"I've been in to Glamworld a few times, yet to see any Couples or Women, but I go in the morning/early afternoon so my timing might just be wrong.
Anyway, there's always a few guys there, all either gay/bi. I sit and watch the straight porn on the tv, a lot approach me and stand looking at me, I don't have my cock on show so they usually get the gist that I'm not looking for men, and move on. Some try chat, ask if I want fun or whatever, a polite no thanks seems to work and again they move on. Some try touch me, or try grab for my crotch.. a hand up saying no seems to work there too. When the guys there are playing with each other, the others flock to them, but it seems most are respectful and take no for an answer. However I have seen a couple of guys have to give stern no's to older gents who try it on with them, seen one storm off. I feel that if a couple go in they may be surrounded very quickly, but if you set out rules like just say "no touching" or something, I'm sure the guys would back off, maybe wank looking at you? And there is always a lockable booth with a window to go into if you prefer that. Personally if I saw you, I'd try sit near and watch, wait for an invitation to touch/join in, and of there was none, I'd probably masturbate watching you. I'd be happy to go along with you and watch, or watch somewhere else private. Message me if interested, and enjoy otherwise "
Well, you could always come down to the People's republic and try out our city cinema.
There may be a small prob with guys crowding but , for the most part , limits are respected. PM if you want to organise something.  |