By (user no longer on site) OP
over a year ago
youve done while d*unk.
i will start, years ago my parents had a holiday cottage in deepest devon in a tine village, the mainly let it out, but for somereason it was empty over christmas, so they sugested we have a nice family christmas like the old days, my brother and i didnt live with them any more, so we agreed and all made our way there in seperate cars, we all lived in different partss of the county.
Anyway let me discribe the location, this cottage was right next door to the village church, and opposit the church was a pub, so about 50 yards away, it was christmas eve, parents went to bed so me and brother decide to go for a drink.
now this was a proper local pub for local people, but they were very friendly, so after god knows how many pints the landloard says hes not going to close until we all wanted.
it was about 3 in the morning when we left, cheerfully saying goodbye to our new found best friends, and went out side.
then it hit us like a hammer, walking over the road i started to feel ill, so leaning over the church wall, it was only low, mosst of the drink made its excape. felling better i sat on the wall to have a little snooze, the cottage was atleast 20 foot away, and i was to tired for that, must have been about an hour later i woke up freezing, it had started snowing, i woke up my brother and in my d*unken slur challanged him to a snowball fight, it was great fun until one hit hit car setting the alarm off, oh shit have you got your keys, no he said, i have no idea where they are, so we run to the door and turn the cottage upside down eventuallly finding them, rush outside and shut the car up , only realizing that ever house had its lights on, shit!!!
my mum comes down and sends us to bed.
next morning she wakes us up at 8, and says right you two you are comming to church to apolagize to the whole village , we had no recolection, so she explained.
we arive at tha door to the church and she explained that they are trying to fit in in the village, so to stand out side and great everyone with an apology.
the most embarising half hour of my life, all i wanted to do was go and sleep of my hangover, juast as the last old lady hobbles down the path, she stops to pay her respects to her , as i late found out, dead husbands grave, and yes guess what it was covered in.
nither of us ever went back to that cottage again, nore were we invited. |