementia and the other for whom we are awaiting a diagnosis that I am not expecting to be good
Therein lies another issue, with GP's and hospitals wanting to triage on the phone, when really we need someone to give her the once over
I understand the frustration of the medical professionals too, they don't know what way to turn
Mums GP literally said 'I don't want to send someone who is Covid negative into a situation where they could, very quickly, become Covid positive'
So, we are stuck with a poorly lady and no clear vision of a positive way out
I am doing my best to balance everything and I have a sister who looks 12 and 18 months down the line all the time, who is absolutely battering me emotionally and badgering me into making decisions that may, or may not, be needed or even valid
I am emotional, but when it comes to life matters, I am generally quite pragmatic
At the moment though, my mind is a whirlwind of emotion, pragmatism, worry, fear, grief and god knows what else
So, yes, I am hoping The Forum can provide some blessed relief over the next few weeks "
I went through the mill with my parents a few years ago before covid so my sympathy, pragmatism is the best approach but it's just not difficult to separate from emotions, myself and my sisters had differences but you will work it out. |