over a year ago
Hull |
"With many local hotels and chain hotels struggling and many hotels have covid precedures in place. We should arrange monthly hotel stays. We could rent out a few rooms for 2 night stays, plays don't have to happen. But it would be fun bouncing into people in the lobby or hearing noises from next rooms, would be fun.
Most hotels got good deals.
Doing our bit for uk"
Fine in theory but not as easy as it sounds in today's pandemic climate.
Pre-Covid, this form of meeting up would occur all the time, but nowadays, hotels have had to adapt and update how they work to fit in with COVID prevention rules.
Working in Hotel Management as my career, there are now stringent steps hotels have to follow. Ok, we can't stop people moving from room to room but meeting up with fellow guests in public areas has to be on strictly controlled Social Distancing rules.
In our hotel, we've gone with a No Non-Resident entry into the building policy. That means only guests who have booked ahead either online or by phone are allowed in. Anyone who turns up unannounced, gets turned away. Many hotels have adopted this policy, as have local council authorities too in adopting this style and recommending it to hotel owners in their region.
Also, hotels are only selling a fraction of their rooms per night, generally worked out at 33% of available rooms per night. So, say a hotel has 75 rooms, out of that they sell 25 on a Friday night for one night. On the Saturday, those departing rooms will be cleaned but have to be left untouched for 24 hours minimum after being cleaned, to allow cleaning and sanitizing processes to work.
Instead, another one third of rooms is sold.
It's all change for hotels these days but how we used to meet up at such properties, has changed too in this present climate and hoteliers are far more aware these days; they have to be, as it could cost them their livelihoods! |